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February 17, 2016



Tom-- how is the skiing?


First...and depressed.

jimmyk on iPhone

"Iran made some murmurs of cooperation with Saudi Arabia on an oil out freeze."

And this is good news (for anyone but oil companies)?


Abandon hope all ye who click on TM's link.

Thomas Collins

So this is the gambling and odds thread. Let's take a look at Above the Law's odds for SCOTUS nominees.


The most interesting one for me is Sandra Day O'Connor.


Dead cats do bounce.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Still trying to figure out how freezing oil production at levels that have the industry suggesting they may need to start filling swimming pols with the stuff in order to store the glut is bullish for oil prices.


On oil, the British Gatwick field is flowing at higher rates than anticipated. The Gatwick Gusher as named by the Brit press.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hillary will never be president.
You can bet on it.


Because nothing says a moderate choice like someone who joined the Rockefeeler Foundation as soon as she left scotus.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

It's different this time for sure;

Wang Shi [China's biggest RE developer] seems unconcerned.

"In the west, if a city faces financial difficulties, it'll go bankrupt. But in China, cities will be subsidised by the Ministry of Finance. So some small- and medium-sized cities aren't worried about going bankrupt. They figure the central government will help them out.



is some reading material before OL's cocktail hour commences on the ledge.


Ig@1:35-- I would expect a real estate developer to say nothing else.... publicly. Whaddaya think OL?

Rick Ballard

"Dead cats do bounce."


Then the central planners/bankers blast 'em with the NIRP gun to keep them in the air.

Why shouldn't we have WalkingDead markets to match our WalkingDead economy? How much data does the Fed have to gruber up in order to convince you the zombie apocalypse is just what we need?


yes, as long as the dragon is hibernating, not much will happen,


Sure Rick, one soma shipments start arriving I'm good with that.


I think we're dealing in zeromatter, the ur element that absorbs everything it touches,

the abacus are working overtime moving those beads this way and that,


these are the same rocket surgeon who thought the 'extraordinary opportunities in the international debt market' were a smart play,


there is such a thing as too much frankness,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hasbro goes all Federal Reserve on us and comes out with a cashless Monopoly wherein our every transaction is monitored.
I'm taking the little guy with the 'stache hostage and will only accept bitcoins as ransom.
I'll need a get out of jail free card when I dump his corpse behind that seedy hotel on Baltic if Janet doesn't pay up.

Thomas Collins

That's what makes her an intriguing choice for Obama, rse. She'd vote mostly the way Obama would like, and she would give the Dems quite a club to use over the GOP if not confirmed (GOP is so radical they won't even confirm a former well-respected SCOTUS Justice). She's 85, but she could very well be leaving SCOTUS when a Dem arrives to replace a GOP Prez.




this was the original link


Old Lurker

RSE, I quickly scanned the 188 page Brookings Paper you linked at 1:38. But it seemed to obsess with how incomes and assets vary across a population, but it never explained why that is bad and therefore why government works so hard to make it less so.

To paraphrase Janet's famous "how hot is right" question, I must ask how much Gini Coefficient is OK?

Do not bring that trash to cocktails at 6pm. We will be doing bag-checks.


Is there a metal detector on The Ledge™? That is, if you're not packing heat you can't camp out there. Right? ;)


lyle, I'll bring a rack for the long arms




Rick Ballard


The truly amazing coincidence is how closely the distribution of income and assets across a population mimics the distribution of intelligence across a population.

Old Lurker

Right you are, Lyle.

But now that we are hoisting those turrets Iggy took off the Mighty Mo, we are finding that all of our metal detectors have been maxxed out.


Now we're talking, henry.

Just as well, Stephanie. Barry might break into a slow jam at Nino's funeral. Asshole, indeed.

Old Lurker

Funny how that works, Rick.

That might be why the Progs attacked families that have books and read them to their children are taking unfair advantage of the rest of them.

Miss Marple


Probably is afraid of cooties from being in the Basilica.

