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December 11, 2017


Frau Steingehirn

Still blowing here in so.cal. My nose that is.


Sunny and brisk in the southern Piedmont. Sun almost down.


"Trump came into the backstage hair and makeup area while I sat naked under a robe." - Samantha Holvey

I just realized that every single day of my entire working life, my educational life---I have been naked under my clothes! And very often, I have been the only woman in the room.

Who has Gloria Aldred's number????

Old Lurker



Who has Gloria Aldred's number????

You don't call Gloria, anonamom, she calls you!


OL, I'm going to join you this evening on The Ledge, and stay there til the Alabama election results come in, if I may.
I'm surprised that R+2 poll in a R+22 has shaken my faith in the good people of Beasts state, but it has.

Account Deleted

So, the word of one individual who was backstage naked under her robe is all that's needed for this vaguery to have legs.

Was anyone else back there that evening? Is this allegation going to get corroborated or will be just get beaten over the head with the same hammer "Innappropriate....i was naked under my robe....i was barely 20.... inappropriate...i was naked under my robe....i was barely 20...."




Account Deleted

ivadenuff. going for a walk.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Let me repeat that we now know that Nellie Ohr, wife of the demoted DOJ guy Bruce Ohr, WORKED FOR FUSION GPS.

And this is my reply to that at the end of the last thread:

I do not understand this. Back in the 70's, I was unemployable by the State of Indiana's geological survey because the state regulated the mining company that my then-husband was working for.

Are you telling me that the State of Indiana had more stringent conflicts of interest in rules in 1975than the FBI and Department of Justice has today?


Another one, UH!
"Ryan Lizza of CNN and the New Yorker is the fellow who cost Anthony Scaramucci his job by quoting what Scaramucci said to him in private.
Lizza has long feuded with Trump.
Now Lizza is out of a job.
... LAIT -- Laughed As I Typed."

Lizza joins the list of Trump Losers that is being maintained, as noted by daddy.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Video and transcript at the link.

Beasts of England

I have a blog search question. I posted a recipe for Green Goddess salad dressing on JOM either last December or the one previous. I need to make it twice this season and can't find the recipe anywhere in the house. How would I do such a query? Thanks in advance!


Anyone seen Geraldo lately? I haven’t. And if they’ve shitcanned him from Fox it might all be worth it.


NASA is no longer in the Muslim Self Esteem bidness??

Beasts of England

I think you're reading it wrong, anonamom. They skewed an R+22 state down to R+2 to yield a 'shock poll'.


"The deuce you say!"

Old Lurker

A-mom, it will be you and me on the Ledge tonight. Are you naked under those clothes?

I trust that that Fox Poll will be bogus as hell because Beasts said so and I believe Beasts. Then if it is, Fox should be laughed off the stage.

If it is accurate, then our team has some reflecting to do.

Hence the bar on the Ledge...

Beasts of England

I was chatting with ChiTown Lurker about Bitcoin the other day and mentioned that a young friend of mine has 717.xxx of the silly things. He's made (cryptically) $5.1M in the last ten days on the not-so-silly things. He's 25...


Green Goddess dressing

- 1 clove minced garlic
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. finely ground pepper
- 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
- 1 tsp. Worcestershire
- 2 tbsp. anchovy paste
- 3 tbsp. tarragon vinegar
- 3 tbsp. minced chives
- 1/3 cup snipped parsley
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1/2 cup sour cream

Simply combine all the ingredients and you're good to go. You can make it the night before without issue.

I use butter lettuce for the salad. Bibb works, as well. You can serve anchovies on the side, just in case the dressing isn't pungent enough!


Jim Eagle


The Winklevoss twins let Zuckerberg screw them out of facebook. Why should we believe them when it comes to Bitcoin? I don't.

At least gold and silver are regulated by supply and demand.

Same with Trump's hair at his barber shop.


Here is what I typed into the Google:

green goddess beasts england site:justoneminute.typepad.com

Miss Marple the Deplorable


In my opinion, he should take the money and run.


Useful, TK!
Thanks for posting, I hadn't seen the "site" keyword being used before.

 Duda: Progressive and loving it!!

The Roy Moore/Millie March interview went well. No incidents. Nothing.

Police were standing around 15 feet away just in case Roy started to slip but even I have admit, he held it together.

Beasts of England

Thank you so very much, Threadkiller!! You da man!

~ ~ ~

He owns a self-made top-100 Amazon retailing site and mines several crypto currencies, Miss Marple. He is relentless and driven. I have to be honest, if I had that kinda money at that age I'd have been retired for thirty years. He wants a G-650 and to be a billionaire. I wouldn't be surprised if he attains both before age forty.


