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December 26, 2017


Jim Eagle

First but not in golf anymore or anytime soon. Sigh:(

Jim Eagle

Should we cnange the acronym to FIB?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The most recent FBI witness suspect was Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

jimmyk on iPhone

I see the link is to the Washington Times. I guess it's too much to expect any coverage of this in the failing NYT or WaPo?

jimmyk on iPhone

Melania is a tree killer!!!



The real collusion:


Beasts of England

'...it remains largely unverified,...'

Hey - they tried, amirite?!


Like those alpaca creatures on canto bligh



A North Korean soldier who defected to the South was found to have antibodies to anthrax – triggering concerns the rogue regime has weaponized the deadly bacteria, according to reports Tuesday.


Using the FBI to do oppo research for your own parties candidates is the sort of abuse we were warned Trump would engage in. Of course, those of us who opposed Hillary (the many, the loud) understood who was much more likely to engage in just that sort of thing

TM, a precise, very well crafted, two-sentence editorial.


Why don't major publications bother with actual data:


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

They just can't help beclowning themselves;
Progs denounce Thomas the Tank Engine and Paw Patrol as fascist.
From the comments;

Jim Eagle

Off to bed. Read a little. Sleep a lot.

Tough day on the fairways.

Slaap lekker, tot morgen.


Melania is a tree killer!!!

It would seem that during the Obama Administration they were using ropes and cables to hold up the tree in what could be described as a “reverse lynching”.


My son loved Thomas the Tank Engine.
He requested the trains and toys for Christmas when he was a young boy.
Any more Chester stories?


So glad to hear of your medical progress!
Your accident was really scary.How is your neck movement now?
I just think your Guardian Angel was on your shoulder to protect you.


The Dems must transcend bourgeois norms because of the higher truth and the higher good they espouse. It is a truth and a good that precedes mere words, and which supersedes them.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Maryrose, if your son starts talking about the Sudetenland or Abyssinia in an overly interested manner you probably should get a little concerned.

As far as Chet, he's been on pretty good behavior lately. However, since Santa is starting over on his lists I expect some type of cataclysm presently.


Jack how about F'n BS.


From previous thread:
Miss Marple, I have dozens of books on Churchill.
His Mom was American. My Mom was British.
My Grandfather fought with Bernard Montgomery in N Africa. I think the comparison to Trump is apt. As most here know, Mr Trumps Mother was from Stornaway Scotland Isle of Lewis. Best black pudding on earth IS STORNAWAY. My Mom was from Edinburgh and Doune.


Ignatz, that pic of THOMAS looks like John Podesta.


Ralph L

found to have antibodies to anthrax
Does this mean they inoculated him as we did ours, or did they expose him to anthrax as an experiment or accident?

I pulled out some of Grandma's 1919 wedding china yesterday, last used nearly 50 years ago. Washed it first.

Ralph L

That's the Andrew Jackson Magnolia, isn't it?


Jesse Thorn libtard @ NPR allows his 6 your old boy to choose to be his 6 year old daughter GRACIE.

Libtard @ CNN finds parents encouraging/providing Thomas the Tank Engine cartoons FASCIST.

Ralph Madcow and Anderson's Pooper are mainstream.


In other news



Accidentally posted to the old thread:

Experts say....

Newsweek: "Trumps rhetoric differs from that of Nazi Germany's [sic], most notably because he has never advocated for genocide. But Trump's talk of Christmas coexists with reemerging white identity politics, experts say."


I don't even know what that is attempting to say, but that Newsweek allows this sophomoric ungrammatical twaddle in its publication speaks for itself.


simply stupid

Regarding Miss Marple drwaand strike at $:30 on last thread, I think several of the generals in the military had had enough with the Bradley Mannings and Beau Bergdahls and the way Obama was bringing the country down. Somehow they got to Rogers and knew of Brennan's plans trying to get foreign government false flag operations. They then set up Manafort as their false flag and used the Goldsmith character for good measure. No other reason for how tarmac incident and having Comey do pressers . They put just enough pressure on Comey but not the whole enchilada even though they knew the facts through Rogers. Guilianai and sources in NY were the likely carrier pigeons as to what really was going on.


I just googled the MELANIA TRUMP tree story. Every single story on the first page was LIBTARD/COMMIE CENTRAL. All I needed to know.


It's 90 degrees colder here than where I woke up this morning. Brrrrr.


Goldstone, but you are on point, meanwhile it took four years for a real piece of intelligence re the miniaturized warheads to be revealed.


