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February 05, 2017


mad jack

freedom first!


The North Remembers


Another Bob

Carryover from the last thread...

Kim: I was amused a few years ago when it was found that decreasing diversity within a community was associated with greater community trust.

That's not new news. I recall studies from the '70s or so in response to the observation that socialism seemed to work so much better in the Scandi states than other places. It concluded that the reason was the Scandis were so much more relatively monocultural (at the time). People's attitudes amounted to (paraphrased) "I know I'm bankrolling them, but they're like me and I know they'll bankroll me if I need it".

Same applies to Japan up to the present day.


"Writing with his friend Michael Behringer in The Federalist Paper, Judge Gorsuch, a member of Phi Gamma Delta," .... The NYT doesn't differentiate Gorsuch's opinion pieces for the Columbia U paper "The Spectator" v. his satirical pieces in the alternative paper he started with 2 friends The Fed - "The Fed has been working the angles at Columbia University since 1983 or so. It was founded as "the Federalist" by a libertarian, a conservative and a socialist in order to express classically liberal opinion."


A new thread!
Thanks TM!
Go Atlanta Falcons!
Good luck to our friendly JOM ers in Georgia and New England!

Miss Marple the Deplorable


This seems the very definition of "trouble brewing."


Has the NYT looked into Obama's Columbia years?


Failure of American Journalism: Pizzagate and the muzzling of Ben Swann



TK: has NYT looked into obama's Columbia years?
Heh. Not yet.

Brought forward for duda jor et al in case they missed it in the prev thread.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I have a question. Wasn't Gorsuch at Columbia the exact same time as Oba,a?

Did they know each other? Seems like they should have.

A great confirmation hearing question:

"By the way, Judge Gorsuch, did you know President Obama while you were at Columbia?"

What if he said he had never heard of him, nor had any of his classmates?


My son is considering applying to Columbia. If he gets accepted and attends there, will they convert him to a prog?


At a Jet game in 1979, the half-time show consisted of model airplanes (early drones) one of which lost control, flew into the crowd and killed a spectator.

Old Lurker

Peter, they did not make a dent in my daughter's values...mostly because the prog slant is so over the top as to be laughable to any student who starts with a head on straight.

That said, her non traditional path from ballet meant she was older than most of her peers, and she never stayed in the dorms.

I think it was harder on me having to write the checks to that place than it was on her state of mind.


Miss M, Obama was at Columbia in 82/83 or so, Gorsuch in 87-91 thereabout. They both were at Harvard Law in the same time frame. (not sure on exact dates)

Captain Hate

The MFM is really going full tilt gotcha on the Bowling Green Attack. Ok tools, how about the Fort Hood WORKPLACE VIOLENCE? You swallowed that steaming pile with nary a peep. And all the "we don't know the motive" after Allahu Ackbar?

Just STFU and stop embarrassing yourselves.

No, I didn't watch Rupert's Sunday Infotainment Hour.

Captain Hate

I think it was harder on me having to write the checks to that place than it was on her state of mind.

Don't get me started.

Old Lurker

I knew that would push you buttons, Cap'n!


Clarice Feldman

Like it's hard to know how to push CH's buttons, OL

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Has anyone heard of this company? I just saw a link at Conservative Treehouse and wondered if anyone knew about it.



Trump is going to wait for 9th circuit decision before petitioning SCOTUS. I'm surprised, with SG on the cover of the appeal.

Old Lurker

Skoot, assuming (!) SCOTUS backs him and the 9th does not, then he will have drawn attention to more "so called" judges.

Win-win, unless he doesn't.

Captain Hate

I see that Rupert didn't even pretend that his Infotainment Hour was about the news since he had the cast from their football show as panelists; like the entire nation doesn't know that Fox is broadcasting the game.

art in newport

What is "SG"? Thanks.


The MFM is really going full tilt gotcha on the Bowling Green Attack.

Considering all their "mistakes" as documented by Clarice and others, perhaps a bit of humility might be in order.

Never mind the fact that the BG incident involved people conspiring with Al Qaeda, and, as I said yesterday, there was also the massacre at Chattanooga, which she might have conflated with the BG case. Big deal.


Solicitor General?


LI's take on the 9th circuit and POTUS ban:


Sandy --First 100-- Daze

JimNorCal's image:

Another Bob

MM, the Brave browser is the product of the company Brandon Eich founded after he was run out of Mozilla over supporting Prop 8 in Cali a few years back. He's using it to try to create a new financial model for the web.

