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March 13, 2016



Did everyone remember to spring forward?

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

Great news from Clarice!



Chic Trib:

Cruz is "the only principled and unwavering conservative" in the race, Dick Shanor said before being chosen to represent Laramie County at the national GOP convention.

Those WY conservatives don't understand the 1st amendment.

James D.

Reposting from the last thread...

Good morning, everyone!

Here's something we (well, the portion of "we" that's interested In college basketball, anyway) can al agree on:


That's the link to my annual tournament pool. Everyone and anyone is welcome to enter. You can submit multiple brackets, and it is $5 for each.

James D.

Fantastic Pieces, Clarice!


Crawl on CNN:


Violence? Must be Trump voters.

Jack is Back (Home Sweet Home)

What I don't understand is why the SS isn't meeting with all these funded groups like BLM, MoveOn and others that have organized these protests and told them to "cool it" or leadership goes to jail? If I as a private citizen threatened Trump, I'd get a visit in a nanosecond.

Clarice, is right. And a number of us are old enough to have seen this rodeo before. Now it's become a fatal attraction for the media and those eejits will soon be doing their best to stage more violence.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

To the surprise of nobody, the provincial Plain Dealer has endorsed brave Sir Rodham and the Mailman's son. Now they can go back to sleep until November.

Thomas Collins

CH, if Dorothy Fuldheim were still around, her commentary on this campaign would have been a hoot.


#GrabGate Debunked - Michelle Fields Cries Wolf. NEW ANGLE PROVES SHES LYING!


Tom Bowler

What I don't understand is why the SS isn't meeting with all these funded groups like BLM, MoveOn and others that have organized these protests and told them to "cool it" or leadership goes to jail?

It's a good question, Jack. I used to wonder the same thing back in the day when union members seemed to be immune from any accountability for the incidental violence that cropped up whenever they went on strike. At the time I didn't realize they were politically connected.

Now that unions are in decline, college campuses are where Democrats get their "rent a mobs" as Clarice put it in her article today. Getting college presidents fired for not jumping quickly enough onto the #BlackLivesMatter movement -- or worse, suggesting that all lives matter -- is practice, part of college training for careers in the real world in which they shut down Republican campaign speech.

Free college for everyone!


Did everyone remember to spring forward

Every time I spring forward I fall back.




Trump just spent 10 minutes slapping Tapper around. It was a beautiful thing.

James D.

Literally, Skoot? Please say it was literally. I would pay cash money to see that.

Texas Liberty Gal

Cruz was absolutely right in putting some of the blame on Trump. Read these comments from Trump and then tell me he's wrong.



Per that vid, Fields would shame any La Liga player with such a dive after play has moved down field. She needs a job that fits her intelligence: "fries with that?" Then to get replaced by a robot that screws up fewer orders.

Texas Liberty Gal

Clarice- Can you explain why Trump makes statements at his rally about punching people in the face- that he'll pay for their legal expenses if they do? What's the rational for that type of rhetoric - I seriously want to know why he says things like that.

Old Lurker

If that video is the real thing, I would love to see a $10,000,000 defamation suit against her and her enabling WaPo reporter.

James D.

I have no problem with Trump telling people at his rallies to punch protesters or throw them out bodily.

Maybe if our side had been doing a little more punching back when the progs pull their stunts, we wouldn't be where it is now.

Miss Marple 2

Good morning!

This morning NPR had one of the organizers from the Chicago thugs group on to describe the scene inside the arena.

"We managed to get in to the center of the arena, where I was surrounded by more hate and racism than I ever could have imagined...."

About 5 minutes of dramatic description coupled with ridiculous assertions about Trump supporters. No clarifications, of course.

Also, forgot to say anything last night, but Brad Blakeman was on Fox playing assistant clean toga person and blaming Trump for having the rally in Chicago to begin with. Apparently it is provocative to hold a rally in a major American citym according to Blakeman. (This seems to me like ceding areas of the country to the leftist mob, but hey, they have been succeeding at this with universities so I guess the left is expanding their reach.)


