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February 07, 2018


Beasts of England

'Turn those machines back on!'


Where's Beeks?


They started blaming Trump immediately even though they had given Obama all of the credit for its rise. Obama is untouchable. The media will not let him be blamed for anything. Ever.


The downfall of America is not going to be Trump or Clinton or Obama. It's our media. Take a bow Paul Krugman.

Frau Steingehirn

Former Enron Adviser Krugman, please.

James D.

In a sane world, Krugman would be cleaning toilets for a living, except I wouldn’t even trust him to do that.

Beasts of England

'And pork bellies, which are used to make bacon; which you might put on a bacon and lettuce and tomato sandwich...'


matt - deplore me if you must

The NY Post tells us that the FBI texts include ones telling us that Obama was to be briefed in on every development in the Clinton case.

Basically, when the Left says something, the exact opposite is true.

Newspeak at it inception.

Iran is good.
Israel is bad.
Freedom is slavery.


Carl Icahn was on CNBC's Fast Money yesterday saying there is a big 'reckoning' coming. He doesn't know whether it willl be in five days, months or years.

JIB has it right. It depends on how all the debt that Obama incurred unwinds. Plus, some of the big boys are trying to read the tea leaves of the future on inflation.


Sounds to me like you guys a couple a bookies.


Good Morning.

POTUS Obama wants to know everything you guys are doing.


We should all be bookies, Henry :-)


The NY Post tells us that the FBI texts include ones telling us that Obama was to be briefed in on every development in the Clinton case.

I see that's everywhere but did the text(s) say exactly what Obama wanted to know about?


which you might put on a bacon and lettuce and tomato sandwich...


Jim Eagle


Its the great confluence of good news (economic growth, higher wages, higer employment), and bad news ($4 trillion asset ejection by the Fed and prospect of inflation which in my opinion is a phony speculation). It reminds me of the "Perfect Storm" of 1991 off the northeast coast and the northern Atlantic.

Trump is silly to think his commentary on the market is necessary. As POTUS he has to avoid critisizing markets especially those he has no control or direction over.

Captain Hate


Isn't Holder still technically in contempt of Congress? Why isn't he in jail?

I don't think Congress has the ability to prosecute anybody, only refer it to the DOJ for that. At this stage I'd just as soon that ambulatory Dirty Sanchez continue his pattern of running his whiny yap and reminding everyone of just how disgusting and corrupt the reign of Cock Curious was.

Two months before the presidential election, Lisa Page wrote to fellow FBI official Peter Strzok that she was working on a memo for then-FBI director James Comey because Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing.'

Wouldn't this "memo" have had to be a preserved federal record?


Rush doing a fine job in hour 1 playing audio of Obama's interview with weasel Chris Wallace where Obama says he would never ever ask the FBI anything about how the investigation into Hillary is going, while simultaneously reading the Page-Strzok E-mails.

Obama: 'I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line...I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period!"


I think you're correct, JIB.

PDJT shouldn't be talking about the stock market but how can anyone stop him..

One problem down the road I think is that there aren't enough bodies to do all the construction work we need at all aspects whether it is home construction or working on bridges and roads, etc. partly due to an aging population.


did the text(s) say exactly what Obama wanted to know about?

I wish the actual exchange was linked in any of the articles. I have seen three versions of the text:

• Obama "wants to know everything we're doing,"

•[POTUS] "wants to know everything we're doing,"

•"potus wants to know everything we're doing,"

Absent the actual language that led up to the portion of the text that gets repeated I am left focusing on one word. "we're."

This implies that she is specifically talking about the actions and activities of Page and Stzrok.


Happy Belated Birthday wishes, JIB!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Seen on Twitter:

If you haven't thought about working in government before, now might be a good time to think about it. We are going to need a lot of replacements.


Rush is reading Strzok-Page text messages.

Strzok in a text calls Virginia voters who voted against McCabe's wife "ignorant hillbillies."

Ha! Thank goodness Strzok doesn't give a rip about politics.


Miss M, I'm sure the local nursery can provide as many potted plants as the govt has empty cubes.


Here's a text for Captain Hate:

[–]UsualTrumspects 4 points 5 minutes ago

Page 30: 2015-12-13 "Kasich has long been suspected of being gay..."


That sounds right to me, TK. Perhaps they were doing something other than investigating Hillary's emails. Planning a picnic or a softball game, for example.

Without the rest of the context, that'll almost surely be the defence.

But again, if there was a memo, it should still exist.


