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May 12, 2016



First time first.


Copied from the prior thread:
JCB - I realize you are disappointed (understatement) with the election. I wonder what is your purpose in posting every negative comment or scenario you can find about Trump. Are you expecting to convince us not to vote for him? If not that, please explain what is your motivation? (seriously, not a snark)

Posted by: Momto2 | May 12, 2016 at 04:28 PM

JCB Responds:
Momto2 - I enjoy a good give-and-take with smart people. While I have disagreed with people I hope I have been respectful in my disagreement.

It is too late to convince people not to vote for him. The time for that was before he locked it up.

I do admit that I would hope that his supporters might view the man realistically, because win or lose, I believe they will be greatly disappointed in him.

Posted by: Johns_Creek_Bill | May 12, 2016


Copied from the prior thread:

Based on what?

I didn't say he was "conservative." I said he was more conservative than Hillary. That does not require much.

Nonetheless, he has said he'll repeal Obamacare. He has said he'll cut corporate tax rates. He has said he wants to appoint someone like Scalia to SCOTUS.

Posted by: jimmyk | May 12, 2016 at 04:30 PM

JCB Responds:
Trump is famous for saying a lot of things:

Excerpt from LUN:
The Republican Party will continue to lose presidential elections if it comes across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color, Donald Trump tells Newsmax.

Whether intended or not, comments and policies of Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates during this election were seen by Hispanics and Asians as hostile to them, Trump says.

“Republicans didn’t have anything going for them with respect to Latinos and with respect to Asians,” the billionaire developer says.

“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” Trump says. “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.”

Romney’s solution of “self deportation” for illegal aliens made no sense and suggested that Republicans do not care about Hispanics in general, Trump says.

“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump says. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump notes. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

The GOP has to develop a comprehensive policy “to take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country,” Trump says.

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Donald-Trump-Ronald-Kessler/2012/11/26/id/465363/#ixzz48TcW2pSz
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Posted by: Johns_Creek_Bill | May 12, 2016 at 04:48 PM

Dave (in MA)

The DC Circuit judges are Hopenchangers, no?

A Statie from NH and one from MA have been put on leave while their tune up of a perp after an hour-long high-speed chase is investigated. http://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2016/05/12/two-troopers-involved-in-violent-arrest-of-suspect-relieved-of-duty


From prior thread:
I do admit that I would hope that his supporters might view the man realistically, because win or lose, I believe they will be very disappointed by him

You're spending a lot of time writing about how much more perceptive and ethical you are than everybody else. Are you trying to be annoying?

Posted by: Captain Hate | May 12, 2016 at 04:59 PM

JCB Responds:
Never said I was more ethical. I have said my conscience would not let me vote for him but that is not a commentary on the ethics of others - just my own.

People have made the case that not voting or voting 3rd Party is endorsing evil by enabling a Hillary victory. I guess I should get all upset because people are questioning my ethics.

It is annoying when someone argues against the prevailing view? Is this the Daily Kos?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Also from the last thread;

Based on what? He has not voted conservative. He has not contributed conservative. He has stated a number of liberal opinions through the years.

He helped on Reagan's campaigns.
He endorsed McCain and Romney.
He contributed 136 times to the GOP and 86 times to Dems since 1999; exclusively GOP since 2010.
13 of his 17 five figure contributions were to the GOP; exclusively GOP since 2008.
He has stated a number of conservative opinions through the years.

He is not particularly conservative but cherry picked or simply wrong assertions are not convincing.

The amusing thing is seeing quasi-conservative neocons like Kristol, the very essence of their movement being a dissatisfaction with and turning away from their Dem roots, speaking in high dudgeon and declaring anathema a quasi-conservative guy who became dissatisfied with and turned away from his Dem roots.

Captain Hate

Pulling the Daily Kos card? Ok I guess you win.

You're missing a great cruise.


If we're reposting from the last thread, I'll pull this:

JCB is mischaracterizing Trump "supporters" here. Most of us support Trump over Hillary but are in fact quite realistic about him, were not supporters of him when there were 17 candidates, and therefore will not be "disappointed." We will simply be relieved not to have Hillary in the White House. Period.


Repeated winning? Repeated posting? Repeated Lucy Roberts holding the football for Congress?

Whatever. The concern trolls will descend on this thread no matter what.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Excellent critique of Andy Sullivan's hyperventilated declaration of Trump the Terrible Tyrant.


More Bradley effect:

NYT: How Many People Support Trump But Don't Want To Admit It?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That link at 5:27 has a host of very perceptive essays by quite intelligent and reasonable writers that are pro Trumpian without being crackers over Trump.



Interesting article, surprised the NYT ran it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Has the Left Lost Its Mind on Transgenderism?