To the surprise of nobody, the provincial Plain Dealer has endorsed brave Sir Rodham and the Mailman's son.

Being provincial would seem to go right along with representing Cleveland, and I agree - no surprise they'd back their favorite son and the slightly less socialist of the two Dems.

Texas Liberty Gal


Another judge ruling Cruz is eligible to run for president

Tom Bowler

"We managed to get in to the center of the arena, where I was surrounded by more hate and racism than I ever could have imagined...."

Organizers intended to provoke hatred by disrupting the rally in whatever way they could. NPR was happy to go along with it, no doubt.


Read these comments from Trump and then tell me he's wrong.

Arrrghhhh, you made me accidentally click on a Vox link! Had to exit immediately, of course, so didn't get to read the comments, but I don't think it's really arguable. Trump begets mayhem.

Miss Marple 2


The Clintons are doing their usual deadbeat act, which isn't a surprise. She probably is hoarding cash for her legal defense fund.

Meanwhile, buried in the article is this bit of news:

Donald Trump also held an event in Marshalltown on the same day as Hillary Clinton. The cost of those services provided by Marshalltown police was about $3,600. Tupper says Trump’s check arrived today. “In my 23 year career, the Trump campaign actually paying this large bill is the first time that`s happened to me in my career,” said Tupper. “I’ve been doing this job for 23 years and quite honestly the Trump campaign actually reimbursing for these kinds of expenses is the first time that’s ever happened to me in my entire career, with one exception.” Tupper says the one exception is Bernie Sanders, who also had an event in Marshalltown in January and made arrangements to pay up front.


We've always got to be better than who we view as the "wrong" side, James D. We can not punch people at rallies, we can not condone a "leader" who would suggest we do. It. Is. Wrong.


Texas, if I waited in line for hours to hear a candidate and someone got up in my face and tried to keep him from speaking, I'd punch back twice as hard. Your rights are only those which you are willing to defend.

As for the NPr notion that it was provocative of Trump to even hold a rally there--Trump's response to such claims--that this America and free speech is permitted in every part of it, is exactly right,It's the blue enclaves problems that they prevent their police from doing their jobs to protect us when we dare to exercise those rights.

Another Bob

TLG, you seem to be having a problem distinguishing cause and effect. I don't get that. You're also having a problem interpreting the facts on the ground.

You also seem unaccustomed to republican candidates fighting back against the tactics of he left. I completely understand that.

You need to resolve these issues, since Cruz will be the target of all this should the unexpected happen and he becomes the nominee.


Great pieces, Clarice's.

Captain Hate

Trump on Rove News Sunday and is flummoxing Chris Wallace by not backing down on defending people at his rallies, how Islam is at war with us and claims somebody on Fox misstated the Better Business bureau grade on Trump U and didn't correct the matter when provided the actual grade. Ends with a statement slamming the political class and stating that's why he's popular.

Another Bob

And I see Clarice said all that already...

Miss Marple 2


This is a detailed discussion of Kasich's effect (or lack thereof) on the Ohio economy, which is his big selling point on the campaign trail. There are lots of facts and figures, complaints from unions and social services types, but also a fair amount of interesting statistics, like 53% of adults in Cleveland are unemployed, a figure I found staggering.

Then, down in the article, I found this:

"Kasich also created a new, private state entity called JobsOhio, responsible for the state’s economic development. The entity has been controversial among both liberals and the state auditor because Kasich exempted it from public record laws, meaning that Ohioans have no idea about the deals it cuts with taxpayer dollars to entice businesses."

How does he get away with THAT? Seems like an area that would be real easy to abuse.


"Literally, Skoot?" Whatever it was, he just did it to Wallace as well. Say what you want, but he doesn't take any guff from news models.


...should the unexpected happen and he becomes the nominee.

True enough, Trump figures to be the nominee, and to get trounced in the general election by a corrupt harridan. But that's cool, it's important that those third of GOP voters got to make their point.


Yay Corey!!!! I love CL.


