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October 17, 2016



First first?

Jim Eagle

Fracking second.


Hugs for TM!

Appalled (Alt-Moderate)

Oh Frack, I'm fourth, or even fracking fifth.

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Bless you, TM. We were dying out here.

Jim Eagle

Today, Odummy took credit for America reaching Energy independance. What a fracking joke.

/only fracking jokes allowed on this thread.

common man

Beats the Frack out of me!

daddy on iPad at the gym

Has anyone asked the paralyzed victims of the San Bernardino Muslims, if they would have been happier, like John Podesta, if their shooters had been named Chris and Rita instead of Muhammed and Fatima?

Dave (in MA)

Note, don't do a Google image search for Frick and Frack while at work.


We know about Hillary, but was Trump FOR or AGAINST the Iraq debacle?

It's very murky like everything else.


No one wants to talk about the fact that Trump is a truther.

Why is that?

Dave (in MA)
/only fracking jokes allowed on this thread.
What abot felgercarb?
buccaneer morgan

Ah the other classic battlestar galactic fan



1h1 hour ago
WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange's internet access Saturday, 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton's Goldman Sachs speechs.

Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

Frack The Witch and burn her!


Yes we know

Jared Wyand 🇺🇸
14m14 minutes ago
Jared Wyand 🇺🇸 ‏@JaredWyand
You know the media is sitting on something big to drop against Trump. It'll be the first question of the debate...again. All coordinated.

daddy on iPad at the gym

Big questions of the world asked and answered!

A). Why do Environmental Groups oppose Fracking?

Because they are Russians.

B). Why do Environmental Groups oppose the XL Pipeline?

Because they are Russians.

C). Why did Equador cut off Assange's Computer access?

Because it was really the Russians.

D). Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because the Russians wanted to help Trump get elected

E). Why does Hillary lie?


F). Why did TM start a new thread?

Beats the hell out of me.

Texas Liberty Gal

I think Podesta's email stating that they have the 55k emails is all she wrote for Miss Hillary. Caught red handed in the cookie jar.


I'm not sure about that one, TLG. Clinton gave 55K to State, right? The 33K (if that figure is even correct since we rely on her for it) are not factored into the 55K.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. The bad guys bank on it all being confusing.

daddy on iPad at the gym

Since the Equadorian Russians cut off Assange's computer link, yet we still just got a new Wikileaks document dump, the other important question becomes who failed to do a proper full cavity search of Pamela Anderson?

Michael  (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Nothing wrong with this image of Frick and Frack, is there?

What a couple of little cuties. Bet some of our JOM'ers have/had little ones like these.

Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

Tim Kaine is a pain in the drain...

Showing off in Spanish is so special. At least the twerp Zuckerman shows off with Chinese.

Yo soy cristiano, un catolico, (y tengo una Backpfeifengesicht grande)," Tim Kaine said.

What a maroon! Make fun of him!


Podesta emails Part 10:


Texas Liberty Gal

2 days after Scalia's death Podesta is talking with Soros' guy about his replacement



I think Podesta's email stating that they have the 55k emails is all she wrote for Miss Hillary. Caught red handed in the cookie jar.

So only 22,000 more that got wiped clean, "like with a cloth"???

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Meanwhile, in NeverTrumper land, they are still fantasizing that 3 weeks before the election Trump will withdraw and they can ride a Romney/Ryan ticket all the way to the White House. Yippee ki ya yay.


Texas Liberty Gal

Sorry but there is so much good stuff over at Reddit

7 months ago, PolitiFact rated this statement as "False". Today, the O'Keefe video proves Trump was right.


Frau Rutger Gefahrfeld

Does Wallace Jefferson now have a bulls eye on his back? Why would Daddy Soros have his name mentioned?

daddy on iPad at the gym

"Clinton gave 55K to State, right? The 33K (if that figure is even right...

Maybe the missing 22,000 were in these 2 boxes of State Dept Emails we recently read about that somehow went missing.

Regardless, since the FBI is not weasles and Comey is so proud of them and all, when does Comey get to tell us why his FBI Agents lied about Patrick Kennedy demaninding a Quid Pro Quo? Who is that lying FBI agent that falsely accused Kennedy of such a crime and has he been prosecuted yet? Where the hell is the equivalent of Newt Gingeich on the House Floor making these points over and over and over again on the House Floor where C-Span would be required to broadcast it 24/7 and the Media could not keep it all silent by denying coverage.


This is awful

DeplorableMex4Trump – ‏@kinni00

Protester (aka DNC plant) pepper sprays a young girl at Trump rally in CA #birddogging #mondaymotivation http://dailym.ai/1SO1LP1
Embedded image
Pepper spray flies during Trump protest clash in California

Supporters and opponents of Donald Trump clashed Tuesday outside City Hall in Orange County, and five people, including two little girls, were pepper-sprayed by a demonstrator during a confrontation.

