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March 07, 2018


daddy on iPad

Been snowing all week up here, but beautiful and sunny at the moment.


The way I see this, someone screwed up,


You have to read between the lines,


Snow thrower? As in putting snowballs in a trebuchet?

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Daggone it!

I hate having a pertinent comment at the very end of the dead thread!! Can't we get a warning or something!

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Our government at work. Someone should check of the guy has ties to Scarborough.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


With the consent of Obama.


And a bureau agent in the Baltimore office killed himself.

daddy on iPad

What this means in practice is that, under a single warrant, anyone Page had a text or phone call with in the Trump campaign during the brief months of his association with it in 2016, was fair game, as a direct connection, all the way through the end of the last warrant-extension period on Page in October 2017. The second-hop connections of those initial contacts—meaning everyone that those people had contact with—are also fair game. In other words, it’s likely that almost everyone on the Trump campaign staff was included in the universe of first- and second-order contacts of Carter Page.

If so, then I assume the FBI has tapes of Trump discussing tactics with his Lawyer Cohen about Stormy Daniels, and i sure wouldnt put it past this weasel Mueller to turn this into a perjury trap about what Trump said to his Lawyer. When Trumps Laywer Cohen gets a Subpoena to testify to Mueller I think its time to start loading hunting rifles---just to let off steam of course.

Manuel Transmission

Crap! I knew that was going to happen. Here goes again...

Small arms shooting, especially training young uns. Like my handle, you really need a manual transmission. That is, a bolt action, or at most a lever action. If a kid started with an autoloader (s)he will never treat the process with the right respect. It is not a video game.

After about 12 yrs of plinking, I joined triple rifle teams (Az State, AFROTC, NRA). I put many thousands of rounds through the barrel of a Winchester 52D, one hand loaded round at a time while hitting a 1 mm dot at 50 ft. With a precise 3 lb trigger and a bedded bbl, it was never the gun's fault when the bullet didn't hit that 1 mm dot.

Next, regardless of what your basic training drill sgt might have beat into you, you basically never clean your weapon. If one of us did that, it would often take 1K rounds to get it back to a predictable behavior. Of course, AR-15s need to have their gas tube cleaned after a 1K rounds or so.

I've probably lost most of you by now, but having wasted about $1MM on exotic lubricants, I can easily say that a couple drops of the right oil (Iggy has some) overwhelms any other fussing with the actions. They just get better over time. If you think about what the mega-tuning shops do, they just wear things carefully the way you do when you run many 1Ks of rounds through the action. My new Micro9 may never get tuned in, because I can never get enough through it for it to start behaving properly, unless they finally offer spring kits for it. (As I mentioned awhile back, I can't fire my .357 DW in DA mode, because the spring kit doesn't hit hard enough reliably. But that is what you need to hit steel at 100 yds.)


Forecasters completely blew it in NYC. It was supposed to be a foot of snow, and we've ended up with a couple of inches of slush. There were a lot of unnecessary closures based on the forecast.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


Just in case any of you have these in the attic or basement. Ebay prices are listed off to the side of the article.

We had one of these Atari sets for my son. Unfortunately, it was sold in a garage sale a long time ago.


Down the rabbit hole:



Well, MM, I saw your comment, and here's a riff off of it:

he would not sell the Chinese less than five installation assemblies.

The reason was that he knew they would be copied and re-sold

This brought to mind a story I heard just a few days ago about a young lady in the NYC area who at 18 traveled around China with a friend. She got appendicitis there, and went to some local hospital. Weeks later when she came home her doctor told her that her kidney had been removed. I guess there's a big black market for organs in China.


ManTran, my RRA came with instructions to not clean it for at least 10k rounds. Oil is good. My semiauto shotgun needs cleaning of the gas ports, especially if shooting target rounds instead of hunting rounds.


How could they screw this up, the same was said about red sparrow?


daddy on iPad

Cougars aren't exactly interested in the mid-fifties demographic, lyle. ;)

Apparently Beasts hasn't been in any 3rd World countries lately😉

Miss Marple the Deplorable


That does not surprise me. daddy should include in his contract that if he gets sick while in China, he gets medivaced to Japan or Taiwan.

They are ruthless and without respect for local laws when mining in Africa, according to my ex. I haven't talked to him in over 3 years but I doubt anything has changed.

daddy on iPad

I wish I could remember the conversation but it was something nutso like Chief Running Dog is calling us to the Sleeping Bull Teepee when the Sun Rises Over the Moon in Sleepy Hollow.


Sounds as incriminating as Scooter Libby and Judy Miller talking about root systems of Aspen trees.

