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July 04, 2017



The threat was letting S Korea and Japan off their leashes, we US riding shotgun.

Since Russia is providing Un's fuel these days, perhaps Trump will twist Vlad's arm on this one. The "oops, that was your air force that no longer exists in Syria" hint is a strong one. Really need both Vlad and Xi to shut down Un.


Did a chick or a delicate man write that article?


Happy Fourth of July fellow JOMers. Going to do a little gardening, then relax with a good book for a while in the backyard. Either a Carl Hiaassen or finish one of the fifty other books I have started.

Frau Steingehirn

Ralph Maddow, TK, covers all bases.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

henry is right.

Here are the tweets from yesterday:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 14h14 hours ago

North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea.....

....and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!



Miss Marple the Deplorable

Also, in case this went unnoticed, Henry Kissinger met with President Trump about a week and a half ago and then went to Moscow and met with Putin.

I have to find this stuff out while combing the internet, because the press isn't interested in anything but tweets.

Which may be part of the point of the tweets, when you really think about it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I hope TM's troll strategy is not simply to make so many threads olltray's tiny, demented mind short circuits.
Well, actually, if it really does short circuit I guess I do hope that's the plan.

Captain Hate

What would really get the ChiCom's attention? Talks with Taiwan.


Happy Independence Day JOM! It's a glorious one!

We ate at the Oxford Cafe yesterday. I didn't get the brains and eggs. Amazing place, Missoula.

In a couple of days we're going to meet glasater!


The olltray's mind short circuited long before TM started blogging. But cut & paste keeps it off the streets.

Clarice Feldman

Attkisson's book is out


If Trump figures out how to off the little fat ass in NK, and take down this threat, he will be seen as one of the most consequential Presidents in modern history.

And Zero will catch a massive case of butt hurt.

Hoping and praying.


A Random Avatar will be disappointed, Porch.

Glad you are having a good time!
Happy 4th everyone!!

When does SBW tell us if we won?


Beautiful country you're in, Porch. Enjoy!

Captain Hate

And Zero will catch a massive case of butt hurt

Don't kid yourself; he hates the country more than ever because DJT polls more favorably than his cheerleading MFM.


I hope TM's troll strategy is not simply to make so many threads olltray's tiny, demented mind short circuits.

I'm hoping the strategy is designed to force TBT to post one concise chronological comment that doesn't dance around what he thinks he knows.



Josh Marshall, its a shock we eve took him seriously does his thing re kimberly guilfoyle

Miss Marple the Deplorable


This looks like a book I will be looking for at the library.


And silva's will out next Tuesday, he hangs out with flathead and yet writes relatively lucidly.
In fact he made Friedman a target in his last


Yes o'donnell write a good book about jedburgh unit of the oss


From someone who has proven there are good imports from europe


Thomas Collins

Everyone have a great Independence Day! For those whose gustatory celebration tends towards cheeseburgers and Jameson, remember that you are probably doing more for your health than the kale crisp and coconut oil imbibers!


Another great gif, Potus vs CNN


Miss Marple the Deplorable


I first ran across the "forlorn hope" term when reading the Sharpe's Rifles series.

My knowledge of the Revolutionary War is very lean, partially because here in Indiana there were no battles except for Vincennes, and my high school American history concentrated heavily on the Civil War.

I look forward to reading that book.


Have immigrant families in three of the ten homes on my cul de sac.

The Polish Astrophysicist and his wife have a huge 4th of July party going.

The Russian and Ukrainian couple had a serious fireworks thing going on last night.

Plenty of flags flying.

Great to see this embrace of their new country. Of course their kids are as 'Murican as anybody else's.

Chinese couple, as you would expect, are quiet as church mice.


Independence Day

Land of the free
Because of the brave.


Ditto, you see on turn, they were this rag tag militia essentially fighting the best equipped and trained army in the world,,It was divine providence they succeeded.



JM Hanes


This was just too much fun to leave on the last thread, so I lifted it from your link to Don Surber:

Celebrate photo DD5cmH6XUAEKySh_zps6yapg4se.jpg

LOL, indeed!


