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August 20, 2017



RattlerGator mentioned it. I haven't seen any of it yet.

Captain Hate

I will be doing other things.

Jim Eagle

what is game of thrones and do they play football?

Clarice Feldman

I never watch TV. It's a problem only in some of the recently dumbed down NYT crossword puzzles.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


A little more information, a couple of pictures, and of course, all sorts of speculation in the comments, the most serious being that our radar system has been compromised.

Clarice Feldman

I'm up with The Gunger Games, though. As my grand daughter explained the plot, it seems to be sure to turn a lot of young people off centralized govt.

Clarice Feldman

*Hunger Ganes*

Frau Steingehirn

If we get to bash Hillary!, I'm in!
(Burn her; Billy Jeff doesn't care.)

Dave (in MA)

Speaking of thrones, I was asked to see what's wrong with the downstairs toilet.

Buford Gooch

Thanks, Dave. Your humor always lightens things up.


I watch Game of Thrones
Central theme:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Just ask Cersei.

Captain Hate

Speaking of audiovisual entertainment, a fellow Moron on the book thread recommended Secondhand Lions with Robert Duvall and Michael Caine. I know that there are a lot of fellow Bobby D fans here so for those of you who've seen it, how does it rank in your personal hierarchy?


Think of it like dune except in the grimy earth with dragind instead of sandworms, house taergryn is of the good guys and house lannistee is decidedly not, baratheon has a full subscription of issues.

Buford Gooch

I thought Second Hand Lions was quite good. I'm not a specific Duvall fan, but it's a good movie.


I know consider the source but even they note something is amiss


Remember they recently extradited that other imam to the UK from Spain, who wee on the frequent traveler circuit despite being on multiple watchlists


"Sometimes it appears the whole world has been using us as their piggy bank, their defender, or both. That's why we've hired Donald Trump to do something about this state of affairs." - RG.

true that.


Re Game of Thrones, our youngest insists this replicates her watching it..


Two thumbs up for Secondhand Lions. All ages enjoyed it at our house.


The Barcelona incident starts to sound a lot like Berlin wrong documentation enabled amri to cross thread countries before ending in Italy. Why did he end up in Milan, it a long time sanctuary.

Captain Hate

Thank you, BG.

Whether he knows it or not, tomorrow night's "Town Hall" with Jake Tapper is a big moment for Paul Ryan. You know there will be a bunch of plants trying to get a "that's not who we are" out of him; instead he'd better be ready to administer a Barroid Bonds crank job off the screws on Antifa, hopefully associating those thug creeps with the JEF's OFA, although I'm surely delusional on the latter most point. Still, he'd better not gag on this.

Captain Hate

Thank you, Deb.


This is what stupidity fueled by hatred does. The vandalized statue of Father Junipero Sera is in the park across the street from where one of my sisters attends church every Sunday.



They were recently spotted near paris



Matt on the previous thread: he argued that good and evil and right and wrong exist without faith

Painting good and evil requires an object on which good and evil is practiced.

One can judge effect independent of one’s religious beliefs.


Is anyone else watching Game of Thrones or do I binge alone?

My perfect record remains unbroken---never seen a minute of it.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

Secondhand Lions is one of the few DVD's I ever purchased because I liked it so much.

I saw it in the theater years ago on a weekend when there weren't many good movie choices and took a chance because i love both Michael Caine and Robert Duval.

It is a wonderful, wonderful movie which is difficult to describe, but it is memorable and I guarantee you will love it.


Langdale doesn't make the next logical leap, martin and/or his associate is part of this hacker syndicate, that is actually mire disturbing than if he were merely tied to fab or Chinese state security.

Clarice Feldman

Captain Hate, I love "Secondhand Lions"


Someone he we respect will die in some gruesome way, and/or someone we loath.


So two seasons ago cersei wee humiliated, last season she killed off all who had threatened her. She may end up dead this time.


I guess the challenge is similar to that of crowcass after the second world war


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Think I will head to bed.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--USS John S. McCain collides with merchant ship near Strait of Malacca--

That's two.
The third time is enemy action.

Captain Hate

My, my, my, thank you for the much appreciated comments on Secondhand Lions.

This was the earlier exchange;

My book group is reading The Buried Book by D. M. Pulley, a surprisingly engaging page turner about a nine year old kid whose slutty mother drops him off at her brother's farm north of Detroit in the early 50s, to keep him away from something sketchy she's involved with.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 20, 2017 09:32 AM (y7DUB)

LOL. That sounds a little like "Secondhand Lions," a movie highly recommended by the Moron Community. It stars Robert DuVal and Michael Caine as two "eccentric" long-lost uncles a young boy's slutty mother drops him with for a summer. Get the DVD from your library. Suitable to watch with young 'uns as well.
Posted by: SandyCheeks at August 20, 2017 10:00 AM (joFoi)

Buford Gooch

Yes, the third time is enemy action. Most likely the first two were too. Our navigation system has likely been compromised.