Jim Eagle

I saw a quip on a message board a few weeks back that there is an antidote to BleachBit. Have no idea if that is possible or even correct but the poster seemed to know what he was talking about.

Michael  (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

TLG/Porchlight - That email re the 55K emails was sent *before* the House committee sent their subpoena (sent the next day, iirc), and about three weeks (?) *before* Platte River Networks took the 'BleachBit' industrial strength cleaner to the server.

Curiously, the sender, Philippe Reines, assumed that the State Dept. had all 55K of Hil-LIAR-y's emails.

Don't know how to explain how he could have that impression, unless Hil-LIAR-y was lying to everybody, including him.


GUCCIFER 2.0 on Twitter: “i’m here and ready for new releases. already changed my location thanks @wikileaks for a good job!”

Looks like Guccifer 2.0 picked up the baton.


It would seem Ecuador can't abide Trump, though he couldn't do more to fuck that country than Obama has.


That is the side the #ExJOMersThatNeverTrump relate to, LurkerSusie.

Texas Liberty Gal

Don't know much about this Watson guy so take it for what its worth Guess we'll find out in 30

Paul Joseph WatsonVerified account
If the media gave equal coverage to my next story as they did Donald Trump's accusers, Hillary's campaign would be rocked.

Drops in 30.

anonamom; formerly adorable, now deplorable

porch posted this this morning.

Looks like Huma runs the show



Let me rephrase it.

Clinton turned over 55K emails to State. She said she deleted 33K.

So that is 88K total, 33K of which are missing.

(Again, we're relying on her entirely for the 33K number. It could have been 100K for all we know.)

If she's in trouble because Podesta said they had the 55K emails, it has to be because her campaign has no business having access to State emails - correct?

Again, the 33K are not part of the 55K as I understand it.


From the last thread, our old friend Ben at 4:23 on 10/17:

"The mere wish to be POTUS should disqualify a candidate."

I think this is the first posting he has made that I agree with. Scary times indeed.


I still don't get it, Michael. Clinton turned over 55K to State. That's not in dispute. They printed them all out to make them harder to search.

The 33K, which are not part of the 55K, got BleachBitched post-subpoena.


This might be Paul Joseph Watson's big story. Hearsay.



George Soros, wow

30m30 minutes ago




Nothing to say about the Trump truther thing?

daddy on iPad at the gym

Oh bummer. Now we'll have to read another Rich Lowry column damning us for giving strange new respect to Guccifer.

Has that jackass said a single fucking word about all this shit in the Wikileaks e-Mails and why the sin is on those who hid the emails, not those who saved them.

daddy on iPad at the gym

Do the Russians hate Guccifer 2?

buccaneer morgan

I figured there were proxy servers on line, for this eventuality,


I assume he is not hiding in Ecuador.

daddy on iPad at the gym

How ironic that just yesterday I linked to that new Scientific Survey in the Uk Telegraph that told us that the number 1 country in the world for "Empathy" was Equador, followed in a close second by Saudi Arabia.

Where did all that aunties Equadorian empathyfor Julian go? Tsk, tsk.

Perhaps they misunderstood the survey question. Perhaps they heard the word "Wimpathy."

daddy on iPad at the gym

Vaunted. grrrrrr

Michael  (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Great site re BleachBit's process, effectiveness, and limitations, with some helpful debunking of myths re computer security . . .


Well worth a quick minute or two, imho


Supporters and opponents of Donald Trump clashed

Again reporting like they do with Israel: Arabs rain rockets on Israeli civilians, Israeli soldiers respond, and the report is "New fighting between Israelis and Palestinians."

Some Pallie stabs an Israeli civilian, police shoot the Pallie, and the headline is "Israeli police kill Palestinian in clash."

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

O'Keefe sent this to the Reddit kids:

I want to thank you all for spreading the word about our first video. The Internet has exploded with people sharing it and talking about it. You guys helped do that.
According to my sources, media corporations are not touching the story due to fear of retaliation by the DOJ. We have more videos coming this week. The truth is going to come out one way or the other.
PLEASE spread the word.
EDIT: FOX just booked, then cancelled on me.


Search results for #imWithHer
32m32 minutes ago
WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 10 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult … #HillaryClinton #imWithHer #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails10

Miss Marple

Boy, all hell breaks loose when I am gone!


