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December 17, 2017



Matthews: all talk, no walk.


I’m not willing to let him off this easily. Make him tell us what he said. Make him publicly apologize to her. Humiliate him. Then I’ll be willing to let him spit while he rabidly talks about conservatives.



Well I'm lobbying to bring back due process but I'll make an exception for Matthews, who for some reason bugs me more than most liberal asshats.


Has Franken resigned yet?

Clarice Feldman

“MSNBC refused to say whether or not this is the only claim against Matthews.”



I’m okay with accepting he passed on due process by paying her off.


Oh, I am all about dragging him over the coals, though this insanity needs to stop. We can stop right after we get to do the same with "Lawrence" O'Donnell!

Do NOT take my links to Salma's HW article to mean that I think GHWBush in wheelchair touching some girl's fanny as he reaches to put around her for a photo means Grandpa needs to be kept home.

Obviously, this whole thing a nuanced spectrum.

Jokes by our CV fellow who had done his five year surgical residency with us as well made in the OR among people who knew each other (and people's spouses, and kids, etc)

"MMMM--Thank YOU!" as he was tied in to his gown by the circulating RN

were funny; but the same words were completely inappropriate on day two of a brand new fellow's time with us. He was gone in two weeks time.
(This was 25 years ago! Pretty squeaky clean here in the Piedmont--on the medical staff side, I shall clarify...)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Doesn't anyone here know how to play this game?

Their side dirty joke = rape.
Our side dirty joke = innocuous banter.

I read the rule book at the NYT and their side tells us the Times is, unlike Trump, unimpeachable.

Beasts of England

Gosh, those rules really suck when they're applied to the so-called rule makers, huh? Suffer, Chrissy.

Clarice Feldman

Anonamom this new sexual auto da fe is definitely ruining office morale and employee camaraderie.


Great Pieces, Clarice - very fresh and clever approach!

Love the card, JamesD. Merry Christmas to you!

Is our President still at Camp David? I wonder what he's up to this morning? An Egg McMuffin with a Diet Coke? Watching 8 hours of Sunday morning shows? Tweeting? Or...perhaps, something else - we shall see, won't we?

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Somebody posted the other day that he had been to Camp David 5 times.

I wish I had a way to check (without meticulous searching) when those 5 times were.

Camp David has the advantage of being outside the fishbowl of the White House so that visitors can come without being observed by the press. I didn't see Melania or Baron get on that chopper with him, so it seems to me he might be doing something more important than relaxing or playing golf.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Somebody posted the other day that he had been to Camp David 5 times.

I wish I had a way to check (without meticulous searching) when those 5 times were.

Camp David has the advantage of being outside the fishbowl of the White House so that visitors can come without being observed by the press. I didn't see Melania or Baron get on that chopper with him, so it seems to me he might be doing something more important than relaxing or playing golf.


Do people actually pay to get HBO and Showtime? I got them for free for upgrading my Directv and there has been nothing on either I would watch.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Sorry for the double post. I am having the dickens of a time with my computer. I even refreshed Firefox to see if I could get it to speed up. I am getting things that take forever to load, non-response messages, etc. This all started with the latest addition of Firefox and I dono't like it one bit.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--An Egg McMuffin with a Diet Coke? --

Ya gotta admire Egg's zealotry, but is there nothing Mueller and the Deep State won't stoop to?



Well you have a point with the payment. I feel better.

I keep trying to survey the Sunday shows for any talk of democrat collusion - so far nothing, but I admit I can't watch more than a few seconds at a time.

For people who do talk about it, (Fox) everyone seems to be on the edge of their seats - saying this is "bigger than Watergate"
and suggesting we are at the tipping point. One can only hope.


so it seems to me he might be doing something more important than relaxing or playing golf.

My thoughts, too, MM!

Iggy - HA!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This is interesting:

🎗‏ @President1Trump
9m9 minutes ago

Very interesting! @jaketapper asks senator elect Doug Jones if he thinks @POTUS should resign over sexual alligation‘s! Doug Jones says, he was elected with those allegations & that he shouldn’t resign and we should move on! Jakes not happy..


Video clip at link.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Map showing richest politicians in each state.

I am not so concerned about wealth as HOW they got their wealth.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thomas Wictor: Democrats are the funniest people on earth



Richest politicians; volunteer to serve the electorate, stay for the money and get rich.


