Got this notification this morning and learned the nfl players association was part of the exec search committee to find the right new ceo. Proof then they have gone into the community organizing business.
"It is a tremendous honor to be appointed president and CEO of StriveTogether at this critical time. I have had the privilege of doing this work over the past decade alongside the most passionate and committed individuals in the country and to be able to continue this journey in this way is incredibly exciting.
When I began my cradle-to-career work at the local level with StrivePartnership in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, the work was messy, and there were days when I wondered if what we were doing was making a difference. Now I see how far that work has come in Cincinnati and across the country, and I am inspired and motivated to do even more.
It is incredibly humbling to have the opportunity to lead the work of StriveTogether forward, and the future of StriveTogether could not be brighter. We have to put children at the center and create new systems of supports to ensure that they can thrive and achieve upward mobility. Every child, no matter their race, gender, socioeconomic status or zip code, deserves this opportunity, and I am grateful to the many leaders and partners who are working in more than 70 communities across the country every single day to achieve this vision. As I step into this new role, I will continue to call upon your wisdom and guidance.
2018 is a building year for us as we prepare to implement our new strategic plan, and you’ll hear more about this in the new year. For now, take some time to reflect, relax and recharge over the holidays and celebrate all that you have accomplished this year. Thank you for putting your trust in me. Together, we will build better systems for better outcomes for every child from cradle to career. "
From an email to me: FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known; Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated 2017-12-15/fbi-edits-clinton- exoneration-go-far-beyond- what-was-previously-known- comey-mccabe-s
Here's the answer to your question re McCabe's involvement. It uses the same example I gave, namely, the edits. This is a good picture of interaction at the top. And note that when the memo went back to Comey he would have known that contributions came from McCabe as well as others. Which clearly suggests that McCabe probably kept Comey in the loop on all actions. That may seem a stretch, but Comey would have known--duh!--that if he wanted to know what was up with his top level managers, McCabe would be the go to guy. And McCabe would know that was part of his job.
That's how it always works in corrupt organizations--keep the skirts of the guy orchestrating this clean--let his lieutenants do the work while the top guy goes to weddings and christenings.
Pete Rose's bitching about pitchers throwing him too many breaking balls while pursuing DiMaggio's record was my first clue of what a miserable piece of shit he was. Working with someone who frequently interacted with him just confirmed and elaborated on it.
Pete Rose's bitching about pitchers throwing him too many breaking balls while pursuing DiMaggio's record was my first clue of what a miserable piece of shit he was.
There is a fine line between single-minded pursuit of greatness and utter ass-holery. Sadly, Pete wasn't within a six-iron of that line. Kone and MJ had good media people but obviously veered into the danger zone, or well past it.
But by way of contrast, Sports Illustrated has a - OK, inspiring - story about the ludicrously respectful yet unrelenting rivalry between Federer and Nadal.
Sadly, the link opens with a clip of Colin Kaepernick accepting an award and having a YUGE hair day. But the article is great, if you like those guys.
That entire Charlottesville show was a set up.
A bird dogging, produced & directed show.
It's sad that that girl was killed but what was she doing in the street? Why were protesters surrounding & beating on cars almost 2 hours after the event was dispersed?
Was the driver's car attacked before he drove out-of-control?
There was just a press conference while I was chatting with my BIL, who brought me my siister's old MICROWAVE. Woo-hoo! She got a built-in one and also all new appliances, so she gave us her old one.
Now for the less important news: Rep. Bobby Scott accused of harassment and threats by a former intern who was TOLD BY MAXINE WATERS to apologize to him!!
I think this is a big deal as it ensnares Maxine Waters! I hope Clarice didn't leave for her swim yet!
You got an online reference to the obese girl dying of a heart attack and not from the car? First I have heard of this but then I didn't pay much attention to it.
... I guess Max Boot forgot that Herr Mueller [horses whinny] thought these messages were enough to remove Strzok from the investigation. To say that these messages shouldn't matter is to undermine the judgement of Herr Mueller [horses whinny].
One of the commenter say it needs to be 500. IMO even 500 is not going to get it down to the level it needs to be. But the real truth is that they have to get rid of the ones who write this garbage, IMO.
The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak says that within 72 hours, "The House Is Going To Be Rocked" with a new bombshell which he says "will see the resignation of more than a dozen House members over harassment and secret settlements, and soon."
"New device instantly tells you if there's a problem with your car, how severe it is, and if it's an emergency or not (all in simple and easy to understand terms) – "
That's how it always works in corrupt organizations--keep the skirts of the guy orchestrating this clean--let his lieutenants do the work while the top guy goes to weddings and christenings.
When we went to the HOF for the Cricket and Baseball exhibit, in the area devoted to teams, they had Rose's uniform shirt hanging in the Red's cubicle. So, in a way, he is there already:)
I found it sort of odd and humorous at the same time. But then the HOF is not run by the voters (baseball writers) but by museum, history and curator types.
