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January 15, 2018



yeah, open thread.


How Insty of TM, NTTIAWWT.



I see what you did there. Maybe we can keep Ex on the other thread;)

via the old thread

Posted by: Davod | January 15, 2018 at 09:53 AM

pretty much ... people who will only vote GOP, Mormons, and the US Chamber of Crony Commerce.


At least he didn't say "Comment on any topic that interests you!"


Donald Trump’s Support Among Blacks Has Doubled Since 2016, Amid Racism Claims

Two new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters, highlighting his political gains from pushing employers to hire Americans instead of lower-wage migrants. The growing support from blacks — despite furious Democratic claims of racism — could become a shocking political validation in November when Trump will face millions of upper-income Democratic voters who are angry at his “Buy American, Hire American” policies.

Among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” admitted a January 11 article in the Atlantic by author Ronald Brownstein. “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women,” said the article.

That score averages out to 17 percent, or twice the 8 percent score he was given in the 2016 exit polls.


I do remember Reynolds telling us, his father was a lefty theology professor are yale, a colleague of Sloane coffin.

Captain Hate


Davod, when he was still commenting here, and mostly irritating me, Cecil Turner said something that stuck with me: you make campaign appearances to increase your turnout and depress your opponent's. I thought of that when DJT appeared in a black area not far from me that had a minimum chance of voting for him; that he was doing that to illustrate how a Curb Dive vote was a waste of time. That strategy was completely lost on Willard who, other than the pathetic de rigueur GOP minstrel show for the NAACP, never appeared in front of anything but enthusiastic crowds that were already in the tank for him.


CH, your assessment rings true about Willard.

The greater rot -- and DJT sees it clearly -- is that the in-the-tank sycophant media will run with any ridiculous comment, just as they have with maverick McCain, Egg McMuffin, Flake, Sasse, Durbin, etc. ... all under the banner of “news” ... as if it really were news.

In today’s world, the news the media pawns off as news isn’t really news at all, just their views that readers and viewers never learned to challenge.


I was relating on another blog where the proprietor has gotten a little manic, how the whole Simpson gps scam is like a classic snl sketch acroyd could do Simpson with the officious palaver with Chevy chase doing some foolish stunt. This is what milbarge and fitzhume would do today.


Romney had huge crowds at his rallies.
Easily forgotten by the amnesiac media.
Florida was most likely stolen by voter fraud and consent degree prevented checking it out further.
Orca breaking down is also suspect.
Obama deliberately targeting the Tra Party with the IRS which Franken and Durbin supported along with Levin of Michigan .
Current count count- Franken and Levin have both resigned.


I’m getting ads for ladies blouses and bathing suits. I swear they are not for me and don’t represent my browsing history.


CDurbin with his false narrative about President Trum said is a weasel and tattle tale.
No one respects him and for his perfidy he will now get less in the DACA deal.


I dislike Romney’s holier-than-thou dissembling and pontificating. He tweeted:

The poverty of an aspiring immigrant’s nation of origin is as irrelevant as their race. The sentiment attributed to POTUS is inconsistent w/ America’s history and antithetical to American values. May our memory of Dr. King buoy our hope for unity, greatness, & “charity for all.”
“attributed”? Three people there said it was not what was said, but that won’t stop Romney from politics as usual.

Nor is Romney interested in what actually has been America’s immigration history.

And let see Romney actually reveal one of his principles. Just one, Mitt. And back it up with reasoning.

Romney may win, but he repeatedly removes any opportunity to trust him. RINO, thy name is Romney.

Comanche Voter

Yup Lyin Dick Durbin---you can not trust that little weasel.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


From yesterday's Sunday Morning Fitires. DeSantis does a great job of explaining the problems with the FBI and the dossier and why he wants documents declassified. Interview is about 6 1/2 minutes.


Romney has his own brand, so he says "that's not who we are" a bit differently than Ryan. More pompous.


That would be like parkay, isn't it. Anyways how about that game last night.



Numb tigers take igloos at Western Weekly Tea?

Nine tries to ignite Alaska with wet trumpets?

Never tell thoughtless ignoramouses a word when tripping?

I give up!


