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December 17, 2015


buccaneer morgan

Yes this retraction smells fishy in light of hanen's original report, and the subsequent discovery of the decision not to investigate four years ago. Also cisa's part of the deal.


Obviously the pic of Trump and Kim Kardashian wasn't enough to slow TM down, so here's one of the Donald and Kris Kardashian:

Post another thread Mister and I'm gonna' post a pic of Trump and "Kaitlyn."

Miss Marple 2

I don't believe that the FBI is telling the truth. This sounds to me like an after-the-fact explanation for why checking social media wouldn't have mattered. (It was discovered that there was a rule that it couldn't have been done.)

Due to the wife's radicalization and her contacts with the husband prior to arriving here, it is obvious checking social media should have turned up something.

This is a CYA release by the FBI and I believe the original reports were correct.


I don't believe that the FBI is telling the truth. 


Richard Aubrey

Presumably, active and competent people who know social media could find if if it were there in the more public sense. Or would we presume the couple had figured out how to disappear all their FB, twitter, so forth? Nobody copied anything they might be willing to release?
Okay, so it's all private where diligent searchers would not be able to see. Now, let's say there was Something Interesting about one or the other. Could a competent IT person get into the private messages if given a reason?
This is suspicious. Having the press vandalize the crime scene is suspicious. Having both happen means the total is more than the sum of the parts.

buccaneer morgan

They tried to burn the trail but Haney and whoever preferred the memo to member keep it alive. Odd how the debate coverage precluded even the discussion, in favor or encryption.

Miss Marple 2

Regarding the 3rd shooter at San Bernardino:

I watched a press conference where the police chief said that there was a guy who ran from the shoot-out and got arrested, only it turned out he wasn't involved but was wanted on another warrant.

Well and good, but there are at least two witnesses, maybe 3, who swore they saw THREE men in black enter the facility. They were quite insistent that that is what they saw.



Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz,


Didn't ISIS tweet praise to three terrorists?

Miss Marple 2


They seemed to have a lot of detail on his social media accounts.

So why can't we check foreign national's social media accounts?

I find this whole situation both alarming and ridiculous.

And even more alarming and ridiculous is the fact that they expect us to believe their excuses.

buccaneer morgan

There was that third name that sounded turkish but they said they were qatari.


When a foreign national is CIC, MM, anything is possible.

Dave (in MA)

narciso's namesake's red pajamas aren't helping,


Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino

What the hell?

I thought this guy was Mister Sympathy. I thought this guy was Mister Empathy. I thought this guy was more able to feel our pain than legions of Catholic Nun's popping stigmata'd wounds of Jesus all over their bodies. Yet now he can't comprehend our pain because Air Force 1 doesn't have cable?

To quote TM, "If Kim Kardashian would chime in the trinity would be complete."

Oops, wrong TM quote:( My bad.

Are You Kidding Me?

That's the TM quote I was looking for!


I hate to think about just how much damage bad actors worldwide will manage to do before this Administration leaves office. They clearly realize that if they want to take advantage, now is the time to do it, from the Middle East, to the South China Sea.

Perfectly stated, JMH.

Miss Marple 2

I'd better get to bed.



From an Iggy link to some story somewhere on the last 7 Threads, we get this post about Paul Ryan and Obama. I think the poster is someone who comments on Clarice's Pieces a lot.

feralcatsblog says:
December 17, 2015 at 9:49 pm

Paul Ryan and Barack Obama are now such Siamese Twins that not even Dr. Ben Carson could separate them.


I'd better get to bed.


Heck Miss M,

I'm exhausted just trying to keep up with the threads.

I don't know if there is an "official" posting strategy but I try to post on whatever the newest thread is, damn the consequences of whatever I am posting about.

And also, sort of like the 5 second minute rule, where you drop something on the ground but are allowed to pick it up and still eat it quick without getting botulism, I think double the first numeral of your age in minutes is completely within the window for posting on a new thread whatever you just posted on an old thread. (i.e. if you're 73 then double 7 equals 14 minutes to repost your last comment on a new thread)

After that, some new text should be added if you repost, such as "Dammit all to hell TM! What the devil's got into you#$@#?"