Another Bob

a couple drops of the right oil (Iggy has some)

OK Ig, name the magic juice please?

Mantran, not even a few patches down the pipe?


Yes who so you think is in charge of the take from the koltan mines in the Congo.

clarice feldman

Doesn't it though, daddy?

Captain Hate

Jenna for Attorney General:



Daddy, "Jean has a long mustache" and something about languor were the key intercepts in the movie DDay.


Well duvernay is as subtle as a heart attack:


clarice feldman

narciso, all too complicated for me. At least he didn't zip himself into a flight bag in his bathtub,

Texas Liberty Gal

Sue - re: your question from the previous thread - yes I had to show my voters ID


Right the ghcq guy, williams, my guess is steele brought over one of his Russian contacts and introduced him to skripal,

Texas Liberty Gal

I'm so glad the title of this thread does NOT apply to me!


Maybe the Senate should work 5 days a week.

Trump fumes as ambassador nominees languish in the Senate | TheHill

Many of the agencies just have so many people out there, including diplomats from, as an example, Germany. Major countries - we have diplomats, they wait in a line because the Democrats don't want to approve them, because they want to obstruct," Trump said Wednesday at the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit.

"And that's not good," he continued. "It's never been like this, ever. They've never held them this long. Republicans have never done this to this extent with the Democrats. And Schumer and the Democrats ought to get going because it's the wrong thing for our country. It's a very terrible thing."

Trump even appeared to take a dig at McConnell, turning to address Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who is married to McConnell, and insinuating that the majority leader had done a better job of approving nominees at her agency.

"We have hundreds of people sitting out there, and they're obstructionists," Trump said. "They don't want to approve them....it is just a terrible thing. Elaine, we have so many people - is that correct? - so many people from other agencies. Your agency gets pretty good treatment, I think."




Here is an Alabama bobcat. Look like your kitty?


Captain Hate

McConnell still hasn't figured out the message of 11/8/16. Too bad for him.


Last week, I voted for one candidate. Only one issue was on my ballot. Wisconsin Supreme Court.
I was asked or an i.d.. I asked.....are you asking me because I am black???? It was quite funny.


It does feel like groundhog day:


Manuel Transmission


In the old days with bare steel bores and toxic powder formulations, there was some concern for corrosion. I've always been careful about what brands of ammo I shoot. Most of the cheap stuff is suspect.

If I wasn't using a gun for a long time, I would consider a corrosion inhibitor in the bbl, but if I'm in a clean dry area, even that is probably overkill.

BTW, the super lube is a one off due to a failed attempt to market it successfully. It is really amazing stuff. Ups the chronograph readings. Actions sliding nicer. If we ever get a chance to meet up somewhere, I will gladly bring some along.



A LIBTARD never would. This needs to end, before it gets VIOLENT,

Posted by: GUS | March 07, 2018 at 09:13 PM

Gus (and Captain Hate), trust me on this: by recusing himself, he robbed the Democrats of a bogus political issue they DESPERATELY wanted. Trump knows this and has played along with faux outrage at Sessions. Brilliant play that has baited Democrats into much foolishness that will be an anchor around their neck for years.


Ok this is criminal malpractice:


Captain Hate

Really? I see financial destruction for Manafort. Is that permissible damage? When's the end game that takes him off the hook?

clarice feldman

RG, tell me we've reached peak crazy. I can't take much more of this.


RG, this is completely new territory. The FULL COMMIE LEFT......shall I repeat, THE FULL COMMIE LEFT, is attacking 24/7 every minute every day.
Jeff Sessions, gave them a FREEBIE. Jeff Sessions tried to play nice, with the CROCODILE. RG, that says something about JEFF SESSIONS. RG, YOU would never play by a rule book that was completely biased against you. SESSIONS did. Sessions, did what HE thought was RIGHT and VIRTUOUS. He was wrong. NEVER EVER LET YOUR COMMIE OPPONENT write the RULES.
Sessions DID. It was NAIVE, and it has HARMED us.
Having said all of that, the game is certainly not over, and Jeff Sessions gets to do his job HENCE.


Manafort owed money to deripasha, the guy McCain actually arranged a visa for, he couldn't collect directly so he used Steele as his vehicle.


by recusing himself, he robbed the Democrats of a bogus political issue they DESPERATELY wanted.

