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July 30, 2017



HotAir headline:

Dems wonder: Could we convince Collins, Murkowski, and/or McCain to switch parties?

How do we know these jackholes already haven't?

Clarice Feldman

You're such a joker. Next you'll suggest that open borders and generous welfare policies can't work. Or that villages of busybodies and lazy jerks can't raise kids as well as cohesive families.


Beinart is just being polite here, or delusional:

Liberals must take seriously Americans’ yearning for social cohesion. To promote both mass immigration and greater economic redistribution, they must convince more native-born white Americans that immigrants will not weaken the bonds of national identity. This means dusting off a concept many on the left currently hate: assimilation.

I will relink the Breitbart story I elaborated on in my comment at the bottom of the last thread as illustrative of just how well all this social cohesion and assimilation is going over on the ivy walled campus's of Jolly Olde England: London Riots: Cambridge University Diversity Officer Under Investigation After Anti-White Racist Rant

"ALL white people are racist. White middle class, white working class, white men, white women, white gays, white children they can ALL geddit."

In other words the Campus Diversity Officer is saying, "Kumbaya over my your dead body."


Assimilation... which wins? Classic American Exceptionalism or are we to be forced into the Globalist Borg?

I doubt Beinert (or Douthat when I think about it) views the same desired end state of assimilation that I do.


notice how the only thing progressives ever consider revising (if anything at all) is their strategic approach to 'convincing'. The concept of honest discussion has been entirely lost to them.

maybe the credentialed morons (ht: insty) will be convinced by this version of their typical approach:



If Collins thinks she can win governor of Maine as Democrat she will flip.
Murkowski's dad would freak out with her running as a Dem.
However her write in campaign proved she is formidable.
I still think Palin can beat her.
What a class warfare race that would be.


Via Insty: RICHARD FERNANDEZ ON FACEBOOK: “Having neutered both sets of Washington zookeepers Putin realizes to his horror that the American wildman is on the loose.”


Assimilation meaning we redistribute our wealth that we earned and assume our proper place in the food chain.
Below illegals who will get free college, our jobs, and free healthcare


I doubt Beinert (or Douthat when I think about it) views the same desired end state of assimilation that I do.

Maybe they're both in favor of Tom Friedman's "Enlightened Communist Autocracy" but are just having trouble saying so.


The concept of honest discussion has been entirely lost to them.


That's an excellent point. Unfortunately, while they may dominate the field, progressives aren't the only ones to exhibit this characteristic.


Murkowski's dad would freak out with her running as a Dem

It beats me what that old a**hole Frank Murkowsky would think. He's the sunuvabitch that appointed daughter Lisa to his vacant Senate seat, and he's an A-hole that was fully aware of the power of incumbency in Elections, so screw him and his daughter.



thanks, B.

btw, while i'm disgusted by congress's actions that prompted it, i'm having a hard time regretting his expulsion of 750 of our 'diplomats.'

750? and that's not ALL of them?? what in god's name do we need so many 'diplomats' for?

and since they were all, presumably, people acceptable to Obama, it really seems like a net gain to me.

perhaps that is what DT and Vlad colluded over? ;-)


Obama would say it was spirited debate:

Jane (Stand against the Coup)

The more I talk to them the less I think democrats believe in anything, except being a democrat.



There is not 1 in a million chance that Sarah Palin would ever beat Lisa up here. Just calling it the way it is. I always appreciate your comments and input, so please take no offense.

Jane (Stand against the Coup)

Interesting that no one in the country appears to be interested in Venezuela.


I totally agree.
Some just vote Dem out of habit or because their parents did.

James D.

Ross Douthat is very interesting

No, he's not.


It has been a turkey shoot, Jane of course bozos lead reporter us son in law to a late Cuban spymaster so, cover it with a pillow.


Venezuela is like the Awans and the proverbial red haired step child, too embarrassing for the MSM to display in public.

I would guess very few people even know there is a problem in Venezuela -- Sean Penn would tell them if there were.