This makes for depressing reading:


For starters,

-Higher Spending
-War Account as Slush Fund
-Even Higher Spending With Gimmicks
-Sanctuary Cities Spared
-No Additional Assurances on Vetting Refugees
-Planned Parenthood Affiliates Still Funded


This story in the Stars and Stripes via the WaPo tells us that in yesterdays thwarted ISIS attack in northern Iraq, ISIS proved surprisingly resilient, and also that they now use drones on the battlefield to target their enemies: Islamic State offensive in northern Iraq, although repelled, shows group's resilience



Good News! The Lady HalfBreeds of Aniak walloped the Tri-Valley Warriorettes of Healy, 64-24 in the Season tip-off tonight at The Lumen Christi Invitational basketball tournament.

Right now, tournaments at Service High, Grace Christian and Lumen Christi feature 30 teams from 15 communities ranging from Kodiak to Aniak, from Healy to Homer, from Sitka to Nome.

It's always cool to have these village teams in town, tho' it is expensive for them:

Aniak will spend between $7,000 to $9,000 on airfare, van rentals and meals, said Morgan, who said the expenses will be covered by fundraising and the school’s travel budget."

Good pix of the 'Breeds in action at the link.


This makes for depressing reading:

The final looting of The Treasury. They are so worried about an outsider getting the phone and pen, they figured they better get their payoffs over with now.


Anybody notice Congress has now made the child credit and earned income tax credit permanent, instead of waiting to see who wins the white house. After decades of it being year to year.

This clearly relates to wanting states and localities to be able to count on a certain stream of federal revenue attached to anyone physically present. I do not think this is an accident at the same time the right and left think tanks are calling for a Guaranteed Minimum Income.

Thanks GOPe. Open borders and a Guaranteed Minimum Income and the Pay for Success pushes are now everywhere. Probably a lot of that language in the Omnibus like I found in ESSA.

Man Tran


From several threads back, we tried DIJ as an option going down, but being on the east end of the basis, everything piled up up there. Going back this morning, will probably hit W(b)endover and then north. Yukky WX all around. My partner's daughter is trying to get home from Gonzaga today and a classmate's dad was run off the road coming to get them.

As far as week after, MTJr and his young tribe are driving up from Castle Rock (their new home) around the 27th. I'll check to see if they are coming through that way.

BTW when we stopped in BZN there was a lonely Citation X on the ramp that had just dropped a family off, presumably to hit their lodge for Christmas. It was like something out of a Woody Allen flik. All tall, gaunt, with a far off stare, in their minks waiting for their Suburban to arrive. A younger gal (do they have daughters?) was short (normal) and could have been the kid sister of Oliver Queen. Looking at you, narc. :)


Good Morning! I fell asleep early last night so missed all the evening threads. Just caught up!
It is still dark here and foggy,the weather is still very mild for December so snow lovers are wishing for snow.

Miss Marple 2

Good morning!

It's cold here (mid 20's) but it is supposed to be back up in the 50's next week. A;though not Christmas-like, warmer weather helps me as I need to clear stuff out of the garage and that will make it easier.

I am shutting my store down Sunday until after Christmas. I do not want someone buying anything and expecting Christmas delivery. Plus I need a break.

My major project today is carpet cleaning.

Miss Marple 2

This morning my daughter told me she heard Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is keeping donor lists from Bernie Sanders. She asked me how she could do that.

I told her in the GOP they have to treat all candidates the same, don't know how it works for the dems. I said they had better be careful or they will wind up like Chicago 1968. She DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT CONVENTION AND THE RIOTS!

So I gave her a short explanation and told her to look it up. She does NOT like Hillary. Also my long-time friend from high school does not like her either. I mean they REALLY don't like her.

I told my daughter that I think Sanders pretty much tells the truth about unemployment and the influence of money in politics, but I don't agree with his solutions.

Jack is Back!

Happy times. Mrs. JiB is back from Florida. Just in time for our Star Wars viewing tonight. Anyone gone yet?

Miss Marple 2


Miss Marple 2

This guy is a bad candidate. BAD. Plus, him using the term "bully" to describe Trump means that he assumes the role of the picked-on kid. Just a terrible candidate. He should quit before he is totally humiliated.


Gist of the story is "I didn't know my campaign was looking into breaking the pledge."

