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March 12, 2016



Bernie goes after Rahm in Illinois
Winning strategy


Trump sucking all the air out of the room like any high maintenance person does


Happy Birthday Agent J!


Having a great time watching The Donald in Dayton


JM Hanes

A very Happy Birthday to you, Agent J!

Miss Marple 2


How Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a Trump rally in Chicago


Happy Birthday AgentJ!


Oh for fucks sake. First y'all get all butthurt over the shouting down on college campuses by the BLM and special snowflakes now you want to defend the same tactics by this same mob? Which fucking side are you on?

Mobs are NOT democratic when they turn ugly and they are not free speech. Civil discourse without a threat of violence is free speech. When that Rubicon is passed, it is intimidation and not discourse. Intimidation is the hallmark of NOT FREE SPEECH.

Reposted and I'm gone. If you stand with the special snowflakes I don't stand with you.


Trump cancelled his own rally. Police on the ground (who I thought we liked!) were not consulted and did not advise cancelling. Why might Trump have done this?


Brava, Stephanie!

JM Hanes


I was not defending the protesters, or suggesting that Trump was wrong to cancel his appearance. I was addressing the supposed obligation of other candidates to rise to the defense of the Constitution in this case.

JM Hanes

I was also not endorsing blaming Trump for the disruption and/o violence, nor defending other candidates who imply such blame.


--Why might Trump have done this?--

He has a Secret Service detail. If they heard the rumors--whether true or not--that there was a plan to rush the stage, they might have determined that it would be impossible to protect him under those circumstances. At which point they did their jobs and advised him to cancel, and he took their advice.


Even without Trump they rushed the stage anyway.

JM Hanes


I think it made sense for Trump to cancel, and see no reason not to take him at his word. Things could have gone really, seriously wrong inside the hall, especially given what sounds like the combattive nature of the protesters. I can easily imagine of lot of people getting hurt.


Derwil --

All sorts of "ifs" there. No evidence whatsoever that there was a plan to rush the stage or that Secret Service advised him of one or that he cancelled on their advice.

There is evidence (not proof, but evidence) that this was a cynical ploy to get more publicity. First, it worked out that way. Second, in an interview afterwards he noted (or bragged, depending on your characterization) that this resulted in more publicity than the speech would have. Entirely reasonable to think that this was in his mind.

I am disappointed that the other Republicans were not more forceful in the defense of free speech, but that is no reason to support Trump, who remains not a conservative and not qualified to be president, despite his impressive media manipulation skills.


Police on the ground (who I thought we liked!) were not consulted and did not advise cancelling.

Trump said last night that they got some good advice from law enforcement. We don't know what that advice was, and perhaps this was not law enforcement "on the ground," but it's not like he didn't talk to law enforcement at all.

If by that all he meant was Secret Service, I'd be a little surprised.


not qualified to be president

Which qualification does Trump lack?

Natural born citizen?
Lived in the US?
Over 35?


No evidence whatsoever that there was a plan to rush the stage

I don't know if this guy was the only one, but FOX showed video of a guy who went up to the podium and had to be wrestled off, shouting and tearing something up. Not sure whether this was before or after the cancellation.


PD --

"TRUMP SAID that they got some good advice from law enforcement." The fact that Trump said it hardly makes it true. Law enforcement, particularly the police, is saying that they did NOT advise him to cancel.

As you say, "we don't know what the advice was." Trump says that he "consulted" with the police and that they "got some good advice from law enforcement." But he never comes out and says that he was advised to cancel and the cops say that he was not.

I suspect that Trump is telling half truths here. He consulted and got advice. But that advice was NOT to cancel. He made that decision on his own for political and not safety reasons.



JM Hanes


I'm afraid your "evidence" of premeditation sounds a whole lot more like just stating the obvious to me.


"TRUMP SAID that they got some good advice from law enforcement." The fact that Trump said it hardly makes it true.

So you're saying it's false?

But he never comes out and says that he was advised to cancel and the cops say that he was not.

I suspect that Trump is telling half truths here.

Since he doesn't say they told him to cancel, what's the half truth?


