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July 07, 2016



Lotta ego in one room there.



Jim Eagle

Damn it. Can't find a pitchfork or coal-oil torch anywhere. All sold out.

Wonder what this all about?

Dave (in MA)

Using a clip-art star that can only be confused as an antisemitic message by those who dearly want it to be one? Far worse than e-mailing around top secret info and lying about it. Get the pitchforks and torches!

Old Lurker

Who said "Post Constitutional Phase"?


Old Lurker

Still looking for that Agent of Honor at the FBI, CIA or NSA...



“Remember when we were all concerned about our dependence on foreign oil? Well, let me tell you — we’ve cut the amount of oil we buy from other countries in half. Remember when the other team was promising they were going to get gas prices down in like 10 years? We did it. Did it.”

Thanks to President Obama’s unwavering support in the face of radical environmentalists for fracking and the Keystone pipeline (at least the parts in the US), he did it.

Jim Eagle


Fitton is spot on. After Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando et. al. i have no confidence in the FBI to do anything that makes me feel safer. We could have two people, BHO and HRC, who as private citizens could never get a security clearance (back in the day, not necessarily now) but end up with the nuclear football.



Oh Yeah LUN

Dave (in MA)

Neo, he was TFG who was saying that he wanted gas prices to be higher, but the Kardashian-watching populace has the attention span of a, well, a Kardashian-watching populace, so they'll never catch on.


Neo, small consolation when the lights at home go out because of EPA coal regs.

Robin Surrounded by the 10 Sq. Miles of Crazy


Of course he is.


I saw this nonsense earlier. Goodness I hate these GOPe traitors. People like Flake (and what a well deserved moniker he has) should stop caring about Mexicans and start caring about Americans. He does not "know" if he cann sup[port Trump if he keeps "saying those nasty things about Mexicans". Unbelievable out of any Republican. That just enrages me.

And Kirk--he votes like a democrat--I think he is a plant, myself. I swear these people are infiltrators. How repellent these people are. Do they understand what thy are doing to their party? Every time they mouth off like this they lose voters.

And this out of Ryan:

"Ryan said members talked to Trump about the constitutional roles of the president and Congress, reducing regulations and overhauling the tax code — all issues included the “A Better Way” policy blueprint House Republicans have rolled out in recent weeks."

Well. this is really too much--and from a so-called republican that is attacking the second amendment for absolutely now reason and in doing so will cost the GOP even more seats. It just makes one want to vomit.

What was it 10 days ago, Trump was broke? What is this this week, the outline of a six pointed star?

These people are going to lose this election.

After what has transpired this week, they are mincing around about whether or not "they can support Trump"?

After we have sucked it up and went on and on standing behind so many bad candidates and so many bad campaigns, and have seen so much damage to this nation--seen our votes betrayed on the Hill, they think is is about their petty sensibilities now, with so much at stake? What childish self-important middle aged mediocrities. Can they even be considered mediocrities.

How despicable, how wretched, how weak, feeble and unmanly. No wonder the country is in the tubes.

It is as though we have lost a war and are occupied by a alien power ruling through quislings.

Jim Eagle

I have lost all respect for Cruz. And all the other Congressmen and Seantors who still refuse to endorse Trump. Do they really think Hillary will make their re-election easier. Cowards.

No wonder the Trump phenom is a threat. Drain the swamp.


What are you going to say when Cruz endorses Trump Jack? Cause it think it's absolutely going to happen. When it does, it's gonna be ugly.

buccaneer morgan

Fidel Flake, yes he's reasonable, in kirks defense he did have a stroke not that long ago, counting against him voting for skydragon (cap and trade) as a congressman.


"counting against him voting for skydragon (cap and trade) as a congressman."

As I said.

No one who does not denounce the hideous Climate Change plot deserves to hold office.

Any Republican how supports it should be disciplined by the party.

It is the sign of a weak mind, an infiltrator, or both.

It is as absurd a belief as the sky is paisley.

Jim Eagle


If when then why not now? Coward.

Miss Marple

If Cruz gets a prime time speaking slot, I foresee a debacle. Sorry, I don't trust him.

Jim Eagle


I'm with you. There is something disengenious about Cruz I could never put my finger on until he got beat and never offered to endorse Trump. Same with all the Congress critters in the same situation. A plague on all their houses. No excuse. This is nut cuitting time as they say in Wyoming.

Inside the beltway are scared. Really scared.