RG, I'd love to trust you, but the SC with his unlimited fishing expedition is far too high a price to pay. Both could have been avoided if had Sessions merely said to Trump, "I really shouldn't accept the AG position because I would have to recuse myself from any investigation into the campaign, which could lead to the appointment of a SC."


this same fellow beale points out haverman contradicts her earlier story re mcgahn


Jimmy, SESSIONS recused himself at the GET GO. It was the CONSERVATIVE version of VIRTUE SIGNALLING.
DJT, would NEVER give something, WITHOUT getting something in return.
Jeff Sessions, does recognize the depth of the EVIL of the LEFT. Playing nice with the MOB is a fools errand.

Captain Hate

That's right, jimmyk, and the GOP would have one extra Senate seat.


The fbi matched both (redacted) tips yet they did nothing, but the rizzotto press (apparently it was the lAst meal skripal had) does nothing but circlejerks and reacharounds I think that is the proper euphemisms.

Another Bob

I'm with you on that CH. Flynn too.

Been way too much "4d chess" thinking, while Mueller continues destroying people for sport or spite, and the bad people are given more time to get together on stories and destroy evidence.

This is sedition by law enforcement, intelligence operatives and leading politicians. And too damn many people are hanging on the words of "anons".

clarice feldman

RG, if you're right , and I sure hope you are..I'd like to see some proof of it sooner rather than later. I can't take much more of this insanity.


In 40 some years has any high Democratic official in the bureaucracy been held accountable, we know the reverse has been done countless times.

Tom Bowler

Apologies in advance for dropping comments and not hanging around for follow up conversation, but I'm with RG on Sessions' recusal. Sessions had no choice, and Democrats have one less cudgel.

Also, I had a suspicion early on -- maybe then it was more of a hope than a suspicion -- that Mueller loaded up his team with big Democrat donors because he knew going in that evidence was going to implicate Democrats rather than Trump. It's going to take big-name, staunch Democrats to prosecute big-name Democrat crooks and traitors, and avoid all out civil war.

Nytol. Checking back in the morning.

clarice feldman

I'm heading to bed, too, not with Tom B , of course. Just want to make that clear. I hope some fog lifts soon because this is getting far too insane for me.


And if Sessions had stayed put we wouldn’t have a Democrat sitting in a Republican senate seat in Alabama.




Sessions had a choice. There was ZERO reason for him to RECUSE. NONE. Sorry, I'll repeat. There was NO REASON for SESSIONS to RECUSE. Unless you're a moron and subscribe to MINNESOTA'S own STUART SMALLEY.
I challeng ANYONE to debate that. Tell me why SESSIONS should recuse because of LIES and COMMIE NONSENSE???
Anyone who thinks he should have, is a FU(REDACTED FOR LENT) CLOWN.


Oh good lord. There isn’t one goddamned “staunch” democrat interested in prosecuting ANY other goddamned democrat. Give me a goddamned break. The Democrat Party is a fucking criminal enterprise.



It's a joke to me. What kind of MORONIC FOOL thinks JEFF SESSIONS should have recused himself from ANYTHING???
Answer: Pathetic, Republicans without BALLS.

Captain Hate

It's going to take big-name, staunch Democrats to prosecute big-name Democrat crooks and traitors, and avoid all out civil war.

That first part is just not going to happen. If it was in the cards it would've already started.

Frankly this place gets as nutty as DU when you start suggesting that Mueller, an utter failure and disaster as the head of the FBI, is really wearing a white hat. If anything he should be the target of an SC. It's like Jaimie Gorelick being on the 9/11 Commission.


Exactly Lyle. There fore, REPUBLICANS should pretend to be VIRTUOUS and RECUSE themselves, as the COUNTRY GETS RAPED. Thank you JEFFIE SESSIONS, you are VIRTUOUS, and your COUNTRY is gettiing fucked!!! THANK YOU VIRTUE JEFF!!!!!

Texas Liberty Gal

Ed Henry just reported that Trump's tariff signing ceremony in PA tomorrow has been taken off the schedule

Captain Hate

I'm glad other people are filling the profanity gap of my Lenten pledge.



It's a brilliant plan; I honestly don't know why y'all keep fighting a simple acknowledgment of this.

Did y'all not read that Roger Kimball beautiful piece in American Greatness ???


Yes, Clarice, we can take much more of this. The proof is in that Kimball piece. Read it whenever you get fatigued.

This thing has to play itself out, and it is much better to play itself out with a certain undeniable cover. Tom Bowler makes the appropriate point.

Hang in there, friends. California is about to be made an example -- the country already hates their foolishness. The brilliance of the attack plan this administration has is still on full display.

Attack the craziness of California heading into the midterms -- you think that doesn't work?

Hell yes it will. Good night everybody. All is well. A good little pop country song on my way out the door;

Everything's Gonna Be Alright:


Later, Gators.