Romney surprised me when he responded in the debate with the 'binders full of women.' Who talks like that? An executive in an ivory tower. And then he didn't respond to the democratic jeers in a quick, witty, and intelligent way. He appeared flatfooted.

I thought he would be a good president, mainly because of his business acumen, but he wasn't a good campaigner and didn't inspire people.


If only Trump had called those countries hell holes (Miss Lindsey). Or shit shows (Obama).


Yes, Jane, I wondered about that puzzle, too. :)


Nancy Pelosi bashed new tax cut savings as ‘crumbs’ — here’s what she said about a $40 cut in 2011

Today is a victory for all Americans — for the security of our middle class, for the health of our seniors, and for economic growth and job creation. The American people spoke out clearly and, thanks to President Obama’s leadership, 160 million Americans will continue to receive their payroll tax cut — nearly $40 per paycheck in the pockets of the average family. I salute the work of the unified House Democratic caucus on behalf of the American people.

I think Romney did as good a job as any GOPe would have done.



'Durbin's shithole story formulated after 15 min. conversation with CNN reporter. It's believed the reporter coerced Durbin to exaggerate in effort to derail immigration bill.'

I wonder how a reporter could coerce Durbin.


I'm doing a lot of wondering this morning. :)


nttiawwt-> not that there is anything wrong with that


the new york times going for the hard sell ...

New York Times:
Donald Trump's Racism: The Definitive List

and the uniparty is dusting off Hegal ... wtf ... to chime in with a new fresh voice of reason.


Posted by: Sue | January 15, 2018 at 11:09 AM

since he was the designated loser you are probably right.


The Atlantic council no 2, shirley, now that huntsman was dispatched to Moscow.

Captain Hate

I wonder how a reporter could coerce Durbin.

Little Dick Durbin is borderline retarded from the times I've seen him on the gab shows with his slack jawed demeanor and unfocused eyes. All some reporter would have to tell him is that saying that would make him look really really smart for him to grunt an "uh huh" approval.


But Landon had the presence of mind to stay quiet after the 36 landslide. Rooney is like Al bundy at this point.

matt - deplore me if you must

Trump = Nazi
Bush Jr. = Nazi
Bush Sr. = Nazi
Reagan = Nazi

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

These people, like the music they make and the books they write and the films they make, are not very original.


The Atlantic council sharing the same list of pelf contributors as red queens campaign. Including the alamoudis the directors of crowdstrike. They also have worked with Deutsche bank shockah.


Yeah, it’s war.

The media, pulling the same race card, is going to regret it.

We had to completely rewrite the Associated Press Durbin rehash they perpetrated overnight.

I emailed AP:

I can’t trust AP to get at the meat of a story. AP wrote:

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump is defending himself anew against accusations that he is racist, this time after recent disparaging comments about Haiti and African nations.

"No, No. I'm not a racist," Trump said Sunday, after reporters asked him to respond to those who think he is. "I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That I can tell you."

Trump also denied making the statements attributed to him, but avoided the details of what he did or did not say.

"Did you see what various senators in the room said about my comments?" he asked, referring to lawmakers who were meeting with him in the Oval Office on Thursday when Trump is said to have made the comments. "They weren't made."

What we will run:
Headline: Trump draws attention to immigration issues

While the press and the media harp on comments allegedly made by Sen. Dick Durbin, Democrat from Illinois, about the quality of life in some African, Caribbean, or South American countries, President Donald Trump tweets that Democrats don’t want to focus on the issue of how to properly address immigration.

Trump tweeted early this morning, “Statement by me last night in Florida: ‘Honestly, I don’t think the Democrats want to make a deal. They talk about DACA, but they don’t want to help..We are ready, willing and able to make a deal but they don’t want to. They don’t want security at the border, they don’t want ... to stop drugs, they want to take money away from our military which we cannot do.’ My standard is very simple, AMERICA FIRST & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

How to handle children who arrived in the country illegally need not be completed by the end of the week as Trump has suspended enforcing the issue until Congress can address it, setting a March deadline. Democrats feel the threat to shutdown a portion of government at the end of the week might give them sufficient leverage to force a solution more in line with their proposals.

Others at the private White House meeting have disputed Durbin’s claims.

