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February 24, 2017


Jack is Back! (On his iPad)

Listened a bit driving Frederick to tennis. Reminded everyone he will keep his promises and keep us all safe.


I can't Help Myself by Jason and the Nashville Scorchers.

For many, many reasons.


can't should be capatilized. My bad.


Won't Get Fooled Again

For many, many reasons.


"All I want for Xmas is Trump's ten- ninety-nine.."


Its a very conservative sentiment, as with sympathy for the devil, the stones occasionally distill the truth.


I Won't Give Up

Miss Marple the Deplorable

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

Perfectly appropriate, if you ask me.


Exactly miss marple, it was my departed leftwing advisor that apprised of that line.

The battle is between Locke and rousseau.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


What? Russian flags?

Oh, here's the rest of the story, which Hamby left out:


Account Deleted

"Wall of Denial" -Stevie Ray Vaughan

A wall of denial
Is fallin' down
Wo it's fallin' so hard
Down to the ground
Never knew something so strong
Could be washed away by tears
But this wall of denial
Was just built on fear

We've all had our demons
From the garden of white lies
Dressed them amused them
Pullin' wool over our eyes
Go so far as to love them
To keep from letting them go
All the while they we're killin' us
But we couldn't let it show

No matter what the trouble
We carry round inside
We're never safe from the truth
But in the truth we can survive
When this wall of denial
Comes tumblin' down
Down to the ground

Simple things in life
Bring the greatest pleasure
A smile, a kiss
A little baby's laughter
It makes no difference
If we run away in fear
The little things in life hold us so near

No matter what the trouble
We carry round inside
Never safe from the truth
But in the truth we can survive
When this wall of denial
Comes tumblin' down
Yeah this wall of denial
Must tumble down
Down to the ground

Account Deleted

"The battle is between Locke and rousseau."

Amen. ;)

Eric in Boise

I'd like to see him use Santana's "winning".

I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning and I don't intend
On losing again

Miss Marple the Deplorable

By the way, President Trump didn't come out to "Hail to the Chief."

He came out to "I'm Proud to Be an American."

Sandy --First 100-- Daze

It is clear that the music choices President Trump makes both speak to him, and if we are listening, are speaking from him to us. Earlier in the year we listened to his campaign rally choice of music. The Stones' You Can't Always Get What You Want:

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need

[Adding to the lyrics MM posted, because, because]
And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"


President Trump could not be faulted, but personally, I'm glad he doesn't close with Queen's We are the Champions

We are the champions, my friends,

And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.

We are the champions.

We are the champions.

No time for losers

'Cause we are the champions of the world.

I've taken my bows

And my curtain calls.

You brought me fame and fortune, and
everything that goes with it.

I thank you all.

But it's been no bed of roses,

No pleasure cruise.

I consider it a challenge before the whole human race,
And I ain't gonna lose.

Although, perhaps PM Theresa May would approve...



Honk4TRUMP !

Account Deleted

"I'd like to see him use Santana's "winning"."

Some East Bay Grease? Way down with that, Eric. ;)


Yes that could work as well. The clwabup of exploding heads would be epic.

Account Deleted

"I'm glad he doesn't close with Queen's We are the Champions"

Anything musical by that third-rate band nauseates me. I get the relevance of the words---- but the music is just dirge-like buzzkill.

They sounded as appealing to me as Dirk Novitzky's rendition after Cubans Mavs took the NBA title.

The wind up of "Can't Always..." launches the audience into the final minutes with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir lifting everybody off the ground. The tune even has conga at the end...what's not to love.

He speaks with us.

Eric in Boise

Kev, not sure ol' Carlos would approve. He's quite the lefty IIRC. :)


Nice review of fake news sites for ad fraud.


Reuters: U.S. asks appeals court to suspend proceedings over Trump #travelban (story to follow).


How about eye of the tiger, by survivor?

The declaration has a very lockean understanding of the purpose of institutions, and what to do when they fail to achieve their limited ends. The declaration of the rights of man, is by contrast unlimited charter.

The former understanding fits antons contribution in the American affairs journal

Sandy --First 100-- Daze
Anything musical by that third-rate band nauseates me. I get the relevance of the words---- but the music is just dirge-like buzzkill.

I hear you, KK, but in truth, Queen replica bands consistently sell out across Europe. HUGH. BIG LEAGUE. Go to a rugby sevens event and listen to the crowds singing Queen. Amazing.

Interesting (but not too much energy expended) wondering why he chose a Brit Band (Stones) for his "brand" song. Ha

Foreign relations ! Winning !

Hey, perhaps DJT could start closing with De Colores to help smooth over relations with the Latin-American contingent. Might not hurt with the lgbtqrtxyz community either !