My drink order is in, I will be joining you guys and gals on The Ledge shortly.


That is the trick I use to dwell on all the missteps and incorrect statements of the afterbirthers, Jim.



So where does one store the bitcoin, and how is it transferred securely.

Beasts of England

He's been pressing me to purchase some for the last year, JiB, and did a little extra gloating when he called me earlier... I see both sides of the argument about cryptos - as long as people perceive it to have value, it has value. Same is true of our US currency. Except it's backed up by the full faith and credit of our nuclear arsenal. :)


Me too A-mom - I can only imagine how many male judges I have stood before in my silk suit not realizing I was naked underneath. Every single one of them must go to jail - and if opposing counsel was male, he deserves it too.

Beasts of England

That was a real sticking point for me, narc. He made it sound like each coin had a distinct serial number linked to a chain of title, so to speak. I may be just too old to understand how that's good enough. :)


Hey look at me! I’m wearing a bikini on national tv. Whoa you looked at me. You creep.


Perfect Sue!


So 15 minutes later, she walks out on stage in a string bikini with high heels and proclaims.


Captain Hate

The ewok chronicles:

Meanwhile, the day the CNN face-planted with its latest round of #VeryFakeNews, who did Jake Tapper have on to discuss the Trump investigation? California Democrat Adam , who makes the most vaporware claims about what is "proven" about Trump RUSSIAN Collusion, and who is being straight-up accused by people who usually don't straight-up accuse of being the source for the coordinated false leaks.

Guess what Jake Tapper, the Hero of the Gimp-Suit Fake Conservative Remnant, did not ask Adam Schiff about?

That's right -- for some strange reason I could not even guess at, super-straight-shooter Jake Tapper did not ask Adam Schiff for his thoughts on the coordinated lies put out, allegedly, by two sources, each to four different media outlets (ABC, MSNBC, CBS, #VeryFakeNewsCNN).

Why did he not ask about that? Is it because reporters don't ask such things of their sources?

And why was Adam Schiff even on the show? Was he pre-booked in anticipation of talking up the information that I'm quite sure he had no idea would be breaking on CNN?

Glenn Greenwald had a good point: A "whistleblower" contacted the Washington Post claiming to have a story about Roy Moore groping her. This whistleblower also wanted anonymity.

When this whistleblower turned out to be a hoaxer -- working for Project Veritas to see how easily the Washington Post could be snookered -- the Washington Post outed this person they'd offered anonymity to.

Why are none of the four media outlets hoaxed by two sources (allegedly -- I suspect it's one source) outing those hoaxers?

I think the answer is obvious: Because while the Washington Post hoaxer hoped to hurt the Washington Post, the two (or maybe one) hoaxer putting out the Wikileaks Early Peak story was hoping to hurt Trump.

And that's what makes it an "innocent mistake" as far as CNN and the rest of them are concerned -- it wasn't a mistake, it was in fact deliberate, but it was "innocent" in the sense that they were spreading false stories about the right target.

Oh, and of course: Because they don't want to burn the guy feeding them leaks every couple of days, who is almost certainly either Adam Schiff, and/or other Democrat Congressmen on the House Intelligence Committee and/or Democratic staffers on that committee.

They want to keep the leak gravy train -- true or false, it does not matter -- coming.

And they want to protect their fweinds

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thought I would put this here for you Ledge people:



So what happens if ya want tour money?

Account Deleted

Google: sell bitcoin

You'll drown info. Cost per transaction is key.
Security of the sales platform (if you store your coin on it to sell it).

Lots to learn. Fools have rushed in.

Stayin' away from it. Big with college kids. College Man Kid has buddies who are all in at $100K plus and are getting phat on paper.... when to sell....when to sell.... oh that magic feeling of not trading with stops ;)

Captain Hate

That's a good article by Sundance. I don't always agree with him but that was very well stated.

Dave (in MA)

I'm waiting to pick up my takeout order COMPLETELY BUCK NEKKID except for my clothes.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

These two tweets are by the spokesman for the department of Homeland Security:

Tyler Q. Houlton‏Verified account @SpoxDHS
12m12 minutes ago

.@DHSgov can confirm that the suspect benefited from extended family chain migration. The chain was initiated by the suspect’s relative who became a U.S. Citizen after entering the country via a visa lottery program. (1/2)
1 reply 2 retweets 2 likes
Tyler Q. Houlton‏Verified account @SpoxDHS
12m12 minutes ago

The suspect is originally from Bangladesh and entered the U.S. in 2011 receiving a green card under the fourth family based preference. The Administration has advocated for ending both Chain Migration and the current Diversity Visa lottery program (2/2)
0 replies 2 retweets 2 likes

Janet 🚬

Sue, Thank you.