Trump on Rove News Sunday

Rove News must like the big bucks, you'd figure a station with integrity wouldn't let Trump on in the first place.

Captain Hate

What's more shocking that NPR has biased reporting is that JOMers listen to it knowing that.

Mailman's son is acting like the second coming of Reagan instead of Harold Stassen. This goof is delusional. Finally people aren't ignoring him unlike the boo hoo past.

James D.

hrt @ 10:09

I disagree. I'm tired of being the better person and losing.

And I'm tired of the endless hate and provocation and slander and lies and garbage from the progs going unchallenged. If they'd been punched, hard, years ago, they would have learned their lesson.


riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, the one of the people who couldn't trounce Trump could trounce Hillary.......

Miss Marple 2


That third of voters are winning the elections, because the clean toga crowd are all thinking that each one will be the anti-Trump choice.

It is not the Trump voters' fault that the other people couldn't agree on one person. One would think when a bunch of people stayed in the race too long leaving McCain as the one who made it to the end, they would have figured this out.

It is also not Trump not his voters' fault that Trump brought up subjects the rest didn't want to discuss, thereby galvanizing support.

Old Lurker

Cap'n, Rush wants Kashich to be named Postmaster General by a new conservative President.


Networks and integrity, what did curchill say about that?


I'm tired of being the better person and losing.

Condone violence, then, and take losing to a new level.


Churchill, autocorrect is illitarate


...the one of the people who couldn't trounce Trump could trounce Hillary

Snark obscured by syntax, I guess.

James D.

hrt @ 10:20

OK, then the two thirds of GOP voters who don't want Trump just need to get their act together.

They can rally around Ted Cruz, and the ones who dislike him almost as much as they dislike Trump can suck it up.

Or they can rally around Rubio or Kasich and make a good enough offer to Cruz to get him to go along (VP? Supreme Court at the first opportunity?) and ask his voters to do likewise.

THEN you'll have the one on one race that everyone keeps saying Trump will lose. And Cruz or Rubio or Kasich will win the nomination by the will of the party's voters and we'll all rally around him.

But the responsibility for doing so is on the #NeverTrump side. We're waiting...


That third of voters are winning the elections, because the clean toga crowd are all thinking that each one will be the anti-Trump choice.

Yes, and it's a pity. A perfect storm leading to accelerated Idiocracy.

Captain Hate

Kasich claiming to be a white knight on outsourcing. Is making up lies on Commie Core being about "high standards and local control". I'd love to see rse corner this goof.


Trump was also on CNN with Jake Tapper this morning. His remarks gave Tapper a sad face.
Clarice is so right about the propaganda machine. I never heard the words MoveOn,#BLM or People for Bernie on CNN this morning.

James D.

Hrt @ 10:26

Is the country or the GOP truly better off with a clean, respectful campaign that allows BLM and BernieBots to disrupt its events, that doesn't answer attacks, that doesn't ever muddy the waters, and goes on to lose by a decent, respectable 52-48 margin in November, as Romney did in 2012?


THEN you'll have the one on one race that everyone keeps saying Trump will lose.

Oh, and he would most certainly lose it - whether it was Trump v Rubio, or Trump v Cruz, or Trump v Kasich - Trump's negatives are yuuuuuge even among Republicans. But, no, it's apparently not destined to work that way, leaving the one race that Trumnp (as well as the GOP) will lose being the general election.

Centralcal on iPad

Byron York has a piece this morning that interviews several non-Trump supporters who all feel strongly about the organized Chicago protesters being the ones to blame, rather than Trump.

While I see Clarice's point (quoting Trump) about this being America and he should be able to rally anywhere he chooses - even blue hells - I question the judgement of doing so. From York's article:

"The pump was primed in Chicago," Seitz-Wald wrote, "thanks to now near-constant demonstrations against Mayor Rahm Emanuel over the shooting of Laquan McDonald and other issues. Trump chose a venue, the University of Illinois Chicago campus, in the heart of the city, where student organizers whipped a demonstration together. And activists tapped into existing networks of pro-Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter activists."

