It seems like Rip Van Sessions is enforcing the laws on the books and not deciding which laws to enforce based on his (or the President's) personal feelings. Congress is free to change the law.
Marijuana act goers back to 1937, ej epstein gave a nonconvincing explanation something hemp and plantations that was also true about the Harrison act.
Peddling at the gym. TV number 10, Anderson Cooper, is interviewing John Dean on the phone re: the bombshell secrets revealed in Wolff's book by Steve Bannon.
You really have to give it to Xavier Becerra, the CA Atty Gen. He is promising to his best to fight the evil federal government to protect the rights of California's weed industry. I guess the state is hoping to realize $100 million/year in tax revenue. It's all about the benjamins.
The hypocrisy and evil make me sick. For a certain percentage of those with possible psychosis, marijuana and it's analogs provoke the onset. We also know that it shaves off 6-8 IQ points if used once per week between 12-20. We also know that most stoners work at less than 100% capacity.
In a world that increasingly demands the best of us, we now have culture of sloth and idleness.
But it's okay to allow physician assisted suicide on shaky grounds or have the nation's highest abortion rate.
All my impulses for commenting are very unfortunately just pissy and not helpful for the commonweal, so I am going to go take more notes on the innards of Barchester Towers and catch up tomorrow--love you all!
Did you manage to take a look at the secret radical, book about Jane austen, now I understand opium cultivation was expanded in the 40s in Mexico for morphine supply but as to marijuana it seems it was culture that drove the demand and that was a narrow till the 60s.
Catsmeat, I loved Barchester Towers. I was reading Dr. Thorne while in labor with my last child, walking around the maternity ward with my book and pushing my IV, but that was almost eight years ago, and I'm afraid I haven't picked it up again since.
I am so sorry for your loss and those of their families. A terrible thing, the loss of a spouse like that. I pray God gives them comfort and that she is already in heaven.
So does Glen Simpson comply and release the names or does he pretend he's a journalist and go to jail saying he has to protect his co-conspirators in journalistic crime?
New story on TV 7 and 10, MSNBC and CNN tells us in the ticker that there is a shocking new development reported in the NYTimes--- that Trump ordered Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia affair.
I started with the last of the phineas series the prime minister and worked backwards to phineas redux, (that is the Schmidt fellow who covered the FIFA investigations)
boatbuilder-I actually don't pay attention to soros but I do recognize him when I come across him or people who work for him and make note of it. I was actually following up on the Convergence Center (there is no Left or Right) after Kelly Young spoke at a Texas ed conference. That is how I found there Education Reimagined vision created with aft and nea and a super I knew from atlanta area who was a very talented liar who is now back in dalls and stuart butler who left heritage to go to brookings in the middle of being on the panel. Following young's other activities is what led to that december 2014 or 15 conference.
cruz's mentor at princeton, robert george, and his american principles project is something I deal with a lot. They lie about ed regularly to mislead parents and if you want to see something interesting watch george speaking with cornel west at biola university. george also wrote a rec on the book pushing a remake of the Constitution that is tied to the ConCon push. And yes soros funded that too back when it started at yale in 2005.
The problem with a politically organized society is it is hard for any politician to let go of that kind of power and an ability to reward major funders. I guess I divide pols though into those who misrepresent and have no interest in the truth and those simply parroting what they have been told, usually by think tanks who give bad info.
narciso--i attended the Education Policy Conference in st louis in January 2015. It is put on by donna hearne who is a cnp member. I watched her control the message and heard statements that gave me pause. That was the beginning of some of my insights into who benefited from a false narrative and what areas were the source of deceit. It is what it is.
One more point on cruz is that goldman sachs is heavily involved with apy for success and social impact financing globally. I just realized that soros was also involved with that per the documents. As I have said, essentially we have a desire to monetize the MH vision where taxpayers are supposedly on the hook for meeting human needs and fostering everyone's well-being. That's the part that gs, morgan stanley, the pritzkers, Third Sector venture fund, global silicon valley, and others are all lusting after.
The education vision needed to be misunderstood to work and that is what is happening. I didn't know when I started down this road that so many people did not want the truth to come out.
This from Miss M's Daily Beast link at the end of rhe last thread:
Matt Miller, a spokesperson for the department during Holder’s time there, vehemently disagreed. He said the news is evidence that Trump is undermining the independence of the Justice Department.
“The president’s ongoing campaign to tear down the wall between the Justice Department and the White House seems to be working,” he said.
“If the White House asks you to look into it, the answer is not to look into it for the sake of looking into it,” he continued. “The answer is to tell the White House to stay out of investigations and prosecutions, especially when it comes to your political opponents. You’re just encouraging a bully. If you encourage him to do that, he’ll just keep bullying you.”
I think that fits right in with the breaking TIMES story I mentioned being headlined on the 2 evil networks. I think they are throwing shit out left and right now hoping anything will stick to the wall to encourage an Impeachment charge of Obstruction of Justice. I think this is all orchestrated and they are desperate as hell as they sense their entire cabal is about to be unearthed.
For assisting in their villainy, wittingly or unwittingly, Bannon should be shot.
It’s happening. The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
Geraldo Rivera's life not being centered around finding his next meal in a dumpster will remain one of the great mysteries of life to me.
Exists there someone on this planet who he does not repel?
Beats there a heart of any man more self important for less reason?
It's getting bad all over. one billion people affected by identity theft in hack of govt system in India.
