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March 09, 2016


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Most Transparently Hypocritical Administration Ever...

...as far as we know.


FIRST!!! if you include my super delagates.


lol ... had to read that twice GUS!


moar coffee.

Dave (in MA)

Comrade Bernie wants minors to vote for him in Ohio.


James D

GUS posted in the previous thread a horrifying article about the Army training recruits on "white priviledge".

I want a GOP candidate who will call this garbage out for what it is, condemn by name the racial arsonists who push it, and promise to root it out of the government by any means necessary when he's elected President.

I can't be the only one who feels that way.


the EPA would be another good choice (Dems protecting the kooks there) ...

the Department of Education would be another one (Dems protecting the kooks and wierdos there too)...

so much criminality so little time.


I just wanted to link Mr. T's tribute to Nancy Reagan one more time:



Now that Michigan is behind us, the media is descending on Ahia.

Buckeye Jr. just sent me a text letting me know that he ran into MSNBC at a local coffee shop doing interviews.

I suggested he avoid being interviewed and he responding "no worries, not going to feed that monster".

That's my boy!

Miss Marple 2

I still think you could run an effective commercial showing the actual money that goes to the FSA vs. the mount of money paid to SJW types in federal government and crony businesses.

Example: Section 8 Housing

Dumpy places which give inhabitants reduced or free rent. Who makes money on the apartments? How many administrators and inspectors are paid? How many people fill out forms, interview, maintain waiting lists, etc?

Captain Hate

I can't be the only one who feels that way.

No but people like Allen West, who would destroy that nonsense, scare Top Men.


and of course Grassley's solution is to make the welfare state more efficient since the Congress has outsourced its oversight functions ... big surprise then that when the bureaucracy doesn't want oversight and the administration enables corruption the Congress just sits around with their hands in their pockets.

how about a real "fraud, waste, and abuse" elimination program-wholesale eliminations of federal departments.


Hilligula is truly mentally ill: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2016/03/09/video-hillarys-email-answers-on-fox-news-n2130060?utm_source=BreakingOnTownhallWidget_4&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=BreakingOnTownhall

Dave (in MA)

A local Chipotle closed temporarily when it discovered that one of its employees had norovirus, exactly what another Boston franchise ought to have done when over 140 people got sick from eating there.

Some guy in my FB feed claims that it's a conspiracy by Monsanto.


Smart lad, buckeye. Then again he could make them go Norman the android


Btw zampolit wants to proactive financial news like Dave ramsey, you know crime Think.


Zampolit Perez.

Rick Ballard


The positive Darwinian aspect of playing Chipotle Roulette shouldn't be overlooked.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

I want a GOP candidate who will call this garbage out for what it is, condemn by name the racial arsonists who push it, and promise to root it out of the government by any means necessary when he's elected President.

I can't be the only one who feels that way.
Posted by: James D | March 09, 2016 at 12:08 PM

Can't imagine there isn't a huge group of people out there just waiting for someone on the right to call out that racially biased propaganda.

Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy skit from SNL so many years ago (the late 80's ?) where he plays a white man who exposes how white people get *everything* for free.

He just walks into a bank and walks out with a briefcase full of money just by asking for it. And the blacks are shown having to fill out loan applications, and get turned down
(by the racist whites) for *any* loan they apply for.

Jeff Dobbs

Grumble, grumble, grumble, grumble. From the NYT article:

Under the 1978 law, inspectors general, who are based in the agencies, have access to “all records” needed to do their job. But since the early days of the Obama administration, many agencies have systematically thwarted that access for whole categories of information — including, most notably, grand jury testimony, personal credit data and information from wiretaps.

As the famous Proverb says, "as a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats....." wait, what?

Once more with feeling.


Obama allowed Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State without a permanent, Senate confirmed Inspector General for the entirety of her tenure there.

The entire time. Not one second of the time Hillary was at State using her private homebrew email server, neglecting embassy security, lining her pockets and that of the Clinton Foundation with under the table monies through wink-wink quid pro quos was there a permanent, Senate-confirmed Inspector General.