"We wanted to show Trump that this is Chicago, and we run Chicago, and we're not going to take this," Seitz-Wald quoted local activist Ja'Mal Green as saying. "We got better organizers here."


Yes, a Republican should be able to have a political rally in Chicago. But, I think it was poor judgement to try and do so in the current atmosphere there.

James D.

On a totally different and happier topic, my new book is out on Kindle in two weeks (March 29th), but the paperback edition is available early.

Today, actually:



Who gets tickets for HC and Bernie events v. Trump's? Is it first come first served like Trump's, or do the Dems only hand their tickets out to specific lefty groups/outlets for distribution?


James D, the BLM movement is nonsense, Bernie is a starry-eyed lefty loon, and Hillary is eminently beatable by any Republican candidate except Trump. It's fair to say that McCain and Romney didn't fight hard enough, but Trump is a very poor antidote to that.

James D.

But, no, it's apparently not destined to work that way, leaving the one race that Trumnp (as well as the GOP) will lose being the general election.

Maybe you're right. But stop freaking blaming Trump or his supporters for that! It is NOT their fault, or Trump's!

If everyone knows that ANY of the other remaining candidates would beat him one on one, then it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to go into a room together, RIGHT NOW, and duke it out, or talk it out, or have a staring contest or a poker game or whatever the hell they want to do, until one emerges as the designated anti-Trump, and the rest agree to back him 100% and urge all their voters to do the same, and release all their delegates to him.

Until they do that, it would be nice if you'd stop blaming Trump and his supporters for bringing on the apocalypse.

Captain Hate

The panel is loaded with RINO stalwarts. Rove criticizes MoveOn and BLM for disrupting rallies and then blasts Trump for the non presidential tone he sets. Strassel: says essentially nothing. Julie Pace on how polarizing 404 has been: says privately he takes responsibility for some of it but still tries to make himself a victim. Juan: makes guesses on how votes will go. Rove seems to think that Trump still faces an uphill climb for votes. Party is bitterly divided.

Miss Marple 2

James Woods Verified account

What will happen when the other side decides to organize and protect itself from these #orchestrated #assaults on the free election process?


This tweet is by James Woods, the actor.


"Your rights are only those which you are willing to defend"

True C.

The "division" that is being exposed (not created) is between adherents of that and those want Big Daddy or Big Mommy or Big Nanny to take care of them.


Rove seems to think that Trump still faces an uphill climb for votes.

Trump supporters can be heartened by this, probably only Bob Shrum is more reliably wrong than Rove.


So ,CC, it's too provocative to speak on college campuses, in blue hells and we should just stick to low population Western states? Southern rural areas? How does that work?

Not buying it.
Chicago has an obligation--as do the universities--to provide order in which everyone can speak without fear of getting their heads and cars smashed in.


funny-how the same people who get the vapors over invisible microaggressions look the other way at real aggression.

Another Bob

Centralcal, how many other cities are you willing to cede to the leftist mobs?


Not buying it.

I don't either, any candidate should be able to speak anywhere they'd like to. If that candidate is a provocateur, though, expect fireworks.


"it would be nice if you'd stop blaming Trump and his supporters for bringing on the apocalypse"

Seems more like peer pressure than opinion doesn't it James.

Good point that Trump is not responsible for there being 3 other candidates in the primary.

Miss Marple 2



speaking of idiotocracies .... you clearly get all your info about Trump third hand, even though all his rallies and events are streamed. If you'd watched even a few of them, you'd be ashamed of the wrongness of your statement about violence and condoning violence. You've got a real good fantasy going on in your head, that has no relationship whatsoever to reality.

Texas Liberty Gal

Just because Trump & his supporters are NOT responsible for the violence does not mean its wrong to condemn his encouragement to his supporters to go after protesters.


You've got a real good fantasy going on in your head, that has no relationship whatsoever to reality.

Says someone who would like to see Donald Trump be the president of the United States.

Captain Hate

Trump supporters can be heartened by this, probably only Bob Shrum is more reliably wrong than Rove.