First Lady Melania Trump has made the call to remove the oldest tree on the White House property, according to a CNN report. But it’s not as sinister as it sounds.

The large magnolia tree has been decaying for decades. Arborists from the National Arboretum were called to the White House to assess the tree and their report indicates the tree needs to come down and soon.
Based on their advice, the First Lady approved the cutting down and removal of the tree after being assured every avenue had been exhausted to preserve it.

And the COMMIES piss their pants when we call it FAKE NEWS.


Welcome Home Henry!!! Did you connect in Atlanta??


GUS, it's the old trick of making the headline misleading (Melania orders 200-year-old tree chopped down!!!) and putting the details in the article, hoping most people don't get beyond the headline.


Gus, Southwest direct.


JimmyK, God bless you my brother. I just read your 8:52, and all I can say, is that THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA, in it's many forms, has jumped the shark and is now OFFICIALLY BAT SHIT CRAZY.

JimmyK, are you Jewish??




I am indeed Gus. But I don't associate myself with the likes of Nadler, Schumer (Amy or Chuck), Schiff, Boxer, or any of a hundred other embarrassments.


Henry, welcome home, I'm having a STELLA in your honor.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I answered a couple of people on the last thread before I knew this one was up.

I am too tired to repeat stuff.

Heading to bed.



Well yes we suspected that alreadyhttps://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/the-prime-ministers-brain-may-be-broken/news-story/f8a4730f019989b2183978501cb502dd


Jimmy that's funny. I don't associate with SCHUMER, WADDDDLER, SCHITT or BOXER either!!
For the most part, I could not care less what someone's FAITH is, other than to share cultural or religious discourse. I am fascinated by the DIFFERENCES that BRING US TOGETHER. IMHO opinion, the likes of SCHUMER does/do not really have a SPIRITUAL component. Weiner and Abedin, share only LIBERALISM, greed and avarice.


That's like saying we survived the plague before


...dossier that was ... based on gossip-tinged information from paid, unidentified Kremlin operatives.
Ok, why is this presented as a statement of fact? Why does anyone believe that there was any Russian input into this? sbw— don’t newspapers have legal departments who tell them to put “allegedly” in front of the accusations that they publish when they haven’t been proven in a court of law?

I’m still waiting for some diligent kid from reddit of CT to locate the amateur internet porn that Steele plagiarized the document from...


Lovely Miss M, I e-mailed you!! xoxo


You would think the gubarev suit would have taught them something


buzzfeed, the logic seems to be there must be something to this tripe, when the fact there is nothing!

Conversely consider a host of public person about which nothing can be said,

How wee your Christmas, cathyf


JimmyK. I just went to ABCNEWS.COM so as to be a wee bit FAIR and INTROSPECTIVE.
Here is the first story I was "subjected to".


These fuckers are my enemy.


sbw— don’t newspapers have legal departments who tell them to put “allegedly” in front of the accusations


James D.

Yes, they are, GUS. They're the enemy of all decent and sane people.


Cathyf, there is a better question. Why don't these HACKS go with the VERIFIED INFO, that THEY DO HAVE???
Rodham had contrual documented CONTROL of most DNC operations, spending and editorial control.

What would any honest HUMAN expect the RESULTS of such a DOSSIER to be??
Yet the F'N BI, hasn't figured out the GIG.????
Why? Because they used the DOSSIER to get approval to SPY on all things TRUMP. It's crazy obvious.


After Rodham was CAUGHT, both her CAMPAIGN, and the DNC, paying for and diseminating this DOSSIER, and SHE ADMITTED IT, because it was FACTUAL.

How is it that the HONORABLE F'N BI didn't clean up THEIR ACT?? How is it possible that an HONEST FBI, would not have CHANGED COURSE???


ONCE AGAIN, I look at a MAINSTREAM FAKE NEWS OUTLET, and the 1st story I see......


It's mass hysteria


Well this is the same outlet which is likely to bet its keester handed to it.


So the Salt Lake Tribune in naming Orrin Hatch the most influential Utahn burned him to the ground, citing his "utter lack of integrity" and hunger for power. The award is for those who had the most impact, for good or for bad.

They gave him an old fashioned horse whipping and he inadvertently praised the article, thinking it was a great honor.

The elders are not happy.


Just imagine the MFM publishing this.....




You didn't see this coming:



Using the FBI to do oppo research for your own parties candidates is the sort of abuse we were warned Trump would engage in.

