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October 11, 2016



Tons of bricks

Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

The weight of her accumulated lies and crimes against the United States.

Beasts of England

He released dropped his Chakra!!

h/t Porchlight

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Fischer reverses her disavowal of Trump.

The people have spoken.

Paul Ryan has a sad.


OCT 10, 2016
I Stand With Trump

By Congressman Tom McClintock

Donald Trump wasn’t my first or even second choice for President, but I can certainly tell the difference between a fire and a fireman. And when a fireman is trying to save my house from burning down, the fact he uses lewd and vulgar language in private conversations with other guys doesn’t change the nature of the emergency.

Ironically, Trump’s words spoken many years ago precisely describe Bill Clinton’s behavior over many years, which Hillary Clinton has actively excused, enabled and abetted. How odd that the same Democratic mouthpieces who defended Clinton’s disgraceful deeds are incensed at Trump’s disgraceful words.

We will soon see if this grand diversion succeeds. If it does, it will have obscured several self-evident truths that will decide the future of our families and our nation for decades to come.

Although this election will determine the President for the next four years, it will determine the Supreme Court for the next generation. The average length of service on the Supreme Court is 16 years. If every justice lives to his or her actuarial age, the next President will appoint four Supreme Court justices, starting with the Scalia vacancy.

The Citizens United case protects the First Amendment right of any group of Americans to pool its resources to participate in the public policy debate. The Heller case protects the Second Amendment right of individual Americans to defend themselves with firearms. Clinton and Justice Ginsberg have both made clear that these freedoms will be the first to go once a lock-step leftist majority is installed.

Millions of illegal immigrants have been allowed to enter our country in defiance of our laws, making a mockery of the many legal immigrants who have done everything our country has asked. Is there any doubt by any voter anywhere on the political spectrum that if Donald Trump is elected President, illegal immigration will come to a screeching halt? And is there any doubt that if Hillary Clinton is elected, it will continue?

Does anyone doubt that Hillary Clinton will preside over a massive round of tax increases and that Donald Trump will cut taxes dramatically? Both have said so repeatedly.

Ronald Reagan took office at a time of double-digit unemployment, inflation and interest rates. He rolled back the tax and regulatory burdens that were crushing the economy and produced one of the most prosperous eras in American history. So did John F. Kennedy, whose locker-room conversations we can only imagine. Donald Trump, surrounded by many of Reagan’s economic advisors, is determined to follow Reagan’s prescription for prosperity; Hillary Clinton is pledged to do just the opposite.

And that’s the great question: not whether Trump is a choirboy – he’s never claimed to be. The question is whether our nation can afford to go another four years down the road it has been on. Does anyone doubt that Hillary Clinton will continue the policies that have brought us to this moment? Or that Donald Trump will change them?

Every American has had an up-close and personal experience with the Obama economy and no politician or pundit is going to convince them it is otherwise. They know the condition of the job market and whether their standard of living or quality of life has improved under these policies.

There is no ducking these questions. In parliamentary practice, to abstain from voting is the same as voting with the prevailing side. Ogden Nash put it this way: “They have such delicate palates, they can find no one worthy of their ballots. Then when someone terrible gets elected, they say, ‘There, that’s just what I expected.’”

I can fully understand why the Clinton campaign and the leftist media (but I repeat myself) are making every attempt to divert attention away from these self-evident truths. But I cannot understand why so many hand-wringing Republican leaders can’t bear to stand up in the most important presidential election in our lifetimes.

Centuries ago, Thomas Paine wrote words to rally our nation in its first crisis – words Republican leaders should bear in mind today: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country. But he who stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”


Beasts of England

McClintock's rhetoric is gonna leave a mark! :)

Fresh Air, deplorably

Okay, gang. I read about 200 before I got smart and decided to only look at those from the last year. There were a lot in there going back to 2008 and, while interesting, there simply isn't enough time to read them all.

In general, if you go through them randomly, as I did initially, you will see a remarkable amount of coordination between NGOs, "deep cover" advisers (like Podesta), the media and the Democrats. Most of the Democrat operatives you read about are staffers on campaigns, staffers of executive appointees or bureaucrats. It's no wonder nothing gets done in Washington with all these idiots plotting together, holding conference calls and passing talking points, memos and slides back and forth.