We've reached a point of agreement.

Rove: Bernie has beaten some polls but Rodham will still easily win with super delegates. Strassel: nobody knows what will happen with Rodham scandals re the DOJ. Pace: donks have moved to the left of their base on illegal immigrants. Juan: still makes the claim that 404 has deported more people than GWB so we must fellate the beaners. Señor Rove gives a more nuanced view on illegals in the Latino community.

And that's a wrap.


"encouragement to his supporters to go after protesters"

Someone encouraged the protesters to disrupt Trump events.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Seems to me if this continues with Moveon and others openly conspiring and crowing about depriving others of their constitutional rights through intimidation, harrassment and openly admitting to it by talking about "shutting people down" etc a Federal civil rights and RICO lawsuit against the organizations openly organizing this kind of stuff would very quickly force the parent organizations and their agents to stop engaging in threats of actual violence and intimidation and begin doing legal things like peacefully and legally protesting or staying at home and shouting at their TVs.


funny-how the same people who get the vapors over invisible microaggressions look the other way at real aggression.
Love that statement, Clarice.
And best Pieces ever.

Centralcal on iPad

Clarice I didn't say any of what you are attributing to me other than I felt it showed a lack of good judgement.

Trump never even made it to the venue, cancelled the rally shortly after arriving in Chicago and seeing, I presume the potential danger, and cancelling. It was his supporters (some families with children) who were left to fend for themselves in trying to return to their cars, etc. and run the gamut of protesters.

Trump himself was safely tucked away in his hotel.


Iggy--I have to post that on FB where I've made you a superstar..I'm still not seeing any agent's fees in the mail yet.

Boris, get outta my head, darling.

Miss Marple 2


Are you saying that Trump should have shown up and what - personally escorted each family to their cars?

Were there not police there?


RICO will simply cause a renaming shuffle as with ACORN. Unless the officers can be banned from any advocacy (which I doubt, and they have plenty more to swap in), the legal system cannot stop this organized intimidation and harassment. Only emptying the bank accounts of the contributors can help... but that will end up with a national version of the temper tantrum Wisconsin went through, and the left hasn't given up here either.

Birthers could have told you that

"Where was [Cruz] in 1968 when the far left pulled the same kind of thug action in the same city?"

He was born in December of 1970


"Says someone who would like to see Donald Trump be the president of the United States."

Says someone convinced that Bush was gonna be the next president...

Miss Marple 2

By the way, has Rahm Emanuel made any sort of statement? Like disavowing the violence on behalf of the people of Chicago, and saying "That's not who we are" or something like that?

Centralcal on iPad

Clarice: "Not buying it.
Chicago has an obligation--as do the universities--to provide order in which everyone can speak without fear of getting their heads and cars smashed in."

Don't disagree with your point. They have "an obligation" but they are not fulfilling that obligation. Often they are actively joining or encouraging the protests that they should be protecting against. Hence "heads and cars [get] smashed in."


If I'm typical of people in flyover country watching the Chicago shenanigans, any serious attempt to make us pay for bailing out failed blue hells like Chicago will result in mass demonstrations not seen in 40 yrs. imo.

Miss Marple 2


My sisters and I used to go up to Chicago to shop on Michigan Avenue. Even if I had the money, there is no way I would go up there today. Besides it being dangerous, they obviously don't want my money.

Captain Hate

but that will end up with a national version of the temper tantrum Wisconsin went through, and the left hasn't given up here either.

They never give up which is why all this hand wringing about changing the tone misses the point. The opposition has overlooked genocide in the past and probably would prefer to use it against us.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That 8:24 link to the Fields video pretty much clears everything up.
Contrary to my and boris's guesswork which leaned toward the SS guy doing it, clearly Lewandowski grabbed her, which is contrary to his assertion he never touched her.
Since it didn't amount to anything more than him brushing by her in a crowded room it's possible he didn't even realize it was her as he seemed to be looking past her. Or it could have been so minor as to not even rise to the level of cognitive recognition on his part just as the vast majority of such interactions in crowded rooms or sidewalks don't for all of us, especially if you're scanning a room looking for threats or trouble.

