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June 20, 2017



shameful nyt.

had to see a diversity poster where i voted today insisting that everyone be treated the same regardless of 'talents'.




NYT has to put up with Brooks and Stephens at office parties? They are already burning in hell.

This is the healing Obama brought. Where you are known by your skin color (and whichever of 57 genders you claim), not by the content of your character. Eff that.

All seven swore the same oath of service, and paid the same ultimate price. They honor themselves through their character. I thank them for doing so.

Jim Eagle

OMG, an old white guy gave up his life to save a bunch of diverse sailors.

The world is going crazy. What will Bernie or Zippy say?

E Pluribus Unum?

Yeah, that's a start.


Sasha, More votes now! Early returns show bourgeoisie Handel in the lead.

I told you Comrade Siver's algo was sh*tski!


nyet! *Silver*

Whitey Waters

Annnnnnd...the u turn?

Miss Marple

I just posted the link from The Daily Beast about the guy saving his sailors at the end of the last thread. Am glad Maguire featured it. Medal of Honor award, if you ask me.


Re events in Belgium I related the larger pattern last june

Jim Eagle

The U Turn was after the collision to come back to the ramming. Ship on autopilot. Crew asleep. Wake up and notice the incident. Return to help.

But its a conspiracy, a Muzzie helmsman and Bush's fault, all in one.


Glad this post highlights a hero not the Orog vs GOPe election




This was newts district for the better part of 20 years were they really this deluded, rhetorical?


Team Trump’s New Strategy: Vetting More, Betting Less – Wick Media Productions

I’ve spent the past two weeks peeling back the layers of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein like an onion. With every layer I peeled back, I found one deep state connection after another. The network of government lawyers in DC is a dazzling matrix of dinner party pals, Ivy League marriages, and is probably the one place where bipartisanship flourishes; provided you subscribe to naked and uninhibited reciprocity. It’s here, like a yellowed and over-stuffed rolodex, where you will find the seedlings that sprouted the endlessly and awkwardly enduring government career of Rod J. Rosenstein

Jim Eagle


Demographics! Plus we were discussing transient professionals the other day. How many residents in this district were born and raised there versus those who have moved there in the last 4 years. I'll bet that there are a lot of transient professionals there. And that changes the voting dynamic.

Whitey Waters

We've moved on. Nothing strange about state of the art MilTech being defeated by moooooslims on auto pilot.

Whitey Waters

Like the USS COLE...

I blame senior management.

Miss Marple

Naeciso, Jack,

Also part of the Johnson district (Guam will tip over) got moved into the 6th.

Dave (in MA)

Last page thing
Last page thing
Last page thing
Last page thing
Last page thing


Well that's not helpful.


ABC News
The Latest: Mueller meets with House intelligence leaders
WASHINGTON — Jun 20, 2017, 7:40 PM ET
The Latest on the investigation into Russia's actions in the U.S. election and possible ties to Trump campaign associates (all times EDT):

7:30 p.m.

Leaders of the House Intelligence committee say they met with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to ensure their concurrent investigations don't interfere with one another.

Reps. Mike Conaway, a Texas Republican, and Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, issued a brief statement after they met with Mueller late Tuesday. The statement says the meeting was productive but provides no details about their discussion. Both lawmakers had declined to answer questions from reporters about the meeting on Capitol Hill.

Mueller is investigating Russian meddling in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

The House panel is conducting a separate inquiry into Moscow's interference in the 2016 election.

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a hacking and disinformation campaign aimed at helping Trump's candidacy.


Miss M, do they relocated voters believe the move saved Guam from tipping over? Aside, I bet Zuckerdork knows the answer. (And I am amused Tim Cook programmed "Zuckerdork" into autospell).

Ralph L

Posted by: JimNorCal
Prog always makes me think of "Orc"

Dave, you expecting a lot of comments?

Miss Marple


Maybe Cook shares our opinion on Zuckerdork.

I notice Zuck wasn't at the tech meeting, unless I missed him.

Jim Eagle

Dave reminds me that we catch the 0900 ferry to New London on Friday for our annual summer trip to Boston for Frederick's camp. For our Bosox friends we are at the Liberty Hotel over by the Charles. Friends are there and its our annual meet up.

