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July 29, 2016



Four? It would be 8 or zero.

The country is not going to fire the 1st anything.

Captain Hate

We'll be so screwed if that hectoring nag gets elected the duration won't matter.



:) The Hillary Clinton Song....


Hard to believe that The Atlantic skewered her


Hard to believe TM stayed awake through the whole thing.

Thomas Collins

Re boris's 10:33 AM post: Those who think that The Hill will only last four years should take note of that post. I think boris has it spot on. There will be persuadables voting for The Hill this year to have the first female POTUS. Many males will be included in this group. But in 2020, there will be more otherwise persuadable male and female voters who simply will not oust the first female POTUS. The Dems will successfully run a "don't reimpose the glass ceiling" campaign. So, if you think Trump is so bad you are willing to have eight years of The Hill, go right ahead and vote for The Hill or vote for someone else or sit out the POTUS race. But please don't fool yourself that you are facilitating only four years of The Clinton Syndicate. You won't stop thinking about tomorrow for eight years, not four.

Eight more years of Dem appointed federal court judges. At the end of eight years, you'll think Lawrence v. Texas was a conservative decision in comparison with what will be emanating and penumbraing from the federal courts.


I would be surprised if Hillary lives another eight years, no that I am in any way suggesting that is an excuse for voting for her.

This bitch has been rode hard and put away wet way too many times.


Modern medicine will keep zombie Hilligula on the throne while the MB runs the country through Huma.


"Not because we resent success."

Almost plagiarism.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

So now it's unpatriotic to lay somebody off?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hillary will never be president.



A lot of Republican elites thought 2016 would be a lot like 2012. Hence, the inevitability of Jeb Bush, who was as close to Mitt Romney as you could get, without actually running Mitt Romney.

And now, you think 2020 will be a replay of 2012.

Though you may not think this true, you are making the same mistake as the GOP elites did in forecasting 2016.

Frau Wortkarg in Kalifornien

Ugly reports in today's newsette from local official Bernie delegates who experienced the Clinton Way in the City of Brotherly Love.

"Staff pretended to be Secret Service (Wed.), laying hands on and "arresting" me and later, another Bernie delegate. I was denied my right to be on the floor of the convention by physical violence, and my credentials were taken away.
The DNC turned the lights off over the entire Oregon delegation last night to hide a sign asking for peace." (Joey Aszterbaum, 41, Hemet)
"We arrived to the center via special buses in the pouring rain only to find seats being saved by paid seat-fillers and DNC Hillary volunteers who were asked to save whole rows of seats to shut the Bernie people out.
They thought the Bernie people would be at the free concert for conventioneers. We are having to fight for seats to a convention we all were elected to attend.
It is no wonder there are so many disillusioned Democrats with the whole process. I don't see how Mrs. Clinton can pull this election off unless Donald Trump completely implodes, and he's been successful at managing to keep his followers engaged, no matter how awful he is--much like Hillary." (Mary "Aleece" DePuey, 49, Jurupa Valley)

Hell no, DNC, I won't vote for Hillary!


"... the endless list of More Free Stuff Faster"

... and it's all to be paid for with George Soros' money.


So now it's unpatriotic to lay somebody off?

I know this is sarcasm, but the Dems really do view the only function of business as providing good jobs for the proletariat. Well, and as a provider of tax revenues and bribes.


Will Someone Please Buy FBI Director James Comey A Freakin Clue?


JM Hanes

Wow, TM mines the memory hole!

Chirstmas w Hillary photo hqdefault_zpswpjucxox.jpg


The oldest president to assume office:
Donald Trump would be 70.59 years of age, Jan 20, 2017
1) Ronald Reagan was 69.95 years of age, Jan 20, 1981
Hillary Clinton would be 69.3 years of age, Jan 20, 2017
2) William Henry Harrison was 68.06 years of age, March 4, 1841

It certainly may be less than 4 years.

Janet the expert

Be bold in supporting TRUMP.

Remember...even if he wasn't your guy..the Dems are not embarrassed to stand side by side with an organization that sells baby's eyes and tiny arms & legs.