Here is a snippet from one of the e-mails from March 2016 (emphasis added). Note the coordination between Clinton’s campaign and the NYT (emphasis added):

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* "Healy, Patrick" > *Date:* February 29, 2016 at 12:36:31 PM CST > *To:* Angel Urena - PC , Tina Flournoy < [email protected]>
*Subject:* *Hi Angel and Tina -- running stuff by you re Clinton/Trump > story in tomorrow's NYT*

Hi Angel, hi Tina,

Hope you're both well. Amy Chozick and I are doing a story about how the Clinton campaign and its supporters view Trump as a general election opponent and plan to run against him. The story will run in tomorrow's paper.

One part of the story deals with how Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, President Obama, and other Dems regard Trump as a potential general election opponent. I wanted to run some points by you about President Clinton, based on our reporting with allies and campaign advisers and other Dems who have spoken to him.

We're told that President Clinton (like Mrs. Clinton and some other Dems) thinks that Trump would be a formidable opponent in the general election, and that Dems are in a form of denial if they dismiss Trump as a joke who would be easily defeated in November. President Clinton, like others, thinks that Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate's mood and that only a well-financed, concerted campaign portrayed him as dangerous and bigoted will win what both Clintons believe will be a close November election. We're told that President Clinton (like Mrs. Clinton and many other Dems) thinks the single greatest weapon against Trump is Trump's own instinct to make outrageous, divisive, even hateful comments that can come across as unpresidential. He, Mrs. Clinton, and the campaign all agree that they will need to seize on opportunities to paint Trump as extremist and recklessly impulsive.

We're told that President Clinton, like Secretary Clinton and some others, think Trump could pose a real threat in battleground states that President Obama carried in 2008 and 2012 -- like Virginia and Ohio -- and he will be competitive in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. We're also told that the campaign intends to unleash President Clinton on social media and the campaign trail when Trump lashes out/tries to sway the news cycle.

Happy to talk this over by email or phone before 6pm today. Thanks, Patrick

Patrick Healy
National political correspondent, New York Times
p. 212 556 5885
c. 917 575 4805
e. [email protected]


Don't forget the absolute Clintoon Foundation pay-for-play FOB/FOHRC emails for Haiti Relief contracts.

Assange dumped that manure pile on Hilligula today too.

Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

God bless and protect Tom McClintock. He has never let us down.

Of course, Ahnold has crawled out to denounce Trump.


Which reminds me... any FBI agent or employee who hasn't resigned before the election needs to be summarily fired for cause (violation of oath of service) on day 1 of a Trump Administration. They read those emails. They let her off. Efemall.

Highland Pepe, aka Robin of the Deplorables

Wow, Fresh Air, just wow.

Beasts of England

Amen, henry!!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thread has gone live at the Pensacola rally:


Beasts of England

Interesting that Patrick Healy is saying what we've been saying all along - those states are in play, and all they have on Trump is diversions.



Jim Geraghty today about Trump: Wealth and power had insulated him from most of the ordinary hardships of life. But he knew resentment and vindictiveness when he saw it, and he knew how to turn it to his own advantage.

So, we're all vindictive because we don't like the state of our nation today?

Illegals flocking across our borders. Unfettered importing of thousands of Muslims, who will never assimilate or become Americans nor pledge real allegiance when they salute our flag, if they do bother to salute it? Our military being given directions to provide millions of dollars to ensure that 'supposed' transgenders can get their operations and hormones on the American taxpayer's dime (when they could be given a medical or honorable discharge and pay for their penises and vaginas themselves?)

What I feel isn't vindictiveness. It's fury at the way our politicians and the press have let us down.

Beasts of England

And it shows why she picked Kaine - Virgina!

Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

CARP! It is not difficult to understand:

That is and must be "Former president (and sexual predator) Clinton". He does not get to be called "President" as there is only one at a time.
Likewise the Honorable Hillary! who should not be addressed as Secretary Clinton. The only official title she can claim is Senator.

Cut the carp! Learn the rules, Cankles.

Fresh Air, deplorably

Oh, and here's their electoral strategy from December 2015. I don't think it's changed much. Click the attachments tab to view the Powerpoint file. It's only 10 pages long.


derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Fury, yes. But I could drum up a healthy dollop of vindictiveness, too, if I were given the chance.

