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May 18, 2016



I think Mr. Schuck has written a sensible column.

Dave (in MA)

CBS is under fire for approving a half dozen new shows that have white male leads, but they point out that one of the series will co-star a black guy in a dress.


The pilot with POI's Shaw actress as an adult Nancy Drew didn't make the cut.

James D

Via Insty:


The original purpose of CFPB was to represent consumers against unscrupulous banking and financial service practices.

But CFPB has instead become a breeding ground for bureaucrats becoming highly paid executives in the very industry the bureau was created to regulate. The CFPB has an unusually high turnover rate for a government agency as nearly 50 top CFPB officials have abandoned the agency since its creation to take high-paying jobs in the industry.

An agency supposedly built to protect consumers from evil banks has instead turned into a vehicle for bureaucrats to massively enrich themselves at those very same evil banks?

How unexpected! Who could EVER have imagined such a thing would happen?

James D

If the CBS execs were smart, they'd tell the complainers to go and eff off.

"Our obligation is to our shareholders, not to professional grievance artists. We select the shows that we believe will appeal to the largest audience and generate the most revenue for our shareholders. We base those judgments on actual data, rather than on the hurt feelings of unemployable liberal arts graduates who have so much time to complain because they don't actually have jobs. Next question, please."

Dave (in MA)


Clenis flew the pedo-friendly skies at least 26 times.

Dave (in MA)

I'm sure Geo. Clintonopoulos will be all over that story.


Anyone notice the WaPo's full court press against Trump and the Republicans? Complete hysterics. I love it. The Echo chamber is at @ 150 decibels and they're going complete;ly insane.

Ben Rhodes dumps all over Congress, the media, and the American public on the front page and the press meekly reports that the administration won't let him testify. In the law, if someone makes open statements aren't they liable to appear in court if those statements are relevant to the case?

Janet S.

from TM's link - "Transgender people, by taking on a different, often-scorned identity, have demonstrated admirable courage."

::spit:: I guess it does takes courage - or maybe chutzpah - to be delusional & expect ALL OF SOCIETY to participate in your delusions.

and the "DECREE" is about SO much more than just bathrooms.
Changing rooms, showers, sports teams, accommodations at overnight school trips, locker rooms, ....


My goodness, the back and forth here re the Trump vs Anti-Trump commenters is a revelation. I'm glad I missed all of that as I'm sure my boy Rubio (Mr. Open Borders to some) surely received much incoming fire.

And deservedly so.

But . . . we need to let bygones be bygones, y'all. Maryrose, Jane, etc., I'm sure the collective board doesn't want to upset you but this election is a brass-knuckles fight. Rough tactics will have to be employed. Repeatedly. Everything has to be viewed and understood from that context.

This is a very important election and for those still lukewarm to Trump -- you're going to need to be ready to let slide some missteps he's surely going to make in the coming months.

One of the single-most-important components of this election cycle is for enough Americans to say we're done with the gotcha game. Democrats will try and kill Trump (or any other person who won the nomination) with that nonsense.

To hell with all of that. So much of Obama's act has been winked at or signed off on that, in truth, no Republican should give in to the gotcha game that Democrats (and some Republicans) have used with devastating effectiveness. That is the game that keeps the GOP playing the role of Charlie Brown.

Trump, to his everlasting credit, is blowing that model to smithereens. He's crazy like a fox and seems to be just the man to deliver a much-needed paradigm shift to our national politics.

Dave (in MA)

Multiple buildings evacuated at Harvard due to bomb threat.

I guess someone didn't study hard enough for finals.


I've been dissapointed in this campaign as well, the sectarian caste that cruz steered into, and some of the unproductive tacks, that some trump supporters have taken mostly on other blogs,

this is why they say talking about politics and religion is dangerous,


Goldman outlines how he came to this fork in the road, and then adds this generally unobjectional bit,

Remarkably, Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel is running a TV ad denouncing Trump for “kissing up to anti-American dictators”–an unusual use of funds by an organization founded to support Israel rather than support particular candidates, and especially unusual when it is directed against a pro-Israel candidate. Trump notoriously has said that America could work with Russia’s Vladimir Putin against terrorists, and argued that toppling Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi benefited the terrorists. One cannot quite say that Trump paints with a broad brush; rather, he throws the bucket of paint against the wall. But the neo-conservatives’ defining dogma is to undermine dictators and promote democracy. Trump’s view is closer to that of the Israeli consensus. Israel is pragmatic, generally preferring the Arab dictatorships to the chaos that replaced them. Israel’s relations with Russia are complex but generally good, especially in operational matters in Syria.


so this lysenkoism seems to have been for not,



so at what point do they come clean,



it's like they consider this like the weather,


more likely than not, it's the bratva not the salafis, but who can tell,


they have to make room for more unfunny comedies:



Good points as always.
CC Great post
My disagreement was about Kasich with RSE.
I don't recall saying anything about her work which I have admired.
She directed an insult to me personally denigrating my education as did you just now.
My SAT score was a little higher than your room mates.
You acknowledged you came out guns blazing but to try to diminish someone's life's work just doesn't sound like you.
Someone said there is a full moon today.
I blame the moon.

Tom Bowler

...but this election is a brass-knuckles fight. Rough tactics will have to be employed. Repeatedly. Everything has to be viewed and understood from that context.

This is a very important election and for those still lukewarm to Trump -- you're going to need to be ready to let slide some missteps he's surely going to make in the coming months.

Well said, RattleGator. Trump gets it. He fights.


Someone said there is a full moon today.
I blame the moon.

maryrose, I've never been convinced of the full moon theory, but I know many teachers who swear by it. Either way it sure does explain a lot of things in all aspects of my life today.

