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March 22, 2016


Dave (in MA)

Unless and until Milhous-Rodham trades the orange pantsuit for a one-piece, I'm going with the Apple helped the FBI on the down-low theory over some theory based on the FBI's competence and technical prowess .


The FBI figured out it was going to lose this case... it is regrouping to try to find another to set precedent with.

Frau Frankreischhhhhhh

I stand with Dave(inMA). It has come to my attention that nothing in the media can be taken at face value.


I think henry's on the mark here.

Thomas Collins

Any iPad Pro owners out there in JOMLand? I've resisted the temptations of the other newcomers and have kept to my beloved iPad Classic (that is, the original one). I like the weight and size of the Classic, but I understand the iPad Pro is a big one also.

As to unlocking iPhones, I have an Android, and I have no clue about whether it can be unlocked.


Most Androids cannot be locked.

Dave (in MA)

h/t Ace, Reuters is reporting that FARC communist rebel leaders were attending the baseball game along with the Big O.


is that so, this is a squirrel, because of the squashed haney inquiry into hizbu tahir,


Security related evacuation at Denver airport. Not clear on cause.

Frau Meine Herren!

"Wir schaffen das!"*
Frau Merkel's slogan is now being used by ISIS in Europe.

I'm waiting to hear what JiB's Belgian in-laws say. We haven't spoken with our German family but will before Easter.

*We'll take care of it/We can manage that

Frau Meine Herren!

"h/t Ace, Reuters is reporting that FARC communist rebel leaders were attending the baseball game along with the Big O."

Was Eric Holder in the American entourage?

Jack is Back!ll


Don't need no stinkin encryption when you have crates of "burner" prepaid phones which are a dime a dozen in Europe because of roaming charges for US visitors.


The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a blistering rebuke of the IRS today in Tea Party groups' suit against IRS targeting.

In closing, we echo the district court's observations about this case. The lawyers in the Department of Justice have a long and storied tradition of defending the nation's interests and enforcing its laws -- all of them, not just selective ones -- in a manner worthy of the Department's name. The conduct of the IRS's attorneys in the district court falls outside that tradition. We expect that the IRS will do better going forward. And we order that the IRS comply with the district court's discovery orders of April 1 and June 16, 2015 -- without redactions, and without further delay.

Dave (in MA)

A paycheck's a paycheck, I suppose.


The 1st episode is Joe six-pac vs Larry lunch pail


Dave, I think it would be perfect for her.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Leftists hang Trump in effigy and then decapitate him in Salt Lake City.


civility, how do you spell that.

Frau Meine Herren!

Neo, the speed with which the court got around to its "blistering rebuke" is not encouraging.


as for that report, give it four pinocchios,


the previous one, the latter is all too believable, as the huntress would tell you herself,

Charlie Martin

This is easy:

1. The FBI or more likely the NSA has a way to crack the phones and has all along.

2. If they used it for evidence, they'd have to reveal its existence, ie, sources and methods.

3. They tried to get Apple to do it and Apple fought.

4. Things didn't look good for winning against apple, and a decision against the FBI would be an unfortunate precedent.


5. They said "Never mind, we'll do it ourselves", revealing the existence of a method without its detgails, and avoiding the precedent.




we've seen ncis, mcgee can crack those things in two shakes,


record turnout in Az:http://www.12news.com/news/local/valley/maricopa-country-poll-lines-presidential-primary-places/96704015


I just realized why those Obama girls always look so miserable--they are as appalled by their father as I am.

The world burns, and he's at a baseball game in Cuba.

Miss Marple 2

Clinton has added a late speech at Stanford University "focusing on steady leadership post-Brussels" according to Fox, contrasting herself with Trump.

Steady leadership seems to have gotten us in quite a mess, if you ask me.

Miss Marple 2

Forgot to include that the speech is tomorrow.

Someone else will have to report on it. I used up my tolerance for her voice at the AIPAC appearance yesterday.


well speaking of said leadership,


JM Hanes

I'm voting for Charlie's theory. In re Item #3, I think the gov may originally have hoped to finagle a precedent setting ruling in their favor -- with a (wholly disingenuous) "it's just one phone" sales pitch. Turns out that the only person stupid enough to buy it that line was the judge who issued the original order. Comey sounded like an idiot when questioned about it by Congress.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If the co-author of the pullout from Iraq, the handing over of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood [temporarily, no thanks to her], the red-line Syrian follies coupled with the rise of the JV IS crowd, the reset-deer-in-the-headlights petrification re Ukraine and Crimea and the Libyan disaster featuring the Benghazi debacle thinks foreign policy is going to be her winning hand I've got a 3AM phone call to place.



