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February 14, 2016


BB Key



OK... net:

A. Trump is an ass.

B. Cruz was playing word games

C. Rubio still needs to say he was wrong to trust Schumer or he will be open to word games on his softness on immigration -- which is fair game.

BB Key

halting and heavily accented :)

Old Lurker

I could care less who wins in November if Obama can pack the court this week and sweep all the 2016 cases his way.

Old Lurker

couldn't care less...


OL, my understanding was appellate judges do not rule on cases they haven't heard. All the 2016 cases that have been argued are safe from the new CommieSupremo but still subject to the 4 to 3 + Kennedy voting pattern. Since the lower court decision rules if Kennedy* stays conservative, ties are the problem for AA etc.

* If Kennedy votes left (as in gay marriage), nothing has changed.

Thoroughly understood both ways.

'could care less' and 'couldn't care less' mean the same thing, one with implied irony.


Wonderful post, TM!


Obama is not getting a SC judge in
This is one area where I trust the GOP
Otherwise it makes no difference who wins in 2016


Cruz tells the truth about Trump and Rubio and gets called a liar because they can't admit their past positions or denounce them


What was Cruz's past position on Roberts, maryrose?

Old Lurker

Thanks Henry.

But is that "generally do not", or "cannot by law"?


Isn't it pathetic that so mucvh rides on a single judgeship in a Republic? Actua;;y. reviewing the Administrative state we find ourselved in the heads of the various agencies should be vetted just as hard and long. Head of the EPA has a lot more power than a single justice IMO.


OL, I wish I knew.


Head of the EPA has a lot more power than a single justice IMO.

Think about HHS after Obamacare. I always hear "1/6 of the US economy."

Romney did himself no favors with the "replace" terminology. He wanted that control for himself.

Jim Miller

There is something grandly comical about Trump complaining about other people lying.

I have been trying to think of a simile that fits, and here's the best one I have come up with so far: It's like Kim Kardashian complaining about other people being publicity seekers.

No doubt some of you can come up with better similes.

Old Lurker

I know. If we have learned anything under Obama, traditional rules and traditions (eg filibuster) which must be changed, will be.


How about a simile for Cruz telling the truth about supporting Roberts?

Beasts of England

Don't forget that when the Burning Times come, Beasts can teach y'all how to speak Southern really well, so that you're not identified as an interloper. First lesson is free:

Mississippi: mih'SIPPI


Do you use "all you all," Beasts?


I think the senate needs to expect the worst case scenario from O as that is his history.

Yet they never do.

Miss Marple

TM has identified what I find off-putting about Cruz. He is smarter than me and wants to make sure I know it.

Contrast this with the late Justice Scalia, and the difference is easily seen.

I am sure Justice Scalia was much smarter than I am. I am also sure he would have not made me feel like a moron if I asked a question.


On a business trip to Texas a clown from Arkansas taught us how to say "you want to," as in "you want to go to the nudie bar?" It sounded like "you unt to" or "you ont to."

Beasts of England

Not really, TK. Y'all tends to cover it for me. ;)


More ont he question of a recess apptment--(NO WAY if McConnell doesn't want it) H/t:Instapundit: http://reformclub.blogspot.ie/2016/02/a-quick-thought-on-presidential-recess.html

Beasts of England

Bonus lesson: ya'ONT to


Here is that lawerly clip again of Cruz being warm and genuine to a 17year old soon to be 1st time voter:


Kid should have asked in Canadian.


Thanks, BOE!


I think it is unfair to tag Cruz with the Roberts thing: who knew he would cave on Obamacare?


MM and TK

Do you like Trump because he is stupid and he lets you know it?


We don't say "all you all" in Ga. either. It's either just y'all as in "are y'all coming on Sunday?"... or if a big group is in question you might ask, "are all y'all coming on Sunday?"

:) We can teach y'all to talk - come on down!


Cruz thinks enough of it to try to wash his hands of Roberts after the fact.

He could have easily said what you just said, peter.


I like him because he is a birther, TBT.


tbt, that's why we like you.


henry FTW!

Beasts of England

A actual review from my most recent customer:

Dear Beasts:

Thanks for my lessons in Southern. I done told these crackers down in Flo'da that I hailed from Booger Holler, Alabammer and I already done been invited to two catfish fries and a pig roast!

Jane X.


Texas Liberty Gal

MM-Is he smarter then you? He's certainly smarter then me and I'm glad because I want a President who is smarter then me. You seem to take it personally and resent that he's smarter then you and are projecting onto him your feelings of inadequacy, Or my 3 glasses of wine could be talking!

Frau Kreuzi Teifi

Is proficiency in Spanish now all-important for a Republican candidate?
Ask Bernie questions in Yiddish and Hillary! questions in her native tongue: thieves’ cant.

This is really worse than last time. Did it help/matter that Romney is said to be fluent in French?
Pfui! I will check back later and see if *all* Republican candidates have been fatally savaged here. I swear it wouldn't surprise me to find out that Trump came to destroy our chances of victory.

Re: Antonin Scalia...I haven't felt this sad since PUK died.


Cruz's problem is that he isn't smarter than most, TLG.

