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February 03, 2016


Sandy  ن  Daze

ن good evening, all !


And the enemy guy is sneaking up on James... don't let him out steal us.


MissM-- TomM is mocking your boy. tell him what for!


henry-- when I get home tonight I promise to fight fire with fire and clear my cookies repeatedly. Wait... somehow that doesn't sound right.


MM is probably waiting until TM starts trashing Trump's children.

Show him how it is done NK.


I found this troubling:

Byron York ‏@ByronYork 12m12 minutes ago

RT @nickconfessore: Ben Carson has spent $47m on his presidential campaign. Close to twice as much as any other Rep. Just think about that.
1 retweet 2 likes


'children' the woman is a paragon of business advice giving, dontchano?

Thomas Collins

This is typical Trumpster tweetsterism. He's not going to implode. He's not going to be nominated. Until he gets tired of spending his own money in what after March 1st will clearly be a losing cause, he'll do respectably and pick up delegates. He could be a force at the convention, but I doubt he'll care enough to play that game.

He'll turn out to be a historical curiosity, but one whose dollar spent per delegates ratio will look quite good.

I have no ill will toward the man. I simply haven't seen anything in his life or his campaign that would convince me to give him the keys to the store.

Beasts of England

Is this really NK making these comments of the last fifteen minutes?


@BNONews: Some Trump supporters leave Little Rock rally as presidential candidate is already more than 1.5 hour late


BoE-- indeed it is. Is it wrong to point out that the person pushing the 'be a success in business like me' line earned her career by birthright and made her fortune by marrying it (depending on the prenup.) or that her father busted up a fledgling sports league by using it as a vehicle to get an NFL franchise on the cheap through litigation extortion? Just providing due diligence material for the good people of JOM.


If Santorum had suspended his campaign before Iowa, and endorsed Rubio then, his supporters might have put Rubio in 2nd place instead of 3rd.



A little fun campaign story--read to the end for full impact.(BTw Kathleen Matthews is Chris' wife.)


Santorum got votes in Iowa? Wasn't he part of the MSNBC Star Wars bar scene 'debate'?

Beasts of England

The rapid and clipped style seemed different than normal, NK. Wasn't trying to interfere, just clarify. There have been copycats over the years. Just checking.


Looks empty in Little Rock...



Miss Marple

Why Trump is late to the rally. Attention!!

LindaPearl Retweeted
NBC Nightly News ‏@NBCNightlyNews 8m8 minutes ago

JUST IN: Trump plane diverted to Nashville, aviation source tells @NBCNews; FAA says a Boeing B757 reported engine problems before landing.
41 retweets 9 likes

Jeff Dobbs

Weird. I went to do the math on the Santorum votes going to Rubio and found this page from Fox with the results:


Cute little pics of the candidates with their totals and percentages.

But no Rand Paul.

What's that about?

Oh and if all of Santorums votes went to Rubio, he'd have been ~500 short of Trump...

Sandy  ن  Daze

I saw Mr Trump being interviewed by Ms VanSustern, DJT being in Trump Tower in NYC (I believe) and GVS being in the Fox studio.

DJT said he was headed back to New Hampshire.

So, the supporter at the Little Rock rally, something does not compute.

Perhaps he was flying down for the event, but logistically, does not seem doable.


I am observing an increasing amount of disinformation. Hard to keep it all straight, and if one tries, the forensics is nearly impossible. While one tries to sort out one event, half a dozen more erupt.

But for true believers, there is sufficient info to support your view no matter what side of the octagon you might be on.

Sandy  ن  Daze

I saw Mr Trump being interviewed by Ms VanSustern, DJT being in Trump Tower in NYC (I believe) and GVS being in the Fox studio.

DJT said he was headed back to New Hampshire.

So, the supporter at the Little Rock rally, something does not compute.

Perhaps he was flying down for the event, but logistically, does not seem doable.


I am observing an increasing amount of disinformation. Hard to keep it all straight, and if one tries, the forensics is nearly impossible. While one tries to sort out one event, half a dozen more erupt.

But for true believers, there is sufficient info to support your view no matter what side of the octagon you might be on.

Miss Marple


As I said when I posted that article, it was indicative of the Trump thinking. I know nothing about Ivanka Trump's marital pre-nup or her bisiness skills, although she seems to be very good at public speaking.

I suppose at this point I could escalate and point out the investigation of the Cnn/Cruz misrepresentation about Carson on O'Reilly. It is very obvious that the Cruz campaign people and Steve King knew they were promulgating false information.

You can watch the O'Reilly re-run. They have tweets and time stamps and video.

Jeff Dobbs

Trump's got his own Sticker Guy at the rally.