OT - exdemocrat became ex-notyetagrandpa overnight.
So there's that ;-)

Clarice Feldman

Must read: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/12/17/the-news-is-fake-the-leaks-are-real/#more-143500


Clarice, for someone who didn't know what to write 24 hours ago, you sure improvised a great column.

Good morning to all.


Congrats, ExDem!
#jealous :)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Congratulations exdem.
Here's hoping the wee one is a neverdem. :)


Yay, Extdem!


Um, ... Exdem.

Captain Hate

Wow, Doug Jones refused to take the Tapper bait. Sucks to be you, Jake. Idiot.

Last night's get together where my buddy was spinning records was really nice. He was one of three people doing so but his stuff sounded the best: a mix of early rock, blues and country, all on 45s in immaculate shape (he goes to a lot of collectors get togethers; my interest in that stuff is nil but I can't argue with the quality of his results). Even the co owners of the Beachland Ballroom stopped in to check things out; they're pretty much responsible for the mini development of the area, probably not far from maryrose's old neighborhood. The only place that's still an empty lot is where Danny Green used to live; I don't know how many of you are familiar with the movie "Kill the Irishman" but there's a mural with "Kaboom" on an adjoining wall.

Ironically killing Green led to the dissolution of the Italian mob in Cleveland. A woman artist noticed a guy in a pickup truck who remotely triggered the car bomb next to Green. She sketched the guy's picture to the cops, who recognized him immediately and he was picked up outside of Pittsburgh where he spilled his guts leading to massive convictions.


So you really ARE an exdem. Me too. Congratulations sir!


Congratulations Exdem! Tomorrow is my son's birthday - Christmas babies are wonderful!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Not for the babies.
Adults think we don't know our birthday presents are really just subtracted from our Christmas presents.
But we know. We always know.


Clarice, where do you come up with such utter CRAP.
I mean, I watched MSLSD, and they didn't mention ANY of that.

Captain Hate

Congrats, exdem.


Many thanks, all


Hah ;-)


Jack, I'm back from Mass, and I've got Bournemouth v Liverpool on. And coffee. There is a GOD.

Man Tran

Yeah, MT Jr is on the Winter Solstice. Sucks to be him. His bride was born on the Summer Solstice. Has to be some strange Horoscope connection there.


Iggy - I know you're probably right! One thing I've stuck is that NO birthday presents are EVER wrapped in Christmas paper. (Even had to re-wrap a gift that was mailed from an aunt one year)


Gillibrand sends Trump campaign contributions to anti-sexual-violence group

The ones she begged for and did things to receive.


Survey: 27 Percent of California Teens Are Gender Nonconforming

According to a new study out of UCLA, more than a quarter of California adolescents feel comfortable enough to dismiss societal pressures to identify with one gender or another.

Where is this idiocy leading?


>>>Where is this idiocy leading?

Posted by: Extraneus | December 17, 2017 <<<

End times.

Jim Eagle

#MeToo, Gus. Got to run though, taking Frederick to the Hospital for his volunteer hours. Building up his CV.

Beasts of England

Congratulations, Exdemocrat!!


Congrats exdem.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Major Garrett Retweeted
Face The Nation‏Verified account @FaceTheNation
36m36 minutes ago

If Democrats take control of Senate will they turn around tax plan by raising corporate tax rate? .@BernieSanders: “In my view, absolutely.”

In my view, corporations should make a big deal of new hirings ASAP and tie it to the tax bill, BEFORE the elections next year.


Sarah Huck!


Being a grandfather makes you even more devilishly attractive to the fairer sex, right?

Asking for a friend...


to dismiss societal pressures to identify with one gender or another.

Society didn't give you your sex organs fools.
Why are you LIBTARD COMMIES so anti SCIENCE.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

The Boxer Rebellion:



I don't know about libraries falling behind, Porch.
Why, just this week I tried to get a reservation at my local library but failed.
They were fully booked.


Being a grandfather makes you even more devilishly attractive to the fairer sex, right?

Moar magnesium!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
2m2 minutes ago

As a candidate, I promised we would pass a massive TAX CUT for the everyday working American families who are the backbone and the heartbeat of our country. Now, we are just days away...


Short video at link.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Where is this idiocy leading?--

Pretty sure for a lot of the guys, they think it's leading to the girls locker room.

matt-deplore me if you must

My daughter grumbles at me when we go out in PRSM (People's Republic of Santa Monica" when I mention all the twinks and metrosexuals.

