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March 22, 2016



The cell leader seems to have been one named lachryoiu, who went to syria back in 2013

Captain Hate

This just proves we need MOAR SYRIAN REFUGEES.


You don't focus on one bomber you look at the network, but that would mean asking complicated questions.


Yes CH, one on each block so we can be exhorted not to hate them. (or conversely so we can leave flaming bags of dogpoop on their doorsteps and ring their doorbells every time their co-religionists "act stupidly").

jimmyk on iPhone

From the last thread:

"Sebastian Gorka on Fox says in the last year and a half the FBI has found 90 ISIS people in US plotting attacks."

So how many have they not caught?


Who didn't expect this? Trump will get mileage and credibility for stating the need to pause Muslim imports into America until a vetting system is perfected. How deplorable that Obama has been allowed to avoid accountability for his administration's limp-wristed approach to ISIS.

jimmyk on iPhone

Also from the last thread:
"Bill Clinton has sent out an aide to say that when he said yesterday the last 7 years have been terrible he wasn't talking about Obama---he was talking about the Republicans in Congress."

Nice walk-back attempt, Bill, but Rs have only controlled Congress for 5 years.

Jack is Back!ll


They found an unexploded bomb vest and think the guy who left it is still there or on the run. Cold feet like Saleh or avoiding initial firefight.

Jack is Back!ll

Reposting from last Thread (but 1st one didn't go through):

This morning flights to Brussels were diverted to Charelroi, Antwerp, Lille, Ostend and other airports. Just now opening up Midi train station but with only one access point. All schools in Brussels and Antwerp are in lock down. No Eurostar or Thalys service.

SNBrussels Airline refunding all tickets up to the 28th. That tells us that Zaventam is shut down until then at the earliest. Could be earlier but who knows. Mrs. JiB and Frederick are booked on Air France/Delta code share out of JFK. No news as of yet.

daddy on iPad

From the initial write-up of Obama's speech in Havana he also left out the words Islam or Muslim. It was a UK Daily Mail story:

Obama, said, "We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium in bringing to justice whoever is responsible and this is yet another reminder that the world must unite.
'We must be together - regardless of nationality, or race, or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism,' the president said. 'We can and we will defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world.

So once again, the only people Obama has been able to label as terrorists during his 7 years as Prez, are Republicans.


In response to Brussels, Cruz just posted on FB a list of what we must do now items, mostly unremarkable like secure our borders, direct more resources toward fighting ISIS, etc, but this one stopped me in my reading tracks:

"We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized."

What is the world does he mean by "patrol and secure"? And is such demographic LE targeting constitutional?

Jack is Back!ll


Laachraoui is Syrian.

Free James D!

Deb, I applaud him for saying it. And I personally couldn't care less if it's constitutional.

daddy on iPad

Now some guy at The Federalist says people can't vote for Trump because he doesn't understand our Libel Laws.

OK, I guess we should all vote for Hillary then because she fully understands our laws on keeping Top Secret Informatin secure.

Got it.

I hate everybody. Good morning:)


Deb, it is a smaller step than FDR with the Japanese Americans.


Come dit next to me, daddy. I hate a lot of media and political elites and it ain't diminishing.

Here's Justin Trudeau to get you steaming:"If you kill your enemies, they win."

Jack is Back!ll

Just got word that my one of my nephew's wife, who works for the EU Commission, was on the same train line at 9:00 and got off at Schuman and is now in lockdown in her office building. The bomb went off at 9:11. Let that sink in.

Miss Marple 2

Yes, daddy, I share your sentiment.

That Cruz statement is way more nutso than Trump's plan. Trump says keep them out temporarily. Cruz apparently wants a police state in Dearborn.

Here's the thing that worries me. We have NO WAY or predicting which American citizens and legal immigrants will suddenly go off the rails and wage jihad. None. Look at the numbers who have suddenly gone radical and then cut off a wife's head or shoot up an army base or whatever. Many American citizens or long-time legal residents.

