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April 08, 2018


matt - deplore me if you must


matt - deplore me if you must

Man U beats City; Shohei Otani throws a perfect game into the 7th. A new guy at the Masters. Not bad.


I blame mayonnaise for all these setbacks.

jim nj


Immigration lawyer is best bet, before they do anything else. Years ago a co-worker met and fell in love with and Irish girl here illegally. They went through all the paperwork first. Tons of paperwork, but it was approved relatively soon.

Funny part is that a few years after the marriage they decided to live in Dublin.

Posted by: jim nj | April 08, 2018 at 07:55 PM


Harriet the Spy loved tomato and mayo sandwiches, for what is it worth.

PB and bananas is wonderful, especially if the bread is toasted so the PB gets just a tad melty. Haven't had one for 45 years, but you know what you know.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

jim nj.

Thanks. That confirms what I thought. They don't have the money to fight a long legal battle if it gets messed up, and I don't want her moving to Mexico (which probably would consider HER illegal).

My family life is SO complicated!


My Brewers lost 5 of 7 on their homestand, and were MIRACLE WHIPPED in shutouts 3 times.

I blame global warming.


Of course you are correct Lovely Miss M. They come here for love, not the other way round.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Well, GUS, I don't know how to take what you said.

My daughter loves him and he loves her, and I love my daughter and want her to be happy.

That's about all there is to it.


Why would Assad draw the ire of the whole world against him? It doesn't make sense to me.


There was a meeting with Iran and Russia, two of his sponsors along with turkey some days ago.


I read GUS’ comment as a dig at Jeb not your daughter or fiancé. I agree with you if she went to Mexico that they would not welcome her with open arms. I hope things work out for them quickly.


Apparently Assad doesn’t think he gets to dine with Jawn Effing Kerry and his ugly ass wife and to be photographed by Vanity Fair again, Rocco.


Yes kamala Harris gets this treatment now. Ugh,

Miss Marple the Deplorable

I don't know what to think about Assad and that chemical attack.

Many of the smart people i follow think it is as advertised.

Then there is another group who thinks it is a false flag.

I am mystified and worried about the entire situation, regardless of which view is correct.


President Trump announces he wants to bring the troops home and Assad breaks out the WMD? Does he want us to stay? And would Russia allow this? I wonder!

Dave (in MA)

Don't care about golf or the Yankees, but the Sox were trailing 7-2 with 2 outs in the 8th and when they scored 6 runs to win their 8th straight.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

NPR's encomium to something called Cardi-B.
Below is a link to the art that has vaulted the artiste into the pantheon of NPR heroes;
Bodak Yellow.
Your tax dollars at work.
God help us all.


What does Russia gain by the US being pissed with Assad?


Vox wearing its "kick me" sign on its rear end yet again.

‏Verified account @voxdotcom

Millions of viewers of Sinclair stations have no idea that they’re watching conservative editorials rather than normal local news — giving the company incredible power to persuade viewers.

Let's see, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, "news sections" of the NYT, LAT, WaPo,....

I'd almost suspect Vox is on our side, since the reaction to this is so obvious.

Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

I am thrilled for Reed, and prepared to go it alone.


And this is for the ledge dwellers (I have one foot on myself):


Sebastian Gorka DrG
‏Verified account @SebGorka
1h1 hour ago

Many of you are Angry.

After the Omnibus, I understand.

Many of you are worried about what is happening in Syria and how @realDonaldTrump will respond.

DON’T be angry.

And DON’T be worried.

I’ll tell you why on my #Periscope video in an hour. [9pm EDT, just started]


I enjoyed this so much on catch-up that I'm posting it again: Anti-Trump Appeasers on the Right Empower the Mob

The commenters are excellent for the most part as well, and I'm going with a commenter who thinks Rush will read this tomorrow on air.

Dave (in MA)

The Behar tweet screenshotted on the previous thread in a MM post is apparently fake. No doubt it's what she was thinking, but she didn't tweet it, it seems.

Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

Excellent Dave!

jim nj


The first link is an overview of the process. The second is to the gov site.



Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I would have loved to see Speith win but Reed seems like one of those fat jolly guys and I've rooted for him previously.