Miss Marple


Trump was a gift to them if they cared about driving the democrats out and saving the country.

The fact that so many behaved in the opposite manner is an indictment of them.

If they sabotage the convention or steal his nomination, I am done.

Jim Eagle

From a FB friend:

Maria Baritoroma on FOX with Bret Baier - did they take notes during Tarmac-gate and if not, why not? Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukase said it is required anytime the AG is on official business [she was on a GOVERNMENT aircraft supposedly on government business trip] they are required to have a note-taker taking down all that is said at all times.

Anyone with Federal law experience want to chime in?

buccaneer morgan

well alien ants, explain it, now considering trump relying on rocket surgeon wayne madsen's research, called him an adulterer, and his father an accessory to oswald, well a decent interval was due, however, it's time to get back on the team


And remember, these people where throwing tantrums a few months back about whether or not Trump would "support the nominee".

Well, trump has gotten more primary votes than any other modern GOP candidate. The electorate has spoken.

So all of that stuff about "supporting the nominee" was just nothing but garbage. They are bunch of dishonorable hypocrites.

If they were out there shouting down every MSM depredation, there would not be an issue with this election. Hillary would be afraid to show her face. She would not have slithered through this "investigation".

They are worse than the Democrats. When this country finally fails, and it is beginning to look like it is more a matter of "When" than "If", the blame will be squarely on them.

You cannot even say that they are recalcitrant conservatives who balk at a "pragmatic, centrist populist", which is a cartoonish profile of Trump; they are not even conservatives, as Ryan;s assault on the 2nd amendment (again, for no reason whatsoever clearly shows, for they are not conservative. Yet if they were conservatives, what, may I ask ,are they conserving?

All of these years of mouthing conservative platitudes, of all the think tanks, "outreach", and palaver: what good has it done us. It was all sloganeering and posture. When they actually have a chance to do something to turn the nation around they clutch at their pearls and prattle about pragmatism and "true conservatism". They are pompous, selfish frauds.

They have just been kicked in the groin by Obama and Hillary. They have just been profoundly humiliated, and what is there response? Oh, well let us put a bill to keep "classified information" from Hillary, as if 1) it would ever pass, 2) they would ever obey it, and 3) she already has all of the intel channels she needs. Oh and what else? Oh lets cave to the democrats on gun control. Let us have the government decide who gets their constitutions rights bases on "lists".

If these people had been shouting about this while she was Sos, if they had been dragging all this out before the public the last few months, she would have been indicted and the electorate would know why.

But no, Trump is "too crude", "too crass", too nasty", and it seems that this is so because he bother to tell the truth and is man enough to confront her. How dreadfully "populist" of her. How can we ever even consider even talking to such a beast?

Even now they are protecting her, however accidentally or implicitly. But I really do not think it is accidental: it is merely covert.

buccaneer morgan

Now May rising out of the tory scrum, is a little like something from Trollope, not devious enough for House of Cards.

Jim Eagle

I may be the only one here to actually talk to buc aka narciso. He is one unique character. And if I ever decide to get a doctorate, I will make in Crytography and base my thesis on decyperhing the political, cultural and literary references, opinions and characterizations of narciso on the internet.

Sounds just as good as those fem/lesbian works on the working of a clitoris in sea turtles duinr a shark attack.

buccaneer morgan

sorry, in Phineas Redux, Daubeny, (Disraeli) does a controversial move, which keeps him in power, May was perhaps the most tepid of the Leavers she prevailed in the leadership contest, even though her stewardship of the Home Office was what triggered Leave in part,

Jim Eagle


House of Cards is based on Clinton's WH years. Ask Willliamson, he'll admit it.


May is a remainer--she will scuttle this just watch.

And it is telling that all the big boys bowed out. May is being played because no matter what she does it is political death. She is too blinded by here feminist nonsense to understand that the men are playing her.

But if she gets in, Britexit will never happen. Just watch. What then? I will tell you, if they bring in more immigrant, if the try to humiliate and intimidate the LEAVE crowd, sooner or later the civliorder will break down over there. Particularly since the EU has come out with their "master plan" after the vote.

All of this bumps against the central paradox of the Globalist Institutional Left, and their fundamental miscalculation. They expect to maintain all that their civilization gives then while they busily and gleefully go about destroying that civilization.

They are like drugged and insane teenagers trashing their parents house.

Jim Eagle

...Willimon....damn autocorrect.

James D.