Lord, she thinks we are all as moronic as the bulk of her supporters.

Captain Hate

Comey sounded like an idiot when questioned about it by Congress.

Anybody still have any faith in this dunce?

Miss Marple 2

I have little faith in anyone, Captain Hate. The efficient and responsible people have retired, been fired, or are being ignored.


inspektor dreyfus, got his job because of the vapors over the nsa, retroactively voiced, and the job he did with fitzapalooza,


and the irony of the former, is it happened right before an event like today, in madrid,


We do not have a coherent foreign policy
It is non existent
Hillary and Obama are responsible for the current mess
Hillary wants to continue failed policies
We cannot allow her to do so

JM Hanes

Captain Hate:

I don't think Comey would ever allow himself to go down in history as the man who derailed Clinton's campaign. If he were investigating Trump, however, I can easily imagine him persuading himself that indicting The Donald was the right thing to do.

Captain Hate

The world burns, and he's at a baseball game in Cuba.

As if some 31 dead people were going to interfere with another opportunity to give the middle finger to the country. Can you imagine having a classless mentally ill clown like Zippy for a father?

Captain Hate

Bang spot on, JMH.


right on the money, jmh,


Nail on the head, JMH

Miss Marple 2

I thought this was so appropriate, given Obama's speech. Right click for the end.


when they need information they get it, by hook or by crook,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Our current foreign policy is perfectly coherent, maryrose.

Pay lip service to our allies while slyly diminishing the relationship and distancing ourselves from them.

Engage our second tier enemies and occasionally criticize them, but be certain they are stronger and more legitimate after the engagement.

Fear and retreat from our first tier enemies.

Jaw, jaw grand strategy with smart ass, know it all platitudes [ie don't do stupid shit] which in fact serve as a mask for the withdrawal of any real US grand strategy because we are not a force for good in the world or are simply one power among many.


who am I to quibble with eighteen credits,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

CityJournal on the Finnish experiment with the negative income tax, AKA a guaranteed income.
It is supposed to replace the vast majority of welfare programs and their attendant bureaucracies.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Noted Luddite Theodore Dalrymple doesn't understand the purpose of art is to celebrate ugliness.


Here's another take on Obama in Cuba--have at it:https://pjmedia.com/ronradosh/2016/03/22/obama-confounds-critics-and-surprises-raul-castro-with-his-strong-defense-of-democracy-in-communist-cuba/

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

David french says sue the leftist groups who are blocking roads and assaulting people into penury.

Hmmm, sounds like a good idea. Where have I heard it before?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

See the third paragraph of my 7:46, clarice.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hillary’s Really Bad Week No One Heard About Because Guess Who.

Presented for your perusal. Read into it what you will. :)


he overreaches on occasion,



yes, it's trump's fault that there has been enough vapor expended in the last week to send fulton to london and back, shirley

Miss Marple 2


I believe I have talked before about my daughter's major in fine arts, specifically, painting.

They destroyed her love of painting. I doubt she has done 3 works since she has been out of school (15 years) and except for a picture of my dog Maggie, which I begged her to do, she has only produced depressing mixed media collages with oil that convey despair.

The reason is because everything she produced at the art school was deemed "sentimental" and "mere illustrations", trashed by student criticism, and she was shoved into the modern art box.

Today, she works for an insurance company. I have a beautiful watercolor self-portrait she did, and she did a wonderful portrait of my nieces when they were small. But she doesn't consider those "art."

Anyway, such is what is being produced in art schools. And the graduates will be unable to sell their work, will curse the philistine customers, and live in penury due to their student loans.

Jack is Back!

So, the taxi driver got suspicious because his fares didn't want him to handle their bags? Which led him to tell the Politie that these guys where up to know good. Now that is Hercule(an) dot connecting.

I need my rest. Driving Mrs. JiB and Frederick to JFK tomorrow for flight to Schipol and onto Antwerp. Prayers, please.

Miss Marple 2

Prayers offered and will continue to be offered, Jack.

Miss Marple 2

Is anyone listening to this interview on O'Reilly with Ted Cruz?


I read all of your posted stuff, Iggy.
JiB--I wish them a safe trip and return home.


prayers for you jack,


From the last thread (I can't keep up):
Funny that AIPAC applauded Trump. But even then most will still vote straight line Democrat. Sheep to the slaughter.

