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March 03, 2016





From the previous threat, because it is apropos:

Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney’s inner circle says.

From CNN via Hot Air.

"The 2012 GOP nominee’s advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.

“It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention,” said the source…

But implicit in Romney’s request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party’s banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee."


All righty then, I was wrong. It's not going to be rally around little Marco, boys and girls--it's going to be rally around Mittens.


Did Trump actually say "knees"? OMG


It will be interesting to see what kind of attacks Trump gets tonight. If the last debate rattled him (as argued in these comments), and Romney rattled him, I can see the strategery of his competitors being to rattle him more, and of course Baer, Kelly & Wallace will step all over each other to be the one that makes Trump explode. This will be an ugly debate.


I'm going to bash Reince Priebus and his miserable leadership of the RNC at the top of the thread just to get it out of the way early.

Please Dennis Miller, and/or Adam Corolla, please come save us.

Nice comment TC at the bottom of the last thread.

Thomas Collins

This time I don't blame Trump. I wouldn't have blamed Trump if he went after Romney even more than Trump did. I stated my view of Romney and other GOP leaders who stayed silent until now on the view that Trump is unacceptable on the prior thread. I won't repeat it, but anyone who desires to see the context in which I write this post can go back and read it.

Oh, and here's my answer to GOP leaders who would lecture that politics ain't beanbag: If only ten percent of Trump's supporters abandon the GOP candidate in November in battleground states, good luck winning 270 electoral votes. If you steal this from Trump (see my other post for my definition of stealing), you are about to find out how non-beanbaggy politics is.

Thomas Collins

Thanks, daddy. If I, who you may have noticed am not a Trump fan, am this angry, I can imagine how Trump supporters are reacting.

Comanche Voter

Actually after this stunt, I'd like to have Mitt Romney sit on a golf tee--and I'll see how far I can drive him with a Callaway Big Bertha.

Go away Mittens--it ain't your party anymore.


Cruz could score some points with a Romney takedown tonight.


I despise what Romney is planning--especially the cheating part. But how STUPID do you have to be to go running to CNN and tell the world what you're going to do before you try to do it.

Thomas Collins

But I'll calm down enough to wish Happy Birthday to Jane! My present:



If there is a chorus of Mitt! for president I can't hear it. Nor do I hear "Yeah Mitt! you nailed it."


"We have long referred to him as 'The Donald.' He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name.

The Father of our Country might disagree, and I think TAFKAP wrote a song about it:)

Captain Hate

I'm glad that Cleveland has designed the protest area for the convention as if it were to coddle a bunch of douchey lib [Redacted for Lent] because after Dudley Do Right Willard's stunt today it will probably be conservatives there.


If I, who you may have noticed am not a Trump fan, am this angry, I can imagine how Trump supporters are reacting.

I hope Miss M's not picking up any meat cleavers at tonights Auction:)


Willard's stunt was the last gasp of the JEB! money clique.

Captain Hate

Somebody should inform TK's favorite bleached magpie that this probably wouldn't be a good time to go full bore anti Trump. Maybe ask some real policy questions for a change and see what happens.


The moderators are too much into big game hunting to use whatever brains they have CH.

Thomas Collins

Am I reading this correctly? Is Lindsey Graham the adult in this mess>



“In an interview with CNN’s David Axelrod, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said that a brokered convention would not be fair to Republican front-runner Donald Trump.”

When even Miss Lindsey can see it's a mistake--it's a mistake.

Rick Ballard

I believe there may be other plans afoot for Orange Julius Caesar obviating a convention fight. Romney's "welcome to the party, pal" is just one shot.

Captain Hate

henry, if that happens I hope Trump or, more likely, Cruz goes full tilt into what a garbage performance by a self described "fair and balanced " network to promote a bottom feeding food fight lacking any semblance of respect for the country aided by the dunce Reince Priebus and his Gas Chamber enablers.

Lock N Load

" If only ten percent of Trump's supporters abandon the GOP candidate in November in battleground states, good luck winning 270 electoral votes."

The problem is the GOP has no problem losing to Hillary. They would prefer it over the unpredictable Trump. It will keep the gravy train rolling. In fact, government spending will go even higher, which means more $$$ for the Romneys, Kochs and other alleged conservative billionaires. We have had years of "conservatives" talking, yet no results.


Happy Birthday, Jane!


--Romney's "welcome to the party, pal" is just one shot.--

Yeah, but who's he aiming at?

Captain Hate

Hey Ann, welcome to the schtruggle.