MM - going back to your earlier comment that you'd like to see more non-politicians in Congress, i thought you might like this campaign ad i came across over at CTH:



Interesting that no one in the country appears to be interested in Venezuela.

Jane I'd say it's the Media that lacks that interest in Venezuela, in the exact same way they lack interest in the Awan Brothers, in DWS's silence, in FUSION/GPS, in who paid for the the Russian Dossier, in the Clinton's tit for tat sale of Uranium to the Russians, etc. It does not advance the narrative they are interested in advancing. I thought this write up by the 'good' Roger Simon was pretty comprehensive of the things the media is not interested in:

Proliferating Scandals Make Mueller Investigation Ludicrous


Covering some of the same ground we have:


Gorgeous day up here, so off on a Bike Ride and then I'll probably stop at a favorite hamburger joint where I'll continue being a horrible racist: Restaurant Union Member: 'Tipping is a Horrific Legacy from the Days of Slavery'


One of the few interesting bits today:


Frau  Wau-wau

"However her (Murkowski"s) write in campaign proved she is the unions and NA groups are formidable."

IIRC, maryrose.
Then there is Pete Rouse who was Dept. COS for the preezy. I bet daddy knows the scoop.


It is my observation that first generations of Hispanics..those who are either brought here illegally or were born here..are not as motivated to work as their forebears were/are.

And they are fat!


If I believe the statistics that everyone is fat these days, those Hispanics are merely assimilating.


Republican Senator John McCain just singlehandedly killed the repeal of Obamacare. Now it’s time for President Trump to act. It’s time for President Trump to expose McCain and the rest of Congress for the frauds and hypocrites they are. It’s time for two Executive Orders that have the power to change everything.


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Over on Conservative Treehouse, a gal named Menagerie runs the Prayer Thread and sometimes th Open Thread for non-Trump stuff.

She posted this thread today, and boy, she is fired up!

I hope this gets passed around the halls of Congress as well as the National Review (Jonah set her off) and the other think tanks and magazines and such. It's a cry from the heart.


Captain Hate

A member of the a Horde wrote this last week:

The Democrats want to kill us.

The Republicans want the Democrats to kill us.


Good point, Henry.

Captain Hate

When I was in France in the 80s and 90s there were almost no fat people. Has that changed?

Man Tran

BoE, if you are still around, I've ridden in my buddy's 850. Nice ride and his 3rd or 4th TBM. Sadly I haven't found the extra couple of Mil hiding in the seat cushions to upgrade. It's actually pretty tight inside. You would be hard pressed to squeeze into one of the front seats. Other than that, it takes about double the fuel burn to pickup an extra 50kts. There's that damn physics biting us in the ass again.


It's been quite some time since we traveled in Mexico but explored that country pretty thoroughly and saw few fat people, Captain.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That 7:40 Horde quote is the totality of current American politics.

Might as well shut any commenting on it down until something changes.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

About DWS, Frau said on the last thread;

...and it does look as if she is wearing a damp cocker spaniel on her head.

I don't think that's very nice or very accurate.

It looks like her head is a cocker spaniel...on backwards.

I realize that is even less nice but I submit it is more accurate.


I was sure the comment would be that it's an insult to cocker spaniels. So I'll just add that.

Frau  Wau-wau

I bow to Iggy's expertise. I was quoting a comment found elsewhere, but, dang it, when I look at Debbie's "do" I see a wet spaniel. On the positive side, it does take the focus off her sour puss.

jimmyk - not all cocker spaniels make it to Best in Show. I'm sure the government wants to change the rules, but until then...

Beasts of England

Clarice has also been linked at PowerLine!!

Clarice Feldman

BOe, it's only because I had TWO Iggy quotes in it today.


Winder who drew the Brendan short straw


daddy on iPhone

On the bike ride caught a replay of a Dennis Prager Show. In providing the rationality for why he is so confident that Hillary sold out the Country for Russian money (ie: the Uranium Deal and Bill's $500 K speech) Dennis asks these simple questions of his listeners:

"How much is Hillary being paid now to give speeches, now that she is out of power and folks know she lost the Election? How much is Bill Clinton being paid to give speeches now that they are out of power and people know she lost the Election? How much is Chelsea being paid to give speeches now that her parents are out of power and people know Hillary lost the Election?