Heh, jmh.

They are having their own independence with brexit.


I have to side with the Christie haters on this one:


Since he hit the national stage he has down two good things that I can recall.

He hollered at some dumb broad at a town hall and he scrambled Sippy Ricardo's ROM and RAM.

Other than that? Nothing comes to mind.


...has done...

Miss Marple the Deplorable


So true.


This really belongs on the previous thread, but since threads die here as soon as a new one appears, it's going here.

This is an important holiday for Italian-Americans, and we all want to wish you a happy Feast of the Strong Ice Cream.



James D.

Josh Marshall, its a shock we eve took him seriously

What sane person ever took him seriously?

Jim Eagle


Back from the Parade and saw your Q on my time at Davis Besse. Only a management visitor never worked there. But I did spend a weekend only to go to Cedar Point and take the Ford Tri-Motor over to Put-in-Bay. I think it was around 1972 or even after since I made several trips up to the plant. This was for the Steam Generator replacement program.

BTW, for all here. Have you seen this "Art in your Coffee" video. A young South Korean barista. Clever as hell.



Who's Josh Marshall and why should I GAF?

Captain Hate

I take a back seat to no one regarding scorn for Fat RINO Bastard but the coverage that MSDNC gave to the capricious closing of lanes on a bridge versus the attempted killing of multiple US congress critters illustrates the propaganda nature of the beast as well as anything.


Clever, indeed, JiB.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I can't imagine having that level of talent to make those pictures on coffee.

Also, if you served me one of those, I would have a hard time drinking it and destroying the picture!

Clarice Feldman

Here are the dots--in black and white. To connect them it helps to hace decided ahead of time where they leadhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiMjfrZmvDUAhUIbD4KHaNYCZYQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpages.cs.wisc.edu%2F~glesener%2Fstereograms.html&psig=AFQjCNHvziI7BECxpU7YIhY_08iZxX6zmQ&ust=1499277671750624

Clarice Feldman

On the waPo front page lead in to the Gard case is the note that Trump "intrudes" himself into the case.




I'm not sure how much "context" helps Christie on this. Yes, it's the governor's beach house, but how tone deaf do you have to be to close the beaches to the public and then be seen at a Jersey beach in any context. Not to mention the fact that a bathing suit isn't his best look.


Clarice... My eyes must be broken.

Jim Eagle

Clarice at 2:02 = LOL.


CH, from the last thread on these people like Ana Navarro: It's a pretty easy decision for anyone lacking in principles. If you are a "Republican" operative or journalist without principles and can be convincingly anti-Trump, you write your own ticket to any number of possible jobs on network, cable, and major newspapers like the NYT, WaPo, and LAT. By staying with the party and supporting Trump your opportunities are limited.

Of course it may be shortsighted, especially if we can get James D's bonfire going good and strong. Or Clarice's pikes.


And I meant to add, while there examples of these spineless traitors going back to 1775, the first one I remember is Kevin Phillips. His appearances on network news shows spiked after he became 'disaffected' with the Republican party. (Not that there isn't plenty to be annoyed about with the party, but not in the way he went.)


And while I'm talking to myself here, this is not the usual 4th of July commemoration, but worth remembering. I doubt any leaders today would have the spine to do what Churchill did.


Clarice Feldman

Thnx, jimmyk-I never knew that.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The thing that pisses me off about guys like Kevin Phillips, Michael Gerson, Bruce Bartlett, et al is they aren't honest enough to admit they are not in any real sense conservative anymore, unless taken in the sense they wish to conserve all of the progressive project so far thrust upon us.

At least when a lefty like Irving Kristol, Norm Podhoretz or David Horowitz makes the journey from left to right they no longer claim to be of the left.

These other dorks drop 90% of the conservative agenda by throwing up their hands and invoking the courageous political philosophy of "if you can't beat em join em" but then claim to still be conservatives and insist on lecturing those of us who haven't evolved a strange new respect on what it means to really be a conservative.
F. Em. All.


Ah kenpvin Phillips I haven't heard that name in a few years he was on w like yogi on a milkbone then mostly silence.


