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February 20, 2016


Jeff Dobbs

Yay! New Thread!

Jeff Dobbs

And yeah, we are hoping what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Well, Fox is showing Bernie speaking now, so....

Miss Marple


Voter line at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Posted as a link due to picture size.

Beasts of England

Record turnout in each of the rep primaries / cauci so far, correct?


Exit poll shows Cruz ahead, but the header says something about terrorism as top issue. Maybe Cruz leads among people worried about terrorism? Bad graphic for a tweet.

Jeff Dobbs

Maybe Cruz leads among people worried about terrorism?

That's what it is - they were going through various issues and showing the exit polls for those specific issues.

Miss Marple

Oh, crud. Megyn Kelly is on for the SC vote returns.


I can't understand why Hillary is always screaming. Egads! My ears. My ears.

Miss Marple

Late deciders going for Cruz or Rubio, according to Brett Baier.

Jeff Dobbs

Paraphrased from a tweet....

I'm so nervous right now. Hold me @JohnKasich.

Tejas T

Congrats to the Donald!


KY is the only southern state that has a caucus; all the others have primaries. I think the "go stand over there in that group" dynamics runs counter to our individualistic culture.

new lurker

Agree with MM. What on earth is Megyn doing with her hair??? Looks very butch to me.

Jeff Dobbs

Oh goody...

Ben Domenech
RNC adds another debate in Utah March 21. No partner or network yet.
6:15 PM - 20 Feb 2016

Probably al Jazeera.

Jack is Back! (Barely)


Miss Marple

new lurker,

It looks even worse than when she first got it cut!

She looks like she's auditioning to star in some alien invasion movie.

new lurker

JIB, Seems like you are feeling better!

Centralcal on iPad

I think Megyn has let "celebrity" overtake her a little too much, but I still like her overall. Her hair? An enormous improvement over her long and stringy look, and the bang swoop covering one eye after she first got the haircut.

I like it brushed back off her face and away from her eyes.

Jeff Dobbs

Ok, Donald...

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
People (pundits) gave me no chance in South Carolina. Now it looks like a possible win. I would be happy with a one vote victory! (HOPE)
6:05 PM - 20 Feb 2016

He had a lead in the teens in the RCP average since the beginning of December, but yeah, no one thought he could win...

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

Re: the previous thread: a personal diss of Barry by Vlad's people probably raises a greater risk of nuclear confrontation than just about anything else Putin could do.

Miss Marple


Columbia, South Carolina

Miss Marple

Fox declares Trump winner of South Carolina.

Trump and Rubio neck and neck for second.

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

Jack is back with a...bang! (or a ding, or something). Good to hear from you Jack. Hang in there.


I hope no weapons are within reach of Jeb at the moment.

Jeff Dobbs

Decision Desk has been hinky for me all night. Not getting updates. No call from them (and they pride themselves on being able to make a call before the networks). Oh well. NYT tracker has also called it for Trump.


I like Megyn and I like her hair too. Apparently Cruz and Marco out performed their numbers and Cruz under-performed.

That brings me little solace.


Get those bottom 3 out of the race.


Trump not Cruz under-performed.

Yuge Victory

"Trump not Cruz under-performed"

Is that based on Canadian math? Trump's SC poll average on RCP was 31%. He is projected to finish above that.

If Ted can't win in the South he has no chance in the general election. That's what the Canuck gets for running a nasty, dirty campaign. America does not want another Harvard educated Senator with no accomplishments or executive experience. Ted can go back to getting nothing done in the Senate.

new lurker

Jane, I know you don't like Trump, but is Rubio your man or is it Cruz?

Centralcal on iPad

Ugh. Trump. So much is terribly wrong with this world. I prefer Cruz over Rubio, but will happily vote for either of them. The rest need to just go home.

