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September 13, 2016




Silent film.

91-1? They're not even bothering to feel them in the theatre anymore.

Manuel Transmission

Had dinner last night with our pals that throw the recitals. Their lovely Millennial daughter and her hubby, married here last summer, were here for a little vaca. They were the ones who both went to Georgetown and whose buddies all showed up for the wedding along with the groom's family/friends who came out from the high rent parts of NJ. (I'm still chuckling at the skinny legged suits the the kewl dudes were wearing.)

Turns out the young couple are currently living in the apartment building next door to Chelsea! That's partly due to the groom being a budding new Wall Street Jr member, so I quizzed him on his analysis and then got into the election. (Our Chicago lurker met the bride, but the groom was off somewhere else at the time.)

So, the groom is so verklempt at the choices that he is voting for the bluntman. I started working on him using all my JOMfu and made some progress. I think the Scott Adams perspective is the best, because it comes in from the side and doesn't have political overtones.

He volunteered a nugget: Jared Kushner blocked Chris Christie from becoming Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee as revenge for his father.

There's a bigger party tonight, so I'll see if any of the chat stuck.

BTW Sophie the harp will be performing in a couple of weeks.

Jim Eagle

I don't know. Only 40% of Americans between 18 and 64 have a college degree and that counts 2 year associate degrees. But over 60% of them are white. So, we are dealing with 24% max for white college educated voters. Seems to me that he has plenty of market for his ideas and policies and his rhethoric.

But I imagine the prism of UWS Manhattan zeros in more appropriately to the white college educated those yahoos at the Times had in mind.


JiB, its just a dog whistle for "Trump is stupid, and so are his voters" which gets rolled out against every R candidate.

buccaneer morgan

wonderful, MT.


This headline highlights the insanity of Merkel's Europe:

Migrants claiming asylum in Germany have been taking HOLIDAYS in the countries they are 'fleeing' - paid for with benefits cash, report finds

German MP Armin Schuster said the situation 'leaves one speechless'

Migrants: "Please give us asylum. Our lives are in danger if we stay in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq."

Germany: "Okay, come on in. Here's your free housing and your benefits. Are you going to go to Paris Disneyland now?

Migrants: Of course not. We're going back to Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Thanks for the cash!

 Skeptical Voter

The truth is that the Times "people like us" don't know, and have never met "people like them". And "people like us" don't want to meet "people like them" either.

Jim Eagle

Shough n begora!

Stop Trump's Irish Wall.


An area I know very well. For 6 years I was an overseas member of Lahinch Golf Club a long 1/2 hour drive north. Played Doonbeg, Spanish Point and Kilkee many times. Just a gorgeous part of western Ireland. Windy as hell and a sufer's paradise. I may even be sympathetic to this petition.

Jim Eagle

....surfer's paradise.....


Oh, brother. PJM's top story is by Megan Fox asking why The Omen, having witnessed her mom have a seizure wouldn't step in and advise her--as concerned flesh and blood (we'll, maybe)--to stop her from this behavior. Any JOMers want to help Ms Fox out?

Texas Liberty Gal

PD - So sorry about the loss of your mom!! Having lost my mom 3 years ago, I know somewhat you're going through. Prayers for comfort & strength for you & your family.

buccaneer morgan

yes, I'm not agita at all:



Republicans move to impeach IRS chief

I am unimpressed. You guys may know why this takes so long but I think they are at least one year late, and now it just comes off to me as "cosmetics. "

Strickland, the Democratic candidate for Senate in Ohio, remarked that Kaine is prepared to be vice president and president "if that ever became necessary."

The documents show that a trade group called the Sugar Research Foundation, known today as the Sugar Association, paid three Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to publish a 1967 review of research on sugar, fat and heart disease.

Texas Liberty Gal

MM - I applaud that you are able to have the patience to have good relations with your family despite your differences. I simply have been unable to to do that with my sister. I just don't want to have anything to do with her but it weighs on my mind because I'm sure that's not what Christ would want me to do! I simply can't stand being with her. This goes all the way back to Obama. I was thrilled that my brother, who is gay and leans more towards the Dems shared a postitive post on FB of Trump. I promptly shared his post then too!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Sorry to hear about your mom, PD and especially sorry if your relatives are acting like relatives so often do.


Condolences, PD.

buccaneer morgan

note that the ezekiel emmanuel of nutrition, marion nustle, is on this case from 1967!