Our Independence Day – Wick Media Productions

On July 4th, we celebrate how we came to be and who we want to be tomorrow. As for everything in the middle, well, we must acknowledge it and learn from it. Our sins, our wars, our riots and our failures are the roadmap from Independence Day to November 8th, 2016. We are not ashamed to be the greatest and wealthiest nation on the planet. We earned it. We have the military cemeteries to prove it. We have sacrificed, we have lost, but in the end we are defined by how much we win. Donald Trump simply wants us all to win again. By leaving a life of fame and wealth to become an unpaid Commander-In-Chief, he adds to the lore of our larger-than-life, and admittedly, flawed American heroes like Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy and Reagan.

The media and the frenzied left can attack Trump all they want, it hasn’t fazed his supporters in the least. He has freed us from caring about fake news and partisan attacks. When we elected Trump as our president, we announced our independence from all of that nonsense. It was, for all intents and purposes, our Independence Day. Happy Birthday, America.



He mist revrntly Rhode an uninspired tale on the ameru an revolution the cousins war, which doesn't have thevflair of philbrick or even Ellis.


+1 Prudence. Thnx jimmyk.


Recently and Americans, yes the plump latina went from dissing the huntress Cruz and trump, through her waves of incompetence from maverick to skincrawling @danube to the Medici.


Happy Independence Day to all.

Great link Lurker!

MM, if you've never been to Vincennes you ought to give it a shot. The George Rogers Clark memorial is quite impressive and commemorates one the the truly great feats of arms of the Revolutionary War and one of it's most consequential.

The St Francis Xavier Cathedral is right there for you to check out to boot, one of the few Basilica's in the US.

It'd be a day trip for you and well worth the effort


Great link JimmyK.

You can be certain Barack "Chamberlain" Obama would have made the wrong decision.

I won't be surprised if in the near future DJT needs to make a similar decision.


Catch of the day


Clarice Feldman

Heh, lurkersusie


There seems to be a Herman wok theme today at poerrline:

I've read both war books and his power series on Israel.


Last week in New York, the AP editor entered my meeting with the bureau chief and said, with some finality, “Our job is to hold officials accountable.”

“No, it’s not,” I replied. “Your job is to report, and our job, as readers, is to hold those officials accountable. Don’t make our judgments for us. An article should be like a nautical chart, necessarily abbreviated but still accurate. A nautical chart is useless if you leave out shoals that exist or put in shoals that are not real.

“You are nobody special. No one put you in charge. You are only as good as the story you write today, and yet you regularly let even the simple things trip you up.

“There was a time journalists were trusted and admired -- a time when they showed expertise. An expert is someone who explains things so clearly even we can understand.”

“AP used to have hundreds of locally-owned newspapers whose old-school editors would hold reporters accountable. Now, with most of the thousand daily newspapers owned by corporate chains and staffed by people who rip-and-read, AP doesn’t get the feedback it needs to protect its brand.”

Captain Hate

Nice early fireworks, sbw.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--“Our job is to hold officials accountable.”--

If he believes that he should fire himself because he only holds one side of the spectrum's officials accountable.

Thank you for speaking truth to power dumbasses, SB.


Partying in the Hamtons

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway spotted at Washington Post editor's Hamptonshttp://www.washingtonexaminer.com/ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-kellyanne-conway-spotted-at-washington-post-editors-hamptons-party/article/2627672

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Kellyanne Conway wined and dined with heavy hitters including Steven Spielberg, David Koch and George Soros at the home of Washington Post senior associate editor Lally Weymouth in the Hamptons on Sunday night.

President Trump's daughter and son-in-law were spotted talking with the former chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, Joel Klein, and Alan Patricof, who founded Apax Partners, one of the world's biggest private equity firms, according to a Politico Playbook report.

Conway, senior counselor to Trump, was spotted on the dance floor at the annual summer party in Southampton.

