WATCH: Hell freezes over as Jake Tapper calls out Rep. Keith Ellison’s hypocrisy for criticizing Trump's travel ban despite his history with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
MSNBC analyst Steve Schmidt said Tuesday the difference now between the United States and the troubled nations of Venezuela and Cuba was that Venezuela and Cuba don't have "internment camps for babies and toddlers."
Schmidt, a former GOP strategist, officially left the Republican Party last week in disgust over the Trump administration's border policies enforcing separation of illegal immigrant parents from their children. On "Morning Joe," he blasted Trump officials who invoked "Christian virtue" to defend themselves.
"The extraordinary and astounding hypocrisy of it, to see the constancy of the assertion of Christian virtue by political leaders in this country who have established internment camps for babies and toddlers," Schmidt said. "By the way, and I never in a million years thought I would sit here or anywhere and say this, but the difference now between Venezuela and Cuba and the United States is this. Venezuela and Cuba are the countries without internment camps for babies and toddlers."
He was a big McCain guy, right?
They're digging themselves a giant hole. No one cares about the plight of people who come here illegally and have to deal with detention rather than live in Mexico. And everyone knows it's all b.s. and was done under the Lightbringer.
Why McConnell would go ANYWHERE without security is a mystery. His wife is a CABINET MEMBER for goodness sake. Did anyone read Brit Humes fumes???
We're ALL supposed to tone down our rhetoric.
Yes BRIT, we'll stop threatening to rape THE OBAMA kids or put them in cages with pedophiles as we piss on the KFC.
NEW: The Secret Service will begin providing security at the home of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, on a temporary basis, a law enforcement official tells @PeteWilliamsNBC
3:30 PM - 26 Jun 2018
Looks like common sense has decided that she should have security, as well as McConnell.
Jerry Seinfeld is weighing in on the fallout Roseanne Barr has received after she posted a racist tweet, leading ABC to cancel her hit sitcom, and instead, greenlight a spinoff series, titled The Conners, which won't include her.
Why do even right leaning sites parrot this talking point that it was racist to compare Jarrett with that Planet of the Apes babe?
Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, but it wasn't objectively so.
Just had a good laugh -- was looking for a 4th of July tee shirt and clicked on a link, aafnation .com, (never heard of it before), and up popped a page of tee shirts, and this msg. on their home screen: "Only commies send spam, and we aren't commies" -- below that is a place to put your email and subscribe to their site for 10% discounts.
Made me laugh (and made me think of Gus -- myself, as well, because I think communism drives the media and the left.)
I don't watch TV except for football, cooking, and stuff like Perry Mason, Star Trek, Andy Griffith, The Munsters and Beverly Hillbillies, so guess I made it through that whole 2008 campaign without ever seeing either Norma or the Doctor. Never did have any idea who you guys were talking about.
Has a short beedy eyed weasel that the bush campaign had lent Mccain, he is in the records for an infamously bad judicial race in 97, he fumbled a California senate campaign, he got second chair in the schwartezenegger campaign and shepherded justice Roberts through the nomination. in the 'game change' tale based mostly on his anonymous slanders has been played the rangy woody harrelson (ps one of the producers jay roach, is behind a 10 part!!! Series of fire and fury. Nicolle Wallace was the perky Katie's understudy, was spokesman for jeb then the company, and was white house communications director, she was played by the blonde crazy woman from American horror story
Tom Scocca, a former contributor to Gawker, wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post on Monday, calling for the same sort of harassment that Rep. Maxine Waters’ demanded when she told democrats to further humiliate Trump officials in public.
Scocca’s thesis was that since children are being detained at the border, the left should be allowed to jettison what constitutes “civil” reaction, and harass the right. “Children, some still in diapers, have been seized from their parents by the government and locked in cages, with no clear way to reunite them with their families afterward,” he wrote.
He argued that the media didn’t understand the fight at hand, and that their debates on civility, and whether or not the public protests directed at Trump officials were part of a “normal” democracy, are misguided. “The protestors who yelled at Nielsen were not aiming to be a part of the political process, but to respond to extraordinary events with extraordinary actions.”
“The self-appointed civility police, the voices of respectable political journalism, are unable to understand this,” he continued.
Good. Keep going and let's see how it plays out.
Maybe they're right in thinking that they can bully Trump supporters into abandoning him in fear of being on the wrong side of the zeitgeist, and maybe they aren't. Only one way to find out.
As stated before, it was a very good decision, one can quibble Kennedy still weighing statements as well as the law, but they actually addressed the law, hallelujah, and not in a footnote.
Scocca claimed that the discussion of how to maintain proper societal behavior perpetuated by the media is foolhardy, especially considering the complete lack of civility from Donald Trump officials and their supporters. “No appeal to decency can ever bring Trump or the Trumpists around. It is not possible to mollify a political cult that runs on outrage, and it’s not worth trying.”
“The people who narrate our current events have a strange shared fantasy that there is some other, nicer way,” he wrote. It seems that what Scocca really wants, like Rep. Waters, is to say screw taking the high road. They’d rather have social upheaval than solve disputes through law and constitutional debate.
This is nothing new for Scocca. He was a writer for Gawker, a sensationalist journalism platform that went bankrupt. This was due to a hefty lawsuit from Hulk Hogan for publishing a sextape of the wrestler without his consent.
Now, Scocca is set to be the editor of Hmm Daily, an upcoming media platform which describes itself in its mission statement as deviating from the current bleak and mundane journalistic environment. “Hmm Daily is here to do something else. Our mission is an old one and also, fundamentally a new one.”
