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March 17, 2018



Fox News also reporting Trump Lawyers calling on Rosenstein to shut Mueller down.




TM, they need one candidate for each victim group.


OMG I'm third?



Perhaps you can explain your rationale Maryrose??


That will be hilarious.


Hopefully they won’t figure it out until it is too late.


I keys:
Just to be on the safe side I would get them in lower numbers with different people purchasing them.
Ohio is pretty good with gun laws and the NRA so there shouldn’t be a problem.


Good to see you!
Sorry, you are fourth.


So much speculation, including my own.

No telling where McCabe’s threat is aimed. Could be Trump, could be Comey, ... but it also could be Rosenstein.

No evidence, but curiosity.


Should be Belaj


I wonder what Rosenstein will do?


Its like those mob pictures when one of the gang gets pinched, in this case mccabe, and comey Mueller and Co let it happen, and he swears revenge.

Ralph L

Now if they can just find enough Calif Republicans and get them to vote.


Buckeye, from the previous thread, one could easily burn through 100 rounds in friendly practice at an IDPA match and another couple hundred practicing during the week.

I would think that concern would be raised with sudden large single purchases or purchases where one was not known.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


McCabe's lawyer is the ex-IG for the DOJ.

This seems sort of odd.


Not really remember huma hired the ex deputy us atty for Alexandria, zebley was one of Mueller top men then he represented Justin cooper, the revolving door can give you vertigo.


Art in Newport:
Totally agree with your post!


McCabe needs to lawyer up and that also means he has to spend a lot of HIS money to defend himself.
I love it!

Captain Hate

Fox News also reporting Trump Lawyers calling on Rosenstein to shut Mueller down.

Isn't that a standard lawyer thing to do? Unless they're really terrible lawyers like Slick, Curb Bathtub Dive, [Redacted for Lent] Curious or Mooch?


bromwich is a razorback minion, called back to head that hammerlock on oil production after bp blowout.


Hes also a creature of the sdny and one of north's persecutor, like young master toobin.



Thanks for your concern.


Since this guy was in your neck of the woods, perhaps you can find out just how much he actually purchased.

Until I had reason to buy 5.56, probably never bought more than 100 rounds of anything at one time. But first purchase of 5.56 was 1000 rounds. That constituted a significant change in my purchasing "habit" would be my guess.

Good thing the colonists didn't get too much scrutiny at the local shot tower.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Scott Adams discusses the rage of the Muppets and other stuff:


(Ongoing now, will convert to video in a few minutes when he's done.)

Frau Steingehirn

"But it will not erase the important work I was privileged to be a part of, the results of which will be revealed for the country to see."

McCabe's March Madness


Art in Newport:
Totally agree with your post!


Miss Marple the Deplorable

Bill Kristol
‏Verified account @BillKristol

Trump corrupts. Working in close proximity to Trump tends to corrupt absolutely.

art in newport

-peter, it was at the end of the last thread - here it is:

As Extraneous stated upthread:

If Brennen had anything on Trump he would have used it by now.

Brennen's statement and those by other dems are the result of bone-deep horror at seeing their world crumbling around them, with no way to prevent it.


Was this what you were agreeing with, maryrose, now that I have worn out my fingers scrolling through the last thread ;(only kidding, love)

As Extraneous stated upthread:

If Brennen had anything on Trump he would have used it by now.

Brennen's statement and those by other dems are the result of bone-deep horror at seeing their world crumbling around them, with no way to prevent it.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Judicial Watch guy comments on Brennan's tweet:

Tom Fitton
‏Verified account @TomFitton
18m18 minutes ago

Tom Fitton Retweeted John O. Brennan

Over the top comments from this and other senior former Obama officials show why it isn't difficult to imagine the Obama intelligence apparatus' being misused and abused to target @realDonaldTrump.

Captain Hate

I hope Levin singles out Kristol on one of his shows. He regularly lumps him in with "the pseudo conservative media" along with the usual suspects but I think he deserves particular scrutiny from Ol' Yeller.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I can't remember reviling someone I didn't actually know as much as I revile Bill Kristol.
I can't think of words sufficiently descriptive to capture his true depth of iniquity.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

I have been suspicious of Kristol going back many years. His last stint in government was as Dan Quayle's Chief of Staff, where he was the one to incite Quayle to split from President Bush and set himself up as his own man. We see how well that worked out.

