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March 05, 2016



Yessiree--And now for some fun--the asurd Ohio R ballot

Texas Liberty Gal



*aBsurd*--coffee time..but I WAS first.

Texas Liberty Gal

😂 Nope not first

Jane on Ipad

What a beginning!


I prefer the "Marvin the Martian" watches.

Miss Marple

I had a Cinderella watch! The article jogged my memory!

Tom Bowler

The media is certainly doing their utmost to choose the Republican nominee, and they don't want it to be Cruz. Republicans might do better to go with closed primaries. Why let outsiders pick our candidates?

Tom Bowler

Jane, how are things in the Sunshine State?

Sam Nottingham

"Mr. Cruz wanted to describe it as Mickey Mouse"

Was Rafael referring to his future campaign? I guess we will see tonight. Most are closed primaries and according to Rafael, Trump has no chance in a closed primary. Cruz prefers not to attract voters outside of the Republican party. And it also appears he prefers not to attract many in it either.

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

"Republicans might do better to go with closed primaries. "

If the parties set the rules what would be a reason to allow open Primaries?

Jeff Dobbs

Well, now that we have Super Tuesday under out belt, what is today called?

Big Whoop Saturday?

KS, KY, LA and ME.

Let's see.....expectations.

Trump is expected to romp in KY and LA. Cruz has a serious shot in KS. And ME is way too unpredictable to predict - but with LePage endorsing Trump, most give him the edge. The polling has been sparse in these states with not much to go on there. What little polling there is supports the expectations above - but really can't reflect possible changes in momentum or other factors. True to his word, Rand Paul stayed out of the endorsement business.

Let's see......delegates.

Kanasas is awarding 40 delegates, Kentucky 45, Lousiana 47 and Maine 23. A total of 195 delegates, 8% of all delegates to be awarded in the primary process. By comparison, there have been 703 delegates awarded so far - 28% of the total. After today, 898 delegates will have been awarded, which will put us past 1/3 of the way to the finish line.

These are all proportional states.

In Kanasas and Maine, candidates have to reach 10% of the vote to be awarded delegates.

In Louisiana, they have to reach 20%

In Kentucky, 5%.

There is no ceiling in any of the states by which a candidate could walk away with a winner take all haul of delegates.

In Kanasas, Kentucky and Maine - congressional district delegates are awarded based upon the same threshold (if you don't win 20% in a congressional district in Kanasas, you dont get any delegates in that district, even if you are >20% at the state level. In Louisiana, there is no threshold at the congressional district level.

Let's see......exit polls.

Nope. No exit polls for these states today. We will have to wait for actual election returns before the media can call races. Decision Desk should have a great chance to shine (assuming they have lined up the necessary volunteers in all these states).

Centralcal on iPad

Thanks for the info, Jeff.


Here's some entertainment from The Daily Signal. Failed Oregon Obamacare insurer files class action suit seeking $5B. We was robbed!

“Health Republic did exactly what we were asked to do under the ACA [Affordable Care Act]: We designed and priced our plans for the market we hoped would materialize, not for the market we feared would materialize,” Bonder said in a prepared statement, the Portland Tribune reported. She added:

Like every health insurer in the post-ACA market, we knew the costs of this new population could be astronomical, but we couldn’t be sure until we learned who purchased our plans and analyzed their medical costs under the new ACA plans. Without the risk-sharing provisions in the ACA, especially [the] risk corridor, we, along with every other health insurer across the nation, would have been forced to think long and hard about how to proceed in these new uncharted waters created by the ACA. It is unconscionable for the government to default on their obligation to pay the risk corridor amounts owed in a timely manner.

Centralcal on iPad

That is a crazy ballot, Clarice. What do our Ohio JOMers think of it? Is it something they are used to and take for granted and that only seems confusing to us outsiders?

Tom Bowler

If the parties set the rules what would be a reason to allow open Primaries?

To make a show of being inclusive?