Week Twenty-Three of the Trump White House in Review
Among the other well-known guests at the bipartisan soiree were Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; billionaire investor and Trump friend and special adviser Carl Icahn; Trump deputy national security adviser Dina Powell; former New York City Police Commissioners Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton; former Florida Sen. Bob Graham; and Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo.

Guests walked a gold carpet from the parking area to a large tent set up next to Weymouth's home, sipped champagne and feasted on rare filet, fried chicken and cornbread followed by dessert including American flag cookies, according to Playbook.


Curious, saw, did they feel this urgent need with Obama, rhetorical, they sent eleven fact checkers after the huntress who was not a public ifficiak at the time if her memoir.

Churchill was someone not unfamiliar with power, but his principle kept him out of the pinnacles while lesser men like Baldwin and chamberlain made a hash of things

JM Hanes

Amazing video, lurkersusie! Reminds me of my poor Brown Thrashers encounter with the Red Shouldered Hawk:

 photo 7667-Thrasher-Hawk-04_zpsbw9zrw3c.jpg

I'm just glad to be at the top of the food chain. Thanks, 2nd Amendment!

I also appreciate the Wick Media quote. I really feel more optimistic about the American Experiment than I have for some time. Thanks, Mr. President.

Jim Eagle


We have an Osprey pole-nest at Munn's Point in Shinnecock Bay that you walk to on a boardwalk. There are 3 young ones in there and papa hawk is vary if you get to close. They hare known to spice up their seafood diet with squirrel and rabbit.

Incidentally, David Koch's summer beach house is across the road from Munn's Point.

Jim Eagle

....have been known.....

Captain Hate

I really feel more optimistic about the American Experiment than I have for some time.

Me too, and thanks for that reminder of what we are.

Clarice Feldman

Good work, as usual, sbw. Maybe we need an AP fact check site and invite people to post errors of fact and judgment.


kudos, sbw. I'm sure it was like speaking to a brick wall, but it has to be said.

You should consider writing up your encounters with AP and finding an outlet--maybe the WSJ.

Clarice Feldman

A FB friend of mine, Lynn Chu is an author's representative, SBw. You might want to contact here is you want to write a book on My life with the AP.

Clarice Feldman

*her if*

JM Hanes

Bravo, SBW! Well done. I am so grateful you're manning the ramparts! I truly mean that. Whenever you report on pushing back, I think maybe all is not lost.

I have a couple of suggestions for your reading list, which I'll put in separate posts.

The first is Kenneth Roberts' Oliver Wiswell. I'll quote a bit of the Kirkus Review, which sets the historical stage. The full review includes spoilers, and Roberts is a such a great story teller, it's worth avoiding them. We may call it the Revolutionary war, but...

here we see the story of a Civil War, when we have accustomed ourselves to think of the Colonies as putting up virtually a united front to England. We see in many parts of the country, a majority of the people, and everywhere a majority of the upper classes and the intelligentsia of their day, determined on finding a way out without bloodshed, and paying the price in being made victims of lawless mobs, incendiaries, pillagers, sadists of the worst type, thrust from their homes, tarred and feathered, tortured and often killed -- all because they demanded their right to independence of belief in the face of a new kind of tyranny. Oliver Wiswell was a Yale undergraduate, who came home on the eve of his father's victimization -- and who tells his story. The scene is Massachusetts; Boston provides shelter briefly; then the high seas and Halifax, if shelter it could be called under British ineptness and red tape and inelasticity and stupidity. This is no paean of praise for either side. He is extraordinarily objective, standing firm for an ideal, for a right, seeing the abysmal stupidity of both sides, but holding fast, fighting when need arose, for what the Loyalists believed in. 

As I recall, I was in my mid-teens, when I read it, and I was shocked to find myself wondering if I would have been a Revolutionary or a Tory. Oddly enough, my family actually had folks on both sides. My father's family cast their lots for revolution, my mother's family fled to Nova Scotia. I always made the knee-jerk assumption that I would have been on the "right" side. Ultimately, Robert's novel helped me to understand the kind of courage it took to wage that battle in a new, perhaps more profound, way, which is why I would recommend it for a spot on your list.


