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May 11, 2016



no wonder red queen likes him,



why waste paper.



Well, this crap is routine with this White House anyway. Almost like they knew they would be breaking laws all over... EPA, IRS, State.... the surprise would be an appointee in this group without a secret email. Hilligula is uniquely criminal in that even her routine crap was on the secret side -- something the others never did.


Thank you for the new thread
What do you think Comey will do about Hillary?


game, set and match,



actually that site pretty much rebuts the logorhea of myers, who did a pretty good study of volodya,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

---an extensive record of how such sensitive information often looped throughout President Obama’s foreign policy apparatus on unclassified systems, from embassies to the United Nations to the White House--

This is the argument?


I still maintain that this was a volodya deal,



Gus and Henry
I bow to your expertise wrt Ryan . He is from your state so you automatically know more about him.
I think Gus's hits the mark in his summation of the situation
If the candidate will not learn and refuses to listen he will lose.

Captain Hate

Welp if known and trusted security hawks like Denis McDonough and Susan Rice sent those emails, it must have been for something important like a takeout order.

common man

BTW Beasts, please read my comment on the last thread in response to your holy shit screed. I have been absent while trying to reconcile myself to a nominee who I find, (for the third straight election ) to be quite flawed. I thought I was finally onboard, and then I got a raft of shit from you over facts. I am madder than I have been in weeks, but tell me what I missing. If we are not on the same team, just say so, it may make me reconsider my clothes pin decision...


The fact the Zero has come out supporting Shrillary tells us where this is going, at least during this administration.

Why does the NYT even need to bother?


they do take some issue with the notion that the svr has the emails, but if a romanian taxi driver
with a home made sniffer, can do it, how can the sorm not.


common man,

Hang on to the clothes pin. If Trump screws things up the diving boards on The Ledge will be all warmed up.

Dave (in MA)


Guy gets a nice little tune-up after a high speed chase.


So Romney either knows something about Trump’s taxes that he shouldn’t know so he should shut up . . .

Or he doesn’t know anything about Trump’s taxes so he should shut up.

That he runs off at the mouth indicates to me he was not a RINO; he may have been an elitist crony and never have been a Republican at all.


I just tweeted re Mitt Romney's screed on releasing tax returns and Hillary picking up on that refrain..

Why didn't Mitt go after all the hidden carp in 0bama's background in '12? He never said boo about that at all.

I'm the first JOMmer who has gotten to meet our dear Pagar. What a treat to have him, along with his darling family, visit our little valley. He's a true gentleman and it was a privilege to spend some time with him.


OT, surprise, I know, but I just breezed over a Wapo article debunking the Canadian kid's Mayan discovery. They seemed to take great pleasure in doing so. They don't come right out and say "scientific method", but they allude to it. My question is, why don't/haven't these asshats take the same attitude when it comes to AGW or whatever the hell we are supposed to call it this evening? Maybe Spatial thermal enhancement? Pisses me off.


wonderful, glasater, like I mentioned in the last thread, I still can't find anywhere where the location of kepler 1229 b is,

Janet S.

A review of the 30,322 emails from Mrs. Clinton’s private server

Those are the ones SHE CHOSE to share. The numbers are all on HER say-so.

I had 60,000 emails...30,000 were work related & 30,000 were about yoga. Really. I promise.

Janet S.

I'm the first JOMmer who has gotten to meet our dear Pagar.

OH, glasater!!! I'm SO jealous.

Free James D!


Of course they take pleasure. We see a smart, curious, creative kid who ought to be encouraged.

They see someone who, at age 15, accomplished something more worthwhile than any of the adults at the WaPo ever have or will. Of course they enjoy tearing him down.


you've been bombed twice in a year, and you were spared a third attack by circumstance,



Ha, Janet - You would LOVE Pagar!! :-)

Have to add this I just picked up on twitter:

Lydie Denier former fiancée of Ambassador Chris Stevens destroys Hillary VIDEO

common man

I aint about to dive off a diving board, unless it launches you to a very soft landing in Costa Rica or Dominica or maybe Australia...