If I understand this correctly, linked by Mss Marple on the previous thread, the IG Horowitz is reporting that the FBI has been finding that FBI Agents are failing Lie Detctor tests, but those failures are not being reported to the Office Of The Inspector General as is required.
Pete and Bonds are both very unsympathetic characters imo. The HOF in Cooperstown is much better than the football one in Canton just because there have been years where they felt that nobody new deserved to be in it. It's the Hall of Fame; not the Hall of Stats or the Hall of Very Good.
Pete probably belonged in it when he played for the Reds. Then he went to the Phillies and seemed like a different person. And then he bet on games involving his team. That made the decision easy. Bonds used to built like Kenny Lofton until he started looking like one of Vince McMahon's freaks. Plus he was reportedly a prick to everyone around him. Neither belong under the same roof as Stan the Man.
I wonder if professional concern troll Sally Yates went to Trump and told him how concerned she was with Stroszzsskkk and Page's blackmailability?
My new guess is that Sally Yates is the unidentified Senior Trump Administration Official telling the WaPo this on 2 December:
A former senior Trump administration official said Strzok was evenhanded in all his dealings with the Trump White House. “I had the occasion to work closely with Special Agent Peter Strzok and never experienced even a hint of political bias. He was one of the most competent [counterintelligence] agents, and a role model,” the official said. “The country is tearing itself apart, and men like Pete Strzok are victims. The enemy is better off with him sidelined,” the former official added, referring to foreign adversaries.
Iirc Comey was fired on May 8, and McCabe was acting FBI Dir. until Wray was sworn in 3 mos. later. Letter from IG Horowitz in late September noted that not only were FBI polygraph flunkers not being reported as legally required, allegations of misconduct weren't reported as required either. Hope McCabe is the culprit.
I'll never forget the reaction at the All Star game when Ted showed up in a golf cart for the last time and all the current stars flocked around him like kids, impervious to the suits trying to get the game going on schedule.
Pete Rose was a GREAT player. His hits record is amazing. He was a switch hitter. Pete Rose, Henry Aaron, and Stan Musial are the only 3 players of any of our lifetimes to surpass 3600 hits.
Rose was a very good fielder he won gold gloves.
4256 hits. He earned them all.
HE'S A COMPLETE ASS HOLE and has never come clean about GAMBLING.
Barry Bonds is a floater.
Howie Carr's Show made the great point that the WaPo is all editorially incensed about the end of Net Neutrality, claiming that we will now have to pay for Google searches, and Howie makes the point that i order to read that WaPo story damning a Google Pay Wall you have to get past the WaPo's Pay Wall:)
Capn!! I notice you gave homage to Stan Musial.
Way way way way way way way under rated by the general public. Half of todays baseball fans, have no idea who Stan the Man played for.
Not only did The Splendid Splinter become the last hitter to bat over .400 (.406 in 1941??) but he gave up his baseball for an fighter in WW2 AND the Korean War. But not any aviator but a Marine aviator!
When he managed the Senators back in 1969, I had just joined Enormous World Wide Construction down in Southern Maryland at the Morgantown Generating Plant by the 301 bridge. We used to drive up to DC on weekends for any double headers at RFK just to watch Williams and hope to get an autograph.
But I did eventually end up meeting and drinking with Frank Howard in the Marquette, Michigan Ramada Inn after I got transfered up there in 1975. He was working as a super-salesman/ambassador for a beer distributor out of Wisconsin, I believe. His hands were so big mine disappeared inside of his when we shook.
Eddy Brinkman, another Cincinnati kid, was shortstop back then.
If there is going to be a mass resignation of Congress people on harassment charges, the Democrats will replace them with die hard Socialists and the Republicans will reciprocate by installing center left conservatives.
I recall Pete Rose taking out Tommy Herr at second two steps after Herr threw to first for the double play. Rose does not qualify as a human in my book, whatever stats he got. Eff him.
Holy crap Capn and Jack. The first MLB game I ever attended was Detroit v Washington in D.C. August of 69. The Splendid Splinter was manager. Howard hit 48 homers that year, if I remember
If there is going to be a mass resignation of Congress people on harassment charges, the Democrats will replace them with die hard Socialists and the Republicans will reciprocate by installing center left conservatives.
I see that as the next plausibly sensible strategy for the Dem's. Run candidates who appear to have the ability to get elected in swing states, then after the Election immediately accuse them of Sex allegations in a "wink wink charade" allowing them to be replaced by hard corps Stalinists types, handpicked by Dem governors.
From time to time I post articles here from Collector's Weekly, a resource I have long used to help me value items when I was selling them on eBay.
Today they featured a book called Mid-Century Christmas: Holiday Fads, Fancies, and Fun from 1945 to 1970 by a gal named Sarah Archer. They start out with an overview of the book, and I thought "Oh, what fun!"