Great link by narc on Herman Wouk at 3:22. What a story, what a life. And to write a new novel at 97! He's still kicking at 102.

And maybe I've overdosed politics, but it's hard not to see a parallel of the snobbish critics of his novels with the TDS insanity of the "intellectuals" like Frum, and to admire Wouk for evidently plowing ahead and not giving a damn for the reviewers. Kudos to Commentary for taking a fresh look. (Incidentally, the Michael J. Lewis who wrote the piece is not the Michael Lewis of "Liars Poker" et al fame.)

Jim Eagle

I know the Weymouth house on Wyandach Lane just down the street from me. She is Katherine Graham's daughter.

When I bike to Wyandach beach I pass it. NIce layout.

Have no idea why I wasn't invited:)

Captain Hate

As I recall, I was in my mid-teens, when I read it, and I was shocked to find myself wondering if I would have been a Revolutionary or a Tory.

This is the question a good education should have its recipient ask. Even though I like to consider myself the product of a reasonably good education, I never had these unpleasant choices presented to me, at least formerly. In fact it's been online that I ultimately understood how split the country was pre Revolutionary war (and after for that matter, but that's a different topic). I was taught in school that Torys existed but it was always a stark class based split with no real burrowing down into what were the hard choices people made.

Old Lurker

SBW...how did they respond to you?

Jim Eagle

BTW, if Dina Powell was there, who was left at the WH to do the leaking? Ivanka was nuts bringing her into her Dad's lair.

Surprising K.T. McFarland and Wilbur Ross weren't there since they are Southampton locals. Maybe they were. Saw Alan, her husband, at St. Andrew's Dune Church Sunday where our pastor at Sacred Hearts was guest homily speaker.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Scott Adams predicts what happens after the public realizes Trump is effective.

Please watch until he explains the genius of the tweet which included the words MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL.


"While Hitler's Kriegsmarine couldn't beat the Royal Navy by itself, a combined Franco-German fleet could easily win that fight. That's why Hitler wanted the French fleet anchored off the Algerian coast. And it's why England couldn't let him have it."

It was a combined Italian-Franco fleet in the Mediterranean sea that worried Churchill.

Jim Eagle

Okay, travellers. How many of these have you been to? At No. 33 you'll see our old friend Bad!


Miss Marple the Deplorable

My understanding of the Revolution came from my mother's work in geniology (hard work in the days before the internet).

My maternal grandfather's family emigrated from The Isle of Guernsey and were Tories. My paternal grandfather's ancestors came to North Carolina after losing the Battle of Culloden and fleeing the crown; they fought with the Revolution.

My mom's mother was miffed that she couldn't use that ancestor to join the DAR, so my mother had to find another relative from a different branch so that she could join.


I was taught in school that Torys existed but it was always a stark class based split

It has been a real eye opener as Mrs. Buckeye researches family from that period. She has found many accounts of people's lives and political ties, before and after the Revolution.

Saying it was a stark class based split is a gross oversimplification. Seems as though more a case of where your bread was getting buttered. A lot of bet hedging seemed to be SOP.

Not terribly different than today if you think about the party the Kushners and Conways were invited to:)

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I have been to nothing west of the Rockies, so all of the California, Oregon, Aeizona, Alaska and Hawaii sites are no.

Been to Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Badlands, Devil's Tower, Shenandoah, Blue Ridge, Charleston and the Berkshires.


sbw...thank God for an honest editor, journalist like you 🇺🇸

it seems as if our serenity has been breached ☹️...may a firecracker whiz into your computer board

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Here's a site which gives you a glimpse into the attitude of the average Brit, one I was struck by as I travelled in Canterbury and Dover several years ago with my sister. They would say this stuff to us because we were Americans.


Be sure you read the comments, too.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Another worthwhile day to compare Google and Bing.

Bing = a dazzling overhead shot of the statue of liberty.

Google = a bizarre bunch of crudely drawn black critters standing in front of even cruder pine trees looking up at some stars with an overall red white and blue motif.
Substitute green for blue and you'd have some half witted five year old's crayon scribbling of a nativity scene filled with Alaskan fauna and a pig.
They're better off when they just ignore anything to do with patriotism or God. Stick to what you know Larry and Sergey; acquisitiveness and undermining the freedoms that made you possible.