Mueller has only been good for letting the anthrax mailer get away twice, for helping push Alberto Gonzalez out with the March 03 stint, for letting the Russians run rampant for the better part of a decade, for not following up the Tampa connection to 9/11


Capn, I was the originator of the REDACTED movement. From days of YORE.


Digging deep to get Trump.

Mueller 'aware' Trump spoke to two KEY witnesses in Russia probe | Daily Mail Online

President Donald Trump has reportedly had conversations with two witnesses who have testified before special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators about the Russia election meddling probe.
Mueller's team are aware that Trump asked White House counsel Don McGahn and former chief of staff Reince Priebus about matters discussed with investigators, the New York Times reports.
In one instance, Trump told an aide that McGahn should issue a statement denying a New York Times article in January that said the White House counsel told investigators the president had once asked him to fire Mueller.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5475629/Mueller-aware-Trump-spoke-two-KEY-witnesses-Russia-probe.html#ixzz59810ibuo
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


A reminder: Trump knew he was being taped before he ever came down the elevator to announce his candidacy.

Take that to the bank.

Admiral Rogers' run to Trump Tower was for narrative sustaining purposes.

Take that to the bank.

Finally, speaking of pathetic -- who the heck is Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief, Gus? You think he's scared to fire a damn wayward punk ass Attorney General?

Thinking such as that is pathetic.

Faith and patience -- get some.


Lurkersusie, that is complete and utter BULL SHIT.


Today's story contradicts the lAst story,

Yes rattler we are Told privately admiral rogers contacted trump, but publically he repeats the same narrative.



Someone's stirring the pot.


When a gunman started shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, two Miramar SWAT team members did what comes naturally: They went to help.

Now they’ve been suspended for it.



Yes Lurker, it's OBVIOUS.

Another Bob

RG, are you saying Mueller's destruction of Hillary's targets is just the price that has to be paid for avoiding Hillary?


Are you (redacted) kidding me, winning the (redacted) future are they doing.


Not only did they fail to stop him before he got to the school, they stood in the way of everyone that tried to save lives

Another Bob

And when Mueller finally finds the process crime to hang on Trump?


Another Bob, the FBI....the FUCKING FBI, decided NOT to CHARGE RODHAM.
They saw and acknowledge her FILTH and GUILT, yet they DID NOT CHARGE HER.

It's sick.


MissM: "Daggone it!
I hate having a pertinent comment at the very end of the dead thread!!"

Don't worry, the people who care always go back and finish off the prev thread. You'll reach the ones you want to reach! :) :)

Another Bob

Exactly GUS, and we know now that it wasn't incompetence, it was bacause they were trying to rig an election.

And when they failed, they turned it into an effort to overthrow a duly-elected president.

But we should be willing to wait some unspecified time to secure some additional political victories - and take some unspecified political and personal destruction - before we get around to cleaning that up.


Marquette beats DePaul. Ok.

jim nj

The Dutch in early NY history called them panthers. They were killed on sight and hunted. The panthers favorite form of attack, from what I've read, was to stake out a tree limb and pounce on whatever came near them. Farm animals and people. They killed enough people that posses of hunters would go looking for them after a kill.


RG: "Brilliant play that has baited Democrats into much foolishness that will be an anchor around their neck for years."

Hopefully, about 7 more years. And then a Bigly Yuge successor.

Another Bob

If Mueller doesn't find his impeachment charge first JNC.


I like this article, as it clearly states the issues involved as compared to the sappy emo stuff the Left throws forward about the "undocumented".

Illegal immigration is the biggest exploitation of a people since slavery.
Many people make good money off this Fake Dream.


A-Bob, or shall I say "The Bob", I'm with you about Mueller. Maybe they've turned him, I hope so, but I can't believe he is a voluntary White Hat.

I just like the phrase "(almost) seven more years"!


Another Bob, they are the FULL COMMIE. Hillary Rodham is a PILE of SHIT. Rodham has ZERO honor.
How hard is it to RECOGNIZE ....that?

jim nj


I think NYC lucked out with the urban heat island effect.

In Hackensack the snow started at 2AM and car rooftops had a light dusting. By noon the snow was coming down lightly and everything was just wet. 2PM we started getting HUGE snowflakes. They stuck. We seem to have gotten 5-8 inches, hard to tell just looking out the window.

Piece of trivia for y'all. Did you know that when they measure snow fall they use a board and periodic measurements. After each measurement they clean the board and put it back down.