On the http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-presidential-primary-schedule-calendar/ page I counted 19 open Republican primaries and one "mixed." Oddly enough, my own Live Free or Die New Hampshire has the mixed primary which allows Democrats and Republicans to vote in the opposing primary. Go figure.

Tom Bowler

If the parties set the rules what would be a reason to allow open Primaries?

To make a show of being inclusive?

On the http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-presidential-primary-schedule-calendar/ page I counted 19 open Republican primaries and one "mixed." Oddly enough, my own Live Free or Die New Hampshire has the mixed primary which allows Democrats and Republicans to vote in the opposing primary. Go figure.

Tom Bowler

Sorry about the double post.

James D.

From the previous thread, Jeff posted:

Fit the candidates with shock collars for when they go over their time or start to interrupt the other candidate.

I volunteer to man the button that would shock them.

I've got a better idea. We could auction off the right to man the button. I bet we could make a significant dent in the national debt!

JM Hanes

"Unconscionable." What a quaint concept.






Last thread from Michael: w-o actly lrng shthd.

Let me see... i after the sh and ea after the second h?

daddy on iPad

Don't have access to google here in China on iPad, but might be worthwhile to see if this "Micky Mouse" outfit at the Times ever used the phrasing "Mickey Mouse outfit" in previous stories.

I can't imagine a Mickey Mouse outfit like the times wouldn't have.

Rick Ballard

Yahoo is going with Trump Under Oath to counterbalance the NYT on Cruz. His replies are as completely different than Clinton's under oath as the difference between 'recall' and 'remember'.

Jeff Dobbs

It's a movement.


In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”

“There’s nothing short of Trump shooting my daughter in the street and my grandchildren — there is nothing and nobody that’s going to dissuade me from voting for Trump,” Ms. Butler said.

James D.

Only 12 hours and the voting is over!


I think/hope the Aussies have given up, but there's still time for them to make a move. They only need 450 votes an hour to catch up, so if you have a chance, vote a few times to slam the door shut for good!

Centralcal on iPad

Poor Mrs. Butler. Twitter is having quite the heyday with her remarks.

Jeff Dobbs

More on today's voting...


Kansas caucuses close at 3pm.
Kentucky caucuses close at 4pm
Maine caucuses close at 7pm
Louisiana polls close at 8pm


Yes this a via fustercluck is likely do the top men Secretary of state, who I've related to the villain in lethal weapon 2.


WoW! So glad the Times is informing us of these *outrageous* lies about Mickey Mouse watches vs. Goofy watches!

Have they ever used the words "Lie" and "HC" in the same paragraph?


Are caucuses as well attended as primaries? I know I would be much less likely to show up if I had to publicly congregate with my candidate's group, instead of voting via a ballot in private.


Jeff --

I read somewhere that Louisiana may be a possible upset for Cruz. The thinking is that it is a closed primary, as Oklahoma was, and that Louisiana is close to Texas, as Oklahoma still is and that Trump did not perform as well as the polls indicated in Oklahoma and therefore the polls may not accurate in Louisiana either and since the polls have been taken the last debate and the anti Trump ads have happened and Mitt's speech too and this sentence has to stop someplace and I hope that that is soon.

Anyway, if Rafael can win in Louisiana it could be a harbinger.

Jeff Dobbs

Theo - one would think its proximity to Texas would give Cruz a chance - and the closed primary thing.

And while the polling has been wrong and Cruz may overperform/Trump underperform them - Gravis released one taken Friday showing Trump with a 17 point lead.

That may be too tall an order.


It seems to me the entire product category of merchandise featuring Mickey, Goofy, (the other) Donald, Porky, etc., is known as "Mickey Mouse gear." Not to mention the universal use of "Mickey Mouse"(like "Keystone Cops")to mean juvenile and disorganized. If this is the best the Times can do, Cruz must be some kind of paragon.