Thank goodness none of the IT tech guys we call up when we have problems on line live in India. Especially lucky is Congress since their IT guys live in Pakistan.
daddy: i thought john dean was dead...maybe because he seemed half-dead the last time i saw him on the tube about 20 years ago. an odd duck in the best of times based on my admittedly infrequent observations.
I think one forgets too often that buckleys brain trust had seen the heart of leftism in the preceding generation, chambers meyer Burnham. And even dos passos
Here is a thread by Larry Schweikhart refuting the "Trump thought he would lose" line about 10 different ways, from conversations he had both with the Trump campaign and with state pollsters:
Posted by: Old Lurker | January 04, 2018 at 01:18 PM
Remember, my friend, I'm an optimist. I don't want to own that downside. I want my expectations to be made known and flow out into the national conversation. We citizens have a job to do these days. A job that consists of equal parts outward confidence that the rule of law will be glaringly enforced *and* a well-communicated expectation that those who have dared engage in political racketeering will be imprisoned.
Confident expectations.
Wade on into the water, bruh. Haven't you heard the providential good news? God's done troubled the water.
Sarah replies that the White House thinks the DHS (Dept of Homeland Security) is the appropriate body to turn this over to at this time, but I bet in the back of her mind she was thinking she wouldn't trust our current Department of Justice to investigate a cat poop.
Sarah Huck is terrific.
Posted by: daddy | January 04, 2018 at 02:47 PM
I agree on Sarah, I love her. As for the DOJ, we have to keep our heads and remember how large these agencies are. They aren't full of ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE so I don't think we have a serious problem in the Department of Justice overall. We have a *serious* problem in the DOJ National Security Division, and (previously) with the political appointees at the top of DOJ.
Similarly, I don't think we have a serious problem at the FBI overall. We definitely have a *serious* problem with the FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, and (previously) with the political appointees at the top of the FBI.
These aren't small points I'm making. These are huge points for perspectives to be maintained. I have a mentee recently hired by the FBI and training out in Los Angeles right now. I have faith in him, and them.
And in the Attorney General . . . and in the President . . . naturally.
RG, you are an awesome man, and you ought to be a role model to the next generation of those finding Conservatism as a "truth". There are certain things about Conservatism, that transcend any sort of ideology. YOU ABSOLUTELY GET IT. And I think it's because of a couple things. 1) You are quite intelligent. 2) You have a moral code), and 3) You've grown from the positions you once held, because your knowledge base and logic, didn't JIVE...(heh heh), with your logic.
All that being said. You're fun to read.
Igor Levit has won the Gilmore award, a $300k stipend for best upcoming pianist. Here is a link of him giving his first performance after the award was announced. He is playing a Brahms transcription of a Bach piece. What I don't understand is why he only plays it with his left hand.
On a related glorious subject. I have seen 2, 3rd or 4th string LIBTARD, senior Adviser types on 2 different shows, try to sell some JARED and IVANKA used PRIVATE E-MAILS too....nonsense.
Did they use pseudonyms too??
Obama did. {{{{"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."}}}}
Completely OT: we lit our propane outdoor fireplace tonight with ~3 inches of snow still on it. The flame finding its way through the snow/ice was mind-blowing. Several minutes of empirical physics...
OK to answer my own question apparently Brahms transcribed it to be played only with the left hand because the piece, a Chaconne in D minor for violin, would have more a feel of a violinist if the pianist played it only with his left hand.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
9m9 minutes ago
I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist. Look at this guy’s past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!
Geraldo Rivera's life not being centered around finding his next meal in a dumpster will remain one of the great mysteries of life to me.
The remarkable thing is that Geraldo has actually shown some honesty in comparison to much of the DC press like Acosta and others. Such as this:
.@GeraldoRivera on critics saying President #Trump is having 'memory & emotional lapses', & knowing @POTUS for 40 years: "This is such bunk. This is quoting people who spend no time with the president...He's as sharp as ever, he's as relaxed as ever."
And now onto my Thur night indulgence: Midsomer Murder. They haven't--yet--incorporated any peace-loving mooslims into a story arc. But then these seem to be reruns..:
JIMMYK, JERRY RIVERS, is a Carnival Barker. Always has been. He has been the HIPPY, I fucked XYZ, now I've got a CHAIR THROWING SHOW, BROKEN NOSE, and I'm going to LAW SCHOOL, my BEEEEG MOUSTACHE got BETTE MIDLER to allow me to ASSAULT HER, did I mention that I'm SO LEGIT, that I'm opening AL CAPONE'S empty NEVER BEEN THERE bricked in NOTHING BURGER....but but but, DON'T FORGET I'm HITHPANIC. HITHPANIC.
Disgusting fraud loser, made for TELEVISION fukwad.
Jerryaldo, loves him some TRUMP, because MOUSTACHE JERRY and DJT, have been REALLY REALLY CLOSE PALS since 1945. OR SOMETHING.
Has Bannon made any statement yet? Gorka was on Larry Elder's show hoping that Bannon tells his side of the story.
Gorka said he has talked to him since this mess began. He also said "The Whitehouse" asked him to make time available for Wolff. Larry failed to ask who at The Whitehouse asked.
That's being too charitable Gus, right out if law school hews the defense minister for a gang with political pretensions, he subsequently helped lead the deinstitutanalization movements helping release a generation of crazy people who were picking up radio waves in their teeth, much of that fro. Viewings of the zapruder film re opening that open wound.