Obama keeps saying these attacks are all "lone wolf" type things. In a way, that's more firghtening, because now you have NO idea if your neighbor will suddenly decide to blow up the neighborhood or shoot up your kid's school.

But while he is telling us all of thesethings are "lone wolf" he is also telling us not to be afraid of Muslims.

OK, how does that work? There is a 1/100 chance that your neighbor might suddenly transform into a psycho murderer, but don't give him a wide birth, nosiree.

Give him a baby shower! Yes, that will show him we are friendly!


I don't know if Cruz let loose his inner demagogue to win AZ and UT today, but he's lost my respect.


Obviously a couple of disgruntled American Airlines and Brussels subway employees.

Just a couple of cases of workplace violence.

Nothing to see here, move along.


Local radio fill-in "conservative" said "mastermind" more than once. I shut it off.

Here is what the buffoon Trump said after Paris:


daddy on iPad

Here's Justin Trudeau to get you steaming:"If you kill your enemies, they win."

Good, Let's help them win.


Taqyia Ted is letting out his internal polling that suggests he needs to keep up his anti-establishment charade.


We know the Twin Cities, for just one area, is a growing Muslim threat - should we just ignore these communities as they refuse to assimilate, and push to incorporate sharia into our system of government? How many of them are planning attacks on American schools and malls and government buildings, while they are safely sheltered within these Muslim enclaves?
Surely our Constitution does not prevent us from exposing and eradicating an enemy within!


Sounds north african, in so far as the documents are real.

Yikes what a close call.


After the Paris slaughter, Trump suggested press peeps start calling ISIS murderers "thugs" and "losers" instead of glorifying them as "masterminds"? And that's supposed to be bad/wrong advice? Sounds like good common sense to me.

daddy on iPad

Miss M,

Just giving you advance warning that until my Heels whip your IU Hoosiers on Friday I hate your guts too. "Hey" to Nathan.


Surely our Constitution does not prevent us from exposing and eradicating an enemy within!

It certainly doesn't prevent us. But the pathway is through the immigration and naturalization powers conferred on congress.

Since Ted ignores those to his benefit, it is plausible that he will ignore them to a citizens detriment.


Trump says political things In every speech or tweet
He is an absolute fixture on Hannith's show
I agree with Cruz
We need to patrol and protect our neighborhoods
Sometimes a police presence is a detriment


"If you believe we've finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, we don't need another lecture about Islamophobia."

daddy on iPad

I stay has a line of sarcastic tweets posted from a couple guys worth scrolling thru, such as:

New Europe is going to be AWESOME, if citizens refrain from reckless activity like air travel, bus travel and walking at night w/o male escort

What a bummer that this might negatively effect John Kerry's Euro Bike Rides:(

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

""If you kill your enemies, they win." For those who call getting 72 raisins winning.

daddy on iPad

Insty has a line...



Mall of America in Bloomington, MN would be a prime target. Interestingly, lots of Muslims working there, mainly young women in hijab.


Here's Justin Trudeau to get you steaming:"If you kill your enemies, they win."

Can't remember if I shared this story. A co-worker who lives in Montreal is married to a retired high school principal.

Justin Trudeau planned to be a school teacher and did his student teaching in her school.

He was the only guy in her 30+ years that flunked the in-school work experience. She says he was a totally worthless POS.


Somali Muslims, of course.


Heh, Buckeye. That's a choice story I would love to share with prog friends.

daddy on iPad

Here's to hoping Trudeau and Hillary win.

Just joking of course. I simply want Hillary to receive the exact same welcome she received on the Bosnian Tarmac.

Personally I'm ready to form a group called The Bosnian Tarmac Party.


So if we kill Trudeau he "wins"?


Porchlight, BOzo's nominee as new Library of Congress head may be his least qualified nominee yet, and that's saying something.


Any word on when James Taylor is scheduled to arrive in Brussels???