Good question.

Clarice Feldman

Love you, daddy.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Those questions go along with the absolutely spot-on question Eric Trump asked an interviewer during the campaign:

"What goods or services did the Clintons provide in order to amass their wealth?"

Beasts of England

That must be it, Clarice! :)


Ignatius having ignored the subject of his last book, unaffiliated hackers in intelligence is now moving onto something he knows nothing about quantum computing.


Maybe this has been linked already, but it's Spengler on the idiocy of Congress on the sanctions:

It is the dumbest and most self-destructive act of economic self-harm since the United States de-linked the dollar from gold on August 15, 1971, and it will have devastating consequences. The charade in the House and Senate may embarrass Trump, but it also poses a threat to European energy supplies as well as an extraterritorial intrusion into European governance. Berlin, Paris and Rome will conspire with Moscow to circumvent the sanctions while attacking the United States at the World Trade Organization and other international fora.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--BOe, it's only because I had TWO Iggy quotes in it today.--

If you found a better class of guy to steal from they'd link you at the NYT and CNN. :)

James D.

MM @ 7:37

That was a brilliant article you linked.

Clarice Feldman

Listen, Iggy--when bgates fled, I thought my writing career was over, but you stepped into the breach.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


It's exactly how I feel. I quit following Jonah Goldberg and Kevin Williamson months ago because they were dripping with contempt for Trump supporters.

I believe I outlined my exchanges with Williamson here at the time. I am not going into it again.

However, Menagerie is exactly right, and I am pleased to see she came up with a thought similar to mine: we have been on plantations just like the inner city blacks have been with the democrats.

For us, they have kept us voting for them by pretending to stand for Right to Life (except Susan Collins always demands that Planned Parenthood gets funded, so nevermind) and they fuss about the budget and the government spending (and then vote for those mammoth continuing resolutions). They promised and promised they were ready to go on repeal of Obamacare, and look what happened.

As far as I am concerned, when they mock Trump, they mock us. DC is full of people who are plotting against Trump, who are just like McCain, who thought he was so smart sticking it to the President. McCain is just not as good at hiding his venom as people like Ryan are.

Anyway, I think I will go post the link to that on Twitter.Should wake some more people up.


1. Jonah really doesn't have contempt for Trump supporters. He's friends with a lot of them including the publisher at national review.

2. When I see Debbie's do the only thing I see is grease.

3. I have nothing else to say but I don't think you can stop at 2.

Jack is Back!(On his iPhone)

Went to the beach. Read more Feynman. On this mission to be a physicist. My major before engineering. Loved it, reading under the sun, waves crashing, kids laughing and time is incidental.

All the while the world is going to end tomorrow or Trump will be impeached. Bring on today again.


DWS is inarticulate, unkempt and ugly (and dumb!). She only has the reigns of power. Take her down, and the whole power structure goes with her.


I doubt either will happen, jib, I don't see any stargoat on the horizon.

Now we remember how crimson tide started, in the film it wee a set of sanctions to Russian strikes in the caucasus, in the noveluzation it wee American aurstrikes on zeebuan positions


DrJ tell us how you REALLY FEEL about Washerwoman-Schlitz!

She prolly smells bad too.


She was my congress critter for more years then I care to remember;6



Gus, you are welcomed to defend DWS. Have at it!


DrJ, I wouldn't defend that piece of CRAP on a bet. I gave her the lovely nickname.



How is it that 80 Democrat congress critters end up hiring the same Paki con artists?

What could possibly be the motivation?

Somebody holding a "gun" to their head?


Shirley they can't be serious:



I hesitate to post his, but what the heck. Gilels, Beethoven, Hammerklavier. It is divided into parts, but it does roll to the next one.


This one is at the beginning of Beethoven's late period, where I think he is quite insane. Still, it is wonderful though the second movement is terribly depressing. And he doesn't give much light in the following fuge either.