Now he is getting caught.

Miss Marple


Lots of people are smarter than me and I don't take it personally. I don't take it personally that Cruz is smarter than me.

However, humility is definitely something which he lacks.

I officially have no candidate now, in case you and others haven't kept up. So when I make a comment about Cruz (as the host of this blog did) it's nothing personal, just an observation. If I am one of a minority who feels this way, it certainly won't hamper Senator Cruz.


Insty links to Althouse who links to some hack at NYT who writes that Dems "are dancing a jig" on the news of Scalia's death. Jerk stole my stuff: I wrote that phrase on this board 24 hrs ago. Of course the hack is claiming that if the GOP doesn't confirm BOzo's appointee then they risk alienating the...oh crap, you can fill in the rest.


I remember him helping Roberts through the process
But as he stated his first choice was some one else
Your derogatory comments only increase my support for him
I know he is the most conservative and he is smarter than me as are all of the candidates
Carson is smarter and everyone seems to like him
It is a personal preference
Bush is nice enough, just not strong enough

Texas Liberty Gal

Threadkiller - "Cruz's problem ..smarter then most." Based on what?

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

"Re: Antonin Scalia...I haven't felt this sad since PUK died. " Sums up the whole day, Frau!


Trump is strong but not nice
Rubio goes any way the wind blows

Miss Marple


While I will not be overcome with grief when certain public officials shuffle off this mortal coil, I hope that I have enough taste to keep my comments to myself and pray that God, in his infinite mercy, allows them entrance into Purgatory.

I increasingly feel like we are surrounded by barbarians, if not ghouls.

Maybe OL could find me a little cubby hole out on that ledge. I could hole up there and not bother anyone. I only require a few glasses of wine and a piece of cheese.

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter


And we are stuck with John Kerry!


Let the Dems squeal like stuck pigs
We got the Senate or in Obama's words "We won" in 2014
He can't do jack--it


TLG, our host believes Cruz went lawerly because he didn't have a defendable position to take on Roberts.

I agree.

Is going "lawyerly" an attempt to appear smarter?

Did he get caught?


I'm not trying to stop you from voting for the Canadian, maryrose.


I am not ready for the ledge yet
Doom and gloom are not my style
This election is a game changer
We need our wits about us
Going to a corner with our tail between our legs is not a strategy or a strategy that
Now is the time to fight tooth and nail
I feel like Belushi in "AnimalHouse"



Working overtime to find fault in Cruz is funny at best coming from a Trump supporter.

Texas Liberty Gal

Threadkiller = your calling Cruz the "Canadian" makes me discount any arguments you might make against Cruz.


How's that truther stuff working out, TBT?


What arguments of mine have you taken seriously, TLG?



Bad news. No one on this comment board takes you serious.

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter


Who Knew?


Then why do you always ask me questions, TBT?


Texas Liberty Gal

TK- Good point! But only on the trutherstuff. Other arguments you make on non-truther crap I take seriously .



I enjoy watching you flounder.


Thanks, TLG.

I will lighten up.



In front an audience that isn't impressed? How Cruzian of you, TBT.

Back to ignoring you.


TLG, quick clarification. I am a birther loon.

TBT is the anti-Bush truther purist.


...front of...

Texas Liberty Gal

TK-Lightening up is always good!!!

Texas Liberty Gal

TK-loon? Isn't that some type of duck?



Of course their not impressed. No great shakes exposing your ignorance

Old Lurker

We have room for you MM. Wine and Cheese served promptly at 6pm each day.

Miss Marple

Thank you, OL.

I will be happy to earn my keep by mixing dry martinis for those so inclined, or giving on-the-spot appraisals for those who wish to dispose of antiques.


We can raid my cellar first for The Ledge™. It's a modest ~600 bottles but that's a good start for toasting the end of the country...


It's the Times (and Rubio fans) who are playing hide the ball on the interview. He announces that the executive amnesty has to end sometime... but that sometime turns out to be when Rubio gets the permanent, legislative amnesty that he has planned passed. He expresses no intention of ending it before then.

Miss Marple


600 bottles!


My cellar is at Kroger, 5 minutes away.

You can probably tell I am not a wine expert. I usually drink the cheap Chilean wines.

However, my maintenance at OL's Ledge will be inexpensive, so there's' that.

Dave (in MA)


Payback is a bitch. We control the Senate, so you lose.

But look. We’re reasonable people. If you want to appoint an originalist in the mold of Antonin Scalia — a man confirmed by the Senate in a vote of 98-0 — we’ll certainly consider that nomination.

Otherwise, pound sand.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Clarice - Thanks again for yet another wonderful "Pieces" for our Sunday reading.

One of the saddest things about the passing of Justice Scalia is that we can no longer look forward to, as you wrote, the hope that "Justice Antonin Scalia gets to write the majority opinion, and not merely contribute a biting concurring opinion."


MM, I think Cruz is plenty humble. What he isn't is personable. That was Reagan.

Since I don't expect the next president to spend a lot of time with me, that isn't a quality I'm looking for.

Cruz is a constitutionalist and we really really really need a constitutionalist.


