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December 27, 2015



No leftovers at that dinner.


Christie was great in the last debate. Sometimes I wish I didn't know all the back stories.

I'll repeat my question from the last thread.

Would you vote for Jim Webb over Trump?


yes, but lanes were closed!!!!


I do not trust Jim Webb. I do not trust Trump either, but Trump didn't vote for Obamacare (although he would have). Ergo Trump stinks slightly less.


I like Christie
How long does he have to do penance for the hug and Bridgegate?
I would vote for him to keep us safe
He did not cost Romney the election
Obama stole it


If Trump is the candidate for repubs I will vote for him
Webb is a democrat at heart and always voted that way in the Senate


I think Trump is a democrat at heart. At least Webb would be good on foreign policy.

I find the thought of voting for a democrat very difficult.


What I cannot understand about Christie is that he had that 'band' surgery but is still seriously overweight.

I like him a lot but that weight situation is a big concern for me. Its just not healthy.

Jack is Back (but On Alert)!


Trump has a bigger profiel as a Dem than Webb even though he never served in the Senate. But Christie is phony in so many ways.

He had zip to do with prosecuting any 911 terrorist or sympathizers except the Fort Dix idiots. He is all BS which is norm for NJ guys.

Don't let his fat ass rhetoric confuse you.


With the chaos on our side I'm just happy Sanders and Webb might be causing some angst on the D side of the ledger.


well I still think Doc Brown can give Red Queen a run for her money, he's closing on her, in New Hampshire, and he may have more pull in Iowa then they are willing to give him credit,

Jack is Back (but On Alert)!

Seahawks go down.

At home!

Rain, cold, not nice. Great for Fish, Ducks and software hipsters.


Closed a lane on a bridge.
Allowed her dear Gay Ambassador friend and 3 other Americans, to be murdered. Oh and her "friend Chris" got sodomoized and dragged thru the streets.

Tough choice. Hmmmmm. Closed a lane on a bridge.....NAUGHTY.


what is the state of thing in Ahia, recently, maryrose, kasich makes it sound like the 'land of
milk and honey'

Miss Marple

I will not vote for Jim Webb unless he switches parties.

If he is elected, he would choose cabinet positions from the dem side and appoint judges from the dem roster.

So, no.

Jack is Back (but On Alert)!


You think the bridge is Christie's issue or out? He is a huge RINO, more than your buddy Ryan. Every postion you have including gun rights is not your friend, believe me.


I think it's 'water under the bridge' is what Gus is saying, what he did to Bret Schundler, who by
all rights, should have been governor in the first place, the way he has played footsie with Salafi's like Hamas sympathizers, are bigger marks against him,


Would you vote for Jim Webb over Trump?


Trump is not my guy, but I do not get the Trump hatred.
Is saying he wants to build a wall to keep out illegals worse than Dems ignoring existing laws & allowing citizens from other countries to flood into America? Is that really so 'out there'?

Maybe Trump will bring some new blood with his cabinet appointments too. Some businessmen & others that aren't the same old political class crew.

and as far as Christie goes...I don't care for him at all, but the MFM have zero high ground to pick apart ANY of the Republican candidates after their sycophantic behavior with Obama.

Centralcal on iPad

ANY Democrat is a definite NO. That includes Webb. He has had ample opportunity and reason to switch parties long ago and he didn't. Not a a fan of Trump, But I vote for him over any Democrat - including Webb.

Thomas Collins

Three critter race among Webb, Trumpster and The Hill ( or Biden or Warren if Unprotected-Server-in-the-Water-Closet-Gate flushes The Hill down the toilet)? My vote would go to the Trumpster.


You know I've never really cottoned to Webb, from the time, he made sure to tell everybody he disliked Oliver North first, I then read some of his early novels, and got a better perspective, and then went over the top on Iraq, against W,

Jack is Back (but On Alert)!

Brett Shchundler? Are your serious? I know you have Cuban sympathies in North NJ but Schundler? I am lost for words. You really think Christie is a worse proposition than Schundler?


Schundler was a real reform mayor, unlike Corey Booker who talked the talk, interesting he's the only one they haven't asked about events back in 2001,


Any critical article about Republican candidates should be turned on the MFM with the question...did you examine that issue with candidate Obama? Did you care about that with Obama?