Highland Pepe, aka Robin of the Deplorables

Jim Geraghty is funny and clever, but oh so dense. I've come to the conclusion that the #nevertrump folks, and God help me my husband is one, refuse to read the transcripts of the man'a speeches. They would not be quite so dismissive if they had.

Highland Pepe, aka Robin of the Deplorables

We've been steeped in fury since TARP. They don'5 call us the Tea Party for nothing.

Beasts of England

Have to hand it to them - those are very reasonable, even honest, analytics. It's also very good news for Trump!! :)

Highland Pepe, aka Robin of the Deplorables

Glad we don'5 have cable....



Oh, my judas pruce (I want to curse and almost took the Lord's name in vain, but don't think I should, and that judas pruce is a phonetic spelling of a curse word my folks used to say when they were disgusted--have no idea what it really is, I checked and there is nothing popping up on the internet to help) -- anyway, *#%*#, I hadn't read National Review since they turned against Trump but saw something about Andrew McCarthy's 'take' on WikiLeaks and what we should make of them as a source. Here is what the prim little priss thinks:

"All of that being said, even assuming that the documents released are authentic and reliable, their disclosure by WikiLeaks was wrong. By relying on them as a source, we are encouraging more rogue behavior, consciously or not. That doesn’t necessarily mean we should not rely on them. It is a longstanding doctrine of law, for example, that the Fourth Amendment gives you no protection if a private person (rather than a government agent) invades your privacy or steals your private papers. The contents of such a theft are admissible evidence in court, even though they would be suppressed if police had unconstitutionally seized them, because we generally prize access to relevant, accurate information over concerns about the way the information was uncovered. That doesn’t make it right. Nor does it mean that we should turn a blind eye to the fact that hostile forces are interfering in our elections or our national security. I don’t know what more can be done about this besides prosecuting hackers and spies when the opportunity presents itself, without regard to partisan advantage.

"But we ought to be making it harder for rogues to steal and publish private information — even if that means it is lost to election campaigns and high-stakes public debates."

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Been reading the comments on the live Trump rally feed on reddit.

Link for those interested in Millennial thinking:


These kids are really loyal to Trump. Also, references to guillotines (French revolution references keep popping up on various blogs, which is interesting and rather scary).


Fresh Air's 08:24 makes me think there was no need for anyone to create a "Journalist" The "Journalist" was redundant.

The more interesting list would be one listing which reporters were not in on the corrupt scheme.

Catherine Herridge
Cheryl Atkinson

Who am I missing?


Cleanest toga of them all Joan.


Tom McClintock is a patriot!
Fresh Air:
Excellent post!


FWIW, I am pulling for the Giants to whip the Cub's simply because I hate George Will's guts.


Wow, Fresh Air. That Healy email needs to get out to everyone.

Superb statement by McClintock. I couldn't ask for better.


James Rosen is good and remember he and his family were targets during the terrible reign of Eric Holder.
We must defeat these cretins!


I always enjoy Cubs losses.

Buford Gooch

Joan, I think perhaps what you are looking for is "Judas Priest!"

Manuel Transmission

I just had an epiphany that may be totally obvious to many of you, but I don't think I've ever seen it in so few words:

A citizen = a subject/serf + a gun

It explains a lot.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Manuel Transmission,

Works for me.

I am going to buy a gun tomorrow. Anyone who can suggest an appropriate firearm for a short, small-boned woman would be gratefully appreciated.

I need protection for a variety of reasons.

I do have a lifetime conceal carry.


20k viewing the livestream of an empty podium.

Reports that the crowd may be as big as 30k.

Beasts of England

Holy cow, Joan!! Every time I think NRO can't sink any lower or be any more mewling, they exceed my expectations!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Holy cow!!!

Gabriel Rosenberg @gnrosenberg

Woah. Popular Rightwing blog, Ace of Spades HQ just endorsed Paul Ryan's Democratic opponent. GOP down-ballot apocalypse brewing.
3:56 PM - 11 Oct 2016


Hillary and Gore had 750 people.
I also heard that Gore was his usual boring self.


"Don't quote me on this to Wall Street guys, but sometimes you have to have a public position on stuff, and a private position that you keep to yourself too. Just saying"
-Abraham Lincoln


I agree with Henry wrt firing feckless FBI folks.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Rudy up now!


Every day he asks my opinion on the state of the race. I remain optimistic.