Miss Marple 2


Stephen Hayes doesn't mincewords. Flat-out says Obama is lying.


rse @ 5:57 that is terrible news. Life is one shock after another when you are a conservative; between SCOTUS, our feckless Congressional leaders, and terrorism, it is always easy to fall into despair. Fight! fight fight never surrender

Miss Marple 2

Here's something I am sure we all will look forward to:




A Sanders worker hacked Hillary's data base, thus the access shutdown.


Jane, why wouldn't someone hack Hillary's data base? (I expect it was as secure as her email server). If you don't hack you are paying foreigner's to do work Americans won't do (besides I'm sure the Russians and Chinese want hard cold cash from Bernie, not the promise of socialist solidarity he offered).

Miss Marple 2


Miss Marple 2


Thanks for the info. I will let my daughter research it if she's still interested. I prefer to leave her thinking that the DNC isn't fair. LOL!

Man Tran


Was it on her private server? :)

James D

In my email box this morning...

James - Tuesday night was big. No two ways about it.

So when I went over the list of everyone who stepped up before and even after the debate, and I still didn't see your name, I was surprised.

I need you with me now. The next 48 hours are critical. The pundits and press will ask, "Did Jeb capitalize on his great performance? Did this motivate his team?" We need you to step up and help us raise $100,000 by Friday at midnight so the answer will be yes.

James, will you rush a contribution of $1 or more right now to build our momentum and update your status on our list of debate donors?

Any contribution between now and Friday helps us keep this momentum up, and breathes further wind into our sails at the most critical time in our campaign to date.

That's why this is the most important email I've sent this month, James.

If we don't hit our goal of $100,000 by Friday, we'll lose this momentum, and with only weeks until voting starts, we can't let that happen.

That's why your help is so crucial right now. We need to show the world that we capitalized on this debate.

I can't do this without you, James. Please contribute $1 or more right now: Jeb2016.com/Debate-Response-Fund/




Jeb!, that's not momentum... that is gravity.




In a surprise move, Milwaukee County votes against funding a SC appeal by John Doe DA Chisolm. That leaves his own pockets to pay for it. He has to decide by end of business today.

James D

Aside from anything else, that's a terrible fundraising email.

I've never visited the Jeb! 2016 website or signed up for emails from him (or any of the other candidates), so I can only assume my name's on a list they bought.

But if you're sending a message out to people who aren't already known supporters, THAT is not the message you would send. It's all inside baseball, which is a turnoff to most people to start with. And the "personal" touch rings false - even someone who knows nothing about politics knows that the candidate will not be reviewing lists of $1 donors and checking off names. And even though they know (because they bought my name) that I'm not yet a paid Jeb! supporter, there is not one word in this email about why I should be supporting Jeb! over any of the other candidates. Not a single word about what he wants to do, why he'd be better for the country, not even in the vaguest of terms.

So the Team Jeb! operatives (or outside consultants) who are handling his email fundraising suck at their jobs.

Somehow this is not a surprise.


Much John Doe related happenings now that Walker released the 7th seal by signing the delende est laws.

GAB settles suit with Club for Growth. This releases "secret" documents -- 40,000 of them.

Bill creates legislative power to investigate closed John Doe, includes subpoena power.

Miss Marple 2

The New York Times has now expunged a portion of the story quoted in Mr. MacGuire's article above:


James D

MM @ 7:39

I would like to see the full text of that Weekly Standard piece read out loud on the floor of the House and Senate.

If I were Ted Cruz, I'd fly back to DC just to do that today.

If I were the campaign manager of ANY of the R candidates, I'd schedule a press conference, invite all the other candidates, read the article out, and say that "whatever our differences on the details, we all stand united in demanding that President Obams stop lying to the American people, and that he immediately cease his program of releasing dangerous terrorists from custody so they can attack and kill more innocent people."

Thomas Collins

So, I'm supposed to be happy, keep my mouth shut and not consider sitting out the POTUS election because Pelosi gave Ryan the oil export legislation? I agree with this morning's WSJ: Boner would have done better. I'll give Ryan limited slack because it was Boner who could have used his clout to start the process of ending the Omnibus scam and begin sending separate appropriations bills over to the Senate.

On the basis of these negotiations, San Fran Nan wins my 2015 Sell Snow To The Eskimos award for negotiations that stripped the other side bare (well, Ryan did probably keep his g-string to hold dollars for the GOP that donors are still willing to give).