The path was laid out by judge gorton of the 3rd circuit focus on the law, what is the point to do otherwise. Rhetorical. This was also why they targeted secretary Nielsen because she made the most cogent argument.
On another issue, I think either Jones or Wolfe leaked to propublica re the haspel matter, right as she was announced, another example of how these leaks were bad juju.
"Agents found Gerberht Charac, 19, on the roof of a trailer with a fellow Guatemalan seeking to elude authorities.
The teenager said he agreed to pay a smuggler $12,000 to get from Guatemala to Houston, where he planned to join a friend. "
So, a 19 y.o. kid in shit hole Guatemala has $12k to get to Houston. Where did he get it? Drugs? Killer for hire? That's a pretty big payday in that country. Sounds like Soros and Steyer and the refugee agencies are handing out dollars like Obama handed out phones. Follow the money.
Oh, and when someone decides to strike back in a reciprocal way, like getting nasty around Jim Acosta, or Joe Scarborough or urges physical assault or kidnapping family members, it will be pure evil and nazi -like, right?
While we are at it, the prequel to "Ernie Meets Mueller".
When time stands still, as Doctor Faustus declared: “Stand still, you ever moving spheres of heaven, That time may cease, and midnight never come."
And it was, for Ernie Souchak, as he wandered the streets, alleys and corners of Whisky Row in Chicago. But sooner than later, under the milky sky and translucent sun he stopped in to “Stanley’s” for a beer and a bowl of Navy bean soup. Stanley’s had great soup, uninterested bar patrons, and only ESPN on TV. No mental distractions like news from Washington, which triggered irreversible trauma of his OCD impairment. It was now under control and his new prescription of Zoloft was working better than usual.
Sometimes, it was hit or miss on whether it would kick in before he would go off on a wild goose chase like “Comic Pizza”, which resulted in his loss of memory for nearly two years. He still scratched at that micro-chip implant in his upper left arm.
He had read, that the Swedes were doing lots of self-insertion of chips, but then they were a society of socially confirming people who did everything to look accepting and welcoming but now doubting that approach to immigration.
Why was he thinking this? His mind was off track. He wanted to move on, specifically to what he was hearing about “Chicago-on-Rock Creek Park” as in Obama and Jarrett’s new digs in Kalorama. Not that far from DC’s Chevy Chase neighborhood and the Comic Pizza Parlor. Now his head was really hurting. Could it be that all that Comey, Mueller, Trump , Russian collusion talk could some how come back to where he has been? Time stands still.
But it was not that convenient or easy for Ernie because in Poolesville, Maryland on a “Gentleman’s Farm”, the owner of the Champion Bull Polled Hereford in the National Royal show in Kansas City 2017, lived, and he was not someone you wanted to even reveal your identity and locations to unless you yearned to be eliminated. However, the Judge knew Ernie was getting nervous and wanting back in the game. His microchip was chirping all day as his mind was digesting all the possible conspiracies’ he could be out there investigating. A cornucopia of obsession and then depression. Should he? Of course. You cannot deny a mouse the cheese set for him.
Let the trap begin, and in Kalorama, a smart black woman with a helmet shaped haircut, and a leery suspicious mind was about to set off all kinds of OCD signal bells. How could Ernie refuse to follow the signal? The Judge was about ready to unleash Ernie on the whole enchilada, but first a glass of port. Not an ordinary Port but a Graham’s 40-year old Tawny Port. If you can’t afford the best, you have no business in the business of DC, or for the Judge, affectionately known as “The Swamp”. However, right now, the only Swamp, the Judge was concerned about was Ernie getting involved in the Trump-Mueller-Russia kerfuffle.
There were no go spots, and then there were highly restricted no-go spots for an untethered personality like Ernie, and this was one of them. Time to call Jack and Caprice. Or better, he reached over to the stained and over-used Roledex for Dr. Randall Fitzgibbons phone number.
Some how, pharmaceuticals would play a big role in this episode of Ernie’s OCD.
'Maybe they're right in thinking that they can bully Trump supporters into abandoning him in fear of being on the wrong side of the zeitgeist, and maybe they aren't.'
I read a thousand internet comments a week and I've yet to see a single Trump voter who's abandoned him. I've read dozens of hold-their-nose-and-vote-for-him folks who are now on the Trump Train. I've read several who didn't vote for him who can't wait to do so in 2020.
I had a conversation with my liberal daughter jut now. She is upset about the children being separated from supposed parents, including toddlers and babies. (I haven't seen that about babies, but she has.)
It seems to me that this is a PR problem if we want to attract people who are on the borderline with Trump. Why can't we keep the children with the adults, question them independently, and make decisions about whether they are with their parents or traffickers?
Most of you guys don't have a lib in the household. I do, so I get a perspective that you guys don't get.
My daughter is convinced that the "Martian"Jeff Sessions has done this to scare people into not coming here with their children, and that it is an evil deterrent.
I think the administration is concerned about trafficking, but they need to think of a better way to check on these kids.
I don't know the answer, but the current situation is a polarizing one for people like my daughter.
The Washington post has become such a dumpster fire, its tragic there are some exceptions like thiessen and volokh but its just bozos nutroots fanzine,
The seventh circuit also gave a quAlified assent to sessions. Oh the huge manatee.
And Oliver Willis. D huttia denounces taper for pointing out ellisons continuing ties to calypso Louis.
I did skim through part of master and margarita, through another translation. I imagine the anecdotes re plate were the best way to relate his opinion of Stalin, one can see with malapartes work that want really puvliahed till recently.