Beasts of England

I'll go look, common man, but you shouldn't be worried about my opinion. I'm no Trump sycophant - having been first for Walker, then Fiorina, and then Cruz. I just want to beat Hillary and neuter the GOPe.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Erdogan = dictator.


rhodes does the birthday cake with a bible thing, samantha powers wages a secret war on libya, they shred more diligently than fawn hall ever did, it's almost as if the left didn't care about executive overreach, sarc,

anyways on the night manager, despite it's moonbattish flourishes, it shows how m1-6 is willing to disrupt vital investigations if there is quid, to be had,


Ask the never Trumps how they can hope to undo Obama's excesses without a Republican president and Congress.Ask them what they think he'll do worse than Hillary? Do they prefer John Bolton as his foreign policy adviser or Sid Blumenthal?would they rather see Lanny Davis as AG or Trey Gowdy?
Say you're asking for a friend.


they seem to be in a delusional reverie, like bruce wayne, in that horrible film last month,

Beasts of England

Okay, I saw your reply. Let me try this: people voted for and that's all we know. If we want to tabulate anti-Trump votes being those who voted for someone else, then we have to assess the other candidates and their anti-votes the same way.

As I said above, I just think Trump has the best shot against Hillary based purely on enthusiasm. I think he's a total dick - but he's 'our' total dick.

I am rather candid about getting behind the guy, rather than hand-wringing. He ain't my first, second, or third choice - I'm not happy about it either, but so what. Color me with a clothespin, too, but a very enthusiastic one.

If my motivations are not clear or if they're inflicting hurt feelings upon others then maybe I'll back it down a little. But not much.


I thought TM had abandoned the site. Probably tired of all the fighting and name calling.

If someone could repost that "end of thread" link that would be great

Free James D!

Clarice @ 8:34

Just give them this link:


And ask whether they prefer all of those positions filled by Hillary's friends and confidants, or Trump's? It should not be a hard decision.

Janet S.

The WaPo LOVED clock boy.

Google - Washington Post clock boy

'Clock kid' Ahmed Mohamed and his family will ... - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Oct 20, 2015 - What 'clock boy' Ahmed Mohamed has been up to since his 'bomb' arrest. View Photos. Ahmed Mohamed, 14, became an overnight sensation ...

Why a ninth-grader's arrest over a home-built clock ... - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Sep 16, 2015 - [Scientists and the public surge to support boy arrested for homemade clock]. When he learned of Obama's and Zuckerberg's comments ...

Clock kid keeps ticking — and so does media interest - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Oct 1, 2015 - The saga of the clock kid, now entering its second month, keeps on ... called “ISIS boy” and suspended for defending himself in a hallway fight.

The American boy arrested for making a clock ... - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Oct 16, 2015 - The arrest of Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old Texas student, in mid-September for bringing a homemade clock to his high school created a ...

'They thought it was a bomb': 9th-grader arrested ... - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Sep 16, 2015 - [Why a ninth-grader's arrest over a home-built clock struck a chord across ... and the public surge to support boy arrested for homemade clock].

Lawyer reveals details of arrest of 'clock kid' Ahmed ... - Washington Post
The Washington Post
Nov 23, 2015 - As many as seven adults teamed up to interrogate the 14-year-old boy after a teacher mistook his homemade clock for a bomb and pressured ...


Beasts -

I think that you have perfectly nailed the JOM consensus on Trump : "He's a total dick but he's OUR total dick."

A few dissenters on each side but that seems to basically sum up how most people here feel about Trump.


so who hasn't seen civil war, and when can we talk about it?


I have not seen civil war.... but don't plan to either. No need to hold back on my account. Don't know about others. :)


Good point James D.

Beasts of England

lol, Theo. Sometimes you gotta dance with what you brung. And to be my occasionally blunt self: nobody offered me a damned foot massage before I voted for McCain. :)


Earlier on Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, told host Neil Cavuto there was “good reason to believe that there’s a bombshell” in current Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s taxes. Romney speculated the bombshell could involve his net worth or giving to the disabled, including disabled veterans.

JUST NOW--@DarrellIssa on latest Romney statement: Mitt needs to get over the fact that somebody he didn't pick won @CNNSitRoom


notice how the panama papers faded when they didn't just involved obscure oligarchs but red queen, the castro brothers, and their south american equivalents,

Beasts of England

And I said on the other thread: Mittser offered up a summary of his taxes from his CPA, not his returns. Bite me, Mitt.