Also from T_D:

[–]09habs100 8 points 12 minutes ago

Page: “Turn on PBS”

“Oh God, Holder! Turn it off turn it off turn it off!!!!”

Strzok: “Yeah I saw him yesterday and booed at the TV”


Pg 62

Someone doesn’t like holder either 😂

Here is their magathread with text captures:


Good read on FISA courts and FBI dishonesty.

But for more than a decade, the FISA court has repeatedly complained about deceptive FBI agents seeking turbo-charged secret FISA warrants.



Icahn's problem seems to be specifically with ETFs and index investing and I don't understand what he's saying ... can anyone here can explain?

ETFs are a huge part of the investment world these days. I believe a large part of the Soros fortune is due to selling ETFs.


here you go, TK:


Pictures of Naked Trump

Why would anyone believe something Comey wrote in a memo to himself? Or believe anything he testifies to?

Mueller has a lot of corrupt liars as potential witnesses. Someone neglected to mention to Mueller prior to his SC acceptance the paper and digital trail these bumbling sleuths left behind.


Carl Icahn: Larry Fink Protects Underperforming Executives


Captain Hate

Has Martha Radditz had an on air meltdown over her Mandingo Mulatto's "wiretapping" complicity?

matt - deplore me if you must

The Left has opened a new front. They are now challenging republican gerrymandering with Eric Holder as the lead attorney. They got a win at the Supreme Court the other day.

Now we have to fight back the same way. Consolidate all of the loonies in the Bay Area into one district. It may have 3,000,000 people but that's only fair, amirite?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Sarah Sanders is supposed to brief at 1:00 PM Eastern.


Happy belated birthday Jack. JOM archivist must be sleeping like Sessions:)

In the spirit of full disclosure, my birthday is last day of this month.

This is the Medicare milestone birthday, and I am "retiring" March 1st. See how long that lasts:)

Should however increase my Just Ten Hours participation on JOM. Might even be able to stay up and hang with GUS and the night crew:)


During the campaign, Trump expressed a lot of admiration for Icahn's financial ability, but after he won the presidency, I haven't hear him mention him.


some truths are self evident:

[Page 30]

"Mitch McConnell always reminds me of a turtle"


from that T-D thread


I didn't see a reference to index investing in what I saw of Icahn's comments, cheerleader, but his objection to ETF's is specifically those ETF's that use leverage, which means buying or selling on margin (putting up only a percentage of the overall cost of the investment). And those kind of investments can "blow up" more than fully capitalized investments during big market moves. I disagree with Icahn; the losses incurred during that sort of thing can be dramatic but they're like a forest fire that ultimately leaves the forest healthier. It's important that conservative investors stay away from the leveraged investments, the derivatives, etc. - they generally do.


I need a white board to keep up with all of this.



The old time traders are decrying the programmed selling/buying re ETF's based on algorithms.

That's all I've picked up on.


How are they explaining writing the conclusion to the Hillary email scandal 2 months before interviewing her?


From Porch's reddit link, here's a link to the pdf with the texts. Also shows a helpful Word markup of Comey's exoneration statement showing the various edits. If we had the .doc file we could see who made each edit and when.



Thanks for the link, exdem. I tried a worthless pdf that was unsearchable already, is the Scribd link a direct reading of the relevant text exchange or do I have to scour some huge document?

Captain Hate

[–]UsualTrumspects 4 points 5 minutes ago
Page 30: 2015-12-13 "Kasich has long been suspected of being gay..."

As funny as I find this, I think whoever wrote this needs their gaydar recalibrated.


Consolidate all of the loonies in the Bay Area into one district.

Or just give the secessionists their wish and make the left coast Californicationlandia, with every part of the state more than 50 miles from the coast staying part of the U.S.

Pictures of Naked Trump

That Ron Johnson pdf of texts looks like a good read.

Saw the gay Katshit comment on page 30.

Pg 31 "Martin OMalley's a freakshow"
Pg 36 "God Trump is a loathsome human"
Pg 39 "God Hillary should win 100,000,000-0"
Pg 40 "Also did you hear him make a comment about the size of his d*ck earlier? This man can not be President"

I think they were watching the debate and texting one another.

I hope someone puts it in easy to read book form. 450 pages to go

Captain Hate

I need a white board to keep up with all of this

JackStraw predicted a flood of data from Nunes, Grassley, DOJ and the IG that would be impossible to dismiss.


As funny as I find this, I think whoever wrote this needs their gaydar recalibrated.