What in the world do WE have to be embarrassed by?


"you may not think this true, you are making the same mistake as ..."

I can see why someone with your record of foresight might consider predicting future probabilities beyond human capability.

JM Hanes

Thomas Collins:

"But in 2020, there will be more otherwise persuadable male and female voters who simply will not oust the first female POTUS. "

While I agree that it is foolish to assume that Hillary, if elected, would be a one term president, I don't think she has ever had the deep reservoir of approval (even among Democrats) with which Obama started out. Nor do I think that the struggle of women for equality even begins to share equal billing with the struggle of blacks for same, in the national psyche. The sheen of being the 1st female Speaker of the House didn't last long for Nancy Pelosi, and while the Hillary folks try to play the sexist card, I think most folks aren't even buying it now. It's never had the poisonous power that being tagged as a racist does/did.

Old Lurker

4 or 8?

Makes not a whit of difference.

If she wins by one vote it will prove that the looters and takers finally have the votes to flush the country and the world down the inevitable drain.

Then we will have entered the human version of cyclical big bang theory of the universe creating, destroying, creating, destroying itself over the billions of years.

Certain death vs Chance of life.


"Rode hard and put away wet"
I'm having a really hard time visualizing that having happened in the last three decades

Thomas Collins

Do you disagree with the proposition, Appalled, that persuadables in 2020 won't want to oust the first female POTUS, or do you think there will be more unpersuadables in the GOP camp due to dissatisfaction with Hill rule? It's not clear to me what mistake you think I am making.

As far as a replay of 2012 goes, I'm a big fan of the proposition that history doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes. Because the Dems are so good at slice and dice politics, I think 2020 will be rhyming with 2012.

JM Hanes


What an incredible story! I hope it gets some media play. Hillary's heavy handedness is just jaw dropping sometimes. They had staff pretending to be secret service?

There seem to be some conflicting stories, though, because I thought last night someone posted a story about the Oregon delegates being prevented from leaving the hall.

Or maybe it's a tale of hash ups multiple fronts.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Wasn't sarcasm, Doc.
We can play their game and believe them when they deny they are actual socialists or fascists but the fact is they are and the only thing holding them back is political reality, not their desires.
Some have moved away from the pure socialism model to the fascist model of nominal private ownership of the means of production as long as it is understood it is only within the framework of total state control and permissive only so long as the state retains de facto ownership.

It's been said a million times only because it is true; in their eyes what we produce is not ours to be kept by us as our property minus that which the government extracts, but is the state's and we are to be grateful for whatever morsels they allow to fall off their table back to us.

The state should decide what people are paid, what goods should cost, when or if anyone should lose their job, how much income a given company or industry should be allowed to keep to continue functioning, where the economy should invest money, what industries are needed for the future and what industries should be producing for the present to meet needs that the state decides the citizenry should have or have not.

The funny thing is every dystopian novel and movie that envisions rapacious capitalists doing just those things in a fictional setting is written by people who love it when the state does worse in fact.

Thomas Collins

I think it depends on how close the 2020 race would be, JMH. I see both 2016 and 2020 as close. If 2020 is close, the not oust her persuadables in battleground states would I think tip the race to Hillary Clinton.

But at the moment neither Nov. 2016 nor Nov. 2020 is my focus. My focus is the RCP Average on August 8, 2016. I think it will tell us a lot about whether we'll have a nail biter or whether enough of the country is tilting to Trump or Clinton that it's essentially over.


"It's [sexist] never had the poisonous power that being tagged as a racist does

People didn't vote for Obama because they don't want to be tagged as racist. Voting for Obama was essential to their virtue.

If Trump can't beat Hillary this year there isn't going to be a better candidate 4 years from now. The GOP nominee would be the biggest namby pamby dimorat-lite you ever saw. The "told you so" GOPe will make sure of that and won't mind losing to her again at all.