The ewok is still wrong about the Huntress (and has a lot invested in not admitting it) but gets the overall point right:


East Bay Jay

Lou Dobbs taking the wood to Romney and Ryan on Fox Business. This is going to be an angry debate tonight. Big ratings.


Do we think the COORDINATED KKK Carp will appear tonight?

I am livid that Romney/Ryan/republicans are throwing this at Trump.


Lou Dobbs on Ryan and Romney.

Captain Hate

Yes, Ann; but nary a peep about Rodham cancelling a fundraiser at an attorney for Kate Steinle's family's lawsuit against the sanctuary [Redacted for Lent] or having Saint Traytable's absentee mother campaigning for her.


I'll repost TC's comment from the other thread, because I agree and it is very well put:

It's not just Romney. It's any GOPer who stood silent in 2015, or pledged to support the GOP nominee, and is now trying to derail Trump. And it's dishonorable. Any GOP leader for whom Trump was unacceptable should have stated his or her case in November of 2015 at the latest, when it was quite clear that Trump was going to be a viable candidate (at the very least, prior to the Iowa caucuses). But no. They simply hoped that Trump would implode on his own, so they would be spared getting their finger nails dirty.

If they had stated their case before Iowa, whether one disagreed or agreed with the view that Trump was simply an unacceptable nominee, I don't think it could reasonably be classified as dishonorable. Now I do.

I say this despite the fact that my view of Trump has not improved. Those of you who have gone back and forth with me on Trump know my view of him, so I won't bore you with repetition. But no GOP leader who was silent until now about Trump's unacceptability deserves any respect.

I am clearly not a Trump supporter. But I'll say this to Trump supporters: If Trump doesn't secure a majority before the convention and another candidate is chosen, notwithstanding the actions of the GOP leaders, I would urge you to vote for the candidate that emerges (hold your nose if you must). But if Trump gets a majority and the leadership steals that majority from him in Cleveland, I wouldn't blame you for voting for a third party, writing in Trump, or not voting in the 2016 POTUS election.

Posted by: Thomas Collins | March 03, 2016 at 06:32 PM


Note to Jake Sullivan: When a food delivery guy shows up and you didn't order food. Don't open the door!


A separate source said the list of individuals is relatively small -- about a dozen, among them Clinton aide Jake Sullivan, who was described as "pivotal" because he forwarded so many emails to Clinton. His exchanges, now deemed to contain highly classified information
Captain Hate

A lot of these Clinton aides should avoid Fort Marcy park.

Captain Hate

Everybody is welcome to Chez Hate to protest the convention.


Channel News Asia is following the Romney/Trump brouhaha and the message given out to any Asianers watching that Network is that "Trump is a Circus clown" and his Republican "supporters are racists."

Great job Mitt. A guy who supported Blacks not being able to be Priests until 1978 tells the world that Trump voters are racists. At least you're talking about something you know about.


Read the rest of what Miss Lindsey said---he's talking about TRump getting the nomination and LOSING the election!

He's advocating letting the Ds win to deal with the "the problem" of Trump!

Time to have the Tea Party replace the GOP.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--"We have long referred to him as 'The Donald.' He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn't because he had attributes we admired."--

"The Donald" is an insult?
I thought it was because there is only one Donald that would be considered "The" Donald.

In any event, it's not exactly in front of his name, but THE Loser and THE Milksop seem a lot more descriptive than Teh Donald and they seem to fit pretty well.

Depending on motivation Romney may be demonstrating baser behavior than Trump. I wonder how much is saving the party and how much is being a two time loser and pulling out all the stops because now, finally, over the hill Mittens is ready for his closeup, Mr DeMille.


Thanks to the Republican establishment, unless she is indicted Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. We've lost the country.


TC! I expect a personal delivery!

Stay Classy! From the time I could walk my mother told me: "People who talk about class, don't have any", so that is drummed deeply into my pointy skull. But I think the best way to describe Trump is "classless". (If I put it in quotes, it doesn't matter, right Mom?)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Just to be clear The Loser and The Milksop should be Mitt's nicknames after this Bourbon Restoration stunt.

By the time they're done they may very well drive the entire party, with the exception of the GOPe and the chattering conservative class into Trump's arms.


Hi Captain,

What a wild day. Welcome to the schtruggle ..is so right on.

Frau Lefarge

Happy birthday, Jane. Is the birthday ration only one martini? That doesn't seem right.

Ann - Yes; I hope Ted Cruz doesn't self-destruct tonight and forget who the real target is.

Good to see you, East Bay Jay!