Miss Marple 2


The "end of year before jetting off to Hawaii" press conference is around 1:30 today. It would be nice if a reporter would ask him why he's lying. They won't, of course.



I have made a date for the weekend with Buckeyette to so to the movies.

Bet now that Mrs. JiB is back, Frederick and you will be eating better;)

Jeff Dobbs

As far as week after, MTJr and his young tribe are driving up from Castle Rock (their new home) around the 27th. I'll check to see if they are coming through that way.

Getting to the Teton Valley by car on a trip from Castle Rock to WA state might be a little out of the way from a convenience standpoint, if making good time is a priority....but by golly if they are swinging through this way, let them know drinks are on me at the Westside Yard or the Knotty Pine in Victor. Or a meal. You know, maybe a long car trip isn't that conducive to sitting down and throwing back a few beers, not to mention the youngins.

(Just remember, kids, Santa knows whether you've been Knotty or nice)

Miss Marple 2


Jonah Goldberg analyzes the state of the electorate.

Money quote at end:

"Terrorism is a big concern, but this sense that the political system is unresponsive, unaccountable, and operating on its own self-interested ideological agenda is bigger. It is the ur-complaint that explains everything from enduring outrage over the lies that greased Obamacare’s passage to fury over illegal immigration, disgust over corruption at the IRS and VA, the immortality of the Ex-Im Bank, and countless other outrages du jour.

The failure of credible politicians to address this anxiety created an opportunity for Donald Trump. At least he’s willing to say Washington is stupid."


The nieces are taking me to see the movie Christmas morning.


JMH, I answered your late night question at the bottom of the last thread.



More people need to be in jail.


"Credible politicians"--Good example of an oxymoron

Miss Marple 2


Just got done reading that complaint.

Marquez's sham wife needs to be arrested, along with her boyfriend/real husband, Farook's mother.

Just for starters.


Woke up this morning thinking that the Trump events remind me a lot of Tea Party events of the past.

However, this time around we are seeing an interesting mix. This group is not coalescing around consevatism. It is coalescing around a strong anti-political establishment sentiment.

There is appeal spread across much of the political spectrum. I don't think Trump has been leading any of this, simply exploiting widespread frustration that already exists.


Here is a topic, clarice. The MFM keeps reinforcing that Farooq was an American. CNN makes the narrative more compelling with Poppy Whoever, filling in for Brooke Baldwin, saying to the terror expert that mentioned Al Alwaqui, "Yeah, and he was an American too!"

The not so subtle point is to show that this isn't a problem amongst middle eastern muslim men. Even a died in the wool red blooded patriotic American can fall prey to the charms of YouTube radicalization.

If we are to believe that being born a boy or a girl does not mean you should be forced to identify as a boy or a girl, why do they think someone born as an American continually identifies as an American?


Along with Farooq's brother, MM.


MM, did you notice the FBI's mention of all the Synonyms for ISIS?

Al Qaeda...

buccaneer morgan

Zaphod burning strawmen Again, 1000 casualties a month, or the middle we have now.


Beyond commercials I now change the channel when the news topic is "Star Wars" or when the Griffin chick appears on CNN.

Miss Marple 2


Yes, I did notice that.

I also wonder what's going on in that mosque and why none of them have been arrested.

AND I wonder about all those Middle Eastern men the neighbors saw visiting the Farook garage.


here is the FBI warrant affidavit: https://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/293571213?access_key=key-VSBUHtaW6HS99xnjFo78&allow_share=true&escape=false&view_mode=slideshow

Miss Marple 2

Enrique Marquez's history points out something interesting.

I assume he grew up as a non-practicing or nominal Catholic. The Los Angeles diocese was run for years by a Cardinal (whose name I can't remember) who was very lefty and one of those types who thinks the Church should be more squishy.

No condemnation for anything, no real demands, clown masses, etc.

So Enrique goes to the MOST demanding of faiths, which has the hardest and strictest behavioral requirements.

I think that there is a lesson here. Many people want to feel like they are part of something important, demanding, and true. If you water down your message, the flock drifts away.


Sadly, the whistle-blower, Hanan, has already answered that, MM.

James D

I think that there is a lesson here. Many people want to feel like they are part of something important, demanding, and true. If you water down your message, the flock drifts away.