Then we got to the interview with the author, and in the very first exchange I read this:
Sarah Archer: As I was writing the book, the presidential election was weighing heavily on my mind. It was so disturbing to hear the rallying cry to “Make America Great Again.” We know that factory jobs in this country have declined because of automation not immigration, but there’s an emotional attachment to the idea of Americans making lots of stuff like they did in the 1950s. That was an era when Americans believed in projects—like the Space Race—that were bigger than ourselves, and when we relied on, rather than shunned, facts in order to understand the potential of our new technologies. All I could think was, “God, it would be so great if people wanted to revive that aspect of the 1950s, instead of Jim Crow.”
Do you guys think I will buy this book, even though I love vintage Christmas stuff and am a child of the post-war era? I am so PO's I am considering writing the site a formal letter. Oh, the next article they are pushing is "A History of Sexual Harassment" so I guess they have outed themselves as prog warriors, which is a shame, as I used to love their articles. No more!
Maybe we're getting old Jack, but the MLB seems to have less and less GAMERS. My Baltimore Orioles of 66-71 or so, were as SCRAPPY as could be. My late 70's early 80's Brewers as well. Good Lord I love baseball. I've got a Brooks Robinson helmet right here on my desk. You remember Brooks Robinsons helmet????
Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the FBI Friday, hours after President Donald Trump ripped the bureau's leadership and suggested that its reputation was "in tatters."
"I don't share the view that the FBI is not functioning at a high level all over the country," said Sessions, who added, "... In my view, the FBI has huge national security requirements but it's also fulfilling a fabulously important role working to fight against violent crime."
Sessions also praised Trump for speaking to graduates of a weeks-long FBI National Academy program for law enforcement leaders from around the country, calling it "the first time a president in 47 years has spoken to the FBI['s] ... graduating police academy class."
"He made clear that he supports them 100 percent in their activities and that we are going to be a law enforcement administration that helps the law enforcement be successful," said Sessions.
TM is going to have a tough job vilifying Paul Krugman's latest column any better than Diedra Bolton and her guests have been doing on her FOX Business Show. Guest Craig Smith is saying Krugman's Nobel Prize should be revoked, since Krugman is expressly ignoring and going 180 degrees opposite of what the Nobel Prize Committee said they gave him the Prize for.
Daddy, that plenty of people will defend those two FBI agents is why I said to SS this morning that something approaching half the population has no desire to drain the swamp as long as the swamp feeds them. They don't care if the swamp robs Peter so long as Paul shares the loot with them.
Reading down through that article, the author is an insufferable prog, plus she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does about vintage Christmas stuff from the 50's. I do, as I made my living from it.
Full Commie. Won't get a dime from me and I wanted to make sure you guys were warned in case you saw the book at a store and thought it would be a fun gift for someone.
Daddy, that plenty of people will defend those two FBI agents is why I said to SS this morning that something approaching half the population has no desire to drain the swamp as long as the swamp feeds them.
Well OL, my problem is that even though these guys are obviously guilty as hell I have close to 100% certainty that no DC Jury will ever convict any if them, even with the smoking gun in their hands.
I think this from Newt last night was absolutely on the money:
Newt:So here's my point, and it is a very serious question for the Congress, and frankly I think it puts an enormous amount of pressure on the Attorney General, because I think Atty Gen Sessions has an absolute obligation to look at this information and begin to think about how they are going to prosecute Comey, and how they are going to prosecute all these other Senior FBI Agents...
How do you effectively prosecute criminals when the Jury is bought off from the git-go?
Pete Rose put the Phillies over the top in '80. Great example of how one player who knew how to win changed a team into killers. Asshole? Sure. Great baseball player? The numbers don't lie.
I have always wanted Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions to come out as the character Wilfred Brimley portrayed in "Absence of Malice" when he drove a stake through Bob Balaban's dirty ADA heart.
You have to find crimes in other jurisdictions, which is why that unusually high number of sealed indictments, scattered all over the country, is another reason I have hope.
One thing about my point of view: if I am wrong I can start feeling bad when I find out I was mistaken. Old Lurker and the other pessimists are feeling bad right now.
does any veranda dweller still think Sessions is gonna save the day?
Not me. Newt gave him some imperative advice yesterday but Sessions saying this today, "I don't share the view that the FBI is not functioning at a high level all over the country." tells me he wasn't listening.
Newt:Let me say this straight. Let me just say this straight. It is time for Jeff Sessions to step up to the plate and do his job. I've known Sessions a long time. I'll just say flatly. It is time for the Attorney General to step up to the plate and do his job. He has no excuse, as somebody who I know, believes in the Law. He has no excuse for hiding. He has to set up a Clinton Investigation, and he has to set up an FBI/Justice Department Investigation. This is his obligation under the Law, to enforce the Law and to protect the American people. Jeff Sessions has nowhere to hide on this. He can't recuse himself. He can't say he's not involved. These 2 things are so profound that he has to take them head on, or he is frankly not doing his job.