Frankly, this sounds like one more example of Pregressive "projection"


Matt, who does the Salt Lake TRIBUNAL like better??
I'm sure Mike Lee is POPULAR there.


But of course Grey p oupon:



Neo, which one of the lying PATHETIC FBI conspirators, Comey, McCabe + wife, Ohr + wife, Strzok cheating on wife, Page cheating on husband with Strzok, etc etc etc was going to do oppo research for President Trump?????

There will be FBI CRIMINALS sent to prison.


Neo, what is the attribution to your OPPO research post. Who said that??

$28 a Month? Huh?

"Using the FBI to do oppo research for your own parties candidates is the sort of abuse we were warned Trump would engage in. Of course, those of us who opposed Hillary (the many, the loud) understood who was much more likely to engage in just that sort of thing"

Which is why I guess the F.B.I sent a letter to Congress a few days before the election to apprise them of a break in the Server investigation.

Aaaaaaaaaaaah. I see where you're going with this,Tom.The FBI wanted Hillary to win so they intentionally cut her lead in the polls by halve with a bullshit investigation update as.....wait wait....as a clever ploy to somehow.......to somehow get people who weren't to vote for Hillary TO VOTE FOR HILLARY.

Tom, you're a retard.


TM said it in his post, GUS.

Orrin Hatch does not deserve that crap. I hate the left.


I’m still waiting for some diligent kid from reddit of CT to locate the amateur internet porn that Steele plagiarized the document from...

Well, according to /pol/ one theory is that Rick Wilson was the original recipient of some stuff a /pol/ guy made up as oppo research and shopped around as disinfo. Rick Wilson's son is known as a guy who has a thing for golden showers. Sooo.....



Hint for you, duda: she never had that lead. It was FAKE.


I skim through time and newsweak, the latter is quicker. In luces regret, they now note halperin was part of their staff, something they didn't point out in their woke issue two weeks ago

Captain Hate


Leftovers here as well and a rest day where everyone fell asleep and then didn’t realize if it was still today or tomorrow already.

There is soooooo much food in the refrigerator at chez Hate that I could live for a week on the leftovers. Mrs H made a great beef roast in the slow cooker for Christmas of which my son in law was still singing it's praises tonight. Speaking of the son in law, he bought some Laphroaig Islay Single Malt tonight and I finally know what you smokehounds are talking about a "smoky peaty" taste. Corsendonk Christmas Ale as a chaser: here's to the memory of Jim Rhoads; I wish he could've enjoyed 2017 with us.

$28 a Month? Huh?

A sleeping giant of people who never vote are about to be woken up by Trump's continuous attack on Democracy. They, along with the drastically changing Demographics,an older Republican base that is dying off every day etc etc will create a permanent Liberal majority.

Does anyone think that the FBI is going to forget how the Republican party and it's base destroyed the careers of men and women who gave their lives for this country?

Me neither.

What about all the intelligence agencies?

You've created the very thing that you're fearful of just by being fearful.It is ironic in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way that your actions may have produced an actual Deep state.


Porchlight. I love your passion. We've known each other for a long long time, and I see you as STRONGER as time goes on. It must suck to be in such a LIB PARADISE, but, you are most definitely on the right side. Hang in there. I "hate" to use the word "hate", but I absolutely agree with you.


"Using the FBI to do oppo research for your own parties candidates is the sort of abuse we were warned Trump would engage in. Of course, those of us who opposed Hillary (the many, the loud) understood who was much more likely to engage in just that sort of thing

TM, a precise, very well crafted, two-sentence editorial."

Yes, well crafted. Is it nit picking to suggest "party's" in place is "parties"?
I would hate to violate a JOM Prime Directive.

Clarice Feldman

Actually, Obama with comey's held devastated the FBI by bringing in complaisant doJ jerks to head up the place and direct the agents' work. At a minimum when the dust settles CI will no longer be part of the fbI's portfolio. Next--and it's low dowm on all the other more urgent priorities, is to revamp Homeland Security , cut the nitwit bloat out of the CIA and beef up the dIA. And tighten the rules re fisa warrants and prosecute anyone who misled that Court to spy on Teump.


Thank you, GUS. Did you know that my kindle auto corrects your name into all caps when I type it? :)


JimNorCal, you are not allowed to comment until 10:47.


Indeed, Cap'n. Here's to Jim Rhoads and to all our departed JOM friends.

$28 a Month? Huh?