Old Lurker

By 2020 we will have $30T in admitted debt and $100T of off balance sheet promises; F,S & L taxation will be at all time highs and skewed all to the remaining creators among us; Scotus and the Federal judiciary will be all liberal, all the time; The Feds will have federalized the excessive spending of the blue states and cities; growth will be non existent; our borders will not exist to the south, north, east or west; anyone will be allowed to vote; our military will be basically gone; Global government and taxation will be well underway and irreversible, and that will grease the pathways for transferring global wealth from producers to non producers; Western civilization and religions will be artifacts of history.

Anyone care to challenge a single thing on that list?


OL, you forgot one. We will be disarmed.



Not to mention the damage Trump could do by blaming conservatives.

Old Lurker

Thanks Henry. Of course.


Let's keep these families in our prayers. http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2016/07/28/five-us-troops-wounded-afghanistan-operations-grow/87663788/

Miss Marple

I come here after moving stuff all morning and see a bunch of defeatist carp. To heck with that! I am supporting Trump and will accept no substitutes. Grrrr. Back to work for me!

James D.

If Hillary wins, I don't see any possible way she'll be voted out in 2020.

There'll be some sort of amnesty, leading to millions of new Democrat voters.

There'll be four years of the DoJ attacking Voter ID laws, and pushing reenfranchisement of felons, tilting the field further towards the Dems.

There'll be a hard-left Supreme Court rubberstamping both of the above.

And for the GOP, the recriminations over losing and who's to blame will make the unpleasantness of the primary season look like a happy memory. The party may literally fracture, but even if not, there certainly won't be a unified opposition to Hillary.


The Great America PAC has put out an awesome Trump ad starring Dorothy Woods, widow of Ty Woods

It's on you tube titled "The Difference TV ad"


I completely agree with your assessment, James D.

If Hillary wins, the courts and the forced change of demographics through amnesty will permanently alter the cultural and electoral landscape. Republican infighting is likely to weaken the party even more, and chances are the go-along-to-get-along faction will remain in power.

If conservatives want to find a stronger voice for themselves, the only way to do it is to elect Trump and then possibly split into their own party to hold him accountable in Congress.


All true, Iggy.

Particularly telling was Sanders' comment about not needing 23 kinds of deodorants. In a free market, it means a company can develop new products or cater better to consumer's tastes. What role does the government have in second-guessing who people and companies invest their own money?

I suggest that any cars provided to government workers either be a Trabant or a Lada.

JM Hanes

Thomas Collins:

I think the sexism thing will have almost zero resonance by 2020. Hillary, herself, actually backed away from it considerably in the run-up to the nomination, because it wasn't getting that much traction even now -- especially among millennials and yutes.


I actually think the biggest mistake people may be making is assuming that if Trump loses, then his supporters, having sown their wild oats, will return to the GOPe fold and start listening to their so-called conservative pundits again. I'm not nearly so sure we'll be reverting to traditional models at all. At least I hope not, because I think, as you suggest, that the GOPe/pundit crowd will not learn a thing from this election, if Donald loses, and maybe not even all that much if he wins.


Cheerleader's YouTube link: The Difference



The mistake you are making is figuring you know the mind of the electorate 4 years from now. We could be at war; we could be in a Depression; we could just be sick of Clintons and Democrats. I would not count on any of these things, but I would not simply figure a vague sense of keeping the queen on her throne would be terribly motivating in 2020 either.

Old Lurker

"Particularly telling was Sanders' comment about not needing 23 kinds of deodorants."

Which leads to inevitably to having no toilet paper on the shelves at all.


James D.

That's a fantastic, powerful ad.


We are at war we are in a depression we are sick of the Clinton family now


"the sexism thing will have almost zero resonance"

IMO that's unlikely. If anything culturally women have achieved so much that "sexism" just no longer seems to have resonance.

It could be Fox Butterfield perception.

Old Lurker

TC's "problem" (I luv you bro) is one shared by many lawyers: They just assume that the system will self correct over time and that no damage done in the interim is irreversible. They are trained to trust that if they just make the better argument, wrongs will be righted and clients will be made whole.

JM Hanes


"If conservatives want to find a stronger voice for themselves, the only way to do it is to elect Trump and then possibly split into their own party to hold him accountable in Congress."