I've tried it (to make the same statement I suspect you're going for), and I didn't think it was ready for prime time. It's been a little while, so maybe I should give it another shot.


Isn't immigration an example of the external, foreign affairs capacity of the sovereign that is an area we are supposed to defer to in the President? So much so that bo's extraordinary actions were deferred to for the most part?

Didn't we just have a Presidential election that was decided in part on whether federal judges at any level were to continue to be "unelected policymakers in robes" or subject to established precedent?

TROs are supposed to have extra high standards of proof that this judge did not follow. Empty assertions do not meet that standards. Robart's cv has him as a trustee of the Seattle Children's Home. That would have him working closely with every social prog entity in Seattle.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thanks, Another Bob.

I didn't want to try downloading it until I talked to someone about it. I like the idea of sifting the ads out which track you. I have an ad blocker on my browser right now but it makes me feel bad for small sites which depend on revenue from ads for income.

However, some sites are so heavily loaded with ads they are almost impossible to read on my system. Since moving, I don't have the fastest internet, and since we are near a small university there seem to be times when the internet really slows down. Sometimes I have to shut open windows in order for my daughter to use Netflix.

I was thinking maybe this would be the solution. I will give it a try.


Should be rse but I phone.
I think you re on to something.
It appears to be judicial over reach in my opinion.
I still want extreme vetting at the airports and an extreme record kept of all who enter during this judicial breakdown.
If anyone steps one toe out of line We send them straight home.
Sorry, Harry Potter weekend on FreeForm.
Also TCM has 31 days of Oscar so some great flicks there for those who have overdosed on football or if the game gets boring.


I also have trouble getting excited going for a parent's weekend at the diva's nameless campus after reading all the inane opinions in the daily paper from young people believing themselves erudite. We were all glad to see her personality had not shifted during her semester away. Red was out with a friend last night, who had graduated from Stanford, who was bewailing his younger sisters radicalization at one of the 7 sisters her freshman year.

I think I have shared the story that after listening to college Pres and others at the convocation, my husband turned to me and said two things. "it is worse than I could have imagined" and "it would be best for ** if no one hear knows who you are."

Then one of her suitemates' moms just couldn't understand why I didn't want to join an FB parents group.

peter-I will tell a columbia story on the diva. They end up at a statue and the tour guide makes some comment about an emblem, a bee or something, that is hidden on the statue and the legend is the first freshman to locate it will be the valedictorian. We finish the tour and I am off to the restroom after all that walking and chatting with another mom who had brought a brother and sister who had been quite obnoxious. She is telling me where they are looking and I am listening like I am supposed to.

I meet back up with my daughters and Red is giggling and motions to me. She said the brother and sister had spent ten minutes looking for the emblem and that after walking around the Diva walked over and within thirty seconds pointed it out to Red. Then without thinking she told Red "they really need to get better standards for valedictorian."

Red said the crestfallen looks on the faces of the brother and sister were priceless.

All I could think about besides the tour guide's bad attitude was why they admitted someone who did not recognize Rodin's The Thinker. It was just a unnamed statue.

art in newport

Thanks, lyle

Hiya, EB.

Is the bee in the bonnet?
Is the dew on the bud?
Is the dawn on the born?
Yes, the bird is on the worm.

Captain Hate

I think I have shared the story that after listening to college Pres and others at the convocation, my husband turned to me and said two things. "it is worse than I could have imagined" and "it would be best for ** if no one hear knows who you are."

When my oldest daughter visited Bard College, Leon Botstein gave a very entertaining presentation. The best part was when he fielded questions about other schools. The skewering of Antioch was hilarious and, based upon people who have attended it and taught there, very accurate.

In the one year she was there (she left because it was too out in the sticks for her liking) I think the education she received was quite good and she made some friends that she still interacts with. There are a lot of nuts that go there though...

Another Bob

I have an ad blocker on my browser right now. As do I.

Brave claims to have the adblocking built into the native code which allegedly makes it more effective.

Might want to do some reading on Eich's model, as from my scan of it it seemed pretty reliant on tracking as well. Only difference is Eich's outfit intends to be intermediary instead of, say, Goog.

I've pondered experimenting at the router level to block ads.


Mellissa McCarthy playing Sean spicer was the single piece of genius casting I have ever seen.

She destroyed him.

pagar, a bacon, ham and sausage supporter


We are dealing with Idiots, IMO.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Another Bob,

The idea of me reading on Eich's model is hilarious! Why do you think I asked the question: I am a computer illiterate.