Condolences, PD.

Any JOMers want to help Ms Fox out?

Ms Fox seems to be under the impression that the Clintons behave like normal humans.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That Claremont article by Publius Decius Mus and the prior one are like Patrick Henry's 'give me liberty' speech; devoid of partisan politics and instead focusing on the necessary soil for political liberty to grow.
That he is so cogent and so attacked by both the left and right demonstrates not only that he is over the target but that the times in which we live are much more akin to a revolutionary period of political intolerance and a national turning point than we have been probably since the original revolution.

Texas Liberty Gal

This article made me lose what little respect I had left for Byron York


buccaneer morgan

now stephens, gerson, boot and company are joining in


Texas Liberty Gal

Now we know why the Obama adm. worked so hard to get the Dept of Commerce in the WH



The only NRO alum I can even stand now is VDH. And he's getting repetitive.


My prayers are with you and your family on the loss of your mother.


Less than half of American voters believe Hillary Clinton’s explanation of the illness that led to her apparently fainting on Sunday, a poll by YouGov for The Times shows — a trust deficit that highlights the vulnerability of her presidential campaign.



Life is too short to let political differences come between siblings.
You are secure in the knowledge that you are on the right side of the argument.
Some of my best friends will vote against Trump.
I won't let this ruin our over 50 year friendship.
We just don't discuss it.


Furthermore, 46 percent of voters don’t think Clinton has pneumonia at all and is suffering from a different, undisclosed illness, while nine percent said they didn’t know what to believe.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/13/latest-poll-should-shock-hillary-heres-how-her-health-fiasco-is-shaping-the-election/#ixzz4KAQW1gp4


Byron York hasn't been all that bad recently....but, yuck.

First, Trump has gotten screamingly bad headlines every day for over a year, and he's still competitive, so York loses on that list.

Second, York gives us retweet numbers which he thinks support his argument that "basket of deplorables" is brilliant on Clinton's part, but doesn't give us the other side's numbers in contrast.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Byron York occasionally short circuits.


Great news:
Supreme Court supports restrictions on early voting in Ohio!
Yay! Or as Steph would say Woot!


Great news maryrose!!

Texas Liberty Gal

Mary Rose - I'm with Steph - Woot Woot!!!

And my sister won't let us not discuss it which is the big problem. Good thing our next reunion won't be til summer of 2018


2018 is supposed to be a horrible Democrat re-election year because so many of their Senate seats are up from 2012.

daddy on iPhone

If I heard correctly, Schnit on Talk Radio just said that Bill Clinton first said "frequently" but that sentence was edited out , and then CBS simply played the later comment where he said "rarely." I think that is what I heard.


Correct daddy. That is what layers of editors are for.


Everyone already knows he said it
It is out on the blogs and on twitter.
These people are so lame.
CNN played the entire tape.
Bill just stepped in it again.
Bill will deny and then the real tape will be used in an ad.
We will swift boat the Hil.
Sorry she is just a ripe target and all this grief- she brought on herself by her perpetual lies.


Mess bc
Big story look squirrel is Pence not denouncing David Duke which he has already done repeatedly.
They are bankrupt in the ideas department and floundering


Of course Pence did denounce Duke he just refrained from using the specific term "deplorable." I'm sure the fact-checkers will be right on that--in December.


I am so sorry to read about your mother's passing, PD. It's difficult, I know. You are in my prayers.


I wish Pence would bring up La Raza, the Back Panthers or The Nation of Islam when they pull this Duke stuff.


Furthermore, 46 percent of voters don’t think Clinton has pneumonia at all and is suffering from a different, undisclosed illness, while nine percent said they didn’t know what to believe.

So, 53 percent of voters don't believe her story.

The poll also found that, while 38 percent of surveyed voters thought Republican nominee Donald Trump was healthy enough for office, only nine percent thought the same of Clinton.

NINE percent


Tee Hee.


I can add

46 + 9 = 55 percent of voters don't believe her story


We will swift boat the Hil.
Sorry she is just a ripe target and all this grief- she brought on herself by her perpetual lies.

You're a good person, maryrose. I'm a bona fide "deplorable", so I am delighted to see this evil woman get her just deserts. She has caused so much misery in her life, and has broken so many laws in the process.

She can't handle the pressure, and it's getting worse. I only hope that the American people are paying close attention.