Applies to political parties, too.


Marquez is a kook and a loser. Jokers like him find the Symbian Liberation Army, Red Brigades, or ISIS.



I so want to see Chisholm brought down!

buccaneer morgan

Mahoney, but he lived in Chicago for the early part of his life.

Miss Marple 2

buccaneer morgan,

Mahoney! That's it! He spent all that money building the ugly cathedral, too!


THis is it for me - "...this sense that the political system is unresponsive, unaccountable, and operating on its own self-interested ideological agenda is bigger."

Americans want the borders secured...& the feds will.not.do.it. THat is the feds. job for heaven sake.
What's the use of even having a federal government if they refuse to do their core, legitimate functions?

Lawlessness is uncovered...& there are no consequences.

Americans say NO to redefining marriage...& through the courts, they do it anyway.

....& then to be called names & demonized is really the limit.


Kooks and losers are drawn to Islam.


to violent Jihad yes. Millions use Islam to lead modest and pious lives, to be welcoming and generous to other muslims.

Miss Marple 2

Here's a little known but hilarious controversy in the world of "artisanal chocolate."


The funniest line to me is the competitor criticizing it within this paragraph:

"In the chocolate community, the suspicions of remelting began early. The Mast Brothers’ original bars had a taste and texture that was too much like the palate-friendly kind available at the drug store to be truly “bean to bar,” Scott explains in his first post. Bean-to-bar chocolate has a distinctive taste that, like wine, ties it to its origin, and craft chocolate makers use minimal processing to retain that taste."

From this I infer that these $10 chocolate bars don't taste nearly as good as a Hershey bar.

P.T. Barnum was right.


beyond the limit, beyond.

Miss Marple 2

I think I will start calling my oatmeal raisin cookies "artisanal biscotti."

They actually are very good, quite distinctive from other cookies with the same name.

Here are some artisanal biscotti I procured at the local wood-fired oven bakery, Mr. Hipster. All organic and created with fair trade ingredients. Only $25 per dozen!


MissM-- set up a popup shop in Williamsburg Bklyn, make a fortune.

Miss Marple 2


But then I would have to go to Brooklyn. I would be like Sandy Dennis in "The Out of Towners."

This artisanal - free trade - organic thing drives me crazy. I was in Kroger the other day and they had organic vanilla! How do they even KNOW iti's organic You would have to supervise the gathering of vanilla beans which are immersed in THIS solution of (quoting from Wikipedia here)acetaldehyde, acetic acid, furfural, hexanoic acid, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, eugenol, methyl cinnamate, and isobutyric acid.

So big whoop if they didn't use pesticides or chemical fertilizers on the plants.

Seriously, Kroger is charging EXTRA for organic vanilla, like it is squeezed from the beans by happy native workers.



Millions use Islam to lead modest and pious lives, 

They must be outraged with the Jihadis.


they try to ignore them, like the rest of do with Birthers and other true believers.


Donald Trump is getting ignored.

Rick Ballard

WaPo acknowledges Obama Surrender to Putin, Bloomberg notes establishment of Syrian No Fly Zone for America and Canada Repulses IS Breakout from Mosul.

That's in addition to Abadi telling Ass Carter "No, Thanks" on his offer of additional JAG officers to manage the Iraqi sieges of Ramadi and Fallujah.


we are trying. I have a call with 'Trump Village' officers this afternoon. I believe the family has sold out. Le Donald wasn't part of the family business, his brother ran that with his father. His brother is very tall, and very bald.


This is an interesting post too - KEN WHITE AT POPEHAT HAS SOME STERN QUESTIONS FOR Reuters Reporters Nate Raymond and David Ingram.


The coordination between the press & govt. agencies ...or Dem. operatives in govt. agencies...would be interesting to dig into.

*delaying the Sandy Berger story
*the arrest of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula
*slandering Americans at the Kill the Bill rally without verification
*Fast & Furious was very sketchy with the WaPo doing a big article on the problem of guns in Mexico...was there coordination?
*delaying the Chicago shooting story for Rahm

there are tons of examples.


we are trying.


James D

In the interest of shameless self-promotion, my monthly newsletter is out:


I should note (and I'm sure the other published authors on here will agree with me) that books make wonderful Christmas gifts (both for others and to treat yourself). I'm just saying...