It does seem like electing Trump is the sine qua non, but if he's defeated, I would like to see somebody rise to challenge of keeping the Trump coalition together to fight another day. Democrats always live to fight another day (See: Clinton). It's Republicans who always throw in the towel in disgust and walk away. That's how we got where we are today.

Never give up. Never surrender.



Lawyers better than anyone know that is not true.


"I would not simply figure a vague sense of keeping the queen on her throne would be terribly motivating in 2020"

Is that you Fox?

Sly Dragon

OL, she has more faith in solar panels than they deserve. She's not been otherwise hugely involved in the climate and energy debates, but she'll no doubt follow the prog and tranzi visions.


Iggy: All of what you say is true, but it goes beyond that. There are two signal points: 1) they hate civilization itself--indeed, reality itself, and 2) they cannot look beyond their lusts for power and money, and their delusions of grandeur to anything outside themselves.

This means that there is no point where they will relent, no matter what destruction they cause.

It is not just that they do not know how the world works, or the struggle it took to get us to this point, it is that they do not care.

It is important to understand that they are not fuzzy-headed ideologues or that they are merely tyrants. Leftism has gone far beyond that stage; they can well understand the lessons of power of Mao, Stalin, and etc.; they may or may not have deep understandings these tyrants economic "lessons", but they do not care.
It is not that they are saying "It will work this time" in so far as they are talking about a broad economic success of collectivism goes; they are really saying "now we know how to keep power in a fake democracy".

As early as 1925 the everyone with a rain in their heads knew that it was all about maintaining the power and wealth of the Nomenklatura, and nothing else. SO it is with our Leftists.

It is deeply important to understand this.

In the end this is not a political "process" that we find ourselves now it. It is merely the political front of a broader war.

They mean our destruction, and that of our nation and civilization.

As I have said many times, they have nothing, absolutely nothing to replace it with other than tyranny and desolation.

Beasts of England

If Trump loses then the message returns to the GOPe and its pundits - and we know how that will go. There's no other voice behind Trump at the moment, nor do I see one in the wings. Cotton, maybe; but does he have the chops to burn through the GOPe fog?

JM Hanes


"If anything culturally women have achieved so much that "sexism" just no longer seems to have resonance."

I'm not sure what you mean here.


What is Rodhams' lifelong track record?


None of the above. Rodham is a sick pile of shit.

Captain Hate

Fuck this defeatist talk. I'm already looking forward to Rodham's concession speech where she drunkenly tells the nation it doesn't deserve her, serves Slick with divorce papers and promises to tell all about what a pervert he is.


The daily perp walks as each of her inner circle is led to permanent residence in Leavenworth.

Jack is Back!

In plain and simple terms, last night's harangue from HMS Pantsuit in re Wall Street and the 1% is called "extortion". Ask any shop owner in areas of NYC, Philly, ChiTown, St. Louis, etc. where the mob rules their neigborhood how much they pay for protection they don't need.

When any pol starts to beat up banks, insurance companies, big pharma, energy firms, etc. it only means that my "hands are open and my wallet is empty". So far, the Clinton Criminal Enterprise, has been pretty damn successful in shakedowns, extortion and laundering.


"I'm not sure what you mean"

The argument that women need more "equality" has less resonance now because they pretty much have it. STEM graduate starting salaries now favor them for example.

Any perception that it won't be vigorously defended is probably wrong.

That's why I call it Fox Butterfield. The absence of sexism resonance is because it has mostly been successful.

Beasts of England

I didn't mean to be defeatist, and I'm still extremely bullish on a significant Trump victory. It's his to lose, and I don't see him doing anything except jamming on the accelerator.


CH, not even BLM can stand twitch.


CH- I say Amen! After that horrible display over the last 4 days....why are we even discussing "if Trump loses will H. be a one term or two term President?"

I'm thinking of the wonderful ads like the one cheerleader mentioned and the 100's more that JamesD has suggested could be made. I expect Trump to come out of the gate swinging and the next 101 days will be building to a landslide victory!

Frau Wortkarg in Kalifornien

The only thing Daddy Soros pays for is buying his chosen political playthings.
What's "Pfui!" in Esperanto?