No Deb, caucuses are not as well attended. The secret ballot issue is one reason. But there are others as well. If you go to a caucus you have to stand around and wait for a while, listening to speeches or discussions or whatever; you cannot just zip in and out. Plus you have to go at an appointed time -- 7 pm -- or whatever. You cannot go, like you can to vote, at any time during a 12 hour (or whatever) window suits your convenience.

Jeff Dobbs

Are caucuses as well attended as primaries?

No, not even close.

Iowa had 190,348 caucus votes
South Carolina had 737,917 primary votes

Iowa's vote was 26% of that of South Carolina.

Iowa has a population of 3,107,126
South Carolina has a population of 4,832,482

Iowa's population is 64% that of South Carolina

In 2012, Iowa had 1,581,752 general election votes
South Carolina had 1,964,118

Iowa's vote was 81% of that of South Carolina

Iowa votes at a higher rate than South Carolina in general elections - but much, much lower in their caucus vs SC's primary

Jeff Dobbs

Plus you have to go at an appointed time -- 7 pm -- or whatever. You cannot go, like you can to vote, at any time during a 12 hour (or whatever) window suits your convenience.

Plus you can't "Early Caucus".


Jeff --

I give theory and you give facts.

It's like one of the slogans from my daughter's alma mater, the University of Chicago: "That's all well and good in practice....but how does it work in theory?"

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Let me say this for TK to save him the time;
Cruz may have a shot in LA because they already elected an anchor baby so why not a Canuck?


Just for clarity:

Disneyland Backwards Goofy Watch

This is one of the most popular collectible Disney watches of all time, and it's all the more special because it comes from Disneyland. This Goofy watch runs backwards. While there have been dozens of Backwards Goofy watches made over the decades and sold everywhere, this is the watch that has been sold only in Disneyland and Walt Disney World and comes in an amusing metal case in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Attractive gold tone bezel and leather wrist strap. Its a lightweight slimline watch that's suitable for both men and women. And isn't that a wonderful image of Goofy?

Jeff Dobbs

Rules are for the little people. And Donald is yuge people.


Donald Trump consulted with his campaign manager during the first commercial break at Thursday night's Republican debate, violating ground rules from Fox News stating that candidates would not be allowed to have contact with their campaigns, rival campaign sources told CNNMoney.

While that exchange was the clearest violation of debate rules to date, the sources said, it followed a pattern: At multiple debates, Trump has consulted with his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski backstage even though it was expressly forbidden by the networks.
Thursday night's debate in Detroit marked a new extreme, however, as Lewandowski went directly onto the stage to meet with Trump during the commercial break. As in previous debates, Fox News had explicitly informed the campaigns that candidates were not allowed to communicate with their campaign staff during commercial breaks, the sources said.

When Lewandowski was asked by Fox News staff to leave the stage, he refused to do so, according to a source at Fox News.


Cruz may have a shot in LA because they already elected an anchor baby so why not a Canuck?

Anchor babies are eligible for Governor.


Thanks, Theo and Jeff. Caucuses are inherently unfair to introverts, people who work evenings, germaphobes, and many others.


Ig --

I fear that Louisiana is more like Alabama than it is like Oklahoma. But maybe the closed primary and the recent negative stuff about Trump will have some effect.


Rubio is the only Catholic option. Shouldn't that help him in LA?


Now Fox is worried about the rules?


Here's the case that the "Goofy" watch comes in

How anyone could say this is a Mickey Mouse watch is beyond me.


Deb --

In THEORY, caucuses are supposed to put decisions in the hands of better informed and more dedicated citizens than primaries. Typically a LIV is not going to attend a caucus. In practice, caucuses are more of a test of organizational strength ("ground game") than anything else. Candidates with limited but enthusiastic support can do well in them too.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

What Mahon said.
"Mickey Mouse watch" is pretty close to a generic name for that kind of Disney paraphernalia. [full disclosure Mrs Iggy wore a MM watch all the time]

Moreover how does Mickey Mouse make for a more powerful image than Goofy?
Mickey is a prude who wears gloves, shorts and suspenders but Goofy was asking for it cuz he sashays around buck nekkid in public?
I'm guessing Cruz was more interested in avoiding some meal-worm-brained judge saying "Goofy watch? Her watch was goofy? What was so damned goofy about her watch, solicitor? Case dismissed!"