Of course, that's why the left created this fake crisis, Miss Marple. Everyone loves little kids and puppies. I also realize - having multiple lefty friends - that framing the debate as such would be a non-starter. I would stress that Trump is trying to solve the issue. If they accept that, you could move further, such as reminding them that proper asylum claims have to occur in the first safe country and through its embassy...
The meaning of the statute is clear, and in upholding President Trump’s “travel ban,” the Supreme Court correctly interpreted it. 8 USC 1182(f), as Chief Justice Roberts writes, is a statute that “grants the President sweeping authority to decide whether to suspend entry, whose entry to suspend, and for how long.”....
....So, it is settled law. President Trump can deny foreign nationals entry to the country. He should immediately issue a Presidential Proclamation suspending the entry of foreign nationals from Mexico, Caribbean, Central, and South American countries until such time as he finds the detrimental effects of illegal immigration from these regions have been curtailed and our border is secure. These areas are home to the violent and dysfunctional countries that export the vast majority of illegal immigrants to America....
....In other words, Trump v. Hawaii can be summed up as a constitutional validation of Trump’s promise to “Build the Wall and Make Mexico Pay for It.” He should issue the necessary Presidential Proclamation barring the entry of foreign nationals from the countries in our regional neighborhood immediately, and he should leave it in effect until a Wall is built.
My preference would be to keep the adults and children together and investigate through documents and questioning whether they are dependents or victims.
Not only am I concerned about the children, but I think this current policy is not good for our chances of winning in 2020.
If we are wanting to win people to our side, we need a policy which is not a PR disaster, although I DO think we need to check if these kids are truly dependents rather than kids being trafficked.
Sadly,MM--Unless Flores is abrogated. there are 2 choices--segregate the kids (with or without thier parents) or leave the parents in with the kids. I'm sorry your daughter can't understand that, but that's the fact.
There are 50k+ emails classified Top Secret that the DOJ refuses to turn over to Congress. I have already explained in detail the multiple possibilities for how and why those emails came to be classified Top Secret. Tom Fitton at JW as well as a few posters here believe the DoJ’s refusal to turn those emails over to Congress is more proof that Rosenstein is corrupt and trying to protect the Obama administration and the Deep State. I then pointed out if the people who believe that about Rosenstein are actually correct, then Trump could declassify all the emails and expose the criminal corruption of the Obama administration for all to see. You the said one reason Trump wouldn’t declassify the emails is because it would lead to his impeachment.
I did skim through part of master and margarita, through another translation.
It's been a while since I read the clunky and censored (Grrrr) translation so I began the newer one last night. The first chapter has a gazillion footnotes as it sets the stage of the Devil showing up in Moscow to a Soviet poet and his editor and they start debating the existence of God, which of course the apparatchiks are well versed in denying.
Then the Devil starts describing the scene where Pontius Pilate had a bitching migraine as he has to give the Roman approval to executing Jesus. There are still footnotes but the whole thing flows like Molly Bloom's soliloquy but with sentence breaks. I just got lost in it until the chapter ended. I don't remember that happening the first time through. Some of it was memory but most of it was a superior translation.
FOX 10 Phoenix is live now — at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
12 minutes ago ·
#BREAKING: Police are surrounding a JetBlue plane at JFK airport in New York. Reports say the crew was unresponsive to the air traffic controllers.
CA is crazy. Now they plan to gut Silicon Valley business models. Likely with a large rock as the EU did with GDPR, except it looks like a larger rock.
Like GDPR, this seems to conflict with data retention and audit laws of the Feds and other states. How do you do an EEO report if your employees opt out? At least it hits social media and adware (Google, FB, Twitter et al are toast if this goes through) much harder than the rest of us.
I understand completely, Miss Marple, and your political instincts are unblemished, as far as I'm concerned. I agree it's not a policy I want to defend in person - much like with Romney / Romneycare. I don't see any softening on our side and the polls show that most blame the parents. If that changes significantly, I'll worry. Until then, I think Trump will continue to present his side one tweet at a time.
((Most of you guys don't have a lib in the household. I do, so I get a perspective that you guys don't get.))
You don't know that.
Send every person that enters our country illegally back to their home country immediately. Immediately.
Pick em up. Send them straight to an airfield. And home they go.
All costs will be deducted from any U.S. aid that goes to that country.
They can loiter around the 24/7/365 secured airport with their kids while they wait for their flight home. (like Americans have to when there is bad weather or flights are cancelled)
“The business community is in an untenable situation. Although AB 375 is deeply flawed, the privacy initiative is even worse. The stakes are astronomical because if the initiative is passed, the legislature will be virtually unable to amend the law in the future,” said Sarah Boot, a lobbyist with the California Chamber of Commerce and the first person to testify in opposition to the legislation at the Senate Judiciary Committee, which in turn is the first committee to oversee the compromise legislation.
Apparently CA has 3 days to choose the method of its own destruction.
I didn't mean to offend or make judgements about others here. I apologize.
Most folks here don't talk about their lib relatives, so I made a judgement that perhaps was unjustified.
I just think that we need to have a policy which safeguards the children while keeping to adults incarcerated until they are sent home.
It needs to be something that people can't criticize. I am not sure what the answer is, but I do know that dealing with my daughter leaves it hard for me to defend the policy.
It's not possible you have meshugena or whatever the Chinese equivalent for judges who refuse to look at the law, in the case of the ninth circus, so it doesn't matter which law is written, its much like 187 or sb 1040 in that respect.