As much as I'd love to take credit, jimmyk, it was Peter with the Brahms bit. I only alluded to the fulsome PBS series. Sans all the peaceful residents of the religion of peace that live peacefully in peace in the U.K.
My anti-Geraldo [does anyone else automatically pronounce it Grr-aldo, with a hard G?] comment was prompted by his cretinous insistence on Hannity that criminal intent was a required element of gross negligence in handling classified info.
Sebby Gorka was on and after insulting Grrraldo by expressing his surprise the dope had a background in law, apprised him of the law, whereupon Grrr said he disagreed with Gorka's interpretation of the law.
Gorka laughed at him and told him it was the statute not his interpretation.
Surreal; how does even a syphilitic catamite like Grr get through law school and not know that gross negligence by definition precludes criminal intent?
This guy makes an utter hash of the law and logic by bizarrely conflating different parts of the Espionage Act stating that because previous sections required intent the gross negligence part does as well.
Andy McCarthy destroyed this argument a week earlier when he quoted McGuinness;
In McGuinness, the U.S. Court of Military Appeals rejected the defendant’s claim, and it did so in a way that is instructive for our purposes. The judges explained that in Section 793 (part of the codification of the Espionage Act of 1917), Congress sought to establish a sliding scale of violations involving the mishandling of classified information. The first subsection – Sec. 793(a) – requires proof of “intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” Subsequent subsections – Sec. 793(d) and (e) – “require only that the accused act ‘willfully’” (i.e., in violation of a known legal duty, but not necessarily with intent to harm the U.S.). Finally, the court turned to the subsection at issue in Mrs. Clinton’s case: “Section 793(f) has an even lower threshold, punishing loss of classified materials through ‘gross negligence’ and punishing failing to promptly report a loss of classified materials.”
And frankly the Red Witch's behavior much more closely resembles the willful standard of (d) and (e) not the gross negligence of (f).
It is however mere dicta, JATFI. :)
"On the heels of this week's resignation of Karl Marx as leading figure in the communist movement due to allegations of sexual misconduct, the triggered social justice organizers of the #MeToo collective have claimed the scalp of another progressive icon.
At a press conference, supported by her family and lawyers, a woman named Aisha claimed that she was taken as a bride by Mr. Muhammad when she was nine years old. When asked why it took so long for her to come out, she stated that she feared nobody would believe her since the testimony of a woman is not worth a lot in her social circle. The crying woman also confessed that Mr. Muhammad used to beat her when she displeased him, and she feared physical retribution.
Mr. Beelzebub, the lawyer representing the accused prophet, denied the gravity of the accusations, saying that "everyone was doing it at the time," and that his client "did not remember the situation in quite the same way."
But later that day more stories emerged from other victims, encouraged by Aisha's testimony and resulting in the viral #MuhammadToo campaign on Twitter."
Ignatz, Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all doe, DOESN'T WANT TO LOOK BACK at RODHAMS' ABJECT CRIMINAL and DISGUSTING, Criminal activity. OH NO!!! What's in the past is in the past.
Tucker just mentioned that there were 18 Classified E-Mails on Huma's Laptop. I thought it was only 5.
Tucker: Well the latest wave of E-mails from Anthony Weiner, remember him? He's in prison now. And his former wife Huma Abedin's shared laptop have come out. They've exposed 5 more Classified messages that should not legally have been there. We now know of 18 of those that were on the Laptop. Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch which secured the release of these E-Mails and he joins us tonight for an update. Tom, uhh, how hard was it to get these?
Tom Fitton: (Dryly) It only took 2 years. BIG LAUGHTER follows.
MERYL STREEP, knew NOTHING. She wore BLACK at all times, and never ever allowed....GOD, a.k.a. Harvey Weinstein to EVAH TOUCH her "STUFF".
Meryl Streep, NEVER KNEW of OTHER "LADIES", being banged by HARVEY "GOD" WEINSTEIN.
Tucker: Were these documents the personal property of Huma Abadin and Anthony Weiner, or were they Government property which belongs to us?
Fitton: Yeah. they were FBI records. The FBI determined that they were Government records and they were turned over to the State Department....these were Classified records that James Comey and his colleagues at the FBI knew were on the Weiner Laptop, but they didn't think were serious enough to pursue Criminal charges against Abadin or Clinton, for allowing this egregious abuse of the trust that the American people placed in them in terms of securing Classified Information.
Daddy. Rodham had a private server. FOR WHAT PURPOSE. Rodham had NO STATE DEPARTMENT e-mail component for her JOB as SECRETARY of STATE.
Hmmmmmmm. Why would someone who isn't being dishonest, have both an ILLEGAL, PRIVATE, ILLICIT, SERVER and E-MAIL FUNCTION, and NOT HAVE A STATE DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT, and AN E-MAIL SYSTEM that can be RESPONSIVE and RESPONSIBLE to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. How could this SECRET/PRIVATE server AND E-MAIL SOURCE, with PRETEND PSEUDONYMS be accountable to the PUBLIC and FOIA.
Daddy!!! Carlos Danger, having RODHAM state classified e-mails, on his STICKY LAP TOP, were of no consequence. The whole CHAIN of CUSTODY of these CLASSIFIED E-MAILS is not RELEVANT!!!!
Classified e-mails and who sends them to WHOM, is not of any relevance to anyone!!!!!