The haircuts can be hilarious. Sort of like 5th Element or Brazil or The Hunger Games, but worse. Now if they started parading around in costume, that might indicate a sense of creativity or at least humor, but they all wear the same drab black and gray hipster uniforms.

Let's all be nonconformist together.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Adam Schiff looks like Louis CK minus 100 pounds and that gruesome fungus on the latter's lip and chin.


Its like the portrait for the cast of the last Jedi, grim is the word.


Adam Schitt is a needy BETA.


A theory on #MeToo amongst TV anchors: clearing away "seasoned" employees.
In dragging out in public a case quietly settled 18 years ago, Comcast now has a reason to cashier him. How convenient.

Matthews may soon join a list of over-55 television presenters bounced like a Bernie Madoff check this year.

Bill O'Reilly, 68, gone.
Charlie Rose, 75, gone.
Matt Lauer, 59, gone.


JimNorCal, so what replaces them? Man buns all the way down?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

And since we're talking appearance, well I am anyway, could someone please convince American women their lips are just fine the way they are?
If they haven't got them pumped full of the fat off their own backside like Bibendum's [The Michelin Man] tummy rolls then they're got them pursed up like a perch to make them look fatter.
Very full lips look perfectly natural and lovely on a Nubian beauty. They look weird and kind of awful on a Nordic co-ed from Minnesota or a housewife from Scranton.


Bill O'Reilly was making plenty o'cash for FOX, but Murdochs' little boys weren't interested in anything Right of Shemptard.
Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer were PAST CREEPY and SICK, and EXPENSIVE.


Zeke Miller‏Verified account

MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin called Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that thwarted bombings.

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account

More Sarah Sanders Retweeted Zeke Miller
Can confirm @POTUS and President Putin spoke today. Readout from the WH coming shortly.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Those older anchors had enormous salaries and bonuses. In an age of diminished TV ads, lower donations to PBS, and shrinking viewershi

It's even more of a savings if you have to keep paying women off to shut up and go away.p, an easy way of cost-cutting is to get rid of those with the big paychecks.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Clarice Feldman

Congrats exdem. In case this has not been posted.https://nypost.com/2017/12/17/sessions-needs-to-stop-the-misuse-of-intelligence-for-politics/

GUS--I get that stuff from here!


Do NOT take my links to Salma's HW article to mean that I think GHWBush in wheelchair touching some girl's fanny as he reaches to put around her for a photo means Grandpa needs to be kept home.

Hey! They guy's in a wheelchair. If GHWB wants to show a little afection to a pretty lady who's standing next to him her butt is going to be most likely at arm's length level :-)


And since we're talking appearance, well I am anyway, could someone please convince American women their lips are just fine the way they are?

Iggy, the pictures you post clearly document your refined tastes in female beauty.

I am only disappointed that you don't post more:)


Thanks, Clarice. Here's the Politico interview with Morell linked in your Nypost article.

I found it to be a stunning revelation of how the IC attempted to screw Trump and now want the world to believe that his (and our) skepticism about them is all Trump's fault.


Perhaps already posted?
House Judiciary Committee member Jim Jordan (R-OH) says he's gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to issue subpoenas for several key officials at the FBI and Justice Department implicated in disturbing revelations of political bias against President Donald Trump.
House and Senate committees have turned their focus in recent weeks to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie - who worked for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the "Trump-Russia" dossier and several other concurrent campaigns to smear Donald Trump in an effort funded in large part by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.


shorter Morell: "Upon reflection, we elitist IC mandarins may have made an error stabbing Trump in the chest rather than just staying with stabbing him in the back."

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Since we already have remarked on the UFO thing, here is a unified theory of everything going on both in politics, foreign policy, and yes, UFO's.

If this guy turns out to be right we will have a very bizarre news cycle over the next year.

Clarice Feldman

exdem--they were so sure it was afail safe career boost.

Comanche Voter

So Chris asked the young woman, "Do you feel a tingle on your leg?"

She replied, "No, but I feel your hand--and take your dirty paws off my thigh."

I'm assuming that's the way it went down.

James D.

Where is this idiocy leading?

Failed and broken relationships, ruinous drug and alcohol addictions, and 5 or 6 figure therapy bills.

Just the typical costs of prog thinking and policies.