I have learned by experimentation how to navigate the web, copy and paste, do very primitive HTML code through repeated practice and coaching, and am a whiz at on-line banking and shopping.

Understanding how any of it works is WAY beyond my pay grade, but I thank you for crediting me with more expertise than I possess.


rse, I've not even gone up to visit my eldest who moved to DC two and half years ago. I had zero interest in being there. Closest I came to being motivated was for OL's cocktail party ?May 2015, but I couldn't get freed up that day.

I do have a visit booked for this spring though. Some things have changed there recently...


How does your daughter like living there?

Captain Hate

This exchange is one of the reasons I just can't stomach listening to the Rupert Sunday show:

PENCE: It’s quite clear that the president has the ability to determine who has access to this country when it comes to national security.

So, we believe the judge made --

WALLACE: But, sir, a federal court of appeals --

PENCE: We believe the judge made the wrong decision, the Boston court made the right decision. We’re going to continue to use all legal means at our disposal to stay that order and move forward to take the steps necessary to protect our country.

WALLACE: But the federal court of appeals didn’t seem persuaded by that, and a judge of the case says that there is not a pressing safety issue. He notes the fact that there hasn’t been a single terrorist act committed by anybody from any of the southern countries on the travel ban since 9/11. Not one. Neither the lower court nor the appeals court seem to be persuaded, sir.

PENCE: Well, I think that's why the judge's decision in the Washington court is so frustrating. And, of course, it’s different from the judge’s decision at the district level in a Boston court.

But we don’t appoint judges to our district courts to conduct foreign policy or to make decisions about the national security. Under statutory law and under the Constitution, that authority belongs to the president of the United States. And while the court did not impose a stay of that order at this point, we’re going to move very quickly into the merits of this argument. And as the president said, we are going to win the arguments because we’re going to take the steps necessary to protect the country, which the president of the United States has the authority to do.


Oh oh, Tom Brady's Mom made it to Houston.



Jacobson: "If I were the government, and if I could do it procedurally, I’d be in front of Kennedy today."

I tend to agree. If it wasn't an emergency before, it certainly is now. Every Jihadi with a visa knows he's got 48hrs.

And Lyle is correct, SG is Solicitor General, not the double cutaway Gibson:)


Here it comes: McConnell rebukes Trump's judge attack http://politi.co/2jPhWjI

pagar, a bacon, ham and sausage supporter

Not an emergency.


Oh, Sorry, not from a country on the list. All countries should be on the lists, IMO.

Captain Hate

McTurtle goes on Fake News CNN (Strike 1) with Fake Tapper (Strike 2) to badmouth Trump's efforts to keep the country safe (Strike 3). Good to see that olive branch of giving his wife a high level appointment has influenced him to abandon his GOPe ways.


not the double cutaway Gibson

Too funny. That did cross my mind as well.

Beasts of England

I'm surprised the Super Bowl LI line is so close: New England -3. Atlanta is obviously an excellent team, but has a single person on their squad or staff ever been to the big show?


He notes the fact that there hasn’t been a single terrorist act committed by anybody from any of the southern countries on the travel ban since 9/11.

I love the logic. First, conveniently choose 9/12/01 as the start date. Second, assume that because something hasn't happened before it can't happen in the future. Third, ignore only implication maybe the country list should be different or longer, not that the 90-day hold (aka 'ban') itself is wrong.

Beasts of England

SG = solid guitar in Gibson parlance.

Beasts of England

Okay, I'm barely back and already behind the SG curve. Neener, neener, neener!! ;)

Sandy --First 100-- Daze

Just in on my email is a link to a prior-service MARINE, now contractor in Iraq, one Steven Gern, who posted on his facebook account a view some Iraqis relayed regarding the Trump temporary immigration ban EO. On his FB account, it shows that there have been over 41 million views.

Here's a link to the 3'38" video on youtube:

US Marine on Trump's Travel ban - "Something to think about"
Seems that that video's notariaty resulted in multiple threats leading
to directed (1'04" vid) evacuation from Iraq.
In the first video he makes several statements relaying how any American would be treated, were s/he to go out into town. What I found surprising is that the response was considered a surprise. Mixing with local Iraqis in town, since 2003, has n.e.v.e.r. been a good idea. That he received death treats and was evacuated as a precaution is the only smart thing to have done. That any of this is unusual or extraordinary in some manner, is just not true.