Miss Marple


Kerry meeting with Hollywood execs on ISIS.

Just look at that group in the picture. I am sure you feel like they will turn out something as good as "Why We Fight."


well vampires don't usually venture unless invited,
then again thatcher, chris kyle,


Dueling townhalls at 8 p.m. ET tonight - MSNBC's Joe and Mika with Trump and CNN's Anderson Cooper with Carson, Cruz, and Rubio. Same time tomorrow night, CNN/Cooper townhall with Trump, Bush, and Kasich.


would you believe a carlos slim less times was for senatorial obstruction, nearly 30 years ago,


Secretary of State John Kerry met with the heads of major studios on Tuesday to talk about how to counter the ISIS narrative

I wonder what someone like Kerry means by "counter the ISIS narrative"? Show exactly how evil ISIS is, or better promote the false narrative that ISIS isn't Islamic? The article didn't offer any explanation at all, from Kerry or any of the many Dem donor attendees.


basically it's going to be basil fawlty,

one recalls the interlude when the jayvee was buying supplies and they had ur conspiracist shane black, help the script for iron man 3


blind squirrel,



by that I mean

'don't speak of the war'


Clarice's pal, Lifson, at AT:

Already notorious for affecting a black accent when speaking to an African-American audience, and a day after barking like a dog, Hillary Clinton has once again (badly) imitated black speech patterns. Politico reporter Annie Karni tweeted a brief video of Hillary standing next to Al Sharpton and saying, “Mah lips ah sealed.”

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/02/hillary_imitates_black_accentagain.html#ixzz40SJHbHHA


not in any frank way like this,



I read that Colbert thing earlier on Newsbusters, had the impression that Colbert only spoke positively of Scalia because Scalia once charitably told Colbert how funny he'd been even though no one had laughed at his jokes.


In a typical prog thinking/mental state Sandra Day O'connor helped get W elected so I don't believe the left will ever go for that scenario, TC.


Market wisdom from our lurking friend:

Two words for the Neufred.


(Private Margins are still being called.)


they were betting on rate hike, how else would they end up overleveraged?

Thomas Collins

My favorite 5/19er has persuaded me that Sandra Day will be a no go!


5/19 ?

Thomas Collins

As much as I doubt Trumpster's qualifications to be POTUS, the fact that The Hill is still considered a serious candidate is a greater embarrassment. The support her candidacy has garnered shows that much of our country doesn't give a rat's petudie about our national security.


Thomas Collins

Stumped, narciso? Jeff, help out narciso.


because, squirrel,


Thomas Collins

I'll end the suspense, narciso. I share a birthday with glasater.


I'm the cryptic one, remember, don tomassino,



Kerry meets Hollywood types (not a lot of Bruthas there). I am sure present day Hollywood will extol traditional American values of pluralism and individual liberty, Just like in Mission to Moscow... wait!: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0036166/


Just imagine if this election boils down to Bernie v Trump. holy shit.


'dogs and cats living together, human sacrerifice,
mass hysteria,


IMO, Trump wins in a walk, then, Jane.


Jane, Bloomberg will save us from Big Gulps if that happens.

Dave (in MA)
Abandon hope all ye who click on TM's link.
On the positive side, the FBI raided the office of my state Senator today, so I have that going for me.

yes he would Lyle, God help us.


Trump, Bloomberg, Bernie if it came to that. Ever hear Mikey speak? He's so snarky he's even more obnoxious than Le Donald...... that's saying something.


Thanks, NK. I forgot to add those last three words.


his is a cultured snark, about the right people,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jeez, I spent half of last week poring over my FFL records to make sure every jot and tittle was in order and the ATF guy barely spent 10 seconds looking at them because I'm such a low volume guy.
Says he'll see me again in another ten years. :)


so it's like passport renewal, then?


Congrats Iggy. That (the prep) had to suck.

Old Lurker

That's good, Iggy. I will now leave the Western Union Store where I was standing by to wire your bail money. Back to the Ledge.