"Actually, Obama with comey's held devastated the FBI by bringing in complaisant doJ jerks to head up the place and direct the agents' work. At a minimum when the dust settles CI will no longer be part of the fbI's portfolio. Next--and it's low dowm on all the other more urgent priorities, is to revamp Homeland Security , cut the nitwit bloat out of the CIA and beef up the dIA. And tighten the rules re fisa warrants and prosecute anyone who misled that Court to spy on Teump"

You little minx!!


Is Rick Wilson the guy who lost well over $100,000,000.00 on LOW ENERGY JEB???
The vulgar pig, who runs away with the CASH?


Before hoover, there was a series of undistinguished directors of the bureau of investigation, it was mitchell palmer's idea to put hoover who was initially a researcher on the anarchist question in the bureau. If memory serves


an older Republican base that is dying off every day etc etc will create a permanent Liberal majority.

I have bad news for you, duda. Generation Z is coming up and is very conservative.

Conservative is the new counterculture. You guys are the church ladies now.





I have LAPHROAIG!! I don't deserve it.
And I have LOCH DHU.

Captain Hate

Does anyone think that the FBI is going to forget how the Republican party and it's base destroyed the careers of men and women who gave their lives for this country

Fuck those assholes; they deserve a firing squad and mass grave. Not even a pine box.


The Church of Gaia, Abortion, Permanent Minorities, Marx & Lenin. Some church. Yeah, that's the ticket.

There's the Crazy Rite; the Hateful Rite, The Criminal Rite, and the Marx & Engels Ordinate.

Gesundheit, Gus!


Thanks Porch, I think that's cool. Because of my EMPHASIS SCHTICK, I've always thought it was appropriate to stay in CHARACTER and post as GUS.
In Henry's case, he posts without the CAPITAL H.
I know him, and to be respectful, I capitalize Henry. But, I'm flattered that you have special GUS, just for me. Porch, both you and Clarice even know where I live!

$28 a Month? Huh?

"I have bad news for you, duda. Generation Z is coming up and is very conservative"

Yeah,they're Conservative not "Fuckin whacko". Now,if the poll said that most Generation Z's were leaning toward "fuckin whacko" then you and your Trumpers would be in for a field day.

Trumpsim has nothing in common with Conservatism.The poll said that Generation Z tend toward economic conservatism......you guys just added 2 trillion to the deficit.

Sorry, honey but they're just not that into you.

Captain Hate



This is not even delusion. It's a complete and utter LIE.
""Does anyone think that the FBI is going to forget how the Republican party and it's base destroyed the careers of men and women who gave their lives for this country""
The SWAMP is being drained. If some of these MOTHER FUCKERS are willing to "give their lives"I AM ALL FOR IT.


Is it 10:47 yet? :) :)

For those of us who've achieved a certain age ...


Capn, that is AWESOME. I've opened for WESTERBERG and/or the REPLACEMENTS numerous times.
That song is WESTERBERG at his ROOTS BEST.

My favorite Westerberg song is......CAN YOU GUESS???

Captain Hate

Gus, we might differ but Alex Chilton is my fave penned by Paul W.


Stirewalt just suggested that FLAKE and KATSHIT might be COMPETITION in 2020 vis a vis TRUMP.

OMG. That's GOPe conventional wisdom??

Why not McShitStain??

Ralph L

How wee your Christmas, cathyf

She had a small get-together.


Great choice Capn'. I'm going to listen to Alex Chilton right now.

MERRY GO ROUND is my fave, and I've played it for years.

Minneapolis band, Paul Westerberg is NOT a sell out.



Paul Westerberg is the American..
Paul Weller.
Including the SG jr.



Les Paul Jr.


JimNorCal, have you seen my son's video?


Well I concur:



I was off by two directors, burns and fLynn:


"JimNorCal, have you seen my son's video?"

No. He got to play with a famous band, is that the video or is there one featuring him?


JIM!!! My sons name. plays with CHEAPTRICK on YOUTUBE. Several versions. DO NOT DISRESPECT the GREAT Cheap Trick.

Seriously, take a look... He plays with a famous band and HE IS PLAYING. Rick Nielsen, Cheap Tricks guitarist, leader and writer, STOPS and you can see and hear, THE BOY is the one playing. AT THE AGE OF 12.


Cheap Trick, how I adore them. What a sense of humor.

Favorite Westerberg song - maybe "I Can't Wait." Or "Little Mascara." Not easy to pick - "Alex Chilton" is certainly up there.


Cool, GUS. Sure I'll poke around and find it

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