A little older than Hillary's Sticker Guy and not as animated.

Is this now going to be a thing?


That's why I said might. I he had 1% of the vote tally last time I saw it Monday night.

Beasts of England

What are the annual maintenance, hangar, fuel, and pilot costs for a 757? More or less than Mrs. Trump's wardrobe?


I'm not invested in any particular candidate, I am just watching and assessing.

BTW-- I'd much rather hear business advice from MissM a small business owner than from Ivanka.


BoE-- 757 budget? dunno, how much does your's cost annually :)

Miss Marple

Probably less, Beasts, since she wears couture.

On the other hand, unlike Michelle, they don't ask the taxpayer to pay for it.


aside from the source of funds, there is another yuge difference between Ivanka and Michelle couture.

Miss Marple


I am done with you. You hate Trump. I get it.

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

As TLG pointed out on the other thread, in more diplomatic language--How stupid does everyone (including Carson and Sarah Palin, regrettably) think the typical Carson caucusgoer is?

Does the Carson caucusgoer get up in the morning and say to his-or-herself: "Carson's my guy; I'm for Ben and I'm proud to cast my vote in the caucus Today?" And then arrives at said caucus and hears from a Cruz supporter--"Hey, hear from CNN that your guy's dropping out--how about a vote for Ted?" And responds by saying: "Wow, didn't know that. Sure, I'll vote for Cruz instead. Thanks for telling me"?

C'mon. Has anyone found a single Carson supporter who says he or she got bamboozled by this.

I like Carson (I even have a Carson hat that I got because I sent him money.) The Carson "rumor" was started by Carson himself and, to the extent that it had any impact whatsoever on the Iowa results, was an "own goal."

And the idea that Trump is whining about someone else jumping on a news report that turns out to be not entirely accurate is to laugh. The man's twitter feed is one slander after another.

And why wouldn't any of those allegedly bamboozled Carson supporters have voted for Trump? or Rubio? or Paul?

Nonsense on steroids.

Beasts of England

Aircraft ownership costs exceed fancy cars and speedboats combined. I was offered a fractional in a Pilatus a while back and I threw up in my mouth a little bit when they showed me the numbers.


there's a lot of chaff, being thrown about, not all these appearances are live, in fact it would have to be impossible, of course there is the shadow of the iowa match, and the lockout in virginia,


NK's en fuego esta noche.

Speaking of the U from earlier, their b-ball team exhibits some not-so-latent thugishness tonight. Might just be their opponent: ND. Although one would thing if you're leading by 20 there might be room for a bit of magnanimity. Nope.


ok, I'm going to need another program,



I've been able to keep up pretty much this past week MM, and I wouldn't say from what I've read that NK hates Trump.
Pointing out weaknesses and flaws,yes, like your noting Cruz's problem in appeal to the general populace. (I agree about his hair).

But I wouldn't say he's hating on him.


I think Sara came back as MM and is a Trump supporter this time around.

It does absolutely nothing to point out that you hate Ted Cruz does it, MM?

Miss Marple


1. Most of the Carson supporters are sincere Christians. I also assume a lot of them are naive about political dirty tricks.

2. If someone who looks semi-official from a campaign comes up to tell them that Carson is dropping out (his numbers had been falling for a couple of weeks so not implausible) of course they would believe it.

3. Of course they would probably migrate to Cruz, who spent a lot of time Bible-thumping in Iowa. If (like me) they couldn't quite support him, they would probably have gone to inoffensive Rubio. It is very unlikely they would have gone to Trump or Paul.

4. A lot of Carson voters are inexperienced. They are like the people who have no experience with college and let their kids sign up for student loans.

They are not hard-boiled and cynical people.

I also think it quite possible that we will hear from duped Carson supporters. It's early days yet, and Carson is not letting this go.

Rick Ballard

"Nonsense on steroids."

Hey, are you saying the WWE would allow something like this to go on if it weren't all true?


no, the WWE moment was when maverick took the fall, and mittens did a reasonable impression of same in the 3rd act, also a proforma robertscare repeal, after giving away the store, in the cr, the corker protocol, to the sepah hudna, McTurtle and Garfield should wear the feather boa,


these are what are considered serious behaviors, well 'from a certain point of view'


I know I apologize, retrospectively, for that image,

Miss Marple


I don't hate Cruz. I try really hard to not do that, as I might end up having to vote for him.

However, I stand by my coments about his speaking and his hair.

Last night I was complimentary of his inteview on Fox, as he finally sounded like a normal person, which was good.

I doubt that he knew the aides were pulling this stunt. It is something that "too smart for their own good" ambitious young men would do in the heat of the competition.

