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October 03, 2017


Jane (Stand against the Coup)




Miss Marple the Deplorable

Never got interested in baseball, because we never had a major league team here, and the Indianapolis Indians stadium, until about 15 years ago, was in a very shady part of town.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I would be interested in what epoople who know about guns think about this article. It's an iffy source, but some of the points seem to make sense.


Vegas bloodbath updates

Clarice Feldman

Yes, it's an iffy source..an iffy, iffy source. In the same league I think as the pizzagate purveyors.


I am in awe of your engineering ability and your musical expertise.
You are a true Renaissance man.


You bet your life I am ready for some baseball!

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I range far and wide for information. My particular question about that article is whether the firing of those guns requires as much stamina as the writer claims. I don't care about the rest of it.

Since we KNOW CNN lies and most of the network news is pushing an agenda, I am left to look at alternative sources.

Does firing those guns require stamina? I have no idea.


Sounded to me like those might have been echoes rather than additional shooters, MM. The rest of his thing seemed like an amateur's take.

Clarice Feldman

well--here's your answer--he went postalhttps://apnews.com/f00cf82284934a24b685d8581174235c/The-Latest:-Vegas-gunman-had-been-letter-carrier,-IRS-agent?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP

Clarice Feldman

FTA:A spokeswoman for the Office of Personnel Management told The Associated Press on Tuesday that Stephen Paddock’s employment included about two years as a mail carrier from 1976 to 1978.

After that, he worked as an agent for the Internal Revenue Service for six years until 1984. And then he worked a defense auditing job for about 18 months.

The information helped complete the timeline surrounding the 64-year-old Paddock’s life. He graduated from college in 1977 from Cal State Northridge and also worked for a defense contractor in the late 1980s.

Clarice Feldman



Does firing those guns require stamina? I have no idea.

here is a hot chick doing it easily



I would like to thank whoever it was who recommended Winik's the Great Upheaval to the rest of the JOM community. I listen to it on disc in my daily commute to work and it is great.


Paddock's lifestyle suggests his bank robber father left a note saying where the loot was hidden.

Miss Marple the Deplorable



Now I can quit worrying about what that guy said.

It's very hard to wade through this stuff when you don't understand about weapons.



That's the best explanation for his wealth that I've heard yet.


I know someone from Cleveland and she gushed endlessly over the sports teams.

I enjoy minor league, good fun, low wallet impact, no drama. Though I don’t go often.


The yahoo breach has reached 3 billion users. Billion.


re: Vegas, can we be told what party he’s registered with if any? Party donations if any? If the guy cared, you’d expect him to go thru a phase where he gave financial support


I'm a little skeptical of some of these claims


That is valuable info clarice.


Jim, registered as a Dem when a FL resident... but haven't seen confirmation of that beyond circumstantial "looky here, an NRA card autographed by Trump!!!" hasn't shown up yet.

Jane (Stand against the Coup)

"Paddock's lifestyle suggests his bank robber father left a note saying where the loot was hidden."

Yeah really.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


This has an account of Sebelius's testimony, but I have another question.

Why was Harry Reid involved?


Apparently they don't have a driver's license photo. He had a pilot's license at some point. No photo there either?*

Reese, from Person of Interest, would call this guy a ghost.

*I assume pilots get their picture taken.


Reid brokered stuff for a piece of the action. Menendez must have stiffed him afterwards or there would be no trial.


Yeah, this lack of background info is getting suspicious.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Here's some info on his personality:



Of COURSE he didn't go to Dunkin' Donuts or McDonald's!


So I look at the la county property appraisers and there is no record, where he was supposed to own property, so are they blowing smoke, rhetorical?


Any thoughts on the redistricting arguments at the Supreme Court today? We're stuck in the Kennedy feels zone from what I've found, but that is all CNN and NPR.


I'm "betting" the guy was going broke.



He seemed to do a lot of planning.

I suspect he would have worked out a way to have his weapon supported/rested to alleviate the work he had to do.

But, perhaps someone with more weapons info than me can chime in on that aspect.


MM: Did you get an email I sent you about a week ago? About the Buckley contest?

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I will go look. I could have missed it.


Mockmook, the leaked photos showed bipods on several of the weapons. They do make shooting easy from a prone or tabletop position.


Dude worked for the USPS and IRS? No way in hell he ain't a dem. No way.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I went back to September 15 and there is nothing. Do you have my correct email address? Captain Hate and daddy have it, I know.