And I would hesitate to assign blame in whatever family spat is occurring absent more info.
Looks not only can be deceiving they usually are.


A commenter at Insty, regarding Williamson. I remember Derbyshire but not the others.
"NR has fired over thought crimes a veritable who's who of people on the right who are right about immigration and the cultural wars waged by the left. Derbyshire, Sailer, Steyn, Coulter...to name a prominent few."


Had an eventful day: First we learned a friend of ours, just 50, had some kind of cardiac event and was rushed to the hospital Friday night. She seems to be ok now, though unclear what the prognosis is. My wife visited her today in the hospital, and was relating all this to daughter and me at dinner, and daughter started saying, "Please don't discuss this over dinner, I'm starting to feel sick..." and she got up from the table, and then fainted, out cold, falling with a thud, hitting her head. She was ok, but took a few minutes to get her wits about her. We had to get her legs raised up and let her lie there for five minutes or so.

This is about the fourth 'vasovagal' incident she's had, but the first in about 3 years. Still scary, even though this time we knew what it was.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Dave (in MA),

Thanks for the correction. I apologize for posting a counterfeit - it sure looked real on my Twitter feed.

I do wish people wouldn't do stuff like that.


Did sailer have a column at national review, Steyn was a loss, there was some nebbish who thought he was more worthy snorfle.


JimmyK, yes, scary--glad she's okay and you're all doing what you can.

Insty (a new low): "Make it your best ever."


Damn jimmyk, when it rains it pours huh? Here's hoping your loved ones recover quickly.

nite all

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Linda Suhler, PhD Retweeted
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
47m47 minutes ago

Congratulations to Patrick Reed on his great and courageous MASTERS win! When Patrick had his amazing win at Doral 5 years ago, people saw his great talent, and a bright future ahead. Now he is the Masters Champion!

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Reports of planes overflying Lebanon and troop movement by US.

I will be up for about another hour or so and will keep checking.

matt - deplore me if you must

Assad has repeatedly bombed his own people with various illegal gas compounds. Chlorine, I think some mustard, and I'm not sure what else. He is a monster.

If we could figure out where he was at a given time perhaps we could drop a couple of deep penetrators down his throat.

Remember, Obama drew his line in the sand and then Assad used gas again and again. We will see how Trump and our military react.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

‏Verified account @DEFCONWSALERTS
4m4 minutes ago

United States says they have not launched an attack against Syria at this time.

Wictor says he has watched 2 videos where he hears multi-engine aircraft. His guess is commandos. Maybe GCC.


And then what, this would turn out as well with Saddam and dudayev if not qaddafi.

Dave (in MA)

No worries, MM. A lot of people where tricked into sharing it.

Stephanie, Nene, Not your Normal Grandma

The first person to complain about the heat this summer gets punched. Just sayin!

Miss Marple the Deplorable


No kidding! We are supposed to get some snow tonight, AGAIN.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Jake Gibson
‏Verified account @JakeBGibson



Hmm ... have we seen this one before?

"OPEN THREAD: Make this one the threadiest yet!"


I think a praying mantis kick might be in order as well.


Certainly we need to be careful. Note this snip from an Insty post.

"He doesn’t deny that he intentionally fools people. But Blair says he does so for an unusual reason — because he’s a hard-core Democrat, a “liberal troll” with a mission of undercutting the far right. His work, he says, is satire, meant to expose what he views as the bigotry and hypocrisy of those willing to accept his inflammatory fictions as truth. And he claims that it is working, that he — with the aid of an army of about 100 other liberal trolls — has actually helped stanch the tide of fake news online."

Dave (in MA)

Stephanie, I can't stand the heat, so give me your best shot.

Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting there

What is GCC?

Miss Marple the Deplorable



MT, watching WrestleMania.
(My son and ten friends are there--bachelor weekend. They were all middle schoolers when it was HUGE.)

HoF inductees being introduced.

Ivory is a lovely woman, and is clearly happy to be with her fans.


The U.S. will put countries over the barrel at the U.N. about the use of chemical weapons in Syria and see who in the Security Council dares veto a resolution. Anyone? Bueller? Russia?