It still is a masterwork.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


What it looks like to me is that the dems had a spy ring going operated by the Pakis and funded by the taxpayers.

I think this is the big story of the century and the press ignoring it puts them on the same side.

I have been following the stuff that the 0Hour guy has been digging up. I can't follow all of it but there are now also connections to Iranians.

These guys seem to have had connections to lots of government web sites including DoD.

Why would the dems do this? Well, some of them are stupid (Ted Lieu). Some are Muslims (Andre Carson). Some were doing what Obama wanted, I imagine. Some were probably getting kickbacks.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

There are still good people in the world:


Captain Hate

Maybe this has been linked already, but it's Spengler on the idiocy of Congress on the sanctions

I expect Levin to go ballistic on this tomorrow assuming he hasn't already done so at Conservative Review or Zuckerberg. That asshole Bob Corker threw away the Senate's constitutional responsibility to approve the treaty with Iran under 404 and now McConnell and company have decided to meddle in the Trump executive branch's ability to impose sanctions of differing severity. Meanwhile their ability to pass legislation fulfilling their campaign promises is nonexistent.

It's time to declare war on the GOP.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


This should cheer Old Lurker.


Lovely Miss M, unfortunately the LIBTARDS are NOT going to investigate themselves.
The GOPe is feckless, weak, neutered. SELF NEUTERED.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

So, I am reading the comments on the Treehouse article I posted above about career diplomats quitting and I came across this comment, which should James D., into paroxysms of rage:

"I’ve got a good one for you. Sat next to a man at Sparks in NYC this spring. Impeccably dressed black man of about 50. Was drinking a $20 glass of wine and enjoying filet tips. Only had his current job since 2008…this is why my background information is necessary:

His position was within the State Department to recommend or provide dining arrangements for foreign diplomats. That’s it. Based on his wardrobe, this man was at the $173,000 figure. His expense account was covering his $125 check."

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to know I am paying some guy an enormous salary to run around New York trying out restaurants on an expense account.


Re time machines I think the multiverse theory, which michael crichton truly explained.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

That time machine is up there in Trump Tower. I just know it!



Re: your comment @9:09 pm, the Spengler article you linked about the foolishness of the Congress approving sanctions against Russia at this pivotal point in time, was stunning. Given what we are learning about the true purpose of Putin's mischief, they had to know that the President would have no choice but to sign the legislation.

The matter of what to do about Russia should have been left to the President especially as it falls within the purview of the Executive Branch. Now, it will be up to the President to restore the situation. I can only hope that those crazy people in Congress never get away with such a bone-headed action again.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

-- Jonah really doesn't have contempt for Trump supporters.--

Then he must be a very bad writer who says the opposite of what he means. OK, I can get behind that.

Here's the problem with nevertrumpers; there is no way in hell, regardless of what they say that they don't hold Trump supporters in contempt.
They, by implication, either think, we're incompetent, corrupt and evil, like the incompetent, corrupt and evil Trump, or they think we're retarded bumpkins who are too dumb, despite our good intentions, to understand what a slavering, libidinous, crass and uncouth snake Trump is.
Is there some other logical possibility I'm missing?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

When Threadkiller shows up, he can read this gloatfest about Megyn Kelly's show being cancelled over on the Reddit site:


Miss Gullible

Impeccably dressed black man of about 50. Was drinking a $20 glass of wine and enjoying filet tips. Only had his current job since 2008

So the Bush administration was paying nattily dressed Black men $173k to find palatable grub for foreigners?


Even Al Arabia would show some shame:


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Yes, the Bush Administration was doing so, and nothing surprises me about the Bush administration, since BOTH sides were used to exorbitant expenses.

The point of the article is how bloated the State Department has become.

Frau  Aussendienst

Smiling, smiling, smiling as I read your 10:27 link, Miss M.

...many distressed people coming to her “asking if their service is still valued.”

700-plus coming back from Russia and 475 left there. If 475 Russians can handle the load here for their country, 475 should be fine for us in Russia.