BTW, Carl's nephew ran for Mayor in Southampton and lost last week. No Yaz in the hot seat. Show's you how much a Bosox name even local can resonate in Yankee land. But I happen to be a Bosox fan like a lot of us but just not enough.

We were settled by pilgrims from Lynn in 1640. Still has a place here with a lot of people.

Working-class Dead

By all means, it would be glorious if actual Republican opposition to Trump's many, many acts of bumbling lunacy suddenly started popping up. His budget was preposterous, his first international trip was widely described as a disaster, he's staffed government positions with persons who are either incompetent or publicly opposed to the agencies they are now tasked with heading (or both), his profit-seeking business ties continue—but the majority of Republican lawmaker effort so far appears to have gone into defending each of those things. We've yet to see a House or Senate hearing about Russian intervention or potential Trump obstruction of justice in which the Republican contribution was not primarily outrage that these things have been "leaked" to the public to begin with. Efforts to yank Trump from holding government functions at his own corporate-owned locales, surely a no-brainer for those Republicans who have peacocked off their own campaign-trail commitment to government ethics and boundaries, have zero Republican support.

So why, exactly, are reporters so fixated on this notion that the Republicans who privately grouse to them about the White House's erratic, incompetent, and dangerous behaviors will surely, sometime soon, make their break from the buffoon? How can you spend so much time covering the party's descent into a vehicle that a race-baiting, misogynistic know-nothing could easily commandeer and still be forever waiting for a faction of mythical adults in the party to come patch everything back up?

Working-class Dead

I know that's not a bug but a feature for yall.


I admit I have seen little intelligence in both senses of the word in these hearings, curveball radi aslan actually included diagrams of possible chemical installations

Miss Marple

MATT DRUDGE‏Verified account @DRUDGE 2h2 hours ago

So glad to see Trump smiling! THIS is what I thought presidency would be. Fresh, new, daring; smashing old tired norms. Where's Zuck? Ha!

Photo link for tablet and phone users:



So, Zuck wasn't invited. HA!

Working-class Dead

Ossoff, by contrast, is running a relentlessly positive campaign, betting that he can reach suburban moderates turned off by harsh partisanship. He almost never mentions Trump, though his frequent calls for a more civil, inclusive politics are an implicit rebuke to the president. Speaking at a Juneteenth celebration in Marietta, Georgia on Saturday, he emphasized that the nation’s eyes are on the district:

“This is a chance for us to stand up and make a statement about what we believe in. That we believe in kindness and decency and respect, that we reject fear and division, that we want to pursue greater economic opportunity together, not apart.”

The fact that Ossoff is doing as well as he is in such a Republican district is testament to his considerable political skill as well as to anti-Trump backlash. People often say he reminds them of Barack Obama, and not just because of his lanky frame. He has a similar unflappability and slightly aloof self-possession, and he seems to speak with a three-second delay as he carefully weighs his words. He’s committed to civil rights—his political mentor is Rep. John Lewis, for whom he interned in high school—but sells himself as a post-ideological problem-solver. Nationwide, many progressives have soured on this sort of technocratic liberalism, but it goes over well in a district that is affluent and among the country’s most highly educate

Frau Rechtsverdreher

lurkersusie - Yike!...it's worse than "I'm my own grandpa."

Beasts of England

Nice photo!!

'I'd like you to meet Mohammed, Jugdish, Sydney...'


Zruckerbeeg was a decent coder but facebook.required a much larger infrastructure like saverin who provided most of the funding after the vonklevossi caught on, and how did he repay safaris generosity, he diluted his shares into nothingness

Jim Eagle

Tim Cook. Not smiling. Pisses me off since I am a life long Apple user.
I would switch but I don't want to go to MS. Happy in my captive environment.

Have to conjure up an escape strategy. Because that guy is leading Apple into the abyss. Watch the next roll outs. Not going to catch the world on fire. The Space Ship better be able to do warp speed because they will need to escape the wrath of Wall Street. And Cook will be to blame.




Narciso, diluting angel investors is Silicon Valley SOP. All Ponzi all day.


..everyone be treated the same regardless of 'talents'

Back in the olden days that used to be called 'manners'.