Barack Obama's refusal to lead his party to a peaceful transition of power a year ago has inspired an increasingly violent "resistance" both within and without the government. ... Now Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, the No. 2 man in the DNC, has embraced the Antifa fascists.
JimNorCal, Keith Ellison is a MUZZZTARD/LIBTARD, clown of EPIC PROPORTIONS. Ellison, is dishonest and he is a WANNABEEE DEM/TARD up and coming power broker.
10 years ago, I coined the TERM.....THE FULL COMMIE. We are at THE FULL COMMIE.
Reason, Conservatism, Compromise, Olive branchism, etc etc etc HAS ZERO VALUE, when WE'VE recognized that our OPPONENTS are THE FULL COMMIE.
Schumer/Pelosi, and the OLD ORDER of the LIBTARD PARTY, are about to be SHITCANNED.
The WILD EYE'D Keith Ellison, and MILITANT, Black Commies Matter SECT, has no use for 80 YEAR OLD RICH CLOWNS such as PELOSI, and Jewish Chuck Schumer, has a much shorter shelf life, than he thinks. They have invited their own demise. SO SAD.
Posted by: Buckeye | January 04, 2018 at 08:27 PM
It seems like Rip Van Sessions is enforcing the laws on the books and not deciding which laws to enforce based on his (or the President's) personal feelings. Congress is free to change the law.
Posted by: Midnight Toker | January 04, 2018 at 08:32 PM
Marijuana act goers back to 1937, ej epstein gave a nonconvincing explanation something hemp and plantations that was also true about the Harrison act.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 08:35 PM
So Elmer got the left to go all in on states rights? There is a flag for that.
Note to self, gonna need moar popcorn and beer.
Posted by: henry | January 04, 2018 at 08:40 PM
Peddling at the gym. TV number 10, Anderson Cooper, is interviewing John Dean on the phone re: the bombshell secrets revealed in Wolff's book by Steve Bannon.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 08:44 PM
Do your bloody job, Congress. Sheesh!
Posted by: Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there | January 04, 2018 at 08:45 PM
You really have to give it to Xavier Becerra, the CA Atty Gen. He is promising to his best to fight the evil federal government to protect the rights of California's weed industry. I guess the state is hoping to realize $100 million/year in tax revenue. It's all about the benjamins.
The hypocrisy and evil make me sick. For a certain percentage of those with possible psychosis, marijuana and it's analogs provoke the onset. We also know that it shaves off 6-8 IQ points if used once per week between 12-20. We also know that most stoners work at less than 100% capacity.
In a world that increasingly demands the best of us, we now have culture of sloth and idleness.
But it's okay to allow physician assisted suicide on shaky grounds or have the nation's highest abortion rate.
Posted by: matt- deplore me if you must | January 04, 2018 at 08:48 PM
John Dean is the perfect go to guy to get the backstabbing turd perspective.
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 04, 2018 at 08:50 PM
All my impulses for commenting are very unfortunately just pissy and not helpful for the commonweal, so I am going to go take more notes on the innards of Barchester Towers and catch up tomorrow--love you all!
Posted by: Catsmeat | January 04, 2018 at 08:50 PM
So Elmer got the left to go all in on states rights?
And Trump got them to defend the Nazi Bannon just yesterday.
Good year so far.
Posted by: Porchlight | January 04, 2018 at 08:57 PM
Did you manage to take a look at the secret radical, book about Jane austen, now I understand opium cultivation was expanded in the 40s in Mexico for morphine supply but as to marijuana it seems it was culture that drove the demand and that was a narrow till the 60s.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 08:58 PM
Catsmeat, I loved Barchester Towers. I was reading Dr. Thorne while in labor with my last child, walking around the maternity ward with my book and pushing my IV, but that was almost eight years ago, and I'm afraid I haven't picked it up again since.
Posted by: Porchlight | January 04, 2018 at 09:00 PM
I am so sorry for your loss and those of their families. A terrible thing, the loss of a spouse like that. I pray God gives them comfort and that she is already in heaven.
Posted by: matt- deplore me if you must | January 04, 2018 at 09:00 PM
So does Glen Simpson comply and release the names or does he pretend he's a journalist and go to jail saying he has to protect his co-conspirators in journalistic crime?
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:01 PM
Verified account @Breaking911
22m22 minutes ago
BREAKING NEWS: North Korea says it accepts South Korea’s offer for high-level talks next week - Yonhap
Well, well, well.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | January 04, 2018 at 09:02 PM
New story on TV 7 and 10, MSNBC and CNN tells us in the ticker that there is a shocking new development reported in the NYTimes--- that Trump ordered Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia affair.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:03 PM
I started with the last of the phineas series the prime minister and worked backwards to phineas redux, (that is the Schmidt fellow who covered the FIFA investigations)
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:07 PM
boatbuilder-I actually don't pay attention to soros but I do recognize him when I come across him or people who work for him and make note of it. I was actually following up on the Convergence Center (there is no Left or Right) after Kelly Young spoke at a Texas ed conference. That is how I found there Education Reimagined vision created with aft and nea and a super I knew from atlanta area who was a very talented liar who is now back in dalls and stuart butler who left heritage to go to brookings in the middle of being on the panel. Following young's other activities is what led to that december 2014 or 15 conference.
cruz's mentor at princeton, robert george, and his american principles project is something I deal with a lot. They lie about ed regularly to mislead parents and if you want to see something interesting watch george speaking with cornel west at biola university. george also wrote a rec on the book pushing a remake of the Constitution that is tied to the ConCon push. And yes soros funded that too back when it started at yale in 2005.