I understand the Warner Brothers will be coming out with a new cartoon hero, Trumpy. A bombastic mix of Foghorn Leghorn, Marvin the Martian and the Chickenhawk.

His nemesis will be Hillarity and her henchman Snavalopolous. She will be a combination of the evil octopus queen from the Little Mermaid, Ursula; Cruella deVille, and Drizella and Anastasia from Cinderella.

Think about the action figure gross!

Jeff Dobbs

Rubio is the only Catholic option. Shouldn't that help him in LA?

From the Friday Gravis poll in Louisiana:


Rick Ballard


Sounds a little too highbrow to me.


I agree with Ig. If you say she was wearing a "Goofy" watch and do not further elaborate, it might raise some confusion. If you say she was wearing "a watch with the Disney character Goofy on the face of it" you have wasted a whole lot of words on a minor point.

When writing a brief like this, you want both clarity and efficiency. (There are space limitations AND limitations on the patience of the readers.)

If you say she was wearing a Mickey Mouse watch you convey the essence clearly and in few words.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Week in Pictures; Peak Trump Edition.




He could have said she was wearing a Disney watch.


I don't know about that as far as the mind-set of "I'm above the rules" goes... I'm pretty much in the camp that IF you agreed to the rules you should abide by them.

But the idea that some of these debate set-ups are just that "Set-Ups" and the R's need to get tougher about what will be advantageous to THEM and not the dems - is worth considering. (As we discussed earlier today). Perhaps Trump's ability to challenge them will give an opening for all of the R's to have some backbone.

And just BTW - Have there ever been other candidates that bent the rules during commercial breaks? Really? No one - EVER? Why does Fox News think it necessary to report this?


Thanks, Theo. I want the candidates with limited support to be id'd and winnowed out as early as possible, which caucuses would seem to impede.

Jeff Dobbs

And just BTW - Have there ever been other candidates that bent the rules during commercial breaks? Really? No one - EVER? Why does Fox News think it necessary to report this?

I would ask you to go back and 1) see what the link is for the story; and 2) read the last sentence of the opening paragraph.


Thanks, Jeff. The info you have at your fingertips is astounding.

Jeff Dobbs

I have long, non-vulgarian fingers, Deb.

Miss Marple

Good news from my democrat sister! She hates all of the candidates on both sides.

She will still vote democrat, but she won't donate or even put a yard sign up. That means if the weather is bad or she has to go to work early, she will probably skip voting.


I think the caucuses also benefit the establishment GOPe candidates. Outsiders or newcomers may feel intimidated walking into a room full of seasoned Rubio (or any other candidate) supporters. Sort of like the new kid walking into the lunchroom full of students who've been around for years....

I've been to many precinct caucuses in Ga. (for delegate selection - not Super Tuesday) and I can attest to the fact that they do not take kindly to interlopers and people who may not vote the party line (whatever it may be at that time). It takes a certain type person to stick to their convictions.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hitler on Yes and prog rock in general.
Pretty funny.

Rick Ballard


Do you recall ever seeing a Tarrance Group poll being off wildly? The use of voting history as part of the LV screen does provide a much better respondent pool but I would sure like to see an early voter split.

Miss Marple


Jeff Dobbs

I was just reading that, Rick....interesting.

And yes - 400K early votes means Trump may have banked a sizable lead - assuming riding his momentum and voter enthusiasm early voters would skew toward him.

But polls in the mid-single digits give hope to Not-Trumpers as late deciders have tended to go Not-Trump.


OK I read the piece about double Republican primary voting in Ahia. I don't remember this from previous years, but then I can't remember what I had for dinner last night either.

Tomorrow Schwarzenegger will be in town for a rally with Kasich at the botanical gardens, nice high brow venue. Buckeyette said she is going. I ask if she had kicked Lyin' Ted to the curb. "No, but a bunch of my College Republicans friends that I haven't seen for ages will be there".