If I recall correctly, Trump defended Romney in 2012 against Harry Reid's tax slur


No Theo, I think you just bored TM to sleep.
But we do appreciate your "concern".


The lunch and art tour with glasater was just so fantastic. If you get anywhere near her home base in Walla Walla, Wa. make the effort to meet her. As near as the internet can figure we are probably about 3200 miles apart so we should be close to the longest distance apart. Just a most wonderful experience for my family and I to meet her.

Miss Marple

Been gone and am sitting in parking lot for granddaughter. Just saw news about Mitt.

I agree with Beasts. Think I will ask Romney to refund the money I donated to his lame campaign.


Did he learn nothing from the ambush by Reid?? Nothing?


well they need safe space for stupidity,



I think he's stephen tobolowsky's character, in ground hog day,

Beasts of England

Mittens is just showing how tough he can be on fellow Republicans. Obama and Candy Crowley, not so much. There's a word for that...


Anyone know how big Mitt's hands are??

Lurker Susie

Anyone know how big Mitt's hands are?

Just guessing but I would say smaller than Trumps. Guess he must be


Beasts, the question should be.....Why is Romney running his cake hole?? Who is writing Romneys script.


I'm watching old episodes of jag, because taylor I mean megyn is embarassing herself again,

Captain Hate

What is it about Mormons and tax returns: the Searchlight latter day pederast, Huntsman, Huntsman's father and now Romney.

Which one's Shemp?

Miss Marple

Why would Romney suddenly sound like Harry Reid?


Lurker Susie, you bet he's jealous. Romney carried his dog on a roof rack on his car, Trump carries his ferret on his head!!
I was already sick to my guts of the Republican Party/GOPe, but it's getting even worse.
What is the END GAME for these people???? I believe they want TRUMP to lose, so they can retain CONTROL of the stench ridden cesspool.

Lurker Susie


I agree 100%

Captain Hate

Maybe it was R$ who smacked Popeye Reid around over the tax thing; I'd blame an exercise band too.


back to poi, it's striking how even in the final episodes, (redacted) cbs, they are striving for complexity, re finch's lessons to the machine, and even reese's reservations of what he has done, and how it prevents him from a normal life, many of these shows are sort of the urban western of the 21st century,

Lurker Susie

For us it's country first for our kids and grandkids. For them its power and influence, not country first

OL, can we see those cocktail parties from the ledge?


Gus, that's a great question --

Who would have thought smooth, smiling Romney would be as jealous as a runner-up to the prom queen!

Captain Hate

Yes, we've been discussing last night's episode at Zuckerberg and how Reese is precluded from a normal life, about which Zoe gave him a tutorial last season.

Lurker Susie

Romney sees the wind on Trumps back and is having a temper tantrum like a two year old in the candy isle.

Captain Hate

Mitt Costanza, always do the opposite of what your instincts dictate.


I would put Jack Bauer and Michael Weston in that category as well, if one operates in the shadows,
facing who knows what kind of evil, how normal does one's life turnout to be, in Weston's case, he had to be declared dead, (in part to the shortsightedness of the city of miami city council) in order to be free,

Captain Hate

And there's his village idiot brother, Bane Costanza:



Lurker Susie, I believe it's worse than that. I believe TRUMP represents the END of the GOPeePee as we have known it since Reagan left office. The good old boys CLUB is not only not EXCLUSIVE anymore, but TRUMP is RODNEY DANGERFIELD in CADDY SHACK.
The NEW FACE of the Republican Party has heretofore only been welcome when handing out checks. And he handed out MORE to the LIBTARDS!!
Reagan was an outsider too. Reagan was not welcome at "the top" until he kicked in the door.
I am NOT a Trump guy, but Romney is spewing nonsense for a REASON.

***Rodney Dangerfield!! I crack myself up.

Captain Hate

I haven't weighed in on the absolute improbability of Shaw being alive; not sure why other than nobody has written a Tiger Beat post for me to blow up.

Captain Hate


That is perfect; is R$ Ted Knight?


apparently she is, from the previews, I've changed my mind and dubbed him Mayor Dagett, because Bane was never this stupid,


R$. Is that Romney??