Texas Liberty Gal

I've been bing watching Games.. - started about a week ago - am on Season 4, episode 9. Always turned my nose up at it but my sons convinced me to try to watch it and now I'm hooked. Too much nudity & violence though.

Frau Steingehirn

"Our navigation system has likely been compromised"

Heads should roll, imho.

Texas Liberty Gal

narcisco - no spoilers please!!!!!!!


From Narciso's 09:26

French newspaper Le Parisien reported on Sunday night that the Audi A3 used in the Cambrils attack was caught speeding in the Paris region about a week ago.

710 Miles.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Seems not too smart if our navigation systems have been compromised that they would let us know it.
Maybe they're showing off but seems like something one would want to hold in reserve.

Captain Hate

I don't see how any reasonable person can argue against the navigation system being compromised, which had to be under consideration after the first.


No im just extrapolating from past events, hobbies would point to westerns and say this is what I mean 'by nasty brutish and short'

Captain Hate

Frau, The Luminaries is the next book to be read by the group.


They could be hacking the gps, although that still doesntvexplain the radar anomaly, yes I know that's out of another bond film, but this is where we find ourselves

Frau Steingehirn

Jane? Anyone else who might not be watching "Games of Thrones" or has no fly fishing lures to finish tying:

How did Onkel Adolf get "elected"? It was not by very much at all. I had seen data that showed it was not the poor and unemployed but more of the working and shop keeper class; however, this study by an English researcher is very interesting and shows the urban/rural and Protestant/Catholic aspects starting in 1930.

The Nazi Party was therefore without doubt a Volkspartei: recruiting its members and its voters across a broad range of social groups, from both sexes and from the older as well as the younger generation. However, this support was never able to deliver enough votes for a parliamentary majority, nor was it distributed randomly across German society. Being a Catholic, unemployed or living in a large town significantly reduced the likelihood of voters to opt for Hitler, as did the existence of strong ideological and political traditions. Conversely, being a Protestant in rural Germany greatly increased such a propensity, as did the absence of strong loyalties. The structure of Nazi support therefore requires that explanations of the rise of Hitler are not simply reduced to the experiences and sentiments common to all Germans, but must take into account both the timing of Nazi success and the specific grievances of those who did choose the NSDAP to speak for them.

While the Nazis did beat the snot and teeth out of stragglers to their cause, they and the communists had already been fighting and murdering each other for many years.


Yrs that Bo by Richard krebs ska Jan valtin, I linked yesterday showed the communist mo, dictated from on high


Actually this might prove enemy action the lake champlain had a runin with a Korean vessel in may


CH - I am sure you are convinced by now but don't miss "Secondhand Lions"! It is a real gem of a movie.

I think I will put it on my watch list as I am avoiding some of my usual unpleasant entertainment while I heal. I've been looking up old Andy Griffith shows on YouTube and craving more wholesome things like that.

Loved your beautiful Labs, daddy. Is that a "fetching tag?" I can't read it but those are so unique with cute phrases.

JIB - Adorable Beagles - I can only imagine how they would sound with audio! I bet in her dreams Lady catches those deer!

Here is Darby at the beach last month - first time she saw a seagull!

Captain Hate

Darby looks justifiably apprehensive of those flying vermin.


We loved Secondhand Lions, which we watched on recommendation from others here.

I was forced to watch about ten minutes of the first episode of Game of Thrones. Thought it was terrible.

However, this is hilarious:

Winter Is Trumping


Great dog photos, y'all. daddy, glad the photo site worked for you!

Frau Steingehirn

CH - I am enjoying The Great Upheaval immensely. What a rich gathering of events, participants, and excitement, even when the outcomes are known.

Frau Steingehirn

narciso - thanks for mentioning the Krebs/Veltin book again. Kerr's Bernie Gunther books show the political tensions of the period as well.


[1] (re Game of Thrones)

Well, TLG, since you're only in Season 4 I guess we can't discuss this episode that just concluded. Do you suppose you'll be current next week ??? I binge-watched like crazy just to get caught up and watch the last two episodes of the season in real time.

You're right, though: lots of nudity. I'm amazed at the number of Betty Bad Asses in this series. A bit off-the-charts crazy, to me.

And Narciso, you're right -- that chick Cersei? She gots to go.