My daughter is convinced that the "Martian"Jeff Sessions has done this to scare people into not coming here with their children, and that it is an evil deterrent.
Should people be deterred from illegally entering the country?
I've had parts of this in my head for a long time. It seemed to come together last night.
1. I have a memory of some time in the past that the Indian Affairs Bureau had mishandled - couldn't account for - billions of Indian assets. I'm gonna pop on the net and see if...yes
This seems to jive with what I remember. Can't verify it's accuracy, but it seems like what was stored in my memory banks. Then, anybody remember this...
So the IAB as an acronym is no longer PC, it's management seems poor, it's apparently not working in the best interests of the Native Americans it is charged with helping.
The IAB hasn't had a good reputation since it's very beginning. IAB agents were corrupt from the beginning.
So we create a Native American Trust fund, run by native Americans, to directly receive any and all funds due to the tribes for any extraction fees or other monies, for deposit into specific tribal accounts. After we take that away from IAB, we look at anything else it does.
"Sadly,MM--Unless Flores is abrogated. there are 2 choices--segregate the kids (with or without thier parents) or leave the parents in with the kids"
My understanding is the law says illegals from non border countries, like Guatemala, can request asylum and USA must process their claim, which can take several months. Meanwhile they can either be detained or released with a promise to return for their asylum hearing.
Trump says no more release with a promise to return.
The Flores ruling is that minor children can not be detained with a parent for more than 20 days.
Seems to me the legitimate parent can agree to have the child cared for in a separate facility or they can leave the USA and return later for their hearing.
But instead we get the big fuss that Trump is ripping children from their parents.
When in fact separation is a result of:
illegal parent's choice;
the law;
the Flores court ruling;
Trump removing the option release with promise to return
Apparently most don't bother to return.
So people who want or don't mind illegals with or without children entering freely and hate Trump blame Trump.
The “Capitol Limited” pulled into Union Station 3 hours late, at 4:09pm on Wednesday, the day after Ernie got a mysterious call from someone, who tipped him off to a possible hot story on Valerie Jarrett and her emails, under an alias, some of which were classified. It was a rough trip, since there were no sleepers available, and Ernie couldn’t have afforded one anyway. He had to rely on train and bus service since he was somehow on the no-fly list at TSA. More evidence of a secret cabal to keep his investigatory prowess restricted to “wacko” stories, as he critics would say.
Now, in the incipient heat and humidity of a full June day in Washington, Ernie was regretting his attire. All he had was a tattered brown wool sport coat with elbow patches, (the left one, dangling by a few threads) and wrinkled khaki slacks. His shoes were gummy, of course, and had lasted many tiring years of tracking down stories and fables, mostly fables, but that is the province of an intrepid investigative reporter. His shirt was stained at the collar, unbuttoned at the tuck in, by the belt, and adorned with a straight cotton tie that used to be red but was now stained in a tobacco like rust color.
His only adornment was his grey pork pie hat, tilted ever so slightly over his left ear. Cradled snugly on his right ear was a single Camel unfiltered cigarette, which for some reason, he never smoked but used to make him appear as a serious journalist. He had once seen Walter Matthau use the same guise in a movie, and it made him stand out in the crowd of impatient reporters. It seemed to work for Matthau, and why not him, Ernie Souchak, turning over stones and buried stories.
Now, standing in a long line for a taxi, he wondered why he was really here and where he would stay, during his time to find out what the hell was the story?
Then it dawned on him that he could save valuable money, by taking the Metro out of Union Station, instead of a taxi. But he had no idea where he should go,and what his next steps should be. Time to take a Zoloft.
As he was buying a bottle of water from the nearest food cart, his phone rang, playing his favorite ring tone, “Take a Chance on Me”, by ABBA.
It was the same metallic voice from before he departed on the Capitol Limited. It wanted Ernie to take the Red Line Metro from Union Station to Dupont Circle, where he would be given further instructions.. He quickly popped the Zoloft and taking his cardboard suitcase, bottle of water, and perpetual anxiety, he went down to the platform for the next west bound train. Surprisingly, on the platform was his congressman, Bobby Rush, looking wane and old. He always felt bad for Rush, even though he was a left wing politician, losing his son from gun violence in 1999. Actually, it was more a gang issue than gun violence but Ernie was smart enough to stay away from that.
When the train pulled up, he eased his way into the car and sat down. He was tired and hungry. Dupont Circle better be like it was the last time and have a couple of taco joints where he could get a beer and some food. A young lady sat down across from him and began to work her fingers over her smart phone like a concert pianist playing Beethoven. Ernie had a phone, a burner phone actually, that he paid $13.99 for and didn’t even have a text feature. Some day, he would get one that he could play music on, text and surf the web. Until then he could only wish for the normal course of gathering information the old fashioned way, by asking questions, lots of questions, that would torture the questionee into submission.
As the train pulled into Dupont Circle station, the young lady put her phone down, gathered her purse and gave Ernie a quizzical look, as if she knew something and he didn’t. My life in a nutshell, thought Ernie, as he too gather his suitcase, and left the train. Now, he could only wait for "The Tin Man" to contact him and give him further directions.
As he exited the long sloping escalator into the bright, hot sun of Dupont Circle, Ernie’s burner phone began to sound it’s Swedish melody.
“Yeah?”, Ernie said exasperated and tired, “What now?”.
“Ernie”, the monotonous voice asked, “Do you know Pizza Paradiso, over on P Street? If you do, go there now, order a Boardroom brown ale and a Bosco pizza?”