Romney insinuated today that Trump probably hasn't given much to veterans and the disabled. At least whatever Trump gives is voluntary, unlike LDS who are compelled to fully tithe 10% or else. I don't believe they know exactly how their money, which goes immediately to SLC headquarters is spent, just generalities like "to build temples" ... "print the BoM" ... "missionary activities"...etc.

Jack is Back!

Everybody is welcome to Chez Hate to protest the convention.


Will I be able to walk Teddy?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Thanks to the Republican establishment, unless she is indicted Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States.--

Relax Barbara.
I believe the anger they are unleashing will very quickly temper this insanity, not to mention motivate more people toward Trump, which is not ideal but it's better than the Bourbon Restoration I spoke of.

This is growing remarkably more like the showdown the buttoned down and starched NRA establishment welcomed from the insurgents back in the 70s.
The old guard advanced arrogantly in rank and when they were done were walking around in their singed skivvies, stuttering through the old soup strainers about what those damned rascally whippersnappers had pulled off. They thought they held the organization in the palm of their hand and when the dust settled they were left holding the bag.
There were good men among them but most got the can.


I'd love to see Cruz announce tonight that Mitt and his ilk can kindly STFU. That the four of them have earned the right to fight it out for the nomination and that any backdoor deals to disrupt the process insults all of them.

He would impress Trump supporters and be right on the merits at the same time.


Depending on motivation Romney may be demonstrating baser behavior than Trump.

Good point, Ig, especially in light of Romney's glowing praise of Trump in 2012.


Hey Ann, I'd become Maybee and have a birthday every day if that meant I would see more of you.

(But I will not be sending any naked photos - not even to DOT.)



Trust me, there is no rationing.

Now that I'm home...

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Almost 12,400 votes on the book thingy and it's Thursday.
How many was James figuring it would take to win it this morning?



Bet things get outta control in the mistake on the lake (couldn't resist) if we are looking at a brokered convention.

Might be a good time to take a vacation.

James D.

New thread, new book update!


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Stephen A. Smith again distinguishes himself as an honorable and courageous man by telling the truth to little black snowflakes.


At work and just checked in before the commute home in a few minutes.

Hey Ann!! I am not a Trump supporter like you.
I am a Cruz supporter. But agree, Romney should have stayed out of this primary.

Not sure if I am up for tonight's debate - they get worse(r) and worse(r). Too many cocktails to keep me calm may just put to sleep mid way through the damned thing.

Frau Lefarge

Yay, Jane is home! Let the celebration continue.

James D.

Ig @ 7:53

I figured Know Your Enemy would pick up another 4,000 votes total, plus the 600 I was down by this AM.

So based on that, probably 14,000 votes total.

Jeff Dobbs

I want to save everyone any time they may have spent looking for this or writing about it 3 hours from now.



I agree with your assessments
I will be the contrary one after days of reading comments trashing Romney and Ryan
Both are entitled to their opinion and there is truth in what they say which makes people fearful and angry
Those who cry Never Trump do so out of fear of the unknown
Let The People Decide
But as much truth as possible must be presented
Trump"s comments were classless as birthday girl Jane has stated
To refer to Romney as on his knees begging is demeaning and not presidential
With Rubio and Trump you can't elevate them and pretend to ignore their very real weaknesses
Ted Cruz has been pilloried and falsely accused and purposefully minimized to further either a Trump or Rubio rise
For me now the least favorite is Rubio who has been falsely elevated
Trump has some work to do to obtain my vote but to vote for Hillary or not vote is a sabotaging tactic born of fear and desperation.


Hey, Frau, Jane and CC!!!!

I was hoping to see you guys here tonight.


Some of these statements like Kristol"s are simply to get their name in the

Captain Hate

JiB, if you're up for it. He gets walked about 3 miles a day. By then I hope to have him on the way to walking off leash (pups are so difficult compared to rescues and other mature dogs).


I was hoping to see you!


Captain H
It sounds like you really like that little pup!


Thanks so much, maryrose!

Has anyone heard from Janet?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Andy McCarthy; Is There a Hillary Clinton Grand Jury?


Her mother is sick Ann and she is commuting between home and Texas (according to Clarice)


Happy Birthday, Jane! Have a dirty Martini for me!

Captain Hate

I do, maryrose; he's quite a rascal.

Jeff Dobbs

Has everyone seen this? If not, let's play who said it:

“I like Ted Cruz,” she declares. “I think he’s very conservative and a great constitutionalist and a very articulate man. I haven’t endorsed him or anything like that.