Durbin called Turmp “racist” for using the term “chain migration” alleging that some may be offended by the homonym “chain”. He recalled the history of slavery where people were brought to the country in chains.

On video Durbin was shown using the same term “chain migration” last week.

Thank you.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I actually think another word for this is "paralyzed by fear."

Gaggy movie about Obama called The Final Year is coming out on HBO. First 10 seconds of the trailer show a shot of Samantha powers' electio party. After that you can stop the video, which I have watched in its entirety and it is propaganda.


Among the canaries that dont chirp



I'm a bit skeptical that a CNN reporter would be that quick on his/her feet to come up with it ... it might have been a Durbin staffer had worked out the shithole strategy-such as it is-then fed it to a CNN reporter and then the reporter went to Little Dick Durbin for confirmation and he says something like 'Yeah it went something like that'.

So was the shithole strategy the plan all along or did they come up with it in the cloak room when the rolling camera meeting was ongoing?


That last link concerns the olayans who were involved with red queen who own a piece of jorge Perez related group and a small stake in credit Suisse (4.2%) so if prince talal is liquidating assets wouldn't there be a sign of a drawndown.
All across the world. A selling of positions in uber and Co.


I missed it -- has Durbin actually claimed that Trump said "shitholes" ? The original Post story only claimed that "someone at the meeting" (Durbin) described what was said to two people (Durbin's aides), and those two people told the Post reporter. The reporter didn't talk to Durbin, so didn't even have the opportunity to ask if that was Trump's word or Durbin's word.

And remember that Durbin is an idiot. (Trust me, I was at a kick-off for Obama's senate campaign where Durbin introduced Barack, Michelle, Sasha & Malia. I sat there thinking that Durbin must have a driver because there's no way he's smart enough to learn how to find his way from his house to the Capitol and back each day.) He wasn't even necessarily lying when he described what Trump said to his aides -- perhaps they just assumed that Durbin was quoting when he was paraphrasing. Perhaps the reporter just assumed it was a quote and didn't ask, and neither aide had even thought about it.

Journalism appears to be just completely dead. They don't even seem to know that there is a difference between transcribing a recording and repeating a 3rd-hand description of what was said. And have forgotten the truth known to every English-speaking 8-yr-old, which is what happens when you ASS-U-ME.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

My theory is that the idea was that of Fusion GPS, which I think functions as both a dirt slinging operation and also a blackmailing organization.

A CNN employee under the pay of Fusion simply primed Durbin to say it, perhaps with leverage from information on Durbin.

Remember, someone was worried about that Tuesday on-camera immigration meeting, when President Trump was obviously super-competent and in command.

They knew this second meeting was coming up. So I think the entire thing was planted in advance. I also think Graham was pressured in the same manner.

Captain Hate

Schmucky Schooooomer tweeted out support for Little Dick so that makes it official that they've gone full retard. What next, a government shutdown that the MFM used to call the worst thing ever?


re: Ext on Insty's lame open-thread lead ins
1) Ext, I like you the best (don't tell the others)
2) yes, those lead ins are cringey
3) no, I don't care

Look, he's casting around for a killer phrase. He's the guy who gave us "Heh", "Dem operatives with bylines", "Unexpectedly" and at least a dozen more.
He may come up dry this time, sobeit. Plus that blog is relatively new to comments, they'll get it right eventually.


Certainly in the John peter zenger sense but how true was that ever:


The same sort of game happens overseas. This was the family that had arranged the stake in citbank in the 70s


Not sure if I give a crap if DACA goes tango uniform.

Not sure I give a crap if gummint shuts down.

matt - deplore me if you must

Sometime in the 1840's my great grandfather immigrated from a shithole to America. Ireland was a shithole at the time. My ex-BIL still lives in a thatched cottage with outdoor plumbing. At least he doesn't keep the sheep in the house during the winter anymore.

People came from shitholes like Italy and the Pale and ended up for a time in another shithole, the Lower East Side.

The discrimination was unbelievable. NINA, no WOP's, no Jews.

We survived and thrived here and became American, usually in one generation. we joined unions and went to college and fought in our country's wars.