Wherein a gay lefty asks many very pertinent questions about trannies and is attacked for his efforts.
I would be interested if, like me, anyone has the same sensation as I did reading his objections to the tranny thought police exactly echoing my objections to the homosexual thought police.

He appears to be completely oblivious that some might feel precisely as he does re transgenderism re homosexuality because of course he apparently enjoys his ox being gored, so to speak. :)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

John Schindler somehow locates Ben Rhodes' tiny little blueberries and emasculates him.


Unfortunately I wonder if anyone outside the Fox News/DC Examiner/PJ Media/ etc. axis of evil VRWC is all that aware of the whole Ben Rhodes story.


Paul Ryan does speak for me because he is our highest representative in the government .
I don't see it as drama.
It is a process to accept this unusual candidate and already Orrin Hatch and Cronyn can help him with Supreme Court justice picks and immigration.

Captain Hate

Yes, I had the same impression, Iggy; they're all mentally ill.


I think this guy is supposed to be a young Bernie, but a lot of folks are having similar trouble these days.

Captain Hate

I wish I could travel back in time four years ago when Romney was grilled by OrangeDrank over some Latter Day Saint approved rotgut about how he had to win me over or no dice in November. Great times those were...

Miss Marple

Anyone who is interested in my replies or any other replies to Johns Creek Bill can got to the last page of the previous thread.

I would point out that even after 2 posters called him on his condescension, he reposted here on this thread in order to make sure his negative message was seen by anyone reading this blog.


Iggy linked a very good article on Rhoades.


Johns Creek Bill is free to transfer his posts as others do.


More of the lack of unity in process as Ryan joins skeptical WI GOP at their convention. They will have beer available, so I expect them to survive whatever boring crap they get up to.


For what it is worth I have appeared before Judge Rosemary Collyer, who issued the ACA decision today. A very nice lady and a very practical judge. My impression is that she cares more about achieving a fair outcome for the kitigants than impressing the law review editors throughout the country.

I have no idea of the merits of this particular suit but it sounds like a good decision based upon a quick read.


Kraut hammer is spot on in his comments on Special Report


What did he say maryrose?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Johns Creek Bill is free to transfer his posts as others do.--

Miss Marple is free to point out her opinion on him doing so, no?


Ryan's helping Hillary by dithering on Trump. eff him.

I don't understand all the nonsense about this guy has courage and or this other guy is more conservative yada yada. I don't have to like or trust any of these people. They're volunteering for a job -- get to it. I don't need to know anything about them other than they like to beat democrats like a tied up goat. That ain't Paul Ryan.

And Paul Ryan lied about his Marathon time. There's no way he misremembered his time of 4:01 with the 2:50 he claimed. (6:20 mile vs 9:10 mile) I'd finish 5k's top 2 or 3 in my bracket vs near the bottom with that mistake. Pathetic for a man his age. He has the ego and vanity of a 12 year old. He can go sell insurance if he doesn't want to get in line behind Trump.


Of course not.

If Johns Creek Bill has a right to write whatever he wants then nobody can express any opinion that may be construed as censorship disapproval.

common man

If you dont like Johns Creek Bill posts, do by all means scroll on by. Its not like anything he has said is going to approach anything Hillary and Fauxcahontas have already said about him. Better get your big boy and girl pants on...

Janet S.

Unfortunately I wonder if anyone outside the Fox News/DC Examiner/PJ Media/ etc. axis of evil VRWC is all that aware of the whole Ben Rhodes story.

Exactly. What we know is not the same as what people who only watch/read the MFM know.
...or what people who only get their news from the entertainment world & magazine covers in the checkout line.


"by all means scroll on by"

Or ... maybe we also can express an opinion that JCB's comments seem repetitively trollish ... as in "please disagree with me so I can respond in maximum virtue signalling fashion".


Everyone is free to post as they choose with the benevolence of our host TM.

Janet S.

copied from many prior JOM threads -

"If you get your info from the MSM most of what you "know" is not true & most of what you do not know is important." ~ Scott @ Powerline


When people don't fall in line the inevitable troll card is played.


Common man
You have a lot of common sense.


I was thinking of reposting a comment from 5 or 6 years ago just because. 😬

common man

Or you can scroll on by...


Charles said expectations of republican voters as to what can be accomplished in Congress are unrealistic.


I love old posts

Lurker Susie


Todd Niggeling
9h9 hours ago
Todd Niggeling ‏@lniggeling1
@ByronYork Trump post interview comment: Agree on everything except I won't cut your Medicare benefits to pay for refugees and amnesty.


We could send him to bed without supper.
Our candidate can be even better.
Right now Hillary is going backward and is becoming worse.

Lurker Susie

Mickey Kaus – ‏@kausmickey

RyanWorld's brand is that they talk a lot about the brand of a guy whose brand is that he lost a debate to Joe Biden https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/730762294360215556

Miss Marple

Lurker Susie,

Thanks! That was pretty funny! Ha!

