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February 19, 2016



Somehow I think the Pope's remarks help him


I forgot the link to the Scalia Piece.

It's short, and great.

Sandy  ن  Daze

I heard earlier DJT calling for a boycott of Apple until such time as Apple provides the info from the cell phone.

Beasts of England

Happy Birthday, daddy!!

Happy Birthday, GUS!!

Happy Birthday, Gus, Jr.!!


and that says more about Pope Che than Le Donald. I know I'm an old guy, and nostalgia is second nature, but the current political and Papal sacks of shyte, make me pine for Thatcher, Reagan and JPII. Oh, and hapless enemies like Brezhnev and Arafat, rather than today's Putin and ISIL.


Trump is battling Tim Cook too.

Rick Ballard


That's true - Trump tweeted it from his iPhone.

Beasts of England

That would be the only thing that would cost him Alabama, Tom. Of course, we have a lot of Reps in this state who root for Momto2's team, so who knows...

Beasts of England

The South Carolina polls are all over the place! Rubio in second place in two.


Oh my. FBI screwed up. Password was changed while in FBI custody. The plot thickens, as a caveat unnamed Apple execs spilled this.

Beasts of England

Wow. If they had the password, why wouldn't they just leave the phone unlocked? Although I don't know if you can do that with a 5c.

Trump Unbound

That damn Paula Deen's cooking always made my stomach hurt.


Much is hidden by both Apple and the FBI. ICloud and the phone are separate passwords anyway.

Captain Hate

The FBI and Secret Service have both been severely diminished in the last seven years; maybe before that...

Rick Ballard

"Much is hidden by both Apple and the FBI."

Very true. I have no idea of the particular marketing strategy intended for the Allahu Akbar Apple Device Line. It's going to be tricky for Apple to avoid channel conflict with the Rainbow Unicorn line.

Miss Marple

As a commenter on Twitter said, this headline sounds like he's on his deathbed.

Miss Marple

Joe Scarborough Verified account

Latest Emerson tracking poll in SC GOP:

Trump 36%
Rubio 20%
Cruz 19%
Bush 10%
Kasich 10%
Carson 6%

Rick Ballard

Miss Marple,

He has been putting his affairs in order for a few weeks now so the 'final hours' bit is apropos. Just think of all the thank you cards he's going to write to the megabuck suckers supporters.

How can he be missed if he was never noticed?


If you're an Apple fan, avoid The Peoples Cube!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Infamous Vancouver house flips for $80,000 over asking.
It's almost as if 2008/09 never happened just south of their border.
It's rare to have a good comment at ZH so I'll quote it when there is one;

The new owners should keep that shack just as it is, except that they should hire landscapers to plant as many tulips in the front yard as possible.

As a sign of what comes next...

History rhymes.

Miss Marple


When Bush first got ready to declare and glommed up all that money from donors, I thought he had some sort of charissma and great campaign plan.

No. Even if his name were not Bush, he is a bad candidate.

Sort of sad, as I think people (and especially the family) expected a lot more.


Interesting article on the Iphone. I back mine up encrypted. Or that is what Itunes claims I am doing. It is a check box that you have to choose to enable encryption on the backed up data. They just enacted this feature with the advent of Applepay so your backed up data doesn't include your unencrypted passwords for your banking info.



I read the JEB situation differently.

I think the donor class are complete idiots. Everybody gets caught up in "conventional" wisdom and end up conned by their "friends".

Also don't think his family had high expectation, they had high hopes. They know what he is like.

BB Key

Will 404 attend the funeral of Harper Lee ?


That is why I dubbed him the medici, he's about ready to give the speech from waterfront, about being a contender. Meanwhile this world is a spinning gyre, of I recall my yeats.


Poor Harper Lee. I never believed for a second that she was capable of giving informed consent to publish that book. Her "guardian" arranged it all after her sister died, and is reaping the financial rewards.


I think all of Jeb's family knew he was a long shot
With so many strong candidates he just got lost in the shuffle.
Timing is everything as Christie learned


Its more than that, it turned a noble memory, into something tawdry and sordid.


I am understanding you better everyday

Miss Marple


I don't really disagree with you. I think the donor class thinks they are a lot smarter than they are.

And I think Jeb was persuaded to run by his mother and a bunch of people in the donor class.

They should have left him alone.


They though they could steamroll the whole field like Romney did in 2012, with money and the 'full firepower' of the commentariat.


Firepower meaning the press wanted to choose the R candidate. Again.


The press and the GOPe, of course.


Yes in part, now we're in full chaos theory, so who knows what will happen. There was a snippet from a trump appearance that seemed to alude to the apochryphal way pershing dealt with the juramentados.

Miss Marple

Jeb stepping into the campaign was partly because both Jeb and the donors did not realize the level of anger out here in the real world.

To them. it was simply of amassing enough money, having a respected family name, and pointing out his record in Florida. They were so convinced he would be a shoe-in that Jeb didn't really prepare.

Now we have a situation where he has brought his brother out and left him open to attacks. his family looks like they are thinking they are entitled, and the grass roots is enraged.


Well, look at the bright side - not so long ago we all feared that the GOPe was going to be powerful enough to anoint him as per the usual way of things.

It ain't your grandfather's election, that's for sure.


No Jeb. Trump instead. Good Lord. Guess he's better than the commies the other party are offering. Wish I could believe it.


If Jeb had spent his mega millions attacking the Dems and BOzo, I'd appreciate his vanity run. But after spending those vast sums demonizing and diminishing his R rivals, I have no sympathy or respect for him or the Bush clan.


Hear, hear, Deb!


That's why we miss Carly, but will never miss Jeb.

Please leave Jeb.
Please leave Kasich.
Please leave Carson.

Good men, but not the right men for now.

Rick Ballard

Organ grinders have living proof that a halfwit demagogue with a cheap slogan AND MFM BACKING can be placed in the Oval Office with superior analytics coupled with a good grasp of the use of social media. Romney and Bush are living proof high intelligence uncoupled from acute observation of the current environment is no ward against a very gullible and credulous electorate and McCain is proof that a lack of intelligence isn't any help either. Red Witch is currently riding in McCain's old short bus and Comrade Sanders is getting decent help from the Dem organ grinders who are keeping their hand in at social media manipulation but I have sincere doubts as to whether he actually understands what is happening in most moments.

Crubio are doing fine, Kasich is sitting on the bench and Trump will bloviate, bluster and bull shit onwards as long as his sycophants will tolerate him demonstrating the complete contempt in which he holds them. Until the media saws his stubby legs off, of course.


But enough about the razorback, who is the inspiration for Frank Underwood. Maverick well he took a dive at the bottom of the ninth inning.


I just pray that after tomorrow no one can say these two words about Jeb's campaign.


Its just a flesh wound.

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