I have a question about the docket/calendar for the Supreme Court. Since the Justices decide what cases will be heard can't Roberts as their leader have influence over the docket for the year? Similarly, since decisions by Justice Scalia not made public are moot would cases he decided to hear also be up in the air? Maybe a new docket? I'm obviously not a legal scholar and I did not stay in a holiday inn express last night.


And a constitutionalist is the last thing the DC cartel wants.

Beasts of England

600 bottles of some of the finest juice in the land, best I can tell...


I just wet my pants.

Miss Marple


I have no doubt he's a Constitutionalist and would do well with anything relating to that.

However, voters aren't usually interested in that, viewing voting as "who is going to do the most stuff for ME".

His lack of personable traits, as you describe it, is going to hamper him in the primaries and (of he gets there) the general election.

My opinion is based n talking to blue collar types, my sisters, my son, and assorted people in the community.

I could be quite wrong, and am willing to vote for him without any objection if he gets the nomination.

Beasts of England

Bill H. at Patterico suggests that this is a hill to die on. Of course, I agree, but I've tried too many times to kick that damned football.



You have been brainwashed by the Rove types.


Go Ted Cruz.

Anyone know if his Spanish is better than John Kerry's French?

Thomas Collins

TM, did you mean the Republicans would bail out Hillary by nominating Trump. You wrote Democrats in your thread starter.

I wonder whether Rubio is setting Cruz up for a challenge to a Univision Spanish speaking debate in a future primary. Perhaps Rubio feels he has already made his point with Spanish speaking voters that he has a better command of Spanish than Cruz. In any event, it's a sad commentary on what used to be the melting pot country that who speaks better Spanish might be an issue.

Beasts of England

Speaking of brainwashed. And irony...


well it's not about that, it's about what one's true sentiments are,


Its like Washington is a big Ferris wheel. What goes around comes around.



MM, I've been sodomized by Geo Soros!!!

And I liked it.

Thomas Collins

OK, I think I get this now. If Obama appoints, say, Kamala Harris, McConnell can engineer an end to the current Senate session. Justice Harris gets to serve a few days with no vote on any cases.

Try Hang Gliding

Prediction: Trump gets his hat handed to him on Saturday, sees he can't recover and drops out of the republican primaries to run as an independent. Never mind what the guy said about GWB, in case you missed it, he went out of his way last night to insult South Carolina's republican senator.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

So what's the problem with what Cruz said?
It's just like the 17 year old kid who kept interrupting Cruz.
Cruz first pointed out he didn't nominate Roberts which I took to be a reference to Trump talking about how Cruz told W he wanted Roberts on the court.
He then said "I supported..." which I'm guessing was acknowledgment he supported Roberts like every single other Republican Senator did, but he was interrupted by Trump who derailed the conversation by calling Cruz a liar.

Apparently a guy is a liar if the questioner cuts his answer off before he's done. Neat trick.

Beasts of England

The Kelo dissent. O'Connor is the author (is that the correct term?) but there are a few Scalia jabs intermingled. RIP.


Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

The attacks on Cruz by Trump re Justice Roberts' ruling on Obamacare (the ACA) are just evidence of Trump's limited number of targets wrt Sen. Cruz.

Aside from the personal attacks he makes on Cruz, there are virtually no substantive attacks he can make, so he has to resort to creating controversies where none truly exists.

So he alleges, out of whole cloth, that Cruz 'nominated' Roberts to the Supreme Court. Trump *has* to know that is false, and he knows that he (Trump) is trying to deceive the voters when he makes that claim.

The facts however, tell a different story:

Sen. Cruz did not advance or promote the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court when Pres. GW Bush was considering potential candidates for the nomination.
Sen. Cruz preferred the nomination go to Mike Luttig, who was a Court of Appeals judge, and Justice Scalia's first law clerk. Once Pres. Bush nominated Roberts, however, Cruz supported Roberts as a matter of course, seeking to support Pres. Bush's choice for the vacant seat.

Among the facts of Roberts' history that made him an acceptable choice of many for Chief Justice was his reputation across the political spectrum. That is why it is neither unusual, nor surprising, for Cruz to have mentioned the support that Roberts had from lefties such as Prof. Tribe, Walter Dellinger and Lloyd Cutler.

This whole 'story' of Cruz's support for Justice Roberts is a big, old nothin' burger, imo, by those who cannot find something more serious about which they can attack Cruz.


actually, Cruz did pretty good at that cage match,
graham has to earn our respect, and on many occasions he has failed to do so,


However, voters aren't usually interested in that, viewing voting as "who is going to do the most stuff for ME".

I thought you were talking about your own opinion. My mistake.

Texas Liberty Gal

THG-I pray you are right. And that Cruz wins outright with a sizable majority


Does Cruz's op-ed suggest that he "pushed" for Roberts, Ig?


the real history of the last 15 years has yet to be writtenm



So he alleges, out of whole cloth, that Cruz 'nominated' Roberts to the Supreme Court.

Where did you see that?

Beasts of England

From the Kelo link:

"...the Public Use Clause would amount to little more than hortatory fluff."


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