"I have always wanted Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions to come out as the character Wilfred Brimley portrayed in "Absence of Malice" ... But then I woke up and had to go pee."
The statement from Sessions is ambigious. Does he mean he thinks the FBI is functioning at a high level all over the country, or does he mean that in some areas it is functioning at a high level?
If Sessions isn't doing what Trump wants him to and Trump hasn't fired him, considering the circumstances, then Trump is incompetent and has no survival instinct.
I don't think that Trump is incompetent when it comes to fighting.
I just can't believe that Sessions is working from home and watching his bird feeders when he's on conference calls.
Does this story rate a "woo woo woo", or just a "hey hey hey?"
Posted by: Eric in Boise | December 15, 2017 at 11:22 AM
Should have gone into plastics after all.
Got this notification this morning and learned the nfl players association was part of the exec search committee to find the right new ceo. Proof then they have gone into the community organizing business.
"It is a tremendous honor to be appointed president and CEO of StriveTogether at this critical time. I have had the privilege of doing this work over the past decade alongside the most passionate and committed individuals in the country and to be able to continue this journey in this way is incredibly exciting.
When I began my cradle-to-career work at the local level with StrivePartnership in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, the work was messy, and there were days when I wondered if what we were doing was making a difference. Now I see how far that work has come in Cincinnati and across the country, and I am inspired and motivated to do even more.
It is incredibly humbling to have the opportunity to lead the work of StriveTogether forward, and the future of StriveTogether could not be brighter. We have to put children at the center and create new systems of supports to ensure that they can thrive and achieve upward mobility. Every child, no matter their race, gender, socioeconomic status or zip code, deserves this opportunity, and I am grateful to the many leaders and partners who are working in more than 70 communities across the country every single day to achieve this vision. As I step into this new role, I will continue to call upon your wisdom and guidance.
2018 is a building year for us as we prepare to implement our new strategic plan, and you’ll hear more about this in the new year. For now, take some time to reflect, relax and recharge over the holidays and celebrate all that you have accomplished this year. Thank you for putting your trust in me. Together, we will build better systems for better outcomes for every child from cradle to career. "
Posted by: rse | December 15, 2017 at 11:24 AM
Cash for accusations:
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 11:27 AM
morning all.
Posted by: rich | December 15, 2017 at 11:35 AM
Of course, dimaggio replied, I didn't go anywhere.
Over in porchs neck of the woods:
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 11:48 AM
hi rich... they are still on the last thread.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 11:48 AM
From an email to me: FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known; Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated 2017-12-15/fbi-edits-clinton- exoneration-go-far-beyond- what-was-previously-known- comey-mccabe-s
Here's the answer to your question re McCabe's involvement. It uses the same example I gave, namely, the edits. This is a good picture of interaction at the top. And note that when the memo went back to Comey he would have known that contributions came from McCabe as well as others. Which clearly suggests that McCabe probably kept Comey in the loop on all actions. That may seem a stretch, but Comey would have known--duh!--that if he wanted to know what was up with his top level managers, McCabe would be the go to guy. And McCabe would know that was part of his job.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 11:52 AM
That's how it always works in corrupt organizations--keep the skirts of the guy orchestrating this clean--let his lieutenants do the work while the top guy goes to weddings and christenings.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 12:05 PM
So they have up the charge in charlottesville, to first degree murder all to cover signer and mcawfuls criminal negligence.
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 12:19 PM
Pete Rose's bitching about pitchers throwing him too many breaking balls while pursuing DiMaggio's record was my first clue of what a miserable piece of shit he was. Working with someone who frequently interacted with him just confirmed and elaborated on it.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 15, 2017 at 12:20 PM
first degree murder for an obese person having a heart attack at a distance from the defendant's action? That is malicious prosecution.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 12:21 PM
So what exactly is the standard, did Dustin Hoffman coerce her, that isn't clear.
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 12:28 PM
"I'm harrassin' here!"
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | December 15, 2017 at 12:40 PM
That was more than harassment. There was penetration in both cases I read of.
Posted by: Another Bob | December 15, 2017 at 12:46 PM
"--I am beginning to think this feminism spouted by prog males is nothing but camouflage to get access to females.--"
I remember when the main excuse for a man caught as a member of the Communist party was that he only joined because that's where the women were.
Posted by: Davod | December 15, 2017 at 01:35 PM
ust had lunch with Jane who seems to be having a lot of fun in Fla. I take it no big tick tock. Going swimming.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 01:54 PM
There is a fine line between single-minded pursuit of greatness and utter ass-holery. Sadly, Pete wasn't within a six-iron of that line. Kone and MJ had good media people but obviously veered into the danger zone, or well past it.
