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September 03, 2016



What difference at this point does it make?

Gimme the throne, or Trump will clean the DC stables. Even that knave Kristol gets it.


D'Souza's movie dominates Google searches about Hillary:



Video: CNN stunned when fact checkers confirm #HillaryClinton phones destroyed with hammers.



From June:


Isn't this guy the first impartial debate moderator?

buccaneer morgan

it would seem it's a pattern,




of course wallace and vanderbilt are already stipulated,


Yes, TK.



You are right about one thing. There are a lot of cry-babies at JOM

Miss Marple 2

Furniture is all moved and in place in the new house.

A very Trumpian move: Ahead of schedule and under budget!

I have to take a load of stuff up in a little while and then bring back the sweeper, which my daughter used to vacuum before the furniture was delivered.

Some of the pieces here had been in the same place for 20 years (like my corner cabinet.) Shudder.

buccaneer morgan

layers of vetting



Sounds like job well done, MM. I hope you look back and see God's benevolent hand at work in this move. A very reluctant move in our life turned out to be an incomparable blessing.


#HillaryClinton phones destroyed with hammers.

What's the point of destroying a Blackberry with a hammer? Do these people not understand that the e-mail isn't stored in a little box inside the Blackberry?

buccaneer morgan

they took zoolander as gospel, the film not the prime minister,


Over what period of time were the phones destroyed?



Sum Ting Wong


Pushing, shoving, lots of press, but almost no pics? Hmmm....




We have to hope some random reporter got a shot like with Lynch and Clinton.


Reuters shows Trump all tied up. The absentminded cabinet secretary was up 12 Aug 22 according to zerohedge.

I spent the last few days in NE corner of PA, upper Delaware River Valley. Lots of Trump yard signs.


That is the new respect the world has for the US thanks to Obama.



If not stupidity, then anger. Or both. Like in those police shows where the victim was stabbed dozens of times: "This was personal."


The Chinese know that they have 5 months left to engage in this kind of bluster.

A President Trump won't put up with that kind of crap.


Emerson poll showing Trump within 1 (44/43) in VA. That's gonna start a panic in Crooklyn. Give it a week with this "I thought (C) meant alphabetic order" crap.

Beasts of England

Who are all these tacky people making unauthorized wakes on my lake? 🕶


People start paying attention after Labor Day. So if Trump has already pulled even, well let's just say I'm glad I'm not a Secret Service agent on Hillary's campaign.

Old Lurker

Jimmy "People start paying attention after Labor Day."

But but, Jimmy, Mara Liason said just last week on Bret Baier's show that by Labor Day presidential races are usually all set in stone save for October surprises, so Hillary is already in.


Trump in black Detroit church today: "We're one nation. When anyone hurts, we all hurt together. We're all brothers and sisters, and we're all created by the same god. We must love each other and support each other. We're all in this together" ... "I will always support your church, always, and defend your right to worship" ... "Christian faith is not the past, but the present and the future" ... "There is perhaps no action our leaders can take that would do more to heal our country and support our people than to provide a greater platform to the black churches and church goers"
Amen, DT.


Donald Trump Took Liberal Icon George Soros’s Money



Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?



From NBC report on DT's visit to black Detroit church today: "Despite the protests outside [which included the Dem Detroit mayor], some residents welcomed Trump's message and believed it could resonate — if the black community were willing to listen. "I don't know that Mr. Trump needs to change. I think the African-American community needs to change their lens and perspective," Carletta Griffin, 41, told NBC News. "We've been loyal to the Democratic Party, what has that gotten us? Mr. Trump asked a very poignant question: What do we have to lose?"
Amen, Carletta Griffin.

Thomas Collins

OK, here's an outline of my thoughts today. I am using The Hill's outline system.

C. Impact of latest Friday info dump on POTUS race.

C. Analysis of whether battleground state polls will be tightening as much as the national ones have.

C. Trump's continuing efforts to obtain the AA vote.

C. How much can the press continue to protect The Hill.

C. Will there be a preference cascade in early November that will sink The Hill.

C. Will Democrats' superior ground game sink Trump.

C. Debate moderators. For general commentary on the press, see "C" above.


TBT - get lost!



Wake up!


The Eagles sent quarterback Sam Bradford to the Vikings.


Your tireless sniping is so annoying. Go troll somewhere else where there are empty minds to fill with your hate. So weak.

Old Lurker

Hurricane coming straight at Nantucket?

Note to self:

Need more limes for the week.



Thomas Collins

What, Neo? You mean the Vikings didn't offer their top three drafts picks next year to the Niners to obtain Colin Snarkernick to replace Bridgewater?