Now some f'ing lying politician is trying to derail DACA and bury Trump under racism charges. Let's send him off to Port au Prince or Kingston or Port Moresby (the most dangerous city in the world)and see what he says.

Dave (in MA)

Numb tigers take igloos at Western Weekly Tea?

Nine tries to ignite Alaska with wet trumpets?

Never tell thoughtless ignoramouses a word when tripping?

I give up!

Captain Hate

This is Schadenbonerific. Samantha Power threw a party on election night...http://politi.co/2DeoHp5

This is like an Iowahawk satire post (I miss those!):

Glasser: So, your concern was that actually that the evening was going to be over early.

Power: Too soon. I wanted to milk the soft power dividend of
this moment, and instead, and HBO was there, I guess unfortunately or
fortunately, to capture it all....

Posted by: Lizzy at January 15, 2018 11:48 AM (W+vEI)


I don't know why HBO didn't fictionalize it recount and juliannes bender, its not like their audience can tell the difference, specially after q2 am, iytwim


Matt, my maternal grandmother was a quarter Irish. Her Irish grandpa and family came about same time as yours, beat starving.

Two generations later, descendants owned and published a small town newspaper in Ohio, and were accepted as part of the social fabric of the town.

The geneology research Mrs. Buckeye has been doing has uncovered lots of examples like this, truly is, or at least was, a land of opportunity.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This tweet contains President Trump's address marking Martin Luther King day.



certainly not a shithole: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224612/The-Gangs-New-Guinea-Chilling-photographs-street-criminals-worlds-uninhabitable-cities.html

Miss Marple the Deplorable

If you take a look at the film footage included in the video in President Trump's address, I was struck by how many of the civil rights demonstrators were carrying American flags as they marched.

Quite a difference between then and the current demonstrations by Black Lives Matter.


Netherlands: 13-year-old Muslim tries to kill his mother because “women are not allowed to divorce”

Miss Marple the Deplorable



I think that some huge source of dysfunction in the Muslim world goes back to Islam's corruption of what the Bible calls "a mother's authority over her sons". As in the 4th Commandment...

James D.

he wasn't a good campaigner and didn't inspire people.

Understatement of the millennium. I mean, the man lost the animal lover vote to a guy who bragged about eating dogs. How pathetic do you have to be to manage that?


definitely not a shithole:



So was the shithole strategy the plan all along or did they come up with it in the cloakroom when the rolling camera meeting was ongoing?

Possibly the same crew who concocted the story of Tea Party people spitting on John Lewis and his Dem pals...


I have the answer. USA sends every dreamer illegal, law abiding illegal to the Sh**holes across the world (all the places NO democrat would ever step foot in) to rebuild, educate the country of their origin. Then each, after completing their community service, could APPLY for legal status and get in line, like our ancestors did---follow the rules!,,

I'm not even going to ask for reparations for my Cherokee ancestors, on my Mother's side, anymore...to give these "kids" their chance to vote democrat and live in welfare ghettoes with a free flip-phone 😂


so here's the un-PC question to ask: what country that is majority white is also clearly a shithole?


just a potential american conservative looking to get out ... lets bring them all over here.

jimmyk on iPhone

Does S America count, exdem?

jimmyk on iPhone

To me the pivotal moment for Romney was when he folded like a cheap suit in the last debate. Even so, given what we now know about the criminal behavior during the 2016 campaign, it wouldn't surprise me if a little digging didn't turn up something just as bad in 2012.




not a country but Wales?


Chain migration = horrid Racism and makes black people shudder at the thought of chains.

Loretta LYNCH = ?

jimmyk on iPhone


If we're allowed regions, southern Italy is pretty bad. But Argentina and Brazil are pretty much white shitholes.

I heard NPR saying that Trump was referring to African countries specifically, I guess to keep alive the racism charge.

Captain Hate

Rocket surgery in progress:



"Not being someone who normally reads Instapundit other than links provided here, I'm perplexed about what should be approved boilerplate scripts for open threads. "I'm tapped out of regular thread material"?

Posted by: Captain Hate | January 15, 2018 at 09:08 AM"

Approved "Open Thread" script at link:

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I think Germany is in the running. Also Britain, at least Londonistan.