Try again. I don't have a spam filter on because Comcast has too many triggers for spam.

Maybe you did a typo?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 14m14 minutes ago

So proud of @FEMA, Military, and First Responders! Thank you!


Picture collage at link.

Jane (Stand against the Coup)


Too easy.


He doesn't show up in btevard county records either:


He is beyond humiliation.


Jane, the silence is deafening. And there WAS a note.


MM -- I will check with CH.


Unlike brooksie, paddock does not seem to be fan of chance the rapper, or lorde the upscale Wellington gal, who pretends to be street.


Yeah Brooks is a HEP CAT. And he's a Conservative.

Jim Eagle

If you are wondering how we can produce people like Stephen Paddock, just go and read the replies to MM's 7:26 Trump tweet. Both sides have a mental disease problem.


MM -- I just resent it to the alliterative (CC) address at Comcast. (Which is where I sent it earlier.). Waiting for address verification from the always-reliable CH!


WaPo has some info on Paddock's personal life, like his having two ex-wives.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Monty Hall passed away last Saturday. This is a wonderful recollection of the author's 17-year friendship with him.

I had forgotten about "Video Village" but my sisters and I LOVED that show when we were kids!

Jim Eagle

To stay on topic, for the first time in my mature life, I have not watched one inning of baseball this year. I have read some about baseball here and other blogs but I have little knowledge of who is in the playoffs except the Dodgers and Indians. Did hear that the Nationals may be in but no confirmation.

Have no idea why but just not interested anymore.


Re last thread--don't do concerti, even Schumann's, but can botch nicely two of Rachmoninoff's preludes...

Re Hillary's stupider than stupid suggestion that we ban "silencers," I would offer that her recent public suggestions on the issues are the counterpart to Gore's beard: she is letting her freak flag fly.


Interesting that the WaPo gave her a beat-down on that "silencer" thing. That's got to be a bad sign for her.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Disclaimer: This is a hit-and-miss source, but they do have some tenuous connection to The Daily Caller, which I haven't yet figured out.



Thanks, henry!!!


Miss M, might as well start a rumor that the feed just bounced back to the Soros volcano lair of evildom. It's a true as any of the "Muh Russia" crap.


You mean it wasnt76


Has the only sensible one at mauve state , but he still takes Klein and corn seriously


It is a shame that so many disclaimers are necessary anymore.

When did slamming the messenger become en vogue around here again?

Seems recent.


True pundit, was wrong about a number of instances like with Mrs salmons whereabouts buts I take it with a grain of salt, unlike the usual cup.

Jim Eagle

Anyone posted or mentioned Ralph Maddow's stupid remark about Paddock destroying as many lives as if a 747 had crashed? They say the shot of her after she spewed this was a classic, "WTF did I just say?"


So she reads off the teleprompters like that Wil Farrl movie? what a dunce.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I am cautious about posting stuff without a disclaimer due to people like Cernovich, who are manipulating naive Trump voters. There are a bunch of others as well.

Some are opportunists, and I am pretty sure some are leftists in disguise.

It's the wild west out there since a lot of these people figured there was a market for non-mainstream (aka LIES) news.

Since not everyone frequents the sites I do, I always offer a caution both to avoid my own embarrassment and also to prevent people unthinkingly repeating stuff which might prove wrong.

mad jack

first batter dinger for the Twinkies. they will likely need that one and a few more to beat the evil empire:-)


Does firing those guns require stamina?

Nope. Do watch this, from about 2:50 if you don’t watch the whole thing.

This after the snowflake “reporter” said firing an “assault” rifle had given him PTSD. [snicker]

jimmyk on iPhone

3-0 Twins in 1st. Yowza.

mad jack

make that two dingers! trying to be sad for TM but it's not happening:-)

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Link is to Paul Joseph Watson's feed, BUT it has a clip of the sheriff of Las Vegas saying they are looking into how Paddock was radicalized. Important development, I think.

Captain Hate

Ugh, as an old Washington Senators fan (both versions) fuck the Twins.

mad jack

Apparently Severino is Dominican for Price.


The scoop wet itself, but seeing as this fellow supposedly argued for citizenship for dreamers, diesnt reassure:


Death eaters he said:



MM: not sure he says they're looking into 'how' so much as 'whether'

Captain Hate

Did you change your email address recently, Miss Marple, or just your phone service?