1st round 2017
4th round 2018
3rd round 2019

JiB! (On iPad)

Navy loses star QB in 1st half romp over Fordham (Lombardi in 4 horsemen heaven not amused). Go into the stands and shanghai a middie out of the ranks and suit him up for 2nd half. Head coach is surprised when asked about it. LOL


Well, new OSU offensive yardage record set today, will be north of 800.

Current score 70-10 with about 6 minutes left.


Defense needs lots of work, not cohesive.

Lots of new young talent on both sides of the ball.

Janet S.

TC at 2:43!!! That is hilarious! Hahahaaaa!


Latest talking point of Left.
Trump will win popular vote and Clinton the electoral ones.


Trump Defended George Soros During 2011 Tea Party Rally: ‘Leave Him Alone’



That must be so much fun seeing expensive homes and photographing them!
People can post at any time now or in the future.
It depends on where you and your life is at the moment.
Sometimes real life does intrude and you just don't have the time or energy to post.
Also we don't know how many people are lurking.
I count that as being part of the blog and always enjoy hearing new voices.
I hope those limes are for gin and tonics which I love on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
I go back and forth as well wrt this election.
I agree with Momto2.
Sometimes getting away from it is wise.


Thanks for the comprehensive updates.


Why has it been almost 20 years since UCLA has played Texas Aand M?


People can post at any time now or in the future.


I guess that means that there is no such thing as #NeverTrump because they can still vote for Trump in the future.


Here is the question again if you want to try again:

Are you declaring that not a single JOMer went #NeverJOM?


Army beat Temple!

I watched the Trump speech and was impressed. Not at all the blustery Trump, but humble, respectful and honest.

Did Romney go to Detroit? McCain? Dole? Bush?


No , no , no and no.
Not to my knowledge because they can always come back
Never Trumpers still have time to vote for Trump.


Did Romney go to Detroit?

Speaking before a friendly crowd in the Detroit suburb of Commerce, Romney noted that he and his wife, Ann, were born at nearby hospitals.
"No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised." he said.


And how did Detroit respond?

The crowd roared at the quip

The article then touches on how Romney cowardly ran from his own comments and returned to bashing Todd Akin.

Somehow he went on to lose the election.


Today’s editorial -- Trump won’t throw away his shot.

Disaffected grassroots liberals and Democrats share more in common with disaffected conservative Donald Trump supporters than they might think.


Never Trumpers still have time to vote for Trump.

So there is no such thing as #NeverTrump.

Thanks for the clarification.

JiB! (On iPad)

So, we missed Hermine in Florida but find out Southampton is ground zero if it regains strength. Oh, well, more alcohol.


Only 776 yards, still an OSU record.


Bowling Green, Buckeye. Bowling Green.

JiB! (On iPad)

My 3:09 story updated.


Texas A$M had something similar.


I think Trump has lived out, knowingly or not, Matthew 10:16 in his personal and business life. He reads people well and is getting even better at it in his new career of politics, up close and personal. Can't tell me he doesn't know who the serpents (Soros, et al) are, and how to deal with them without their being ruffled enough to retaliate.


Bowling Green, Buckeye. Bowling Green.

True that Lyle, midterm exam is in 2 weeks;)


So spending Christmas with Soros was Trump's way of managing him?

Thomas Collins

Dems are dreaming, maryrose. Battleground states will follow the popular vote. In any event, the new Dem meme shows how concerned they are. Dems and Pravda Media will try every trick in the book to avoid a preference cascade toward Trump.

Miss Marple 2


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

It took me a while but that 2:43 by TC is hilarious...and brilliant.

Michael  (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

This just in:

F.B.I. Director James Comey clarifies his level of 'assistance' to Hil-LIAR-y in crafting her corrupt narrative that she was merely 'careless' in her handling of her emails while serving as SoS:

As the American public comes to grips with the realization that the FBI is *not* interested in determining whether Hil-LIAR-y actually, you know, *broke the law* . . .

Hil-LIAR-y Clinton stumbles to a camera and microphone and clarifies her level of concern for our federal statutes, classified document security procedures, State Department regulations, the F.B.I., the media, and most all, the American people:

Looks like Hil-LIAR-y has stolen OL's favorite line, and is giving all of us an 'Femall' of her own.

Stadium wave.

The dump this Friday is perhaps a mistake. There will be a lot of people talking to each over this long weekend, who don't talk to each other every weekend.

And this crap is indefensible. I can hear the guffaws all around the nation when anyone tries to defend it.


It's not the old days where no news over a holiday weekend actually meant no news. Everyone can access via mobile while they're traveling, hanging out etc. And they're right there with family and friends talking about it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

She short circuits and barks.
Wipes servers with dish cloths.
Hammers email clouds to bits.

I'm afraid to even contemplate what's next, but if she gets elected they're gonna need to resurrect Salvador Dali to paint her presidential portrait.


This will make your blood boil.

