The NY Times covers the Kasich effort, briefly and as a continuation of their front page story:
On the Campaign Trail: G.O.P. Race Grows Cruder and More Aggressive
Only after splashing a lot of ink on Rubio's new "Your mother wears Army boots" attempt to catch some of Trump's free media does the Times segue to Kasich (although they do have a separate horse race story about him):
Kasich Pleads for Civility
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — Governor Kasich is sick and tired of all the shouting.
Mr. Kasich, the Mr. Positive in the Republican field, does not expect to win any states on Tuesday. But he hopes to do well in at least a few of them, including Massachusetts.
And these days, he would just like everyone to be nicer.
He recalled Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill and the Rev. Billy Graham. They did not raise their voices, he said.
“The people in the media, they love the yelling and the screaming and the shouting and the insults, because it’s like being in Talladega,” he said at a town-hall-style forum here.
“We go to those races and we want to see something happen that ain’t great on Turn 3 at Talladega,” he said. “But when we go to the races, we don’t want to see a crackup every time they go around the track, and that’s what we’re getting today in American politics.”
“Frankly,” he added, “it’s disgraceful.”
The crowd applauded. Mr. Kasich said that the applause would never make it to television screens. “Because it’s nobody attacking anybody,” he said.
Hmmph. I'll accept Reagan, Churchill and Thatcher as aspirational but put Kasich in that list and one of these things is not like the other. Yet, anyway.
Reagan, Churchill and Thatcher were also not trying to feed the voracious 24/7 cabe news outlets either. But Reagan certainly had his moments, e.g. "I am paying for this microphone". and understood the importance of showmanship.
Churchill, although appropriately remembered for his wartime speeches, was entirely capable of giving better than he got in Parliamentary scuffles. My personal favorite, which Churchill was smart enough to steal: during a heated exchange in Parliament:
“If I Were Your Wife I’d Put Poison in Your Tea!”
“If I Were Your Husband I’d Drink It”
Well, back to reality, and Kasich. It's easy enough to blame the 24/7 media, but they are simply hunting (and hurting) for ratings. Trump has a proven ability to make headlines at any moment, out of anything - who knew that denouncing the KKK would turn out to be a tough question?
So blame the public? The establishment is collapsing, the media gatekeepers such as Cronkite are gone, there are no filters, and we all need to get used to it or get used by it.
I'll miss Kasich in the debates. No I won't - at this juncture Times spent not attacking Trump is wasted time.
Mark Steyn with some depressing demographic observations.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | February 29, 2016 at 11:21 AM
Nothing says "civility" like invoking the pearly gates in policy differences and implying that your political opponents are bad people.
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 29, 2016 at 11:29 AM
RS needs to be informed of the MFM's mad skilz at herding.
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 29, 2016 at 11:32 AM
Apparently Lamar Alexander has endorsed Marco Rubio. That's a kiss of death to me worse than the Gang of 8 betrayals.
Posted by: rse | February 29, 2016 at 11:35 AM
it's a hodge podge coalition, it was over Florida, that I learned to loath Tapper,
Posted by: narciso | February 29, 2016 at 11:35 AM
As if there weren't enough reasons to oppose Dondi already...
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 29, 2016 at 11:38 AM
"Trump Grows Stronger Ahead of Super Tuesday, Poll Shows
Morning Consult Polling | February 29, 2016
Real estate mogul and Republican front-runner for president Donald Trump increased his lead over Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ahead of Super Tuesday, according to a new Morning Consult national survey.
If Rubio hoped that going negative on Trump in the most recent GOP debate and on the campaign stump would reap benefits with voters, it hasn’t resonated with our national respondents. Forty-four percent of voters polled are backing the New York businessman, an increase of two percentage points from a few days ago. Meanwhile, Rubio dropped from 19 percent to 14 percent, with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz moving into second with 15 percent of voters’ support."
Posted by: Magnum | February 29, 2016 at 11:42 AM
Mercifully our long national nightmare ends at midnight.
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 29, 2016 at 11:45 AM
The pinched face looked like he just chomped down on a lemon:
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 29, 2016 at 11:49 AM
Regarding Magnum's post at 11:42:
Just got off the phone with my sister who is recovering from a knee replacement. She thinks Rubio has lost his mind and looks ridiculous.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 29, 2016 at 11:53 AM
in meteorological terms, if you're going to break up a storm, you need a powerful barrier,
what is driving the trump low pressure wave, you have to address it, not throw stones at it,
Posted by: narciso | February 29, 2016 at 11:54 AM
Funny he did it in Springfield, perhaps the most uncivil city in MA.