Any Cruz supporters rushing to Trump now we're not true supporters of Cruz
They want on the win wagon and therefore can feign indignation and vote for the aggrieved Trump
Not defending protesters or snowflakes just foul language is the last defense of a weak position


JM Hanes --

I am never afraid to state the obvious!

PD --

"A guy going up to the podium" is hardly evidence of a "plan to rush the stage." Where is there any actual evidence of such a "plan?"


Trump is qualified to run and and will probably be good for trade and for small businesses
People here support him here and that is fine
Let the people decide


--There is evidence (not proof, but evidence) that this was a cynical ploy to get more publicity. First, it worked out that way. Second, in an interview afterwards he noted (or bragged, depending on your characterization) that this resulted in more publicity than the speech would have. Entirely reasonable to think that this was in his mind.--

Theo, I hope you're not a lawyer. Because your definition of "evidence" would be laughed out of court.

Back in the real world, it's entirely plausible that the SS and the Chicago PD had a different assessment of the threat level. There have been news stories reporting that the SS have said the threats of violence and death against Trump have been higher then anything they've ever seen before.


The whole reason some people don’t want to see Donald Trump become president is they fear he will become a fascist dictator. By allowing organized thugs like Black Lives Matter to determine when and where voters may freely assemble, aren’t we already there?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Wretchard on Chicago.


Trump made the right call cancelling the rally and he reaps the benefits of that wise decision

Thomas Collins

Well, no matter what the Secret Service said to Trumpster, the Dance of the SJWs has taken the treatment of Fields off the front web pages. The disruption is a positive for The Donald, just as the Chicago Convention protests of 1968 helped Nixon.


Right, it's not evidence of a plan (which is why I didn't say it was). The result, nevertheless, is that we had at least one protester there. Did he have any business being there? No, he did not. Did he care that he had no business being there? No, he did not. I have no evidence of premeditation, but it would surprise me if it was absent more than if it was present. These people were there to disrupt.


No we are not there
Chicago mayor and police force are complicit in letting anarchy reign in Chicago


"treatment of Fields off the front web pages"

It was a mole-hill story anyway. As Trump's detail was moving through the crowd Fields clearly drifted directly between Trump and his bodyguard and was moved aside.

If it was the bodyguard ... he was just doing his job.

Miss Marple 2


As I said at the end of the last thread, if he had NOT cancelled you would have been on here complaining that he didn't care about his supporters and endangered them for his political purposes.

You are full of it.

Trump has repeatedly demonstrated he has the capacity to use events to advance his cause. This is because he is actually pretty quick-witted when it comes to the media and unforeseen events. He doesn't plan it, but he is quick at reacting, which I thought was what people wanted instead of a plodding, unimaginative candidate who has to have a committee meeting with paid consultants before he says anything.

Cruz on Fox now, for those who are interested. Seems to be giving his stump speech since the phrases are those I have heard several times before.

I switched from CNN who was running a series of interviews with protestors who are acting all innocent and hurt feelings about the hate and bigtry from Trump. Any minute now I expect they will interview Kevin Williamson or one of that lot.


Yes, Stephanie, we are there. That the GOP seems to have surrendered without a fight is sad, but hardly surprising.

We are at a time in our history where we need a Lincoln or a Washington or a Churchill, and instead the only man to step forward was of all people Donald Trump. What a sad end to a once great Republic.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Week in Pictures; Michael Ramirez Edition.

Miss Marple 2

Apparently someone rushed the stage at the very end of Trump's Ohio rally. I suppose Theo will say Trump organized that, too.

Secret Service reacted quickly and hauled him away, according to reports.


I suppose Theo will say Trump organized that, too.

Well, after last night's events, it *would* boost the ratings. :-)

Miss Marple 2

Paul Ryan ‏@SpeakerRyan 6m6 minutes ago

#WomensHistoryMonth is an opportunity to focus on the progress we've made & the work ahead of us all. https://youtu.be/Y2S26dD9C-o

Ryan demonstrates he's on top of current events.

Frau Schattenregierung

My vote goes to a JOM Party Stephanie/Iggy(Sepp) ballot, not for their particular candidate du jour recommendations but for their individual good sense and daring-do. Huzzah!