But by way of contrast, Sports Illustrated has a - OK, inspiring - story about the ludicrously respectful yet unrelenting rivalry between Federer and Nadal.
Sadly, the link opens with a clip of Colin Kaepernick accepting an award and having a YUGE hair day. But the article is great, if you like those guys.
Posted by: Tom Maguire | December 15, 2017 at 01:56 PM
first degree murder for an obese person having a heart attack at a distance from the defendant's action? That is malicious prosecution.
I saw speculation that they are going for a BS charge so they can stage riots when the not guilty verdict comes through.
Posted by: Porchlight | December 15, 2017 at 01:59 PM
Did the driver have a heart attack?
That entire Charlottesville show was a set up.
A bird dogging, produced & directed show.
It's sad that that girl was killed but what was she doing in the street? Why were protesters surrounding & beating on cars almost 2 hours after the event was dispersed?
Was the driver's car attacked before he drove out-of-control?
The whole thing is sketchy.
Posted by: Janet 🚬 | December 15, 2017 at 02:01 PM
Janet, she had a heart attack on the sidewalk due to morbid obesity. was not touched by the car.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 02:04 PM
There was just a press conference while I was chatting with my BIL, who brought me my siister's old MICROWAVE. Woo-hoo! She got a built-in one and also all new appliances, so she gave us her old one.
Now for the less important news: Rep. Bobby Scott accused of harassment and threats by a former intern who was TOLD BY MAXINE WATERS to apologize to him!!
I think this is a big deal as it ensnares Maxine Waters! I hope Clarice didn't leave for her swim yet!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 02:06 PM
Back and saw this,MM.Thnx
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 02:57 PM
You got an online reference to the obese girl dying of a heart attack and not from the car? First I have heard of this but then I didn't pay much attention to it.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 03:04 PM
As we have said:
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 03:05 PM
DOW flirting with 24,700!
Up 170!!! It's a Bull Market!
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 03:10 PM
... I guess Max Boot forgot that Herr Mueller [horses whinny] thought these messages were enough to remove Strzok from the investigation. To say that these messages shouldn't matter is to undermine the judgement of Herr Mueller [horses whinny].
Posted by: Neo | December 15, 2017 at 03:10 PM
"Trump said that goal has been exceeded, and for every new regulation introduced, government agencies have eliminated 22.
One of the commenter say it needs to be 500. IMO even 500 is not going to get it down to the level it needs to be. But the real truth is that they have to get rid of the ones who write this garbage, IMO.
Posted by: pagar, a bacon, ham and sausage supporter | December 15, 2017 at 03:11 PM
Via Zerohedge:
The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak says that within 72 hours, "The House Is Going To Be Rocked" with a new bombshell which he says "will see the resignation of more than a dozen House members over harassment and secret settlements, and soon."
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 03:16 PM
Anyone using one of these?
"New device instantly tells you if there's a problem with your car, how severe it is, and if it's an emergency or not (all in simple and easy to understand terms) – "
Posted by: pagar, a bacon, ham and sausage supporter | December 15, 2017 at 03:16 PM
Number 11 on Amazon's Top 100 Books:
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 03:17 PM
That's how it always works in corrupt organizations--keep the skirts of the guy orchestrating this clean--let his lieutenants do the work while the top guy goes to weddings and christenings.
'John Wilkes' Comey.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 03:17 PM
Sadly, Pete wasn't within a six-iron of that line.
Welp, he's not within a six iron of getting into the HOF except by paying the same admission price as you or I.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 15, 2017 at 03:23 PM
I'd buy my grqand daughter that book, but her parents likely would start commitment proceedings against me if I did, JIB.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 03:27 PM
When we went to the HOF for the Cricket and Baseball exhibit, in the area devoted to teams, they had Rose's uniform shirt hanging in the Red's cubicle. So, in a way, he is there already:)
I found it sort of odd and humorous at the same time. But then the HOF is not run by the voters (baseball writers) but by museum, history and curator types.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 03:27 PM
Great lunch with Mr & Mrs Clarice. They are the best!
Posted by: Jane | December 15, 2017 at 03:29 PM
Very sweet, Jane.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 03:34 PM
JiB, it was reported at the time. I don't have a link.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 03:34 PM
Pagar...lots of reviews of Fixd on Amazon. Mostly good.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 03:51 PM
If I understand this correctly, linked by Mss Marple on the previous thread, the IG Horowitz is reporting that the FBI has been finding that FBI Agents are failing Lie Detctor tests, but those failures are not being reported to the Office Of The Inspector General as is required.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 03:51 PM
Cannot be true, Daddy. That's the FBI!
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 03:53 PM
Want strzok involved in a controversy with polygraphs,
What is this kerfluffle about uva law grad Matt petersen.