Jack is Back!


Ryan is wrong to not unequivocally endorse Trump. Sends the wrong message politically that the Clinton/Obama corrupted media will run with. But what more can you expect from a guy who let Uncle Joe give him a wedgie on live TV.

Beasts of England

Denny Hastert didn't speak for me when he was 'our' highest ranking Republican and second in line to POTUS.


Neither did Orange Drank for that matter, Beasts.


Rich Lowry on Lou Dobbs looking, acting constipated post cruise. He needs a Trump laxative.


I almost feel sorry for Ryan because I think he's being played. Mr. Trump used a similar tactc on Cruz. He gives people a lot of rope to hang themselves with.

Tom Maguire

Re the Sullivan critique of Trump: In 2008 Sully famously explained that Obama's foreign policy impact would begin with his face (Obama's black, don'cha know, so the world will stop hating us white imperial oppressors).

And how'd that play? Consequently I won't be reading his current critique unless someone can assure me he leads with a rumination about how it is Trump's hair that will change the world.

Janet S.

from NC Gov Pat McCrory on FB - ·

The White House just announced that it won't pull federal funding to North Carolina while we take them to court. Sometimes the only way to stop a bully is to stand your ground and stare them down.


TM had a nice breakdown of the value of oil leases at then end of the last thread.... the $175 trillion uses govt pension fund level optimism in its assumptions.

Beasts of England

Congrats to Governor McRory and North Carolina!!


Andrew Sullivan has resurfaced? Hmm...

(Does anyone remember a certain "A. Sullivan" on JOM from a few years back? He was truly offensive...)


The word "troll" is a fishing term and is descriptive of comments designed to provoke disagreement.

Just because many trolls are hostile does not make the term an accusation of hostility.

It can be accurately used to describe the behavior referenced by the term's derivation.

The form I used, "seem repetitively trollish", should be sufficiently different from accusation usage for people to properly interpret my intent.

"or you can ..."

Feed a troll and jump off a bridge.


Concern trolls are the most entertaining.


maybe chicago was the better choice in retrospect,


Destiny Ignatz

Sorry to disappoint, TM;

"Sullivan’s main intention is to argue that Trump is a would-be tyrant. He ends with the grandiosely absurd claim that a Trump election would be “an extinction level event”—if not for America, at least for American democracy."

Captain Hate

I'm too lazy to look it up but is Sully a citizen? If not and his paperwork wasn't up to date, he'd make a great case for Trump to send packing, to coin a phrase.


Drudge is now headlining a negative story about Ryan, just like he did about Cruz, just before the Cruz campaign's death spiral. A lot of ridicule is starting up now as well, while Mr. Trump does nothing but praise Ryan.

Lurker Susie


nathan Chait ‏@jonathanchait
It's astonishing that Paul Ryan's deficit hawk con still works on reporters. I cannot believe it. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/05/media-still-believes-paul-ryans-debt-malarkey.html


I'll take "at least for Andrew Sullivan," Iggy.


Alan Arnette:

For the first time since May 24, 2013, climbers officially summited Everest from Nepal. First this year was the rope fixing team of nine Sherpas then on their heels were two Sherpas and two UK climbers


Byron YorkVerified account
"RyanWorld: Ryan top priority strengthening GOP principles, brand; hope is to make campaign more dignified..."

Isn't that what is at the top of everyone's wish list? I look at the deficit, the illegal aliens, the disrespect from our enemies, the attempt to destroy our Christian values, and I think to myself - "IF ONLY our side were more dignified!!!"


Trump is a "would-be tyrant"? Zero is what, then?

Captain Hate

maybe chicago was the better choice in retrospect

Not a chance. This is working out just great. As loathsome as the IOC is, their high colonic to 404 must have truly taxed the Ferret's pharmacological skills to keep Zippy from melting down. God knows how much graft flowed from Rio to those craven lowlifes so there's NFW they're moving even if every athlete and spectator has to buy the farm.


Gawd I hate even the local media. They're pushing the climate change [redacted] based on a fire season that hasn't even started. NBC affiliate, of course.

Beasts of England

Losing with dignity is job one with the clean toga crowd, Momto2. Sometimes I think the GOPe crowd has concession speeches from McCain and Romney on loop for their viewing pleasure.


Viewing pleasure, fapping, whatever, Beasts.

Lurker Susie

Mickey Kaus
Mickey Kaus – ‏@kausmickey

Do Ryan & his claque think all the drama-queening helps him? This won't be the end of it, w/ 1000s of reporters in Cleveland looking 4 story

Destiny Ignatz

--Losing with dignity is job one with the clean toga crowd, Momto2.-

Followed closely by winning without consequence.

Captain Hate

McRINO and R$'s concession speeches are best endured with the sound muted and "Nobody Does it Better" playing.

jimmyk on iPhone

"Exactly. What we know is not the same as what people who only watch/read the MFM know."