Reuters cut the feed of the pastor in Detroit presenting Trump with a Bible. The camermaman is heard saying "I'm shooting this" and "I'll take a demotion" and then others are heard saying "shut it down, shut it down." Then it goes black before the pastor is done speaking.


Our media, ladies and gentlemen.


Please somebody find that cameraman and interview him and give him a job when Reuters fires him.


I'd go for Zombie Edvard Munch, Iggy.

Zombie Hieronymous Bosch?

He'll be lucky if that's all he gets.

'I'm shooting this. I don't care. I'll take a demotion'.


‘Hide It Hillary’ mobile app game banned by Apple; titles like ‘Punch Trump’ approved


These apps are like polls in a way. People can compare the number of downloads. It absolutely makes no political sense for a fellow traveling company like Apple to allow an anti-Hillary game.

Miss Marple 2


This is so true. Especially in areas where the weather is bad so that outdoor activities are curtailed.

I always sell a lot over holiday weekends from states where there is bad weather.

I also sell a lot to people who are not interested in whatever sport is currently monopolizing TV (lots of women buy stuff on Super Bowl Sunday - ha).

I imagine over this 3-day weekend people who are not vacationing will have one event, a cook-out or whatever. That leaves 2 days to look at the internet. If they are in a rainy area, they will use all 3 days to surf the net.

The Fourth Estate on sale.

Black pastors don't matter.


Yep, MM. The vast majority of people don't have special plans and are just going to do what they do on any other weekend, except they'll have one more day to do it. Actually could hurt her more this way because there are no competing "look squirrel" stories to interfere.

Miss Marple 2


They cut the part where he was not only gifted with a Bible but also a prayer shawl and annointed. This is in that denomination a Big Deal.

I saw someone on Reddit say that Trump needs to start taking his own camera crew with him, then post the video on his web site (don't trust Facebook).


From the WSJ Scott Adams by Taranto:

The central insight of these disciplines, Mr. Adams says, is that “people are never rational. They rationalize. So after the fact they tell you why they did something. And there’s plenty of science to support that. Now we can show that people actually make their decision before they come up with their reasons. . . . That was the perspective that I took when I saw Trump.”

I reached the same conclusion in my 2010 book.



Yeah he should start Trump TV!

Miss Marple 2


I have concluded this is true, at least for me.

I had a visceral reaction to Trump when he announced, and although I had started out supporting others, after about 2 months I decided he was the guy.


Oh, I could give you 25 rational reasons dealing with economics, corruption of those in DC, military policy, whatever.

The fact is, I just thought he looked like a president, and I am tired of the lame people we currently have in the White House.

I am sure some would mock me for that, but it''s actually how I selected Reagan over Carter, when I wasn't a big follower of politics.



The video I linked does show the prayer shawl presentation and the beginning of the Bible presentation, but then cuts out. So outrageous.

Miss Marple 2


What cut out was the prayer and anointing. Sorry I wasn't clear.

Yes, outrageous. I do think having his own camera crew would help.

If he puts it on his web site, who's going to stop him?



You voted for Carter!

They don't come along very often.

Well, I liked Walker, then Cruz, but I always liked the way Trump went after the press. And the humour. He's a happy warrior.



I had half-liked him from the start but early on had worried he might go third party if not nominated. I reluctantly come to the last stage of grief in January when I concluded that he was almost certainly going to take the nomination, so third party wasn't a worry.

I started liking him when actually I started watching him.

I also started liking him more when I realized how utterly lame the other GOP candidates looked in comparison. They had no life in them. He was always out there merrily throwing punches and never backing down, just like I always wanted a Republican candidate to do. It would have been hypocritical not to support the happy warrior I said I wanted.

Then I found the Donald subreddit and there was no going back.


"happy warrior"

kim, we think alike - I was typing that while you were posting it. :)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Rose Garden of Earthly Delights, Porch?

I went with Dali because if you step back and look at the phenomenon of this sprawling, grasping mediocrity of low rent Babbitts that hit it big that is the Clinton enterprise and the growing weirdness of not only her behavior but the defenses of it, only a man immersed in Surrealism could capture the moment and the madame.


TBT, your comments are ever more deranged. Do yourself and all of us a favor and buzz off.



MM admitted voting for Carter


So what?


So that would make her the deranged one.


This version of TBT is a former JOMer that has been lonely since jumping ship.

The clues are everywhere.

Don't get suckered into the game that is being played.

When was our last one?  Why, Reagan.



Right TK. I'm taking your advice. Thanks.


JOM is now a ship?


Nope, came here after c. after the Diane West thing.


As you should MaryD

Alpha beta numerologist.

Heh, he doesn't like (a), (b), or (d) either.

Miss Marple 2

Voted for Carter in 76. Voted for Reagan in 1980.


Like I said.

Well, back then he could.

Heh, Carter could walk and chew gum at the same time.

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