The problem with a politically organized society is it is hard for any politician to let go of that kind of power and an ability to reward major funders. I guess I divide pols though into those who misrepresent and have no interest in the truth and those simply parroting what they have been told, usually by think tanks who give bad info.
narciso--i attended the Education Policy Conference in st louis in January 2015. It is put on by donna hearne who is a cnp member. I watched her control the message and heard statements that gave me pause. That was the beginning of some of my insights into who benefited from a false narrative and what areas were the source of deceit. It is what it is.
One more point on cruz is that goldman sachs is heavily involved with apy for success and social impact financing globally. I just realized that soros was also involved with that per the documents. As I have said, essentially we have a desire to monetize the MH vision where taxpayers are supposedly on the hook for meeting human needs and fostering everyone's well-being. That's the part that gs, morgan stanley, the pritzkers, Third Sector venture fund, global silicon valley, and others are all lusting after.
The education vision needed to be misunderstood to work and that is what is happening. I didn't know when I started down this road that so many people did not want the truth to come out.
Posted by: rse | January 04, 2018 at 09:13 PM
Well she seems to talk a good game:
But her actual recommendations are kind of thread bare.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:17 PM
This from Miss M's Daily Beast link at the end of rhe last thread:
Matt Miller, a spokesperson for the department during Holder’s time there, vehemently disagreed. He said the news is evidence that Trump is undermining the independence of the Justice Department.
“The president’s ongoing campaign to tear down the wall between the Justice Department and the White House seems to be working,” he said.
“If the White House asks you to look into it, the answer is not to look into it for the sake of looking into it,” he continued. “The answer is to tell the White House to stay out of investigations and prosecutions, especially when it comes to your political opponents. You’re just encouraging a bully. If you encourage him to do that, he’ll just keep bullying you.”
I think that fits right in with the breaking TIMES story I mentioned being headlined on the 2 evil networks. I think they are throwing shit out left and right now hoping anything will stick to the wall to encourage an Impeachment charge of Obstruction of Justice. I think this is all orchestrated and they are desperate as hell as they sense their entire cabal is about to be unearthed.
For assisting in their villainy, wittingly or unwittingly, Bannon should be shot.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:23 PM
Per the Hill, FBI starting investigation of Clinton Foundation.
Posted by: henry | January 04, 2018 at 09:25 PM
Like holder sent a special investigator, the fellow who investigated bulger, after the CIA interrogators like thar
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:26 PM
I meant to bring up the fact, that I knew his father back in south Florida.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:30 PM
Mark Knoller
Verified account @markknoller
18m18 minutes ago
Pres Trump heads to Camp David Friday afternoon to host legislative retreat with GOP Congressional Leaders.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | January 04, 2018 at 09:31 PM
22m22 minutes ago
It’s happening. The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | January 04, 2018 at 09:33 PM
Geraldo Rivera's life not being centered around finding his next meal in a dumpster will remain one of the great mysteries of life to me.
Exists there someone on this planet who he does not repel?
Beats there a heart of any man more self important for less reason?
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | January 04, 2018 at 09:35 PM
Ig, Barry Obama.
Posted by: henry | January 04, 2018 at 09:36 PM
WaPo (Henry's earlier link)
It's getting bad all over. one billion people affected by identity theft in hack of govt system in India.
Thank goodness none of the IT tech guys we call up when we have problems on line live in India. Especially lucky is Congress since their IT guys live in Pakistan.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:38 PM
daddy: i thought john dean was dead...maybe because he seemed half-dead the last time i saw him on the tube about 20 years ago. an odd duck in the best of times based on my admittedly infrequent observations.
Posted by: mad jack | January 04, 2018 at 09:38 PM
Beats there a heart of any man more self important for less reason?
Have you ever heard of a place called Washington DC?
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:41 PM
Oh the last time was back during the plume matter, which was like Al bundys Polk high victory, that was about 10-12 year ago
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:42 PM
Mad Jack,
Dean was calling in by phone so they had a glamour shot posted circa 1970's.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 09:43 PM
in full milquetoast repose im sure.
Posted by: mad jack | January 04, 2018 at 09:45 PM
FBI starting investigation of Clinton Foundation
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 04, 2018 at 09:46 PM
I think one forgets too often that buckleys brain trust had seen the heart of leftism in the preceding generation, chambers meyer Burnham. And even dos passos
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 09:51 PM
Jessica TARDlov is trying to defend Strzok, because he was originally a KATSHIT man!!!!
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 09:52 PM
boatbuilder-much deceit appears to be funded by those seeking to benefit from what is called Third Party Government. I explained it here.
Posted by: rse | January 04, 2018 at 09:54 PM
I want Lynch and Bill the Rapist sharing a cell.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 09:55 PM
Here is a thread by Larry Schweikhart refuting the "Trump thought he would lose" line about 10 different ways, from conversations he had both with the Trump campaign and with state pollsters:
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | January 04, 2018 at 10:01 PM
I want Lynch and Bill the Rapist sharing a cell.
I'm more evil than you are, GUS.
I want Hillary and Bill sharing a cell.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | January 04, 2018 at 10:04 PM
Think I will head to bed.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | January 04, 2018 at 10:04 PM
Jessica TARDlov is trying to defend Strzok, because he was originally a KATSHIT man!!!!
Crap GUS, next you're going to tell us he is from Ahia.
