Wow, Glenn made me a star! The topic is Gun Violence Restraining Orders, with lots more detail at "BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME", below. This is from a Rush Limbaugh transcript:
Panic in Trumpville Over Gun Meeting
At one point, Mr. Trump suggested that law enforcement authorities should have the power to seize guns from mentally ill people or others who could present a danger without first going to court. ‘I like taking the guns early,’ he said, adding, ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second.'” Well, that is what did it. That comment caused an eruption out there, and not just among Trumpists.
I mean, there are some Never Trumpers who hate Trump, but they in no way… Their hatred of Trump still doesn’t mean they want the Constitution to be trampled. I mean, there’s a lot of people who got concerned. “What? (sputtering) ‘[G]o through due process second’?” So I found something today from Glenn Reynolds. Glenn Reynolds’ Web page is called Instapundit, and I occasionally traverse the hills and dales there, and I found a tweet by somebody named Tom Maguire. I don’t know who Tom Maguire is and I didn’t have time to Google “Tom Maguire.”
He’s probably somebody famous or he wouldn’t be posted here, but I don’t know who he is. No insult intended. Just full disclosure. He tweeted about this, and Tom Maguire at the Instapundit website said, “On Trump’s no ‘due process’ quote: [In my humble opinion] he misunderstood/misstated gun violence restraining order. Procedure is court order, confiscation, hearing to end or extend order.” Now, Trump said (paraphrased), “Screw that! Go get the gun and then we’ll have the court order and the hearing. We’ll do that later.”
What Tom Maguire thinks, according to his tweet, is that Trump conflated hearing to end or extend order with due process. So when Trump said take the guns first, go through due process second, Maguire’s tweet said that Trump didn’t mean due process, that he was confusing due process with the hearing to end or extend the order in the established procedure. So let me try to explain this. It’s tough to follow this when it’s words in a certain order and you can’t see them.
But that’s why I’m here, as a paramount communicator. The procedure now for getting a gun violence restraining order, if that’s what you want to do, you have to go to court and get an order, like the FBI went to the FISA court to spy on Trump. They had the dossier. You gotta go to court and get permission. You have to get a court order, a restraining order against a perp, and then you go get the gun. You go confiscate the gun. Then after you do that, there is a hearing in court to extend or end the court order allowing confiscation.
What Mr. Maguire believes is when Trump said, “Let’s take the guns first and go through due process second,” what he meant was that Trump was just conflating this hearing with due process, that Trump said, “Let’s go grab the gun and then go to court and argue it out.” It’s… (sigh) Well, it’s an attempt to explain it. But it relies on the belief that Trump doesn’t know the difference between a hearing and a court order and due process. What the critics are trying to say here is, “Trump, what are you…? Trump doesn’t care! Trump is an autocrat. Trump is a dictator.
Hmm, Rush didn't have time to Google "Tom Maguire"? Let me just say I was Number One once upon a time, having supplanted a dead Irish socialist, but now I see a dead IRA leader has the top spot. But maybe Rush has put me on the comeback trail!
Meanwhile, I'm still holding our for a re-tweet from the Real Donald Trump. Aim high!
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME: For background on Gun Violence Restraining Orders this WaPo piece is a good start. David French of National Review wrote a widely cited piece that picked up a tweet from Sen. Rubio.
The Little Marco That Could is introducing a package of reforms to our gun laws that will include Federal GVRO legislation. One might think that these court orders are handled at the state level, so what is the Federal role? If Sen. Rubio's bill mirrors the House proposal from last year, it will provide Federal grants to states that adopt legislation in line with the Federal standards.
But before you jump on board, do note the objections from Jacob Sullum of Reason. I was not persuaded - he offers hypothetical concerns, but we have a history to work with since Connecticut first passed their law in 1999 (OK, ask me about Newtown, amirite?). Other states such as California enacted legislation much more recently. If the parade of horribles envisioned by Mr. Sullum has been unfolding, we should be able to find out; if not, the hypothetical problems have not developed, yet anyway. Mr. French had his own response here.
I should add that the big impact in Connecticut, per a recent Duke study, has been to allow relatives to disarm elderly depressed, possibly suicidal gun owners. That does not speak to school shootings and it certainly opens a whole new can of worms around euthanasia and any suicide rights of the old and ailing, but it strikes me as a net positive.
Everyone gets their 15 minutes because we're all special.
