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September 19, 2017



What a UN speech! Trump schooled that body beautifully, this is truly a president the way a president is supposed to be.

Captain Hate

The steps to which the Zippy apologists are willing to go to argue against the obvious is amusingly pathetic. It's not like anybody intelligent believed or trusted them anyway


I cry horsefeathers like colonel potter used to say,


She was often on fox business as swell as fox prime.

But this whole grishenko business is a stalking horse against all of his initiatives.

Jim Eagle

I hope I live long enough to watch Ben Rhodes frogmarched at least 100 yards to a black SUV never to been seen again but at high noon, like the local fire department siren, he issues a torturous scream for all to hear.


The waahubgton cattle was fine with rocket man as well as thexsepah for the better part of 20 years as with the middle east and the subcontinent have they pretended they've had a clue.


Would a FISA warrant allow branching out to discover a network? ie catch the line back to "Moscow" used by Manafort, then tap all direct contacts to Manafort. Instant Trump / campaign surveillance during and after the election to set up a Hilligula win (failed) the to set up the "resistance" (also a face plant).


When daddy wakes up he might want to check this out:

"An emerging body of research is suggesting that soaring 35,000ft (10km) above the ground inside a sealed metal tube can do strange things to our minds..."


Miss Marple the Deplorable

I don't think they have ever heard a speech like that at the UN. Ever.

How wonderful!


The administration was already busy squashing the 'investigation' into Hillary's emails and didn't need the extra work.

Language nitpick: Lately I keep seeing and hearing "squash" when people used to say "quash." I guess "squash" works, but I like "quash" better:

Definition of quash
transitive verb
:to nullify especially by judicial action

quash an indictment


I call it the captain queenan card, from the departed,

Sullivan didn't who the department mole was but he knew he was likely meeting with queenan.


A substantial amount of blue-penciling required for that AP article before we put it on the page.

They misuse “America First” on purpose because it gets in the way of kumbaiya globalism -- um, I mean, control by our betters.

Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

OL, IMO you've got the facts and MM has the hope.


The prosecutors and the resistance are playing the same game against bibi


Who is the most maximal candidate that would be Bennett but not a blank mange

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Omri Ceren‏ @omriceren 13m13 minutes ago

When foreign policy Twitter says Trump's speech "alienated allies" they mean it "alienated Obama staffers."

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Hadas Gold‏Verified account @Hadas_Gold

Hadas Gold Retweeted Benjamin Netanyahu

Bibi on Trump speech, says that in more than 30 years at UN, he has not heard a speech as brave/sharp

Jim Eagle

Starting to feel effects of José here in The Hamptons. 20' waves, lots of rain, but hardly any wind, which is sort of weird. Expect the worst to come tonight. Under a tropical storm watch. And I have Frederick home with Strep throat. sigh!

Captain Hate

jimmyk, you aren't expecting the MFM to use words correctly, are you?

A Moron pointed out that Teh View, a program which the network claims is targeted for the really really smarty pants wymmynzz, airs in the middle of the work day. What signal does that send?

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Lou Dobbs‏Verified account @LouDobbs

Data Disaster- DOJ opens insider trading probe into #Equifax execs after data breach. @morganwright_us joins #Dobbs FBN7p #MAGA #TrumpTrain

Old Lurker

Jack, that picture could be from my porch. Same here. High surf, no wind. spitting rain. We are warned to expect 60mph and 4-5" or rain but very high tides.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Miss Marple the Deplorable

"There are more things in heaven and on earth, Horatio..."


Miss Marple the Deplorable


She posted the tweet before the Slate article was published, indicating she was the source for the Slate article and therefore got the info from the wiretap.


Loved the U.N. speech! How refreshing to have a President that doesn't pull any punches and tells it like it is. When was the last time we had that? (Ever?)

Why is N.Korea on the front row? Is that their permanent position? If so - why? What have they done to deserve it?

Good report from Dr. yesterday...5 more weeks of wearing Aspen collar and doing what I'm doing (not much!) Still waiting on vascular specialist appointment but he doesn't expect anything but good news from that as well. Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes.


Even Willard seemed to like the speech:

@MittRomney 8m

President Trump gave a strong and needed challenge to UN members to live up
to its charter and to confront global challenges.