They guy who was the acting Inspector General was a career foreign service officer who was prohibited by law to ever become the permanent, Senate-confirmed Inspector General, and was widely acknowleded to be a close friend of Patrick Kennedy if not a complete toady, unwilling or unable to apply the institutional will to push back against Hillary's transparent politicization of her position and the department.

Obama did not nominate an Inspector General for State that entire time ol' Hill was serving her country (a shit sandwich). But as soon as Hillary was out the door...it took Obama just a few months to hop on board the nomination process.



Meanwhile slovenia and Croatia aren't playing the Brussels game.

Dave (in MA)

Got $9M lying around?


Jeff Dobbs

And once more, once more with more feeling...


Honestly, looked at another way, I think it answers as many questions as it raises, confirming Obama's unwillingness and weakness in providing independent oversight of the State Department on Hillary's watch.

Hillary got away with ethically troubling - and most likely outright illegal - behavior while Secretary of State when Obama was her boss (thanks, Obama).

Now just imagine what Hillary could get away with if she were elected President and effectively had no boss.

Well. You can rest assured that Hillary has spent her entire adult lifetime imagining that very thing.


Obama did not nominate an Inspector General for State that entire time ol' Hill was serving her country (a shit sandwich). But as soon as Hillary was out the door...it took Obama just a few months to hop on board the nomination process.

And so the likelihood of an public announcement of a referral from the FBI or indictment from Lynch is.....????


Rhetorically speaking of course:)


What is bupkis for 1,000, alex,?


The left knows how to weaponize the bureaucracy, in cya fashion.








I couldn't post on the last thread but my congrats for running, and my pity for the people who didn't get you!


Border patrol have been forced by Obama to stand down


State of play of the Hilligula investigation: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/03/09/will-hillary-be-indicted-over-private-email-server/


Congratulations, Jeff!

You know re the Cruz/Carley ticket--Dr Ben Caron has basically endorsed Trump. Trwo cn play the game.


Well that is dismaying NK.


Clarice --

Obviously endorsements are the key this primary season. That explains why the top contenders are the candidates with the longest list of recognizable names that have endorsed them. I refer of course to Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.


Is it possible Obama was willing to cover for Hill early on, but has now found reasons to burn her? I don't think so (because she could burn him back) but I don't pretend to know how things work in demonland.


Not really: indicting Hilligula has always been a political question of whether Obummer wants to take her out. If he does, he'll appoint a rabid 'special counsel' to take the info to a grand jury. If he wants to protect her, the'professional' DoJ staff will use prosecutorial discretion and not indict. That 'discretion' is terrible for Hilligula during a general election, especially in this anti-DC electoral environment.


Here's the screen shot of unbiased reporter Cokie Roberts (daughter of a famous Congressional Segregationist Hale Boggs) this morning on MSNBC asking Trump Are You 'Proud' of Promoting Schoolkid Racism?

Wonder if Cokie is still ironing her Dad's Kleagle outfit?

Old Lurker

If we as a country cannot conclude that Hillary and her staff were grossly negligent in handling classified information, then there is no hope for us and we deserve what we get.

The lines form at the diving boards on the Ledge.


True, OL.

I had almost forgotten there was such a person as Cokie Roberts.


NK --

My extremely uninformed guess is that if Rodham were not the leading contender for the Democratic nomination for president, a professional and politically indifferent DOJ would be angling for a plea deal with fairly light penalties, probably in the Petraeus range.

But that is not really an option. They either have to let her walk or basically destroy her politically. I can very much imagine a totally politically neutral prosecutor finding neither option appealing. If you let her walk, it's a real case of failing to uphold the rule of law. But if you prosecute, the penalty is (FROM A POLITICALLY INDIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW) probably excessive.

So there is the dilemma. Put aside your political feelings, NK. If you were a career prosecutor who wanted to do the "right thing," what would you do?


OL -- handling? she deliberately erased 32,000 emails after a production demand from the IG. She destroyed evidence in an IG investigation and led to a referral to the FBI. This is all criminal behavior.