Whatever the propriety of hacking Podesta's e-mails might normally be, Hillary's criminal (attempted) destruction of her e-mails means anything goes. The deletions were illegal, so I have no problem turning over every stone to find e-mails to or from her (even after she was SoS, since there may be evidence about what was in the deleted e-mails, or how they were deleted, who deleted them, etc., as we have seen). And if some other juicy stuff turns up in the process, so be it.

Still, that FBI doc with the information about her stealing lamps (of all things!) from the government, and her shabby treatment of underlings, won the internet today.


Politifact again shows it's in the tank for the Dems:


derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

". . . media corporations are not touching the story due to fear of retaliation by the DOJ."

Ponder that for a minute. In the USA, today, major news corporations are afraid of retaliation by the Department of Justice if they deviate from the approved Party line.

Can someone explain to me how we aren't already living under a full-fledged tyranny. Well, I guess we don't have the Gulag. Yet.

Texas Liberty Gal

I turned on The Five for a minute-what a wasted minute! I'm so over FNC.


More ladies coming to Trump's defense:


And they aren't even Trump supporters: "Both women, now 53, plan to vote for Green Party nominee Jill Stein, and Shane originally supported Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio."

Texas Liberty Gal

derwill - I think those media corporations are just using that as an excuse. They don't want to be the only ones reporting on it.


Rigged is correct

DanRiehl – ‏@DanRiehl

rigged https://twitter.com/JikaryJack/status/788075721801535488

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Probably, TLG. But either they're too intimidated to show it, or they're being threatened not to show it--the result is the same. It doesn't get shown.

deplorable new lurker

Hoping Dana Perino (Goody Two-Shoes) will be away from The Five on her silly book tour about her dog. I love dogs--just not hers.


Hillary didn't write her book, lol

Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce – Verified account ‏@HeyTammyBruce

Oh, so it takes a village. Who knew? https://twitter.com/junkscience/status/788116599849058304

Texas Liberty Gal

dnl - She was on today and was her usual self - ugh

daddy on iPad at the gym

EDIT: FOX just booked, then cancelled on me.

As I posted earlier in relation to Michael Savages case: " I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the Death nobody your Right to say it."

Bless you James O'Keefe!

Janet 1

I'm not sure about that one, TLG. Clinton gave 55K to State, right? The 33K (if that figure is even correct since we rely on her for it) are not factored into the 55K.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. The bad guys bank on it all being confusing.

Here's my old post on the original claims about the email numbers -

Who knows how many emails were on her private system? We only know what SHE says.
The numbers SHE throws around are:

*a total of 62,320 sent and received emails on her private system

*30,490 work related emails that she printed off & gave to State - hard copy, not electronic

*31,830 private emails deleted (yoga, Chelsea's wedding, & possibly hot sauce discussions)

The other number I always see in the MFM is 55,000. That is the number of printed pages of the 30,490 work related emails.

James D.

In less deplorable news, here's the cover for my next book:

I don't have a back-cover description yet, but the basic story is:

Our heroine invites her brother to join her on vacation on Mallorca, which turns out to be a huge mistake. The brother gets picked up at a bar by a hot blonde, who turns out to be a jewel thief, which he finds out when he wakes up the next morning and she's gone, but the police are knocking on the hotel room door, and there's damning evidence in his pocket.

So in order to clear her brother's name, our heroine must track down the thief, which leads her to Vienna, Prague and eventually back to Mallorca where it turns out the thief has a much bigger score in mind. Which will naturally take place at a masquerade ball where anything might happen...

With luck it'll be out in early December.

jimmyk on iPhone

The fact that she printed them out should have condemned her to the fires of hell regardless of what was in them.

jimmyk on iPhone

Sounds great, James D, congrats.

buccaneer morgan

wonderful james d. how did you do the research for mallorca and the other places,

buccaneer morgan

this is what a paper, that was stolen from conrad black, ends up doing,



Thanks, Janet!

Janet 1

from 2014 old WaPo article on Hard Choices being ghost written - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/who-wrote-that-political-memoir-no-who-actually-wrote-it/2014/06/09/8e89ccae-f00a-11e3-9ebc-2ee6f81ed217_story.html

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

This from the FBI file dump talks about Hillary's "shadow government" run separately and outside the State Department/


derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Sorry, meant to add that once you get there you have to scroll down to page 56.

Janet 1

Those were the original numbers given.

I don't know if that has changed. I can't keep up with all the numbers being thrown around now.

Michael  (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Janet beat me to it, again. And with fewer words!

I still don't get it, Michael. Clinton turned over 55K to State. That's not in dispute. They printed them all out to make them harder to search.
The 33K, which are not part of the 55K, got BleachBitched post-subpoena.
Posted by: Porchlight | October 17, 2016 at 05:11 PM

Porchlight - Au contraire, mon cher - if I may be that forward :>) - she did *not* turn over 55K emails to State.

