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March 05, 2018





Mumbling I get. What "truth" was involved?


Voters are wising up.
No longer do they swallow the pablum dished out by Hollywood.
Gowdy says second special prosecutor may be inevitable to address FISA court abuses and hopefully Clinton crimes and felonies.


Punny, very punny TM.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi is resigning April 1 due to health issues.

I posted the link towards the end of the last thread.

Jim Eagle


We all get caught wrong on nomeclature and acryonms. No prob. Frederick uses such stuff that I don't wether to report him to the FBI, where nothing will get done, or the kids he hates, where everything will get done:)


What happens when a special prosecutor investigates another special prosecutor?


Miss Marple the Deplorable

The reason: Trump is dividing the country and he won't attack Russia.

What chutzpah!


Who watches the watchmen?


When the F.B.I arrests "Nunberg the traitor" might I suggest that they use a little more force than is necessary? Perhaps Sam resisted arrest.......if you know what I mean......and a riot stick had to be used used to crack open his left kneecap just to bring him under control.....if you know what I mean.....? Just to send a message to the rest of the Benedict Arnolds that the deep state is coming for them.


FWIW - I have been to see only one movie in the past 6 years and it was 5 years ago.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This has some background on the last election and his resignation.


And as we read the post on the other blog we absorbed that information and read the link to it.

Captain Hate

Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi is resigning April 1 due to health issues.

This having to happen is a travesty brought on by the Turtle, who engineered a gutter campaign against McDaniel to secure the win for Cochran even though it was well known he was on the fast fade. I can't even be upset about Cochran over it because he was surely too out of it to know what was being done in his name. At least he can leave with more dignity than McRINO; not that that's saying much.


A war is coming. Someone should tell Sessions.


I believe it is a preemptive move for McDaniel to try for Cochran’s seat in the special election rather than challenge Wicker .

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I am sorry if some of the information was repetitive. It's hard for me to keep everything straight, and I would rather make a mistake by duplication than ignore something.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Except for the oldman nomination 'it was sound and fury signifying nothing, told by a kimmel'

One illustration was being not able to distinguish betwwn an actor who had to be in nearly every scene, and one who was nearly superfluous


Thank you Duda, I didn't know about Nunberg and obviously had no idea how important he was to you assholes. If they lean on him, will he sue Mueller for being improperly appointed and therefore illegitimate, due to the fact that no crime was ever posited when Rosey chartered Mueller, even though the law that allows Special Counsel investigations requires that?

Clarice Feldman

I think Sam Nunberg deserves a formal invite to JOM.


From the last thread:

BTW - Bump Stocks mean little to those with a Semi-Auto Rifle, a Belt Loop, and a Thumb who know how to use all three together.


Some people just have to get their hands on the hot items. :)


MM, I was hopelessly behind on the last thread due to work. When I saw there was a new thread I just started reading it. I had not heard about Cochran and appreciated your heads up.


Did you catch the Solomon piece in the Columbia journalism review, it was less about azima than the enirati prince who was ripped by Glenn Simpson some years ago


Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore.
We covered all this info at the time it was happening in real time.
Why not comment on it yourself like CH just did and showcase your thoughts on it?
It then provides a fresh perspective.


Gov. Hickenlooper's kind of a liar, huh?

Posted by: Extraneus

I am quite sure he is, in light of the report of the Ohio sheriff who offered classes to teachers in his county two Saturdays ago on gun defense and had to close them at 300 because that was all he could handle at one time.


Ordinarily I wouldn't cite anything from the review, which is in the pillow covering business.

Jim Eagle

PD in Detroit,

As always, there are ways for the demented who want to do damage.

It that ever happens using your prescribed device, then how will be able to hold up our pants?


Hickenlooper doesn’t care about curbing violence in schools.
I challenge him to install security scanners in each every school and to hire security guards for each one.
Then we can talk about how many teachers will be armed.


I think Sam Nunberg deserves a formal invite to JOM.

Posted by: Clarice Feldman

That's what we need to do, like the Reddit kids---host people "live,"
for Q and A, at a specific time.

Like, Sam Nunberg, tomorrow night say at 7.
Anybody know him???

Maybe POTUS on Wednesday?? Or Donald Jr? He'd be fun.

Ralph L

I doubt that's a permanent tattoo.
Posted by: Clarice Feldman

You can tell by the color of the nearby skin that it's an iron-on. Does she like the LA Times or the NYT?

Robin, eff 'em all

I love those Ask Me Anything threads at the Donald. So many good questions are asked and answered.