SVR ;)

Miss Marple


A great deal of the news we get from the campaigns is from Millennials.

Zeke Miller of TIME is 26!



We are in the beautiful weather phase of the year. I have my golf cart and my lanai, the people are nice (except a small group of whining 3 year old impersonators), so I think I like it. You guys should come visit.


Yes, I read the entire article and it seems to support my assertion that now the others may also challenge the rules. Why is that rule in there? If you agree to have moderators that are obviously against you and are trying to use "gotcha" tactics - shouldn't the candidates have access to things that might help them?

Isn't it just too bad that Mitt didn't have someone hand him a piece of paper that disproved Candy Crowley's lie in the middle of the debate? How might that have changed the outcome?

JM Hanes

Jane! Happy belated birthday! Almost sounds like you're living the Jane's Island life.


The other problem with Florida is that Rafael has put a lot of resources there. If there was a co-ordinated Stop Trump strategy, Cruz would stay out and give Rubio the best chance to beat Trump. But obviously Cruz thinks that if Rubio does not win Florida he is toast and it becomes a two person race. The obvious problem is that it will be easier for Trump to win against two guys trying to win as opposed to just one other aggressive candidate.

Is Florida winner take all?


Thanks to everyone for the tips on Slovenia. The whitewater rafting sounds interesting.

When Buckeye Jr. was in middle school, couple of other dads and I took 15 kids about 13 on a whitewater adventure on the New River in West by God.

Camped out the night before, then bussed to a livery on the river. Was a lot of fun. Also seemed like we spent the weekend herding cats.

I will definitely go rafting in Slovenia.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

After looking down the road I appeal to any of my friends here, or anywhere really, who are thinking of sitting out Nov or even voting for Hillary; stop and consider something you may not have for just a moment.

Even if you think Trump would govern as bad as Hillary would, consider all the fun you've had the last few months hating and being outraged and exercised over Trump's shenanigans and audacity. Consider all the bombastic ignorance you've had to demean and fret over, all the outlandish claims and asinine poses, the flamboyant claims, the comically imperious glares, the 180 degree turns in the course of one sentence. And, for good measure, consider the considerable and numerous charms of his consort.

Now, if you are still on the fence, stop and consider further. Consider four, perhaps eight years of the stolid, plodding, humorless Jiang Qing via Little Rock lording it over us.
Think of the sullen, grey East Berlin-like grime that would descend like an iron curtain across the entire country.
Think of the dull, endless, droning speeches, lit only by the occasional robot chicken cackle, tossed out in a vain attempt to convince us she is a living human being rather than, what she is, one of the legion of the undead risen up from her white washed sepulcher to bedevil us.

And of course you won't be able to swing an undead cat without hitting her turkey necked, walking priapism of a hubby, with the WC Field's nose and the trench coated flasher's charm exposing himself to the entire country just by getting out of bed every morning.

Would any living breathing human being with a functioning brain stem really pick the leaden blanket of death of the Castro brothers and Che over the corruption, crime, color and entertainment of Battista?

I stand with Patrick Henry; Forbid it Almighty God!

Miss Marple


A sterling cry indeed! LOL!

By the way, why is Theo calling Ted "Rafael?" I know that's Senator Cruz's given name but it seems like he is being a little sneering with using it, and Ted has gone by Ted for many years.


Think of making the woman who stood in front of 4 coffins after Benghazi and knowingly lied to the parents of those fine men slain in service to their country the next CiC.

She should be in prison for her disdain of US secrets. So many in the pundit class will discover their #Never Trump means no one in the future cares what they write or think.



Think of all the fun we would have trying to predict what Trump will do tomorrow. And the next day.

Worth the price of admission just for the entertainment value;)

Miss Marple

I still say that Melania is his secret weapon.


The charm of his consort certainly not lost on me.