“I get it. The Democrats are better when it comes to these types of social issues. I understand that.” So why support Republicans? ... “We need jobs. We need a vibrant economy. ... With $19 trillion in debt and it keeps going up, we’re spending money we don’t have. Eventually, it’s going to end. And I don’t want to see that. Socialism did not build this country. Capitalism did. Free enterprise. The people built it. And they need to be given the opportunity to build it back up.”


Morning Jane, and Happy Birthday!

Interestingly 3 March is a special holiday in Japan for girls---Hinamatsuri---Girls Day

Apparently it is some famous festival from old Heian (Kyoto era) time (700 to about 1200 AD) and it has a lot to do with young girls and dolls and potential husbands and the like---It even has a famous old song which is pretty cool here, so I think we JOMers should all sing it to you instead of the Birthday Song:

Here's the words:

Let's light the lanterns
Let's set peach flowers
Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums
Today is a joyful Dolls' Festival

What was cool was that yesterday (3 march over here) we were in Kyoto where the festival started a thousand years ago, and the place was absolutely clobbered with pretty young women all decked out in fabulous colorful kimono's. We spotted easily 200 of them just at Kiyomizu Temple, much like this:
Karma, neh?



If you didn't say "she" I would have guessed Bruce Jenner


Hit--Bonnie Raitt?


We need to keep our sense of humor here tonight:

 photo a26c0d0e-9eb1-46cb-8aff-a28757f121a0_zpsc1e93ref.jpg

Check out the kid with the wig!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Gotta be Hillary.


I think many people are looking at this from a different perspective than I am.
My take on Trump is that I will CERTAINLY vote for him if he beats Cruz and Rubio. PERIOD.
If the GOPe interferes because of it's self interest, it may do so at it's own peril.
I believe the ELITES will allow the party to implode in order to remain IN CHARGE of a losing hulk, and it disgusts me.

Rick Ballard

The Golden Marmoset is going to wind up on the endangered species list.


Romney: --"We have long referred to him as 'The Donald.' He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn't because he had attributes we admired."--

I guess Mitt's still not interested in trying to "Win one for The Gipper"

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Myron Magnet with an excellent essay on Mr. Sammler's Planet; a timely reminder in the age of DeBlahsio and the return of broken windows.


I cheated and looked up the quote Jeff cited. Ugh.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I have to admit Orange Julius Caesar was well worth stealing. :)

Captain Hate

So it's not Bonnie Raitt, who is quite the lib and iirc was on Ellen Unfunny today?


If RomKnee wins at the convention, IVR.


Daddy, he must not be aware of THE JUG EARED (REDACTED FOR LENT) 'ER.




Shorter Romney: "If we can't win this thing fair and square, we'll have to cheat."

How very Democrat of him.


Happy Janeday!

Rick Ballard


Iowahawk forgot to copyright it.


daddy, I have pictures of my grand daughter decked out in kimonos every year for the celebration. Boys day is celebrated with big fish kies.


Trump announced Jeff Sessions is head of his national security team.




The next time Romney wants to give a speech, perhaps he can get McCain on the platform with him and they can both tell us how to win a presidential election.


Stephen A. Smith...

Well, you know. If he says stuff like that, it just proves he's not "really" black.


I guess Mitt's still not interested in trying to "Win one for The Gipper"

To add an article before the name there, it would have to be "Win one for The George" (George Gipp, the Gipper).

There are clearly two groups who can't understand one another but who were previously (pretty much) politically aligned. One group can't understand how anyone would abstain from voting for DT once he's the nominee. The other group can't understand how anyone can vote for DT under any circumstances (except, maybe, at gunpoint). I think the determinant which identifies which group you're in is just how much you loathe or distrust DT (of course, there's some who actually wanted him as the nominee all along). Once it's all over, no matter how it goes, the two groups can begin to relate to one another normally again. Probably not until then, though.

Rick Ballard

Oligarchies tend not to go too gently into that good night.


Bonnie sounded like a Trump supporter in the interview I heard today.

Lots of people have had it with the elite, even the elite.


Maybe Bob Dole can join them PD.

GOOD TIMES, Ain't we lucky we got 'em



Clever, TK, very clever:)

Captain Hate

Wow, glad to hear that, anonamom. I've always admired her playing and singing but thought, with good reason, that she was a political nut even when she was off the sauce. Maybe that changed.


--Once it's all over, no matter how it goes, the two groups can begin to relate to one another normally again. --

Oh, okay. I feel all better now.


Oh, okay. I feel all better now.

Good, because unless it's truly The End Of Times, it's preferable that people do get along, no?

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