Posted by: Highland Pepe, aka Robin of the Deplorables | October 11, 2016 at 06:31 PM

GamerGate is what has scared the shit out of them. Well, along with the fact that Trump will likely triple the percentage of the black vote for the Republican nominee (and they continue to perform all manner of calisthenics to try and hide this likelihood), it is also what makes me so damn confident.

How can Hillary win when you triple your percentage of the black vote? Or when you increase your percentage of the overall youth vote? Or when you increase your turnout and they decrease their turnout. Trump is benefiting from ALL THREE!

Quit being pessimistic. They are obviously perpetrating a *massive* lie.


Thank you, Buford! lol !! That is it. I can remember them saying that phrase, when they were really angry about things.

I'm glad I'm so angry about this election, because I would really be sick at heart if I weren't.

Thinking about the world my folks lived in, and how it has changed -- makes me repulsed.

common man

The rally in Panama City Beach is 45 minutes from me. I get a Panama City TV station here, and it has preempted their regular programming and is showing Guiliani speaking from the podium right now. Reportedly more people outside than inside the venue...

common man

You know what it means when you have a public and private position? It means you are a LIAR!


common man

Ace of Spades will probably persuade about 15 voters in that district, BTW.


Jennifer Griffin is another Fox reporter who seems to be unbiased and after the truth.


MissM, we have four choices:

Ryan - GOPe
Solen -D
Lebeck - Libertarian
Zimmerman - Trump Conservative

I can find nothing about three of those.


Beasts: "Holy Cow!" Are you teasing me? :)

You realize I want to type a lot of f***'s and other horrible words, don't you?! And, I probably have a few times. But, "Holy Cow" works! Might start using it and Judas Priest a lot. In honor of you and my parents. :)

common man


11,200 inside

10,000 or more outside.

Panama City and Panama City Beach are not that big of a place.


Quit being pessimistic.


Thanks for that essential and desperately needed optimism. Yes sir! Please keep it coming.

les nessman

Miss Marple
Buy whatever you are comfortable shooting.

If you are going to get one literally "tomorrow", then you should already know pretty much what you are getting. If not, then you should do more research.

Unless it is urgent that you get one tomorrow; in which case get a small Glock in 9mm and go from there.

Beasts of England

lol, Joan!!



I think your read of the probable voting is correct.

I also think that given the mountain of evidense detailing the level of collusion between the Curb Dive campaign and the MFM, most polls are untrustworthy.

However, just to be safe, I continue to pray that the hag comes down with a case of early onset rigor mortis in the next couple of weeks.

I'm a belt and suspenders kinda guy:)


Yep. Jennifer Griffin and James Rosen.

Catherine Herridge
Cheryl Atkinson
Jennifer Griffin
James Rosen


Sorry for the late response, anonamom, yes that is where we are.

Latest on the grandbaby... dilated to 5 and the epidural has been started. Anticipated delivery hopefully in the wee hours.

We went to Key West for the afternoon and bought more baby goodies. :)


I should turn spell check back on:)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Over 27,0000 watching ONE live stream now.

Trump going on off on how Haitians were treated. Clintons couldn't stop cashing in!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Trump now mentioning Clinton campaign hatred of Catholics, second amendment, and police.


Miss M, remember it never hurts to review safety again with a trained instructor. The instructor can help you decide the best gun for you. Don't rush, ask lots of questions, and enjoy.


Buckeye: "However, just to be safe, I continue to pray that the hag comes down with a case of early onset rigor mortis in the next couple of weeks."

Today I found myself wishing she'd have a stroke -- then I felt guilty and said, 'one she could recover from eventually.' :)


Good one Joan;)



Buckeye, I hear ya. Hopefully O'Keefe really does have something similar to an atomic bomb and we can enjoy it being dropped squarely on her grifting head, neck, shoulders and buttocks!


Daddy, they seriously are banking on their ability to depress this vote. It's not going to happen; they can't stop this train so they will desperately look for a way to metaphorically decapitate Trump.

At this point, I'm really not sure they can even scandalize him because people have bowed their backs. The oldie-but-goodie of shaping and handling everything through the polls is out, out, out. Notice how much they continually go back to the polls? How they keep insisting Trump is losing in the polls? Last time (2012) they purposely didn't connect depressed Republican turnout in the primaries for lack of enthusiasm re Romney, so they overestimated GOP turnout and that worked to Obama's advantage. This time they aren't connecting a massive increase in GOP turnout in the primaries so they are purposely underestimating GOP turnout and that works to Hillary's advantage.