I think that some huge source of dysfunction in the Muslim world goes back to Islam's corruption of what the Bible calls "a mother's authority over her sons". As in the 4th Commandment...

I am not familiar with this but it is interesting. A friend's daughter and husband are undercover missionaries in a Muslim country. They have small children. They have had a time with the babysitter who lets the male child "rule the roost" so to speak.

She says they spoil the male children and they are never told "no"! When the mom returned home asking why the children didn't take a nap - the reply was, "He said he didn't want to." They are given as much candy as they want and other questionable things.

They stated this is part of their "culture" so the mom has had to rearrange her language lessons to limit the time the children are left with the babysitter.

It fits in with the conduct I observed with the adult men dressed in sparkling white robes striding ahead of their poor wives. The women were all covered in black and lugging home the sacks of groceries while the men's arms were empty... totally backward from Western culture.


"The tax fraud attributed to Mitt Romney is inconsistent with American values."

See how that works?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

One thing about this meme about "Nigeian cllege graduates" etc. as proof that we are not getting the dregs of the Third World:

A poster yesterday (not sure where I read this and maybe even here) said that many universities give priority to these upper-class Africans and use them to fill affirmative action slots in their student rosters, which means American blacks get short shrift.


one measure of shitholery:



There are some very talented people who come from Nigeria, the British colonial influence still holds some weight, isn't iris alba from there.

Rupert pumpkin does it again, they were who chavevsky intended in network





Glenda and Momto2:
Both assessments are correct.
Joan and JamesD:
Disagree about Romney campaigning.
Saw him in person at a dinner and he was electrifying.
Obama stole the 2012 election by lying about Benghazi and other nefarious means.
Romney beat out the other candidates and won the nomination which most of you supported at the time as I recall it.
I could be wrong and the above post is just my opinion.


"The tax fraud attributed to Mitt Romney is inconsistent with American values."

Good one, bb.


Their culture is totally different from ours and the treatment of women is appalling.
I don’t know how they could assimilate here with our pro women views.


Fire up the image search, daddy.

Dow Futures Near 26k As US Stocks Reach Most-Overbought In Over 120 Years


Georgetown Employee Resigns After Wishing Conservative ‘A #MeToo Moment,’ Gets Fired From Another Job

A Georgetown University board member resigned Monday after wishing a conservative commentator would have “a #MeToo moment” and also got fired from another job.

Jeff Bernstein resigned from his position on Georgetown’s Masters of Science in Foreign Service program board after the remark, reported independent journalist Mike Cernovich.

“Wishing you a #MeToo moment,” Bernstein said Saturday to CRTV commentator Allie Stuckey, referencing the hashtag women have used to allege sexual assault. “Maybe then you won’t be so insensitive.”


are there potential high quality immigrants currently living in shithole countries? of course (just as there are potential low quality ones currently living in non-shithole countries).

can those high quality people be identified at the border? should we assist such people in not building their own countries?

interesting questions worthy of serious discussion.

but nothing to do with whether their current countries are shitholes.

and nothing to do with whether we should admit immigrants from those shithole countries willy nilly.


Well, mr, heh! I could be wrong, too, and my post above is just my opinion.

... and a lot of people have won elections that I find no reason to respect. In fact, they keep giving me new reasons that confirm my previous views.


I don’t know how they could assimilate here with our pro women views.

I agree, maryrose yet try to tell that to a liberal! I asked my liberal, feminist niece how she could support bringing people here who wanted to oppress women, throw gays off the rooftops, etc. She thinks those are just "fringe elements" and most Muslims are good people just like us! Brainwashed by her professors at the University of Texas in Austin. Sad!

jimmyk on iPhone

Exdem, I don't buy that "most dangerous" list for a moment. Israel more dangerous than Egypt or the Congo? The US more dangerous than Algeria or Brazil?

Also, Palestine isn't a country.

jimmyk on iPhone

"Overbought"? Last I checked, for every buyer there's a seller.


This is interesting.