I have understood from the beginning of the email scandal that Hil-LIAR-y had approx. ~55K to 60K emails on her server - in total, comprising both personal and State Dept.-related communications - from her time as Sec of State.

She had a team of 'lawyers' on her staff review the emails, using 'keyword searches' to determine what were the work-related emails that needed to be turned over to the State Dept. as part of their request for her complete records.

It has always been my understanding that her 'lawyers' withheld approx. ~30K-33K emails that were personal (i.e., non-State Dept.-related), that were characterized by her as being about the Omen's wedding, and yoga classes.
The emails turned over to the State Dept. totalled approx. 30K emails - but the State Dept. has *never* given the exact number to the public, afaik.
The personal emails were supposedly deleted from the server because they did not need to be retained for any official purpose - That was the original lie told as to the disposition of the 'personal' emails.
We have since learned that the 'personal' emails were not deleted at that time, but left on the server and deleted by the BleachBit *after* she received the subpoena.

From a wikipedia article on the email scandal:

"On December 5, 2014, Clinton lawyers delivered 12 file boxes filled with printed paper containing more than 30,000 emails. Clinton withheld almost 32,000 emails deemed to be of a personal nature."

Of course, all of this is contingent on Hil-LIAR-y and her staff being honest with the stories they have told the FBI, the House committee, the media and the public.
No one should be holding their breath hoping *any* of those stories were true, imho.

Free James D!

Narciso @ 6:07

I went to Mallorca 3 times on a volunteer archaeology trip, so that's from experience. I was i. Vienna for a few days on i e trip, and as for Prague, it's all Google...

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

Follow the money.


Texas Liberty Gal

I'm so comfused about the # of emails. Sounds like Janet got closest to the truth. If indeed the real truth will ever come out.


So Wallace will ask about "pussy" grabbing as the theme of the final debate? Has Podesta approved that question yet?


Lou Dobbs just tweeted:

Largest voter fraud investigation in TX history underway - the threat of rigged election is real. @GovMikeHuckabee #FoxLDT 7pm

Texas Liberty Gal

Update from Wikileaks

"If the Obama administration is willing to go to such great lengths, literally escalating tensions with another superpower, to protect their candidate from whatever it is that she's hiding then we suspect whatever WikiLeaks has yet to release could be really good".

Janet 1

THat old WaPo article on Hard Choices is interesting because it shows what phonies so many of the "elites" really are.
They are marketed to America as SO smart...see, they wrote a book!...they went to Harvard (what classes?)!....they sat in the Senate & didn't pass any laws but they sat there!....they traveled a lot in an airplane!...they won awards from left-wing groups!

It is all so phony.

Captain Hate

You couldn't cast in Whoreyweird for a bigger creep than Brock.

Love the #LampsForTrump. Don't throw me, bro.


Ha ha

Carmine Zozzzora
Carmine Zozzzora – ‏@CarmineZozzora

"@realDonaldTrump was always a perfect gentleman in my club. And we had no red couches." - David E. Boyd (co-owner China Club, NYC).

Janet 1

Those numbers were the original numbers given.
...and 55,000 was the number of printed pages.

Now...things might have changed. More found or something.

buccaneer morgan

assume the lillian hellman test, every public statement she has made has been a lie or an omission at best,

daddy on iPad at the gym

In all these 12,000 released hidden e-mails, has there been a single one discussing Yoga? One would think that if the 33,000 missing e-mails were about Yoga we'd have come across at least one, no?

derwill, yet another adorable, irredeemable deplorable

I think Assange said in an interview, or maybe a tweet, that what he had would destroy the Democrat Party. So, yeah, it's probably very, very bad. Or good, depending on your point of view.

I'm surprised what's going on hasn't triggered a dead man's drop. But maybe it has, and the release was pre-set for a certain date.


I am a heartless righty, not someone Hillary is wooing for this election.

Fricken aye!

buccaneer morgan

you can see why red queen was a fave,


Captain Hate

Does Rodham look like she's ever done more than utter the word "yoga"?

buccaneer morgan

that doesn't even cover the rental of the lot



Gateway Pundit had a yoga article with a great pic. And via Cernovich, video of a former WH staffer claiming Hillary called a black servant n****

buccaneer morgan

shirley they can't be serious,


and yes his name is shirley.



DEPLORABLEdondeg – ‏@theREALdondeg

@Cernovich ALERT! RSBN will be in LAS VEGAS after the debate! SOMETHING IS UP! Go to Trumps facebook page on WED after the debate!


How was Trump in Green Bay earlier? Anyone watch that?


He's in Green Bay now

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