Hillary will not be indicted. I cannot imagine how anyone here would even think so.

Obama will not allow this to happen.

Hillary will have the nomination, and a good chance of winning in Nov.

Now she is so obviously corrupt, and so obviously deranged, and her "policies" stated thus far are the most bare boned pandering what we have ever seen.

What does it say about the USA that this person is even running this year, let alone has a more that even chance of winning the prizes?

The rot has crept into the very heart and soul of the Nation, that is what it says.

The scandal is not the emails, or her "Foundation", or her husband taking huge fees whilst his wife was still holding office; it is the very fact that she has gotten as far as she has in the race. Nowhere in our entire history have we seen such a openly corrupt, incompetent and outright dangerous person stand for POTUS as a member of a major party. Given what we know now about her--as opposed to what was publicly known about even Obama before he ran--the fact that she has such broad support shows that the nation is in deep moral and intellectual decline.

Should she win, that will be it for the USA. It is doubtful that we ever recover.

Old Lurker

Hard to see how the Clinton systemic reckless negligence is even in the same universe with what Petraeus did.


Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy skit from SNL so many years ago (the late 80's ?) where he plays a white man who exposes how white people get *everything* for free.

Maybe I'm guilty of projection, but I often thought those skits were making fun of the racialists by jokingly attributing to them this sort of mindset. (Larry David often does that with liberal shibboleths.) But maybe I'm giving SNL too much credit.

Captain Hate

The transcript is hilarious because Trump refused to give in to her [Redacted for Lent] questions but instead kept stressing the points he wanted to get across. For all the negatives Trump possesses, he regularly gives a tutorial on how to deal with the media.


Right thing. I would have appointed a special counsel 14 months ago, as GWB did with WH leaks.That's what an honest POTUS does.


Hillary is guilty on all counts
Can't wait for the day she has to testify


I can't say I fault Hillary for denying that she did anything wrong. That's standard behavior by criminals. The difference is that when criminals make such bald-faced claims to the police, the police respond by snapping handcuffs on them and saying, "Yeah, right, you think a jury will buy that?" But with Hillary you have Democrats and a sizable share of voters mindlessly parroting her talking points.


OL: well of course it is not "in the same universe". Not at all. That is just the point.

That she will probably skate, that she is now not already facing charges is the sort of political machinations one finds in the Third world. It is outrageous even by current standards in most of Latin America.

(And remember, Hillary is touted as a role model to our young women.)

Old Lurker

NK, and it looks like she provided her "people" with passwords to the standalone classified network so they could transfer emails from the classified server into the bodies of emails they sent to her on her home server.

Lots and lots and lots of times.

And at least once she told a staffer how to do it (strip the headers then just fax it unsecure).

As I said, if this is not criminal there is no hope for us.


NK --

But suppose that YOU had been appointed special counsel and were not the tiniest bit interested in advancing a political agenda here. What would YOU recommend happen to her? Prison time? A big fine? Community service?

What she did was clearly outrageous, but it should be up to the voters to decide what that means to her political career. A professional prosecutor has to think about what the appropriate level of action is.

Again, in my own not very valuable opinion, if she were not running for president but was a retired grandmother staying home and counting her millions, I think that the DOJ would want to get some kind of a plea deal here, just to lay down a marker but not to cart her off to the slam.


Petraeus was a fool for thinking with his (redacted for Lent) and lying to the FBI. Like Libby, lying to the FBI was taken seriously and prosecuted. Hilligula's criminal intent and actions are far worse than Petraeus's stupidity. She se up an unlawful server to hide her activities in the first place, she destroyed evidence, her disclosure of classified info was continuously repeated 2000+ times, she has had flunkies delay the investigation, she gave classified info to a flunky of her's to sell for foundation and likely unlawful campaign contributions, and on and on.


ht tp://m.the right scoop.co m/fox-business-host-marco-rubio-likely-to-drop-out-before-florida-primary/


They either have to let her walk or basically destroy her politically.