However, it is something that should be addressed, and Cruz should at least demote them and put them in charge of phone banks or something less hands-on for a while.

And it insults my intelligence when people do not realize the implications of this action. As the guy at the Daily Mail said, a switch of 4 voters at each precinct would have cost Cruz first place.

All of the Trump haters should tone it down. So should the anti-Cruz people. As this goes on, someone is going to have the nomination and someone is going to drop out. I assume Cruz supporters would like my vote. Constant insults are not going to enthuse me to do much more than vote, and it will be without enthusiasm.

Where will the Cruz people go for support if it's between Cruz and Rubio?


I don't recall ever seeing so much disinformation about all the candidates as I now am seeing on FB.


How stupid does everyone (including Carson and Sarah Palin, regrettably) think the typical Carson caucusgoer is?

Since Cruz used the episode to confuse Carson supporters, I would say he must think they are pretty stupid.


zombie tom lehrer, would concur,


of course he regarded kissinger not le duc tho,
as the evil one, projection it's what's for dinner,


I can assure you if Trump is the nominee, my husband will have to lead me kicking and screaming to vote for him. I am not going to pretend I like the man. I didn't like him pre-candidacy, and he has done absolutely nothing to change my opinion of him. And it insults my intelligence for you to pretend you don't despise Cruz. It drips from your posts.


A lot of Carson voters are inexperienced.

How in the world do you know that?


Carson should let it go. This was a major unforced error on his--or whoever told CNN he was heading to FL, then DC's part.
The more he rags on it, the less ready for prime time Carson looks.

As porch says, this ain't beanbag. Rub some dirt on it and get back out there and play!


Ouch, Sue, given what we know about Sara.

Come on folks. Could we stay off the children of the candidates, at least?


And to make fun of Cruz's hair, when Trump is your candidate of choice, is hysterically funny. And Trump's voice is one of the reasons I rated him #2 behind Geraldo as most despised Fox people. And that means I like Alan Colmes better than Trump.

Miss Marple


That's fine. I can't control what you think.

We will just have to see what happens. I will vote for Cruz, and I will take myself to the polls hopeful he can win. No kicking or screaming required.


The pro wrestling "wrestle royale" event is in full swing, with a couple undercard performers tossed out of the ring already.

These consultants are getting out of hand with all the bs they are tossing around. Between them and the media, the candidates get lost in the shuffle.

Centralcal on iPad

MM: I just read Bill O's TPM and he lays the blame at the feet of CNN in it.


Well shitPorch, say something critical of Trump and watch her feathers fly.


Magpie says it is logical to blame Carson.


Carson is a nice guy who never had what it took, not for a minute.

To me, this isn't about the merits of what Cruz did or didn't do. It's about how well the candidates are landing punches, and that includes clocking the MSM. That's why I think people like Iowahawk are missing the point. Trump's 8000th outrageous tweet that signals he's totally losing it!!1! isn't going to hurt him, and he knows it. But in less than half a news cycle, he easily landed a blow on Cruz. Now Cruz is on defense less than 48 hours after his big win.


Magpie's guests, Stirewalt and some guy who helped Romney lose, say the Iowa Sec of State is a dipshit.

Miss Marple

Centralcal, the distillation on the Fox News Insider leaves out some stuff O'Reilly said on his show.

I really think that people should watch the re-run or the video of the program.


Magpie goes to The Judge.

He is stating the obvious.

Centralcal on iPad

Sue is right, Miss Marple. It drips from your posts here and on Twitter.

"All of the Trump haters should just tone it down." Seriously?

Toning down might be a good idea for you, too.


I really respect and admire Dr Carson. The way he has run his campaign is not one of the reasons why I do.

Captain Hate

What are some examples, clarice? Zuckerberg can be quite the clogged toilet at times.


Sue, I was thinking about one thing in particular re: Sara that you discovered.

Beasts of England

You're not going to win a media battle with Trump, that's obvious. The others need to ignore it or say 'no comment'. Either of those responses will get a reaction from DT, but the cycle will be broken.

My invoice is in the mail.


The Judge give blessings to the Nativist Steve King.

He says the "violation" flyer is of no consequences because nobody would have been fooled by it.

Cruz is wasting campaign cash, I guess.

A true leader.

Miss Marple

I see Judge Napolitano has weighed in.

The fact is that it wasn't illegal and it can not be adjudicated.

The only way this will be settled is if some people come forward to complain, which will have no effect except to validate Carson's complaint.

I predict by tomorrow we will be on to another issue.


Children off limits?

Trump organization VPs who are props on the campaign ain't 'children'


the serious things are a surrender of any aspect of principle, the sepah note this, and reward their people accordingly, a wannabe guinier gets greenlit by the judiciary committee, who exactly is the fool here?