Justice Clarence Thomas has asked questions during a Supreme Court argument for the first time in 10 years.
Thomas' questions came Monday in case in which the court is considering placing new limits on the reach of a federal law that bans people convicted of domestic violence from owning guns.
Thomas asked the Justice Department lawyer defending the government's prosecution whether the violation of any other law suspends a person's constitutional rights.
Posted by: Jane | February 29, 2016 at 11:54 AM
He's pro-Kasich right now, but can't rule out the Pantsuit in the general.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | February 29, 2016 at 11:55 AM
Donald Trump romping to nomination.
Clarence Thomas asks a question.
Hillary Clinton -- just in general.
It's end times.
Posted by: Appalled | February 29, 2016 at 11:57 AM
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 29, 2016 at 11:58 AM
ah beaks I was wondering where he went off to,
Posted by: narciso | February 29, 2016 at 11:59 AM
Just saw a Cruz rally and checked to see where it is.
Seems to me if he were expanding he would have it in some other state where he was close, rather than defending his home turf.
Apparently Perry is making comments that Trump isn't a real Christian because he didn't ask for forgiveness.. (This may not be accurate, reporting is from people at rally on Twitter.)
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 29, 2016 at 12:00 PM
It's only fair. Typepad now not accepting my posts.
Posted by: MarkO | February 29, 2016 at 12:01 PM
End times would be Kasich karate chopping his way through the Constitution to his personal socialist heaven.
Posted by: henry | February 29, 2016 at 12:02 PM
Except that one.
Posted by: MarkO | February 29, 2016 at 12:03 PM
Maybe Cornyn will endorse his fellow Texan.
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 29, 2016 at 12:04 PM
Since we are discussing end times:
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 29, 2016 at 12:07 PM
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 29, 2016 at 12:13 PM
live link to Trump rally just starting up
he has some new endorsements to announce, maybe at this rally, or maybe at tonight's
Posted by: cheerleader | February 29, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | February 29, 2016 at 12:28 PM
they are just burning down that networks aren't they,
Posted by: narciso | February 29, 2016 at 12:29 PM
My daughter watched one episode, thought it was terrible.
She is the demographic they were shooting for, since she was a kid when it was on the first time.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 29, 2016 at 12:36 PM
Posted by: NK | February 29, 2016 at 12:41 PM
Dave(in MA),
I thought that was a troofer clip? I see it's a troofer day in Trumpworld so the clip works just as well.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | February 29, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Ig's 11:21 link on Steyn is truly a must read.
Posted by: glasater | February 29, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Earth to Rubio....It ain't working
Earth to Cruz.....It ain't working
Earth to Club for Growth....It ain't working
Earth to WSJ, Fox and CNN....It ain't working
Posted by: Buckeye | February 29, 2016 at 12:46 PM
Dave in Ma.....That might be working ;)
Posted by: Buckeye | February 29, 2016 at 12:48 PM
Donald Trump romping to nomination.
Clarence Thomas asks a question.
Hillary Clinton -- just in general.
It's end times.
It gets worse...
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | February 29, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Go cattle:
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 29, 2016 at 12:52 PM
just a modest devaluation today ...
but mostly a warm-up act for another round (to equal or exceed there previous Aug 15 and Jan 16 devaluations).
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 29, 2016 at 12:52 PM
The big take away in Steyn's article is that it is a damn good thing more people in the United States don't vote.
The people in other democratic countries are not as informed as you would like, but by comparison they make those in the United States look like the mouth breathers they are.
As bad as the prospect of a President Trump is, the construction of guillotines in the National Mall would be worse.
Hmmmm, let me rethink that :)
Posted by: Buckeye | February 29, 2016 at 12:53 PM
I suppose I might be over reading it by saying it also exposes the failure of conservatism as a matter of practical politics.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 29, 2016 at 01:00 PM
flagged up at Drudge ...
the media still pretends it is "children" that are coming across.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 29, 2016 at 01:03 PM
Posted by: clarice | February 29, 2016 at 01:07 PM
Serious case of the vapors gripping the MFM, GOPe and other assorted hangers-on.
Sure hope it proves fatal.