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 03:57 PM
Thanks, Old Lurker!
Posted by: pagar, a bacon, ham and sausage supporter | December 15, 2017 at 03:58 PM
I remembered right:
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 04:01 PM
Pagar, sounds handy but only for faults that trigger the Check Engine Light...
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 04:02 PM
Pete and Bonds are both very unsympathetic characters imo. The HOF in Cooperstown is much better than the football one in Canton just because there have been years where they felt that nobody new deserved to be in it. It's the Hall of Fame; not the Hall of Stats or the Hall of Very Good.
Pete probably belonged in it when he played for the Reds. Then he went to the Phillies and seemed like a different person. And then he bet on games involving his team. That made the decision easy. Bonds used to built like Kenny Lofton until he started looking like one of Vince McMahon's freaks. Plus he was reportedly a prick to everyone around him. Neither belong under the same roof as Stan the Man.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 15, 2017 at 04:14 PM
I wonder if professional concern troll Sally Yates went to Trump and told him how concerned she was with Stroszzsskkk and Page's blackmailability?
My new guess is that Sally Yates is the unidentified Senior Trump Administration Official telling the WaPo this on 2 December:
A former senior Trump administration official said Strzok was evenhanded in all his dealings with the Trump White House. “I had the occasion to work closely with Special Agent Peter Strzok and never experienced even a hint of political bias. He was one of the most competent [counterintelligence] agents, and a role model,” the official said. “The country is tearing itself apart, and men like Pete Strzok are victims. The enemy is better off with him sidelined,” the former official added, referring to foreign adversaries.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 04:19 PM
...or Ted Williams.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 04:20 PM
Howie Carr reports that Little Marco says he'll vote Yes.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 04:25 PM
Iirc Comey was fired on May 8, and McCabe was acting FBI Dir. until Wray was sworn in 3 mos. later. Letter from IG Horowitz in late September noted that not only were FBI polygraph flunkers not being reported as legally required, allegations of misconduct weren't reported as required either. Hope McCabe is the culprit.
Posted by: DebinGA | December 15, 2017 at 04:27 PM
Or Teddy Ballgame.
I'll never forget the reaction at the All Star game when Ted showed up in a golf cart for the last time and all the current stars flocked around him like kids, impervious to the suits trying to get the game going on schedule.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 15, 2017 at 04:30 PM
Short of a death or two in the next few days, sounds like the tax bill will happen.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 04:33 PM
Even without McCain and Cochran?
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 04:37 PM
Ted Williams! As a kid my husband was so crazy for him he models his signature on Ted's handwriting style to this day.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 04:38 PM
YouTube Temporarily Suspends Ajit Pai’s Parody Video on Copyright Grounds
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 04:39 PM
Collins or Flake will save the EU's competitiveness. No worries.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 04:41 PM
Ext, short of death certificates I think they wheel one or both in depending on what they need.
Rush said the R's simply have no choice, mostly for the reasons Simply Stupid and I were discussing this morning.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 04:42 PM
Pete Rose was a GREAT player. His hits record is amazing. He was a switch hitter. Pete Rose, Henry Aaron, and Stan Musial are the only 3 players of any of our lifetimes to surpass 3600 hits.
Rose was a very good fielder he won gold gloves.
4256 hits. He earned them all.
HE'S A COMPLETE ASS HOLE and has never come clean about GAMBLING.
Barry Bonds is a floater.
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 04:44 PM
"The enemy is better off with him sidelined,” the former official added, referring to foreign adversaries."
I would be surprised if counter intelligence has any time for FOREIGN adversaries.
Posted by: Davod | December 15, 2017 at 04:46 PM
Howie Carr's Show made the great point that the WaPo is all editorially incensed about the end of Net Neutrality, claiming that we will now have to pay for Google searches, and Howie makes the point that i order to read that WaPo story damning a Google Pay Wall you have to get past the WaPo's Pay Wall:)
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 04:46 PM
Thank goodness the site is back up! I took a nap. LOL!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 04:47 PM
Capn!! I notice you gave homage to Stan Musial.
Way way way way way way way under rated by the general public. Half of todays baseball fans, have no idea who Stan the Man played for.
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 04:47 PM
Not only did The Splendid Splinter become the last hitter to bat over .400 (.406 in 1941??) but he gave up his baseball for an fighter in WW2 AND the Korean War. But not any aviator but a Marine aviator!
When he managed the Senators back in 1969, I had just joined Enormous World Wide Construction down in Southern Maryland at the Morgantown Generating Plant by the 301 bridge. We used to drive up to DC on weekends for any double headers at RFK just to watch Williams and hope to get an autograph.
But I did eventually end up meeting and drinking with Frank Howard in the Marquette, Michigan Ramada Inn after I got transfered up there in 1975. He was working as a super-salesman/ambassador for a beer distributor out of Wisconsin, I believe. His hands were so big mine disappeared inside of his when we shook.