Neo @ 5:01

That Zero had the gall to brag about U.S. oil imports is just - it makes me so angry I see red.

I would like Trump to find a microphone and say something like:

"Barry Obama is bragging about cutting our oil imports in half. He's a liar! A damn liar!

You know why oil imports are cut in half? First, we're producing more. But it's no thanks to him. His crooked EPA has been doing everything it can for eight years to shut down oil production here. But the American people - private citizens, the ones who are gonna make American great again this November, did it in spite of Obama and his EPA. Because they're smarter than the clowns in Washington.

You know why else imports are down? Because most of the places that we buy oil from are disaster areas, and most of that is Obama's fault, too. The Middle East? It's one big war zone, thanks to Obama. Venezuela? They can't even pump their own oil to sell it, because Obama's communist pals down there have turned their country into one of the worst places on Earth.

Obama and his cronies didn't do one damn thing to make us independent of foreign oil. Not one thing! You did it - all you people out there, working hard, working extra hard because the government has been against you for eight years, but you did it anyway. Well, come November, when I'm elected, you'll have a government that will get the hell out of your way!"

buccaneer morgan

the original, Michael Dobbs, another Leaver, really did come to hate the Iron Lady, but he didn't have truck with the wets like Heseltine,

Boris was kind of like Newt, grand ideas, some personal foibles, but he didn't watch his flank
and Gove chivved him, but was caught doing do

btw, when will you be back down South,


Bringing this over from old thread.

Just how does one go about talking behind someone else's back on an open blog? Neat trick I suppose.

The lack of a recorded interview (interrogation) with a criminal suspect is preposterous. Every interview I do has to be recorded.

Should also add that the star on my uniform has 6 points. I'm not Jewish the last time I checked.

buccaneer morgan

yes Willimon he worked for Schumer, Weiner, and Dean, their isn't a strong enough scrub brush for
the first two, and Yeargh well he's insane,

buccaneer morgan

time for another larry correia fisking,


Captain Hate

I may be the only one here to actually talk to buc aka narciso

You've met him in real life?

Captain Hate

Nobody can convince me that Yeeeaarrgghh doesn't self medicate and isn't a major lush

buccaneer morgan

no, we talked on the phone, I've also talked to our man in Chicago, although not in a long while, my mother was going almost every other week down to miami, for dental treatment, those days I didn't link anything,

would you be surprised that zaphod's new kin, is not what it appears to be, again,

buccaneer morgan

now I'm with iggie, this robert langdon symbology was an unforced error, that didn't need to be,

buccaneer morgan

yes, underwood is a murderous boll weevil, well two dead at last count, which is interesting since willimon almost entirely worked the left end of the aisle,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

You would think that these GOPe guys who tell us Trump is so repellent and so ghastly and unspeakable would stop and consider for just a moment that the voters preferred him to them and, as bad as his approval ratings are, they're still better than the feckless, useless, groveling, putrid, anodyne, obsequious, sniveling band of reprobate pecksniffs and pusillanimous Quislings that make up the GOPe congress's are.

If he is so awful they can't even be seen with him and a coup is needed to rid us of his carcass and most of us consider them even more repugnant than he is why in the hell haven't they done the honorable thing so that hikers and hunters could find their crumpled bodies at the bottom of some deep ravine or beneath some lofty bridge somewhere?

If they think he's Mussolini and we think they're worse than him shouldn't they be pining for a metal girder somewhere to be hung upside down from, along with their mistresses?


And here I thought that narciso was someone out there running a Turing Test.

(BTW, did you actually see him? Just asking.)

Jim Eagle


Disagree. She will manage a more conservatice Breixit and it will appeal to the Euro's. Sure, she is not Boris or Faragae or even Gove but she is a realist. She will not upset the applecart.

In fact, it is now dawning on the UK how Brexit is or could be a big positive. Tourism is growing. Marmite sales are down but so what. The City will survice as will Canary Wharf. Chelsea will be a contender again and the Frogs will continue to sell wine to the Chunnel contingent.

All is good in the non-political universe.

Jim Eagle

No, I didn't see Narc. But I know enough to actually find him if I wanted to but I don't.

Narc, may be coming back in August to clean up my museum collection from the devastation of Mrs. JiB's renovation. First time back sine early last June.

buccaneer morgan

if marmite sale were up, that would be a concern, yes the uk was independent for only the 960 years give or take, they withstood napoleon and hitler, which make's angela's embrace o'doul's by comparison,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I know clarice has met up with narc and his mom.
Anyone else narc? Soylent?