Gulf cooperation council headed by the kingdom works in contact with the UAE Bahrain and Oman


Jane, GCC is the Gulf Cooperation Council -- a group allied to face down terror in the Middle East, mostly fomented by Iran.

Thomas Wictor has tweeted numerous times to suggest their multi-level skills in small commando units.

Their calling cards seem to be evident in Hezbollah tunnel collapse, loss of officers, etc.

Very interesting, if true.


What is GCC?

Gulf Cooperation Council ... an economic and defense agreement among some Persian Gulf monarchies.


GCC is particularly interesting in light of SA Crown Prince Salman, Trump, and Netanyahu.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


GCC is the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Members: The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait, and in 2009, Yemen joined the Organization, which is headquartered at Doha, Qatar.

Thomas Wictor has detailed their commando troops, which are very impressive.


geeze was I slow on that ... Nats down 4-5 to the wicked Mets.


China would since a lot of those canisters are probably stamped Made in China or Made in North Korea ...


Left out Yemen and Kuwait, and since qatar has been playing the fifth wheel.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Please note that I am only posting what I see. I have not seen any video so am relying on Wictor's opbservation.

HIS opinion:

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
6m6 minutes ago

The Russians won't lift a finger to save Assad.

If these are transports, it means the air defenses have already been knocked out.


why MLB wanted a Sunday night game start past 8PM on the east coast is beyond me ...



Am I correct in thinking your daughter is in high school (teenager)?

Is she slender build?

Is she active such that she might get dehydrated?

Jr. had several episodes of vasovagal fainting as a teenager. You might push the docs to do a tilt table test. They used that to diagnose Jr.'s issue and rule out something more serious.

He"grew out of it".

I have had 3 episodes myself that I recall. 2 as a teenager, and most recent 1 about 2 years ago, doc said dehydration.


Joan, re your self-described “dark” comment from the end of the previous thread, I don’t find it dark; I find it fair warning.


Close call there jimmy.

They are infected with Goodell syndrome rich.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor

So far I've seen four videos showing multi-engine aircraft headed toward or in Syria.

If they're transports, that's a CRAPLOAD of men.



Also electrolytes. Strange things can happen with low sodium.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If we are in Syria in furtherance of a strategy to deny our mortal enemies in Iran an ally; good.

If we're there for pretty much any other reason; bad.


Buckeye, we had her checked out 3 years ago after the first incidents. She's athletic, very low resting heart rate. The cardiologist checked her out and said nothing to worry about, though I don't know that they did the 'tilt table' test. We'd thought she'd already grown out of it, but obviously not quite.:) She'll be 17 in a couple of weeks.

Tom R

The Twitter CEO sounds he is ready for the Left to go full Communist. Expect more censoring/shadowbanning of Trump supporters.



Now to be fair texeira has been wishing this result through demography for years now, California seems,to have a rather virulent strain of stupid bacili.


Posted by: sbw | April 08, 2018 at 10:01 PM

joan needed to save that for the KJOM hour ...


wouldn't think this game would be a big west coast draw

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Josh Caplan
‏ @joshdcaplan
4m4 minutes ago

U.S. officials confirm yet again: United States is not carrying out airstrikes in Syria - AP


>>>And he claims that it is working, that he — with the aid of an army of about 100 other liberal trolls — has actually helped stanch the tide of fake news online.

Posted by: JimNorCal | April 08, 2018 at 09:45 PM<<<

so a troll farm posting fake news is good when it is goofball liberals doing it ... but when some Russian entrepreneurs do the same, it is worth going to war over.


Posted by: Tom R | April 08, 2018 at 10:09 PM

this was inevitable.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I appreciate the left making it impossible for GOPe type dopes to ignore their now open calls for the end of self governance and a free republic.
The only thing California is showing the way to is a bloody civil war that more than likely the left will be slaughtered in.

Too many on the right do not take the left's totalitarian temptation seriously.
Too many on the left do not take the right's intention of killing the left when it finally usurps self governance irretrievably.
Of the two the left is in for a much nastier education. I don't say that in eager anticipation but merely as an observation of reality.


