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October 18, 2016



Loserowitz. Yup. Nobody talks much about a flat earth these days either. Wonder why that is?


Of course, the real problem is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phlogiston_theory:>phlogiston. If only Cher would talk about it.



clarice b. for Brainiac

Norman Lear has a 26 car garage in Malibu stuffed with gas guzzlers, do not mention that peasants.

Captain Hate

Is ManBearPig the Shemp left out of the stooges movie with Zippy, Frankie and Leo?

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Did you ever see the cartoon "Two Stupid Dogs?"

The dogs always misunderstand cause and effect, which is the running joke.

Phlogiston is like that, as are a lot of the "scientific" theories we have to hear blabbed about all the time.

clarice b. for Brainiac

Don't knock phlogiston. I love it.


The majority of the world's population can't afford the luxury of an "environmental" conscience.

They are too busy avoiding starvation.

Captain Hate

Do any of those tools understand the scientific method or is that no longer being taught in the "elite" schools like Pitzer?


Isn’t Phlogiston just south of Kyrgyzstan?


Election in a nutshell: Trump’s goal is to win. Hillary’s goal is to win at all costs--and the costs keep climbing.


Trump is playing to lose.


I believe that I once coined the term

LeoTardo DiCRAPio



You also once told us how much you dislike Jews!


Another win for #NeverTrump.

Soros gave $200,000 to Kasich.

Miss Marple the Deplorable



On a smaller scale, in the video of the black Trump supporter that I posted the other day, he pointed out that Michelle Obama's lunch program sent a lot of kids home hungry to homes where they had no food.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Interesting interview with a Roman exorcist.

I am still believing Pastor Darrell Scott regarding demonic attacks.


On a smaller scale, in the video of the black Trump supporter that I posted the other day, he pointed out that Michelle Obama's lunch program sent a lot of kids home hungry to homes where they had no food.

Won't stop Mooch from getting a high paying token position with some NGO that is all in "for the children".

Captain Hate

Soros gave $200,000 to Kasich.

I'd like to see an in-state survey of his approval rating since his quixotic campaign began. I started out mildly disliking him and now never want to hear about him.


Never said anything of the kind Marty Watters.
You seriously need help son. You are a sick boy.

The human carbon cornucopia.

As the predicted climate catastrophes fail to arrive, people are gradually coming to understand that the mild warming that man can do is net beneficial, and the great greening near miraculous.

The fears were unnecessary, the guilt inappropriate; the virgins sacrificed to the volcano a horrible waste.

Green irony.

Both Watts Up and the Bish's (bishophill.squarespace.com) have recent posting on this issue.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thank goodness India and China got industry, or we might be in an Ice Age!!

At least, when I took geomorphology and climate in the 1970's, that was the big panic.

Jim Eagle

Norman Lear is 94 y.o. and still talks to Archie everyday.

Art in Newport

.. Michelle Obama's lunch program sent a lot of kids home hungry ..

Because they'd skip lunch rather than eat kale sandwiches, or similar?

clarice b. for Brainiac

Capt Hate I saw that tweet but can't find the source from the link.


You did GUS. And everyone here knows it.

clarice b. for Brainiac

henry, suspicious of that claim.



Tell us. Why do you dislike Jews?

buccaneer morgan

ephesian 6:12, miss marple, the thing is no earthly power can save us, from our fate,

Miss Marple the Deplorable


More than that. There weren't enough calories.

When that whole thing started my grandson was in high school. He had to buy 2 lunches because the portions were so small. Granddaughters ended up taking their lunches because of unpalatable veggies and no salt or seasoning.

I used to eat lunch at the school cafeteria on grandparents' day. It was awful.


no Marty Watters I did not, everyone here knows that. You're sick son, I'm pretty sure you know it. Bye Marty Watters. You lost your wife and still you didn't get help. You're not going to stop here, because you can't. Bye Marty Watters.
You know, when you play your games, NO ONE takes ANYTHING you say seriously. You're desperate and you're mentally ill Marty Watters. And you know that. You'll continue to post your weird shit, and you'll continue to stalk others. We know who you are, and I've even spoken to your ex-wife about you.



MM thinks Trump can save us. Don't rain on her parade.


clarice, after clicking through a bunch of sites to find the source... it is from March and very odd indeed.

buccaneer morgan

sid was attacking kudlow and kristol pere as well as podhoretz sr, in the 80s and 90s, he had a long time agita with ledeen which played out in the witchhunt after drudge and fund,



Tell us again. What is Amy Schumer?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

buccaneer morgan,

So true. God has intervened often in the course of this nation. I am praying we aren't removed from his care.