Posted by: Buckeye | February 29, 2016 at 01:11 PM
As Yogi once said"It ain't over til it is over"
Posted by: maryrose | February 29, 2016 at 01:21 PM
new thread
Posted by: henry | February 29, 2016 at 01:22 PM
I suppose I might be over reading it by saying it also exposes the failure of conservatism as a matter of practical politics.
The problem is that it goes against the basic fallen nature of people. Leftism is easier, and (at first glance) more fun.
Screw whoever you want whenever you want, it's just sex and there are no emotional consequences, and if you get a disease we've got great antibiotics, and if you get pregnant there's a Planned Parenthood clinic just down the street vs. keep it in your pants until you're married.
You should have all the cool free stuff you want and you shouldn't have to work hard, or at all, if you don't want to vs. you should delay grarification, save your money, work hard and only buy the nice things when you can actually afford them without going into debt.
Get high whenever you're feeling bad or depressed or bored, it's all fun and games and nobody should ever judge you or punish you for it vs. keep your head straight and don't lose control of yourself.
Anything in your life that's wrong or makes you feel bad is someone else's fault, and you're a victim and there should be reparations and endless coddling so your feelings are never ever ever hurt vs. you're responsible for your own success or failure and yuo certainly don't have a right not to be offended or insulted or feel bad.
Of course liberalism is winning in popular culture and at the ballot box.
Posted by: James D | February 29, 2016 at 01:23 PM
true that Maryrose
Posted by: Buckeye | February 29, 2016 at 01:25 PM
If Trump gets the nomination he'll have plenty of time to woo the conservative base, if he's smart enough to know that's what he needs to do. If he's dumb he'll shift left thinking that he can get votes from Hillary that way, but then he'll for sure lose the conservatives.
I'm not so anti-Rubio as everyone here seems to be. I still prefer him to Trump. So I'd rather not join in the ridicule. I saw that clip of him explaining his supporter's inability to cite his accomplishments. I thought his response was reasonable. He listed a bunch of his accomplishments, and said that the NV guy who endorsed him liked his platform and hadn't studied his record. Big deal. I even thought his explanation of the Gang of 8 thing was ok.
I don't think we're well-served with this circular firing squad, either aiming at Trump or Rubio or Cruz. (Kasich ridicule I'm fine with.)
Posted by: jimmyk | February 29, 2016 at 01:40 PM
And here's some more fun with Common Core math, courtesy Liz Cheney.
Somebody shoot me please.
Posted by: jimmyk | February 29, 2016 at 01:44 PM
Reposting from the last thread:
If Trump gets the nomination he'll have plenty of time to woo the conservative base, if he's smart enough to know that's what he needs to do. If he's dumb he'll shift left thinking that he can get votes from Hillary that way, but then he'll for sure lose the conservatives.
I'm not so anti-Rubio as everyone here seems to be. I still prefer him to Trump. So I'd rather not join in the ridicule. I saw that clip of him explaining his supporter's inability to cite his accomplishments. I thought his response was reasonable. He listed a bunch of his accomplishments, and said that the NV guy who endorsed him liked his platform and hadn't studied his record. Big deal. I even thought his explanation of the Gang of 8 thing was ok.
I don't think we're well-served with this circular firing squad, either aiming at Trump or Rubio or Cruz. (Kasich ridicule I'm fine with.)
Posted by: jimmyk | February 29, 2016 at 01:50 PM
Posted by: jimmyk | February 29, 2016 at 01:50 PM
I tutor 6th graders and most of the poor kids are hopelessly lost because of they haven't been thoroughly grounded in the basics. For instance, they don't have the kids memorize their multiplication tables any more--instead they have to go through a complicated 5 step method to arrive at the answer to 3 x 7. It's insane.
Posted by: derwill | February 29, 2016 at 01:57 PM
whelp who's surprised by this,
Posted by: narciso | February 29, 2016 at 01:58 PM
derwill, that cuts those kids out of drug dealing or running numbers... need math for that.
Posted by: henry | February 29, 2016 at 02:09 PM
"they don't have the kids memorize their multiplication tables any more--instead they have to go through a complicated 5 step method to arrive at the answer to 3 x 7. It's insane"
Could be designed to offset the culture advantage of Asians, Jews, and whites. For one thing those groups have been known to unfairly help their children with homework. Pretty much FUBARs that now.
Posted by: boris | February 29, 2016 at 06:10 PM