Eddy Brinkman, another Cincinnati kid, was shortstop back then.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 04:47 PM
If there is going to be a mass resignation of Congress people on harassment charges, the Democrats will replace them with die hard Socialists and the Republicans will reciprocate by installing center left conservatives.
Posted by: Davod | December 15, 2017 at 04:51 PM
I recall Pete Rose taking out Tommy Herr at second two steps after Herr threw to first for the double play. Rose does not qualify as a human in my book, whatever stats he got. Eff him.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 04:53 PM
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 04:53 PM
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 04:56 PM
Holy crap Capn and Jack. The first MLB game I ever attended was Detroit v Washington in D.C. August of 69. The Splendid Splinter was manager. Howard hit 48 homers that year, if I remember
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 04:58 PM
I think I was at that game. When not in town I was down at Cove Point getting stung by nettles:)
In 69 Del Unser hit more triples than anyone in the AL. He also hit the least amount of triples to lead that category in the AL (8):)
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 05:05 PM
If there is going to be a mass resignation of Congress people on harassment charges, the Democrats will replace them with die hard Socialists and the Republicans will reciprocate by installing center left conservatives.
I see that as the next plausibly sensible strategy for the Dem's. Run candidates who appear to have the ability to get elected in swing states, then after the Election immediately accuse them of Sex allegations in a "wink wink charade" allowing them to be replaced by hard corps Stalinists types, handpicked by Dem governors.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 05:06 PM
From time to time I post articles here from Collector's Weekly, a resource I have long used to help me value items when I was selling them on eBay.
Today they featured a book called Mid-Century Christmas: Holiday Fads, Fancies, and Fun from 1945 to 1970 by a gal named Sarah Archer. They start out with an overview of the book, and I thought "Oh, what fun!"
Then we got to the interview with the author, and in the very first exchange I read this:
Sarah Archer: As I was writing the book, the presidential election was weighing heavily on my mind. It was so disturbing to hear the rallying cry to “Make America Great Again.” We know that factory jobs in this country have declined because of automation not immigration, but there’s an emotional attachment to the idea of Americans making lots of stuff like they did in the 1950s. That was an era when Americans believed in projects—like the Space Race—that were bigger than ourselves, and when we relied on, rather than shunned, facts in order to understand the potential of our new technologies. All I could think was, “God, it would be so great if people wanted to revive that aspect of the 1950s, instead of Jim Crow.”
Do you guys think I will buy this book, even though I love vintage Christmas stuff and am a child of the post-war era? I am so PO's I am considering writing the site a formal letter. Oh, the next article they are pushing is "A History of Sexual Harassment" so I guess they have outed themselves as prog warriors, which is a shame, as I used to love their articles. No more!
As GUS says, they have gone FULL COMMIE!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:08 PM
If they're reps and not senators, they can't be replaced except by election.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 05:11 PM
Maybe we're getting old Jack, but the MLB seems to have less and less GAMERS. My Baltimore Orioles of 66-71 or so, were as SCRAPPY as could be. My late 70's early 80's Brewers as well. Good Lord I love baseball. I've got a Brooks Robinson helmet right here on my desk. You remember Brooks Robinsons helmet????
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 05:11 PM
Lovely Miss Marple....I have your e-mail!!!
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 05:13 PM
""center left conservatives."" Davod, is there such an ANIMAL????
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 05:15 PM
Elmer gets out of bed!
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 05:15 PM
TM is going to have a tough job vilifying Paul Krugman's latest column any better than Diedra Bolton and her guests have been doing on her FOX Business Show. Guest Craig Smith is saying Krugman's Nobel Prize should be revoked, since Krugman is expressly ignoring and going 180 degrees opposite of what the Nobel Prize Committee said they gave him the Prize for.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 05:16 PM
Miss M. The author, was disturbed to hear the "rallying cry...Make America Great Again"
Her book isn't as STRROFFFT as my normal toilet paper.
Did you see Sarah Silvermans' nonsense about her ex-boyfriends American Flag?? SSDD.
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 05:18 PM
Daddy, that plenty of people will defend those two FBI agents is why I said to SS this morning that something approaching half the population has no desire to drain the swamp as long as the swamp feeds them. They don't care if the swamp robs Peter so long as Paul shares the loot with them.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 15, 2017 at 05:26 PM
Reading down through that article, the author is an insufferable prog, plus she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does about vintage Christmas stuff from the 50's. I do, as I made my living from it.
Full Commie. Won't get a dime from me and I wanted to make sure you guys were warned in case you saw the book at a store and thought it would be a fun gift for someone.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:28 PM
Lol Miss M. You've still got it.