Miss Marple the Deplorable


Those fraud sites cause a lot of problems, and not just for the MSM and advertisers. I don't know how many times I have seen stuff posted in the Conservative Treehouse comments that is from such sites, or conspiracy sites (which I believe are also about ad revenue more than anything).


I would imagine Burnham who had his toes in govt academia, media was an analogue to bannon as well


Beasts of England

'A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido -
Yeah, hey!'

Account Deleted

"Kev, not sure ol' Carlos would approve. He's quite the lefty IIRC. :)"

He's my bud. It'd be like Rush using Chrissie Hynde's "OHIO" for his radio theme song. She didn't give a chit. ;)

Account Deleted


Janet ~ an obnoxious Trump supporter 🚬

MM's 12:11 is something. Democrats are scum.

Sandy --First 100-- Daze

That piece was excellent narc, was it you or (?) who linked it here yesterday??

Whomever, thank you. BIG LEAGUE.

Here it is again:

America and the Liberal International Order--Michael Anton

Beasts of England

It's a JOM favorite, KevlarKid! :)

Account Deleted

"De Colores to help smooth over relations with the Latin-American contingent. "

It might ruffle more than smooth.... the cursillo movement theme song is profoundly Cat-lick.

Over the past 30 years, more and more of the LATAMz have been going fundamentalist/charismatic Full Falwell.

Musically speaking? To each their own.

Hearing Queen tunes being sung during 7s matches just made me hit their players in the mouth that much harder. Give em that gap-toothed look and all. ;)


1972 deja vu all over again.

Nixon obstructed FBI invoking NATIONAL SECURITY, and there was former CIA in CREEP so there's that.



Many here feel NIXON WAS RAILROADED...lol.


Yes it was sandy.


You can see the seeds of the terror, the cheka, the khmer rouge right here.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

Miss Marple the Deplorable



Seems like Dems are a bit confused about the whole federalism concept:

Trump to states: Police your bathrooms as you see fit.
Blue states to Trump: oh yeah, well we're gonna police our bathrooms as we see fit!!!

Account Deleted

The revolting French.


I pointed cited other examples, some of the ones jigger mentions in sympathy, alinsky was right in that the first rebel was lucifer.


I like "Beast of Burden" by the Stones..directed to the Ds.





Police your bathrooms and we'll police your pot.

Nothing inconsistent there..


Smallest violins Lyle


Yes there is the posh about us being responsubke for the Kennedy, but that can't be helped from a lse grad

Janet ~ an obnoxious Trump supporter 🚬


Account Deleted

"Seems like Dems are a bit confused about the whole federalism concept:

Once they hollowed out the core curriculum in gummint schools and the universities, none of those a-holes or their descendants learned anything about the system in which they live.

Account Deleted

Poor Hildo Clintoona.



they just blame "the man" kev.



Europe has many fine traditions. Its newest tradition is the burning car. Why burn cars? Because, as George Mallory once said of mountains, they're there. There are lots of cars around and if you're a member of a perpetually unemployed tribe that wandered up north and forages on social services, you might as well do something to pass the time.

Burning houses is a lot of work and house fires spread. Car fires are simpler. In a welfare state everyone has houses but not everyone has cars. Burning cars is a way to stick it to those who work for a living. It's also a way to drive off the members of the sickly Swedish tribe and claim the area for your own. And it's also fun.

They wouldn't be burning all those cars if it weren't for Trump, rubes!


For those who are purblind


I forgot the RTWT on that 1:15 link. But then you knew that.


How about that fake news that bezos and Carlos slim put up in lieu of advertising



Brilliant bit of trouble making with the Russia flags.

Again with the deja vu. CREEP had the USC Mafia for rat-f***ING democrats.

Brilliant even if it didn't pan out.


In the land of my paisans, influenced by the progressive impulses of the day, they instituted the 1940 constitution.


Pence's welcome to governors at Naval Observatory..

A good man. (or a great actor)


Janet ~ an obnoxious Trump supporter 🚬

Here is the Yahoo News coverage (via Vox, Matt Yglesias - a reminder that he was a JournoLister)

"CNN’s Peter Hamby was at National Harbor to watch President Donald Trump’s speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, and he saw audience members waving tiny Russian flags emblazoned with the name “TRUMP.” Staffers seem to have swiftly realized this was a bad look for a president who is under suspicion of a variety of shady ties with Russia, and confiscated them. At the same time, the speech itself really only deepened the questions around Trump and Russia. Then he specifically denounced the whole idea of stories based on anonymous sources."


A Democrat organization works with Democrat operatives in the old media.

Democrats buy Russian flags (red, white, & blue horizontal stripes).
Democrats print Trump on the flags.
Democrats hand them out to unwitting people.
Democrats operatives in the media publish stories about it.