Speaking of phone service, I took my first step in breaking ties with the AT&T robber barons today. They kept sending me texts telling me how REALLY REALLY IMPROVED my cell coverage was which was news to me from all the missed calls and no bars at chez Hate. Plus they charge me out the wazz. I've finally larded up my ancient iPhone with enough crap that the functionality has become nil plus Mrs H is always bitching about how expensive the shitty service was so now was the right time to end this.

So I dragged my sore back and hips to Walmart and the guy they had there seemed friendly enough but wasn't answering my questions to my satisfaction at all so I came back home to look for a central phone number that would satisfy me. Except the numbers are only for existing accounts.

I don't know if I can accurately express my increasing frustration with words but my last resort was an online chat with some sweet young thing (probably Curb Dive's twin with a f-bomb filter) who answered my questions to my satisfaction and a new iPhone is on the way with much cheaper rates to be in place.


24ago, was the battle of mogadishu, retroactively our first encounter with Al qrda, we were a little (meaning the Clinton administration) because Yeltsin was shelling the Russian parliament at the time.

Clarice Feldman


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

email address is the same. Phone number is different. Send me an email and I will give you the new phone number.

Clarice Feldman




Years ago, distracted, two future Al queda big wigs the late Mohammed ate and serif Al Del, the former named in the December 98 pub, wrtr present there.

jimmyk on iPhone

All tied up with one swing.

Account Deleted

LOL@ "...fuck the twins." You go, CH. I have always hated the mother[redacted] twins. Rod Carew was a great player but he was on the mother[fucking] twins.

Kev Marichal

jimmyk on iPhone

Problem is I hate the Yanks too. Can they both lose?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago

Great meeting with Governor Mapp of the #USVI. He is very thankful for the great job done by @FEMA and First Responders.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 29m29 minutes ago

It is a "miracle" how fast the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police were able to find the demented shooter and stop him from even more killing!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Sean Hannity‏Verified account @seanhannity 1h1 hour ago

Tonight the truth about how despicable the media and the left are in America today. We will name names. 9 est Hannity Fox News from Vegas.

(Retweeted by President Trump.)


Seif, ska Mohammed mokkawi, previously in Iran now in Syria.


I will wait for the Hannity recap.

Name names is so McCainish.


Jimmyk, yes. They can both lose early and often. I blame the Cubs for this state of affairs. (because the AL is even more overhyped than they are).


Following up to SBW at 8:17 pm.


Little Lisa Jean converting a semi to full auto in a few minutes. A bump stock.


Once you dial down the ambient noise, like insisting James Holmes did not commit events in aurora, that natural news piece raises some Intersting questions.

Captain Hate

I know I've stated this before but when that carpetbagging POS, Calvin Griffith, slunk out of DC with the Senators to the Twin cities, once they were finally starting to get good after years of ineptitude, the WaPo's Shirley Povich wrote the first poison pen column I'd ever been willingly exposed to. It was a masterpiece of invective itemizing every lamebrained move that asshole had done to ruin the team into becoming the laughingstock of MLB. He ended by saying (paraphrasing) as bad as it feels now, we're all better with him gone.

I think I reread it enough times to memorize it. It was probably the biggest single influence on how I express myself.

mad jack

henry if you're going to be upset about all the teams that get more hype than the brewcrew then i suggest you just wait for the diamonbacks rockies game:-).

Miss Marple the Deplorable

LV sheriff confirms the authenticity of the photos which have appeared on the internet, and they are investigating who released them.

(Press conference on now.)

Clarice Feldman

Which photoes?

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Room photos here:


I think these came from FBI anon on 4chan.

In addition , there is a gruesome photo of Paddock lying dead with a head wound, but I can't remember where I saw it and it doesn't offer any additional information unless you are a coroner.


Maybe I've seen jack rracher too many times, but where did he practice. I suppose its not that hard to hit a target in a large crowd?


I think Peter praised Winik's The Great Upheaval upthread; I'm pretty sure Daddy was the one who first mentioned it. It's my current bedtime reading and it's very good.

jimmyk on iPhone

I thought it was Captain Hate's recommendation.


Mad Jack, brew crew? No. Cardinals are the only team worth watching, ever.


He's definitely dead.


check out CTH, Clarice


Narciso, if your target is a large crowd, that's like hitting the broad side of a barn from standing next to said barn.

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