Posted by: Benjamin Cranky | March 01, 2018 at 06:24 PM
That CT thing and my health care system saying I'm due for "depression screening" show typical lefty tyranny is afoot.
What part of "pass no law" do these dope not understand?
Posted by: henry | March 01, 2018 at 06:30 PM
I don't know how one would calibrate but there should be a sliding scale like the dreaded color coded threat alerts, the parkland sutherland and
Orlando shooters were blinking infra red.
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 06:41 PM
Hey, JiB, the interview I did was through a website called Zencastr (, which allows people from various locations to record together, without installing any software. You merely need to have a microphone on your computer. You might check it out. My interview with these folks on Austen's Anglicanism is here:
I like Kev's idea about life histories--you are all so interesting there's a lot to tell.
derwill, yes to all your recent posts.
I went away like TK in 2015--I was all in with Trump from the escalator onwards, and was dismayed to see all the sniffing here--so I went away and came back, tentatively and gingerly, in October 2016. My son--who can attest to this--asked me on the morning of the election what I thought I thought Trump's chances were. I said 60-70%. I went to sleep around 10 when Pennsylvania was called--slept very happily.
Posted by: Catsmeat | March 01, 2018 at 06:43 PM
My solution is a refusal to sign up for a GP. I go see the heart doctor, go see the neurologist, etc. But I do not go to one of these political lefty GP's (which they all seem to be out here in Indiana).
I refuse to be bullied or subjected to intrusive questioning.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 06:43 PM
Miss, no independents here. You pick from one of now two systems. Get the same crap at every stop, not just the GP. :(
Posted by: henry | March 01, 2018 at 06:46 PM
I never went away, Catsmeat. I was accused of driving people away.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 06:47 PM
Just Danube water under the bridge, TK. 😎
Posted by: lyle | March 01, 2018 at 06:49 PM
I did take a hiatus when the Afterbirthers, The Winged Chariot Brigade, and the Hall Monitor used JOM Facebook as a secret lair to plot malicious schemes to make personal attacks against me.
That was a dark time for JOM.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 06:50 PM
And BoE, Lyle. I was told that I drove him away. When I emailed him to see what happened it turned out I was burned by fake news.
Never happened.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 06:52 PM
I'm so sick of the RIGHT clutching their pearls, when TRUMP says something off the cuff. Even our own get dizzy and hit the fainting couch.
I'm not condoning any un-constitutional or illegal gun grabbing by a long shot. I'm just puzzled why the RIGHT doesn't see TRUMP in the long view. He isn't a gun grabber, and frankly doesn't have much power to do so. On the other hand, OBAMA is RICH, GUILTY as SIN, and FREE AS A BIRD.
I guess, I'm not surprised at TRUMP speaking off the cuff. It's TRUMP.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 06:53 PM
Mad props, Tom.
Posted by: Skoot | March 01, 2018 at 06:53 PM
“The Winged Chariot Brigade” escapes this long-time JOMer’s grasp.
Posted by: lyle | March 01, 2018 at 06:54 PM
Way to go, TM!
Posted by: JimNorCal | March 01, 2018 at 06:54 PM
Yes, congratulations TM!
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 06:56 PM
Miss Marple has taken more abuse for her Trump support than anybody starting with Ballard in a very, I thought at the time, uncharacteristically personal attack on her. I don't know why people think they have license to unload on her like that but I'll fire back every GD time, including earlier today.
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 06:58 PM
Thanks, but the free version can only accommodate 2 people. That means we have to have a precisely timed script plan. But that is doable.
That means that everyone who wants to participates needs to bookmark that website.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | March 01, 2018 at 07:00 PM
I agree Capn. Miss Marple has never aggressively attacked anyone. She deserves better.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:00 PM
Kudos tm
Yes hyperventilating should be kept at a minimum, like the caterpillar drive on the red October.
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 07:00 PM
Another good article from Sundance.
Posted by: Tom R | March 01, 2018 at 07:01 PM
Sharyl Attisson accuses DOJ IG of secretly switching her computer hard drives. She mentions DOJ IG Michael Horowitz by name. The Bozo appointed Michael Horowitz whose investigative report release keeps getting moved back and back and back.
Posted by: DebinGA | March 01, 2018 at 07:07 PM
It would be incredibly stupid on Kushner and Trump's part and one of the biggest conflicts of interest in US history if Jared Kushner (or Trump himself) used their position of power to help their former companies financially.