Posted by: GUS | December 15, 2017 at 05:29 PM
Stick with Lileks for vintage recipes.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | December 15, 2017 at 05:32 PM
Well, I guess that, when this is over, Muller can add "experienced insurance adjuster" to his resume?
Posted by: Sidwhite | December 15, 2017 at 05:37 PM
Sidwhite wins the internet with that snark at 5:37. LOL
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 05:39 PM
Daddy, that plenty of people will defend those two FBI agents is why I said to SS this morning that something approaching half the population has no desire to drain the swamp as long as the swamp feeds them.
Well OL, my problem is that even though these guys are obviously guilty as hell I have close to 100% certainty that no DC Jury will ever convict any if them, even with the smoking gun in their hands.
I think this from Newt last night was absolutely on the money:
Newt: So here's my point, and it is a very serious question for the Congress, and frankly I think it puts an enormous amount of pressure on the Attorney General, because I think Atty Gen Sessions has an absolute obligation to look at this information and begin to think about how they are going to prosecute Comey, and how they are going to prosecute all these other Senior FBI Agents...
How do you effectively prosecute criminals when the Jury is bought off from the git-go?
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 05:42 PM
Given Ext's 5:15, does any veranda dweller still think Sessions is gonna save the day?
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 05:45 PM
Pete Rose put the Phillies over the top in '80. Great example of how one player who knew how to win changed a team into killers. Asshole? Sure. Great baseball player? The numbers don't lie.
Posted by: bunky | December 15, 2017 at 05:46 PM
Hunky, criminal assault on the field as a player. That doesn't lie either. Fuck Rose.
Posted by: henry | December 15, 2017 at 05:48 PM
I ran across a comment from someone in Alabama who remembered when he prosecuted the Klan down there.
A lot of people referred to him as the Silent Assassin, apparently.
So, I hold out hope. The rest of you can go sip Old Lurker's scotch, as it won't cost me anything. LOL!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:49 PM
I have always wanted Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions to come out as the character Wilfred Brimley portrayed in "Absence of Malice" when he drove a stake through Bob Balaban's dirty ADA heart.
But then I woke up and had to go pee.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 05:51 PM
You have to find crimes in other jurisdictions, which is why that unusually high number of sealed indictments, scattered all over the country, is another reason I have hope.
One thing about my point of view: if I am wrong I can start feeling bad when I find out I was mistaken. Old Lurker and the other pessimists are feeling bad right now.
I prefer my way.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:52 PM
Another argument to move the FBI to Tulsa. Juries would be more fair there.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 05:52 PM
Good grief she deserves the mcluhan query:
Posted by: narcisoyea | December 15, 2017 at 05:54 PM
does any veranda dweller still think Sessions is gonna save the day?
Not me. Newt gave him some imperative advice yesterday but Sessions saying this today, "I don't share the view that the FBI is not functioning at a high level all over the country." tells me he wasn't listening.
Newt: Let me say this straight. Let me just say this straight. It is time for Jeff Sessions to step up to the plate and do his job. I've known Sessions a long time. I'll just say flatly. It is time for the Attorney General to step up to the plate and do his job. He has no excuse, as somebody who I know, believes in the Law. He has no excuse for hiding. He has to set up a Clinton Investigation, and he has to set up an FBI/Justice Department Investigation. This is his obligation under the Law, to enforce the Law and to protect the American people. Jeff Sessions has nowhere to hide on this. He can't recuse himself. He can't say he's not involved. These 2 things are so profound that he has to take them head on, or he is frankly not doing his job.
Posted by: daddy | December 15, 2017 at 05:56 PM
GUS!!! Santa's got your list!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:56 PM
"I have always wanted Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions to come out as the character Wilfred Brimley portrayed in "Absence of Malice" ... But then I woke up and had to go pee."
So ... Magnesium side effect, then?
Posted by: JimNorCal | December 15, 2017 at 05:57 PM
The statement from Sessions is ambigious. Does he mean he thinks the FBI is functioning at a high level all over the country, or does he mean that in some areas it is functioning at a high level?
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 05:59 PM
I take Vodka to help me sleep.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 15, 2017 at 06:03 PM
If Sessions isn't doing what Trump wants him to and Trump hasn't fired him, considering the circumstances, then Trump is incompetent and has no survival instinct.
I don't think that Trump is incompetent when it comes to fighting.
I just can't believe that Sessions is working from home and watching his bird feeders when he's on conference calls.
We just have to wait this out.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 15, 2017 at 06:04 PM
Great Musial facts:
1) He got his nickname "The Man" from fans of an opponent (Brooklyn)
2) 1815 hits at home, and 1815 hits on the road
3) Had the most career HRs while never leading the league for a season
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 15, 2017 at 06:06 PM
Hamas Movement @HamasInfoEn
#Hamas has a roadmap to liberate Palestine.
The Mossad @TheMossadIL
#Mossad has a copy.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | December 15, 2017 at 06:08 PM