Hope it's a Wicked Weasel! Oops, did I say that out loud?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This is a WaPo reporter. Therefore, I have no idea if this is accurate, but thought I would post it, anyway:

James Hohmann‏Verified account @jameshohmann
1h1 hour ago

Heads up for folks in DC: There will be a military drill over the city from midnight until 2:30 a.m. Among the assets being deployed: F-16 fighters, C-21 transporters and MH-65 Dolphin helicopters. NORAD says it's testing rapid response capabilities.


Uh oh, Chucky cheese hardest hit.


Jane: "- and if opposing counsel was male, he deserves it too."

but not if counsel was a lesbian?



No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore’s Car



I hope Trump has his own loyal troops

Account Deleted

So is this "it's too close to call" or the "blowout for Dems" the usual Dem disinformation campaign just before a loss?

Also, has Sally Yates' "blackmail" meme re Flynn been discredited? Just saw an article on how MuleToolz is focused on an 18 day period on who said what re Flynn's blackmailability etc...


All these rotten Obama people are being exposed.
Unfortunately nothing is going to happen to them.
Mueller going under for the third time.
No way firing Comey is anything other than good judgment.


I would say the latter,

the predicate was set forth with bogus snippet re alpha bank that foer chomped on, to the dossier that secured the visa warrant from contreras note how that story dissapeared.

Janet 🚬

That "naked under a robe" chick has to be one of the stupidest accusers of all.

Her & the Roy Moore accusers that are complaining Moore asked their mothers if he could date them.

Comanche Voter

So you are saying that my own not so beloved Congress Critter "Adam Loose Lips Sink Ships Schiff" was maybe the leaker who set CNN up? Who would think that that skid mark on the shorts of Congress would do such a thing?


We're a Bitcoin family.

As in A Bitcoin.

Dang it!



No arguement, Rupert is cooking that poll.

However, if enough Moore voters get discouraged and stay home, real possibilty of bad outcome.


Oh, I totally understand what is going on---I'm just not able to get the head to overcome my unsettled insides.


I hope Trump has his own loyal troops

He does.

Just for starters, all of West by God. Then all the "regular guys" in the counties he won.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


That is why it is important to talk about it to people in Alabama, to put it on Twitter, and for even we people here not to get discouraged(because lots of people read this blog but don't comment).

I voted very early for President Trump. I then was subjected to variations of "Trump's gonna lose" bulletins from Fox on my phone. It got so bad that on my way home from my sister's I started crying and praying. I believe those prayers were answered. I also believe that the people of Alabama are far smarter than Rupert Murdoch's flacks.

Beasts of England

'However, if enough Moore voters get discouraged and stay home, real possibilty of bad outcome.'

I appreciate that, Buckeye. However, the whole country noticed that Trump 'didn't have a path to 270' yet they still came out and voted him into office. I've talked to two locals today about the bogus Fox poll - there's no way that will dissuade them. Plus, many of us are still enraged about McTurtle trying to buy the primary for Strange...


MissM: " I also believe that the people of Alabama are far smarter than Rupert Murdoch's flacks."

I've been trying to come up with a theory of how this statement could be incorrect. So far, no can do.

Beasts of England

I should have known that Miss Marple was gonna say it better and quicker than me. ;)


I'm not discouraged, just making an "hedging" observation

Beside, OL has the bar really well stocked, so might as well drink his booze:)

Miss Marple the Deplorable



Captain Hate

Nope, just you:


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

I used to follow her on Twitter but as the campaign progressed, she got nuttier and nuttier.

I firmly believe she was scared of things coming out, and I am not talking about sex.

I finally dropped her off my Twitter feed as she was to disturbing to read.

Buford Gooch

Rocco | December 11, 2017 at 06:41

I didn't realize that weasels and camels were related.


I see 3 new polls: Jones +10 (Fox), dead heat tie and Moore +9.
What a joke.

Jim Eagle

I feel sorry for the poor fuck of a man who woud harrass Sally Kohn. Needs gender reassignment immediately. But the irony is a butch idiot like Sally discussing sexual harrassment as if it would ever happen to her, outside of the restrooms in Target.