Just caught up on the last thread.

When you research genealogy, history seems much closer. My grandfather lived with his grandfather who had fought in the civil war. Before the war, he was in medical school. After the war, his confederate money was useless so he tried to farm to survive. He had been wounded which affected his walking. That's why my grandfather moved in to help him. He told me many stories that his grandfather told him of their hardships.

I have his Confederate musket and fiddle.

Ralph L

Looks like they're putting a transsexual presenter on the British Baking Show.
Not appetizing
Too bad Mary Berry retired. She was charming on the Master Classes.


Well maybe so, but it's not ethical in my book. In an unrelated note they are apparently adapting that book about one of the partners of cravaith swaine who challenges Edison on behalf of westinghouse.

The Gipper Lives

E pluribus Unum, not E Unum Pluribus.

"They fought together as brothers in arms; they died together and now they sleep side by side...To them, we have a solemn obligation — the obligation to ensure that their sacrifice will help make this a better and safer world in which to live."--Adm. Chester Nimitz, Tokyo Bay, 1945

True then, true now.


Bezos looks like he got hit in the head with a shovel too. Schmidt looks like he just took a massive bong hit. The Trump team look delighted.

Frau Rechtsverdreher

Perhaps Mr. Zuckerberg did not want to change from his tee shirt* to go mingle with the other mover and shakers of Silicon Valley. Or he was not invited. heh...

I heard the statements of Jeff Bezos and one other following the meeting with Pres. Trump. They were very positive about the outcome. Who cares about Mr. Cook, JiB?

*Zuckerberg is no Steve Jobs by a long shot.

Ralph L

Looks like Trump has already replaced O's carpet & curtains. The stripes must go soon.


All seven swore the same oath of service, and paid the same ultimate price. They honor themselves through their character. I thank them for doing so.

So lovely, Henry.

Frau Rechtsverdreher

Beasts has become the JOM Scarlet Pimpernel.
"You seek him here, you seek him there..."

Was there a wedding?

Did you see I mentioned Winston Co. AL which during the Civil War included Blount and Cullman?


Glasater, I agree. But we should all thank "The Gipper Lives" for posting it.


Ralph L., Brit cooking on TV hasn’t been the same since Two Fat Ladies.

Miss Marple

Tony Katz‏Verified account @tonykatz 11m11 minutes ago

If Handel wins, Hollywood will be super angry....but they'll still make movies and tv shows in Georgia for the tax credits, right? #GA6
0 replies 2 retweets 3 likes


Pretty interesting "live estimate of final vote" feature on the NYT page that updates as new votes come in; right now it predicts a final winning margin of 1.6% for Handel. Scroll down a little below the vote total to see it.


Ralph L

Trump probably wanted to get rid of the tobacco odors (and some mold from O's hothouse).

Ralph L

Trump probably wanted to get rid of the tobacco odors (and some mold from O's hothouse).


After they memory holed thevdukes of hazard I wouldn't. Yes it was a selfless gesture like with the cole? But where was the notification from Yokohama naval statuon?

Miss Marple

Ken Thomas‏Verified account @KThomasDC 2m2 minutes ago

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) _ South Carolina Republican Ralph Norman wins special election to fill House seat vacated by Mick Mulvaney.

0 replies 7 retweets 0 likes

Jim Eagle


No offense if you think so. Seven young men including the chief deserve full respect. And it was intended. No need to switch the words.


Oops... forgot what I posted earlier. I liked the Nimitz quote as well.

Beasts of England

Hey, Frau!! I saw that earlier - The Free State of Winston as they call themselves. It's a dry county, so I don't get by there too often!

No recent weddings in my neck of the woods. Next June for the older Beastette. Pretty sure that I have a winner picked out for myself - she just doesn't know it yet... ;)



Thanks Gipper and Henry :-)

Miss Marple

Henry J. Gomez‏Verified account @HenryJGomez 3m3 minutes ago

With about half the vote counted in #GA06, Handel up 5 points.


A fellow paisan they went to zucker for posting but there links are invaluable

Miss Marple

From Twitter:

Tablet/phone link:



Time to do the Nelson muntz


JM Hanes


Tim Cook is an arrogant asshole of the first order.