Even though the original Rhodes story was in the NY Times Sunday magazine. It's been dismissed by the rest of the MSM, so it disappears from the consciousness of anyone who isn't a conservative politics junkie.

Lurker Susie


ryone's wish list? I look at the deficit, the illegal aliens, the disrespect from our enemies, the attempt to destroy our Christian values, and I think to myself - "IF ONLY our side were more dignified!!!"

Ryan is open boarders, amnesty,


Losing with dignity is job one with the clean toga crowd,

Followed closely by winning without consequence.

BOE and Iggy - Nail meets head! Bravo!


If Trump hopes to have the kind of unilateral power that Obama has been allowed to wield, he will be sadly disappointed if he wins in November.

Neither Republicans nor dimorats are stepping up to stop Obama ... but they will be there to stop Trump. Trump will not have what Obama has. Further the dimorats will not protect Trump. Plus the GOP will be reluctant and finicky in supporting Trump. Trump will only have his ability to generate popular support for anything he wants to do.

IMO Trump expects generating popular support is the only tactic he can depend on.

Doubt those expressing the "would-be tyrant" argument are actually unaware how limited POTUS Trump would be.

Miss Marple

This whole Ryan drama is just another sign that he is totally out of touch with most Americans.

All the problems we have and he is worried about dignity. Excuse me while I roll my eyes.

He may truly believe that, but the rest of the country is either cheering Trumps insults or dressing up in puppet costumes and demonstrating against Trump.

Someone who has appointed himself hall monitor is simply going to be steamrollered.


Lurker Susie - Whoops - forgot my sarcasm tag/


Exactly, Boris. Watch the GOPe discover their spines with Trump in the away. Should Hilligula win, watch them fall over themselves with comity and that wonderful bipartisanship they love so much.

Miss Marple

Boris, Lyle,

Laura Ingraham realized just that the other day. She said she thought a group of them would try to block Trump on immigration, for sure.

Captain Hate

The Uniparty will be the ultimate opposition party to this outsider President. The more this [Redacted] goes on, the more obvious it becomes how much contempt the GOP has for its constituents.

Lurker Susie


Thanks, I thought so


I hate autocorrect.

Destiny Ignatz

Randy Andy is quite possibly the most irritating public egghead extent.
He was at one time probably a genuine conservative or conservatarian.
But once he had begun and completed, for personal and badly mistaken reasons, the journey to progdom he lacked the decency and honesty to just admit he was a prog, albeit a somewhat more complex one than ordinary, and instead engaged in the revolting, mendacious conceit that he and Obama were the true conservatives.

Lacking the good sense to believe the right thing he then demonstrated the lack of courage to try and prove his wrong thing right in an honest manner. Instead he goes swanking about as the heroic, independent thinker when he's really just a small, specious man whose grandiose superstructure of half baked philosophy is at its root a justification for his small, specious life.

He's the result of Michael Oakeshott's mating with a particularly self-important pygmy princess who invariably veers left into safe waters whenever approaching a fundamental truth.


Ryan will not be steamrolled.
He didn't get where he is today by not knowing and understanding people and forging deals and compromises.
Ryan is the new whipping boy replacing Cruz.
Speaking of cruises I wonder how Jane and Caro are doing?
I miss them .
Any news daddy?


Ryan is much more than a hall monitor much to the chagrin of many posters here.
He has the power.


Great description, Ig. You elided over his considerable OB/GYN training that he displayed with Palin's arrival on the national scene...


Obama is Lucifer oh wait didn't a fellow repub use that word against Cruz?

Miss Marple

I think you can trace Sullivan's migration to the prog side to W's refusal to back gay marriage. He backed Bush in 2000, but when he realized there would not be an ok for gay marriage, he went into a tailspin and wound up a prog.

Lurker Susie

Mary Rose,

Power for what? What has he done?
Please share,

Thanks in advance


well that's convenient,



Prominent repubs came out to day and offered help so I don't guess they will be thwarting our candidate at every turn if he becomes president😽


Ryan has already demonstrated he's part of the problem.


Power to be an elected leader of the Repub party as Charles K so admirably stated today.
He has been elected and re-elected many times and his leadership has been recognized by his peers in the House and the Senate
Presumptive candidate went to Congress today
They didn't report to Trump Tower.


That is your opinion
I do not share it.


that's a spicey meatball,


Lurker Susie

Mary Rose,

Thank you, for the record, just so you know, Paul Ryan met with Trump
at the RNC not congress


When he began his blog I contributed $ to him--but he flat out lied about who he was going to vote for--telling the gays one thing and blog readers something else. Yes, he turned on the gay issue. Don't forget Obama helped him out--he was arrested for doping on federal property and would not have received his green card except that Obama cleared it for him. He's bought and paid for.



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