* * *

[2] (about our excellent U.S. Navy)

WTF is going on? This is a very worrying development. It would be good if someone on the board has a calming take that makes sense. Otherwise, this is going to be a tough night to get some good sleep.


What the hell is going on with these ship collisions?


I love Secondhand Lions. I have no idea how many times I've watched it.

Another Bob

We ought not discount the possibility that Navy discipline and officers aren't what they used to be.


Another Bob

And of course, we have this too...



My grandfather a copy, you'll find it very Larry to find in anynlibrary, the Marxists ofcourse try to disavow anything he revealed yearsvlater.


Purging the generals, of course. It's almost as if we had an enemy in the WH for eight years.


Both reasons are credible, Another Bob. Likely the former in the case of the Navy.

I'm glad my Navy uncles aren't alive to see it.


I am enjoying The Great Upheaval immensely.

Me too, Frau.

Chapter 4 starts tomorrow, and I'll have about 5 hours uninterrupted to make a dent.

Ralph L

I was surprised in polls last summer that enlisted/non-coms were solidly Trump, officers less so. You think they'd be gruntled enough by now.

CH, were you answering Ignatz, or did that just happen?

Clarice Feldman


Ralph L

We watched the new Endeavour on PBS. The reception kept failing at key moments. Whoever moved the broadcast spectrum should be shot. I'll have to watch it online later, but I already know who did it.

Frau Steingehirn

daddy - Chapter 4 has the slavery question clearly detailed and every joker who sneers about the 3/5 designation should have to read this out loud on his/her local radio and TV station. When Mr. Frau wrote a journalist at the LATimes to explain the basis, the man wrote back and said it was all new to him and he understood but he was not going to change his message to the public.


I don't think this was addressed in the after action report:



Sounds more the koachi cell, just in spain


Texas Liberty Gal

RG - I'll definitely be current next Sunday. I started last Sunday and I'm almost done with 4 seasons so watching 3 seasons this week should be easy. The only thing that delays me is 2 of my sons always want to watch the last 2 episodes of each season with me, Otherwise I'd probably be done.

Captain Hate

CH, were you answering Ignatz, or did that just happen?

Just happened; I was responding to Buford Gooch. Iggy makes a good point but you shouldn't underestimate the potential for hubris in an enemy.

Janet the expert 🚬

ran across this link on my 'on this day' feature -

This was last year August 20, 2016
Watch the first video.

"When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage."...

"Agitators could be seen following attendees down a sidewalk screaming expletives and throwing objects."....


"Minneapolis police spokeswoman Sgt. Catherine Michal said there were no arrests, the Star Tribune reports."

It is beyond unbelievable that President Trump & his supporters are being labeled evil & dangerous.

Where was all the concern when THAT hatred & violence was happening?
Did Democrat politicians make statements denouncing THAT?
Where were the screaming headlines & op-eds in every "news"paper?
Were TV talking heads & late night comedy hosts having emotional breakdowns over that violence & hatred?

Captain Hate

Not surprised but still pleased with the reactions to Great Upheaval.


Wink sets his books around an framing date, one might say pastille day is the key one in upheaval, in the colonies it created serious strife, in France it lead to the terror, and in Russia, a near century of Russian winter


They have to stop incarcerating regular run of the mill criminals with hardened terrorists.

Another Bob

The interesting coincidence is all three - Lake Champlain (that hit a Korean fishing boat earlier this year), Fitzgerald and McCain - are guided missile ships.

Common-mode failure of some kind?

Ralph L

Janet, my lefty sister says all those attacks were done be a pro-Trump operative. We really do have a different set of facts now.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Single payer nirvana stories;
Checkout girl at the local market has to take her new glasses off to see because her Medical financed pair are the wrong prescription.
Daughter's roommate with 4 year old son with 104 fever misdiagnosed for several days by Medical financed docs until he had sepsis.
Ok now, no thanks to the unaccountable single payer colossus.


Maybe they might make it after all:



If someone's jamming our GPS satellite signals then we're depending on GPS too much. They might be able to renovate the old LORAN towers but that might take a while. The simple answer IMO, is to navigate with GPS and check your position the old fashion way, before GPS or LORAN...Dead-Reckoning. Time, speed and distance, knowing any two of these and you can figure out the third. A watch measures time, a paper nautical chart and a parallel plotter measures distance, now we need a chart with known speeds and we can figure out our position, heading or destination using dead-reckoning. Run a measured nautical mile every 250 RPM's and record the time to make an RPM Chart.

good nite

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Sam and Dave; Wrap It Up.


Maybe they might make it after all:

Not if the irresponsible Press keeps up its current behavior.

