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April 12, 2016



well I guess my reward for being home sick with the flu is I get to be first.

Try Hang Gliding

Kinda like Tim Whatney...he only married a black women for the jokes.


It is hard to say which one is creepier, Warren Wilhelm or Hillary Rotten

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That zombie link is cruel....hilarious, but cruel.


peter-- Hilligula is a soul-less vampire, Warren Jr, is just effin' dumb as a plank of wood. No surprise then that Warren Jr will go to jail for spreading some $$$ around , and Hilligula skates for selling out an ambassador and peddling massive influence to Putin and ChiComs laundering through her thoroughly corrupt 'foundation'.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The second link demonstrates the more important of Trump's Achilles heals.

He has made his canny and shrewd negotiating abilities and his brilliant business mind the centerpiece of how he's going to make government work for the little guy.

His operation and ground game are so disorganized and poorly run he can't even make the party rules work for him. That's kind of a stake-through-the-heart short sightedness on his part.

If you're platform is you're going to make the trains run on time you probably ought to know what a train is and how to board it, let alone keep it on schedule.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Bill Gross lists five "investor delusions that will one day be exposed to fresh air".


I have changed, or at least I thought I had changed my party affiliation twice in the past few years, from being a lifelong Dem (so I could perform operation chaos type voting in primaries) to being a member of New York's moribund Conservative party, to being a Republican (so I could vote in the forthcoming April 19th primary. ) I am certain I mailed in my paperwork on time. I just called my local board of elections, and they told me that on their system I am still a registered Democrat. Really makes you wonder what their bureacracy does with the paperwork. So now, it seems, I can vote as a Democrat and get to choose between Bernie and that THING. I asked what would happen if when I show up at my polling place they told me I could not vote, and they told me to call the Board of Elections.


The zombie link is very funny. I remember when the daughter had her wisdom teeth removed. We still laugh,because after we got home I had her comfortable and propped up on pillows and all she could do was cry and whine, I want Dad to come home and take care of me! So I called hubby and said,please come home, she is so out of it,too funny. He came home and we both laughed,poor kid.




"I just called my local board of elections, and they told me that on their system I am still a registered Democrat. Really makes you wonder what their bureacracy does with the paperwork."

We all know who's responsible for this.

Make a youtube video accusing the Cruz campaign and send a couple of tweets to the right people and you'll be featured on Drudge before the day is out and on Fox CNN and MSNBC by morning. #StoptheSteal #DirtyTricks #LyinTed


NYC is famous for this. It has happened to me twice. It inly seems to happen to Republican though.

I do not know what it has to do with Trump.

That is uncalled for remark and uncalled for--it s petty and childish.

Miss Marple


I have gotten used to petty and childish. I assume that will be the hallmark of the GOP from now on.

After this elections n I am going to become an independent.


Ryan says hell no to being POTUS:


At about the 3:20 mark he vociferously ad libs.

I wonder why he threw that statement in there?


The non-profit must not have read Peter's comment before lashing out.

Jack is Back!

Mayor Bane ain't leaving until he shuts down the CP carriages just like Obamas Quixotian Quest at Guantonamo.

But one must beg the question: Why did the Slimes report the joke? It's not like that event was televised. Is Pinch feeling the Bern?


JiB-- Bane lost on the carriage horses in City Council, the teamsters shot down the deal: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/05/nyregion/horse-carriage-deal-new-york.html?_r=0

Thomas Collins

Yes, TK, he put in secure borders because of Trump. I happen to think the best bet to accomplish that is Cruz.

After all, isn't Cruz the one with the most experience in borders? :-))


"I have gotten used to petty and childish."

As a Trump supporter, I guess you kinda have to.


The ad-lib is about 4sec later, TC.


Nice "jerkstore" there, non-profit.

Jack is Back!


I know that but was referring to his inability to deal with real issues instead of an unrealistic fantasy like Obama.

BTW, Man City w/o Kompany are almost 3/4rs the way past PSG for a semi final spot. Nil-nil at 70 minutes and they have those 2 Away goals.



Miss Marple


Example of at least 50 I could list on here of you and TBT purposefully going out of your way to mock Trump supporters.

You aren't interested in convincing anyone to vote for Cruz. You just want to have the last word and insult people.

I am tired of it. I should have done like Beasts, kept my mouth shut, and never said who I was voting for.

You will probably win, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory.

I am out of here for a while.


JiB-- FYI-- Barclays will not re-up as EPL sponsor. My guess? Gazprom.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Anything that keeps Bryan Adams from giving a concert is a vital public good, IMO.
It also serve to demonstrate what revolting hypocrites these creeps are since he has in the last few years played Egypt, Syria, Qatar and the UAE.

I guess A-rabs are like colored people [h/t Hill and DeBlasio]; you just can't expect them to act civilized like us white folk.

Thomas Collins

I don't think that was an ad lib, TK. Ryan simply garbled the word "fulfill". But the idea he articulated of America as an opportunity society has been a consistent theme of Ryan's work in the House.



Agreed. You should keep it to yourself.

Thomas Collins

The real insult is to non-progs of all races. The not so hidden subtext is progs can joke in an ironic manner like that, because progs are more evolved.


