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March 04, 2016




common man

First once again


First always


A Trump-Webb ticket would lead to at least one homicide.


Hillary talking in MI spoke of 'clawing' back $'s from tax breaks to companies they've received in recent years.

She's really going #BLM..who demand 'whitey' give up something..


well I've had a dislike for Webb since Iran Contra, that has come and gone,


mckinsey men, stand for little,


Glasater. Do you remember an old joke, where Time Magazine asked the Pope if he would ever have sex with a woman???
The Pope said, yes, under 3 conditions.
First she must be blind, so she cannot see.
Second she must be deaf so she cannot hear.
Third she must have big tits.

I'm voting for Trump under one condition. He is running against Rodham, Biden,Warren or Sanders.

Rick Ballard

Do Golden Marmosets grow to the size necessary to provide a single skin hairpiece for Webb?


Is this the new center lane?

Jo Anne moretti ‎‎@JoAnneMoretti

Glenn Beck: If I Got Close Enough To Trump, ‘The Stabbing Just Wouldn’t Stop’ [AUDIO http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/04/glenn-beck-if-i-got-close-enough-to-trump-the-stabbing-just-wouldnt-stop-audio/#ixzz41xbRGZ4Z … Way Too Far! @realDonaldTrump

1:31 PM - 4 Mar 2016


The Pope said, yes, under 3 conditions.

That was "Father Guido Sarducci" back in the day.


The Daily News says Trump is anti-science. It has to do with finger size. Click at own risk.

Old Lurker

As I was saying on the other thread about technology impacting jobs, little did I know that Fox would have a story that actually will have an impact me on my own leasing decisions in my shopping centers (since I have stores rented to some of the independent operators mentioned):


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Only relative finger size, as in;
Index finger shorter than ring finger = the chicks are back, pass the word, the chicks are back*.
Index finger longer than ring finger = lonely days and lonely nights.

* That's from a commericial from my youth. Maybe the airline PSA or some booze commerical. Anyone remember it?



When the national political debate gets to size, the subject ought to be "government" or "the military". Only on planet Donald does the subject drift off to the stuff of blues tunes and Adam Sandler.


my index fingers are shorter than my ring fingers, what does that mean?


guitar chords would be difficult.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That means Mrs NK appreciates you for more than just your mind.

Rick Ballard

It's twue, it's twue!!!


well of course it's true..... "like a french bread.*

* H/T Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Anonymous source says Clinton server shows no sign of foreign hacking.
I have complete confidence in that story. COM-plete.


Putin/PRC/NorKs ddn't leave a note saying: "you've been hacked."

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Whole Foods Sells Peeled Oranges In Plastic Containers, World Revolts.

I would rephrase that World is Revolting because it sounds like a perfectly good idea to me.
Buying an orange is a crap shoot and removing the peel goes along way toward eliminating the stinkers.
Whole Foods of course wholly capitulated to the revolting world in short order.


it would be in the BIOS wouldn't it, presence of hackery,

Old Lurker

I saw, I think it was Mike Hayden, on TV last week say, when asked if he assumed there was foreign government hacking of the Clinton Server, that he would be shocked if it was not, and he would lose respect for a number of state intelligence agencies if they had not done so. He then said "that is what we do!"


for that kind of hack, it could be in the router, just send everything somewhere else as well. Won't find it on the PC itself.


No signs of hacking, eh? It's either pure BS or the people looking into this are fooling themselves on the sophistication of the folks they're dealing with here.


it's politico, the repository of lerner's crocodile tears,

Old Lurker

Besides, "hacking" - a technical term implying some sort high level wizardy and magic like on TV - might not even have been necessary since I'll bet the password security and access was so sloppy that a half decent spy could have just walked in through the front door, looked at the post-it notes on the monitor, then signed in as an actual user.



OL- just get a gal spy to give a bj to BJ and you'll have all passwords and be you in like Flynn to the emails.

Old Lurker

Either that, NK, or plant some gals in a gay bar to collect Hillary's friends.

Same result.

Remember, that server was not just servicing the Secretary and her close personal senior staff, it was wide open to Bill and Chelsea and their staffs and all those people at the CCF Foundation.


Thanks, Gus!!! :-)

I've acquired a new duplicate bridge partner who absolutely love the jokes that are going around and will send that one to her.


That Clinton.com server leaked like a sieve ... was skank with STDs.