From the protest organization details coming out, it wouldn't surprise me to find out a mole was in the (Never)MoveOn.org crowd who knew of the plan to rush the stage and reported it. Jedediah "Poh-lease" Smith did make it to the mike.Not even Ted Cruz would stand his ground and debate a mob.

Why was it ok for some protesters to wear Mexican head coverings? Sombreros for me but not for thee?

BTW anyone remember if the (B)lightbringer allowed backpacks in his rallies? Those attending Ah-nold's campaign rallies had to go through a metal detector.

Miss Marple 2

How come no one is talking about Bernie's repeated use of the word "revolution?"

Agent J

Thanks everyone for the Birthday greetings. I am making the most of it..

My fiance surprised me with a wine glass with a nice B-2 metal replica attached.

Now off soon to friend's and family celebration of my 80th year cake and punch.

In my family, I am just a kid. I have three older brothers, and we are all late blummers.


According to Cavuto someone grabbed Trump's pant leg no one came on stage
Your comment about NeverCruz surprised me

Miss Marple 2

Gov. Mike Huckabee Verified account

Trump says the chaos in Chicago was a planned attack. But Hillary insists it was a spontaneous reaction to an internet video.


I am sure Bernie's revolution is nothing like the French or Russian ones


Iggy,thanks for the Week in Pictures link. I laughed at the alligators picture. Hubby's new best friends are the gators in the places he's been kayaking here. : )


Trump made the right call cancelling the rally and he reaps the benefits of that wise decision

When maryrose starts defending Trump, he is probably doing the right thing. Kudos maryrose for your objectivity.

Miss Marple 2

If you read my comment, maryrose, you would see I was moving into #NeverCruzterritory, although I would probably sick it up and vote for him in the fall if he becomes the nominee.

I have had it with some of the supposed conservatives who are blaming Trump for a demonstration/riot which, were Cruz the current front-runner, be targeted on him instead.

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

Jane has the answer up on facebook, IMO.

Supreme Patriot
16 hrs ·
Black Lives Matter Supporter Knocks Out An Old Homeless Lady. SHARE This EVERYWHERE! ‪#‎SHAREIT‬

How could any police tell a rally organizer that they should not cancel when there are thousands of protesters and no idea how many of them will behave like the BLM thug shown.

My guess is that one can find hundreds of these incidents and no police to be seen.


"blaming Trump for a demonstration/riot which, were Cruz the current front-runner, be targeted on him instead"

Cruz might consider discretion the better part or valor and avoid giving speeches in places like this.

OTOH it might be a good thing for the primary and general to light the fuse early and burn off some of the explosive vapors.



I second your JOM ticket candidates.

They both have very well calibrated BS detectors and courage to speak their mind.

Miss Marple 2



This whole time I thought I was the Moby.


Happy Birthday Agent J!

Remember when we used to close this place down?


pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

"National Review’s Kevin Williamson believes Donald Trump’s appeals to the white working class is “immoral” because that demographic’s way of life deserves to die out.

Link by Miss Marple 2 @12:50.

You can't make this stuff up!


¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Agent J ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸

Sandy  ن  Daze

Have been out with the chainsaw, 60° here in 49242 and bright.

Then got a call, Allen West at the Searle Center on campus, just about to soak.

A quick clean-me-up, jump in the picked up, and now, showtime.

Intros just beginning.

Anything going on ?

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

Seconding the 01:01 by glasater.

Chicago Guy

"No evidence whatsoever that there was a plan to rush the stage"

I was there with my family and there was definitely a plan to rush the stage. While waiting in a huge line there were a variety of characters protesting (Hispanics, Students, Bernie fans, BLM, CPUSA) but there was a bigger group of 500+ marching on the other side of the building. At that point the cops brought out the mounted police.

We got in the pavilion around 6pm. There were a few hundred people on the floor space in front of the stage with the cameras and press tables in the middle of the floor. The rest of the floor was unoccupied at that point. The first level as pretty full and the 2nd level about half full. Maybe 7k people in total at that time.