I absolutely agree with this TomR and I am not advocating that they did.
I am making an "optics" argument.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 07:08 PM
I was the last poster to die on the old thread.
Might work this one out for podcast delivery (if you'll have me--- i'm so flippin insecure! :D)
"Wanna hee it? Hee it go!"
Could fascism happen here in America? There are some signs that it could kick in easily if the populace were to be disarmed.
We aren't there yet, but an amoral-to-immoral presidency like Hillary's presidency would've been, COULD put some huge skids in our path.
Then we have DJT's predecessor:
"Elections have consequences" and subsequent governmental weaponization were some ideological and structural cornerstones for a full on swing toward the F word.
The popular trend of worshipping a "My President" who used campaign posters with a raised Mussolini chin, well, that nonsense gives me the shivers too.
Where I agree wholeheartedly is about "the loci of power." It's an important safeguard, as important as an armed citizenry. But, it is also as delicate as it is important to a free Republic.
Not that it was fascist per se, but the point was made back in 1997 that our Civil War was set up by a splintering of that level of diffuse power wielded by the electorate of an adolescent Nation--- Abolitionists, Copperheads, Fire Eaters, and the collapse of the Whig Party are a few examples.
In that era, power among the electorate and across institutions became so diffuse as to become directionless.
Then the killing started and blew up into mass murdering.
Meanwhile, as the debacle escalated a military decision was made to free 7 million people from slavery, for example, without any infrastructure to absorb that many internal "immigrants" into society and its economy after the shootin stopped.
Jim Crow was fascistic to the extreme, even codified by law for nearly 100 years plus.
Similar national governmental impotence pre-saged Mussolini and Hitler, along with widespread popular moral collapse (how many non-humans are exterminated every year now in the womb on American soil?) and obsessive communist agitation.
The Indian Wars and the systemic extermination, euthanizing, and sterilization of NDN populations after the Civil War provided almost a near identical pattern for the Reich's "gauleiter" government. "Mein Kampf" identifies the American system of creating Lebensraum with its laws and policies.
That "population management" model is still in effect here, minus the eugenics component--- but our government has every square foot of acreage measured, in all 50 states, who owns it, and who's living on it (to a degree of 96% accuracy according to my Cooperative Extension pal of 35 years).
My point is that there are many building blocks and trends in place and afoot that would facilitate a fairly fast transition to the Big F (in the name of socialism) should the American population finally be disarmed.
It's interesting to note, for me at least, that fascism is dependent on the peoples' ability to rationalize enormous contradictions--- prosperity for some with slavery and death for others.
Our history sets us up for such nonsense and today's agitators are leveling blame for such contradictions on their political adversaries: US.
I have a theory that the Strong Man who will emerge in North America is 11 years old now. We might have 2 decades left by this theory.
The Great National Debt, if not addressed, will ensure his rise and the obliteration of this Republic.
Instead of "In God We Trust" (minted for the first time during the Civil War) we'll hear a popular meme: "We had to do something!"
Like derwill said earlier today "I'm too damned old for that...." Exactly.
Where are the tethers for our Youth so they can see beyond the spurious claims of the contradiction police who would enslave them as much as look at them?
Some say that makes me a tin-foil conspiracy nut. Not really.
I'm working for the conventional good--- wealth creation and teaching Youth how to fish.
But that Great National Debt and the history of Debt, on how it impacts a formerly free people, cast very long shadows.
I dunno.
God Bless America is a constant prayer in this house, multiple times daily.
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 01, 2018 at 07:08 PM
--That does not speak to school shootings and it certainly opens a whole new can of worms around euthanasia and any suicide rights of the old and ailing, but it strikes me as a net positive.--
Well, you can only net it out if more elderly gunowners don't commit suicide than become the victims of violent crime because they're unarmed.
Since you, TM, have been properly tireless in pointing out taking guns away from the suicidal doesn't really accomplish much in a world with a thousand ways to off oneself I'd say it's pretty hard to ever discover the real net.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | March 01, 2018 at 07:08 PM
Clever foolish or other?
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 07:10 PM
Yes, mega kudos, TM™!
Posted by: lyle | March 01, 2018 at 07:11 PM
I enjoyed your Welsh return sketch on the previous thread, CH.