Thomas Collins

The winnowing is happening. Carson: Not a serious contender whether or not he drops out. Bush: Time for Dr. Kevorkian to become Bush's campaign manager. Kasich: Will hang on for awhile to boost his Veep possibilities. Cruz, Rubio and Trump: The final three.

Beasts of England

Based solely on his claimed strategy of simply hanging on, I don't see Bush going anywhere. Yet, it will be a blessing in disguise if he continues to squander copious amounts of GOPe cash.

(A)Nuther Bub

About the only thought that can stop me from slitting my wrists right now is the remote possibility that tomorrow morning I'll awaken as Megyn Kelly's twin, possessing her verve and talent, along with her looks, of course (and haircut. If that doesn't occur there's not much to live for. Donald Trump as our likely nominee. Lord have mercy.

new lurker

Anuther Bub, You will survive. Just think of the Hillary alternative!


I'm with Centralcal. My guy is Cruz. (Altho lately I'm thinking he should be on the Court.) I'm okay with Rubio.

Jeff Dobbs

Heh, if the shoe fits.

Ann CoulterVerified account
I'm so happy, I feel like a moron college student watching Obama win in 2008!
6:43 PM - 20 Feb 2016

new lurker

Well, I early voted here in Ga. for Cruz and husband voted for Rubio. I will vote for Rubio but am not really okay with him. I think it will be Trump, although.

Miss Marple

Howie Carr ‏@HowieCarrShow 20m20 minutes ago

As in NH, Trump is doing better than his exit polls. Voters are afraid to tell college kids with clipboards they voted for Trump! #GOPdebate
7 retweets 15 likes


Absolutely correct!

Beasts of England

SC GOP primary vote is on track for 800k+ voters. 607k in 2012.


I still can't believe Trump gets evangelicals
We really are in Bizarro world

new lurker

I do think Trump is somewhat of a loose cannon. But, I also think that Rubio would be crushed by Hillary in the debates. Remember what she did in that Senate race in NY --"don't invade my space." Rubio seems robotic to me with canned answers to everything. Granted, he seems to know all the right answers, but I think he would do whatever the GOPe wanted as regards to immigration, etc. Sad.


I know people aren't happy about Trump, but the turnout differential is a great, great thing. Anyone But Clinton '16.


Agree that Rubio can't handle the Clinton machine. I'm early voting next week for Cruz. But IVR no matter what.


Carson still staying in

Jeff Dobbs

The difference between the NYT tracker and the Decision Desk is interesting. Their numbers are relatively similar in total - but the Decision Desk has Rubio consistently in front of Cruz and the NYT has Cruz consistently ahead of Rubio.

In both cases, the margin is tiny, but still...interesting.


New lurker
Believe you are correct about Rubio
We need Cruz or Trump to take on Hildebeast

Beasts of England

In the 2012 SC primary, it was 40/28 Gingrich/Romney. FYI


The whole raison d'etre is to elevate Rubio
If Cruz finishes second all you will hear is how great Rubio did in third place


At this point, it is not important what Bush, Kasich or Carson does.

Unless Rubio or Cruz falls on their sword, which seems unlikely, Trump will be the nominee.


How do the delegates get split?


Love the turnout numbers!
In Nevada Dems down 40,000 from 2012.

new lurker

maryrose, You are so right. GOPe now has all their hopes on Rubio. He is their choice.


Some people shouldn't drink and twwet, it doesn't bring out the best in coulter


It is curious, rhodan vs ghidra seems to be a more selective affair.

Jeff Dobbs

Bush suspends!

Miss Marple

Jeb drops out!!!!

Jeff Dobbs

The whole raison d'etre is to elevate Rubio

The what the what? Decision Desk is the offspring of Ace of Spades - who HATES Rubio.

How do the delegates get split?

Winner gets 29 delegates. 3 delegates per congressional district also available for any candidate who wins that particular CD for a total of 21 additional delegates.

As of now, Trump looks to get all 50.

Beasts of England

I told you Bush was gonna drop out!!


Jeb is out


Thanks Jeff.