The entire polling industry is in the crosshairs (as they should be) just as much as the GOP establishment. That should be our attitude. When we say femall, we should mean this especially with regards to polling. Who thinks this election cycle is similar to 2008 or 2012? Who? But those are the turnout models and components of the electorate guides they are using.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.



"Okay, gang. I read about 200 before I got smart and decided to only look at those from the last year. There were a lot in there going back to 2008 and, while interesting, there simply isn't enough time to read them all.

In general, if you go through them randomly, as I did initially, you will see a remarkable amount of coordination between NGOs, "deep cover" advisers (like Podesta), the media and the Democrats. Most of the Democrat operatives you read about are staffers on campaigns, staffers of executive appointees or bureaucrats. It's no wonder nothing gets done in Washington with all these idiots plotting together, holding conference calls and passing talking points, memos and slides back and forth.

Here is a snippet from one of the e-mails from March 2016 (emphasis added). Note the coordination between Clinton’s campaign and the NYT (emphasis added):

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* "Healy, Patrick" > *Date:* February 29, 2016 at 12:36:31 PM CST > *To:* Angel Urena - PC , Tina Flournoy < [email protected]>
*Subject:* *Hi Angel and Tina -- running stuff by you re Clinton/Trump > story in tomorrow's NYT*

Hi Angel, hi Tina,

Hope you're both well. Amy Chozick and I are doing a story about how the Clinton campaign and its supporters view Trump as a general election opponent and plan to run against him. The story will run in tomorrow's paper.

One part of the story deals with how Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, President Obama, and other Dems regard Trump as a potential general election opponent. I wanted to run some points by you about President Clinton, based on our reporting with allies and campaign advisers and other Dems who have spoken to him.

We're told that President Clinton (like Mrs. Clinton and some other Dems) thinks that Trump would be a formidable opponent in the general election, and that Dems are in a form of denial if they dismiss Trump as a joke who would be easily defeated in November. President Clinton, like others, thinks that Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate's mood and that only a well-financed, concerted campaign portrayed him as dangerous and bigoted will win what both Clintons believe will be a close November election. We're told that President Clinton (like Mrs. Clinton and many other Dems) thinks the single greatest weapon against Trump is Trump's own instinct to make outrageous, divisive, even hateful comments that can come across as unpresidential. He, Mrs. Clinton, and the campaign all agree that they will need to seize on opportunities to paint Trump as extremist and recklessly impulsive.

We're told that President Clinton, like Secretary Clinton and some others, think Trump could pose a real threat in battleground states that President Obama carried in 2008 and 2012 -- like Virginia and Ohio -- and he will be competitive in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. We're also told that the campaign intends to unleash President Clinton on social media and the campaign trail when Trump lashes out/tries to sway the news cycle.

Happy to talk this over by email or phone before 6pm today. Thanks, Patrick

Patrick Healy
National political correspondent, New York Times
p. 212 556 5885
c. 917 575 4805
e. [email protected]

So the NYT's called the Clinton campaign for insight into their strategy?

We'll never recover from this bombshell.


I hate to sound like a pessimistic broken record, but this video highlights one of the many reasons why I have absolutely no faith and confidence in our electoral system:

New Project Veritas video: NY Democrat election commissioner admits massive voter fraud

You can bet this is going on all over the country, not just in NYC.

The Establishment oligarchy controls the voting process, and they control how the votes are reported. No one else truly knows how many votes have been cast or for whom, so who knows who has really won an election?

Oh ... we're supposed to take their word for it? Or the assurance of the MSM? Or the confirmation of allegedly "independent" or "non-partisan" advocacy watchdog groups?

I don't trust any of them anymore. LOL



Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
Linda Suhler, Ph.D. – ‏@LindaSuhler

‘Get Your Own Rally!’ Obama Frustrated by #BillClintonIsARapist Protesters
#NeverHillary #Corruption #Wikileaks



You should get a potato gun.


MM, look into a bersa 380. Smaller grip and lighter and less expensive than a glock.

I'm very happy with mine.


Whatever they gave her must not be working

VIDEO: Mystery 'medical' aide back by Hillary's side after long absence - The American MirrorThe American Mirror



Scare tactics

Matthew Yglesias
Matthew Yglesias – Verified account ‏@mattyglesias

@DouthatNYT @jbouie My guess is that in a Trump administration angry mobs will beat and murder Jews and people of color with impunity


I am in Nebraska at a rail facility working with a bunch of "regular guys".