Was refueling the car while traveling out of ENGlun
into "wells". Standing there spacing out. Eyes wandered up into the wooded hill beyond my immediate line of sight.
A fairytale like castle was nestled at the top of the high hill right at the treeline. It had twin spired turrets and the main hall rooftop had two "eyebrow" windows.
"Dayum. We're in Wales now."
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 01, 2018 at 07:11 PM
Okay then. That's more than enough outta me. I love my day off.
Keep punchin' y'all. The best is yet to be. I promise.
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 01, 2018 at 07:13 PM
Congrats TM! Long overdue.
Posted by: PDinDetroit | March 01, 2018 at 07:18 PM
You rock TM! And you always have. Rush's loss if he doesn't know who you are.
Posted by: Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there | March 01, 2018 at 07:19 PM
Every new law passed is enforced by the business end of a firearm.
Posted by: PDinDetroit | March 01, 2018 at 07:21 PM
Condi Rice actually smacked down Nicole "The View," "MSNBC Douchette" Wallace for calling PDT racist.
Good for her.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 01, 2018 07:05 PM (ptqGC)
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 07:23 PM
Nick Hole Wall Ass. Is that a boy band???
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:28 PM
I saw Nick Hole Wall Ass open for Troop Ship.
Posted by: henry | March 01, 2018 at 07:29 PM
Kev, here is a vote for Bonnie Scotland. I lllllllove Scotland.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:33 PM
I have to confess I'm a little confused by the confusion about what Trump said.
A gun ro is essentially a "grab the guns and do the due process later" thing in laymen's terms.
Since it is ex parte the grabee has no idea his guns are about to get grabbed which despite the legal gloss is pretty much "grab the guns first" and then we'll figure it out. The figuring it out is the due process where the accuser has to put or shut up and the burden of proof returns to where it should, the shoulders of the accuser.
IMO, if the accuser cannot sustain their accusation they should have to compensate the grabee.
If they are found to have made a frivolous or malicious accusation there should be penalties.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | March 01, 2018 at 07:33 PM
I saw Nick Hole Wall open for The Milking Soft Powers!
Posted by: lyle | March 01, 2018 at 07:34 PM
The grabbing of the guns would actually be part of the due process.
I think the term is getting used incorrectly.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 07:35 PM
I once opened for Buster Hymen and the Penetrators, who were themselves opening for Nick Hole Wall, and the Asses.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:38 PM
Congrats to you.
Swell deserved shout out.
Revisionist history returns to JOM.
I was once forbidden to address a certain poster.
JOM to my recollection has never been a dark place.
The light always seems to shine through and the people who post here possess great knowledge and are quite helpful.
Posted by: maryrose | March 01, 2018 at 07:38 PM
So can an IBM travel at 15 to 20 mach, in the boost phase, like volodyas new toy is claimed
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 07:39 PM
Is it still illegal to GRAB the HEROIN, and hold it as evidence?? What about if someone STEALS a CRAZY SCARY looking gun........ALLEGEDLY.....from BAG OF DICKS Sporting Goods????
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:41 PM
The light that shines through shines through the light because there is no dark for it to shine through. Telling the difference between the two lights is where the revision lies.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 07:42 PM
The light that shines through, shines through the light because there is no dark for it to shine through. Telling the difference between the two lights is where the revision lies.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 07:44 PM
GUS! 30 days in Edinburgh sketching architectural molding designs is #2 on that Bucket List. #3 is 30 days trampin on foot as far north from Edinburgh as I can get in 30 days.
I have this thing about "The Castle" and bein around it. 30 days oughtadewitt.
That "Big Country" song you're fond of reminds me of my days up in there. It's why I am so fond of that tune.
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 01, 2018 at 07:44 PM
To there is a German adaptation of Ken folletts a dangerous fortune, with subtitles of course.
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 07:45 PM
I was once forbidden to address a certain poster.
Clearly not a memory of a dark time.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 07:45 PM
Hope you are still around. My daughter came in this evening and saw the sage and asked me about it. I explained its significance, and she wanted to make sure I thanked you for being so thoughtful as to send it.
She also wanted to thank all of you guys for being my friends and helping me out. (She would have done so herself but she doesn't make that much money and has to make mortgage payments and such.) She is amazed that there is a group of internet friends like this.
So thanks to you all, both from her and from me.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 07:45 PM
Very Cool my brother. My Dad played Pro Soccer in Dunfermline, home of Andrew Carnegie, and of BIG COUNTRY!!!