Why Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Stock Jumped 26.4% in 2017

When TSMC reported 18% sequential sales growth in the third quarter, CFO Lora Ho pointed to cryptocurrency miners as a significant growth driver. Among more traditional client industries such as automotive computing and the Internet of Things, hyperspecialized processors for crypto mining have become so popular that TSMC might consider breaking these application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC, order out into a new reportable segment soon. So far, these chips have been bundled into the general "computer" category, where sales increased by 46% in the third quarter.

So crypto mining is driving the semiconductor market. Wow. Prepare for a crash.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I hope this family got a refund!


Please click over to look at the pictures. I can't describe what they look like. "Cartoon" is kind.


Yes that is ridiculous Congo is one of the most dangerous places on earth, right up there with Mexico and south Africa.


My take is that the whole "shithole" thing has very little to do with DACA and everything to do with the Dems being absolutely panicked by Trump gaining support in the black community--and black unemployment at historic low levels under Trump.

The Dems know that they absolutely need 97% of the black vote and high black voter turnout to win outside of their Blue Hells. If Trump shifts even a few percentage points of that they are in deep trouble and they know it.

Trump is going over the heads of the MSM and the race merchants to tell black voters what they already know--that they are being used and lied to by the Democratic machine. He has also convinced pretty much everybody, love him or hate him, that he is not a politics as usual guy and he will shake things up. And he is clearly not a Romney-Bush-McConnell corporate Republican who black voters simply don't trust or believe
have any interest in or reason to ever advance their concerns. He will never move more than a small minority of independent thinkers, but that minority is significant--there are lots of people for whom the idea that your children can get a job and have some economic hope means more than blind loyalty to the politicians who claim to be the good guys.

Also I doubt that DACA is something that the majority or even a substantial minority of the black community cares about--do they really want to promote the immigration--legal or illegal-- of people who are taking jobs and school admissions and resources--even if they are from Haiti or Ghana rather than Bosnia or Honduras or India or Malaysia? I think the Dems know this.

All of the "concerned citizens" who have been writing "outraged" letters to my local paper are the usual white lefty elites from suburbia, academia and the clergy.


Trump uses TWITTER to get his message out without the MFM lying about what he said.
Because it makes the FULL COMMIE insane.

"I'd probably" have a good relationship with Un, cannot be lied about, when it is in print.


Boatbuilder, I think TRICKY DICK DUSTBIN ought to tweet out his marching orders...
"all of you immigrants from SHIT-HOLES need to wear BLACK when you sign up for you AMERICAN bennies and food stamps....in solidarity."


Romney was a pretty good governor - in a state that has a history of really bad governors - except for Romneycare which was started to stop people from using emergency rooms as their free hotels, TV areas and free meals. It would have worked if 98% of the legislators were not lefties.

He has a good business mind for sure, and is very successful in the real world - a quality I like in a politician. And I'm pretty sure he will play ball with Trump but who knows?


the 'shithole' attack is not just intended to slur Potus as a racist, it's intended to make ME (and you) feel like a racist.


it's intended to make ME (and you) feel like a racist



I'm pretty sure he will play ball with Trump

What does Clarice say? From your lips to God’s ears.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I have detected a story line infiltrating this dossier stuff. "The Clintons were duped by the Russians with the false dossier."

I think this is an attempt to deflect guilt and also perhaps to plea bargain. See, it wasn't their fault - they were DUPED!

Now, it may be that this is a way to keep from having to imprison her, put forth by some in the DOJ who are still loyal to her, or it may be a proffer through her attorneys.

Nevertheless, it is a marked change in the story, and I wanted to make sure you guys noticed it.


He was fooled by Jonathan grubber and Fina Mccarthy who built empires in his inattention.
He never learned the lesson of the 94 senate race against Kennedy, and he thinks he can be the cool kid going along with the media.


What's that saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twigs shame on me, if they couldn't tell what a bucket of horse apples this dossier was is bad enough that they passed it off like the whizzo chocolate assortment is something else again.


That would show some imagination:


I'm sorry SHIT-HOLE countries are so fucked up that they can't keep their own people happy employed and patriotic.

Why are we allowing hordes of people from SHIT HOLE countries to come here and stay here???

Did you vote for that? Do you approve of that?
Is it okay with you???? The MFM claimed that we were racist for wanting a ban on people from SHIT-HOLES with EBOLA from coming here.

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