Robin, eff 'em all

From the end of the Tim Kaine/Medicare link:

Chip Kahn, president of the FAH, told Kaine after his remarks that his organization was concerned about lower reimbursement rates under Medicare. He urged lawmakers to work to fix Obamacare.

"We signed on [to Obamacare] because we thought it was the best route to universal coverage, and if it hadn't been for the Supreme Court and Republicans, it would have been," Kahn said, referring to changes that were made to the healthcare law over the years.

FAH stands for Federation of American Hospitals.

Best route to universal coverage. Ugh.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This is an excellent biographical article about Devin Nunes. While I knew he was a descendant of Portuguese immigrants and a dairy farmer, I didn't know much about what propelled him to run for office or any of his history.

I really recommend this article.


Robin, note Kahn's comment about higher reimbursement rates. Dude just wants to get paid without the bother of competing or delivering value. Typical statist.


I know this was posted earlier, but I just got to it.
Reposting, as just the beginning section on the SC under HRC is a reminder why NeverTrumpers can never be excused:

Miss Marple the Deplorable


I assume many, like me, miss some information along the way. For example, daddy is often where he has limited internet. Others have jobs and cannot read every single post. And some, like me, forget things.

If you think I am repeating something, just scroll on by.

As far as me doing my own commentary, I don't have the authority of someone like Conservative Treehouse. I also am unwilling to set up my own site as I like to keep a low profile. I have already been stalked and had to block my nutso ex-husband on Twitter, so anything which would get me exposure is not something I am interested in.


The interesting thing is that controlled semi-auto rifle fire is far more deadly than full-auto most of the time (Full-Auto definitely has uses). One of the reasons that the 3 round burst was introduced, many people cannot control full-auto firing.

In an M4 (Full-Auto and 3-round-burst version of AR-15), a 30 round magazine is empty in 3 seconds. Very difficult moving from target to target and being accurate. Wastes plenty of ammo too.

Buford Gooch

Maryrose, get off of Miss Marple's butt! She does a great job of posting news on here, and you can easily scroll by anything that is a repeat.


Columbia journalism review

I arrives on my desk unsolicited from time to time.

I sometimes turn to the Table of Contents in hopes of finding something that on the face of it appears worth reading. Can’t recall the last time I turned further. The last issue went into the waste basket unread.

Jim Eagle

How do you get to The_Donald on Reddit?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

This is how you know Trump is winning. Geraldo is being a suck-up:

Geraldo Rivera
‏Verified account @GeraldoRivera
37m37 minutes ago

Spent a nice afternoon with #Ivanka & #JaredKushner two accomplished young people who only want the best for @realDonaldTrump & the country, but they work in a nest of snitches, vipers & rats AKA the #WestWing. My story exclusively on @seanhannity live at 9pm et

Robin, eff 'em all

Sorry if this got linked before, but I just found this valentine to the NRA:

Never saw Death Wish, but me and my Movie Pass will have to go.


I stated that caveat, but it shows how they take Solomon off the board and I added the tie to Glenn Simpson.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Nunberg was fired from the campaign in the Fall of 2015. He missed a bunch of what was going on during that time..

Comanche Voter

Miss Marple you mean the professional latino (formerly known as Jerry Rivers) is sucking up to the Trump family? My my my.

As for the Oscars---haven't watched them for years. My wife and daughter still do. I read a book and enjoy a glass of wine in another room. Daughter has admonished me, "You can't say anything bad about the Oscars". Only way to do that is to refuse to watch it at all.

Looking at this year's viewership figures (in the paper this morning) I guess I had plenty of company last night.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Comanche Voter,

Indeed you did! I think I quit watching about 4 years ago, but there is no way I would have watched this year.
I consider Rivers a bellweather for where the power and popular opinion is going. Remember well how he sucked up to W and then got on the anti-W bandwagon due to the hurricane in New Orleans.

That's why I posted tat tweet. It's a Sign. LOL!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Mark Knoller
‏Verified account @markknoller
31m31 minutes ago

Addressing @AIPAC, @VP says this is Iran's last chance: "Unless the Iran nuclear deal is fixed in the coming months, the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal immediately.” Says the US will "never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon."

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Ob, in case anyone thinks Geraldo wasn't REALLY sucking up, get a load of this picture:

Jim Eagle

That Nunes bio is very illuminating.

Off to bed soon, but will lurk.