Wow Deb, the Library of Congress has copies of my IP (required under copyright law) and that dimwit will protect it? I'm gonna need a much larger martini glass trash can.

Destiny Ignatz

Is that a literal quote from Trudeau?
If so, he's making pops look like a veritable Disraeli.

daddy on iPad

The Hill posts results of a new poll asking if Americans want to punch Trump in the Face.

Linked by Ed Driscoll at Instapundiit, he links some blasts from the past, such as gabby Giffords saying Sarah Palins cross hairs on Ariizona might cause angry nutty people to do bad things.

Guess that only works one way. Thank goodness "The Hill knows US Libel Laws. I hope The Hill wins, and I'd love to invite them to a party on the Bosnian Tarmac. Go Heels!

daddy on iPad

Any word on when James Taylor is scheduled to arrive in Brussels???

I think he's still in Cuba.

daddy on iPad

Wonder what Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona is doing in Cuba?

Anybody know?

I would be happy to give him a Bosnian Tarmac welcome.

Dave (in MA)

DebinNC, in the wiki article on her, you can see some of her primary qualifications:

"... the first black person to ..."
"... first African American to hold the position ..."
"... was vocal in her public opposition to the Patriot Act ..."

daddy on iPad

Is that a literal quote from Trudeau?
If so, he's making pops look like a veritable Disraeli.

Anyone know what was the meaning behind that old Cream Album's name, "Disraeli Gears?"

It's approaching last call time over here.


Its turtles all the way down.

Dave (in MA)
saying Sarah Palins cross hairs on Ariizona
Printer registration marks. I have to admit, I often want to go all PC LOAD LETTER on the [redacted for Lent] HP printer I have at home, so maybe there is some link to violence after all.

This "DR HAYDEN" sounds like JAYVEEEEEE material to me.

Dave (in MA)

One of Clapton's roadies referred to "derailleur gears" on a bike as "Disraeli gears".

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

"may be his least qualified nominee yet,"

IMO, his worst is John (I met with the Viet Cong in Paris, unauthorized- while a US Naval officer and recommended we adopt all their proposals).

But that Library of Congress head looks really bad.


Daddy, apparently that quote is the real thing.


Actually--Iggy, apparently that quote is the real thing--weasel zippers.


All news is local...a team of brewers from Allagash Brewing in Portland arrived at the Brussels airport five minutes before the bombing. All are safe. The company takes an annual trip with employees to learn about the Belgian tradition of brewing. Six employees were re-routed to Paris and another four had made plans to remain in Europe.


Clarice, it ranks up there with KLOPPENBERGS quote that ABE LINCOLN was a slave holder

Dave (in MA)

"World of Pain"

"We're Going Wrong"

Dave (in MA)

RIP Rob Ford,

One of North America's most entertaining politicians.

Destiny Ignatz

Apparently in Canada a natural born bobblehead doll is eligible to be prime minister.

daddy on iPad

So it's Mitch McConnells all the way down?

We are so screwed:(

daddy on iPad

Great info Dave. Whoa!


Is there any word as to whether this is related to IZZZZZZLAM yet???



glad to read that your family is safe and prayers for their continued safety and safe travels.


Donald Trump thinks African-Americans are beautiful, tells them so:


Jack is Back!

Good news. Delta has come through with a flight tomorrow from JFK to Amsterdam. A lot longer drive to Antwerp but they can also catch a Thalys at Schipol to Antwerp Berchem station, as long as it is running. But knowing my SIL she'll drive up and bring them down even with an 0600 arrival!


Lol daddy,

Good news jib.

Destiny Ignatz

So if I'm reading the Utah/Melania Trump story correctly its a variation on the old;

"Do you have any naked pictures of your wife?
Wanna see some?" gag. Correct?


As Don Surber says, what man doesn't want to see naked pictures of a beautiful woman?