I'd've liked him to keep using the song he used at the very beginning, Dee Snyder's We're Not Gonna Take it Any More. I was disappointed when he changed his anthem from American to British music.

Snyder is a friend of Trump's (from being on Celebrity Apprentice, I believe), and I saw an interview in the early days of the primary campaign where he supported Trump and was happy to let him use the song.

There's an article in The FNYT's archive about the tape that Trump made and insisted be played at all his rallies. I read it a long time ago but don't know how to relocate it.


Janet... Dem bozo handing out russian flags tossed by CPAC staff. that get omitted too.


"Democrats print trump..."

You have to admit the brilliance..


that is, the composite tape that included, you can't always get what you want, and all the others

We're not gonna take it

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

We've got the right to choose it
There ain't no way we'll lose it
This is our life, this is our song

We'll fight the powers that be just
Don't pick our destiny 'cause
You don't know us, you don't belong

Read more: Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Account Deleted

The russian flag trick reflects the substance of the EmoCrat-Commie agenda in America.

They *got* nuthin.


'They got nothin'

There's that Nixonian deja vu sticking it's head in the sand again.

Account Deleted

Making Government Your Religion Leads to Hysteria

from: Nov 2016 @


Janet ~ an obnoxious Trump supporter 🚬

It is a small scale operation that exposes what they are doing on a larger scale.

The entire Trump-Russia meme is a Democrat created fraud.
THEY are the party whose candidate sold Russia our uranium & took millions for their "foundation" & thousands for speeches.


Maybe he decided to use a Brit song as his anthem to help Brexit along. The Brexit vote was a big boost to his own campaign. Back around that time I heard Farage trashtalking Trump, I love the way he wins over his enemies.


I'm in love!
Pence at CPAC yesterday:



And Janet, with whom they would be more flexible after Obama's election.


SHOCKING VIDEO: Satanic Ritual - Opening Of World's Longest Rail Tunnel - Cern



"We gotta mobilize, as if this is the most important time of our movement--because it is."

---My new crush, Mike Pence

Ah--he's Irish. Likely he reminds me of white haired Dad.
Wonder how The Church lost him? A couple of my cousins have gone Evangelical though. Two of my partners too.

He is who made me quit worrying about The Donald.


Maybe... How 'Bout You by Eric Church.
There's a populist theme and energy.
It's pretty white though :)

I punch the clock tryin' to make it to the top:
How 'bout you?
I ain't got no blue-blood trust fund,
I can dip in to.
Yeah, I wish Uncle Sam would give a d*mn,
About the man who's collar's blue.
But if he don't, h*ll, I'll make it on my own:
How 'bout you?


I think "You Can't Always Get What You Want" is
THE PERFECT spot-on theme song for Donald Trump!

And what incredible self assuredness and confidence he shows by playing it.



I have an grandmother who was half Irish and I got my white hair from her. My mom wasn't, but she had a sister and brother who where white headed by 40.

I made it to 50:)

Beasts of England

I laughed so hard I cried the first time I heard them play that at one of his events, anonamom!! It's Trumpelicious... :)



As part of his discussion with White House national security staff, McMaster recommended a comprehensive reading list that included President Trump's book, "The Art of the Deal," and several other tomes by leading historians about how to get the upper hand on America's enemies. White House staff are said to have been mostly "thrilled" when hearing about the book list.

Newly Installed NSA McMaster Reassures National Security Staff: No Witch Hunts Coming


Buckeye, my father was grey at 40; completely silver by 50. White at 60.
My brothers are following that path, pretty much.
Distinguished on men, no??

Interestingly, none of his three daughters are grey... ;-)

(Though my oldest is getting that way! And my youngest has grey at 27.)


Here's the link to my 2:27



Took at the fools that populated the Obama NBC, the male larf 'noodlehead ned' price, the other rocket surgeon Mrs Ahmed,


Kellyanne at CPAC:


Account Deleted

Moron has the Lefty meme down cold and uses it like a hammer. Googling "Trump is Nixon" brings up 1.79m results. The usual suspects have been belching articles since the campaign, through the inauguration to today.... everything is a Nixon nail when it concerns Repub presidents.

Bang bang, moron.

"Bringing down Richard Nixon was the high point of post-World War II liberalism. The effort united the media, congressional Democrats, and mainstream and far-left liberal groups in a way that had not been duplicated before and has not been since.

It's not been for lack of trying. During the Iran contra scandal, Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee was absolutely gleeful, believing he could relive the glory of the Nixon days and bring down Ronald Reagan, too. The whole "Bush lied, people died" movement," led by Michigan Rep. John Conyers, sought to impeach George Bush for going to war in Iraq under false pretenses. (They also tried to bring Bush and some of his advisers up on war crimes.)

That the left failed to coalesce in an effort to remove these Republiucan presidents was largely because there are a helluva lot fewer leftists than there were in the early 1970s, and they simply don't wield the power they did back then.