Bibi on Trump speech, says that in more than 30 years at UN, he has not heard a speech as brave/sharp

Bibi himself has made a few sharp speeches, but better when it comes from the US Prez.

Clarice Feldman

OL, for heaven's sake. put plywood around the ledge.


Why is the Goolag hiring 1000 journalists?


Oh, no! Poor Frederick - my son was prone to strep throats growing up and they made him feel *so* bad. Hope he gets better soon!

Praise from Mitt? Who would have imagined?


Mom-one of my neighbors is a vascular surgeon. Brought here from out of state by one of the big hospitals.

Probably like endocrinology, there are not enough.


goolag has to keep up with amazon.

Captain Hate

Congrats, Momto2, on your excellent results.


Good news momto 2, hope Frederick feels better jib


'The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism as been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented'



Watch the Kenyan delegation laughing at that socialism line. LOL.


"Kenyan delegation"

As in REAL Kenyans, or Obama's people? LOL


This is who I was referring to in the previous thread


Captain Hate

Oh, no! Poor Frederick - my son was prone to strep throats growing up and they made him feel *so* bad. Hope he gets better soon!

I wish a-mom would weigh in on this. My youngest daughter used to get step all the time because of a carrier in her school who was eventually ID'd. At times everyone in the household would have it except me; the difference being I was the only one with my tonsils removed. I used to get horrendous tonsillitis, one after another until they were removed when I was 7. The quacks who removed them did a particularly poor job of not explaining what to expect when they clapped the ether mask on so that I went into shock before lights out but everything else was fine.

Mrs H used to bug me by implying that having them yanked was barely more medically advanced than being bled by leeches. I responded by telling her to think about that when suffering strep in the future and having breath that smelled like a backed up sewer. So who was right, a-mom?


And this fellow:http://telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/angola/1385792/Savimbi-killed-by-Angolan-troops.html


Google gooolag now goooobels.

1000 urinalists. Veee have vays of making you tock.


Haha, fdcol - real Kenyans this time. :)


Yeah they Kenyans are yucking it up as the GRAVY TRAIN turns away from their glorious land.

Your money.


CH, I'll wait for what anonamom says, but I thought the medical view was that tonsils actually help with immunity. I also had tonsillitis a few times, usually with drs insisting that the throat culture came back negative, despite the fact that my tonsils were swollen to the size of golfballs and looked like moldy strawberries (and I was in agony for weeks). Eventually I'd persuade them to give me strong antibiotics and it would go away in 2 days. Still have my tonsils, though, and it's been about 25 years since my last episode.

Clarice Feldman

CH, I had my tonsils removed and I, too, remember the horrible fear when they clamped the ether mask on. I, too, had frequent tonsillitis. Unfortunately, my tonsils grew back.Now, as soon as I get a sore throat I gargle with salt water or vodka .


I just drink vodka when I get a sore throat. I didn't know I was supposed to gargle it.

Captain Hate

They're probably like your appendix, jimmyk, in that when they function normally to leave them alone but if they get chronically really bad they can be a problem.

Buford Gooch

MM, in response to your 11:38, why doesn't it make at least as much sense that Slate ran the article past Hillary's people before publishing it?


Wow, what a speech. How satisfying; how brave; how true.

That is the America I used to know.

Captain Hate

Clarice, I'm sure you remember the ether incident like it was yesterday; other than that I can't remember anything except having a really sore throat afterward and not getting nearly as much ice cream as I'd been led to believe

Clarice Feldman

Actually, as John Nolte pointed out yesterday, ALL the major media knew about it even as they were denying Trump's claim . The unmaskers were leaking to them.

Frau  Edith Steingehirn

CH - View viewers: their pants may be smart but the ninnies themselves are not.

JiB sez: "I hope I live long enough to watch Ben Rhodes frogmarched at least 100 yards to a black SUV..."
That will be the medi-van and he will ride through eternity with a coughing hulk on the oversized bed in back.

Frau  Edith Steingehirn

TM will have to wash his eyes out after reading anything on Lawfare. Sleazy Benjamin Wittes [spit!] exists only to protect his BBF Queasy by any lies necessary.


The problem is i don't think they got anrhi g fro. Thurse Tao's, hence they have to yell squirrel.

Clarice Feldman

narciso, I seriously haven't a guess what you posted.