Robin, in the Ten Square Miles surrounded by Reality

I'm a longtime lurker/occasional commenter who appreciates all of the intelligent commentary here. I live in liberal crazy town, and as a closet conservative, I'm quite accustomed to hearing other's views denigrated. I'm sorry to see it here.

As someone who initially saw Trump's candidacy as a joke and a marketing scam, I have been pleasantly surprised to see him fight tooth and nail to win. The media has spent so much time focusing on his misstatements and stupid remarks that they essentially inoculated him from damage with the bigger stories. I once listened to many of the NR podcasts via Ricochet's site, but can no longer tolerate the nasty condescion emanating from Mona Charen and Jay Nordlinger towards Trump supporters. Has their brand been damaged? Probably. They proved that the GOP establishment is designed to benefit the GOP establishment - not the actual voters they need to win. I might return after the election. Or not.

I enjoy the comraderie here, though I am not a part of it, and the conversations about things I don't know much about. I hope that the regulars will continue to post and welcome new/old folks like me.


what happened to hillary rosen, yikes,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I hope you post more Robin. Common sense is never over-abundant.

Captain Hate

I'm sure my boy Rubio (Mr. Open Borders to some) surely received much incoming fire.

Why yes, he did. Not his wife Jeanette, though; even one troll found her appealing.

Captain Hate

If the CBS execs were smart,

I'm sorry, James, that's the limit of what I read.


the scene I've been referring to,


Thomas Collins

C'mon, Robin, in the Ten Square Miles surrounded by Reality, follow Porchlight's view. At one time Porchlight tweaked the name of this blog from Just One Minute to Just Ten Hours. Can you really wait until after the election to join in again?

As far as welcoming goes, I believe welcoming involves what I hope you take as good natured hazing. So, here goes. Re your last line: So what are you, new or old? :-))

Robin, in the Ten Square Miles surrounded by Reality

TC, new to commenting and old enough to know most of the folks referred to who no longer frequent JOM. I assure you that I'm not afraid of a little hazing now and again.

Yes, the Just Ten Hours is what keeps me from commenting much. Busy life, busy kids. Like everyone else. I do enjoy the comments here, so I keep coming back.


Yes, RattlerGator, yes!! I long ago recognized Trump's unique ability to fearlessly expose & humiliate the progressive beast. I need to ignore his rough edges while he amasses his army and sharpens the spears.

Even Trump doesn't yet know how successful he'll be; especially if we ALL line up to support him. This is our last chance. Hillary and the left are 'this' close to ending forever the Great American experiment.


Welcome, Robin! My husband tagged it Just Ten Hours after seeing my head bent over these green bars for entire days, furiously typing away and laughing to myself. :)

I took a bit of hiatus myself when work/kids got too busy and Facebook seemed easier, but recently I decided to not spend much time on Facebook (partly for privacy reasons) and got back on board here. I'm really glad I did.

Glad you are commenting, and glad to know we're on a similar trajectory re: the Trump candidacy. I think, but am not sure, I might have been the first JOMer to admit to voting for him in the primary. Felt weird then, but not so much anymore. :)


RattlerGator, great post. As I've mentioned before, I took the red pill this election, and now I see Trump and many other things in an entirely different light. Much as you described.

Others might think red pill = grape Kool-Aid, but hey, what can I say - everything looks different now. I can't help it. I'm now able to relax and am enjoying it a hell of a lot more, for what it's worth. Fun to watch him lead the media around by the nose.


Porch, my hubby has called it Just Ten Hours ever since your hubby coined the name and you shared it with us. :)


Trump's list of 11 potential SC nominees is out. Don Willett from Texas, holy cow! Friend of anti-Trumper Iowahawk. :)



JeanD, that's great! :)


Porch: Don Willett is the only one I know a little about, plus he is quite adept at using Twitter - and very amusing too. Isn't this list of potential nominees one that was created for Trump, not necessarily by Trump? Or am I confused.

Thomas Collins

Aha, it was Porchlight Hub that gets the credit for Just Ten Hours. I stand corrected.


I think it's the list his campaign was compiling, centralcal - at least that's how the WashEx article reads...


And yes, he is funny. :) I admit I don't know much about the rest of them.

Thomas Collins

Perhaps Romney should be asked whether he is reconsidering his trashing of Trump now that Trump has come out with his SCOTUS Justice list.

Robin, in the Ten Square Miles surrounded by Reality

I have to say that I'm having an awfully good time watching Trump run rings around the media.

My SIL told me about a WP podcast called Presidential about all of the president and the times they led. Trump seems almost Jacksonian in his disdain for the elite and taking umbrage at every slight. It's a pretty good collection of stories, though I often disagree with the premise of the writer's positions as she compares past presidents to today's circumstances.



Chuck Grassley commented as if it were Trump's list:

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley says in a statement released Wednesday that Trump's list is made up of judges who "understand and respect the fundamental principle that the role of the courts is limited and subject to the Constitution and the rule of law."

Robin, in the Ten Square Miles surrounded by Reality

I didn't see the interview but it sounds like mission accomplished.



Based Scott Adams. Can he predict 'em or what?

I'm a little leery of WaPo, but I'm a sucker for capsule Presidential bios. In fact, the night my third child was born it was the middle of the night and hubby had gone home. I had the baby all swaddled in the bassinet and the History Channel on TV. They were doing half hour bios of all the Presidents in chronological order. I think Jackson was about where I tuned in. I was in hog heaven. :)

Frau Edith Steingehirn

Hog Heaven in Austin...has a ring to it, Porch!


the above link, shows the propensity for violence,
among media, that iowahawk did in his media project.


Frau - it makes me want to eat barbecue. :)

Frau Edith Steingehirn

Robin - thanks for the Dilbert link. Keep 'em coming.


kind of missing the point, spectacularly,


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