They're measuring uncompacted snow. So when you go outside and it doesn't look like as much as they said you got consider the compaction the later snow did to the earlier snow

jim nj

I enjoyed Condi Rice's espousal of gun rights. I had been told that the first gun control laws had been aimed at blacks in the South right after the Civil War.

I've been trying to confirm that but almost every search yields only Federal gun control efforts. I think I found was I was looking for now.


Relevant quote from within above:


In a reaction to emancipation, several southern states adopt "black codes" which, among other things, forbid black persons from possessing firearms." OK, "black codes."


Seems kind of racist of the Democratic party or was this the doing of the carpet-baggers?

In any event it seems to me this a useful argument - that the first gun control laws targeted blacks exclusively. So they couldn't band together, with arms, and defend themselves. Obviously, a few years later, the KKK would have been staunch supporters of those same laws.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--OK Ig, name the magic juice please?--

If I did Man Tran would have to kill you and he's a crack shot.

jim nj

Time Magazine - no link, just the headline

"Porn Star Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Says She Had Affair With Donald Trump"

The lawyer too! This is getting interesting.

Don't these hi-faluting publications have copy editors.

jim nj

The Trade Wars, they have become.


Yeah, jim_nj, it's puzzling how Dems get all worked up over alleged consensual relationships but spend years ignoring unwanted assaults such as BillClinton or HarveyWeinstein.
I expect there is a mental disorder involved because it doesn't make sense.


Claims a 30 day suspension on FaceBook for posting this. I guess it is insufficiently respectful of trannies.
Got this in an email and haven't gone searching for corroborating sources. So I guess it could be fake.


Assuming Sessions didn't recuse, what should have been his first action?


TK: "Assuming Sessions didn't recuse, what should have been his first action?"

I denounce myself in advance for entertaining fantasies of violence!
I'd love to see Reddit authored gifs of AG Sessions pulling some Chuck Norris-like moves.


Looks like we've got a little more on the identity of the knife wielding stabber in Vienna earlier described as "a man":
Austria: four people seriously hurt in Vienna knife attacks

A man from Afghanistan has been arrested in connection with the second attack but police say they don't know of any motive.


Maybe if AG Sessions watched them, he would start to see himself in a new light. "You can DO this, Jeff!"


Ha! LOL, Jim.

Dave (in MA)

Progress, daddy. Earlier it was just "a man".

Dave (in MA)

Which apparently you just said.
(I hate using the web on a phone, but my fios is down because the wire is on my neighbor's lawn from the snow.)


I cannot seem to find who Mueller sent subpoenas to recently, which included this Nunberg guy. Anyone have a list?

I ask because I keep thinking about this Stormy Daniels thing. If the wiretaps of conversations Trump had with his staff, colleagues, and Lawyers were almost all wiretapped, and the FBI has them, and if they include conversations between Trump and his Lawyer on how to proceed legally to keep her quiet, and if Trump's Lawyer has denied in Legal paperwork that he has spoken to Trump about keeping her quiet, then it seems to me it is a potential perjury trap for Trump's Lawyer and ultimately I suppose for Trump, depending on what he has said.

I agree with Jenna Jamieson's comments above that the voters don't give a darn about Trump's private life, but perjury about anything is not going to go over well with the public no matter how revolting and evil the prosecutor is. Also unlike Jenna, I wouldn't consider this a career killer for an aged porn star at all. I think MSNBC would probably give Stormy her own weekend Talk Show, and the MSM would love another sex-fueled episode of taking down a President

Am I way overboard on this or does this make sense to anyone else?


Just found this in LurkerSusie's 11:33:

Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen is among those now being probed for the president's Russia dealings.

Ex-campaign aide Sam Nunberg's subpoena named Cohen as one of the individuals investigators want correspondence from.

So Cohen is the Trump lawyer who, apparently according to the story I posted yesterday on the Stormy Daniels things, is the guy who denies he and Trump have spoken at all about how to keep her quiet recently.

Here's 2 of the latest headlines up on that as of uno later than 3 hours ago:

1) New York Times (3 hours ago)
Trump Lawyer Obtained Restraining Order to Silence Stormy Daniels

2) NBCNews.com (2 hours ago)
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen tries to silence adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

So Mueller's got Cohen in his crosshairs and the MSM is as usual going bananas. I predicate all this on the big if from that earlier story, that the FBI has recordings of pretty much everyone Trump talked to as a consequence of the wiretapping carte blanche given to the FBI per the illegal Carter Page FISA warrants.

Wish I was as optimistic as RG, but I ain't:(

jim nj

CNN headline - no link

"Chuck Schumer: Trump, you broke DACA, now fix it"

What's that word, chutzpah?

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