Miss Marple

I have nothing else to say. As far as Twitter, I do not monitor anyone's posts there. You are free to unfollow me, Centralcal.

What I see is that the minority opinion here isn't welcome.

Good evening.


"maybe he feels comfortable there."


Rick Ballard


The consultants are looking at the dispersal of the ABT vote while they count the gate. It's not like there is no "put him away" book chock full of oppo research. I really don't mind seeing FB destroyed as a political tool either. That would be like objecting to the smell of smouldering broom straw.


I get MM. Only you are allowed to tell people they irritate you.


Magpie getting the low down from a medicated Glenn Beck.

"No one would believe that Carson was going to get clothes! There is a clothes store down the street!!"

Of course there is the possibility that Carson never thought being honest would be bait for a dishonest Cruz.

Captain Hate

Ben Carson isn't a politician and isn't experienced at running a campaign. We, or at least I, like him because he has good responses to the direction of the country and he's an outsider. I could believe that he could think he was victimized by a dirty trick even if we feel otherwise.

Centralcal on iPad

Monitor? Following and reading your tweets is "monitoring? " yikes! Then no one should follow anyone if reading tweets is monitoring them. Why have Twitter at all?


I get it MM, only you are allowed to tell people they irritate you.


Arguing the minority position? That s one of my favorite things here or anywhere. It must be a Greek thing; I mean king Leonidas took it to an extreme at Thermopylae , but it 's an example


Magpie getting the low down from a medicated Glenn Beck.

"No one would believe that Carson was going to get clothes! There is a clothes store down the street!!"

Of course there is the possibility that Carson never thought being honest would be bait for a dishonest Cruz.


You do a pretty good job of that yourself, Sue.


did bennett sabotage him from the beginning, with that politico piece, that the journal glommed on to, and let me avoid dewey claridge knife in the back for now,


did bennett sabotage him from the beginning, with that politico piece, that the journal glommed on to, and let me avoid dewey claridge knife in the back for now,

common man


I am begging you, do not say Beetlejuice three times, Please...


Trump organization VPs who are props on the campaign ain't 'children'

True. But dissing their appearance, clothing etc. is as juvenile as we accuse Trump of being. I reserve all that for Chelsea. :)


Dishonest? Perhaps Cruz is a politician after all. But consider the source here the man who has trolled us with 8 years of natural born nonsense


I'm pretty sure with your post it was said 3 times common man. Do we know who you normally post as?

Captain Hate

I don't think anybody could equal the job that ROMNEY FANGURLL #1 did four years ago with all the Tiger Beat factoids about what a dreamboat he was. It was like reading about the Bay City Rollers right before they appeared on Howard Cosell's Variety Show.


Good point, NK. Clearly we can see it hasn't been an issue for 8 years, and it isn't one for Cruz now.

My mistake.

Centralcal on iPad

Now, now Porch - you did make me giggle, but Chelsea is someone's child too.

common man

I have been locked out apparently. So I am now common man...

Rick Ballard

Web and Janet are quite proud of her as well.


Yet Chelsea is also an adult, and was a highly paid news commenter for a day or so before becoming some sort of junior lamp tosser for the Clinton Foundation.


I never did understand animus by the likes of zuravchik toward Chelsea, whereas they had no such reservations about the Razorback borgias,

Centralcal on iPad

Okay, common man, but you could tell us who you are in comments.


I never did understand animus by the likes of zuravchik toward Chelsea, whereas they had no such reservations about the Razorback borgias,


now re the daily caller's recent unpleasantness, no very surprising some of the fetid rivers where they fish,


now re the daily caller's recent unpleasantness, no very surprising some of the fetid rivers where they fish, events last fall come to mind,

Captain Hate

It's pretty funny how much more Jenna Bush is liked at 30 Rock than The Omen, considering how the network regarded their fathers.

Centralcal on iPad

From Twitter: Selena Zitto who I "monitor:

Interesting ---> @DocThompsonShow
#BREAKING Ben Carson’s entire NH super PAC staff quit and joined Ted Cruz’s campaign


I can tolerate a lot of things when it comes to Trump, and there are even a few things I admire, but I find his twitter whining when things don't go his way very juvenile and frankly quite off-putting. What would he do when faced with an intransigent Putin? Tweet: "Putin not negotiating in good faith. Bad!"

Centralcal on iPad

Typepad ate my post. Grrr.

From Twitter:

Interesting ---> @DocThompsonShow
#BREAKING Ben Carson’s entire NH super PAC staff quit and joined Ted Cruz’s campaign

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