Chris Matthews used to be a heavy drinker.
I am sure this harassment happened during this time period.
He then got sober.Perhaps that payment of 40 grand had something to do with it.
Hey look at me, I am on topic for this thread.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I have been ordering seed catalogues thinking to put in a few rose bushes next spring and get started gardening again.

Yowzer! I haven't ordered any plants in over 5 years and the prices are shocking! $28.50 for one rose plant, and many are a whole lot more!


Congratulations on the wonderful addition to your family.


You are so right about plant prices.
Try to get the sales and comparison shop.


Not just China.
Wow. Big numbers.
Heavy air pollution shuts schools in Iran
Iran shut primary schools in the capital and other parts of the country on Sunday due to choking levels of air pollution. ...
Every year, Tehran suffers some of the worst pollution in the world when cool temperatures cause an effect known as "temperature inversion". ...
The health ministry estimated that pollution in 2012 contributed to the premature deaths of 4,500 people in Tehran and about 80,000 across the country.


I couldn't access your Facebook page till late last night claruc



Has the EPA banned that yet?


GUS | December 17, 2017 at 01:48 PM

So which countries produce the most clean nuke power? Used to be the US but this story is ten years old. Probably out of date.
"the United States produces more electricity with nuclear power than any of the 30 countries with that capability. In fact, it generates about the same amount of nuclear energy as the next largest producers, France and Japan, combined."

Clarice Feldman

narciso--there surely was something hinky going on there last night.Don't know what it was.


Zeke Miller‏Verified account

MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin called Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that thwarted bombings.

Sounds like COLLUSION!!!! to me, Momto2 ;-)


Too bad that Chrissy Matthews is taking flack about very small potatoes from a long time ago when he was going through a hard time in his life. I feel terrible for the guy. Heh, heh, heh.


Hey look at me, I am on topic for this thread.

Ha! good one.

Ex-dem, congrats.

Keely Smith, widow, and singing partner of Louis Prima, has died.

Jim Eagle

Great Pieces, Clarice. I know that cafe. It used to be called "The Loyal Opposition" but the GOPe complained about being labelled like that so they closed and moved to the Navy Yard.

On the other side of the Capitol is "The Monocle" and they have no divisiness since it is mainly Senators and their staffs, you know the Unelected who are the real powers.


I heard that Chrissy "Tingles" Matthews drinks a dozen WHISKY and DIET COKES a day.


The monocle was featured in a Vince fLynn tale that silva somewhat plagiarized for black widow


General hafter says his out of bubble gum:

Jim Eagle


We still lead in numbers of reactors and GWh produced but not as % of total generation. That would be France and Belgium. Both are over 70% of total generation needs. Of course, they have much smaller populations.

Currently (as of 10/17) we are at 99 plants, 531,029 MKwHrs, and 19.7% of current total electric generation.


JiB, have you been to Navy Yard lately? My eldest lives there, and has it changed in the three years since he moved in to his "yuppie dorm." (His characterization, not mine. Modern apt building w exercise room, common room w kitchen and big screen TV, terrace with fire pit/grills, roof terrace--they all are the same.)
His was one of the first; now every block is full of them. Bunch of new townhouses/rowhouses that look old.

BIG development on the Potomac south of that fish market that has been there forever. Wine bars, crepe stations, restaurants condos up the yin yang. They're calling that The Waterfront. Over east of the Nats Stadium is a development that's called The Yards, that followed after the Department of Transportation moved over to the real live Navy Yard north property line.

There is a whole lot of money in that town...

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I missed this on Friday. Managing editor of opinion for Detroit Free Press fired for sexual harassment.




This SHOCKS me. I mean READ IT. Dear Sweet Mother of GAIA......."GROPING"????

THE CHA CHING MACHINE has been lubed up.


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Take the time to watch this 1:30 video and remember that the world still produces goodd men:


Frau  Schuster

anonamom - that "whole lot of money" is how the Democracy Dies in Darkness Cafe gets away with its high prices.


anonamon,the daughter has friend who lives in one of those condo complexes near Nats Stadium. Very upscale and yuppie-ish. Barracks Row is full of cafes and restaurants and shops. DC is full of young,ambitious people. I guess that cuts both ways.

jimmyk on iPhone

From last night:
"I can't imagine a more motivating reason for Horowitz to do the right thing, than righteously taking revenge at being malevolently dissed and professionally abused by snotty Eric Holder."

I do hope he stays out of Fort Marcy Park.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--There is a whole lot of money in that town...--

Yeah, other peoples.

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