Yep, Hillary has set this up as a game of chicken, essentially saying "I dare you to indict me, the presumptive Dem presidential nominee. If you do, you will be destroyed by the media." So she's driving straight ahead, and the FBI has to decide whether to do the same or veer off.

Old Lurker

Could not agree less with that, Theo.


NK --

But don't you think that there was a great deal of political motivation to the Scooter prosecution? Do you really think Fitz was just doing his job?

I can understand the desire for a politically motivated prosecution of our own. But if you take politics out of this, what outcome would you like to see? Again, do you think jail time would be appropriate? A fine? Community service? Just what level of wrongdoing do you see here?


Enjoyed Anonamom's link this morning to Thomas Frank ("Whats The Matter With Kansas" author) grudgingly explaining that Trump's actual appeal isn't simply racism and may even be the fault of Libs:

Last 2 graphs:

Trump’s words articulate the populist backlash against liberalism that has been building slowly for decades and may very well occupy the White House itself, whereupon the entire world will be required to take seriously its demented ideas.

Yet still we cannot bring ourselves to look the thing in the eyes. We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed.



Nice score for Weinstein!

Rick Ballard

"Hard to see how the Clinton systemic reckless negligence is even in the same universe with what Petraeus did."

The WaPo already explained it, the NYT and the LAT will explain it again, the broadcast nets will use the template to explain it again and the LIVs will accept the explanation of the regrettable mistake. She won't turn her approval rating for dishonesty around at all and she (with MFM wholehearted support) will regrettably be forced to conduct a somewhat negative campaign regarding her opponents very minor defects while using Fecesbook and Twitter for their intended purpose. She might even lose but it won't be from lack of MFM support.


jimmyk --

Exactly right. The DOJ is left with two bad options.

I wonder if it would be possible to do a plea deal with a fine and community service and a real apology and still have her secure the Democratic nomination.

Captain Hate

Do you really think Fitz was just doing his job?

His job was over when Fatboy Armitage admitted he was the leaker at which point GWB should have fired him and Powell.

Eek Vite

No invite for Trump to Low Energy Establishment meeting...

"Jeb Bush to Meet With 3 Candidates — but Not Donald Trump — Before Florida Primary"


Dave (in MA)

Better watch out,


He could end up with multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head or backing into a knife 16 times.


But if you take politics out of this, what outcome would you like to see? 

1. Any financial gain during and after her time as SOS stripped away.

2. She sits down in a public forum with the families of the Americans killed in Benghazi and answers every question they have.

3. She still goes to jail.


Captain H --

Not to go deep into that swamp, but Libby was not charged with or convicted of outing Plame. There is no question that he did not do so.

He was in fact convicted of lying to the grand jury.

The arguments that he did not do so always seemed weaker than that the argument that this was irrelevant and that Fitz was on a political mission.

So, assuming that we are not in favor of politically motivated prosecutions, what do we think that a professional prosecutor should do in the case of Rodham? I suspect that the right answer would be something short of prison time, but not a complete walk either.


Most people voting for Hillary are just like her in their personal lives and in their total lack of a conscience
She also attracts those people who see themselves as victims just like she does.

Jeff Dobbs


Fox News LeisureVerified account
Who should be .@DosEquis ’ next #MostInterestingManInTheWorld? We have some thoughts.| http://fxn.ws/1M6RKnD
12:35 PM - 9 Mar 2016

Everyone start training. If Dos Equis launches an online poll to find the next Most Interesting Man in the World . . . we're gonna get Beasts the gig.

common man

the right answer would be something short of prison time,

So you are saying drawing and quartering is off the table?

Darn it, then there wont be justice...


Jail time is the correct answer
Yes Theo I see a referral and Hillary still getting the nomination
Because of Lent I can't state what Iwould really like to happen to her


3. She still goes to jail.

4. The Clinton slush fund (aka Foundation) is liquidated, with the proceeds allocated to the various victims of both Clintons' misdeeds and crimes (like the Haitians, Slick's rape and assault victims, etc.).