I'm sure we will see all kinds of righteous pontificating & moral reasons why certain attributes & previous experience will suddenly matter for WHOEVER becomes the Republican candidate.....it didn't matter for candidate Barack Obama, but it will matter now. Sorta like "bipartisanship" ...which only matters when Republicans have power.


no that isn't it, Bob Menendez was the mayor of my burg, after I left, btw what happened to him lately,

Thomas Collins

NH ads are in full swing in the Bay State. Jebster's ad is the most provocative that I have seen so far. There is a big explosion as Jebster's voice promises to destroy ISIS. Rubio talks tough into the camera. It's clear Team Rubio thinks Marco is the most photogenic of the lot. Christie claims to have the most experience in going after the terrorists. The Hill's ad says the GOP will cut the rich's taxes. Has any New England JOMer seen a Comrade Sanders ad? I haven't seen one yet.


Ohio is in good shape j
with jobs and I see quite a few help wanted signs
Kasich has turned the state around and we are used to his dweeby ways
He does know about money and budgets and I would like to see a place for him in a republican W H
Plus he knows. e Paul Ryan pretty well and gets along with both of our senators

Jack is Back (but On Alert)!

Narc, he is up on the palisades feeling up all the young girls.

So, narciso is from Union City. neat.


yep but that was back when Empire was playing in the local cinema, btw, is the spoiler moratorium over.



I like Rubio and Cruz and Carson and Fiorina
We could market the repub candidate as a Latino an African American orh a woman
We have all the diversity on our side


What's Christie's gun control record?


Webb could switch parties, but then we would just have an ugly, nasty Republican instead of an ugly, nasty Democrat.

Rick Ballard

Comrade Sanders is currently 6 points up in the NH polling average. That's a little too good and probably accounts for the absence of advertising. I don't know why Webb is chumming but it may be due to Broom XII sputtering on the launch pad.

The GOP may be running a broad farce but the Fascists are staring at Red Witch falling off her bar stool every other day.


Narciso, I don't think Jeff sees the movie until tomorrow. Not sure on other requests for no spoilers.


I still think Sanders is underestimated
Hillary is in more legal trouble than we know about
I say she takes a plea deal to avoid jail and then gets a pardon from Obama
She will as always claim to be a victim


Jack, I'm no Christie fan. I'm merely pointing out that IF he should be the candidate, he beats the shit out of Rodham.


probably, maryrose, but I don't trust inspector dreyfus, to drop the hammer, knowing where the party's center of gravity is, in indicative of his prospects, that's why I thought the Solon was the answer to the wrong question,


I hope Webb runs as an independent and takes away from the Democrat
Black turnout will be lower
Hil continues to be a bad candidate
Advantage. Republican



One thing for sure, Christie wouldn't go yellow belly like Romney did in his third debate.


Hillary is not above the laws which she has broken
FBI will be forever tainted if they don't find her guilty of violating laws
That is why I am flummoxed as to why they don't have a back up plan


I have ZERO idea where the GOP will be in 6 months. I do know that Rodham is pathetic pile of excrement. I do know...RODHAM LIED, 4 AMERICANS DIED. She needs jail time.

Miss Marple


How do you know that? He gave a crummy nomination speech for Romney, when everyone expected a stem winder. During the hurricane, he could have shook hands with Obama. He didn't have to hug him, something which demoralized a lot of GOP voters.

I am not sure he can be counted on.


I believe he is good on guns
He is good on foreign policy and is it afraid of the teachers unions

Miss Marple

It is my impression Christie is one who is NOT good on 2nd Amendment.


If GOP voters are demoralized by a hug than they were not very firm voters or supporters in the first place
WH physicians will help Christie and keep him healthy
Christie would eviscerate Hil in a debate
You are correct sir wrt Hillary
Jail is too good for her and her devilish cackle

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I believe he is good on guns--

He is not. He improved slightly when national politics looked possible but he gets a C from the NRA.


those were not the ones who didn't turn out, it was the muddle, who were told in not so many words' there's nothing to fear from obama'

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Webb is the only guy who makes Trump look mentally stable.
And he is awful domestically.
I'd waste my vote on Teh Donald Duck before I voted for Bighead Todd.

Miss Marple


You cannot sniff at voters who get demoralized. Those squishy voters were needed to win.

We need all the votes we can get. That means not just broken glass Republicans, but the impulsive, the squishy, the ones who vote because the candidate is funny, the ones who vote because they are mad at Hillary because she isn't black, ALL of them.