“Okay, but what is going on, what is the game or story, I am a reporter not a food or beer critic”, said Ernie thinking he was standing up and not sitting down.
“If you continue to play dumb and lazy, this story goes somewhere else, and I will trigger your chip, and you will be back in Chicago. Capice?”, came a very crisp and decisive answer.
It was then, that it dawned on Ernie, that he was once again, in the deep doo-doo of conspiracies, political intrigue and the belly of the Deep State. This is what he lived for and his arms and legs were tingling as if he was getting a massage at The Ruby Spa, on Archer in Bridgeport, where he would go when the chip was irritating him.
Now, he needed to gather his suitcase, straighten his tie, remove the cigarette from his ear and appear hip, on it, and juiced, as he made his way to the Pizza Paradiso for his encounter with the next event in his hapless but exciting life. Where will this lead, he was thinking, as he walked down P Street, will it end in a Pulitzer, or, another dead-end in some hospital, or, locked up in a house in the middle of nowhere.
Time will tell and it won’t stand still this time.
Ues thats rather succint, nielsen was gwtting the word out, thats why they attacked her first.
Now 're margarita and every other non standard gospel tale, the crucifusion had to happen, much in the way Isaiah told it, as mentioned before Jesus tells the skeptics what will happen citing the example of Jonah who was consumed and brought back into the world.
Miss Marple, you know that I love you. As I see it, you are back tracking because you MISINFORMED/LIBERAL daughter has bought the CRAP that the MFM has fed her.
Her use of the term MARTIAN JEFF SESSIONS is a NON-STARTER in any civil conversation. JEFF SESSIONS has NOTHING to do with the law he is charged to ENFORCE. BABIES are NOT being RIPPED from their MAMACITAS BOOOOOSOMS.... SO TO REVIEW.
If they LIE, you BACKTRACK??? This is NOT a public relations loss. Not by a long shot.
Big Whine by progs at Spreme Court.
Posted by: henry | June 26, 2018 at 06:15 PM
And so many institutions of higher ed pay sotomayor a nice speaking fee so she can make her dissents seem like the way the law should be made to work.
Posted by: rse | June 26, 2018 at 06:18 PM
Hopefully the Troll Charmers don't wad this thread up.
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 06:24 PM
Since those clowns love the great Merrick Garland so much, maybe they should nominate him for President.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPhone | June 26, 2018 at 06:26 PM
Nomination of Garland?
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 06:26 PM
I will gleefully drink from the skulls of my enemies tonight and listen to the lamentation of their wimmenz.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | June 26, 2018 at 06:32 PM
Layers of fact checkers, TK!!
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 06:38 PM
Well, well. What have we here?
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:40 PM
Threats against his 3 small children.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:43 PM
WATCH: Hell freezes over as Jake Tapper calls out Rep. Keith Ellison’s hypocrisy for criticizing Trump's travel ban despite his history with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
Video at link.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:45 PM
Wired Sources
JUST IN: DC bar cancels ban on MAGA hats after backlash
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:48 PM
Wired Sources
29m29 minutes ago
JUST IN: Rep. Andy Biggs introduces resolution to censure and condemn Rep. Maxine Waters for encouraging violence against Trump supporters.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:49 PM
MSNBC Analyst Suggests U.S. Now Worse Than Venezuela and Cuba: They Don’t Have ‘Internment Camps for Babies’
He was a big McCain guy, right?
They're digging themselves a giant hole. No one cares about the plight of people who come here illegally and have to deal with detention rather than live in Mexico. And everyone knows it's all b.s. and was done under the Lightbringer.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 26, 2018 at 06:49 PM
Why McConnell would go ANYWHERE without security is a mystery. His wife is a CABINET MEMBER for goodness sake. Did anyone read Brit Humes fumes???
We're ALL supposed to tone down our rhetoric.
Yes BRIT, we'll stop threatening to rape THE OBAMA kids or put them in cages with pedophiles as we piss on the KFC.
Posted by: GUS | June 26, 2018 at 06:51 PM
I'll bet Steve Schmidt and The Rick Wilson are big buddies.
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 06:52 PM
Peter Alexander
Verified account @PeterAlexander
NEW: The Secret Service will begin providing security at the home of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, on a temporary basis, a law enforcement official tells @PeteWilliamsNBC
3:30 PM - 26 Jun 2018
Looks like common sense has decided that she should have security, as well as McConnell.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:52 PM
I bet you are right. Wilson is poison. I had to quit following him during the campaign because his comments were so terrible.
Schmidt as well, although he isn't as vile as Wilson.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 06:54 PM
Well, the talking point du jour seems to be that Merrick Garland's seat was "stolen."
Posted by: ----peter | June 26, 2018 at 06:58 PM
Catsmeat - Hope you are having a very Happy Birthday !
Posted by: Michael (fpa P4F) ... Stop the Witch Hunt - Stop the Coup ! | June 26, 2018 at 07:01 PM
Happy birthday, Catsmeat!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 07:02 PM
Peter, only because buses full of voters from Chicago stole WI's electoral votes in '08 and '12.
Posted by: henry | June 26, 2018 at 07:05 PM
Why Jerry Seinfeld Doesn't Think It Was 'Necessary' to Fire Roseanne Barr (Exclusive)
Why do even right leaning sites parrot this talking point that it was racist to compare Jarrett with that Planet of the Apes babe?
Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, but it wasn't objectively so.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 26, 2018 at 07:10 PM
He was a big McCain guy, right?
narc's Dr. Evil who teamed up Nicolle "Norma Desmond" Wallace to make McRINO's Costanza Dream Team. Dumb as a bag of hammers. Good riddance.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 26, 2018 at 07:12 PM
Just had a good laugh -- was looking for a 4th of July tee shirt and clicked on a link, aafnation .com, (never heard of it before), and up popped a page of tee shirts, and this msg. on their home screen: "Only commies send spam, and we aren't commies" -- below that is a place to put your email and subscribe to their site for 10% discounts.
Made me laugh (and made me think of Gus -- myself, as well, because I think communism drives the media and the left.)
Posted by: joan | June 26, 2018 at 07:20 PM
I don't watch TV except for football, cooking, and stuff like Perry Mason, Star Trek, Andy Griffith, The Munsters and Beverly Hillbillies, so guess I made it through that whole 2008 campaign without ever seeing either Norma or the Doctor. Never did have any idea who you guys were talking about.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 26, 2018 at 07:20 PM
This is a shocker!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 07:26 PM
Keith X is using taqiyya or some Clintonesque wordplay (the get together with The Charmer and Carson wasn't a "meeting" by some obtuse definition.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 26, 2018 at 07:28 PM
Well, the Democrats are about to lose big. Steve Schmidt has joined them. He has a habit of picking losers and fighting against winners.
Posted by: Buford Gooch | June 26, 2018 at 07:30 PM
Has a short beedy eyed weasel that the bush campaign had lent Mccain, he is in the records for an infamously bad judicial race in 97, he fumbled a California senate campaign, he got second chair in the schwartezenegger campaign and shepherded justice Roberts through the nomination. in the 'game change' tale based mostly on his anonymous slanders has been played the rangy woody harrelson (ps one of the producers jay roach, is behind a 10 part!!! Series of fire and fury. Nicolle Wallace was the perky Katie's understudy, was spokesman for jeb then the company, and was white house communications director, she was played by the blonde crazy woman from American horror story
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 07:31 PM
WashPost: Harassing Trump Officials Is ‘The Right Thing to Do’
Good. Keep going and let's see how it plays out.
Maybe they're right in thinking that they can bully Trump supporters into abandoning him in fear of being on the wrong side of the zeitgeist, and maybe they aren't. Only one way to find out.
Posted by: Extraneus | June 26, 2018 at 07:33 PM
As stated before, it was a very good decision, one can quibble Kennedy still weighing statements as well as the law, but they actually addressed the law, hallelujah, and not in a footnote.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 07:33 PM
Are you talking about Wilson or Schmidt?
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 07:33 PM
I see where you're going with this, lol Wilson was also onnthat campaign having originally deepsixed guilianis effort.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 07:36 PM
Tom R
You are selling the same bullshit that they sell everytime government officials are caught dead to rights.
The cross the t's and dot the i's bullshit is not going to cut it.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 07:39 PM
Bezos letting Gawker clowns write opeds is as irresponsible as giving Jen Rubin more of a forum than talking to her cats.
Who would be the best GOPe reject to say "I could'a been a contender": Merrick Garland or Mike Castle?
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 26, 2018 at 07:42 PM
Tom R
Have you ever sat across the table from these geniuses at the DoJ?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 07:44 PM
Posted by: Extraneus | June 26, 2018 at 07:45 PM
The path was laid out by judge gorton of the 3rd circuit focus on the law, what is the point to do otherwise. Rhetorical. This was also why they targeted secretary Nielsen because she made the most cogent argument.
On another issue, I think either Jones or Wolfe leaked to propublica re the haspel matter, right as she was announced, another example of how these leaks were bad juju.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 07:46 PM
From Ex's 5:27 on the previous thread:
"Agents found Gerberht Charac, 19, on the roof of a trailer with a fellow Guatemalan seeking to elude authorities.
The teenager said he agreed to pay a smuggler $12,000 to get from Guatemala to Houston, where he planned to join a friend. "
So, a 19 y.o. kid in shit hole Guatemala has $12k to get to Houston. Where did he get it? Drugs? Killer for hire? That's a pretty big payday in that country. Sounds like Soros and Steyer and the refugee agencies are handing out dollars like Obama handed out phones. Follow the money.
Oh, and when someone decides to strike back in a reciprocal way, like getting nasty around Jim Acosta, or Joe Scarborough or urges physical assault or kidnapping family members, it will be pure evil and nazi -like, right?
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 26, 2018 at 07:49 PM
Tom R
My guess is you would not even be able to get past the gate keepers to get your foot in the door, much less get a sit down.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 07:52 PM
taqiyya or some Clintonesque wordplay (the get together with The Charmer and Carson wasn't a "meeting" by some obtuse definition
not a meeting? The pics made it look like a "date"
Posted by: henry | June 26, 2018 at 07:53 PM
Yes, that's as bad as bring anyone from buzzfeed, remember they are the ones on which the Russian catering/hacker factory case rests.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 07:56 PM
While we are at it, the prequel to "Ernie Meets Mueller".
When time stands still, as Doctor Faustus declared: “Stand still, you ever moving spheres of heaven, That time may cease, and midnight never come."
And it was, for Ernie Souchak, as he wandered the streets, alleys and corners of Whisky Row in Chicago. But sooner than later, under the milky sky and translucent sun he stopped in to “Stanley’s” for a beer and a bowl of Navy bean soup. Stanley’s had great soup, uninterested bar patrons, and only ESPN on TV. No mental distractions like news from Washington, which triggered irreversible trauma of his OCD impairment. It was now under control and his new prescription of Zoloft was working better than usual.