Captain Hate


buccaneer morgan

this administration through laura rozen and other factotum waged a war on israel,

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Clarice, there's a screen shot of a list floating around the internet but I can't remember where I saw it. Kasich and Glen Beck were among those on it. It didn't look that legitimate to me.



Miss Marple the Deplorable



Another propaganda piece.

As I said above, demonic attack, pure and simple.

Note that he apparently is going to go after the Trump children.



Why did you feel it was important for everyone here to know that Amy Schumer was a Jew?

buccaneer morgan

they signed the skydragon compact, while the squirrels were unleashed,


I am praying we aren't removed from his care.

"... lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matt. 28:20


God gave you a brain. Use it!

buccaneer morgan

there's also the part about strong delusions, 2 thessalonians,


O'Keefe said on Ingraham this morning that video #2 (out any minute now) will show how they rig election and obtain fraudulent votes.

Video #1 now at 2.45 million views in 24 hours, despite almost zero media coverage.



Why are you so silent on the Comey front?


Scott Adams

People keep asking me what it would take to make me angry this election. You're about to find out.

7:40 AM - 18 Oct 2016


Drudge is doing what he can to get the truth out. It's amazing the evildoers haven't found a plausible way to take him out and/or take down his site.

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Well, well . . . about that NBC/WSJ poll that shows Clinton ahead by 11 points:

The poll was conducted by a firm called Hart Research Asso/Public Opinion Strategies. The head of the firm is a guy by the name of Geroff Gorine. Geoffy boy also has another source of income. He is a "strategic advisor" for Priorities USA, a big Hillary super PAC.

In September alone Priorities USA paid Hart Research Asso $220,500.


After 2012, I was dubious about the polls being deliberately rigged, but this looks very rigged to me.




Is GUS jr. being taught to dislike the Jew?

the generalisticly deplorable rich


did he reveal what it was that made him angry?

Texas Liberty Gal

Porch- where did you get that picture of Trump as Samson? I'd love to have that as my profile pic on FB


Plamegate update: Clarice Feldman says Sibel Edmonds misunderstood



If I vote trump......will I have to rape women?


rich, he thinks Twitter is shadow banning him.


WaPo piece on BOzo's current herculean effort to frame his abysmal tenure as a roaring success.

Captain Hate

Zippy's always been a lying sack of shit starting with claiming to have written Ayers book about growing up with a nympho tramp mother deserted by his substance abusing polygamist father. Once you can foist that on the "smart set" the rest is easy.

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Iran is going to blow up Obama's precious legacy for good on the day they nuke Tel Aviv and NYC.

clarice b. for Brainiac

I hope not--

Dave (in MA)


Dave (in MA)



I blame the #*$& Mac I'm using.


'Tis all a Chequer board of Nights and Days
Where destiny wit Men for Pieces plays;
Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
And one by one back in the Closet lays.'

It's E. F.'s Rubaiyat.

Absent the wave of outrage, which I think is hidden like a tsunami still at sea, I suspect this election will come down to lawsuits over election fraud in several battleground states, with the spiteful, inept, lame-duck Obama poised to upset the board in his peculiarly destructive way.

Interesting times, yup.

I hope not.

Dang, 'with men'. Someday I might learn cut and paste.


Porch- where did you get that picture of Trump as Samson? I'd love to have that as my profile pic on FB

It's right here, TLG! Ben Garrison's site.


rich, I haven't been able to keep up - maybe he's tweeted about it since. I heard something about Twitter shadowbanning him. They're getting bolder.



Ask your pal Richard Perle what this is all about.

"He was on the phone with Pat Kennedy and took advantage of that fact to raise the issue of [more] slots in Baghdad," the State spokesman said.



Was JOM down for a bit?
Bammy has prime minister from Italy for big dinner on us.

Meanwhile Aleppo is burning and people of Libya wish Gaddsfi was still in charge.
Hillary made sure he was taken out and cackled about it.
I wonder if the debate will cover that.


Good Morning, and HAPPY ALASKA DAY!!!

On this day in 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than two cents an acre.

Alaska Day is an official state holiday so state government offices, the Alaska court system, state library, schools (closed for students), and many businesses are closed. Employees are entitled to take a day off during this holiday.

Feel free to take the day off. It's on me!

buccaneer morgan

bashir's men, are doing what gaddafi should have been allowed to do, this whole fooferaw began when rice and power, pushed obama to support the rebels,


It started in Egypt


Rush mentioned Glenn Thrush of Politico in the opening monolog.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Looks like he has been shadow banned.

