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February 18, 2016


Thomas Collins

The comments no doubt were congruent with the world view of the moderators, so the comments were not deemed abusive.


Just wait for the Twitter SJW team to figure out who you are TM. They have a double secret probation thing where you disappear from your followers.

common man

A joke about two rats and a Commie, TM? How could that possibly be funny. Now killing Republicans on the other hand...

Beasts of England

That Tom Maguire dude is pretty funny. He should comment at JOM.


Maybe if he'd said "Rethuglicans" instead of "Republicans" they would have rejected it.


Sounds like either someone is an enemy of Robert E. Kilgore of Ithaca, NY and wishes him ill by posting that comment using his name, or Robert E. Kilgore has a death wish and hoped to achieve death-by-comment, or Robert E. Kilgore is mentally incompetent, or ....


Ithaca is moonbat central.


Good job TM, good job!

James D.

From the previous thread:

Americans keep having to give up their freedoms while citizens of other countries pour into America.
Being on the terror watch list seems to equal NOTHING.

Since the government apparently has no interest in using the many tools it has at hand to try and prevent terror attacks by people it considers likely to commit them, why on Earth should they be given more tools (such as the iPhone encryption tech)?


James D, people like DA Chisolm need the tools to grab your files and make up laws you broke.


In the minds of most--but not all!--NYT readers, the idea of killing Rs for brain science research would seem to be somewhat genteel. Humane, even...


Have to use Rs for that brain research. No material for research from libtard donors. What kind of research are they going to do on excrement?


Don't forget to continue to vote for JamesD. He's currently up 58-27% with 634 votes cast.


Taranto has me backing off The Ledge™ a bit:

Still, just being nominated for the Supreme Court poses an immediate and heavy burden. A nominee has to submit voluminous paperwork to the White House and undergo an FBI background check. If there are hearings, they could be brutal.

Accepting a nomination would mean incurring considerable and immediate costs for a delayed and highly uncertain reward. No doubt Obama will find someone who’s willing to make the sacrifice, but he may need a long list. No wonder he doesn’t seem confident.

I said, "a bit." :)






Good catch, T M ---and now, we have officially hit PEAK CRAZY!!!http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/sanders-leads-clinton-nationally-for-first-time-in-new-fox-poll/article/2583603


Kilgore is obviously a Republican plant to make NYT readers seem crazy--think about Kill Gore==Kilgore..simple right? The folks at Dem Underground probably are on this already.

Captain Hate

Jarles Chohnson had an acolyte, Kilgore Trout, who used to drop N bombs on conservative sites.


Wasn't Kilgore Trout a Vonnegut character?

Captain Hate

Yes, I think he was a made up writer, lyle.

Captain Hate

Welp I guess this settles it: http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/02/18/john-kasich-pope-francis-may-regret-donald-trump-criticism/80574996/


The DNC will not allow Bernie to be the nominee.

Or so I thought.


So let me get this straight. We are to believe that the asshole in Chief is a "Christian" and supports babies being dismembered as the exit the birth canal, but Donald Trump who supports securing our sovereign border is NOT "Christian"??


Sounds about right, Gus.


Watch: Trump Say That President Obama’s Deferred Actions On Immigration Are Great…


The man who stands for nothing.

Barry Dauphin

The note above your comment does say "Pending Approval"-- so what was the verdict?


Weasel zippers reports Fidel won't meet with Obama when he visits. (Maybe the pres should bring Beyonce with him--they love her there.)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--and now, we have officially hit PEAK CRAZY!!!--

What is the crazy part; that a Stalinist leads or that he leads because his opponent is so unspeakably repulsive, corrupt and vomitous that voters prefer a Stalinist or that Dem voters would vote for a Stalinist because they either don't know who Stalin was or they do?
All of the above?


Unlike Trump, Kasich says it’s impractical to deport millions of people staying in the U.S. without proper documentation. He’d have them pay a fine to stay, but would not offer them citizenship.

Sounds good to me.


Jane, I thought Trump's answers were fine in that video. When he says "great" he's saying yeah, it all sounds great, but you know what? I want dreamers to come from this country. Etc. And then he lights into it. Right before that question he is asked about Obama's immigration policies, and he calls them weak. All sounds good to me.



The guy goes as the wind blows. I am not convinced he believes in anything, except himself.


All of the above, Iggy.


Unlike Trump, Kasich says it’s impractical to deport millions of people staying in the U.S. without proper documentation. He’d have them pay a fine to stay, but would not offer them citizenship.

So we have enough proper documentation to find them and make them pay a fine, but we don't have enough proper documentation to find them and deport them? I must be missing something.


TM, I sent the link to this post to the public editor at NYT requesting
the matter be attended to.

I love to contrast the NYT Picks to Reader Picks. Rarely do they mesh.
Guess which ones are most Marxist.


Scotty hughes, I've mentioned her before, is not the best trump surrogate.

Captain Hate

So we have enough proper documentation to find them and make them pay a fine, but we don't have enough proper documentation to find them and deport them? I must be missing something

What you're missing is that the fine this dimwit is proposing won't even cover the expenses of locating them.

Jim Miller

Jane - After considerable thought, I decided that Trump is a Clinton Democrat, specifically a Bill Clinton Democrat. To the extent that he has fixed views.

(But I am willing to be persuaded by evidence from his life -- not his current words -- since I am more a Melbourne than a Macaulay.)


Oh dear, Cap'n.


FTA:If Bring-Down Bernie gets elected, all of life will be like being trapped in a meeting of the Students for a Democratic Society writing the Port Huron Statement until the end of time.
He probably won’t get elected. But that’s only because of LBJ avatar reincarnation of Shiva the Destroyer Intercontinental Ballistic Sister Hillary Rodham.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

The NYT's motto today:

"All the propaganda that's fit to spew."



Going to bed--my quotient of crazy was filled hours ago.
Make sure Jeff doesn't hurt himself while I'm gone.

Jeff Dobbs

Too late.

Dave (in MA)
Still, just being nominated for the Supreme Court poses an immediate and heavy burden. A nominee has to submit voluminous paperwork to the White House and undergo an FBI background check.

Maybe that's what's going on with my state Senator, Brian A. "Multiple Choice" Joyce.



I think that is an excellent characterization.

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