Sometimes, it was hit or miss on whether it would kick in before he would go off on a wild goose chase like “Comic Pizza”, which resulted in his loss of memory for nearly two years. He still scratched at that micro-chip implant in his upper left arm.
He had read, that the Swedes were doing lots of self-insertion of chips, but then they were a society of socially confirming people who did everything to look accepting and welcoming but now doubting that approach to immigration.
Why was he thinking this? His mind was off track. He wanted to move on, specifically to what he was hearing about “Chicago-on-Rock Creek Park” as in Obama and Jarrett’s new digs in Kalorama. Not that far from DC’s Chevy Chase neighborhood and the Comic Pizza Parlor. Now his head was really hurting. Could it be that all that Comey, Mueller, Trump , Russian collusion talk could some how come back to where he has been? Time stands still.
But it was not that convenient or easy for Ernie because in Poolesville, Maryland on a “Gentleman’s Farm”, the owner of the Champion Bull Polled Hereford in the National Royal show in Kansas City 2017, lived, and he was not someone you wanted to even reveal your identity and locations to unless you yearned to be eliminated. However, the Judge knew Ernie was getting nervous and wanting back in the game. His microchip was chirping all day as his mind was digesting all the possible conspiracies’ he could be out there investigating. A cornucopia of obsession and then depression. Should he? Of course. You cannot deny a mouse the cheese set for him.
Let the trap begin, and in Kalorama, a smart black woman with a helmet shaped haircut, and a leery suspicious mind was about to set off all kinds of OCD signal bells. How could Ernie refuse to follow the signal? The Judge was about ready to unleash Ernie on the whole enchilada, but first a glass of port. Not an ordinary Port but a Graham’s 40-year old Tawny Port. If you can’t afford the best, you have no business in the business of DC, or for the Judge, affectionately known as “The Swamp”. However, right now, the only Swamp, the Judge was concerned about was Ernie getting involved in the Trump-Mueller-Russia kerfuffle.
There were no go spots, and then there were highly restricted no-go spots for an untethered personality like Ernie, and this was one of them. Time to call Jack and Caprice. Or better, he reached over to the stained and over-used Roledex for Dr. Randall Fitzgibbons phone number.
Some how, pharmaceuticals would play a big role in this episode of Ernie’s OCD.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 26, 2018 at 08:00 PM
So much for this thread.
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 08:03 PM
'Maybe they're right in thinking that they can bully Trump supporters into abandoning him in fear of being on the wrong side of the zeitgeist, and maybe they aren't.'
I read a thousand internet comments a week and I've yet to see a single Trump voter who's abandoned him. I've read dozens of hold-their-nose-and-vote-for-him folks who are now on the Trump Train. I've read several who didn't vote for him who can't wait to do so in 2020.
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 08:05 PM
Do you get the sense JIB wants to take focus off how corrupt Robert Mueller is?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 08:06 PM
No Marty, I got the sense that you are off your meds.
Posted by: GUS | June 26, 2018 at 08:08 PM
More #TrollCharming
It will work this time!
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 08:09 PM
Is Robert Mueller corrupt?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 08:10 PM
I had a conversation with my liberal daughter jut now. She is upset about the children being separated from supposed parents, including toddlers and babies. (I haven't seen that about babies, but she has.)
It seems to me that this is a PR problem if we want to attract people who are on the borderline with Trump. Why can't we keep the children with the adults, question them independently, and make decisions about whether they are with their parents or traffickers?
Most of you guys don't have a lib in the household. I do, so I get a perspective that you guys don't get.
My daughter is convinced that the "Martian"Jeff Sessions has done this to scare people into not coming here with their children, and that it is an evil deterrent.
I think the administration is concerned about trafficking, but they need to think of a better way to check on these kids.
I don't know the answer, but the current situation is a polarizing one for people like my daughter.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 08:23 PM
The Washington post has become such a dumpster fire, its tragic there are some exceptions like thiessen and volokh but its just bozos nutroots fanzine,
The seventh circuit also gave a quAlified assent to sessions. Oh the huge manatee.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:24 PM
You should just call it the Chicago circuit court.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 08:27 PM
And Oliver Willis. D huttia denounces taper for pointing out ellisons continuing ties to calypso Louis.
I did skim through part of master and margarita, through another translation. I imagine the anecdotes re plate were the best way to relate his opinion of Stalin, one can see with malapartes work that want really puvliahed till recently.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:35 PM
Of course, that's why the left created this fake crisis, Miss Marple. Everyone loves little kids and puppies. I also realize - having multiple lefty friends - that framing the debate as such would be a non-starter. I would stress that Trump is trying to solve the issue. If they accept that, you could move further, such as reminding them that proper asylum claims have to occur in the first safe country and through its embassy...
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 08:36 PM
Term the gates at Disney World with your kids and see what it gets ya.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 08:39 PM
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 08:40 PM
Its a fairly rate reaction from both the CBS and. Yougov poll, most have not bought this narrative.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:42 PM
Like I said this morning:
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 08:44 PM
Merkel, she crazy:
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:44 PM
My preference would be to keep the adults and children together and investigate through documents and questioning whether they are dependents or victims.
Not only am I concerned about the children, but I think this current policy is not good for our chances of winning in 2020.