TC, my 2 week pledge is getting tested here. :-(

I'm sure nobody would object to me pointing out what caught my attention as long as I don't dwell on it until after my pledge expires.

Listen for "birth circumstances," TC.



MM: "RIF" is just TbT posing as yet another sock puppet. Actually, he is a sock puppet's sock puppet. Also note the complete lack of wit in his attempts at humor. Pure malignant narcissism. The tip off here is that he immediately goes to insults when disagreed with or challenged. He is most certainly not of the GOP.

But beyond him, I agree that this becoming standard for the GOPe, including those hereabouts who think that they are somehow "deep political thinkers", and are upholding the banners of the party and "movement conservationism". Sadly--and comically--the real GOP could care less about any of this, and has nothing but contempt for them (or the rest of us, for that matter).

I would add to "petty and childish" willful obtuseness and arrogant condescension. We will see how that works out for the GOP and what fragile remains there are left of "movement conservatism".

When it goes down in flames in Nov, it will not be the case that they were not amply warned.

I went over to independent quite a while ago.

Why people want to alienate at least a third of the potential voters--and remember in some new polls Trump is at 46%--is beyond me, but I have quite had it with being a pastie for them.

Jack is Back!


MC go through. De Bruyne sealed the deal. Ibramhović looked old. Whoever he ends with in the physical EPL will not get a bargain.


JiB-- yep that little ginger (dutch or belgian?) has been City's best player this season.



Get a grip.

Jack is Back!

Another airfield, another hangar, another Trump rally. Easy pleasy. No motorcades. Fly in. Speak. Go back to your tower.

Wonder if sbw gets his interview.

[I may have once been in that hangar]

Thomas Collins

Sorry, TK. I forgot that although I am fine with you posting frequently on NBC (even though I disagree with you), many of our friends here may not be. So I won't bait you :-))

OK, one more thing on NBC. My oldest child takes an approach very similar to yours. As with you, I have been unsuccessful in persuading her of my view.

OK, enough of this. NBC is verboten!

Jack is Back!

Belgian. Another reason they are ranked no.1 in FIFA.

Old Lurker

Read this to get a preview of our own OPM future:


Seems like just yesterday Japan was king of the world, economically speaking.

Dave (in MA)

I guess we know why Zero always shows up late for his press conferences. His handlers told him that there's a racial stereotype that he has to live up to.

Jack is Back!


Yet here we are.

The roads are clogged. All the planes are packed. 2 hour waits at Disney and Universal. More cruise ships.

But an expanding niche market in luxury ledges. What gives?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Interesting take on Trump from James Lewis at AmThink.

Dave (in MA)

: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | April 12, 2016 at 04:21 PM, at least I can't find any evidence that Caitlyn Springsteen ever played Egypt or anywhere else in the Middle East, and he's planning to hit Israel this summer.

Janet S.

I guess we know why Zero always shows up late for his press conferences. His handlers told him that there's a racial stereotype that he has to live up to.

Obama late to hearings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah9W24oMIRc

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I can't find any evidence that Caitlyn Springsteen ever played Egypt or anywhere else in the Middle East--

Yeah, I looked the other day also Dave and it seems Bruce's idea of a world tour pretty much consists of pasty faced Euros and bronzed Aussies.

By using the plural "hypocrites" I wasn't including Cait, just the lefty lecturers in general.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Zuckerberg growing more overtly political.
Another billionaire Republican.

Texas Liberty Gal

Thank goodness there is another thread-I couldn't wade through the other one! And I have good tidings!



Jack,Tate's Cookies are expanding their distribution into northern New England. I bought a package at my Hannaford yesterday. Yummy!

Jack is Back!


Tate's rules. Try the oatmeal sometime.

Janet S.

Does Zuckerberg have illegals traipsing across his property? Will he lose his job when a citizen of another country comes here illegally & does his job for less money off the books?
Will his daughter attend a school where non-english speakers are half the students?


Any victory by a Republican Party candidate will be legitimate and not Pyrrhic
It is a delegate race to the finish of a Specific number of delegates
Everyone knew the rules going into the race
Too bad if they didn't understand them
That is like giving Hillary a pass on her emails
If Trump comes up short we take our votes

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Does Zuckerberg have illegals traipsing across his property?--

Does driving a lawn mower count as "traipsing"?


Sadly Janet the answer is no
Sucker erg is isolated from all the effects of illegal alien presence in our country


That is good news

Captain Hate

Rodham will get a pass on her emails.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Everybody develop a speech impediment?


Sadly I believe you are correct
I think Comey sends a referral and then Lynch and Obama come out and say it is nothing and pardon her or excuse the behavior
Also tragically no matter what Gowdy produces in his committee will be distorted and mocked


Meanwhile, Jugears just excused 400,000 from their student loans. Pen, phone 400,000, taxpayers 0.


peter, sorry you're sick. Hope you feel better soon.


this is something different,



The opposition party will stop him, henry.


hope you feel better peter,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Great googly moogly;
IRS Koskinen admits in congressional testimony his agency encourages illegals to use fake SSNs.


the curriculum seems written in riyadh,



Ig, that explains why payroll software gets in trouble for validating SSNs. The bureaucracy gets you coming and going.