Manuel Transmission

Back from our 4th parade. Several highlights, but Velma (our pal, Ivory) has to be the top billing. The Chicago performance was such a hit a few weeks ago that the gals all are in a weird high/withdrawal state looking for what to do next.

56 is the new 30. :)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Here is the live stream from the White House for the military picnic and fireworks and such.

I believe President Trump will make remarks. Hasn't started yet.



OL: SBW...how did they respond to you?

I met with four AP staff -- first with a state rep and our new bureau chief for about an hour and a half.

Then about 20 minutes with the editor -- I have been ambiguous about the type and title of the editor out of courtesy -- as that editor was the one I responded to with my written summary.

Finally, had lunch with the state rep and a foreign editor.

Too soon to judge about the editor I wrote about, but a channel of communication was opened and that is positive.

Most “progress” made with the first group insofar as they were obliged to face that their view of journalism today was not unchallenged.

I gave our new bureau chief a copy of my chapter that explained, with examples, where journalism is broken. I challenged him not necessarily to agree with me, but to be able to explain where I might be wrong.

I gave our state rep a copy of my two series that provide evidence that there is more at stake than simple politics. I warned them not to accept at face value how words are being used -- that common meanings are being twisted. Good journalism requires them to ask “What do you mean by that?” for such words as globalism, capitalism, etc.

I warned them that for the elite, globalism did not mean free trade and travel but rather centralized control, and where did the individual fit in that scene.

I asked them to whom does an education belong, the individual or the state? I pointed out that Cass Sunstein thought it was perfectly okay for the elite to lie to citizens to promote policies that *they* deemed in the best interest of their view of society.

I said that for the elite, “democracy” meant a process to validate whatever they could convince a majority to vote for, even if it was not in the best interest of citizens.

I defined democracy for them as something different -- as a process that codifies the humility that you just might be wrong and that allows the smallest voice to suggest a better way to an audience tuned to listen.

I urged them to go beyond the clichés designed to put us to sleep. Instead to provide evidence.

I asked them -- and the editor, too, to define “news”. My definition is that news is what you need to know to plan your better future. It is neither information nor opinion.

It was fun to challenge their conventional definitions about words they use, like democracy, principles, education.

I challenged them to differentiate between culture and society and to see what minimum requirements might be for civil society between individuals.

I challenged them to see that individuals created society for their mutual benefit and created journalism between individuals and society. I explained that we readers hired editors to help us refine our mental maps the better to make decisions and that we would fire editors who did not understand the limits of their jobs.

So, how did they respond? To soon to tell. I challenged their comfy chairs. I have yet to measure the effect, but I certainly feel better for trying.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Starting now!


Captain....I've been to 45/50 on the CN list you posted @4:33...but the list left off many treasures of USA...

like Gettysburg...Painted Desert...Durango-Silverton Railway...Williamsburg....Talladega Speedway, heh 😉

Jim Eagle

Zippy isn't the only one who bows down to the Sandbox Kingdom.


Captain Hate

Out of curiosity, how much was public?

And what years?

Public grades 1-8
Mackerel Snapper 9-12

Miss Marple the Deplorable

President Trump gave a nice speech welcoming and praising the military.

Got a text from a friend that Bret Baier was complaining he didn't mention North Korea in the speech, and that is what his panel is concentrating on.

This is nuts. You have a definite crisis and lots of delicate negotiations going on, and Trump is criticized for not mentioning this at a picnic?

Boy am I glad I ditched cable. I have distrusted Baier since the first GOP debate with Megyn Kelly. Baier was in on it too.

Texas Liberty Gal

JIB - I've been to 35. My dad was a school principal and every summer we would take a 4 week vacation traveling to a different part of the country. Camped the whole way. Only state we never got to was Alaska.


Apparently the humor Twitter account for Sean Spicier is on fire. He thanked Hillary for donating unused election fireworks for today's White House 4th of July celebration?

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