Captain Hate

Clarice, where was that Nolte article. I knew all along that the MFM knew the surveillance claim was legit and was pretending otherwise. They aren't very good liars.

Jane (Stand against the Coup)

I think Trump needs to give a speech from the Oval, about the wire-tapping, and collusion between Obama, the FBI and the DOJ. He needs to point out our democracy is at risk, and name names, and vow to flush out and prosecute the offenders. And then pardon Manafort and the other guy.


Any one get that?

Yes wittes is a fence laundering purloined property from comey and probably hannugan across the pond.


Ben Rhodes is a sniveling weasel. He needs the Seth Rich treatment.


Anything from that surveillance.

Clarice Feldman


Jane (Stand against the Coup)

He also needs to name the CIA with all the headlines saying "no wiretapping" when they knew all along about the wiretapping.

Jane (Stand against the Coup)

NOt the CIA - but CNN


Good news, Momto2. You've been a real trooper throughout this ordeal. When you've absorbed the many lessons-learned insights from this saga, I hope you'll share a few.

Captain Hate

Gus, if you want Rhodes to get the Seth Rich treatment, start floating rumors that he's been meeting with Devin Nunes if you find out they're in the same area.

Boom. Outta there with no questions asked.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


A gal on Twitter called Rhodes a discredited lunatic who should be working at Arby's.

That was rather kind, I thought.


No i woyldnt have him anywhere the fryolatir one the cashiers


Great update on your health.
I am not surprised that Mitt Romney recognized and excellent speech by President Trump.
He may have to work with him in the future if he runs for Hatch's seat.
It seems acceptable to run for the presidency,lose, and then go to the Senate.
Even former president John Quincy Adams went back to the House.
Be sure to get Frederick's homework assignments so he doesn't get behind.
Happy he is enjoying football and it is a big deal to make the team.


Good Morning!

So whats going on at the Bob Menendez corruption trial?


OT from a couple of threads back - for Tonto:

Barbara Pym's "Excellent Women" can be recommended without reservation. I envy anyone (although it's probably more a woman's book) who has the joy of reading it for the first time.

One of my all-time favorites. I love all of Pym, but especially this one.

Someday I would like to write an unironic, modern Pym novel, maybe set in an academic library.



I was with you until 12:44. Now I don't know what you are saying.


I'm happy to see BOzo's FISA crime/s revealed drip by slow drip making the stream of mendacity wider, deeper, and impossible to keep hidden from public view.


Ben Rhodes is a sniveling weasel. He needs the Seth Rich treatment.

Way too kind, GUS, my man. Send him out my way. We'll drop him into the wilderness 100 mi. N of Sun Valley.


Give him some time to think about ideas for his next novel...


Jane, Mr Trump should also mention the treatment of Rodhams staff, and their immunities. He should use the term that Rodham used.....RUSSIAN WIKILEAKS and MOCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of it.
I believe that Mr Trump has NOTHING to hide is this farce.


Rush says he is going to play clips today of David Gergen on CNN choking on the news that Trump was wiretapped.

I'd prefer to just punch him in the face but I guess this is second best.


I had a cousin about your age who did not survive having tonsils out.
Back then it was a dangerous operation.
After seeing your swollen throat, why didn't the doctors immediately prescribe antibiotics?
Don't get me started on doctors and how they misdiagnose illnesses.
My son had an allergic reaction to penicillin and someone thought it was chicken pox.


Was over on the east side last night with some girlfriends.
We went to the M restaurant in Chagrin Falls.
Food was excellent!


Great news, Mom2. I am thoroughly familiar with the Aspen line of braces. Ten weeks of wearing one will do that, obvs.


I'd prefer to just punch him in the face but I guess this is second best.

Get in line, daddy!


Language nitpick: Lately I keep seeing and hearing "squash" when people used to say "quash." I guess "squash" works, but I like "quash" better:


If I was at 35,000 feet that'd make me cry:)


What a UN speech! Trump schooled that body beautifully, this is truly a president the way a president is supposed to be.

Posted by: hrtshpdbox


Hilarious to listen to Maura Liason on NPR immediately afterwards try to explain how it represented a "softer message" than he campaigned on.

Only to you idiots who don't understand plain English.

Of course, lead on the news at noon and one is about him "threatening to annihilate NK."
Like that would be bad thing...