Why, when the Press constantly refuses to identify the names, the religions, the motives, or the photo's of the perps, do they then turn around and publish for every Tom, Dick, and Muhammed in the world to see, the following about the Cop who killed the Cambrils Jihadi's:

---A front page photo showing the back of his head with a big red circle around it thus making it very easy to identify him,

---His special background training in elite Special Forces, making it easier to identify him and putting a target on his Special Forces Unit

---Describing him as a married Father, thus letting the bad guys know he has a wife and kids, further helping to identify him and making it known there are some other targets close to him that can be hit as revenge, and to send a message to future cops who might try to stop perps---beware.

---it adds this: After leaving the armed forces he joined the Catalan police force Mosses ddoesquadra

---and this: He was not meant to be on duty on Thursday night Now we knows schedule.

Why do we know any of that? What is the purpose? They even add this:

The married father, who has not been named for security reasons, served with the Legion - an elite infantry unit of the Spanish army.

So they know that identifying him is dangerous, yet they do it anyway, including placing a big red circle around his head, a thousand times more deadly than anything even the Times this Sarah Palin did.

The Media ought to be shot for such grow irresponsibility.


gross irresponsibility#$%


I suppose you're right:


I tell you are going to have start organizing urban paramilitary units like the Sombra negra to deal with the problem.


That modest proposal that the villain in tbat ghosted James Patterson private series might actually have a point, this is a declared lie intensity conflict going on in Europe, many of the minions deal hashish, and that is how they fund many of these operations, there was a very well departed style series set in ceuta, called the Prince about an undercover operation trying to take down the aforementioned dealer and terrorist.


Interesting he has being covering this story for months (be was the eatercarrier in sanford for the huffington post, like Coates was at the Atlantic and a whole cavalcade was at Carlos slims:


simply stupid

Here is John Batchelor on Russian spoofing http://embeds.audioboom.com/publishing/playlist/v4?bg_fill_col=%23ecefef&boo_content_type=channel&data_for_content_type=4002274&image_option=small&link_color=%2358d1eb&player_theme=light&src=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.audioboom.com%2Fchannels%2F4002274%2Faudio_clips%3Finclude_child_channels%3D1#Tales of the New Cold War: Spoofing GPS in the Black Sea. Tyler Rogoway @TheDrive @Thewarzone


The reporter not the photographer who tells him any such story.


I was only pointing that unlike many, he probably had previous contact with the enemy and hence is under no illusions. But it is sort of like if they outed jack bauer


probably covered back thread?
Petition to declare AntiFa a terror org.


Couldn't find that one, but there is this sample


Dave (in MA)

Red Eye Radio played a clip of Jerry Lewis yelling hysterically in one of his movies, and then they said it was a clip from The View.

Beasts of England

If someone is jamming the nav signals I would be surprised. That these events have all happened to the same class of ship makes me think it's something else. However, it would still be nice if the GPS Block IIIA satellites hadn't been delayed for three years (so far).

Beasts of England

My power is out at the lake, which means my burglar alarm went off, which means I bounced about a foot in the air when that happened, but I digress...

I'm enjoying a bonus martini on the veranda under the stars with an assist from my solar powered garden lights. I'm fancy like that. :)

Beasts of England

Really - I'm up at 2:00 JOM-time and GUS isn't here? What a rip-off!!

Beasts of England

Maybe everybody is watching Game of Thrones? Whatever that is...

Beasts of England

Now I'm watching what I assume is a stealth Blackhawk from the Aviation Command fly up and back across the lake. Very cool. About the only thing you can hear is the rotor wash.

Beasts of England

Y'all do remember that I require some adult supervision, correct? ;)



Insty says it's the 4th Naval Incident since February:

WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? .10 missing, 5 injured after USS John S. McCain collides with tanker in Pacific
“This crash came days after the top three leaders aboard the USS Fitzgerald were relieved of command. That warship was damaged badly in a collision off the coast of Japan that killed seven sailors in June. . . . This marked the fourth mishap for U.S. Navy ships in the Pacific since February. Aside from the USS McCain and USS Fitgerald incidents, the Navy crusier USS Antietam ran aground dumping over 1,000 gallons of oil in Tokyo Bay in Februray. In May, another cruiser, USS Lake Champlain, hit a South Korean fishing vessel.”


From Insty's link:

An active-duty Navy officer expressed concern to Fox News over the training of young Navy officers aboard ships.

“It’s not the same level of training you used to get,” the officer said.

Beasts of England

Hey, daddy! Interesting that you note training. Someone at The Horde observed that the crew spends so much time on diversity training and other non-mission related bullshit that they didn't see how there weren't more incidents. Hopefully no transitioning sailors had their dresses wrinkled during the collision...

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