Jeff Dobbs

CH will probably relish this more than most...Jen Rubin is gently prodding Rubio to get out.


She suggests - in a kind of "someone should suggest to him" frame that still allows her not to fully own the suggestion - that Rubio throw in with Cruz in order to get the VP nod. And she suggests he do it post haste, so others don't beat him to the punch and make his endorsement less and less valuable the more he hesitates.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I challenge any person here to read all the way through Alanis Marmoset's musings on feminism.


TK@2:56-- I find myself in rare agreement with TK. I particularly like his demand that she sit down with the families and answer their questions,... then can we waterboard her?


we're gonna get Beasts the gig.

I propose Beasts and Iggy arm wrestle for it.

Jeff Dobbs

Dan McLaughlin (Baseball Crank) is on the same page as Rubin.


It's like the Right's Journolist-like Talking Points have gelled.


I guess my 4 at 3:09 is just an elaboration of TK's 1 at 2:56.


don't count too much on Comey--I maintain he was angling for Schumer's approval--In any event I though he behaved badly as Acting AG.

The worse Clinton does in the race the more likely it is that Lynch will act on a recommendation for prosecution IMO. She certainly would not want to go down as the person who knocked her out of contention.

And a sign of life at NR:http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-03-09/if-you-think-you-know-trump-s-voters-you-re-mistaken

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I would like to see Hillary get the same punishment I would have gotten when I was in the AF for, over a period of years, intentionally giving TS nuclear info to people not authorized to see it and for storing it in places not authorized to store it and then stonewalling, lying and denying it when caught; a stretch in Leavenworth.

Old Lurker

I don't think the families want to hear another word out of her lying mouth, and for sure they know she is incapable of telling the truth.

Drawing and Quartering...now I think they would be down with that big time.


I'd review all her statements under oath (or take another one) and prosecute her for perjury as they did Scooter Libby for having a different memory than Dead Tim Russert.

Tom Bowler


So, assuming that we are not in favor of politically motivated prosecutions, what do we think that a professional prosecutor should do in the case of Rodham?

Maybe I misunderstand, but you seem to be arguing against Hillary's prosecution for fear of upsetting the Democratic party nominating process. Wouldn't that make the refusal to prosecute politically motivated?

Seems to me (not a lawyer) political considerations shouldn't enter into it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Me? Most interesting man in the world?
I appreciate your sense of humor a little more every day, jimmy.


Trish Regan (FOX Business) has on former Major General Bob Scales to discuss the recent claim that ISIS has chemical weapons (Poison Gas) and in their posted literature is intent on using it.

Gen Scales: Read what ISIS has to say on their websites. They make it very clear. They're saying that minor things in their mind, like Paris, like San Bernadino, are not game changers. The only way they can change the Global Equation...and expand the Caliphate, is to detonate a nuclear weapon or spread Chemical agents in the West, either Western Europe, Egypt, or the United States. They're serious about it. This isn't a wild dream that they have, Trish. They view the use of WMD as the essential Caliphate to achieve their strategic ends.

Trish: So General, how much time do we have here? We have got to do something about this. How much time do we have?

Gen Scales: This slow rolling strategy against ISIS,... a sort of creeping offensive, would be OK except to your point Trish, we know that the next step in ISIS's plan of conquest isn't to take land, it's to attack the West with diabolical Weapons of Mass Destruction. Look. chemical weapons are easy to make, Nuke's more difficult, but it's increasingly easier for people like ISIS to acquire fissile material to put in a Nuclear Weapon, so the clock is ticking. ISIS has this as their strategic end. If we don't collapse this Caliphate soon I think horrible things are going to happen.

Trish: Do you think this Administration has any real fundamental understanding of what's at stake here (Gen Scales shakes his head "no") or are they just trying to run the clock out?

Gen Scales: Run the clock out. 10 more months and it's over. Pass it off to the next President. Even ISIS in their literature says this, they say "We have a 10 month or a year Holiday to do our diabolical business before the West will get serious with us." and you can just imagine that they're turning up the heat in order to push further their development of WMD and the ability to deliver.