My nephew just finished his diplomatic four years in Japan (served under the "über-qualified" Caroline Kennedy) with wife and three children. Their entire household will be sent to DC where he will stay for a year or more. Consider the cost connected with transporting his goods which have, during his employment with the State Department, been hauled from DC to Kyrgyzstan to London to Kiev, Ukraine to Tblisi, Georgia to Japan and now back to the US. All is at government expense.
The yuuuuge costs for bringing 700-plus households back to the US--because our Congress wanted to play foreign policy experts--will be charged to the taxpayers who have no say in the matter. For those now heading to retirement--praise Gaia--we get to pay their pensions, too, lucky us.

I hope there is massive audible rending of clothing and packing of nicknacks at Foggy Bottom as the swamp is drained, bit by bit.

Rex Tillerson is a saint and a Texas one at that.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Yes Ben, nobody here has ever criticized Bush or the government before Barry.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Glad you enjoyed it.

Your comment on the moving expenses is one everyone should understand. Most people don't think about that at all. They just think people go work oversees with some clothing and toiletries and get furniture and stuff over in that country, As you have pointed out, that isn't how it works at all.

Those embassies are alsao filled with all sorts of "outreach" staffers. I used to follow the US Embassy in Cairo on Twitter, whcih started when all of the unrest was going on over there.

What I noticed was how many programs they pushed: scholarships to American universities, conferences for Egyptian businesses, etc. All of those staffers get their stuff moved, too.


How many are at that embassy in Baghdad, which seems to be perpetually in danger.



Since 2008. What year was O'Bumblefuck Von Ladyjeans ELECTED???? And OH DEAR, who ran the STATE DEPARTMENT in O'bumble's first 4 years. Then who ran O'Bumble's State Dept for the next 4????? Hint: Not JAMES TAYLOR.

Miss Gullible

Anyone know State's current budget for fat Russian hookers with full bladders and loose bowels?


He like an old boyfriend, Ignatz. He just can't stay away.😊

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Well, it's getting late so time to head for bed.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Welp, he got Flushed! Barbara. :)


A more valuable perspective:



My Brother just returned from his latest 3 year tour of DIPLOMATIC SECURITY. He was in charge of the IRAQI Embassy after the bug out. Tough work foreign service. My brothers family has been overseas in Jordan and Suriname for 6 or the last 7 years.


Both silva and the two brads have mused on this


Frau  lokus

"Flush," what a happy sound!
"Flush" is the happiest sound around!



More lamentations:



Ig - not just Goldberg and his ilk but also all the TDS sufferers i know personally. They know full well that i'm a Trump supporter and then say shit like this to my face, and seem astounded that I take extreme offense. As I noted above, they have not the slightest interest in saying ' hey, this seems crazy or wicked to me, help me understand why you don't - what am i not understanding?'
Increasingly, and to my great sadness, they have just become dead to me.


what do you think of that Danford article, narc?


Remember that shooting in Constance, Germany I mentioned late last night? Well police now say that they have ruled out Terrorism as a motive. Here's some facts:

---the suspect--- a 34-year-old who came to Germany from Iraq in 1991 as a child.
---A security guard was killed and four other people were wounded, three of them seriously, during the rampage
---the weapon used was an M16 assault rifle
---Police officers subsequently exchanged gunfire with the suspect
---police officer was wounded in an exchange of fire with the gunman
---the gunman died

And of course the finish:

Officials investigating the early-morning shooting...said they had no details of the dispute, but ruled out a terrorist motive.

Why should we believe them? I don't.






I thought it separated the wheat from the chaff. You read the body count in caracas which includes those who were regime supporters as recently as a year ago, going down like nine pins. You see events in Birmingham and Sydney and Berlin and you wonder when not if they will escalate as is always their custom.



Narciso, there is always someone to blame for what COMMIES do. Including stealing NEWSPAPERS.


why the hell wasn't Selim given the bum's rush on Jan 21??


Why wasn't Weird Jimbo Comey given that same BUM'S RUSH on Inauguration Day?? The Dude is a fruit cake.

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