Cecil Turner

Presumably, active and competent people who know social media could find if if it were there in the more public sense.

Concur. If it were there, it'd be public by now.

And though the NSA could no doubt find this sort of thing easily through mass warrantless surveillance, I'd note they are prohibited by law from doing so if a US person's communications might be caught up in the net.


Maybe a news network about news networks.

NNN - News on News Network

It could cover inappropriate coordination. Decisions on which stories are amplified & why.
Inbreeding between the MFM, advocacy orgs. & politicians.

James D

I'd note they are prohibited by law from doing so if a US person's communications might be caught up in the net.

Yes, they are. But they (and federal and local law enforcement in general) do a lot of things that are prohibited by law when it comes to investigating, prosecuting and punishing U.S. citizens for crimes that have nothing to do with terrorism (but often a lot to do with going after political enemies).

It's funny that they have no problem shredding the Constitution and the law when it comes to dealing with Tea Party-aligned nonprofits trying to defeat Democtatic candidates, for example, but when it's a matter of foreign radicals trying to enter the U.S. so they can murder Americans, every word of the law must be scrupulously obeyed at all times.

Jeff Dobbs

In the interest of shameless self-promotion, my monthly newsletter is out:

There is no better kind.

I would like to point out that encouraging such is Official Policy at JOM...

A quick Google on this site for "shameless self-promotion" kicks up such blasts from the past as this:

A key ground rule - we encourage shameless self-promotion, so this is the time to hype your personal favorites down in the comments, ...

Which has always been true [...]

Posted by: Tom Maguire | December 29, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Everyone remembers that thread, right? The context of TM making that statement? Please, someone tell me you remember. I don't want to be the only one (who remembers without having to google it).

Cecil Turner

Yes, they are. But they (and federal and local law enforcement in general) do a lot of things that are prohibited by law when it comes to investigating,

Technically (and actually, not so technically), the NSA isn't law enforcement. And the next credible claim of that sort of NSA abuse will be the first, AFAIK.

buccaneer morgan

Sheryl Atkinson does this sort of thing, that's why they took her off YouTube. So the keymaster and company have been planning since 2007.


Jeff, that thread is almost as old as the Constitution (in internet years).


Exactly, James.

It is all so selective.
Don't use hateful rhetoric, respect religion, be respectful of the POTUS...

Really??? When did the rules change?
I am called names...I see our Judeo-Christian heritage being dismantled....& I didn't see much respect for President Bush.

buccaneer morgan

So the latest lad caught plotting in deutschland, had been admitted just two weeks ago, he was from deir er zour, and had been the fsa just two years when he traded to the jayvees

Jeff Dobbs

And since we have established the desire of our host for shameless self promotion...

[TheVIMH: i see what you did there]

I can't help myself. I had too good of a night last night playing pool to keep it to myself. I've just started playing 9 ball in league play...to date it's all been 8 ball. I played a guy who used to be on our 8 ball team - he's the best player in the league, and one of the best in the whole city (although he's not getting to play that much these days, so he's not as sharp as he could be).

Anyway, here's my night:

First game I made the 9 on the break.
Second game, he played a safety after the break, gave me a shot and I ran out.
Third game, he played a safety after the break, I made 3 balls and missed, he made 4 balls and missed, and I ran the last 2 balls out.
Fourth game, he made a ball on the break, then 5 balls after, then missed. He threw his stick down on the table and conceded that I would run out the last 3 balls rather than giving me the pleasure of actually making them.

Four games, one missed shot.

I will be ranked #1 in the nation for the week in all likelihood.



Hit, wasn't TM asking for contributions to a charity in which his wife was/is active?

The unit of the DEA that distributes the information is called the Special Operations Division, or SOD. Two dozen partner agencies comprise the unit, including the FBI, CIA, NSA, Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security. It was created in 1994 to combat Latin American drug cartels and has grown from several dozen employees to several hundred.


Being a partner agency to a division of a law enforcement agency isn't technically being in law inforcement.

buccaneer morgan

Only a bought off degenerate and his consort and the Clinton's (see what I did there) are given respect. Men of character like Dr Carson are slandered, and ridiculed. ted Cruz is practically portrayed as an alien.

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