I hadn't seen any tweets of his in a while but thought it was because he was out of the country.

Here's his time line.



People Mag (it still exists?) has a hit piece on Trump. Another accusation of some sort.

Art in Newport

Post on Reddit that FOX News is reporting that Julian Assange will be arrested within a few hours.

Anyone confirm this? Thanks.


Obama trolling Trump

Jack Posobiec
Jack Posobiec – ‏@JackPosobiec

*triggered* https://twitter.com/nbcnews/status/788419810707120128


WikiLeaks – Verified account ‏@wikileaks

A front has released through US Democratic media an elaborate story accusing Julian Assange of paedophillia & taking US$1million from Russia

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

They sure aren't subtle, are they? What did the Dems do? Plant child porn on his computer and transfer the money into his account via a dummy corp? Like they do in novels.


Here again is the Glenn Thrush to Podesta e-Mail:

I don't know how to E-mail or twitter to Glenn Thrush, but everyone who knows how to do that ought to tweet him back something like,

"Glenn, You fucked something up."
He ought to be run out of town and out of his job by the end of the day.


The hashes from the other day may show that is exactly what they did Derwill.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I never thought of that! My goodness, what a weird time we live in!


Daddy priceless


meanwhile O'Keefe is delayed for some reason.

Captain Hate

Does anybody doubt that we're living in a post Constitutional tyranny?

Let's hear the arguments against Article V. I'll try not to laugh too hard.

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Henry, whatever he's got on them must be absolutely devastating. And at a level of criminality and treason that we probably can't even imagine.


Rush Limbaugh in Hour 1 reads from Powerline's John Hinderer"s column from yesterday: HILLARY’S HENCHMEN PRESSURED FBI ON CLASSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS which makes many good points, but this one in particular strikes me:

Today the FBI released another 100 pages relating to its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State. Why it has taken so long for the agency to review, redact and publish a very small quantity of documents is inexplicable.

All the rest is horrible as well, but again, back to my parody on Comey (Around the Congress in 77 days), How the hell can it take 100 days for the FBI to release 100 pages of documents that all they have to do is redact. The average American could have released them to the Public in 5 minutes. The lousiest, laziest bureaucrat in DC could have released them in a week at most. Yet Comey takes 100 days?

Comey ought to be impeached simply for that. That delay, all by itself, ought to be enough to get him booted out of "Public Dis-Service" for the rest of his life.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

I don't think we can have an Article V until we somehow capture a good portion of the press.

Otherwise, it will be just like when we thought they would stop Obamacare.

Captain Hate

The states would have never approved Obamacare.


Patrick Fitzgerald gave us Obamacare

buccaneer morgan

back then they hadn't bought off the insurance companies, plus people had some common sense still around,


2nd video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDc8PVCvfKs



Do you know why the FBI is, or wants to be in Baghdad?


Good for him

CNN Is Hitler
CNN Is Hitler – ‏@NolteNC

Trump doesn't mock my faith, campaign to disarm me, call me racist for opposing illegal immigration, cover up Hillary's birtherism

You do. https://twitter.com/thefix/status/788407491587694593


Part 2 O'Keefe video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDc8PVCvfKs


Media matters

CNN Is Hitler
CNN Is Hitler – ‏@NolteNC

Wow. https://twitter.com/fightnowamerica/status/788323905916248064

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Heh. He waited until Obama was on camera mocking Trump about voter fraud, then O'Keefe dropped the tape proving....voter fraud!!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Heh. He waited until Obama was on camera mocking Trump about voter fraud, then O'Keefe dropped the tape proving....voter fraud!!


Way behind, but on catch up just saw there has been another WikiLeak doc dump. Yippee!

I know you guys must all know that, but boy does that give me hope.

Here's Rich Lowry last month (writing in Politico) giving max shit to anyone who gives the slightest bit of respect to Julian Assange: Julian Assange Is Still a Creep by Rich Lowry

And here's Rick Lowry today posting Assange's Wikileaks revelations:

Rich Lowry Retweeted
National Review ‏@NRO 3h3 hours ago
Everything you suspected about Clinton's insincerity is confirmed in the Podesta e-mail dump http://natl.io/odMK0q via @RichLowry

Great job, Rich. If you're still over there at Politico, tell Glenn Thrush that just like you, he fucked up.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Now I am back to that National Review "Against Trump" issue and wondering exactly WHO was behind it?

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