Centralcal on iPad

Yesterday, someone posted a couple of short videos on Twitter (or possibly Facebook) that show Ted Cruz during the debate commercial breaks.

He leaves the stage and plays with his two daughters.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

On Caroline Glick's appraisal of what Hillary means for Israel and our foreign policy in general.


Ig --

You certainly have a way with words.

My fervent hope remains that we are not faced with the nightmare of a choice between Rodham and Trump. It is just premature to go into depth of which of the non suicide options we would take if that were the ballot in November.

Instead, I propose we expend our energies convincing our friends, where ever they may be, to do whatever it takes to have the Republican party nominate an actual Republican and as much of an actual conservative as possible, rather than a buffoonish carny barker with no fixed views on anything other than his own wonderfulness and neither the experience nor temperment to lead our great nation.


Amen Theo

Jeff Dobbs

Yes, I read the entire article and it seems to support my assertion

Sorry, my challenge was to your assertion that Fox thought it necessary to report this. The link was to CNN and the first paragraph made it clear that it was the other campaigns who were pushing the news out.

The other campaigns - who agreed to the same rules Trump did, and who Trump was trying to cheat (he wasn't cheating Fox by breaking the rules - he was cheating his opponents) - the other campaigns are crying foul.

If on the one hand we want candidates who will "stand up for themselves" and "push back against unfair treatment" - well then we certainly don't want Cruz and Rubio to stand silently by while Trump runs over them, do we? If they did that we could expect them to do that when faced with the Candy Crowley's of the world, couldn't we?

Of course, if we think that Trump has it locked up, then maybe we do want Cruz and Rubio to shut up, rollover, get out of the way, get in line, suck it up and go away.

I don't happen to be there yet.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I was spurred by considering things not from a policy perspective but just the squalidness of Hillary and the realization that every time I see her in her pear shaped pant suit she reminds me of the worst deadening, prosaic aspects of the Cultural Revolution and the Soviet bloc.
The humorless, dead, greyness of it all.


I'm fine with candidates getting advice during commercial breaks. I don't see why such a rule was in place to begin with, as it benefits Rubio and Cruz imo. Trump shouldn't have broken the rule he'd agreed to though.

Jeff Dobbs

Imagine what TM would change the JOM masthead to if Hillary became president.........


... Abandon hope all ye who enter here


Ig --

You are indeed a poet.

You make a good point too. Trump is too much excitement (not always of the good kind)without any real substance and Hillary is so mind deadingly dull it hurts to think about. And her substance, although it exists, is awful. They are sort of polar opposites.

I still think that a real Republican and a real conservative would beat her and would govern the country better than either of the current front runners. I still hold out hope for that and urge everyone to do what they can to bring it about.


Momma don't alllow no just one minute round here

Jeff Dobbs

I don't think advice at commercial break would benefit Rubio or Cruz at all. Rubio is the Miami Sound Bite Machine, so he's all programmed up and ready to go. The software runs itself. Cruz is Mr. All Time Champeen Ivy League Debator and Supreme Court Solicitor who wouldn't need advice from anyone else.


Buffoon or not, be careful how you get what you are wishing for Theo.

If the Trumpsters think he is getting ripped off in Cleveland it will get real ugly in a hurry.

These aren't kids with protest signs and a couple of rocks in their pocket, but middle aged old farts, some with a few loose screws, packing heat.


"I still hold out hope for that and urge everyone to do what they can to bring it about"

Ladies and germs ... that's what's known as:

the Theo-Nuclear Bomb


Exactly. The rule helps Cruz and Rubio, but hurts Trump. I don't see the merits of such a rule anyway.

Jeff Dobbs

Is Florida winner take all?

Most definitely.


"don't think advice at commercial break would benefit Rubio or Cruz at all"

That was Deb's point. They're wonks.

Trump is just an ego-maniac. It's not fair.


We don't care what momma don't allow ...

Gonna just one minute anyhow

Jeff Dobbs

That was Deb's point. They're wonks.

D'oh! Of course. My bad, Deb....I read too fast.

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