Roger that CH. His wife grew up in the neighborhood. She was always known as a hottie. Still attractive.

Never heard any rumors of him being gay.


Tried the Scribd link. PITA.

The search box says there is one result for "we're doing" but won't take me to the result.

If anyone else gets a page number please let me know. Thanks.


According to Daily Mail, the text was supposely from Sept. 2, 2016, but it's not on p.47, which includes that timeframe.


They'r'e hoping the new Trump Hotel fails on Sept. 12th, though.


Instapundit has posted this old Newsweek cover for some story but I'm reposting it because it's such an "in your face" obnoxious cover and I love the fact that it ain't the GOP that's history, it's Newsweek that's history.

Go to hell, Newsweek.

Captain Hate

10-4, Buckeye. For God's sake, look at his hair and clothes!

Plus he, Guitarzan and Condit used to go whorehounding around until Chandra Levy went missing plus a dead intern started Johnnycakes on the Pearly Gates Express.


10/7/16 (Page, p.55): There are a bunch of ignorant people out there blinded by their politics.


they got all the bases covered:

Kasie Hunt @kasie

Nancy Pelosi is on the House floor decrying the budget-deal-without-DACA while Chuck Schumer is on the Senate floor touting it

Tom R

Someone on twitter surmised that Trump has the military intel on his side against the civilian intel.

Several months ago Thomas Wictor theorized on Twitter that GEN Flynn was the mastermind who created an intel operation for Trump that operated completely independent of the "Deep State" intel apparatus. I can't find the link but recently Sundance has theorized that Trump's separate intel apparatus Trump is working closely with the Saudis and Crown Prince Salman.


10/14/16 (Strzok, p.59): God she's an incredibly impressive woman. The Obamas in general, really. I'm proud to have had him as my president.


This is the Medicare milestone birthday, and I am "retiring" March 1st. See how long that lasts:)

Congrats, Buckeye. Are you Feb 28th or Feb 29th? Happy belated birthday JIB!


we got played (as usual):

Lisa Desjardins @LisaDNews

BREAKING - source familiar tells me Dems got:
...$131 B increase in nondefense (!) over two-yrs. (Over current law.)
...2 yrs community health funding
...TEN YEARS CHIP (!) funding. (Last deal was for sick)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

Funny how they all disappeared from DC after that, isn't it?

Remember, Condit quit, Guiarzan went to MSNBC and Kasich went to Fox. (That was before he decided to run for governor.)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
11m11 minutes ago

Best wishes to the Republic of Korea on hosting the @Olympics! What a wonderful opportunity to show everyone that you are a truly GREAT NATION!


10/20/16 (Page, p.66, apparently watching debate): Oh hot damn. HRC is throwing down saying Trump in bed with russia.

Beasts of England

Look at the header of that Newsweek cover. 'GOP: You're old, you're white, you're history!'


Jim Eagle

This is for OL when he shows up:



Rush plays a clip of Sheryl Atkisson from earlier today saying that her sources lead her to believe that the FBI has been doing this sort of phony illegal FISA stuff for wiretapping, etc for easily a decade or 2, and that one reason the FBI is fighting so hard to take Trump down was that they were concerned he was the one guy who would actually look into their dirty actions and prosecute them for having done all this illegal stuff as their standard practice. If so, then Mueller's dirty.


On 11/15 (p.88) they lament Sessions nomination for AG. "Good god."


Daddy, that Hill op ed I linked above documents such FISA games going back to 2002.

Comanche voter

Krugman's analyses are about as useful (and indeed they often resemble) a urinalysis.


Henry tutor says why did I bother.

So bezos nor Carlos slims finds actual economic news important.


Jim Jordan, on FOX, mentions that one of them (Strzok or Page) messaged something like "I was in Walmart, I could smell the Trump voters". I hadn't heart that one, don't know if it was out there already. Anyway, nice.


Btw, those page numbers I cited were the ones written on the text pages. On the doc's page 457 you can see the gap between 12/14/2016 and 5/18/2017. One text just follows the other, as if there weren't any txts between the 2 dates.


Just a question as a result of a Rush caller.

Do you guys think that the FISA Judge or Judges were in on the fix?

I think Contreras certainly was, and since I am hearing no pushback from any of the other Judges (if there were any other Judges involved), I have to think any and all FISA Judges who OK'd this thing were in on the fix.


heart = heard, of course, yikes.


Sarah at the Presser with General Mattis now speaking.