JMH - I see no conflict in stories. The Oregon delegates might have decided to leave if the lights were turned off on their section. The domination of the Dem demolition team was a Yuge surprise to the BernieBros. The two from my area wrote that they were described as "activists" but were not the Pitzer-trained professionals. They fell for Bernie's siren song and still don't know what hit them except for Hillary!'s political police and hired claqueurs. The Hillary! jackboots were playing the convention center like a giant Wurlitzer.
Was there anything similar that happened in Cleveland? If so, I'd like to hear about it, too.


Don't forget "Daddy Soros" has bought Trump in the past!


Since we cannot forecast the 2016 election with a great deal of confidence, it seems foolish to go too far out on a limb about 2020 at this point.

That having been said, I agree with Appalled and JM Hanes on this and not, with all due respect, with Thomas Collins.

I think, based on very preliminary information, that if Rodham wins this time she is not going to win again. My reasoning is as follows: If she wins, she will be far and away the least favorably viewed person ever to be elected. She will win, if she does, because people were turned off to or afraid of Trump, not any love for her. People want change and she is delivering more of the same. The only time in recent history where a party won three straight terms in the White House, the incumbent was dumped going for the fourth term. The country just does not want either party to control the entire government (see 1994, 2006, 2010) or any part of it for long stretches of time.

Way too soon to tell of course, but I think she will be very unpopular if she is elected. Her campaign will have to be negative and not inspiring and that will carry over into her administration.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Marina Abramovic: I Had Three Abortions Because Children Hold Female Artists Back.
The Moloch Museum of Modern Art cheers!


Ignatz --

Safe, legal, convenient and free...

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Trump now leads in most polls!
Let's talk about what we're going to do in 2020 after Hill is elected in Nov?

Thomas Collins

I'm building a coalition for my 2020 run! JMH, OL, Appalled and Theo are all united in their skeptical view of my reasoning. I'm a bring 'em all together candidate! :-)

No need to make campaign contributions. Just 7 figure donations to the TC Foundation!


Here, Cankles. It's a handy chart of the American cos. with the most cash held off-shore:


Behold No. 1. Now tell us how much coin each of the rest of them have given to your campaign.

Captain Hate

henry, I think I linked something about a week ago that indicated that might happen. I believe both parties are in a very anti-establishment mood right now and that's just a further manifestation of it. Nothing like a prolonged shitty economy to get people fired up to make a major change. Adultery of the Heart was such a mindless fuckup in everything that people forget just how sucky the economy was with inflation out the wazz.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I should point out this Abramovic broad is the most famous "performance artist" in the world whose shtick is being paid while others watch her harm herself.

She's sharp; I'll give her that. Most kids of abusive parents who cut and burn themselves never think, 'what the hell am I doing in this closet? I can call it art and get paid to work out my problems in public!'

buccaneer morgan

Agreed move to ramming speed, with the hearse.

Among the regretable tools was Khan pere, she sent your son to war, and them retreated before the job was done, and you're blaming trump.?


I'm in, TC! Your check for $0.000001 is on the way! Hey, it's seven figures...

Thomas Collins

Well, it's a start, lyle!

Captain Hate

Iggy, Kafka anticipated that with "The Hunger Artist".

Beasts of England

And you already have a campaign logo, Thomas Collins!! :)


Color me surprised she hasn't used the aborted fetuses as props somehow. Oh, that would ghoulish, right? RIGHT?


I'm already looking forward to Rodham's concession speech where she drunkenly tells the nation it doesn't deserve her, serves Slick with divorce papers and promises to tell all about what a pervert he is.

Unfortunately I think she'll hold it together, and the lamp-throwing will be behind closed doors. But what I'm looking forward to most of all, other than a Trump Justice Department prosecuting both her and the Clinton Foundation, is seeing all the money dry up. The "donations" have been entirely predicated on her being next in line. Who would continue to give money to a couple of septagenarians with no future?

buccaneer morgan

Red quuen was absent in 2005 bankruptcy bill,

Thomas Collins

Excellent point, BOE. Break the glass ceiling for candidates with a Phoenix Tat!