Buford and Bubarooni:
You guys need to look at previous threads and stop taking short cuts because a really long thread is too much trouble to plow through.
It was just a suggestion so lighten up.
I am interested in opinions MM.
You don’t need to be to be in the public eye.
I thought you had partially agreed to help JIB with his podcast.
I would like to hear your views.
You are not just a link person to me.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

John McNaughton's new painting of Billy Graham:

Beasts of England

Don't know if you saw my response at the end of the last thread, PD - what, if any, should be the age requirement to purchase guns?


"Like, Sam Nunberg, tomorrow night say at 7.
Anybody know him"

IN DOC has an advance pay option.You just need a credit/debit card to set up an account.

Liar, Liar

Hot Take: The Russia Investigation Is a Good Thing for America

— Patterico (@Patterico) March 5, 2018
Miss Marple the Deplorable


It takes a lot of time to read long threads. I do not criticize people who can't, because they are not retired and have work and family commitments.

As far as my opinions, I post them here and everyone knows what I think. I don't understand what else I can do.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Don Jr. is pretty smart:

Donald Trump Jr.
‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr

The Democrat’s platform of dependence doesn’t fit well with the independent American spirit... it’s why they won’t actually try to fix anything... They need you to be dependent.


My heavens, catching up is a big job, and I HAVE a real job I have to attend to--doing what I can with you guys is an achievement. If it comes to the point where I feel obligated to always read everything, I'll have to go away. Let us each consume JOM in our own way!

Jim Eagle

Paul Allen's billions find the Lexington. Good use of money in my opinion.;

Red Dawn

You guys need to look at previous threads and stop taking short cuts because a really long thread is too much trouble to plow through.

JOMers in exile, are actually JOMers that have never left and play fast and loose with the posting rules.

JOMers who are here everyday need to follow the posting rules meticulously.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Benjamin Netanyahu
‏Verified account @netanyahu
4h4 hours ago

President Trump, the US-Israel alliance has never been stronger than it is now under your leadership. Thank you for your tremendous friendship, @realDonaldTrump.


Just forget it.
I worked full time for 3 months and still managed to try and keep up.
I will just scroll on by and really long posts I will ignore.

Jim Eagle

Off to Dreamland

Slaap lekker, tot morgen


Here's another corner of the operation:


Hunting licenses in New York can be issued to those 16 years or older who have passed courses. Youths 14-16 can hunt with a 21+ mentor who has hunted for three years.

There is no law in New York restricting age for a rifle or shotgun.

As one who learned to handle target rifles safely around 10 years old, I would need a good reason to change the laws. I appreciated the responsibility I was given.

If you want to consider restricting access to those who have proven they are not law-abiding, I might consider it.

If you want to keep young people from learning to exercise responsibility, I want to understand why.


For Amazon Prime users, highly recommend movie "Breathe" with Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy, True story, lovingly done, and deeply affecting.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Kim Jong Il says he wants to strengthen North-South relations.

I do not think this would have happened without President Trump.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


You make good points. I have been conflicted about this because of worrying about the irresponsible kids, and because I am not one who owns guns.

I do think that spotting the crazy people would be more effective than any gun legislation.


Buford and Bubarooni:
You guys need to look at previous threads and stop taking short cuts because a really long thread is too much trouble to plow through.

Because you are going to get ten demerits each if you don't!

maryrose Rule #342--No short cuts allowed

(maryrose, may be just your cup of tea. It's nearly all opinions. She has rules about staying on topic--and an enforcer who eliminates the people who do not follow the rules.)

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Josh Caplan
‏ @joshdcaplan
2m2 minutes ago

CHOSUN: Photos released of historic meeting in Pyongyang between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean officials

Pictures here:

jim nj


I think the only reason anybody would want to run through a full clip at once would be suppressive fire. Scare the hell out of an opposing force, get them to duck for cover.

Beasts of England

I follow that, sbw, but I really hadn't considered if there were any age restrictions in place. PD made a good point about people of military age being able to purchase guns and I appreciate that. Those in my family who wanted shotguns or rifles got them at whatever age the parents or grandparents wanted.


Maryrose, my reading habits are none of your business. I am not amenable to taking suggestions from bullies anyway.

You don't write the rules for this board and your opinions only carry weight in your own mind.

Lighten up and try being nice for a change.

Robin, eff 'em all

DebinGA, thanks for the recommendation. I’ve been wondering about it....

Robin, eff 'em all

Reading habits of the JOM.... since MM gets up before me, I’m always so happy to see her links first thing in the morning as they are generally of an optimistic bent and lord knows I need that as I wait for coffee.

But I have been known to skip the end of a comment thread when I noticed there’s a new thread as I reload the page.......