Great news, Ig!!

In email message from Rasmussen this AM they report that fully 51% of voters they polled support Zero's choice of a new justice..whomever that may be.


makes me concur with kent brockman, no not about our glorious ant overlords,


I'm such a low volume guy.

Nah. You just sell a highly-curated collection of free-range self-defense items for the discriminating buyer.


I was expecting to hear that your wonderful dog won him over, Ig...

Jeff Dobbs

Jeff, help out narciso.

Posted by: Thomas Collins | February 17, 2016 at 02:54 PM

I'll end the suspense, narciso. I share a birthday with glasater.

Posted by: Thomas Collins | February 17, 2016 at 03:03 PM



refreshing honesty, why didn't goose go along,


Miss Marple

Who convinced Jeb to the run?

A. Barbara Bush
B. Donors
C. Columba , who is tired of him moping about the house


Who said this re the Warren Court of the '60s?:

“The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. . . It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.”

He was a sure thing to the party "in crowd" as Romney came up short. The GOPe is still trying to sneak him past us.



D. The Blues Brothers


that's one's a gimme, zaphod himself,

Old Lurker

Too easy, Lyle.

Miss Marple


Pick me! Pick me!


James D

I think I despise Bloomberg even more than the current Dem candidates. I would sooner see the whole country burn in nuclear fire than see him in the White House.


Have to throw out an easy one every now and then. Anyway, I got that from this article which I very much recommend:


If only to read the transcript of Tom Coburn grilling Kagan in '10 on whether she herself believes in the Bill of Rights. I won't pose another quiz question on it before reading it. Two freebies in one day is a step too far...

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

My wonderful dog was locked in the bedroom because he wins people over that he hasn't met before by peeing on them.

James D

Ig, are you sure it's really a dog and not an especially hairy Occupy protester?

Old Lurker

Now who here would expect any less from a dog trained by Iggy? I mean, the stranger was a Federal Employee afterall.


In other news, if still I had an elderly grandma, I'd like her to look all elderly and grandmotherly like Tim Cook.

(I guess I could have waited and posted that during the late shift: JOM-At-Nite™) :)

Dave (in MA)

Does he prefer any particular color pantsuits as targets? https://vine.co/v/ivAAYMIqjdH


Anyone really think Obama could stomach a Roman Catholic funeral mass?

Yeah, me neither. The music alone would kill him. Plus Barack Hussein Obama II does not like being in places where he knows everyone hates him, and has managed to mostly avoid it most of his life.


Also this:


Sound like a guy who's confident of getting his nominee confirmed?


I think O is simply weighing the risks he might spontaneously burst into flames inside a Catholic church, Porch.


I figured close proximity to the cross might cause spontaneous combustion.


Damn Lyle, great minds..


If Obummer attends a Catholic Mass, the Church may convert the Mass to the Rite of Exorcism.



Fitting. I know no one is surprised that this cat is first in line for some of that sweet prog SkyDragon scam cash. For his people...

Thomas Collins

Uh-oh. Never get Jeff stoked up to go into his JOM database and then say never mind!

Dave (in MA)
On the positive side, the FBI raided the office of my state Senator today, so I have that going for me.
Even better, it was a joint FBI/IRS raid. Woo hoo!
Old Lurker

Bad as the IRS is...you never want them to show up with an FBI agent with them.


Dave, you magnificent bastard! You blockquoted your own comment! Well played, sir. :)


Just when I think the guy can't get any lower in my regard, he manages to do so. Pond scum. He shows his feral child past time and time again. It's clear nobody in his life cared enough about him to teach him the most basic of manners.

My guess:
Obama isn't going to that funeral because he wasn't invited to eulogize Scalia.
At Scalia's instruction, to guess again.

Porch is right: he couldn't last an hour and half at Mass, though the kindergarteners who were at the Mass l attended last Wednesday managed to do so.

Dave (in MA)

lyle, is that against JOM style guide guidelines?

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