Janet the expert

Safe, legal, convenient and free...

Actually, it is only "legal, convenient and free."

'Safe' got tossed out the window. Following health & safety regulations was gonna cost their business too much so they don't have to follow them.

What other business gets that kind of treatment?

Run a baby killing business & you can do absolutely ANYTHING you want.

Beasts of England

'From the ashes, baby!' would be a perfect slogan, too!! ;)


Well the bast thing about a Clinton loss is that the Clintons will finally fade from the public scene.

If there is a big loss the Democrats will never forgive them.



Trump will not prosecute the Clinton's

Janet the expert

Marina Abramovic...too stupid to understand birth control.

Lurker Susie


Sebastian Gorka
3h3 hours ago
Sebastian Gorka ‏@SebGorka
Just heard on the EXCELLENT @ChrisPlanteShow:

- The Democrats have lost their minds
- The Republicans have lost their base

Frau Wortkarg in Kalifornien

There is no way in hay-ull that Hillary!'s Bureau of Enlightenment and Propaganda--aka Sid Vicious-- would ever let the public know of dissent or rejection of the Red Queen's agenda.

Ready for the detention camps that Billy the Bomber proposed?

With regard to those Americans who might refuse to embrace communism, Ayers and his comrades -- including Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, and numerous others -- proposed that such resisters should be sent to reeducation camps and killed. The terrorists estimated that it would be necessary to eliminate some 25 million people in this fashion, so as to advance the revolution.(Frontline)

We've experienced what has happened in the last eight years. What do we hear from the media? Our C-I-C is beloved! A poet! A savior! Soon to be on a currency bill near you.


"Rode hard and put away wet"
I'm having a really hard time visualizing that having happened in the last three decades

There is an explanation peter, but I am working very hard at developing a more "family friendly" posting style:)


Here's another little nugget for the obstinate #neverTrumpites:


But wait, lyle, you say. If Trump wins, it might be at the cost of losing the House...

Lurker Susie

The truth about the dnc

Ricky Vaughn
Ricky Vaughn – ‏@Ricky_Vaughn99

Hillary Clinton and the DNC use paid seat fillers, white noise machines to silence Bernie delegates #Demexit https://youtu.be/XPh4kx5zsOs

Hillary Clinton and the DNC use paid seat fillers, white noise...

Democratic National Convention, July 28, 2016: Hillary Clinton and the DNC use paid seat fillers, white noise machines to silence Bernie delegates.
View on web


OL, you forgot one. We will be disarmed.

You'll find my cold, dead fingers wrapped around my favorite shooting iron.


I am working very hard at developing a more "family friendly" posting style:)

Hey, so am I! That's why I passed on what I was going to post re this comment:

Marina Abramovic...too stupid to understand birth control.



Your daily emetic:


Captain Hate

Ayers and his comrades -- including Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, and numerous others

Audra Barkely? Noooooooooooooo

JM Hanes


"Let's keep these families in our prayers."

American troops wounded fighting ISIS in Afghanistan

Bless you, rse. Thank you for the reminder, and the update. I hadn't realized that, "In January, [Obama] gave American personnel there legal authority to strike the fledgling ISIS faction under any circumstances," followed by other "expanded authorities." I hope that means our troops are no longer fighting with one arm tied behind their backs. Perhaps that's why things are finally on a "real positive trajectory," though still a very dangerous one.

Frau Wortkarg in Kalifornien

From JMH -
" Nor do I think that the struggle of women for equality even begins to share equal billing with the struggle of blacks for same, in the national psyche."

Powerful message. What has really happened in the last 60 years to improve the lives of American blacks?

The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964–65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.
ObamaPhones, ObamaCash, and tokenism do not produce lives of dignity, equality and independence.


I think, based on very preliminary information,

There you go again Theo!

Just yesterday you told us you sucked at predictions:)

buccaneer morgan

The python election might sketch comes to mind.

Captain Hate




They don't call it the Clintoon News Network for nothing. Happy days are just around the corner from November!

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