My cousins wife FIONA is from ELGIN in the North. Go farther north, and you are a REAL SCOTSMAN!!
Hey McLeod, get offa my EWE.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:47 PM
I'm not impressed with the columnists that have revealed the organizations behind the gun protests and marches.
I laid this out, what 10 days ago.
Posted by: jim nj | March 01, 2018 at 07:48 PM
jim nj,
I am convinced a lot of them only write exposes like that after they realize that a significant number of internet people have figured it out.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 07:49 PM
I didn't name names, but I saw the plan.
BTW, you're all a little feisty today. Is that the full moon effect?
Posted by: jim nj | March 01, 2018 at 07:50 PM
Good Lord...what a complaint.
It is a GOOD THING that info about the organizations behind the gun protests gets written about & posted as many places as possible.
Posted by: Janet 🚬 - I wish my family had a poncho | March 01, 2018 at 07:54 PM
Lovely Miss Marple, this blog has a lot of "regulars". A lot of love, and a lot of friends.
It is quite special. We love you, and you love us.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:55 PM
Janet, it's really really hard to do the really really hard work of being a FULL COMMIE....Urinalist. If you do your job, the other Urinalists, don't like you. Besides that, it's the IDEOLOGY. Everything is "JAKE" just so long as the VISION of MARXIST UTOPIA makes it all OK.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 07:58 PM
It's not a full moon until tomorrow.
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 07:58 PM
More on that Russian:
Elizabeth Carlisle
GTFO here...go figure...Oleg Deripaska: Steele’s source and Putin’s stooge is a billionaire in the aluminum business that made DT’s decision on the tariff really easy @Debradelai @drawandstrike
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:00 PM
Definitely not a dark time for me because it revealed truth about a poster. I take breaks from time to time so that I can get some distance and evaluate
my responses. I still dislike mentioning posters who currently lurk or have left for a bit.
Have reached my limit on the gun debate however.
I want all who own them and use them responsibly to have no problem keeping them.
Will never own one and intend to be a moving target if one is pointed at me.
Posted by: maryrose | March 01, 2018 at 08:00 PM
CAPN!!! Some FULL COMMIE PROG JUDGE in HAWAI'I, ruled it's a full moon yesterday.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:00 PM
Sean Hannity
Verified account @seanhannity
25m25 minutes ago
Devin Nunes charges that the FBI may have violated criminal statutes by using unverified evidence to obtain a FISA warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Page… We will have the latest news at 9pm #Hannity
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:02 PM
We are not all feisty.
Broad generalization in my book.
Posted by: maryrose | March 01, 2018 at 08:03 PM
Jim NJ,
It doesn't take a genius to know how the progs and their propaganda arm, the MFM, would exploit this tragedy to their political ends. I am just surprised that some of the usual suspects are not there like Antifa and Answer. Maybe they are but not publicized.
Maybe they are but it is so commercial and so planned that I wonder if NBC is bidding for exclusive rights to make up for the $$$'s they lost on the Olympics.
If I was the NRA I would ignore this and don't do a counter protest. That is what they want. To suck in the right. Not the political right but the truth right.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | March 01, 2018 at 08:03 PM
I still dislike mentioning posters who currently lurk or have left for a bit.
But you don't mind calling current posters "revisionists."
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 08:04 PM
Hmmmm, this screwy app has a full moon for today and tomorrow. So much for trusting it; jim nj was probably right.
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 08:04 PM
--The grabbing of the guns would actually be part of the due process.
I think the term is getting used incorrectly.--
Agreed. My point is Trump's shorthand is what a layman [or the accused for that matter] sees = guns grabbed, hearing to see if he gets them back.
Trump is, again, being faulted for putting a common process in the vernacular.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | March 01, 2018 at 08:05 PM
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
13m13 minutes ago
Jobless claims at a 49 year low!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:05 PM
Maryrose, as strident as I am, I've only owned one gun in my life. An old old old 12 gauge shot gun. I got it by accident in a sheriffs sale of abandoned property. Now years later, I hunt, and my 17 year old son, TRAP SHOOTS for his VARSITY HIGH SCHOOL TEAM. A vintage 12 gauge. He is quite good. I'm not a gun dude, I'm a GUITAR dude.
I've learned that GUNS are TOOLS. And guns are our RIGHT. As you know, my next younger brother was SWAT 19 YEARS ago at COLUMBINE. What he went thru is epic.