I also firmly believe he instigated the Jeffords Jump in the summer of 2001, causing the "shared leadership" mess that Bush 43 had to deal with.

He seems to delight in causing trouble and this over-the-top reactioin to Trump indicates to me that he has been involved in something shady. A few of the other Never Trumpers also fall into that category, particularly Risk Wilson, who apparently went into a blind rage last night on CNN.

I also hope Levin goes after him. I would like to see Kristol humiliated, if nothing else.


What they faulted north for doing Rhodes and mallet and co did a million fold and called statesmanship.

I hope Mr. Dowd understands what Malone told news: 'when you open the ball on these people' you have to go all the way' yes untouchables seems to be very appropriate.


Wasn’t Bill Kristol part of the neocon crowd?


You get some notion here:


When he shows up hide the silverwear,

art in newport

.. Kristol humiliated ..

Night manager at Dairy Queen ..

Captain Hate

Rick Wilson is the type of trash the GOP regularly litters the party apparatchiks with, like Schmidt and Wallace. DJT obviously has no use for quislings like them and they're desperate to be regarded as relevant, so they say outlandish things like bratty punks.

clarice feldman

Joan,Lisa Barsoomian specializes in responding to FOIA requests--it's an arcane specialty which I think few lawyers handle so it's not unusual that she handled them for so many. And its really not very substantive representation.
Ext, in the last thread I agreed with you on CTH's error about the OIG.


While waiting to head out for breakfast with my son home from college, I flipped on the cable network news this AM & as sure as most chickens come home to roost, MSM gets my BP boiling in a matter of minutes.

Do any of these idiots care about the swill emanating from their mouths on an hourly basis? How about the "guests" with their "expert" opinions which are so over the top that it defies logic. Do any of them truly believe what they spout on air? Does McCabe care what he did, or, can this let's play "I'm the victim" end by doing some simple investigating because the MSM cannot be trusted? Not one commentator seems to know exactly what the hell McCabe did which is criminal. I had to explain to my son why this seditionist was fired because he'll never get the facts on what happened from the TV or web unless he comes here to JOM. Even FOX had Geraldo on after showing him taking shots of whiskey. He was the final straw & threw my BP into high gear with his disgusting display of self-serving idiocy. "Donald Trump is my dear friend but what he did is political...." Say again? The media has gone mad and sadly it's due to laziness and self-inflicted denial. On another channel...it's how dare they fire McCabe two days away from receiving his pension. These are the talking points which producers authorize?

I've come to the conclusion that those airing on Morning Joe suffer from mental illnesses.I also noticed this AM that even Hugh Hewitt is out of his (bleeping) mind.

So the 2018 Spring Cleaning continues....
Thank God!

Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.


Mccabe cares he seems to been outsmarted, like the coyote, but this is just act 1, it isn't even the playoffs. Most of these other idiots have been listening to brennan or laufman, or rybicki spinning their tale,


Yes Dr. Evil wee crying over Mccabe lost pension.

Man Tran

Given that I live on a rock pile where it is not legal to ship certain things on the ferry system, my last ammo purchase was about $2300 worth so MT Jr could drive it up in his truck. Never bothered to count, but by unit cost, that was probably ~6K rounds. Haven’t shot hardly any, however when the AR 2.0 balloon goes up, I will have plenty of bartering mat’l. :)


I’m with Ig at 12:32. Loathsome barely describes him. Sub-loathsome.


Tide hanging with Villanova so far, Beasts.


Irving kristol was a wise man, as is Norman podhoretz, the sons did not inherit this trait


McCabe has been outsmarted and he is mad as redacted for Lent.
Yes Peter,
Art summed it up nicely.
MessNBC is deranged and must now abandon Stormy to cover this latest in their minds indignity,
None of these guys watched the Apprentice.
Otherwise they would have known what was coming.


Exactly, what part of 'you're fired' did they miss in 15 years, however, unlike the apprentice these people have resources.