SD, bringing up D side "deplorables" is a weak response that legitimizes the original smear. Plus they are groups of brown people, it is raysiss to point out they are organized anti-American assholes. So neither Pence, nor even Trump can go there.

Dr Carson could, and likely has. But we will never hear that he did.


Those are good numbers, Porchlight! Made my day.

daddy on iPad at the Gym

Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff: report

Way behind as usual, and am at the gym so can't look it up, but this reminds me of a famous scene from Roman History, where some general wanted to attack but the Priests came out and said the omens were bad because the sacred chickens wouldn't drink, so he said the equivalent of "I'll make the frickin' sacred chickens drink!" and he heaved them into the Tiber and they drowned, and then he went into battle and won. Something like that.

Maybe Hillary is afraid someone will water board her.

Texas Liberty Gal

maryrose - That's good-maybe when she sees the great changes she'll be pro Trump-ha, that's more wishful thinking on my part.


Maybe Hillary is afraid someone will water board her.

LOL, daddy! What a perfect visual!


sorry, PD.

Deplorable Momto2

So sorry for your loss, PD.

Captain Hate

Condolences, PD.

Miss Marple 2


My condolences on the loss of your mother. It's very hard, I know.

Captain Hate

46 + 9 = 55 percent of voters don't believe her story

45% dumbasses sounds about right.

James D.

Wow that York article is asinine. Jornolist 4.0 (or whatever version it's up to) is coordinating attacks based on Hillary's campaign.

Just as they've been doing all along.

This is a surprise? This is a brilliant tactic?

What a clown.


York is not generally that stupid, James D. It surprised me.

Deplorable Momto2

What do we imagine H. is doing as she "rests?" Is she propped up in bed, wearing her weird glasses, surrounded by her many blackberry devices? Is she watching MSNBC with the sound turned down? Is there a full glass of water on the bedside table?

Meanwhile....Trump is in Ashville.

Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)

From SD's 5:00pm link:

"As first lady, senator, and secretary of state, I would watch world leaders roll their eyes whenever I brought up issues that affect women and girls,” she said. “But with persistence – and data – I’ve watched it dawn on more than a few men that women’s issues are their issues too.”

Another lie. Total made up Bullshit. Maybe in talks with the Taliban but name names Hillary. What world leaders?

She really can't help herself.


You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Hillary's supporters into what I call the "cornucopia of the wretched".

The climacophobic, apeirophobic, ashenophobic, nosemaphobic, phronemophobic, kopophobic, arachibutyrophobic, iatrophobic -- you name it.


Hillary with "data"" That is rich.

Dave (in MA)

Daddy, Drudge has the story of CBS & Charlie Rose editors helping Bentus Dickus get his story straight by selectively editing his comments.


Bentus Dickus


Frequently, rarely, whatever. What difference at this point does it make?

Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)

Sometimes I think Bubba is trying to sink her campaign not win it.

Coal miners snark
Frequently v. rarely
His preemptive defense of CGI and Foundation

I think there are others but can't put my finger on them now.

Thomas Collins

My prayers tonight are for your mom's soul and for your strength during this period, PD in Detroit. If your posts here are indicative, your mom did a fine job with you.


Twitter is now abuzz with rumors Trump sought mental health care 25 years ago. They are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink now that the SS Hilligula hit an iceberg of its own making, followed by Bentus Dickus* hitting the iceberg "frequently" in a strange rescue attempt.


* Bentus Dickus is too good not to use.

Janet S.

Does David Duke sell baby eyes?


Twitter is now abuzz with rumors Trump sought mental health care 25 years ago.

The '92 election was pretty depressing for all of us.

Robin, adorable deplorable me

Is anyone else as angry as I am that Obama is campaigning on our dime for Clinton today in Philly?


I am sure Hillary is on some sort of mood elevating drug because her problems with anger management signify depression bipolar disorder and delusions of grandeur.
She fully believes her own false narrative.
She also is a tad paranoid with a persecution complex.


I a infuriated.
He is supposed to b creating jobs and fixing his rotten Healthcare which saw an exchange in NJ fail today.
He is feckless and useless.
I count him in until Election Day
7 and a half more weeks of this creep.


Only 6 exchanges still working.
Way to go Barry!


All these surrogates filling in for Clinton only proves our point.
She is too old sick and decrepit to lead our country.


Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is _Irredeemable! |

FIFY --however clumsily!


There is so much to be angry about, I can't keep up.

Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)

Does David Duke sell baby eyes?

How come some lady who rides a motorcycle in Arlington, VA can come up with the gotcha answer to every deplorable and irredeemable media question about David Duke and Pence or Trump can't?

JanetS for debate preparation manager.


JiB -- I totally agree that at least at some level Bentus Dickus is out to sabotage her. It's ego and love hate. (Not sure about the love.)

Janet S.

and on a foundational level...
Duke wants to vote for Trump?


He holds disgusting views?...So DAMN WHAT!

He gets to vote for whoever he wants.
Has he broken the law?...if not, Blitzer needs to shut up.

It's Dem Terry McAuliffe that is trying to get voters for Hillary that are actual rapists & murderers here in Virginia.


Dave-to put that editing into perspective rose spoke at red's graduation. It was jon meacham who brought him there.



JMH -- Our editorial is out: Thoughts on national Democrat rule.

There is a survey that non-subscribers get asked. Answer one thing or another or skip it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Is the argument that we should vote for a woman too stubborn and too stupid to drink enough water to remain upright and ambulatory?

That she is the functional equivalent of some nag we lead to water is her great qualification?

Janet S.

Are the things Duke has said about the people he hates worse than what the WaPo has written about me? The WaPo hates me.

As a Bible believing Christian, that went to tea party rallies, & pro-life marches & opposed redefining marriage...I have had trash written about me for decades.
WaPo writers have slandered & vilified me.

...but the WaPo crew get to vote too. That is America.
Disgusting views don't disqualify anyone from voting.

Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)


Great editorial but I was surprised that Rome hosts the World Bocce Tournament. Need to tell our members that. We have 2 bocce courts and a full line up of teams and leagues.

Miss Marple 2


Liked on Facebook and retweeted. My dem sister will probably be PO'd, but I don't care. Greaat editorial!


sbw, I was saddened that I would have to use facebook to comment on your fine editorial!

I would rather die than give that jerk Zuckerberg a hit.

Janet S.

a FB friend wrote - " But nobody mentions the best come-back EVUH to these kinds of stupid baits from media clowns. Ronald Reagan said it when someone asked him about some racist or other endorsing him.

Reagan said, "If he endorses me, that means that he agrees with me--NOT that I agree with him.""


Ha,Ha! We just saw a campaign ad for the 2nd District Dem candidate,Emily Cain.
"Emily stands with Hillary!"

Janet S.

The only people that ever talk about David Duke are the MFM. It's like they are his ad agency.


The New York Attorney General has opened an inquiry into the Donald Trump Foundation. He wants to make sure that the Foundation is complying with the laws that govern charitable foundations.

Look - squirrel.

Miss Marple 2


daddy, Thought you would enjoy this article!

Miss Marple 2


Trump has known he was a big get for any AG in New York for a long time.

Nothing there.


Mark Levin asks, "does this country really need a new entitlement?" and he has a valid point. Ivanka, why don't you run for President yourself, instead of hijacking your father's candidacy.


The New York Attorney General has opened an inquiry into the Donald Trump Foundation.

This is the same AG who deliberately looked the other way over the Clinton Foundation's lack of transparency:


Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)

Our friends in Malmo just went to the opera house there for a performance of Kinky Boots and I asked them on FB if the Muzzie audience enjoyed it.

This was for narcico.

Miss Marple 2


I don't give a hoot about what Levin says.

The government has screwed with the working class to make their lives miserable. This would help fix it.

I find I don't care about the whining about entitlements anymore.

It's like how we were all sold on free trade, only it isn't really free.

Screw the NeverTrumpers. I predicted this would be their attitude this morning.


This is the same AG who deliberately looked the other way over the Clinton Foundation's lack of transparency:


Yes. It's interesting that the libs are looking at an issue involving 'charitable foundations' as a means of distracting people from Hillary's physical meltdown. It's something akin to trying to point out the splinter in someone else's eye while ignoring the log in your own.

Jack is Deplorable! (But Hillary is Irresponsible)

For some reason in my office I turned on the TV thinking there was some game - soccer, football, golf , tennis, cricket - on. But no. So inflexily I turn to Fox and find Brit Hume at this hour? showing Trump's manager Kelly Ann making a faux pax on whether Pence should have denied David Duke instead saying Donald Trump. Give me a break.

I am done with Fox and all the other lotus-eaters out there. JOM and Rome Sentinel please keep me informed.

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