OTOH, he does pose a very interesting and on-point question: If they would tell me that they would do these things to me in their own country, why would we want to allow these people into our country?


Trump's statement suggesting moral equivalence between Putin's Russia and the United States of America is deeply troubling and wrong.

Trump On Putin Being A ‘Killer:’ ‘You Think Our Country Is So Innocent?’ [VIDEO

In an interview with Bill O’Reilly that will air ahead of the Super Bowl on Sunday, the president said America is not “so innocent” when he was asked about the Russian leader’s murderous reputation.

“I do respect him,” Trump said. “Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with them. He’s a leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not. If Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all around the world, major fight. That’s a good thing

“But, [Putin] is a killer,” O’Reilly said.

“There are a lot of killers,” Trump responded. “We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/05/trump-on-putin-being-a-killer-you-think-our-country-is-so-innocent/#ixzz4Xpu05v7k

Beasts of England

In an interview with one of the Falcons, he was told that he was nine years old when the Patriots won their first Super Bowl. He asked who the quarterback was, and she said Brady. lol


A full recording, lurkersusie?


Here is Eric Shawn getting we-weed up over the "match up" of Oh-Really and Trump:


Apparently this interview will trickle out over 3 days.




Not yet. I am waiting for the rest of the interview.
It is suppose to air tonight.


Was the first sentence yours or a quote, lurkersusie?

Beasts of England

Looking at Belichick's blue collar persona on the sideline, I'd have not guessed that he prepped at Phillips Andover and then earned a degree in economics from Wesleyan.


Is Oh-Really on the hunt for American Putins?

Captain Hate

Atlanta is obviously an excellent team, but has a single person on their squad or staff ever been to the big show?

Atlanta has been like a team on a mission to eradicate the image of a choking dog in big games. I don't think the Patriots have faced a team with so many weapons and a ferocious defense. If the Pats, without Gronk, can beat them I'll be extremely impressed.



It was a quote.

Beasts of England

That would explain the very close line, Captain.


I didn't see "Trump's statement suggesting moral equivalence between Putin's Russia and the United States of America is deeply troubling and wrong." at the Daily Caller link.

Who is being quoted?


CH, perhaps a lady gaga dronpocalypse at halftime will have the game annulled.


It appears that the quote is from Liz Cheney Tweetering.

What a dope.


Here is a great questions by David H.

David Horowitz ‏@horowitz39 21h21 hours ago

Question: Why didn't Republicans get judges to issue TROs when Obama issued his unconstitutional executive orders on amnesty & Obamacare?
94 replies 255 retweets 461 likes

Many great answers including this:

To use a Super Bowl analogy, because the GOP is playing with deflated balls.


Beasts-Red goes to games some now in connection with her job. She said matt ryan's personality as qb is not to care that others have been here before and he has not.

It is a team too that likes its coach and its owner. Blank took all his employees down to the lowest level, more than 500 people, to houston for the game. We will see.




Another Bob

Miss Marple the Deplorable | February 05, 2017 at 12:29 PM

LOL! I'm pretty sure you'd get the gist of it. It's the business model, not the tech guts.

Brave has three modes: 1) block nothing (still get some built-in protections); 2) block everything; 3) let Brave block the site's native ads and replace them with Brave-supplied ads tailored to you.

All Brave users get a Brave wallet to which you can add out-of-pocket. If you take option three, you also get a cut of Brave's revenue. When you accumulate enough in the wallet, Brave sends it to the sites you support and select or to your top-n sites (as determined by Brave tracking).

The claim is all the tracking needed to implement the tailoring and the support choices is done local to your machine.

It's an interesting concept, but I've never looked into the site-owner side of it.

Beasts of England

lol, Momto2!!

~ ~ ~

Good for Blank, rse! Not an inexpensive trip...

Another Bob

And I don't think Brave has rolled out the whole thing yet.


Liz Cheney is a welcome addition to the House of Representatives in my opinion.

Beasts of England

Who's taller: Robert Kraft or Robert Reich?


Hey beasts--hope you can see this:



We share that opinion, maryrose.

Do you think Cheney shoud comment on incomplete snips from interviews with President Trump*?

*[Donald Trump is a welcome addition to The Executive Branch in my opinion.]


Kraft, by a good six inches


Are we playing math questions now? Here's mine: what's the age difference between Blank and his wife? At least one score...😎

Account Deleted

"Has anyone heard of this company? I just saw a link at Conservative Treehouse and wondered if anyone knew about it."