Jim Eagle

FBN, Cavuto, Gasparino and every deficit hawk they could find are all apopletic over the 2 year deal. Well, so am I.

Its a spend, spend, spend bill that will only increase the odds of a recession starting before the 11/18 elections. Watch. Even with strong economic underpinnings, if we start down and inflationary spending the tax cuts become meaningless since inflation decreases their ultimate value.

I am glad they have giving the military what they need but they need to get real on all the other carp.



I started to retire last year, and I'm almost there.It gets easier and easier.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

‏ @President1Trump
54s55 seconds ago

.@SenRonJohnson just said there was a hatch act violation investigation open into James @Comey! #ObamaGate


per Drudge, Hope Hicks bf is a spousal abuser (confirmed by 2 exes)



The listings show that texts were deleted. If you look at the pdf doc on p.116, there's the exchange I menionted about from 11/15/16 talking about Sessions for AG. ("Oh god.") Later in the pdf, on p.443, another listing of the same 11/15/16 conversation shows fewer messages. Whoever created the latter doc deleted texts.


page 356, TK


I don't mean Strzok or Page deleted texts. Whoever created the 2nd evidence listing excluded texts.

Beasts of England

Here's the Scribd link to the Interim Report on Hillary's emails:



Damn government types. Now they want toll roads in WI. No. cut the prevailing wage law, which saves more money than tolling brings in. (Yeah higher wages means higher profits for contractors-- efemall).



exdem, thanks for finding that. So the earlier listing (p.75) excluded that 9/2/16 conversation. Both listings excluded texts.


Lamentations ongoing:


jimmyk on iPhone

Strassel has a Twitter thread on the Grassley memo:


Starting with:

1) Why isn't the (mostly) unredacted Grassley memo front page news? Here's why: Because it confirms the Nunes memo and blows up the Schiff talking points (which the media ran with).

Clarice Feldman


The P-S texts in context.

Pictures of Naked Trump

Skimming those Strozk/Page texts makes them just seem like two lazy government employees with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I don't see anything shady like "let's plant some phony evidence" but there is also nothing indicating anything negative about the Trump team like "boy do we have some great communication intercepts on collusion". They dislike a bunch of people and like to whine about their jobs. But I do think their hatred towards Trump is enough to keep them off any related investigations.

It seems like the bigger issues are the bosses higher up worked on FISA monitoring and cultivating a false sense of Trump Russia collusion to hinder the Presidency.

James D.

Skimming those Strozk/Page texts makes them just seem like two lazy government employees with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Two lazy government employees with TDS, and also with vast legal power to ruin the lives of citizens, access to reams of sensitive information, and lavish (taxpayer funded) salaries, benefits and pensions.

Sorry, I'm not OK with lazy jackasses who view me as a a backwards, racist hillbilly, having the power to wreck my life while I pay them for the privilege.

Burn it down. Burn it all down.

Clarice Feldman


Strange tradecraft here.


Thanks, exdem.

Captain Hate

Dana Perino really is dumb as a post. I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she has no idea what is going on in DC.

What is the point of her?
Posted by: JackStraw

eye candy for the spank bank

mute the TV. much better
Posted by: Rick in SK at February 07, 2018 02:08 PM (FZYNt)


Strzok asking about FISA judges:

Wildly unrelated, is [redacted] still chief judge of the fisc?

Shopping trip?



some are suggesting the 'obama wants to know what's being done' text refers to the Hillary whitewash. i disagree. the Hillary investigation was closed by then.
Obama wanted an update briefing on the Trump frame-job.


Exdem: You are correct.
Obama was very interested in bringing President Trump down to make up for his failure in the presidency.

Captain Hate

Although I'm doing my best to starve the Whoreyweird beast, this has me interested:


Jim Eagle

While the Northeast gets hit with snow, we are far enough off shore to only get rain. Just not cold enough.

McConnell and the Uniparty have now put Trump in a vice regarding the budget deal. House has a problem since not enought debt hawks on the GOP side to offset the "problem solvers" added to the lemming dems. Only thing Ryan can do is put in the DACA deal that fits Trump's position. Dems won't support and neither will the Senate. This is going to be interesting to watch.


JiB, you assume Ryan doesn't want that mini-porkulus to pass. He is wholly owned by Donahue. He passes it and tramples any debt hawks he can find.

fdcol63 🇺🇸

Hard to beat Tony Snow (God rest his soul), but Sarah is AWESOME ... and maybe a little better!

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