Jack, in the old days of Sabena, I'd go through Brussels on purpose, on my way to Scotland. I'd make a little side trip and I enjoyed Belgium.
What has happened to Western Europe including Britain is sick. The LEFT is to blame for allowing the infiltration of their countries and culture. We haven't seen the last of this.


It does, GUS. Maybe if she loses she can become Canada's Chief Justice.


Barney Frank?


Porchlight, BOzo's nominee as new Library of Congress head may be his least qualified nominee yet, and that's saying something.

Yep. I was really hoping it would be my boss, who was reportedly under consideration (according to her). But no, we're stuck with her, unless the current nominee is voted down and she's choice number two. She's unqualified as well. She's not even good at this job. (hope she's not looking over my shoulder)

daddy on iPad

Is there any word as to whether this is related to IZZZZZZLAM yet???

Hillary and Obama have both made public statements on it already, so apparently it has nothing whatever to do with Islam.

As One of the tweeters at Insty posted:

BREAKING Brussels is under sustained terrorist attack by No Particular People who are perpetrating mass murder for No Particular Reason


Let me amend that. For the sake of the country I was not hoping that my boss would be the next Librarian of Congress. I was selfishly hoping we could get rid of her.


Winter spring summer or fall, all you have to do is.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

It's hard to even FATHOM the abject stupidity and ignorance of Obama and Kerry.

Rodham is just a criminal.

pagar a bacon,  country ham and sausage supporter

Porchlight, I recommend not put that info out for others to see.
Just my thoughts from watching the internet.

daddy on iPad

So if I'm reading the Utah/Melania Trump story correctly its a variation on the old;

"Do you have any naked pictures of your wife?
Wanna see some?" gag. Correct?

Reminds me a bit of Prince Andrew. He loved Coo Stark, some pretty actress who had done some movie where she showed her assets, but as that was taboo he went with the red headed heifer Fergie, who let some Texas billionaire suck her toes while nude in front of her kids.

Go Coo Stark!

I recall years and years back meeting some elder broad somewhere who was a friend of Coo and talking about how terrible that separation was for the both of them. Oh well, only advice to my daughters is never ever , ever , ever, ever, ever, let anyone take naked pictures of you ever, never ever.

common man

I was selfishly hoping we could get rid of her.

My very first professional position post college and I have occasion to be in the big boss's office when a call comes in. He takes call and proceeds to heap effusive praise on someone, to the point that I wondering who this person is that can apparently heal the sick and walk on water. Then he hangs and turns back to my boss and I and says simple "Better them than us."

daddy on iPad

Hey, they're throwing me out of this joint#%^*+


Julie Roginsky is a useless piece of crap. Liberal apologist. "This has been going on for 30 years blah blah blah vomit"

The LEFT is my enemy. They are getting people killed, and we will have an event in Detroit and/or Minneapolis.

Yet ROginsky et al want the blame shifted from Obama.



And, above all, we need a Department of Homeland Security that is focused on its day job. We can learn important lessons from today’s attacks—but only if we are paying attention.

Can you spot the problem here?


From hrt's link:

TRUMP: I don’t think so. No, I don’t think so. With the Muslim thing I think it’s a serious problem. I’ve had Muslims call and tell me you’re right with the Muslim thing, I think it’s a serious problem. And it’s a problem that has to be addressed. I mean, there’s tremendous hatred. Even the, even the guy they caught in Paris. He was being hid out by other Muslims, and everybody is after him, and he’s living right next to where he grew up. There’s a serious, serious problem with the Muslims and it’s got to be addressed. It’s temporary, and it’s got to be addressed. And you know you may think of it as negative, many people think it’s very positive.

Thanks for linking that.


The last Librarian of Congress from Wiki:
"James Hadley Billington (born June 1, 1929), the Librarian of Congress Emeritus, is a leading American academic and author who taught history at Harvard and Princeton before serving for 42 years as CEO of four federal cultural institutions. He served as the 13th Librarian of Congress after being nominated as 13th by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, and his appointment was approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate. He retired as Librarian on September 30, 2015."