Few who follow Silicon Valley start-ups have not heard of Brian Eich's new venture. We're perched for an IPO. His team is top-shelf. His pedigree and performance record is sterling.


James D.

I went 1-2 in the championship games (correct w/ Pats, way, way off with the Packers).

I've got to go with Belichek and Brady today. Pats by 10 - competitive game for 3 quarters or so, then not so much by the end.


Proud momma moment--my oldest just won a Superbowl trivia contest at Tony Kornheiser's new establishment, Chad's in Friendship Heights in DC. (I know, CH--you hate Mr. Tony)

And thanks to the wonders of the internet, and Mr. Zuckerberg, we got to watch via livestream.

Wonder if that gets me out of going up to see him...

Captain Hate

Yes, Kraft towers over Stumpy.

Beasts of England

I did see that, anonamom, but I'm not sure I caught the drift. In my defense, I haven't slept too much in the last few days. Or maybe that's what it meant - I should date an older garbage can who won't keep me up all night? ;)


Zac Moffat: "NFL ratings down 9% during the regular season and 6% during the playoffs..."


I love watching Julio Jones, unmatched power and grace. But Atlanta had a few flag stompers early in the year.

I told my youngest Kraft owned the Patriots and made the atomic orange mac and cheese. She replied, "That man's a genius."

Go Pat's!

Captain Hate

Tony Kornheiser's new establishment, Chad's in Friendship Heights in DC. (I know, CH--you hate Mr. Tony)

That's ok; I think former Maryland head coach Gary Williams is a co-owner.

Account Deleted

"Atlanta is obviously an excellent team, but has a single person on their squad or staff ever been to the big show?"

Head Coach Dan Quinn ATL: Was a key architect of the Super Bowl Champion SEA Seahawks.


How does your son like Washington?

Beasts of England

Is Kraft a Kraft-Kraft?


Excellent article explaining how Flynn plans to
beat radical Islam.

Last week, Trump asked Flynn to work with the Pentagon and other security agencies to draft a comprehensive plan to not only defeat ISIS on the battlefield but “delegitimize its radical Islamist ideology,” and have it on his desk by the end of this month.

Advance details of the plan can be gleaned from Flynn’s book. In it, the 33-year Army veteran proposes discrediting the “evil (religious) doctrines” motivating jihadists — namely the Islamic rewards for martyrdom (or suicidal terrorism) and the totalitarian tenets of Sharia law — using psy-ops
and counter-propaganda, not just through federal government channels but also through “our schools, media and social networks.”

“If we can’t tackle enemy doctrines that call for our domination or extinction,” Flynn writes, “we aren’t going to destroy their jihadis.”

He says in the book that the government may have to draft digital media giants to help “wage ideological warfare” against radical Islam: “We can’t possibly have an effective campaign against Radical Islamic ideology without the cooperation of the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter.”


Captain Hate

Yep, I knew it sounded familiar:



I thought of you Beasts because it's clear which one is more appealing, and why you go for it, rather than waiting.
Carpe diem!


Good example Threadkiller. I heard Putin comment on what a mess (anarchy) in Libya was caused by the taking out of Gaddaffi and he made perfect sense.

The mess in Libya also is one of the reasons why so many Muslims are getting to Europe, Gaddaffi used to control the gateway, and looks like Libya will once again be getting that job.


ch, Maury Povich, Allan Bubis, and Gary Williams are co-owners with Mr. Tony (as he's known at our house. He has a daily podcast that is followed religiously by my husband and previously mentioned son).


I wish President Trump could find someone better than BOR to give important interviews to. BOR looks down on him.

Captain Hate

Libya by itself, even without Benghazi, should have disqualified Queen Stumbling Drunk.


McConnell is a typical stupid Republican. The Republicans have the opportunity of a life time before them and idiots like McConnell will mess it up.

Beasts of England

I appreciate that, anonamom, but the novelty is truly wearing off. And even running two or three miles a day, and doing a hundred push-ups and sit-ups each day, I realize that it's a young man's game. Don't be shocked to find me settled down and married in 2017. But don't tell the others. ;)


"Is Kraft a Kraft-Kraft?"

I don't think so. I was joshin' the kids.

Captain Hate

Mr. Tony's biggest offense is letting unfunny lunatics cohost PTI and just complain nonstop about Trump. Even in DC and Maryland a lot of people find that very offensive and just tune him out. He still has a lot of local sports insight from the past.

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