But ginning up hysteria over Trump's ascension to the White House has been a lot easier by invoking the dark imagery from the Nixon administration and the prospect that Trump will act unconstitutionally. Of course, the left didn't mind when Obama issued extra-constitutional executive orders, but this is a Republican in office now, which makes a big difference – at least to them.

This deliberate attempt to undermine the new president by comparing him to a president who was accused of criminal acts won't achieve its goal of putting the image in people's minds of Trump and Nixon being equally bad. Most voters today weren't even born when Nixon was president, and even more don't know what he might have done wrong.

But reliving those heady days when the left brought down a president is too tempting to pass up."



Every Trump mystery is supposed to be addressed by Art of Deal. Is circulation down?


Make up your kiddie mind...

Am I clever or not? You seem to have trouble with Websters.


Yes but Kev, when we know their playbook. The game is up, with w it took a little way to see their cards up, with sy harsh replaying the tiger cages with Abe ghraib, the levick narrative on gitmo, that literally exploded this week in mogul.


A parallel narrative was tried on Blair, the tipton 3, the rycroft (downing street) memo.
The whole David Kelly affair (regurgitated by jo


Trump/ Nixon parallels abound.

First: Nixon Agnew spent an inordinate amount of time attacking the Press. Nixon sued NYT.



Jonathan come, in his latest 11, David here's 'worricker' series caught the flavor of it, even Boris Johnson fell for the Baghdad museum charade (most of the pieces were sealed in the vault)


Kasich's remarks after meeting with the President.

Leopard spots still unchangeble.



Louise mensch still crazy after all these weeks.


Shirley he can't be cereal:



It suggests the aivd doesn't have his best interests at heart:



MSNBC is saying that Reince Priebus and the FBI guy is the equivalent of Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac.

Meanwhile in his latest Jonah Goldberg excuses Mika Brzezinski's comment as simply "an unfortunate turn of phrase...a simple slip-up," but finds time to damn Trump by strategically leaving out Trump's qualifier which Trump repeated multiple times, "Fake News."

The Press Is Not the Enemy

I would have thought that a guy who wrote a book called "Liberal Fascism" would have been a bit more curious about the Liberal Press's motives. Apparently not. It's not deserving of a click, but nice to see the NRO commenters are not buying Jonah's slant. For instance:

Matthew Peterson · Ithaca, New York

Now if you were to say, "Many journalists have allowed themselves to become corrupted because they are afraid of losing their jobs," you would have the start of a good article. You might then trace the corruption backward to its political sources. You could discuss how many people in our society are willing to trade their integrity for money.



Interestingly, none of his three daughters are grey... ;-)

Neither is Mrs. Buckeye, but she spends a lot of time in the bathroom with Ms. Clairol and a timer:)

James D

daddy, I appreciate you doing the work of reading Goldberg's tripe. I'm not bothering anymore.

Interesting about MSNBC likening Preibus & the FBI to the Lynch/Clinton meetup. The logical next question to any MSNBC drone would be: "And how much coverage did you give to the Lynch/Clinton meeting? How many reporters did you dedicate to the story? What questions did you ask, and of whom?"

Now you watch it now you can't.

The parallel? Clinton erasing 18 and 1/2 minutes of emails.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--He came out to "I'm Proud to Be an American."--

Was that the Lee Greenwood song or The Tubes?


‘We don’t see CNN or the New York Times rooting for ANY president!’ – CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter

Rediscovered Election Night Video – Jake Tapper: We Need to win these states, err Hillary needs to win these states.


Opps did that fix it?


But...the FBI approached Priebus and broached the subject, not the other way around.

"White House officials said it was the FBI that first raised concerns about the Times reporting but told Priebus the bureau could not weigh in publicly on the matter. The officials said McCabe and Comey instead gave Priebus the go-ahead to discredit the story publicly, something the FBI has not confirmed.



Still obsessed with Clinton kimmy?

I certainly understand the motivation.

Deflection politics..

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Re RSE's comments last thread;
I agree with you and have no doubt what the progs' intentions are and I have no doubt the nitwit right has wittingly or unwittingly absorbed the verbiage and concepts of the left and repackaged them.

But I am reassured that when I read Ecclesiastes I read a perfect description of modern man and his same insipid vanities that existed 2500 years ago.
There really is nothing new under the sun in the context that Solomon was talking about; human nature.
Why are progs and Marxists and even anarcho-syndicalists always so cranky and unpleasant? Because despite their best efforts to remake the rest of us in their gargoyle image, man just aint Play Doh in their hands and never will be.


Love this side by side shot from my Breitbart link of Jake Tapper from just before the Election to Jake Tapper just after the Inauguration: (Right Click)

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