At around 6:30pm a gentleman went to the mic and announced the event was cancelled (or postponed) I couldn't hear that well. About 100-150 of the people in front of the stage jumped up and down and ran out to the back of the floor space. They were chanting "we stopped trump! we stopped trump!". Groups in the lower level began chanting as well. The Bernie signs came out. There were BLM members as well. Basically members from the same groups that were outside. There was one black guy (as mentioned by someone else above) who got up on stage and tried to speak into or grab the mic on the podium. Two big guys finally got him off stage.

The security was not ready to handle what basically turned into a riot inside. Many cops were outside where thousands of protesters were marching. I should mention that right before we entered the pavilion at around 6pm there was a black guy yelling from across the street "we have a surprise for you". One of our kids said that's a little scary. I said maybe it was Trump Steaks.

Anyway once the chaos broke out inside we were debating whether to wait it out on 2nd level since most of fights were on the floor & lower level or leave. We decided to head out since we had to only go down one set of stairs and walk about 20 feet to exit. As soon as we got to the hallway there were 4 cops wrestling a BLM guy to the floor.

We made it out and to the parking lot, but that was an adventure in itself. It was backed up to get out. I got out of the car to see how far we had to go and I saw about 5 cops running to the other side of the garage. I later found out there were protesters damaging cars with baseball bats.

We made it out of the garage and back to the roadway (through the Greektown area).

It could have turned out much worse for us but we got lucky. It wasn't fun at the time, but our kids now have a good story to tell. They did get to see first hand on the Left does not like speech they disagree with and will turn violent to stop it.

However, we may drive down to Bloomington IL for the Sunday rally.


mm's link to what Kevin Williamson said. Wow. Just wow . . .

Trump seems to be very fortunate in the nature of his enemies, and he also seems to be very good at getting them to expose their true selves. And because their true nature has turned out to be so vile, they in turn make him look better by comparison.

I give people like Kevin Williamson another month or so, and they'll be calling for the creation of re-education camps for Trump and his supporters. For the greater good, of course.


Williamson seems to be heading toward the deep end.

Miss Marple 2


I have come to the conclusion that Kevin Williamson is ashamed of where he came from (West Texas) and his non-elitist background.

Some of the snobbiest people often are from humble backgrounds and do as much as they can to distance themselves from it.

On this one issue I appreciate Jim Webb, who never forgets the people he came from and appreciates them for who they are. On other issues, he is a democrat and sometimes completely nuts, but on this one thing, he at least remembers.


Thanks for the eyewitness report, Chicago Guy. Glad everyone was safe. That will be one for the storybooks.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

I'm surprised that Hil-LIAR-y hasn't come out yet and blamed last night's events on a hateful video produced by teh Trumpster.

You know, the kind of video that causes a protest by innocent Berniacs and Hispanics that somehow, inexplicably, turns into violent action against teh Trumpster.

Thomas Collins

Williamson and his type make it difficult for those, such as myself, who have argued strenuously that Trump's bloviations provide no basis to conclude that he is prepared to assume POTUS responsibilities. I just hope people keep in kind that the fact that some anti-Trumpsters have gone out of their way to insult Trump supporters does not mean Trump is a solid POTUS choice.


Chicago Guy,

Thank you!


Welcome home, JIB!

Glad you're out of the morgue and best of luck on the recovery, good friend. We're all pulling for you. Cheers.


When have lefties/progs EVER met conservative thinking halfway? I mean like compromised with any meaningful proposal by Rs in congress?

It doesn't happen!

Trump is the manifestation of the anger against progressive actions and if he can take them down I am all for him.


ht tp://m.the right scoop.com/trump-campaign-is-lying-michelle-fields-desribes-character-assassination-used-against-her/

Meg Headroom

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Happy Birthday Agent J. Glad to hear you're having a great day so far.

Btw, did you work on the B2 back in the day?

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

For those who believe that statements by the Chicago police mean they are prepared to take care of the situation: Their 2016 clearance rate on murders is reported to be 14.7 %.


Texas Liberty Gal

Notice no one is talking about the assault on Michelle Fields by Trump's campaign manager. Coincidence???


You run off at the mouth that there's no proof that he consulted with police before shutting down the rally, and then you go off on some weird and wild conspiracy that he did it as a publicity stunt. GET A GRIP.