Posted by: Buckeye | January 04, 2018 at 10:06 PM
And his father was a mailman, I'm given to understand.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 10:08 PM
Just lie back.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 10:14 PM
Daddy, I want video of Rodham, humping Lynch from behind as their cell mate, Bill the Rapist watches.
As the stock market hits 30,000.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:17 PM
At this point, I'm expectongvthe arquillians behind the faceplate
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 10:19 PM
I say I own the downside.
Posted by: Old Lurker | January 04, 2018 at 01:18 PM
Remember, my friend, I'm an optimist. I don't want to own that downside. I want my expectations to be made known and flow out into the national conversation. We citizens have a job to do these days. A job that consists of equal parts outward confidence that the rule of law will be glaringly enforced *and* a well-communicated expectation that those who have dared engage in political racketeering will be imprisoned.
Confident expectations.
Wade on into the water, bruh. Haven't you heard the providential good news? God's done troubled the water.
Posted by: RattlerGator | January 04, 2018 at 10:30 PM
Sarah replies that the White House thinks the DHS (Dept of Homeland Security) is the appropriate body to turn this over to at this time, but I bet in the back of her mind she was thinking she wouldn't trust our current Department of Justice to investigate a cat poop.
Sarah Huck is terrific.
Posted by: daddy | January 04, 2018 at 02:47 PM
I agree on Sarah, I love her. As for the DOJ, we have to keep our heads and remember how large these agencies are. They aren't full of ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE so I don't think we have a serious problem in the Department of Justice overall. We have a *serious* problem in the DOJ National Security Division, and (previously) with the political appointees at the top of DOJ.
Similarly, I don't think we have a serious problem at the FBI overall. We definitely have a *serious* problem with the FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, and (previously) with the political appointees at the top of the FBI.
These aren't small points I'm making. These are huge points for perspectives to be maintained. I have a mentee recently hired by the FBI and training out in Los Angeles right now. I have faith in him, and them.
And in the Attorney General . . . and in the President . . . naturally.
Posted by: RattlerGator | January 04, 2018 at 10:33 PM
Daddy, I want video of Rodham, humping Lynch from behind as their cell mate, Bill the Rapist watches.
As the stock market hits 30,000.
The prosecutors better get busy. At the rate the market is going, they have about 10 months.
Posted by: Buckeye | January 04, 2018 at 10:37 PM
RG, you are an awesome man, and you ought to be a role model to the next generation of those finding Conservatism as a "truth". There are certain things about Conservatism, that transcend any sort of ideology. YOU ABSOLUTELY GET IT. And I think it's because of a couple things. 1) You are quite intelligent. 2) You have a moral code), and 3) You've grown from the positions you once held, because your knowledge base and logic, didn't JIVE...(heh heh), with your logic.
All that being said. You're fun to read.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:41 PM
God's done troubled the water.
He's certainly gonna trouble it some more, RG.
Posted by: Porchlight | January 04, 2018 at 10:41 PM
RG, in short, when LIBTARD lies, Democrat Bullshit, and Alynski tactics became obvious to you. You had the courage to throw away old notions.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:44 PM
More good news unreported by the MSM
h/t BJG
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 04, 2018 at 10:46 PM
Igor Levit has won the Gilmore award, a $300k stipend for best upcoming pianist. Here is a link of him giving his first performance after the award was announced. He is playing a Brahms transcription of a Bach piece. What I don't understand is why he only plays it with his left hand.
Posted by: -peter | January 04, 2018 at 10:49 PM
On a related glorious subject. I have seen 2, 3rd or 4th string LIBTARD, senior Adviser types on 2 different shows, try to sell some JARED and IVANKA used PRIVATE E-MAILS too....nonsense.
Did they use pseudonyms too??
Obama did. {{{{"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."}}}}
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:50 PM
Completely OT: we lit our propane outdoor fireplace tonight with ~3 inches of snow still on it. The flame finding its way through the snow/ice was mind-blowing. Several minutes of empirical physics...
That is all from chez lyle tonight. Nytol.
Posted by: lyle | January 04, 2018 at 10:51 PM
OK to answer my own question apparently Brahms transcribed it to be played only with the left hand because the piece, a Chaconne in D minor for violin, would have more a feel of a violinist if the pianist played it only with his left hand.
Posted by: -peter | January 04, 2018 at 10:52 PM
Welp it's official: asshole Colbert believes Bannon. Have fun with your new friends, shithead; I'm sure they'll trust you as much as you deserve.
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 04, 2018 at 10:53 PM
I thought you hated Science Lyle.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:54 PM
What is a COLBERT??
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 10:56 PM
Gus - where i grew up "You are quite intelligent" is known as a backhanded compliment ;-)
Posted by: exdemocrat | January 04, 2018 at 10:57 PM
Doubtless, same would have happened if Hillary had been elected?
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 04, 2018 at 10:57 PM
Camelbert runny cheese that stinks up the place.
So trumps instincts to tell the sheepdog not to keep his eye off the chicken coop was right. That Carlos slims new pledges are asserting
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 10:59 PM
I DO hate science, GUS! 😎 How did you know?
Posted by: lyle | January 04, 2018 at 11:00 PM
Trump must have waved the magic wand that Cock Curious was saying it would take to get those manufacturing jobs up.
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 04, 2018 at 11:00 PM
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 11:03 PM
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
9m9 minutes ago
I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist. Look at this guy’s past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!