I AM FIERCE on the 2nd amendment. I also am FIERCE on OUR BETTERS...THE GUBMINT, being held ACCOUNTABLE for MALFEASANCE. They are NOT.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:06 PM
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
13m13 minutes ago
Manufacturing growing at the fastest pace in almost two decades!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:06 PM
"Trump is, again, being faulted for putting a common process in the vernacular."
Isn't he though? It seems so unfair.
He sure needs your explanations.
Posted by: Benjamin Cranky | March 01, 2018 at 08:07 PM
True, Ig.
Although what I fault him for is that I wouldn't have made that mistake.
Posted by: Threadkiller | March 01, 2018 at 08:08 PM
Jack, ANTIFA, has gone the way of OCCUPOOP WALL STREET. The ALL GONE MACHINE. Black LIVES Matter,
on and on and on and on....
Next SOROS group..........
Jack, I've asked a couple times and may have missed a response. Who is your favorite EPL striker?????
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:09 PM
Ignatz, it's pretty simple. Grabbing guns first is called theft. Having to go and prove otherwise later is Guilty before proving innocence. It's not like the guns are illegal.
Again, the gun is not the problem, absconding with RIGHTS by the Government is, aided and abetted by those with "good intentions".
As you stated before, this is not likely to help much so why do you persist?
As you stated before, 76 of 86 cases the firearms were returned. If that is the case, why take them in the first place?
Damn slippery slope. Rights shouldn't be given away so freely. Any GVRO law will be expanded or abused, quite likely by future administrations with the likes of Pelosi or Feinstein shaping more laws to take more rights away.
DC v Heller and McDonald v Chicago were decided by a single vote on SCOTUS. In no way do I think our Rights are safe and the current state of affairs isn't pretty.
Posted by: PDinDetroit | March 01, 2018 at 08:10 PM
Time of Full Moon for America/New_York March 01, 2018 - 07:51 pm (EST)
Posted by: jim nj | March 01, 2018 at 08:13 PM
Yes miss marble, he put this whole thing in motion, to get back at manafort. He fed steele his contacts perhaps through akmetshin and this constituted the dossier, now where are the prime sources of bauxite aluminum ore I know Jamaica is one,
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:13 PM
I'm not complaining about the information being printed, but of how long it took.
Posted by: jim nj | March 01, 2018 at 08:14 PM
Ok china seems to be a major supplier
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:16 PM
Answer became occupy which became antifa (which is a subset of the Resistance)
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:17 PM
PD at 8:10
"Grabbing guns first is theft."
Don Surber agrees
Republican Senator Susan Collins introduced what she called common-sense gun control. If you get on a no-fly list, you don't get to buy a gun.
Way to violate two constitutional amendments which protect the right to keep and bear arms, as well as the one covering due process. I thought legislation was limited to violating no more than one constitutional amendment.
Bonus: none of the shooters were on the no-fly list, thus her proposal is unconstitutional and ineffective.
Posted by: JimNorCal | March 01, 2018 at 08:18 PM
Wasn't Ted Kennedy on the no-fly list. Or was that the NO DRIVE list?
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:20 PM
Coooool Jim nj!! You've cut to the chase.
Don't find probable cause or a crime to deny rights. Just get the person on the NO FLY LIST.
What kind of AMERICAN would object to that????
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:22 PM
The "journalists" only write exposes when enough people on the internet have posted it so that they actually become aware of it. Investigative journalism is, if not totally dead, circling the bowl.
Posted by: Buford Gooch | March 01, 2018 at 08:22 PM
Collins is clearly on the no think list
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:22 PM
No Narciso, Collins is on the MY PEEPS do my thinking FOR ME...... LIST.
She is nearly PATTY MURRAY stoooopit.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:29 PM
--Ignatz, it's pretty simple. Grabbing guns first is called theft. Having to go and prove otherwise later is Guilty before proving innocence. It's not like the guns are illegal.--
But that's not how they work.
An immediate family member must present compelling evidence for the guns to be grabbed.
After that there is a hearing in which the accuser, not the gunowner, must prove their accusations are justified or the guns revert to the owner.
Because it is limited to a prescribed legal process in pretty narrow circumstances it does not seem to me to be a slippery slope, unlike the large majority of other gun laws.
Just because something is of limited but non-zero value doesn't mean it's pointless.