I was just kidding.


I may be the only one here to actually talk to buc aka narciso

Clarice has too.


I've given up trying to understand the GOPe. Not sure I still want to claim them as allies anyway, but if they can help, I'll be okay with it.

I just want to beat the witch. Is that so wrong? And Trump is the man in the arena, and deserves our support.


Porch-but the Never Trumps do not view the WH as their arena.

Plus I believe they are afraid he will alter the prevailing rules of the arena. The ones they adore that are the source of the popular outrage against the now recognized uniparty at all levels of govt.

buccaneer morgan

Only with certified ministry of fudge encantations,


it's rather extraordinary how the dhaka massacre has dissapeared down the rathole,

Jim Eagle

Thinking about it meeting narc would be verrrry interesting. Same for GUS and BoE. Actually, meeting everyone here would be a great way to finalize your conceptual opoinions and perceptions.

So , I propose a milion man meet up. You can come to the Hamptons if you are prepared for a 4 hour drive for 80 miles or we can choose somewhere neutral like Cleveland in mid July or Philadelphia in August.

Lets go half way. Lexington, KY or Cincinnati?

It will never happen but it would be a blast to get everyone together at once.

Lurker Susie

Mr. Conservative

“Sen. Lee has not endorsed Donald Trump and has no plans to do so,” Lee’s spokesman told Breitbart News after Lee made headlines for suggesting that his Party’s standard-bearer is “religiously intolerant.”

By contrast, in an interview with the anti-Trump Huffington Post, Lee oozed praise for far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a potential VP contender for the Democratic Presidential ticket and avowed Trump opponent. Lee described Warren as “captivating,” “smart,” “talented,” “formidable,” “persuasive,” and a “hero” to Democrats.


Sen Lee is mesmerized by high cheekbones.

mike in houston



buccaneer morgan

If one wants moar reading, there's a cloud atlas type offering by richard seay, the mirror thief, only three timelines, 16th century venice, and two more modern iterations, a motel in Venice california in the late 50s, and the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in 2003,

buccaneer morgan

now they are just toying with us, mike,

buccaneer morgan

the ewok has voted another off the island, eman, for reasons surpassing understanding but there was a rant relating to the huntress or trump or something of that nature,

buccaneer morgan

the minister for silly walks is getting tiresome,



Cruz was asked by Trump to speak at the convention and he has agreed to
do it.
I trust him completely because I believe him to be a man of honor.
Others have differing views.
I don't think people are cowards if it takes them some time to make up their mind about our candidate.
Today as mentioned on the other thread Ryan rallied the House Republicans and convinced one particular representative to give his support.
You will recall this was the strategy I suggested last week when I was being excoriated on this blog.
I am glad the Party is rallying behind Trump.
Flake is a Flake nothing to lose as he is not up for re-election.
Ryan also shut down an ABC reporter about the faux Star scandal.
Saw Trump's rally in Cincinnati and he did very well.
Don't recognize that list of people RG listed but I feel fairly certain they will not succeed.


Should be don't recognize the names on that list

buccaneer morgan

why do I call him fidel flake,


buccaneer morgan

after into the darkness, they crossed the zero barrier,



I see RSE is talking behind my back again but because she is a published author and it seems a good country cook she gets a pass.

MR-You can take pot shots at me or compliment me, I do not care.

Precisely what is your definition of "talking behind your back?"

I treat you like an adult responsible for what you write. Please discuss the merits. Who cares if I am an author?To some extent these days all that takes is time and patience.

buccaneer morgan

If you only go by the press, you would think the incident in minnesota was like the notorious arthur mcduffie incident that touched off the 1980 riots, that triggered the perfect storm the summer that I came down to Miami, it's more like the rodney king incident with more fatal consequences,

buccaneer morgan

from demille's account, I know the parties get roudy sometimes, specially among the russians but seriously:


buccaneer morgan

how would they know, more like how would they not,



I'm in, JiB.

I can offer to host at my folks' place west of Mpls, if people are into that mid-century modern thing. Nice lake view and party terrace. Wine cellar space available. :) Here are some photos.


Beasts of England

I'm down for Lexington!! Name the date and I'll be there.