Those little things which don't bother us DO bother other voters, and they switch their votes or stay home.

How many votes do you think that last-minute DUI revelation cost W? It didn't bother me, but I am sure it kept some evangelicals home.


this box of chocolates will be great I tell you,


like I say, I would have voted for Kodos,


I think Christie could make the top 3 or 4 in New Hampshire


Then the middle is stupid to make that inference
We had an ambassador killed the economy still in the toilet and a bad healthcare law plus a stimulus which did t create jobs
What further proof did they need?
Plus another fraud group called Acorn had been exposed


Should be muddle

Sandy Daze

Would you vote for Jim Webb over Trump?


Longer answer at the end of previous thread.


yes, and they believed they were going their plan and their doctor, AQ was on the run, and the moon was made of green cheese, and Romney did little to disabuse them of any of those claims,

Sandy Daze

I listened to the Bill Bennett show with the Ryan interview that GP references.

Bennett got Ryan on because the day before, callers to the site (Morning in America) blistered Bennett over Ruan, the omnibus, and through guilt by association, Bennett, because of Bennett's strong support for Ryan.

The callers subsequent to the interview were even more incensed.


I don't sniff at those voters I want to educate them
Yesterday after a relative said I hate Trump rather than sing his praises I pointed out Hillary's lies in front of Benghazi victims parents and stated my interest in both Rubio and Cruz in case Cruz was too conservative for her
It's all about helping campaigns-I will work for Rob Portman and exposing the democrats lies


clarice posted this on the other thread,




Who knows why Christie gave a crappy nomination speech for Romney, maybe he doesn't like him.

I obviously can't "know" what Christie would do. But my read on him is that if Hillary came after him like Obama came after Romney, he would go for the jugular.


there's so much pretense to the news even on Fox, the late mr. Allouch, who was mentioned only in passing, was trouble with a capital T, perhaps to the extent that Belhadj was in Libya,


Some of these voters we want are always going to vote for the Dem because their main focus is misguided social justice
They are brainwashed into thinking the Repubs are goi got further programs
Perhaps this omnibus is a way to dissuade them of that notion
I don't claim to know the underlying reasons but it is only for a year and doesn't give the Dems an issue to muddy up the election year


Should going after their programs


except the Dems got most everything they wanted,

we're not talking about committed on either side, we're talking about the Luntzy bunch, who can't figure out the issues, if it was pinned on their face,


No one is the perfect candidate but I believe we have a number of good choices whereas the Dems have none


Changes were made to their precious Obamacare which will be easier to turn over in the future
Oil exports they didn't want
We forced them to swallow the sequester for a. number of years
We need to focus on the positive accomplishments
His Iran agreement is a huge bust just like all his other ventures
We get to hang that around the Dems necks


did those actually make it into the bill, why did Sleazy Harry and Norma Desmond smile like a cheshire cat,


D'Nesh realized something from his unwarranted time in the slammer:

Progressives, he now perceives, are engaged in a massive scheme to “steal America,” meaning all of its wealth and traditions. Their ideas and the foibles of their interest-group politics are often incoherent because they are not actually meant to cohere. They are, instead, a Machiavellian ploy, a pretense to morality that camouflages the remorseless acquisition of power

Frau Steingehirn

Has Ryan been taken over by the pod people, narciso?


Maryrose, I agree with you entirely, HOWEVER, I put it another way.......
Which ever flawed candidate the RINO'S force upon us is better. We are finished as a free country if the LIB wins.


Progressives a.k.a COMMIE LIBTARDS are MISFITS, losers and non-achievers, they use lies, deceit, and collectivism to gain power for THEMSELVES. Then the act out their revenge fantasies. After a while the LIBTARD PARTY ceased to understand what they once set out to do. Obama is a case study. Unhappy, unloved and immoral. This Commie fantasy of his is the BIG GET EVEN.

Frau Steingehirn

GUS, then we'd better *party* like it's 1773.

Frau Steingehirn




Pavilion pigeon...



James D.

I am not sure he can be counted on.

I'm pretty sure Christie can't be.

If he were kept on a VERY short leash, I could maybe live with him as a campaign attack dog. Or in an R administration, with an even shorter leash, as an AG assigned specifically to root out prog corruption.


Trump slams x, his peeps cheer, Trump slams Y, his peeps cheer, Trump slams z, his peeps cheer. Anyone who dares cross him gets slammed. Anyone who dares support his opponent gets slammed. Any opponent who criticizes him gets slammed.