Old Lurker

Clarice is right as usual, this time about Comey.

James D

But if you take politics out of this, what outcome would you like to see? Again, do you think jail time would be appropriate? A fine? Community service? Just what level of wrongdoing do you see here?

Taking politics out of it, she should go to prison for a long, long time.

What she did was in clear violation of the law. It was a violation of public trust. It promoted further violations down the line, and encouraged lawlessness and lack of accountabilitiy in those who reported to her.

R or D, liberal or conservative, public officials who break the law should be punished as harshly as possible - far more harshly than private citizens. That should be part of the deal in return for the power and priviledge conferred upon them in those offices.

When we give someone the power and prestige of a Cabinet post, or a seat in the Congress, they should be expected to behave far better than the people underneath them. If they don't, they should be nailed to the wall.

That's the kind of marker I'd want to lay down.


The worse Clinton does in the race the more likely it is that Lynch will act on a recommendation for prosecution IMO. She certainly would not want to go down as the person who knocked her out of contention.

Isn't the recommendation from the FBI the key? That would kill Hillary, however Lynch handles it. I'm assuming the recommendation is public knowledge, and especially if it contains specific charges.


I see others have already reverted to Libby.


I think the issue is: Think of this as Trump or Cruz (whoever you support. What would you think is the appropriate penalty.

James D

Or, I could have just quoted Ig @ 3:13!

Tom Bowler

Ah. Thank you, Jane.

Captain Hate

Drawing and Quartering...now I think they would be down with that big time.

Pillory Hillary!


Maybe I'm guilty of projection, but I often thought those skits were making fun of the racialists by jokingly attributing to them this sort of mindset.

I always thought so, too. Those skits were hilarious. As were Murphy's "Mr. Robinson" skits which were also employing black stereotypes to poke fun at other black stereotypes.

My brothers and I listened to Murphy's comedy albums religiously during that period. All hilarious and at that time, he wasn't working blue as he later did.


don't count too much on Comey

I sure don't, Clarice. I can't recall the last time we actually counted on some Judge or Govt Official to actually do the right thing to effective conclusion, and they came through. My prediction is that Comey will oatmeal mouth his way thru this episode and then Loretta Lynch will stall past November.

It's like Lucy, Charlie Brown, and the Football, over and over and over again.

Dave (in MA)


They left off reading speeches on behalf of the Clenis Foundation.


2. She sits down in a public forum with the families of the Americans killed in Benghazi and answers every question they have.

Interesting idea. After all, the left clamored for years that GWB should have to meet with Mother Sheehan (even though he already had, which they either didn't know or didn't care about - they wanted it all done on national TV).

Old Lurker

But if we draw and quarter Hillary, would we have to get those gigantic Budweiser Clydesdales out of retirement?

Miss Marple


So true. Can't count on anyone against the Clinton's.



Your argument is part of why Trump is resonating with some voters. You are making a political argument where many people are wondering where the argument has been made on behalf of our country, our security, and the rule of law.

If Martha Stewart needed to go to jail for lying to a grand jury, why shouldn't Hillary go to jail for her reckless disregard of national security? Her intentional avoidance of FOIA laws and documentation requirements, and the like?

We've watched for 7 years as every malefactor in government (Lerner, Koskinen, EPA head, VA administrators, etc.,) has abused their authority, the public, and the law without consequence, yet somehow Hillary should get a pass?

I don't get it. Does her current status as a contender for President exempt her from the law?

Dave (in MA)

OL, how about we settle for keelhauling her under Trump's yacht?


Rush Limbaugh, siting the current Drudge Headline: FBI BOSS BECOMES 'POLITICAL PROBLEM', uses it as a starting point in Hour 3 to discuss Hillary's problems.

He just ran the Megyn Kelly--Debbie Washerman Schultz clip from last night.

Rush stresses the Clinton Team's unrivaled ability to destroy their enemies, so as he goes to commercial break my take is he also thinks Comey won't come through.

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