Posted by: Sloppy | January 04, 2018 at 11:03 PM
Geraldo Rivera's life not being centered around finding his next meal in a dumpster will remain one of the great mysteries of life to me.
The remarkable thing is that Geraldo has actually shown some honesty in comparison to much of the DC press like Acosta and others. Such as this:
Posted by: jimmyk | January 04, 2018 at 11:05 PM
EXDEM!!!! As I posted that to RG, I thought of YOU.
I did.
And with all sincerity, YOU are QUITE INTELLIGENT.
Exdem, where did you grow up???
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 11:05 PM
And now onto my Thur night indulgence: Midsomer Murder. They haven't--yet--incorporated any peace-loving mooslims into a story arc. But then these seem to be reruns..:
Posted by: lyle | January 04, 2018 at 11:06 PM
Lyle, thanks for posting that Brahms transcription. Had never heard it. Making it for the left hand only kind of makes sense.
Condolences to Gentlejim on the loss of Vicki.
Posted by: jimmyk | January 04, 2018 at 11:10 PM
Trollope's was a liberal, but he saw the stupid vpparty a century and a half clearly
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 11:13 PM
Or as rush called it museum and massage parlor:
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 11:18 PM
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | January 04, 2018 at 11:18 PM
JIMMYK, JERRY RIVERS, is a Carnival Barker. Always has been. He has been the HIPPY, I fucked XYZ, now I've got a CHAIR THROWING SHOW, BROKEN NOSE, and I'm going to LAW SCHOOL, my BEEEEG MOUSTACHE got BETTE MIDLER to allow me to ASSAULT HER, did I mention that I'm SO LEGIT, that I'm opening AL CAPONE'S empty NEVER BEEN THERE bricked in NOTHING BURGER....but but but, DON'T FORGET I'm HITHPANIC. HITHPANIC.
Disgusting fraud loser, made for TELEVISION fukwad.
Jerryaldo, loves him some TRUMP, because MOUSTACHE JERRY and DJT, have been REALLY REALLY CLOSE PALS since 1945. OR SOMETHING.
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 11:21 PM
Sloppy Steve!
Has Bannon made any statement yet? Gorka was on Larry Elder's show hoping that Bannon tells his side of the story.
Gorka said he has talked to him since this mess began. He also said "The Whitehouse" asked him to make time available for Wolff. Larry failed to ask who at The Whitehouse asked.
Posted by: Threadkiller | January 04, 2018 at 11:23 PM
That's being too charitable Gus, right out if law school hews the defense minister for a gang with political pretensions, he subsequently helped lead the deinstitutanalization movements helping release a generation of crazy people who were picking up radio waves in their teeth, much of that fro. Viewings of the zapruder film re opening that open wound.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 11:27 PM
As much as I'd love to take credit, jimmyk, it was Peter with the Brahms bit. I only alluded to the fulsome PBS series. Sans all the peaceful residents of the religion of peace that live peacefully in peace in the U.K.
Posted by: lyle | January 04, 2018 at 11:27 PM
When I was a young lad, a thinly disguised geraldo was the mark of cobra, in every other go Joe episode.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 11:31 PM
Is LESLIE MARSHALL more ugly on the INSIDE or on the OUTSIDE????
Posted by: GUS | January 04, 2018 at 11:37 PM
Sorry, I meant peter, not lyle.
Posted by: jimmyk on iPhone | January 04, 2018 at 11:47 PM
Brahms does shirt shrift, compared to other composers of that era.
Posted by: narcisoyea | January 04, 2018 at 11:49 PM
Final note: I love Brahms. Apparently I'm not alone on this board. I wish DrJ would check in.
Posted by: lyle | January 04, 2018 at 11:55 PM
My anti-Geraldo [does anyone else automatically pronounce it Grr-aldo, with a hard G?] comment was prompted by his cretinous insistence on Hannity that criminal intent was a required element of gross negligence in handling classified info.
Sebby Gorka was on and after insulting Grrraldo by expressing his surprise the dope had a background in law, apprised him of the law, whereupon Grrr said he disagreed with Gorka's interpretation of the law.
Gorka laughed at him and told him it was the statute not his interpretation.
Surreal; how does even a syphilitic catamite like Grr get through law school and not know that gross negligence by definition precludes criminal intent?
This guy makes an utter hash of the law and logic by bizarrely conflating different parts of the Espionage Act stating that because previous sections required intent the gross negligence part does as well.
Andy McCarthy destroyed this argument a week earlier when he quoted McGuinness;
And frankly the Red Witch's behavior much more closely resembles the willful standard of (d) and (e) not the gross negligence of (f).
It is however mere dicta, JATFI. :)
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | January 05, 2018 at 12:02 AM
Muhammad Resigns as Prophet Amid Sexual Assault Allegations.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | January 05, 2018 at 12:10 AM
Iggy's linked article starts like this:
"On the heels of this week's resignation of Karl Marx as leading figure in the communist movement due to allegations of sexual misconduct, the triggered social justice organizers of the #MeToo collective have claimed the scalp of another progressive icon.
At a press conference, supported by her family and lawyers, a woman named Aisha claimed that she was taken as a bride by Mr. Muhammad when she was nine years old. When asked why it took so long for her to come out, she stated that she feared nobody would believe her since the testimony of a woman is not worth a lot in her social circle. The crying woman also confessed that Mr. Muhammad used to beat her when she displeased him, and she feared physical retribution.