Sorry I missed the Trump-Hillary-AIPAC discussion in the last thread--unlike most topics here, I know a little bit about this, having attended some events and knowing people heavily involved in the organization. I'm pretty sure that AIPAC is, relative to the Jewish population as a whole, a bit more evenly split between Republican and Democrat, Obama supporter and not (admittedly that's not saying a lot). That's because meaningful support for Israel is much higher among Republicans than Democrats.

But the organization itself is zealously non-partisan, and avoids any impression of critique or endorsement of candidates or of office-holders. AIPAC opposed Obama on the Iran deal, but they would never voice general approval or disapproval of Obama or anyone else as president. They really want the speeches to talk about policies, not individuals, as pro- or anti-Israel policies, especially when it comes to the President. Appealing to and from both sides of the aisle is their bread an butter and they zealously guard it. That's why they didn't like it (although apparently a lot of audience members did) when Trump said:

“With President Obama in his final year — yeah!” Trump cheered, to laughter and applause from the audience. “He may be the worst thing to ever happen to Israel, believe me, believe me. And you know it, and you know it better than anybody.”

So I think that's what that lady meant by "ad hominem." I suspect that they would have been equally upset if someone had spoken about a Republican President in those terms. Just not their MO. I often don't enjoy their gatherings for that reason. Hillary knew enough not to actually say in her speech, even tough it was obvious to whom she was referring.

I'm not defending AIPAC in general (I'm not a member), just trying to explain their MO. Now if someone digs up a partisan attack on W at an AIPAC meeting that they were just fine with, I'll concede that I was wrong.



Belgian teacher asks how he can teach when his class applauds this attack?


Thanks for the clarification, jimmyk


I'll add that I think Trump did hurt himself among AIPAC types with that "neutral" statement some time back, so that might explain some of the wariness toward him. Though I think a lot of it is the general bad press that Trump gets that makes publicly supporting hims sometimes uncomfortable, and trashing him sort of de rigueur among the smart set. I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt that by "neutral" he only meant "honest broker," but that's not what the term conveyed to most people.

Miss Marple 2


I appreciate that explanation. It is so hard to understand the ins and outs of organizations that I have no experience with, which is the boat I am in regarding AIPAC.


MM - a similar thing happened to my son. He prepared all throughout high school to major in Architecture. His freshman year he was given the assignment to design something you consider beautiful using only natural elements. He spent days designing a replica of the 18th hole of Pebble Beach golf course (he was also on the golf team). He bought all sorts of natural colored mosses and things and I thought it was great - he got a C. A fellow student turned in a stick and a leaf - he tied the leaf to the stick with a piece of jute - he got an A.

My son transferred into Industrial Design and is now in grad school. They only rewarded far out-there design. He liked more traditional, historic architecture. The professors only liked modern - bold, colorless, and cold.

It seems the universities intentionally try to stamp out any appreciation for what has been considered beautiful for generations. They actually penalize students who do not see the world through those same eyes.


yes, sloppy speaking has been one of the dagg ers, he has delivered to his enemies, who still have the skill of vizzini in striking him, or at least prince rugrin,

Miss Marple 2


Prediction: this will infuriate even more people, coming right after the terror attack in Brussels.


Thanks, jimmyk.


I see in the daily photos that grandmother is along with the group in Cuba. I remember 8 years ago the story was that she was along to "babysit". Are they sticking to the story now that the girls are making college plans?

How much have we spent jet-setting her all over the world? Do other presidents take their m-i-ls on every single trip? I honestly don't know - maybe some have and I've not noticed.

Isn't this her peeking behind Malia? (may require a right click to see)

some text


The universities are evermore worthless outside the sciences.

There is a traditionalist art school in NYC - The New York Academy of Art:



and the black knight school of strategy


a reminder they kept me out, despite I imagine good scores on the foreign service exam,


Abuela is along for the glitzy ride, Momto2. Watch her get dumped into some gated community as soon as the WH staff is no longer at her beck and call.


Narciso, that tweet could be Kasich talking about his campaign prospects. What is in the beltway water supply these days?


Thanks for that very relevant Theodore Dalrymple link, Iggy. I love that guy.


well he's a psychologist by training, which is a decent template to understand this idiocy,


mike in houston



Gender Ideology Harms Children
The American College of Pediatricians


some more of red queen's sterling leadership choices,


Miss Marple 2


I heard that guy this morning. Definitely a gift due to donations, although I wonder if Obama got him the job.