Beasts of England

Only down five at the half - that's pretty good! :)

Michael  (fpa P4F)

rse - So glad to hear that your brother is out of surgery and sounds like he's on the road to recovery.
Prayers still going out for you and your family, especially in light of all the demands that have fallen on you to keep things running.
Hope you get the chance to enjoy your St. Patrick's Day.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I can't keep up with all of the testimony and who said what, but this guy did. This might be why Comey is quiet today:

Calvin ಠ_ರೃ
‏ @analyticalps
12m12 minutes ago

Something I overlooked last night reading McCabe’s statement on his firing.

“It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter.”

Comey testified under oath he never allowed leaking.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Wasn’t Bill Kristol part of the neocon crowd?

His father was one of the original neocons. I hesitated to answer that because the term is used by the ZH crowd and elsewhere as shorthand for warmongering Jew.


Yes they misunderstand the term, jeet her now at Chris Hughes tax loss, has made a career of it.

Michael  (fpa P4F)

Wishing everyone in the JOM family a very Happy St. Patrick's Day. Eat up, drink up, and celebrate your Irish heritage, but take care if you're driving.

With the news of McCabe's firing, and the epic upset of the 'Hoos by UMBC (UMBC ? - what the he**'s a UMBC ?) it looks like "catching-up status" is some kind of mythical place I'm *never* going to reach . . .

The vitriolic attacks on Pres. Trump by Brennan and Swalwell sound almost unhinged. Is it Trump's threat to the Deep State, or threat to their plans to cripple him/ensure a permanent Dem government that has them so concerned?
But I'm rejoicing in the McCabe firing, and hoping that he is just the first of *many* to go down.

Can't overlook wishing Porch a belated Happy B'day, too.

And thumbs up to lyle's great wine dinner selection,
and to ed's kudos for Merl Reagle's genius at crossword puzzles.

Back to March Madness, mad Dems in the news, and the eternal quest to catch-up with JOM!


Get thee over to Spectator.org and read Hillary Havisham . You won’t be disappointed.


As to March Madness, I found I simply couldn’t NOT cheer on a team called “The Retrievers.” 😎

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Kristol, like most snotty brats, has been overly class conscious. He liked the concept of the Tea Party but not it producing parvenus like Sarah Palin or, dear God, COD.


University of Michigan Baltimore county? Yes they are deeply gruntled, but if you have been looking at the same shadows on the wall you wouldn't be sane either.


Yes he did initially stand up for the huntress, unless his son in law, who really looked down on her, that would be continetti.


This is him removing all doubt:


The timelibe was about brexit not trump


Thanks, Michael, but as much as I’d like to have cooked up that dinner and matched the wines from my own cellar, it was an event that mrs. lyle and I attended at a local restaurant.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
9m9 minutes ago

As the House Intelligence Committee has concluded, there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign. As many are now finding out, however, there was tremendous leaking, lying and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI, Justice & State. #DrainTheSwamp


Making false statements to federal investigators is a crime. Ask Martha Stewart how that works.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew McCabe last night, in part because McCabe lied. To federal investigators.
Firing McCabe is a good start. Now prosecute.
I want indictments.
Including McCabe's.

I am not a vengeful man. Far from it. Oh, I engage in schadenfreude, the snickering over a mishap by someone I do not like.

But this is a very serious matter. We must prosecute to save the republic.

We gave the FBI way too much power, which resulted in J. Edgar Hoover. Rather than rein in that power, 46 years later we have an organization that tried to sabotage the Trump administration, and overturn the election.

We need to hold McCabe, Jim Comey, and others accountable for their lawlessness. Trying to nullify my vote (not to mention 62 million others) with a bogus Russian scandal is an outrage that deserves punishment.


Hoover is piker compared to the power comey wielded, they had little overseas presence till Louis freer, the latter was much more compromised than hoover with his ties to HSBC,

Captain Hate

University of Michigan Baltimore county

One of these is not like the others. I agree The Retrievers is a clunky name although I like The Terriers and not just as part and parcel of my Airedale fixation.

Until last night I thought it was University of Maryland Baltimore Campus and was in the city like Johns Hopkins or Goucher instead of being in Catonsville. Fun Old Line State factoid that I think I remember but am too lazy to look up: Baltimore city is not part of Baltimore county even though it's almost completely surrounded by it. The city stands apart from any county for some reason, probably in the city charter and related to money.


Never bothered to count, but by unit cost, that was probably ~6K rounds. Haven’t shot hardly any, however when the AR 2.0 balloon goes up, I will have plenty of bartering mat’l. :)

Roger that MT:)


Course you will never catch up with the Federal boys.