And this Baltimore librarian whose main selling point is that she opened the libraries during the Freddie Gray riots so people could come get food and "supplies" is the best AA option available? How insulting to all AAs, who obviously must have no true scholars actually qualified for the LoC post that BOzo could have chosen.

Dave (in MA)

http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/03/22/donald_trump_ted_cruz_hillary_clinton_and_other_candidates_respond_to_brussels.html MSM douche climbs on the bodies of dead Belgians in order to slam Trump and Cruz and fluff the Milhous-Rodham pantsuit.

Miss Marple 2


1. We are only monitoring and preventing the travel of KNOWN terrorists.

2. As far as I know, we have done little to stop radicalization here. (See San Bernardino killer, Boston bombers, etc.)

3. We do NOTHING to stop the flow through the southern border.

and finally,
4. Few are paying attention including Obama. The ones who ARE paying attention are ignored.


A number of us have kids who studied abroad during college. One of mine was at St. Andrews with close school friends in Paris and Vienna. They traveled extensively all over Europe. How sad that those days are over, or at least a time when parents won't fear for their lives is no more.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--The LEFT is my enemy. They are getting people killed, and we will have an event in Detroit and/or Minneapolis.--

The right also gets people killed. It's a fact of life that some policies of everybody in this world will get some people killed.
Even Jains get people killed.

The question is whether those killed die in furtherance of state power or individual liberty.
The former almost always an unmitigated evil; the latter usually a mitigated and necessary one.

Captain Hate

“You know how the title came about - Disraeli Gears - yeah? We had this Austin Westminster, and Mick Turner was one of the roadies who’d been with me a long time, and he was driving along and Eric (Clapton) was talking about getting a racing bicycle. Mick, driving, went ‘Oh yeah - Disraeli gears!’ meaning derailleur gears... We all just fell over... We said that’s got to be the album title.”
Ginger Baker remembering 1967.


Thanks for linking that.

I heard DT on FOX this morning, and he said much the same thing i.e. how it's outrageous that Muslim neighbors are not turning in Muslims who they can easily see are up to no good. I agree with him. I still can't vote for him to be POTUS, but he should be able to win without my help.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--MSM douche climbs on the bodies of dead Belgians in order to slam Trump and Cruz and fluff the Milhous-Rodham pantsuit.--

Quite a feat since the Red Witch is the only one of the three who had an active and quite significant role in laying the groundwork for and haplessly watching and de facto assisting the rise of IS all across the ME.

daddy on iPad

Porch. (At a new bar:).

What exactly does a head Librarian do? I think you may have answered this years back, but I can't remember, so do they actually do anything?

I did recently catch a TV documentary on some Monestary dated back to 1100 AD getting all its library put on line, but the PBS documentary was upset because it was Google that was doing it and he thought it was bad that Google was making money off of putting all this ancient Library's literature on line. The monks were ok with it, the PBS guy was the angry sole.

In short, how does your head guy tanking a new job make your job easier? Is it just personality sort of stuff, exactly like when we cheer when we get rid of some bothersome creep who's infested the training department forever?


One undeniable thread to all the carnage.



One undeniable thread to all the carnage.


And Bush. I blame Bush.

daddy on iPad

It's hard to even FATHOM the abject stupidity and ignorance of Obama and Kerry.

Rodham is just a criminal.

one of these days I wonder if our Secret Service is going to realize that performing their job lousy is more beneficial to the country than performing their job diligently.

Miss Marple 2

Steve Rogers says we are still treating this with law enforcement and he feels like it's Groundhog Day.

Hears news, politicians come out and "stand with the people of (fill in the blank)" and talk about increased airport security blah-blah.

Says we need military intervention and sealing borers and abolish visa waiver.


Steve Rogers?

Miss Marple 2

"sealing borders"


6th Circuit has some things to say to the IRS.

Miss Marple 2


Police guy, retired, from New Jersey. Has written books on community policing, etc.

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