Who wrote it? Newt?
Steve Miller?

I think the "Rocket Man" was off script--but what the hell. A little personality doesn't hurt anybody.


Menendez trial?
Say what?
MessNBC has yet to mention it.
I will try to find info and get back to you.
1100 dollars for you guys.
Impeach your governor and re-elect Sarah Palin.


So who's going to be the first NRO'er to dump on Trump's magnificent UN speech?

A) Jonah Goldbrick
B) David French
C) Kevin Williamson
D) Some other NRO douchebag


I'm no master of the famous HCOAB like Ig but that doesn't mean I can't go OT in a, ahem, big way:


I denounce myself...

Texas Liberty Gal

Am just listening to parts of Trump's UN speech. One of my favorite lines was when he called the Iran Deal a terrible mistake and quite frankly an embarrassment to our country-he slap-bi*ched Obama. Love it!!!


E) All the abouve

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Daily Mail political reporter:

David Martosko‏Verified account @dmartosko 2h2 hours ago

I'll say it: That UN speech reminds me of the guy I met in Iowa who said he liked Trump because "he wears his b***s outside his pants."


Morning Maryrose,


You punch Gergen in the face, I'll kick him the 'huevos', unless you want to kick him in the 'huevos' in which case I'll punch him in the face:)

I doubt I'll ever catch up today. Just finding time to listen to Trump's speech in its entirety is going to be impossible.

DOW's "flirting" with 22, 380!


I can't wait for UH UH UH IF IF IF IF IF OKIE DOKE to weigh in.
Ol Ciggie Breath Obama will not like how his Iranian friends are being treated.

I do a pretty darn good Obama impression. I saw him on the TEEVEE yesterday and started doing my Opie impression.... I look across the room and Junior is laughing his ass off. He's 16 and usually doesn't like to "approve" of his Fathers hi-jinx, so I asked him if he liked my act.
He said it was hilarious and he had recorded it for his friends to hear.


John Bolton‏Verified account @AmbJohnBolton 19m19 minutes ago

In the entire history of the UN, there has never been a more straight forward criticism of the unacceptable behavior of other member states.


Captain Hate

maryrose, we ate there after the opening of an art show in CF and had a good time. A photographer friend of Mrs H's who lived around Novelty used to meet up with us around there but now has moved to North Carolina so we probably won't go there as much.


I'll kick him the 'huevos',

I can't be the only one recognizing a slight problem with this plan, daddy...


Does Johnny we hardly knew yee McLame work for NRO.

common man


He is 16. Are you sure he was laughing with you, or at you?

Having had 4 sixteener once upon a time, I will say its a time when dad is wrong even about the time of day...


Pinnette hes emeritus nro like Tom banks is with snl


Jim Eagle

CORRECTION: Swab came back. Negative on Strep. Another infection. Goes back tomorrow for followup. On Amoxicillian. Feeling better and cleared for school but not football.

If the left (led by Feinstein) are all verklempt and the fainting couch sales are peaking, then you know Trump's speech was a real stemwinder and spot on. I thought it was perfect especially on the NORKS and Iran. Then to really rub sand into the wounds bringing up how much we pay to keep Daniel Boulud catering the UN dinner parties.

All of needed to be said.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Secretary Ryan Zinke‏Verified account @SecretaryZinke 4m4 minutes ago

To highlight #sportsmen contributions 2 conservation I installed Big Buck Hunter in the employee cafeteria. Get excited for #hunting season!



When President Trump isn't causing lefty heads to explode, he has a fine cabinet to assist him in this endeavor.


I only know this because of life long Republican chuck at althouse

Good to know jib

“I love them and they’ve been good to me but I’m doing so much more cardio now as well as weights."

(From lyle's link.)


Ex is the first to admit he clicked. Any others? ;)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Using my daughter's car I ran out to get a few things at the store.

When I went to get in the car, it was locked. I thought there must be some automatic lock thing, so I tried to open it, No dice. Then I tried pushing on the electronic lock. Nope. SO, called my daughter and phone was busy.

Then a nice black gal from the convenience store alerted me that I was trying to get into HER car.

I hate it when I act like an old lady. LOL!


lyle, how about THIS OT post, dude:

The Order of Yoni
A Unique European Beer

Some batches might be a bit too yeasty. LOL

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