Hillary's password was "password".

Webb & Trump is a true Looney Tune ticket. Then again, this campaign is a Looney Tune campaign.

I would, in fact, rather vote for the rabbit than Trump. Far more common sense.

So if you could describe each candidate as a Looney Tune character, which ones would they be?


matt: shhhhhhh

the FBI has to get a subpoena to learn that.


my index fingers are shorter than my ring fingers, what does that mean?

It means you are probably a male. Also this:



jimmyk-- I much preferred Ig's explanation.

Frau Lefarge

That was "Father Guido Sarducci" back in the day."

Another reason to make America great again, DrJ.


the link 'science; works for me.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Yeah, what's wrong with a little objectification.

Gotta go cut a couple of dead trees down, and no that has no sexual connotations whatsoever.
If it does to you, seek help.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Come on

Frau Lefarge

off, danged italics

Frau Lefarge



I'd always heard that for guys it was a 'thumb' thing..


C'mon, Ig, are you rejecting your lumbersexuality?

Frau Lefarge

"Fire in the hole!"
DC is not big enough for the combined egos of a Trump/Webb administration.



A couple that Mrs. Buckeye and I hang out with are dangling a Euro get away under our nose.

He is an Ag Econ prof at The Ahia State U, and about every year does a Int'l guest teaching stint (Fullbright). He is doing one at U of Bergamo and we are being pressured to go with them late spring.

He is being supplied a 2 bedroom apt. in a 13th century winery (still operating), so accommodations already set.

Thinking I might just have to cave. A side trip to Slovenia is planned.

Question. Any sites in Milan that are must see? Anybody been to Slovenia?

After all these recent glimpses of Melania Trump, I think that might be the highlight of the trip, assuming Mrs. Buckeye doesn't pay close attention to me;)


Milan-- spend a long weekend in Como, 1 hr train ride, take a hotel room in Cernobbio, 10 min ferry to Como Town, much less congested. One of my favorite vacas evah.


Milan Cathedral roof is spectacular; the Last Supper is haunting.


Thanks NK


La Scala of course.


Milan hosts a Worlds Fair this year IIRC.


So they are claiming ROdhams server was not hacked.

That's like drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels, driving home with the kids in the car, and making it home safely.

I didn't crash, and no cops saw me. No problem.

Old Lurker

You are too kind, GUS.

They want you to think that but they cannot possibly know that with the certainty implied.

It's more like "I don't see a body on the windshield so it is all good."


Only on planet Donald does the subject drift off to the stuff of blues tunes and Adam Sandler.

Spy magazine started calling Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian" nearly 30 years ago. Nothing new under the sun, I guess.

Dave (in MA)
C'mon, Ig, are you rejecting your lumbersexuality?
Several years ago my wife was working in an office that had a lunch room overlooking a highway rest area, and they had to call the cops on a pants-less motorist who stopped to, um, engage in a romantic relationship with [language sanitized for Lent] a tree.

SPY Magazine..... brings back the 80s.

Dave (in MA)

Running mate pre-screening hand size check photo


Does HuffPo know that mandarin orange slices have been sold in cans for at least three quarters of a century?

Charley Chode

My fingers may be short but they have a diameter like a tuna can.


Voting for James D.’s book is my therapy for today.


Saw a note. Don’t know where it came from. All it said was:

“Entrappings of power”

What a delightfully accurate phrase describing the political class.

Jim Miller

Here's the Spy story:

"Like so many bullies, Trump has skin of gossamer. He thinks nothing of saying the most hurtful thing about someone else, but when he hears a whisper that runs counter to his own vainglorious self-image, he coils like a caged ferret. Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.” Which I can only assume gave him fits."

If Graydon Carter is telling the truth, and on this he probably is, the person who has been keeping that story alive is -- Donald Trump.

Jeff Dobbs

Spy magazine started calling Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian" nearly 30 years ago. Nothing new under the sun, I guess.

And in true, classic Trump form - he did a riff on Rubio at a rally today saying, "I've never been criticized about the size of my hands before."

38 second mark here....


...that's just our Trump.

Jack is Back!


Use to travel to Slovenia on business bsck in the pre-split days when it was part of Yugoslavia but with Croatia the progressive, more democratic states. Ljubjlana is worth a day at most just to walk up to the castle and sample the local places along the way. Lots of positive changes most likely since I have been there.