Yikes mediate seems stupider than usual today, I haven't looked at Yahoo because Edward munsch might ensue.


jimmyk, the cardiologist would likely not screw up the diagnoses.

I do think it is likely dehydration or like sbw said, an electrolyte imbalance, both of which occur with athletes frequently.

Tell her to drink some gatoraide.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

‏ @NewsAlertHQ

#BREAKING: Israeli jets are bombing #Hamas targets in northern #Gaza right now - @Nidalgazaui



World Cup BLOODBATH: Russian hooligans warn England hooligans 'Prepare to DIE'...


Oh and jimmyk, I thought I grew out of it too:)


Could go full rollerball, or thunderdome.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
2m2 minutes ago

I'll make a prediction:

IF--and that's a BIG IF--the Gulf Cooperation Council is currently attacking Syria, they're going to overthrow Assad almost instantly and allow his own government to take the credit.

OR the Syrian government may say that they ASKED for help.

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Thomas Wictor
‏ @ThomasWictor
2m2 minutes ago

I'll make a prediction:

IF--and that's a BIG IF--the Gulf Cooperation Council is currently attacking Syria, they're going to overthrow Assad almost instantly and allow his own government to take the credit.

OR the Syrian government may say that they ASKED for help.


Saw this on twitter -- GCC:

Tablet: GCC

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Sorry for the duplicate. It's late and my computer is acting hinky.

clarice feldman

Nng scarier thanothi a sck child, jimmyk..I'm gasping with ya.

Miss Marple the Deplorable


This is a good thread. It has videos from Syrian State TV, Lebanon, etc.

Also, in just the last few minutes the Syrians have gone to saying they are being bombed by Zionists.

Another Bob

Age catching up with Sarah Palin.

Happens to all of us...


I do think it is likely dehydration or like sbw said, an electrolyte imbalance, both of which occur with athletes frequently.

Yeah, we definitely got that advice, and for a while we would remind her. But after a year or two we thought she'd grown out of it. Plus teenagers aren't known for listening to their parents.

Yeah, clarice, even though she's not really sick, and we knew what it was, those few seconds when she's out with her eyes wide open are still a bit frightening.

Her mom had the same thing when she was a teen, even into her early 20s, and I'm not shy about assigning genetic blame.


Age catching up with Sarah Palin.

What is that a reference to, AB?

Texas Liberty Gal

Well we had to leave to go have dinner with our son's family and by the time we got there Reed had won. Talk about anticlimactic. Oh well, I wish Spieth had won but Reed is a Texas boy too so there is that. Then we got to watch our 3 y/o grandson play "golf" so that was fun.

Watched Madam Secretary when we got home - Saudis were bad guys. My hubby's comment at the end of the show was "why did we just watch that?" Good question.


Well besides her son coming home damaged from the war, she's had a few other family travails,


Mama Grizzly was on Levin's TV show an hour or so ago. Yes, she's having birthdays too. Still beautiful.


But the Iranians still trustworthy in Elizabeth accords world.


Holy Moly, Miss Marple. What is the matter with Indy?

4 stabbed near Indianapolis Central Library

Miss Marple the Deplorable

Heading to bed. We will see what tomorrow brings.



An intetsting detail about the Hawaii 5 0 episode, first the actor playing the John connolly (bulgers mole) of Hawaii almost always plays a villain also the wrap on the floor suggested he was not long fir this world.

The mcgarretts father, I wondered about sadler turns out her is 68, so his younger self could have been as portrayed in the episode, not sure about faison who plays the hitman.


Isn't it time to ban High Speed trains?

New high-speed Florida train kills 4th person since launching service (Since January)

Sunday's victim was the fourth person to be struck and killed by a high-speed train since service began in January. Among the other deaths: a 51-year-old man on a bicycle, and a 32-year-old woman, both of whom tried and failed to beat oncoming trains after the gates had lowered, police told the Palm Beach Post.

If we can save the life of only 1 child we must do this.


The nut with knife and bullhorn must be an Anglophile. He’s just prepping for when the progtards finally get our guns.


Not to seem unsympathetic, but those seem like Darwin Award candidates.


Don’t FL and Darwin Award contestants go together. I apologize to our FL residents. :)

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