Beasts of England

I'd love to see Casa de la Porch, but Minneapolis is outside of my arc. :(


I saw your earlier comment today referencing my comment about 6 weeks ago about security in Cleveland and if you don't live here you would know less about it.
It was a snarky comment meant to diminish me and I responded to it.
Talking behind a person's back is commenting about them when they are not on the blog at the time. There was no chance for me to respond to the obvious shot at me because I was not here at the moment it was made.
I am calling you on your behavior.
I do not consider that a potshot.
My comment regarding your being an author was to illustrate that all of us have equally good talents and all of our opinions should be respected.

Lurker Susie

Not good for Trump

Vote preference over time | Pew Research Center


buccaneer morgan

they were the electable candidate, we know not to take phew seriously, well ballard used to, now he takes them as gospel,

Miss Marple 2


I could do Lexington or Cincinnati. I think I can spring for a rental car and an overnight.

Only caveat is that I can't do it the weekend of my 50th high school reunion, which is coming up in August.

Miss Marple 2

Is there a way to know when people are on the blog or not?

I always just leave comments and figure people will see them whenever they show up.

Am I missing something?

Miss Marple 2

Hey, if you choose Cincinnati I can stay with one of my nieces, so no motel bill!


Am I missing something?



Come on Beasts, it's like an extra hour on the plane. :)

Miss Marple 2

Thanks, DrJ.

I thought maybe there was a secret code!


Miss M, short of looking at who just posted.... and discounting blog owner / guest author visibility (which may or may not include who has refreshed lately & is lurking - by IP address)... It is a matter of who posted recently -- unless of course they posted then got distracted by life.

I'm not in a good place to plan timing or distance to a grand JOM meetup. Based on meeting the WI gang, then the SW FL people it would be well worth the effort involved.

Miss Marple 2


I have only met Captain Hate and daddy, because both happened to pass through Indy on work or vacation.

I would love to meet more people, and am absolutely interested in a big meeting.

buccaneer morgan

I come up with the one time pads,



WHOA right here MR!

Show me where the rule that you can't comment on someone's post unless they are on the blog is right now, before this goes any further.

I have NO IDEA who is on right now.

How can I? JiB may be, you may be, Beasts may be---but you all may well have gone to bed. Well, not Beasts.

buccaneer morgan

seems like they jumped the shark even for takei,



You are absolutely missing something.
You post an insult.
You get no response.
In my mind I think well then maybe I should wait until that person logs on to
make my comment so they have a chance to defend their point of view.
Otherwise, when you read it later as have others the impression is that the person who has made the comment originally got the last word of the topic.

Miss Marple 2

Laura Ingraham says she has heard from 3 different people that Rick Santorum is being vetted for Trump's VP.

buccaneer morgan

so they've gone completely skydragon at the tower of babel.


Miss Marple 2

Doo-de-doo-dah, doo-de-doo-dah.

(Twilight Zone theme.)


LOL narciso! I thought next gen was village people level gay plus some heavy L, with B & T appearing in the spin offs. But I'm just a beer drinker in WI. :)


Can also offer to host at my folks' place in Boca. Short trip from Ft. Lauderdale which is a cheap flight from many airports. At the Boca Hotel & Resort, for the golfers. :)


LOL, henry.


You know what?
I am once again taking Iggy's advice to drop it because I am just expressing how I felt when I saw my name mentioned by first Buckeye and then RSE when it was obvious I wasn't on the blog previously.
No one cares about it but me so I 'll just let it go.
Life is too short for this.


Has Marlene checked in today? I've been heat-struck, and just realized that I don't believe we've had a report on her tick bite. any news would be appreciated.


Then posting a positive comment would be better.


Yes I would hope for positive news about Marlene.

Miss Marple 2

Boy, I wish I had had a boatload of money tonight. I went up to the auction house to pick up a check for selling some of my jewelry, and they had an estate of a woman who had worked for the State Department in West Germany and Japan. Gobs of Japanese antique ceramics, prints, wooden molds, furniture, metalwork. Super cloisonne pieces including lamps and huge bowls.

Alas, all my money is tied up in expenses related to moving. Beautiful stuff, though.


Miss M -- beautiful stuff, but it wound up on the auction block. Cherish your family. :-)

Beasts of England

Dang it, anonamom - I was on the boat when you posted that!! You're on double-secret probation! :)

Lurker Susie

It never ends

Comey has long history of Clinton-related cases



"equally good talents and all of our opinions should be respected."

That is an absurd statement. Whatever our talents and the calibre of our opinions people reading them get to come to their own opinions.

There is not some sort of immunity to evaluation that envelopes you once you post at jom.

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