I've used Macs for everything from the start, too. I thought their stuff was so superior to Windows, that I told my stock broker to buy some Apple Stock, even though nobody else seemed to think much of it at the time. When the stock price tumbled even further, I was so embarrassed that I put on my bravest face, called him up and said, I thought it would be a good time to buy some more! It wasn't long after that that Steve Jobs returned to run the show....

Miss Marple

If we wind up with Handel winning by like 2 points and Norman winning by about 4 points, that’s by no means the worst outcome for Democrats. In fact, it’s a sort of par-for-the-course one, given expectations going in. But it’s just about the most annoying possible outcome for Democrats, closing the gap in a lot of places, but not winning anywhere yet.




Meanwhile in Sean Penn's favorite place ithe world


JM Hanes

Beasts! How can you contemplate getting hitched when you're my favorite?


They should call this gornisch initiative maybe in a blue area they would shot but probably not in the industrial midwest.


On a more serious note, the Colombian guerillas have taken the measure of Santos and seem to be revving up. Second link down from the last.

JM Hanes

Nice try, Nate, but Dems have (once again) been beside themselves in anticipation of a paradigm shifting Ossoff win. Bwahahahaha, indeed!

Beasts of England

I may have been talking about you, JM Hanes!! :)


Which mate is that silver or cohn?



Pretty sure that I have a winner picked out for myself...

I sure hope so. Your heart has been dragged hither and yon over the last few years. May you find peace.

YMCA Front Desk

Dear Liberals/Trolls/Guests -

In celebration of winning two more election "moral victories" (yet no actual victories), we at the Y will keep the breakfast buffet open an extra 5 minutes tomorrow morning.



i think she has won it. It is north fulton that is largely outstanding and she is winning in cobb at a higher percentage than his in the small part of dekalb in the 6th.


Nate Bronze FTW

Beasts of England

That's very kind, DrJ - thanks!



I would say pewter:


Why is he not in kail?


Pewter is too good for him. Nate Dross.


So we know who accepted the redistricting appeal at the court.


Beasts, don't rush into anything.

Aa few of us have been living vicariously through you exploits:)


north fulton is where she lives and very republican by habit.


I love it! The CNN talking heads are all stuttering.

Clarice Feldman


American Patriots

You know what? Still not tired of winning!

Miss Marple


I live vicariously through everyone here!

My big accomplishment today was getting the clutter cleaned off the kitchen table!


Gee, what a shocker. They go from saying this is a referendum on Trump to saying "Losing by only 2 points is kind of a victory!"


Will put a smile on my face to wake up tomorrow and find that the libtards flushed $50 million down the crapper in GA race


Why do I say area is a weasel becausr he is:



The NYT range of outcomes is now entirely Handel: +0.1 to +5, forecast +2.7.

I love the smell of victory in the morning

From another website:

"So this is a referendum on Trump?

Clinton won Cobb and Fulton counties while Ossoff is losing them.

Seems to me that is proof 5 months into his Presidency Trump is more popular now then he was Nov 16."

Thomas Collins

Do the Georgia JOMers think Handel is outside the Dem cemetery vote?

Miss Marple


I have to say, for someone close to 50, Melania sure has a nice figure.


DeKalb is all in, and that's the Dem county. I think she's got it, probably by more than 3 pts.


"Do the Georgia JOMers think Handel is outside the Dem cemetery vote?"

Should be, Georgia requires Voter ID.


she was a weak candidate so this is the opposite of a repudiation of trump.


Making Chicago politics seem tame


Clarice Feldman


JM Hanes

Well, alrighty then, Beasts. :-) I'm afraid you may be too young for me, though, more's the pity, so I wish you luck on the homefront!

Janet the expert 🚬

on FB - Dave Haughey -

"What's this story about Democrat 1%ers spending $50 million to try to elect a white male cisgender to represent a district he doesn't live in, while denying the seat to a qualified woman?"


YES! Not only did the dems throw $50 mil down the toilet - they irritated the heck out of everyone - all over the state! Someone on FB was talking about voting today - her friends were saying, "But you don't live in the 6th District!" "Well hell, why have I been bombarded by all these &*%^*( ads for months and months???"

Everyone is sick, sick, sick of tossoff!

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