Mr. Beelzebub, the lawyer representing the accused prophet, denied the gravity of the accusations, saying that "everyone was doing it at the time," and that his client "did not remember the situation in quite the same way."
But later that day more stories emerged from other victims, encouraged by Aisha's testimony and resulting in the viral #MuhammadToo campaign on Twitter."
The People's Cube is awesome. No doubt about it.
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 05, 2018 at 12:26 AM
Ignatz, Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all doe, DOESN'T WANT TO LOOK BACK at RODHAMS' ABJECT CRIMINAL and DISGUSTING, Criminal activity. OH NO!!! What's in the past is in the past.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:28 AM
Tucker just mentioned that there were 18 Classified E-Mails on Huma's Laptop. I thought it was only 5.
Tucker: Well the latest wave of E-mails from Anthony Weiner, remember him? He's in prison now. And his former wife Huma Abedin's shared laptop have come out. They've exposed 5 more Classified messages that should not legally have been there. We now know of 18 of those that were on the Laptop. Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch which secured the release of these E-Mails and he joins us tonight for an update. Tom, uhh, how hard was it to get these?
Tom Fitton: (Dryly) It only took 2 years. BIG LAUGHTER follows.
Posted by: daddy | January 05, 2018 at 12:31 AM
MERYL STREEP, knew NOTHING. She wore BLACK at all times, and never ever allowed....GOD, a.k.a. Harvey Weinstein to EVAH TOUCH her "STUFF".
Meryl Streep, NEVER KNEW of OTHER "LADIES", being banged by HARVEY "GOD" WEINSTEIN.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:35 AM
Tucker: Were these documents the personal property of Huma Abadin and Anthony Weiner, or were they Government property which belongs to us?
Fitton: Yeah. they were FBI records. The FBI determined that they were Government records and they were turned over to the State Department....these were Classified records that James Comey and his colleagues at the FBI knew were on the Weiner Laptop, but they didn't think were serious enough to pursue Criminal charges against Abadin or Clinton, for allowing this egregious abuse of the trust that the American people placed in them in terms of securing Classified Information.
Posted by: daddy | January 05, 2018 at 12:40 AM
Daddy. Rodham had a private server. FOR WHAT PURPOSE. Rodham had NO STATE DEPARTMENT e-mail component for her JOB as SECRETARY of STATE.
Hmmmmmmm. Why would someone who isn't being dishonest, have both an ILLEGAL, PRIVATE, ILLICIT, SERVER and E-MAIL FUNCTION, and NOT HAVE A STATE DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT, and AN E-MAIL SYSTEM that can be RESPONSIVE and RESPONSIBLE to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. How could this SECRET/PRIVATE server AND E-MAIL SOURCE, with PRETEND PSEUDONYMS be accountable to the PUBLIC and FOIA.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:41 AM
Don Surber had a great day today, lots of killer items.
One fave of mine:
If the Trump Admin slaps a tariff on Canadian wood pulp, the cost of newsprint could go up. That would raise the cost of doing business for all those anti-Trump newspapers. LOL
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 05, 2018 at 12:42 AM
“The final ratings are in for the NFL’s regular season, and the TV audience shrank 10%.”
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 05, 2018 at 12:43 AM
Daddy!!! Carlos Danger, having RODHAM state classified e-mails, on his STICKY LAP TOP, were of no consequence. The whole CHAIN of CUSTODY of these CLASSIFIED E-MAILS is not RELEVANT!!!!
Classified e-mails and who sends them to WHOM, is not of any relevance to anyone!!!!!
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:46 AM
This one is more somber and serious.
Barack Obama's refusal to lead his party to a peaceful transition of power a year ago has inspired an increasingly violent "resistance" both within and without the government. ... Now Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, the No. 2 man in the DNC, has embraced the Antifa fascists.
Posted by: JimNorCal | January 05, 2018 at 12:47 AM
JimNorCal, Aaron Rodgers is apparently DOING, Danica Patrick.
I am conflicted.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:48 AM
Winter Bomb Cyclone!
Winter Bomb Cyclone!
Winter Bomb Cyclone!
What the hell happened to "It's a snow storm?"
Posted by: daddy | January 05, 2018 at 12:54 AM
JimNorCal, Keith Ellison is a MUZZZTARD/LIBTARD, clown of EPIC PROPORTIONS. Ellison, is dishonest and he is a WANNABEEE DEM/TARD up and coming power broker.
10 years ago, I coined the TERM.....THE FULL COMMIE. We are at THE FULL COMMIE.
Reason, Conservatism, Compromise, Olive branchism, etc etc etc HAS ZERO VALUE, when WE'VE recognized that our OPPONENTS are THE FULL COMMIE.
Schumer/Pelosi, and the OLD ORDER of the LIBTARD PARTY, are about to be SHITCANNED.
The WILD EYE'D Keith Ellison, and MILITANT, Black Commies Matter SECT, has no use for 80 YEAR OLD RICH CLOWNS such as PELOSI, and Jewish Chuck Schumer, has a much shorter shelf life, than he thinks. They have invited their own demise. SO SAD.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 12:56 AM
'winter bomb cyclone' refers to the Hillary investigation.
Posted by: Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there | January 05, 2018 at 01:49 AM
Jane, how is your Bestie???? Is she back home in Florida.
God bless her, and God bless you Jane. You are WONDERFUL dear.
Posted by: GUS | January 05, 2018 at 02:05 AM