Just the open PO that DHS placed in 2013 was for 1.6 billion rounds. That a lot of target practice.


If I had my own college basketball team, I’d have them be called the “Golden Retrievers.” ❤️


Villanova pouring it on. Sorry, Beasts.


So according to Byron York's piece, they briefed trump on the dossier, on the expectation he might leak it.

Captain Hate

Btw the completely bogus story about Hoover being a cross dresser was Rooski disinformation. I think Reverend Queasy should be shackled with something similar. Ditto Mueller.




Just finished watching the Fighting 69th.
Love Jimmy Cagney and Pat OBrien.


Both are like characters out of blindspot or black list, probably. As kessler has pointed outas with the dossier they found willing dupes with weitz and Susan rosensteil

Beasts of England

We're gonna take it to 'em in the third half, lyle!! ;)


Until last night I thought it was University of Maryland Baltimore Campus and was in the city like Johns Hopkins or Goucher instead of being in Catonsville.

CH, used to drive past the campus on my commute from Ellicott City to Timonium. Looks like at one time, many moons ago, it was in "far suburbia", now city has grown all around it.


Off to annual party.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
20m20 minutes ago

The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!



Won't make the whooping hurt less, but I suspect we are going to get the same treatment from Gonzaga tonight.


Gosh sob, violin:


Captain Hate


When I was growing up Laurel was just a sleepy racetrack town. Urban sprawl takes over everything although I don't know how much that happened north of the city since Bel Air used to be out in the sticks; but that was a looooong time ago.


How many times do you need to be told this isn't a smart move:


Miss Marple the Deplorable


Captain Hate

Villanova's a machine, Beasts; don't let this distract from a season that was a major step in the right direction. Avery is capable of producing greatness imo.

Beasts of England

I'm really proud that they made it to the show, Captain! I've been trying to follow them a good bit since Avery showed up...

Old Lurker

Brennan, Clapper, Comey...

I had this dream where Trump and Putin went to the movies to see Strangers on a Train and were seen exchanging sealed envelopes when they left.

It was a very nice dream.


Ext, in the last thread I agreed with you on CTH's error about the OIG.

Yeah, I think we're both right.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Now Samantha Power is making threats:



Fox News also reporting Trump Lawyers calling on Rosenstein to shut Mueller down.

Based on the timing, I'd read that as an implied ultimatum.

"You schmucks really want to fight this out to the death?"


So Mccabe has his own set of memos written to his invisible rabbit friend.


Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.

— James Comey (@Comey) March 17, 2018
Captain Hate on the iPhone

That Goldberg clip applies to Power too.


Retired with [reduced] bonus ain't squat. And these coconspirators have their shorts twisted over it?

Time for a perp walk a day through at least mid November.


Trump lawyer John Dowd's actual statement:

“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss [former FBI Director] James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” Dowd told The Daily Beast in a statement, referring to the "Steele dossier" that Republicans say prompted the ongoing Russia investigation.


Captain Hate on the iPhone

I hope William and Mary can opt out of their contract with Queasy when it becomes obvious, even to those dolts, what a disgusting lowlife criminal he is.


Thanks, Clarice, for your 12:43 about Barsoomian. I just came across that post and was amazed at Rosenstein being her husband and the list of Democrats she'd worked for -- guess she is a civil servant who 'serves' any administration?

I tried to research her a little bit and I got "Warnings" about security from Norton.

Beasts of England

Shorter Samantha Power: 'Help me, Brennan - I'm exposed!'


In a sane world McCabe would have been fired as soon as the Strzok and Page texts came out. He was their boss and obviously either knew or should have known what they were up to. Does the buck stop anywhere at the FBI?


Why i$ curtain$ Comey not telling u$ hi$ "truth" already????

Any gue$$eS?


Good Morning!

I reread this article late last night from Sarah Carter, which had the full extent of the just released Strzok-Page texts.

In those texts, before they mention the [REDACTED} name, they refer to "her" once and "she" twice, in discussing someone who has provided advice about making sure there are 6 at dinner to make it not look like collusion. They makes me think [REDACTED} might be a woman, not McCabe. What women might fit? Sally Yates?

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