I am going Moore by 5+ points just because I know Alabama and no way they elect a raving liberal like this guy.


I don’t understand women. They want men to respect them, treat them as equals, not as sex objects but they make the Fifty Shades of Grey series a massive success. I don’t think men have a chance anymore. Sorry guys.


Somebody needs to deal with Rupert's punk ass kids.


Jones seems not very intelligent to me.
He is another Dem patsy who will be dumped after the election.

Buford Gooch

The people putting actual cash on it are still strong on Moore.



Any woman who sees herself as a victim like Hillary has lost the battle of life.

Tom R

I’m turning off the regular TV channels and watching Netflix tonight. Every commercial break on every channel is nonstop negative ads against both Moore and Jones.

Jim Eagle

No one, in my memory, even the Nixon v. Rather exchange, has ever gone to battle against the media, except Trump. That is why they are trying to figure out how to handle it and what to do about it. They are flummoxed to a high degree. And it is not something they anticipated.

They should have seen it coming but didn't and now they are way behind and he is way ahead. In fact, they can't recover without exposing their leftist bias and even more their really lack of any intelligent reporting. Look at Jim Acosta. What do you think his SAT score was, -100/+1400? Go low if you want to win.


Jack the MFM has no intelligent people any more. They have biased LIBTARD/MARXISTS and NANCY BOYS, who have been raised in LEFTIST SCHOOLS and the UNIVERSITY of TARD URINALISM SCHOOLS.
Their MONOPOLY is over.


this seems pretty significant to me: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-11/ex-spy-chief-admits-role-deep-state-intelligence-war-trump


JiB, don't you get 600 for writing your name on the test sheet? That puts my guess on Acosta at 360. The boy is too dumb to put last name first.

Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

Sue, I'm with you.

Ex, I'm not a lesbian's type.

The left is pathetic. We need to save the world!

Beasts of England

It's tough being a dude... 😎

Ralph L


Captain Hate

Wow, Penn and Teller just got smoked by a Spanish card sleight of hand guy. Very impressive.


Don't test me Ralph....



Twitter still buzzing about being #NakedUnderARobe

Many photos of similar ghastly situations -

:::Warning::: Viewer Discretion Advised

Ralph L

Someone should keep track of when these creeps get re-hired or scooped up by another companies with spines. The high profile ones may spend more time in purgatory, but you know their former bosses would like to have the non-rapists back for half the pay.



Any takers? Jane can't do ALL the heavy lifting.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Josh Caplan‏ @joshdcaplan
23m23 minutes ago

Bill O'Reilly reveals he has secret tape of someone offering $200,000 to a woman to accuse Trump of sexual harassment.

Clarice Feldman

Jane, I'll be down there from tomorrow pm to the 18th if you feel like a field trip.

Captain Hate

I just use the ancient Betty Crocket recipe for spaghetti sauce.

Most of us gave you input on salmon, Gus; you just chose Jane's.

Captain Hate


Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

Sounds good Clarice. Let mr know what's best so I can find a babysitter.


Here is the magician CH speaks of on the YouTube:


At 3:05, or so, something looks bizarre with a disappearing card.

I do like the award at the end.


Beasts of England

- can of whole tomatoes, chopped
- small can tomato paste
- small onion, diced
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp oregano (2x if fresh)
- 1 tbsp basil (ibid)
- 1 tsp sugar

- 3 bay leaves
- 1/4 red wine
- 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated

Sweat the onions and garlic in the olive oil. Add the remaining ingredients less the bottom three - stir well. Top with the red wine, bay leaves, and cheese - simmer for at least thirty minutes.

Beasts of England

And salt + pepper, of course. Doh!!


Go to the pantry. Search for glass jar labeled Rsgo. Ask for help if you can’t unscrew the lid. Dump contents in sauce pan. Heat on low stirring occasionally until hot.

You’re welcome.


Ragu. Shoot. Autocorrect ruined it.

Captain Hate

Good find, TK.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Exactly my recipe, except sometimes I use the Kroger brand.

The reason I use Ragu is that I had a spaghetti sauce recipe made from tomatoes, tomato paste, onion, green pepper, garlic, etc. and simmered for 2 hours.

One day there was a special on Ragu so I bought it for a quick meal, and discovered it tasted exactly the same!

I have used jar sauce ever since. If I am feeling really fancy I add some sort of meat and Parmesan cheese to the sauce.

Clarice Feldman

Jane, I'll contact you once I get down there in case pipes have burst so there's some other emergency I don't know about. At the moment only sat night is booked though.

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