Obama uses the IRS to slam.


Thank you for making me laugh so hard.
I was in the audience and heard Paul Ryan speak on poverty in America and offer concrete solutions
He had a Cleveland audience applauding and asking pertinent questions
Ryan is a problem solver and a compromiser
Some think when you give something to get something it weakens
I believe there is a master plan at work which will be revealed in time
If not when he does his own budget it will be a different approach


Proposition and Reid are trying to placate their people because they had to agree to pumped up military spending ergo the "gave away the store"comment
It took longer because the Dems didn't like it,especially the oil part

Captain Hate on the iPad

Ohio is in good shape j
with jobs and I see quite a few help wanted signs
Kasich has turned the state around and we are used to his dweeby ways

Let's not get carried away. Ohio might be doing better than some other states but things aren't exactly flourishing overall in this 404 extended depression.


Should be Pelosi


there is a master plan, but I don't think it's in our interest, this is why they shove it into 1600 page omnibus bills, where Planned Parenthood still gets it cut, where Syrians still get resettled,
yadda, yadda,


well I call her Norma Desmond, because she's a scary deluded woman, like Gloria Swanson portrayed in Sunset Boulevard,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Claiming that Private Eddie didn't get us all deeper in unsustainable debt is just as delusional as the hope and change crowd.


Here is the main problem with the omnibus monstrosity. The viagra-less GOP weak tits have compromised without calling out the COMMIES-TARDS.
There are certain things that should not have been compromised if you have any principles at all.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD for starters. If you must cave, at least rip the commies a new ass-hole verbally as you cave.


Life under Twitchy now running against Portman for the Senate was worse for Ohioans
You are right but young people no longer have to flee the state to get a job
Lots of opportunities in Columbus and Cincinnati
I like your take on liberals
It is all about power and they are consistently unhappy people

James D.

Gus, not only did they cave, but the Dems kicked them in the teeth for good measure afterwards, and they just sat there and took it.


they'll get right on it, gus,



a good question,



Planned Parenthood and the refugees get a one year break because with a Repub president they are finished as an executive order ala Obama gets them canned
They know it and realize this is their last best chance and will either cut their budgets to survive without fed hand out or will perish
As to the Syrians one more attack by a refugee and the funding will stop pronto
Why do think Jeh after 7 years is finally going to deport some people
To give a talking point to Dems running for re-election


If someone can synthesize maryrose's anti-cynicism and send me the beta product in some form of ingestible application, I'd give it a try. For the betterment of mankind, of course. No, wait. That's why I drink expensive wine every now and then...

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The most satisfying thing I've seen this weekend was Brett Farve hawking ear and nose hair clippers and demonstrating their use.
Very nice.


Ahhhh yes Maryrose. Principle. Pay the BABY BUTCHERS another HALF BILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLION dollars our of childrens and grandchildrens pockets, because MAYBE next year we can stop paying THE BABY BUTCHERS another HALF BILLLLLLLION dollars, EXCEPT the Congressional Elections are coming!!! The Congressional Elections are coming.


I would like to think so, maryrose, but more often one gets the 'never payout insurance' the sequester carved up the defense budget, just like Obama promised the Iowa peaceniks seven years ago, and
then of course he dissavowed it,


Why respond to idiocy and lies
They are both spinning like tops not to offend their base
Ryan can still put his balance budget into effect for 2017
Patience and all will be revealed


Maryrose, you are a Saint. You truly are.


By exposing their baby parts selling business we put that part of their venal acts out of business
They are like cockroaches when the light is turned on
Now everyone knows
They came out looking really bad in all this
The fact that they wanted to suppress

e evidence just shows their perfidy


one of the good guys over in Egypt,


if we don't call things by their true name, Army of Islam, then how are people to understand,


they got away with it, because Fox wouldn't even stipulate what Carly was pointing out, to Chris Wallace, whose another legacy Democratic spokesman, who sees nothing wrong really in what the regime is doing, just how it looks at times,


Yes Maryrose, the light was turned on, and the funding never stopped.
The light went on and the baby parts are now flushed down the toilet, the baby is still dead, and WE are still funding it.

But, but, but, maybe NEXT YEAR we'll stop paying for it.


what's that phrase, the Horde is fond off, Let it Burn,


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