--Notice no one is talking about the assault on Michelle Fields by Trump's campaign manager. Coincidence???--



I do not think it to be too coincidental that a non-story isn't reported.


You sure "suspect" a lot about Trump. Suspicion and reality are not the same thing, just so you know.


This is classic Marxist Agitprop. To those that blame Trump, understand that the left has been ginning up anger like this for years. You can start with The Haymarket Affair in Chicago in 1886 and go straight thru to today. Each decade has something. In the old days it was labor strikes and destroying factories. Then in the 60s it was antiwar protests. Rodney King riots left 50+ dead. Occupy had over 7000 arrests. Wisconsin Statehouse. Ferguson and Baltimore led to BLM.
In all cases the Agitprop tactic is the same. Complain, play victim, stir up physical violence as justified by "intolerable conditions". "No Justice no Peace", etc. Push until the right reacts, then play martyr. If you look at Kent State, for example, those protestor were out there for days throwing rocks before a cop lost it and shot back.
So here we are. After thousands of tea party rallies, without any violence or threats of violence from the right, and with dozens of Trump rallies invaded by increasingly threatening protestors, the left finally got what they want. Video of a few Trump supporters hurling insults, exactly one throwing a punch and a grainy shot where a Trump staffer "grabbed the arm" of a reporter for 2 video frames. Oh the horror.
And now the left wing Agitprop machine will go into higher gear. To say that this is the Right's fault or Trump's fault is to say that Agitprop terrorism works and we can never fight back and must always yield. And we have yielded and grown smaller and smaller. Crybullies regularly shut down speech on campus and conservatives need guards to speak.
Note that Agitprop is what the Palestinians do with "Pallywood" and when they hurl rocks or rockets until they one gets shot and then complain they are oppressed. "Liberation from Oppression". When you see that on signs, know that's Marxist speak 101.
Even The Boston Massacre was the same. It's to his great credit that John Adams defended the British soldiers. Too bad Cruz and Kasich didn't see that connection.
This is left wing Agitprop. Terrorism and propaganda combined. It's as old as the hills. It's how they get what they want. What this really all signals - from the way the tea party was portrayed as violent in the media even when it wasn't, to today - is that any pushback from us on the right WILL be met with this Agitprop technique. Cries of oppression, amped up agitation and fake martyrs. If we yield we lose, period.

Jeffrey Varasano - author of the Vanguard piece that Clarice highlighted several months ago


Trump was wrong to cancel his rally? WTF planet do you live on? Did you not pay any attention at all to what happened inside teh auditorium and to his supporters as they exited?


Brava, Stephanie! x2

Chicago Guy

"You run off at the mouth that there's no proof that he consulted with police before shutting down the rally..."

I will say whether the Trump campaign consulted with the police or not, cancelling the rally was the right thing to do. If the police said go ahead with the event it would have been a disaster. When the couple hundred people on the floor were celebrating and chanting I saw a total of 5 police on the floor with them. Fights were breaking out and there was no one to stop them (except other attendees). Security was overwhelmed. It went from calm to wild in about 5 seconds. It was amazing. Outside was even crazier because there were a couple of thousand protesters out there (note: I am not a great crowd size estimator) along with at least 4 helicopters, sirens blaring and lots of yelling.


You learn, for instance, Rome consisted mostly of 4-5 story wooden apartment houses, that urine was collected and sold for toga cleaning, and that someone who didn't have a pot to piss in couldn’t even afford to collect and sell it to the cleaners.

Thanks SBW. The stuff I learn on Saturday Morning catch-up.

Good Morning!

Concerning Miss Roman History, I had recommended Justinian's Flea, a bio of Constantine, or Freeman's AD 381, since it's stuff I had read over the last few years. Don't know if she's picked up any books yet but thanks for all the suggestions. She shot down stuff like Seutonius's "12 Caesars", as she's read most of those Classics, so she needed some more recent suggestions. Her semester in Italy starts in early May and Momma tells me I am tentatively slated to go to Italy on 1 May, and spend a few days with her in Florence and then Verona, before returning to Rome (where she'll be living) and then try to catch a jumpseat home.

Hopefully that will work out OK so I'm currently trying to bid for my April schedule, hoping I can wind up a trip at the end of April stuck in Europe on the company dime, so I'll already be on her body clock schedule with an easy commute to Roma.