However, that's as bad as it gets for Lewandowski because the rest of the story of course is she was clearly not being truthful about not knowing who did it since she looked right at him when he grabbed her. Terris is clearly lying when he said "Yeah, he just threw you down" since she barely moved and even the expression on her face barely changed.
The idea anyone would file a police report on something as amazingly minor as that is, well, amazing.
For Terris to use something so asininely trivial as evidence of anything renders him as dishonest and ethically challenged as what we have come to expect from Bezos's fishwrap.
As Theo has maintained; a nothing burger.


I'll second cheerleaders recommendation that all critics watch a Trump rally.
I watched much of yesterday's livestream from Dayton (my first) and I didn't hear a racist or bigoted statement. Nor were there any calls to violence. I don't know if he's changing his topics in light of closer scrutiny, but I could not help but be very impressed with his communication skills on the myriad topics he touched on. I think he spoke for at least an hour and a half.

This did not strike me as a stump speech--he addressed issues pertinent to the Ohio economy at length.

2:00 this afternoon at Savannah Center in West Chester, Ohio.
Drudge had yesterday's livestream posted in red.

Tomorrow, 10:00 Lenoir-Rhyne University in NC.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--RICO will simply cause a renaming shuffle as with ACORN.--

For a not unsubstantial period of time the tactics ACORN had employed were greatly curtailed until they were able to reorganize and reconstitute themselves. In the meantime they were put on the defensive and exposed as thugs.
The problem is the new entities weren't sued out of business as well.
Cost someone enough money and headaches and they go away, especially if it's the guys writing the checks and/or making the decisions.


For those who don't live in Ohio don't make judgments about Kasich please until you have all the facts
JobsOhio is a good program Kasich has created many new jobs and taken us to a surplus in the budget
The reason Cleveland has a 53 percent unemployment rate is that those citizens comprise the majority of our welfare recipients
In southern and western Ohio the situation is different
Unless you are on the ground living here you really do to ow what has happened I the last 8 years
I know Captain and others don't like Kasich
That is their right
I on the other hand do like him
He has run the most positive campaign
Diminishing him or nitpicking does not make Trump look better
Trump is Trump
We know what we should get with him
I agree with Clarice
We should be able to hold a rally wherever we want
Freedom of speech is a founding principle
Please no cites about what other candidates said
It is the

e political season
Fur is going to fly

Captain Hate

This did not strike me as a stump speech--he addressed issues pertinent to the Ohio economy at length.

Unpossible, the mailman's son has made a worker's paradise.


I nominate you to be in charge of the pikes brigade

Miss Marple 2


This has a breakdown of the rest of the primaries as well as what polling information there is and candidates' chances, along with weird things like Pennsylvania delegates aren't committed.


Debunk Link Repost:


C.Lew does gently move her between him and SS guy when she winds up in the middle of Trump, BodyGuard and C.Lew. She absolutely looks right at him as he does so.





Anon a mom
You neglected to mention how Trump trashed the other candidates which he does in every political arena
I know it is the political season but if we hold other candidates and their words up for scrutiny then his words must also be evaluated
He doesn't get a free pass because he is Trump


Conventional wisdom says Trump doesn't quite hit the required number of delegates
We live in interesting times
If Pennsylvania delegates are uncommitted than Trump and Cruz need to prove they are the right candidate


Nice column, Clarice. My only quibble is that as I've said, I don't see why Cruz should be singled out for criticism when if anything Rubio's and Kasich's responses were even worse.

Captain Hate

When Julie Pace said "inside the White House" 404 admits he hasn't been successful in bringing the parties together, I assume that's his paid liars saying what she wants to hear because no way does that mentally ill goof think that.

Miss Marple 2



"why Cruz should be singled out"

I was hoping for something better from Cruz. Roob and JK are off my radar completely.

Still think Cruz / Fiorina can be a formidable team, but this should be a learning experience for Cruz. Hope he gets that, I do.

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