Now, should I fold laundry or knit? I think I already know the answer.


I am over the target if you return a suggestion with insults and vitriol.As a counselor I am by nature a nice person something you have no way of knowing. You are projecting as I made a recommendation not a rule for posting.
Your personality seems passive aggressive to me as you come across as a bully here not me.
Those tactics dont work on me.
You seem to have a bulldozer personality and I have dealt with this before.


You're welcome, Robin. It's one that will linger.

Clarice Feldman

Simmer down everyone--margaritas are being served at the bar.


My goodness, maryrose. Lighten up!! Honestly.

Liar, Liar

My question for readers is why did LA country prosecutor Patrick Frey carry on a correspondence with anarchist and FBI target Barrett Brown, who was raided by FBI in March and who has been referred to by intelligence outfits like Imperva as a member of the LulzSec crime syndicate? What else went on between them?

Los Angeles and Frey's conservative readership alike deserve answers to these questions, which I will provide over the next few days.

Barrett Brown

Miss Marple the Deplorable


You are a counselor? My gosh, I am horrified given how you have come after me and others!

You definitely left the opinion that everyone should read every single post. This is a ridiculous point, since many people are doing other things, like flying planes over the Pacific or editing newspapers or writing books or other work.

Might I remind you that you didn't know why the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia visiting the Coptic cathedral in Egypt was a big deal? I didn't criticize you, but instead merely explained. However, I will now point out that if you didn't know why that was a big deal, you are not keeping up with current events the way you should be.

For gosh sakes, that was an extremely insulting post to Bubarooni! Take a break and have a glass of wine or something. You are entirely off base!


Discus allows for many more poo throwing monkeys:


margaritas are being served at the bar

Ah! I remember the good old days when pistolas would be brandished.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


The only reason I am not brandishing pistolas is that I don't have any.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Look at this! Geraldo is REALLY sucking up!

Geraldo Rivera
‏Verified account @GeraldoRivera

Clarification: the negative characterization of the West Wing in my previous tweet is entirely my own, & based on the early days of the Administration, not today.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Jennifer Jacobs
‏Verified account @JenniferJJacobs
25m25 minutes ago

SCOOP: Gary Cohn has orchestrated a meeting on Thursday between Trump and executives from American aluminum and steel end users who would be hurt by the tariffs, sources tell me and @margarettalev.

It’s part of a last-ditch effort inside admin to stop or blunt the tariffs.

Bloomberg reporter

Clarice Feldman

Pistolas? Shhh--someone might make me register them, sbw. Margaritas are now the code word for them.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Josh Caplan
‏ @joshdcaplan
14m14 minutes ago

FOX NEWS: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) praises Pres. Trump on aluminum and steel tariffs: "I’m glad he’s aggressive on this... I’m more worried the Chinese than the Canadians."

Interesting development!


Cohn is the don Reagan in the administration, or perhaps Paul O'neill:

Clarice Feldman

The Hill has a big catch:


So ras Al khalmah is at the north tip of the emirates an ally of of Iran, under sheikh Al saqimi, his brother was clearly against the latter and this was who Simpson targeted.

Captain Hate

Interesting development!

The Restraining Order must be ready to pop his mouthy fatassed second wife, he's so nervous about November. I just got a frantic email from that goof about Mike Pence coming here later in the week in support of Jim Renacci. He has to suck up to the steel workers or it's lights out and that means supporting Trump's desire to make things better for domestic industry. He'll be talking in tongues before long particularly if Trump starts tweeting things about him.


They all seem to have ties to the Clintons.

Clarice Feldman

Just a coincidence I'm sure, maryrose.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Captain Hate,

Look at this! (Bloomberg reporter again.)

Jennifer Jacobs
‏Verified account @JenniferJJacobs

Jennifer Jacobs Retweeted Jennifer Jacobs

Trump advisers, including those who favor the tariffs, are discussing the idea of him signing the paperwork while in Pennsylvania steel country on Saturday.

But that has not yet been decided, sources tell me and @justinsink.


Man, if he does that there will probably be all-night partying in the streets of Pittsburgh!


Nene, the finance minister referred above was considered reasonable compared to his sucessor

Another Bob

I wish to associate myself with Bubarooni's March 05, 2018 at 08:06 PM and clara's March 05, 2018 at 08:17 PM.

I read someone's comment (SBW?) that what Mueller is really up to is making himself indictment-proof.

That's a helluva theory and explains his actions and choices as well as anything.

Another Bob

MM, not much steel industry in Pittsburgh anymore. Hasn't been in a long time.

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