What a sad end statement to make about a man who's got more guts than the entire U.S. Congress together.


Odd there is no link to the Williamson article in that hit piece (or did I miss it)? Where did you read it MM?


Too bad Cruz and Kasich didn't see that connection.


Sometimes you shouldn't let a crisis go to waste. Ted clearly stands for himself, not the people.


Chicago Guy, from what I've seen, he does make a lot of good decisions. That's why he'll be a great "decider in chief" and the decisions he'll make will put American first, and that'll be a yuge change.




No one can speculate about whether Cruz or Kasich would have this kind of behavior at their rallies
That is sheer speculation
Kasich and Cruz both had rallies in Ohio and St Louis today
No drama just the candidates stating their positions on the issues and sharing their histories
None of the rhetoric abusive or otherwise on the stump to rile people up
Just the facts Refreshing


Your Cruz hate borders on the apoplectic
You are really afraid he is going to get the nomination
Trump is similar to Obama not Cruz


Thanks, Chicago Guy. From your eyewitness report of what was happening inside the arena, canceling the event was definitely the wise thing to do.

Contrast that to Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and the GOPe all reflexively rushing to side WITH the Soros-funded Far Left brownshirts. Stupid doesn't even do it justice. Not only was it the wrong thing to do on principle, but it was just horrible optics for a Republican. Especially for Cruz who had worked so hard to define himself as a defender of the Constitution. I think he will be the one most hurt by this, because his voters were supporting him for the very principles he ended up betraying.


Trump is narcissistic all about me one
Obviously you never watched The Apprentice TK


What they dont understand is that they are not fighting people who will just lie down as they get rolled. we dont shrug our shoulders and lick our wounds until the next election. eventually, the chickens come home to roost and you get war and a society and world on fire. And they always lose. And wonder why their dreams failed. And blame someone else. But in the end we always win. Because we don't put a price on liberty. As Jefferson said- "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. "


Cruz and Kasich have no drama because they don't represent any change.


Notice no one is talking about the assault on Michelle Fields by Trump's campaign manager. Coincidence???

Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Agent J

Michael @ 1:36

My favorite aircraft is the old B-36, eight huge engines that made everything vibrate. As an Air Traffic Controller in Okinawa during and after the Korean War I loved working them..

My love of the B-2 stems from living and being near them here in Mid-Missouri..I love it when they take off and around 10,000 feet they kick in the after burner, and the entire country feels and hears it..

I would love to see them fly about 3000 feet over I-70 with the AB kicked in..LOL. During rush hour..

Again thanks for the Birthday well wish's.

Threadkiller @ 12:56

Use to be on here all the time, but kind of got out of the rut during the last election.
but I still read and wonder.


Especially for Cruz who had worked so hard to define himself as a defender of the Constitution. I think he will be the one most hurt by this, because his voters were supporting him for the very principles he ended up betraying.

Agreed. He's my first choice among the current candidates, but he lowered himself in my eyes yesterday.


They did not side with the Soros thugs
The media just wants to divide us
Don't fall for the Dems agenda
They want Trump because they think they can beat him
Mess bc just cut from Kasich our Governor to the Trumpfest in Cleveland
More free publicity
Well I hope Kasich thumps him on Tuesday
Now Trump is trashing Kasich because of the upstanding great guy that he is in this election
You Trump fans are welcome to him

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I will make no joke about serving beneath Stephanie. :)


I've said that on policy I'm with Cruz, but this is not a policy election. The only policies that matter are resistance to the left's war tactics which are designed to rid the country of supports for a constitutional republic:

- replace the electorate with Hispanic immigrants, especially in purple states

- invite in Sharia as a direct competitor to constitutional law

- use common core and university dominance to indoctrinate the young ( normalize Marxism and spread critical theory, attacking the Republic - liberation from oppression),

- use PC and Agitprop to silence opposition

- infiltrate the institutions including military, bureaucracy and media


Cruz and Kasich have no drama because they don't represent any change.

I think the point others have made here is correct: Should any of the others become the nominee, the disruption and violence we saw last night will move right on over to them.

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