But outside the city, you must go to Lake Bled, Lupica (the home of the Lippizan horse) and Kranjska Gora for the Alpine views. The Julian Alps are spectacular and mountain climbing is the national sport of Slovenia. Well worth the visit.


Thanks Jack


I read that Graydon Carter piece earlier. Trump and Carter are sending actual letters back and forth "by return mail"? What century is it?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The problem with the Spy/Graydon Carter story is, as repulsive as Trump is, most right thinking people are more thoroughly repulsed by the almost impossibly foppish Vanity Fair dandy.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Put a penis, testes and an aged Bozo the Clown wig on Anna Wintour and, voila!

Graydon Carter.


I grew up (professionally anyway) in the 80s reading things like SPY/GQ/Vanity Fair/New York Mag/New Yorker telling tales about Trump's spats with all of the other NYC poseurs.... and Trump supporters here wonder why I detest Trump?


Ig@5:38-- Graydon? hold the penis (wait that didn't come out right) a) he doesn't have one, and b) Wintour doesn't need a second.


This woman may want a word with Pope Frank about the 'good' coming from the Arab invasion: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3476920/Businesswoman-records-warning-women-having-handbag-snatched-breasts-groped-fighting-carjacker-three-attacks-non-Austrians-trip-Vienna.html

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Actual academic abstract;
Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research.

Glaciers are key icons of climate change and global environmental change. However, the relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge – remain understudied. This paper thus proposes a feminist glaciology framework with four key components: 1) knowledge producers; (2) gendered science and knowledge; (3) systems of scientific domination; and (4) alternative representations of glaciers. Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki


Jack is Back!

OT: But a damn interesting story I was never aware of and quite fascinating when you think about it. Feel free to read at your convenience or leisure. Not trying to start a discussion but you could win a trivia contest knowing this:)


The Rabbi of Rome Converts to Catholicism after WW2.

new lurker

NK, Our youngest daughter moved to NY (where she still lives) in 1999. One of her friends from Atlanta--an innocent, beautiful girl moved to the City about that time, and Graydon Carter "took her under his wing" and made her his assistant. Lots of perks and lots of beautiful people parties. Surprisingly, the innocent girl remained lovely and innocent and seemed to enjoy NY and Graydon. It was amazing to me, as the young girl seemed not at all the type Graydon would choose as his assistant. And, no, there was no "hanky-panky."


new lurker. glad to hear NYC treated the young lady well! I am not surprised, Graydon's rep (I never met him, I don't travel in those circles) is that he is a eunuch. (see my 5:41)


NK, I read all that stuff too, and thought it amusing at the time (I was also in college and found a lot of stupid things to be insightful and funny). But that was when Reagan was President. Times have changed. We're at war and the left is winning. I no longer have the luxury or time to care about aesthetics.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

US Carrier Group Sails Through South China Sea.



Mental health break from all the campaign talk - eagle's nest cam -
one baby hatched, one egg is pipping, right now both parents in the nest and there is snow!


Well on the eagle cam there is one campaign tie-in - they are currently ripping apart some bloody animal and eating it!

new lurker

Well, NK, he certainly looks like a eunuch.


Porch-- OK, but we also don't have the luxury of or time for Trump as Kardashian POTUS.


South China Sea dangers. Yankee Station isn't what it was 50 years ago.


NK, I certainly do, if Hillary is the alternative. Too late for niceties now. And definitely too late to listen to the and adolescent giggling of effete diBlasio voters in what's left of the NY publishing industry.

new lurker

It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I think Cruz--whom I voted for--is gaining some traction. Whether or not the GOPe will permit that is uncertain. I guess they are now for Kaisch and a brokered convention. Pitiful. Oh and I really dislike intensely Romney.


"Trump as Kardashian POTUS"

The publication you mentioned probably didn't much care for Reagan, GWB or Palin.

I would be very surprised if Kim Kardashian could create the empire DT has. The Trump competence scorn seems to conflict with basic reality.

Unlike most politicians he apparently actually hires, fires, and gets things done while making money. As an engineer it's hard to square the scorn with objective measures of accomplishment.

Understanding why many despise DT is easy. After the last 3 presidents who wants another hated man in the white house?

But the idea that Trump is an incompetent moron lacks a certain degree of credibility.

Not trying to be provocative, you're certainly not without company.


Graydon or GAY DON....ALD... coincidence?