Free James D!

Henry, I've said it before:

The GOP should get out in fro t on the student loan issue. General forgiveness, paid for by a tax on university endowments. Coupled with an end to fed involvement in the program. Let Obama veto it. Let him be the one to tell the Milennials that the wealthiest institutions on the planet can keep every penny of their billion dollar endowments while they're crippled by unpayable debts that bought them worthless degrees.

Couple it with an ad blitz calling out the insanely high tuition at most schools and name overpaid profs and administrators by name. "Bob Smith, Harvard University. Salary $231,000 a year. Teaches one class a semester. Average student debt, $98,000." Customize the ads by state.

It's going to happen regardless, we might as well profit politically and hurt prog institutions at the same time. Why not?


talk about tipping one's hand,


Captain Hate

Obviously Koskinen is really sweating that impeachment vote. Let's hear from the GOPologists on what a great job congress is doing.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

In looking it up it appears student loan forgiveness applies to those totally and permanently disabled who are already qualified for loan forgiveness.
Apparently a lot of them don't know they're eligible. Barry is kinda cutting through the red tape.
The interesting thing is less than half are currently in default.


I hadn't read him in a while,



What Trump puts on offer as a solution is his persona.

Yes. That is what sells. And considering it is in short supply in Washington, that is what is worth buying.

What the GOPe overlooks is not that Trump won’t get out the vote, but that McCain, ROmney, and the GOPe kept the vote down.


a bit of pushback,



what could go wrong,



Seems like just yesterday Japan was king of the world, economically speaking.

Thirty years ago my boss and I did some consulting for Fuji Electric regarding a product portfolio they wanted to sell in the US.

He (aka The Mad Brazilian, who was actually Prussian by birth) made a couple of trips to Japan to present our findings. After his last trip, I ask him if he thought they were going to conquer the world (economically). This was when the dollar was at it's all time low vs. the yen.

He said:

"Not a chance! We have done such a good job exporting our feel good mentality that they are screwed, they just don't know it yet".

Last time I was in Shenzen it was deja vu all over again. All the teenagers were dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch with earbuds shoved in the ears.

China isn't that far behind.


well they are evil,



Narciso's 8:19 can be said about the area the fed plane circles in San Diego County.


Cannot understand continued support for Trump based on tactics used by his primary staff. Trump lost in Colorado by lack of preparation. Now they resort to threats and intimidation. Trump and his minions like Stone accept a fair and free election according to rules set by each state only if when Trump wins. What kind of Presidency would we have under Trump?


the craziness continues in Casa del Carta,



you think there will be much referring about this,



yes, but the requirement is actual comedy


so those two are out,


she's on a bender, again,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

China is trying to implode while half its population is still peasants.
It's never different this time.

Centralcal on iPad

Great to hear an interview with Heidi Cruz. She appears to be smart, fun and gracious.


there's got to be more then just this,



shirley they can't be serious



Yes, narciso--why are all those who knew about this coordinating the leak just as S.A. is on liefe alert re Iran and is cooperating with Al-Sisi who just gave him 2 Islands Israel gave back to Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.


because too many people, think one dimensionally, or they go off on crazy conspiracy theories, the russians do get dinged a little, as does syria, we seem to have discovered silva's bank from his previous work


maybe they should move that impeachment up a little,



you find in practically every instance, ikwan influences in chechnya, here the IRRO brought in khattab, iraq, syria, et al.


well that's reassuring,



I think he's a little weak on cowbell"



well, who was surprised about this,



occam's razor points in the other direction,




You can't make this stuff up.

{{In wake of the pro-Trump graffiti, the Hispanic and Latino Student Union at OU held an emergency meeting Thursday in the Multicultural Center, where top university officials such as President Roderick McDavis were in attendance}}

I'm melting!!!!!

Man Tran


Drove the other TK's Z51 this afternoon. We need to con Beasts into racing for pink slips. :) Holy carp!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

A few enterprising Venezuelans dragging those robed hoods out of their courthouse and hanging and/or shooting them would do more to propel that country to freedom than just about anything, especially if they fitted Mr Maduro for cement overshoes while they're at it.

Texas Liberty Gal

Centralcal - I watched the Heidi Cruz interview too-she's a great asset to her husband. I was really impressed though not surprised. Maybe she will help people like MM overcome their superficial reasons for not liking her husband. One can hope.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Tree of Life Just Got a Lot Weirder;
amazing tale of the vast unknown world of bacteria.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Refuting [again] the silly "women make 77% as much as men" lie.
Makes a good point about the "risk gap"* nobody seems to care about as men suffered in 2014 92%+ of the occupational fatalities.

*Please note puny, soft, panty-waist fisherman experience less than 80% of rugged logger fatalities. :)



The solution is clear, you need to hire wimmyn to cut down yer trees;)


A few enterprising Venezuelans dragging those robed hoods out of their courthouse and hanging and/or shooting them would do more to propel that country to freedom than just about anything, especially if they fitted Mr Maduro for cement overshoes while they're at it.

We can't be too far behind.

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