I tuned him out, he got his job through bundling, and insinuations against the huntress, I would say the latter,


17 minutes until Az polls start coming in.

Miss Marple 2

Classy Romney strikes again:

Alex Moe ‏@AlexNBCNews 1h1 hour ago

Romney at NRCC dinner went on to say Donald Trump's wives are foreign and there really are some jobs Americans just won't do, per attendee
173 retweets 129 likes


Romney edging up to Carter as most mean-spirited loser.


so if nate falls in the woods and no one saw,


Texas Liberty Gal

MM-In Romney's defense I'm sure it was meant as a joke-and as far as being classless I'm sure you can find many more classless things Trump has said. Lying Cruz comes to mind.

Miss Marple 2

Oh, Texas Liberty Gal, I can find quite a few classless things Cruz has done.

1. Using his statement about the terrorist attack in Brussels to attack Trump.
2. Misrepresenting Trump's position on NATO (rethinking it) as wanting to withdraw from it. (Trump's speech is on line and can be checked.)
3. Dragging that imbecile Beck around with him and letting him make statements inferring that peole who don't vote for Cruz aren't Christian.
4. Making that "New York values" comment, dividing the country further.

I think that's enough. Mrs. Trump is NOT a candidate and this was a low-class comment. As far as "Lyin' Ted", the shoe fits.

Miss Marple 2

I am going to bed. I find I am short-tempered these days.



so the greaney tome, posits a scenario where someone like brennan, although the details are more like karzai's sherpa, has been manipulated by saudi intelligence, for the better part of a decade,

Texas Liberty Gal

This is funny too - Mitt on Trump at NRCC dinner on whether he's actually a Mormon: "He could have just asked my wives."

Lol~ Some peope here need to ligthen up!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I guess I'm a bit of an old fashioned Cruz supporter because calling a political opponent you're actually running against a liar is a hell of a lot more classy than some dumbshit loser who could barely bring himself to even criticize a gangly little popcorn fart like Barry and who isn't even running for pres making tasteless jokes about some guys wives.
Mittens has lowered himself to the level of the scum making fun of his wife.


TLG, granted Trump can be crude, and if a comedian said it in a stand-up routine I'd say it's a funny line, but it's not appropriate for the last R nominee to say about the current R front-runner.


And that second one by Mitt is better because it's sort of self-deprecating.


what makes it not so funny, is it's also the subtext of wile e coyote's I mean liz mair's superpac,


Iggy - I am sad to see the Mitt who I believed to be a sweet family man, making pancakes for his large family on Saturday mornings, turn into this vindictive, sore-loser man.

Dave (in MA)

Couldn't think of a good caption.

Dave (in MA)

Too large - click on it


sort of the livingstone of the zeitgeist,



Dave, somehow this subsequent line comes to mind:

"And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart."

JM Hanes

A few additional angles on the Apple case.

Apple wasn't 'flouting' iPhone order, judge says. Loved this bit:

[P]rosecutor Tracy Wilkison and Apple attorney Ted Boutrous still sparred… after Boutrous said the government had accused the company of defying its legal obligations.

“I can't exaggerate to you how – the perception, some of which I think has been reinforced by the government in their brief, that the company has been somehow doing something wrong,” Boutrous said.

“The government has really only been interested in trying to get into this phone and has done all of its filings and all of its work here in an effort to get into this phone and not saying anything nefarious about Apple,” Wilkison insisted.

Boutrous then cited a point in the government’s brief that says: “Apple’s rhetoric is not only false, but is corrosive of the very institutions that are best able to safeguard our liberty and our rights.”

And this:
[Magistrate Judge] Pym ultimately said she “was not going to take sides,” but quickly added that she believes the legal filings from both Apple and the DOJ have included language intended more for public consumption — and, potentially, congressional lawmakers — than for the court.
Ya think?

Poor timing, scrambled strategy mar Feds’ fight with Apple

In addition to describing The DoJ’s screwed up strategy, the article reiterates this point a number of times:

Still, Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels could increase public support for an argument that Comey and other law enforcement leaders have made for months — namely, that they need more power to obtain digital communications.
Oddly enough, I think Justice made precisely that kind of assumption with regard to San Bernardino, and essentially created a case for expanding their power to demand corporate cooperation on decryption in an attempt to take advantage of the timing.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

And God created pansy.

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