Yes after the ewok stopped stalking in rubio's garbage.

Miss Marple

The question is whether the Jeb voters will go to Kasich or Rubio. I do not think they will go to Cruz or Trump.


I think Rubio will slaughter Hillary in the debates. A young good looking cool guy who certainly can talk will be just fine against an old hag.

Bye bye Jeb. I think you are a good man.


Trump has 38 right now

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Jeb sounds like he might be - he *is* - suspending his campaign.

Doesn't want to see the Trumpster win by taking a small plurality to the Republican nomination, I'm guessing.

Must be hard for him. He is the better man for acknowledging the bitter truth now.


Jeff Dobbs

Good for Jeb. I would have bet cash money he woulda stayed around for Florida on Mar 15.

new lurker

JEB! sounds better getting out of the race than he ever has during the campaign. Amazing. But, I am not sad. NOW, more need to get out.


I'm guessing mailman's son is the beneficiary.

(A)Nuther Bub

Jeb sounds lovely and gracious and like a mature and America-loving adult. At the moment I like him a lot.

Miss Marple


I think polls probably showed either Trump or Rubio taking Florida. Better to get out now and avoid humiliation.

Beasts of England

I also do stock picks if any of y'all need to lose some money...


Jeb self deports!!!

Jeff Dobbs

Graphic on Fox says Rubio leads Cruz by 5 votes.

My prediction of a one vote margin between them is looking pretty good.

Dave (in MA)



Polls have Trump significantly ahead in FL, but if Rubio picks up Jeb's voters that could make a big difference.

GOPe's first goal is to squeeze out Cruz.


I hope you are right.

(A)Nuther Bub

I'm guessing mailman's son is the beneficiary.

Nope. Rubio.


I don't hate Jeb at all - I just didn't want him to be the nominee.

Jeff Dobbs

So, Trump really enjoyed using Jeb as a punching bag. Assuming that Rubio picks up more Jeb supporters than Cruz - and Trump recognizes it as a threat, Rubio will come more fully into the Trump Death Star orbit.

new lurker

maryrose--I'm afraid Jane is wrong re Rubio.

Miss Marple


I don't hate him, but I have a bad, bad feeling about those donors who gave him all that money like he had a possibility of winning.


You are absolutely correct wrt Gope and Cruz


New lurker
I think Hillary will steal Rubio's lunch money but I hope I am wrong


Time to take Cruz off the hot seat and give Rubio a turn

Centralcal on iPad

Where is OL. He didn't jump off his luxurious ledge did he?

A(Bub) I agree with ALL of your comments so far tonight.


Jeb's speech is much better than Trump's


Agree with your Jeb remarks and comments

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Rubio got pinned by Christie because Christie is a fast on his feet loud mouth [and because he's really fat].
Hill is neither fast on her feet nor nearly as plump as Krispy.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I can't understand why Hillary is always screaming.--

How would any woman speak after forty years married to that walking rape kit of a husband?

Miss Marple

Brett just said that so far Cruz hasn't won a single county in South Carolina.


Elevation of Rubio has begun on Fox News

new lurker

Yes, maryrose. It really is sickening.

Jeff Dobbs


Gideon ResnickVerified account
Been told that Carson has the infrastructure in Nevada and doesn't want to let staffers down there; will drop on Wednesday
7:27 PM - 20 Feb 2016

Nevada primary is on Tuesday. That's a daily beast reporter, fwiw.

Jeff Dobbs

Miss Marple:
Brett just said that so far Cruz hasn't won a single county in South Carolina.

Rubio looks to win 2 - Richland County (home of state capital Columbia) and Charleston County. Trump has all the others.


Rubio has made nice comments about Jeb Bush to his credit

Beasts of England

Miss Marple: Decision Desk shows two for Marco, with the remainder of the reported counties for DT.


What about Greenville County?


If Rubio wins the presidency he better appoint conservative SC judges

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