Everyone of them makes no bones about their intent to vote for Trump, enthusiastically.




MM, after trying several pocket .380s, including a Ruger LCP and a S&W Bodguard M&P, I bought a Sig P238. Paid more for it, but .... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

Small, relatively light, great sights, a safe switch, and a more natural 1911 trigger pull as opposed to those other long pulls on the LCP and Bodyguard. And it's very accurate.

I strongly recommend it.


Geez, posts that long and pics - get a blog.

Any links to the email drop?👾


Also, haven't seen a single Hillary yard sign or bumper sticker here. Not one.



Hillary and her clueless group

Kyle Becker
Kyle Becker – ‏@wildfirekyle

Marine Sergeant Throws Down Challenge to Team Hillary After WikiLeaks Email Shows It Snubbed Military http://ijr.com/wildfire/2016/10/712025-marine-sergeant-throws-down-challenge-to-team-hillary-after-wikileaks-email-shows-it-snubbed-military/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social

Miss Marple the Deplorable


My guess is that Matthew Yglesias is a compete moron.

Janet 1

If Americans heard Trump at his rallies this election would be a blow out.

No MFM filter or commentary...just show the speech.

Free James D!

MM, he's not a moron.

Well, he is, but he knows exactly what he's doing with that tweet. He is malevolent and vile and does not care how much harm his poisonous words cause.


RG, we love you. Where have you been all these years on JOM? :)

Free James D!

Exactly why the MSM doesn't ever show them, Janet.


By the way this Trump speech is fantastic. If it's ad lib, he's on a whole new level.

The Gipper Lives

"From time to time I get the questions in advance."

Brazile explained 'That means from time to time I never get the questions in advance.' aka your lying eyes.

"Here's one that worries me about HRC"

In other words, she got all the questions and was only worried about that one.


Beasts of England

Gee whiz, with Clinton's eleven point lead, you wouldn't think the Dems would have to send their surrogates and trolls into hyperdrive!! lol

Deplorable Momto2

Same here, Buckeye. Not a single Hillary yard sign anywhere. Even the house that always puts out D signs has nary a one. That tells you something right there, I think!
I live south of Atlanta.


Wishful thinking a**hole

Matthew Yglesias
7m7 minutes ago
Matthew Yglesias ‏@mattyglesias
One source of hope is that I think people are overreading the grip Trumpism has on Trum's constituency.

common man

Matty Y is a well known quantity, and as big an a hole as Michael Moore. Big fat prog with really really stupid thought processes, who thinks of himself as clever. Hard to fathom where he is not totally embarrassed by what he posts, but there you have it.


Almost 70k watching on three livestreams, plus more watching live tv. 11k inside, 10k outside. Gotta be 100k total at least.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I agree. It's amazing to me how evil the Lefties are.


One source of hope - Yglesias

Clinton shills are strangely down in the mouth today considering they're telling us his campaign is finished, don't you think?

common man

That was a good speech.


This is interesting:



They are all waiting for their emails to be released, porch.

Captain Hate

Obama continued, joking that the protestrrs must be auditioning for a “reality show.”

“Goodness gracious, I’m just trying to make a simple point here,” he added

Right man for the job.


Trump is right. Wikileaks is proving the system
is rigged.


"Wow.WSJ reporting that every fortune 100 CEO has refused to endorse Trump because he'd be a disaster on the economy."

If this is the same article I'm thinking of, this was debunked by, believe it or not Jim Cramer. He read the headline on his show and pointed out how it looks like Hillary has overwhelming support among those 100 CEOs.

Then he pointed out that the actual responses were:

89: would not express a preference
11: Hillary

A bit different.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

One wonders why Matt Yglesias is considered any sort of expert on anything. The guy doeson't ever travel, he knows nothing about anything outside of his little circle, he's never interviewed anyone, etc.

He just sits at his computer and gives stupid opinions. Why is he even employed?

Deplorable Momto2

Posting this photo of the overflow crowd in Panama City tonight. I hope many of you are like me and just seeing all of these Americans willing to stand outside warms your hearts and gives you hope!


Just bein' together with the Donald, Momto2. Just hearing the people sing.

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