I remember Henry coming to see my band play and after it was "all over", I asked him what he liked best. Heh heh He said. GUS, it was your LONG LONG fingers.

Actually, I think he said "Hard Days Night"

Sandy Daze

Webb The Red
Is dead
To me.


Kardashians are not morons; they are shameless, manipulative, vulgar celebrity money makers. Hence the analogy.

Rick Ballard

new lurker,

Limbaugh said today that Cruz won hands down last night and displayed an IQ edge of 85 points over the others.

It makes me wonder which breed of horse provided the head he found in his bed this morning.

Sandy Daze

Jim Webb, successful man; Naval Academy graduate, combat warrior, lawyer, SecNav, principled departee' from government during the Reagan Administration, Pulitzer winning author, script writer, author, inter alia, of "Born Fighting." A man in search of a mission, decides to run for and wins the confidence and trust of constituents, a position as a Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

As a Senator and more importantly as a United States MARINE, positions considered to among the most exclusive "clubs" in the world, he was similar to many of his constituents whom, like myself and perhaps some reading this comment, took a durable oath to

"solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

We, his constituents, looked to his candidacy and eventual election as Senator for the Great Commonwealth of Virginia as an opportunity for a man of distinguished performance and renown character to bring a sense of civility, maturity and intellect to the Senate.

Alas, we were all too stunned with his lock-step support for the administration that has proven itself to be the furthest to the left, most socialist, and anti-American administration of all time.

Indeed, on any one of a significant number of votes, Jim Webb could have stood in the breech, defending the honor and integrity of the American Way Of Life. Like so many of his forebears, he could have recalled that he was born fighting and would likely (metaphorically) die fighting, but at least he would be remembered as fighting for America.

As it is, he will likely be remembered as a lackluster one-term senator from Virginia, who accomplished nothing of substance during his six years in the Senate.

His service in the Senate, probably the last time he will be in government, will be that for which he will most remembered. Some will hold the view that he was a traitor to the Constitution of the United States of America and to the ideals of the American Republic; I am not unsympathetic to that view. But, perhaps calling him a traitor is too unforgiving, given his previous service.

Thus, I will recall Webb as a disappointment of colossal proportions, of a magnitude perhaps only exceeded by his ego.


They have a lot more celebrity than DT. How many billions do they have?

Jeff Dobbs

Glaciers are key icons of climate change and global environmental change. However, the relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge – remain understudied.

It's about Hillary.


I see Jim Webb as a tragic figure. His Navy Cross citation awes someone like me. His towering ego is familiar to me. His midlife crises are all to predictable. Why he directed the populism he is authentic about for white working class families the way he did is unfathomable to me. Yes he detested the Bushies and GOPe and armchair neocons as poseurs who get the working classes killed, I get that, but to go in with Kerry, Hillgula and Reid. I am still shocked.


Webb-- at worst he was a traitor to principle and constituents, but never to the nation. He is a confused and tragic man. And yes he is in search of a mission. He needs to get good with God and his own soul IMO. I spent hours emailing with him for 2-3 years; we had swear fests about supporting Kerry. I will say this, he still detests Kerry, he despised the Bushies/Cheney/neocons even more.


porch: "We're at war and the left is winning. I no longer have the luxury or time to care about aesthetics"

NK: "OK, but we also don't have the luxury of or time for Trump as Kardashian POTUS ... [Kardashians] are shameless, manipulative, vulgar celebrity money makers"

Maybe all true, but those are aesthetics and we no longer have the luxury or time to care about aesthetics.



Did they get permission from that eagle to film him 24-7?

I too think Cruz is gaining traction. The Trump supporters appear to not have the intellect to understand how uninformed he truly is. I especially liked when he claimed he would order the military to commit war crimes - so of course they can be prosecuted by the next democrat president.

He's a narcissist as Jim Miller's post so clearly shows. Which means he is simply a bombastic Obama. Equally uninformed, and equally thin skinned.

This does ultimately reside in the hands of Congress, so I do dismiss your case with prejudice, sir," Bowman said.



Trump leads to Hilligula and that won't change between now and November. That ends discussion for me.


"Trump leads to Hilligula ... That ends discussion for me"

Okay. Not trying to change your mind or claim I know the future like you.

Kinda seems like that conclusion is the justification for a lot of things you and others write about DT that lack basis in reality.

So don't take it personally if some try to keep the discussion a little more down to earth.

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