Lurker Susie


Great comparison. Guess we should we refer to Trump as Rodney from now on. I did not vote for Trump in my state primary but I am in the never ever Hillary category. So Trump has my vote

Captain Hate

Yes, Gus, R-Money. Or is Ted Knight Rove?


Well maybe De Assihole, will "allow" Chik fil a if they include a third bathroom for "freaks".
Men/Women/Freaks. Would peeps be "offended" if the FREAKS room had a urinal??

Lurker Susie

Mr. America vs Mr. Congeniality


No Judge Smails is Romney. Romney is Mormon, Judge Smails boat was called the WASP.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! For some reason that cracks me up.
Judge Smails::
It's easy to grin When your ship comes in And you've got the stock market beat. But the man worthwhile, Is the man who can smile, When his shorts are too tight in the seat.

Lurker Susie

“A lion does not flinch at laughter coming from a hyena.”


they can screw up a one car parade,


following on the notion for stargate's goauld's, the aliens of asgard, and even an old dr who episode from the 70s,

Lurker Susie

“A gorilla does not budge from a banana thrown at it by a monkey.”


they are stupid, and/or arrogant all over,



steyn riffs as only he can,



the only reason that show was interesting at all was olivia munn,


Lurker Susie

Ryan hampering fundraising:

Guess he doesn't need to worry?



why challenge what's in your mind's eye,


what has ryan done recently, the house is still in session, and yet crickets,


civility, a concept she still doesn't grasp,


common man

Count me in for the total dick. Clothes pin and all. It beats the lyin bitch.

BTW, both McCain and now Romney have totally and completely reinforced for me that I was totally correct in holding my nose. I am praying that I wont have an instance in the near future were I dont have the same feeling about the latest flawed nominee.

Miss Marple 2


I wonder if Romney's outburst is because he is afraid Boy Wonder will be enthralled by the evil Donald, deserting his mentor.

Mitt's accusation was pretty hysterical, especially since it was the same one used by Reid.

What is wrong with hm> He is acting like a complete jerk and totally unlike the person he presented himself as for years.

Maybe he should be checked for early onset dementia.


some people just don't belong on the red carpet, and some do,

Lurker Susie


Romney saw an opening for a contested convention. Trying very hard to
be able to come to the convention I his white horse and save the day,

I believe he has Daddy issues

Lurker Susie

Damn auto correct


I would say lively, chastain and watts, go in the second category,


The only thing that Mr. Trump has to listen is the voice of the once silent majority, not the political hacks who've been ignoring it.


If he starts listening to Mitt-Ryan establishment types, yes, he'll lose.


moore, increasingly seems she's weaned on a pickle,
maybe her seventh son role was too close to the truth,


Mitt's daddy issues are that his daddy wouldn't endorse the Republican ticket in 1964.


On a serious note. My bro at State once told me of the High side and the Low side, and he did so as he was sitting at a desk with 2 separate computers. He told me he'd be fired and in jail if anything that was only allowed on the "high side" was disseminated on the "low side". He never mentioned having his own PERSONAL SERVER that could publish whatever he pleased, and he never mentioned getting to DELETE his YOGA PICS .............and SUCH.
He always kept his personal SERVER at a Fish Camp in Wausau Wisconsin, in the spare bathroom.
Everybody did that. What's the big deal WAPO??


Re: Romney and Trump's tax returns.

There is great trepidation about Trump's tax returns. I think Romney is wrong about a big bombshell.

The hope is that he releases them before they are selectively leaked in October.

I suspect Trump has not released them because they will bolster the theory that he is not worth as much as a says he is and they will show that he is not that charitable. I would bet that he has given significantly more to the Clinton Foundation than to Veterans related groups.

The MSM is going to go 24/7 on Trump's tax returns. Trump's ability to mitigate the attacks without giving in will be an earlier indicatation if he can withstand the media colonoscopy that he is scheduled for.

If he wins this his chance of victory goes up considerably and I will be relieved that I did not take Beasts up on his offer.


Mitt and Ryan are fantasizing themselves as great heroes who are going to save America from the evil Donald Trump.

Lurker Susie

Mitt's daddy issues are that his daddy wouldn't endorse the Republican ticket in 1964.

Yep, two losers!

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