Had there been thousands of failed cases and only a tiny handful of legitimate ones then I would feel differently; that it was open to abuse. But it appears not to be, in two of the most gun unfriendly states in America.
If the US becomes so lawless that these ro's could begin to be used in widespread confiscation of guns under utterly false pretenses then I'm afraid we would be heading toward a shooting war already and any pretense or law would be used or passed were this one not in existence.
It is however not in the Federal government's purveiw to pass one and I am such a hard headed orginalist that I don't even believe in the court created doctrine of "incorporation". Just another fed power grab.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | March 01, 2018 at 08:29 PM
It would be a nice full moon if it wasn't snowing to beat the band, which I'm sure you other Midwesterners are experiencing.
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 08:31 PM
Who was the stupider party:
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:32 PM
Jennifer Jacobs
Verified account @JenniferJJacobs
“I was just with President Trump and H.R. McMaster in the Oval Office. President Trump said that the NBC News story is ‘fake news,’ and told McMaster that he is doing a great job,” NSC spokesman Michael Anton says.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:35 PM
Rush shoulda asked us, we'd have set him straight, TM.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman | March 01, 2018 at 08:37 PM
Clear view of full moon here. Too warm for snow. Overcast but no rain expected.
Posted by: henry | March 01, 2018 at 08:38 PM
My favorite is Hazard but for pure production you can't miss Harry Kane or the Liverpool Egyptian, Mo Salah. Arguero and both Silva's at MC are on the top but that whole team is too loaded and you can bet Guardiola will have a hard time keeping them there once Barca, RM, PSG and others start bidding them out on the transfer market.
Hazard and Wilian are magicians. Chelsea's problem is in the midfield. Losing Matic mean't no hold off defensive midfielder.
They play MC this weekend. We'll see.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | March 01, 2018 at 08:38 PM
Nice short video about the prisoners who built Billy Graham's casket.
Posted by: Momto2 | March 01, 2018 at 08:39 PM
Good analysis Jack.
Harry Kane is the man.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:40 PM
What I found more interesting than this pointless exercise that doesn't solve the problem:
Posted by: narciso | March 01, 2018 at 08:41 PM
Jack....Lukaku is very very talented, and BIG. But he is lazy and likes to get delivered. I don't see him work hard.
Harry Kane, makes his own oppotunities by grinding.
My University career was being a center forward POACHER. But I never stopped. I made my chances.
There are a LOT of players with better skills. Results are what matters.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:43 PM
No snow here, Captain Hate.
Just cold!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:44 PM
No way NARCISO, OBAMA, uh uh uh uh uh , spead the wealth around, if if if if if if, the Cambridge Police acted stupidly if uh if uh OKIE DOKE.........made deals. THE ROOOOSKIES got a RESET BUTTON, and the IRANIANS got our DRONE and LOADS OF CASH.
Everything is A-OK.
Obama is the biggest FUCKING CLOWN in HISTORY.
Posted by: GUS | March 01, 2018 at 08:46 PM
Oh, BTW, Vlad is fuill of shit. There is no way he has constructed an ICBM that can't be intercepted unless it is invisible or travels at light speed. Even radar cloacking can't hide the propulsion system. Missles are different than B-2 or B-21's as far as that engineering dynamic.
Me thinks that was a moment when Mad Dog went to the bar and poured three fingers of scotch to celebrate that moment of hubris.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | March 01, 2018 at 08:46 PM
For those who are collectors, the basket those eggs are displayed in is from the Longaberger Company of Dresden, Ohio.
I used to be a distributor and recognize the weaving.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | March 01, 2018 at 08:46 PM
Hmmmm, just looked at the radar and maybe even Buckeye is outside of this mess. PD might be getting it.
Posted by: Captain Hate | March 01, 2018 at 08:48 PM
I posted on the end of last thread that the Georgia Senate voted today and removed the zero tax on jet fuel for Delta.
It had passed the House and was sitting in the Senate heading for approval before Delta decided to remove discounts for the NRA in retaliation for the Fla. school shooting.
A $40 million political stunt - "If Delta is so flush that they don’t need NRA members hard-earned travel dollars, they can certainly do without the $40 million tax break they are asking Georgia taxpayers for,” Jeffares said. Jeffares is a former state senator and candidate for Lt. Governor.
Posted by: Momto2 | March 01, 2018 at 08:49 PM