If we are wanting to win people to our side, we need a policy which is not a PR disaster, although I DO think we need to check if these kids are truly dependents rather than kids being trafficked.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 08:47 PM
i'm with DJT who said at the rally in SC: "now get your asses out there and vote!"
pretty clear mission: swamp the Left.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 26, 2018 at 08:47 PM
The flores settlement stands in the middle of this, you can only hold them up to 20 days.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:49 PM
Sadly,MM--Unless Flores is abrogated. there are 2 choices--segregate the kids (with or without thier parents) or leave the parents in with the kids. I'm sorry your daughter can't understand that, but that's the fact.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 08:52 PM
Anyone think there will be ramifications for Maxine Watters?
Posted by: Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting ther | June 26, 2018 at 08:53 PM
And judge gee (guess who appointed her) is supervising that settlement.
Posted by: narciso | June 26, 2018 at 08:55 PM
I think Pelosi already told Max to chill it. OTOH, Jane, every Dem candidate for every office ought to be assked if he endorses Max's statement.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 08:56 PM
Seriously. I don’t get your point.
There are 50k+ emails classified Top Secret that the DOJ refuses to turn over to Congress. I have already explained in detail the multiple possibilities for how and why those emails came to be classified Top Secret. Tom Fitton at JW as well as a few posters here believe the DoJ’s refusal to turn those emails over to Congress is more proof that Rosenstein is corrupt and trying to protect the Obama administration and the Deep State. I then pointed out if the people who believe that about Rosenstein are actually correct, then Trump could declassify all the emails and expose the criminal corruption of the Obama administration for all to see. You the said one reason Trump wouldn’t declassify the emails is because it would lead to his impeachment.
That doesn’t make sense to me.
Posted by: Tom R | June 26, 2018 at 08:58 PM
I saw that Clarice, but I'm also hearing lots of noise. Ryan is such a disappointment.
Posted by: Janeprobably about 10 minutes after getting ther | June 26, 2018 at 08:59 PM
Ryan went on the floor and condemned Max today.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 09:01 PM
I did skim through part of master and margarita, through another translation.
It's been a while since I read the clunky and censored (Grrrr) translation so I began the newer one last night. The first chapter has a gazillion footnotes as it sets the stage of the Devil showing up in Moscow to a Soviet poet and his editor and they start debating the existence of God, which of course the apparatchiks are well versed in denying.
Then the Devil starts describing the scene where Pontius Pilate had a bitching migraine as he has to give the Roman approval to executing Jesus. There are still footnotes but the whole thing flows like Molly Bloom's soliloquy but with sentence breaks. I just got lost in it until the chapter ended. I don't remember that happening the first time through. Some of it was memory but most of it was a superior translation.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 26, 2018 at 09:02 PM
FOX 10 Phoenix is live now — at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
12 minutes ago ·
#BREAKING: Police are surrounding a JetBlue plane at JFK airport in New York. Reports say the crew was unresponsive to the air traffic controllers.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 09:03 PM
New RNC ad
Posted by: lurkersusie | June 26, 2018 at 09:03 PM
CA is crazy. Now they plan to gut Silicon Valley business models. Likely with a large rock as the EU did with GDPR, except it looks like a larger rock.
Like GDPR, this seems to conflict with data retention and audit laws of the Feds and other states. How do you do an EEO report if your employees opt out? At least it hits social media and adware (Google, FB, Twitter et al are toast if this goes through) much harder than the rest of us.
Posted by: henry | June 26, 2018 at 09:04 PM
I understand completely, Miss Marple, and your political instincts are unblemished, as far as I'm concerned. I agree it's not a policy I want to defend in person - much like with Romney / Romneycare. I don't see any softening on our side and the polls show that most blame the parents. If that changes significantly, I'll worry. Until then, I think Trump will continue to present his side one tweet at a time.
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 09:05 PM
Apparently the JFK scare is over.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 09:06 PM
((Most of you guys don't have a lib in the household. I do, so I get a perspective that you guys don't get.))
You don't know that.
Send every person that enters our country illegally back to their home country immediately. Immediately.
Pick em up. Send them straight to an airfield. And home they go.
All costs will be deducted from any U.S. aid that goes to that country.
They can loiter around the 24/7/365 secured airport with their kids while they wait for their flight home. (like Americans have to when there is bad weather or flights are cancelled)
Posted by: Janet 🚬 | June 26, 2018 at 09:07 PM
“The business community is in an untenable situation. Although AB 375 is deeply flawed, the privacy initiative is even worse. The stakes are astronomical because if the initiative is passed, the legislature will be virtually unable to amend the law in the future,” said Sarah Boot, a lobbyist with the California Chamber of Commerce and the first person to testify in opposition to the legislation at the Senate Judiciary Committee, which in turn is the first committee to oversee the compromise legislation.
Apparently CA has 3 days to choose the method of its own destruction.
Posted by: henry | June 26, 2018 at 09:07 PM
Tom R
You ignore the fact that Rosenstein helped cover up Uranium One.
And you assume that Trump would automatically declassify.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 09:08 PM
Impressive video from the RNC. Dang.
Posted by: Beasts of England | June 26, 2018 at 09:08 PM
Glenny who did that disappointing translation of denisovich did this one.
Posted by: Narciso | June 26, 2018 at 09:12 PM
Not only am I concerned about the children, but I think this current policy is not good for our chances of winning in 2020.
This issue will be long gone by 2020 having been deemed a complete miscalculation on the part of the donks.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 26, 2018 at 09:14 PM
Tom R
Did Rosenstein cover up Uranium One for a "perfectly legitimate reason"?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 09:14 PM
I didn't mean to offend or make judgements about others here. I apologize.
Most folks here don't talk about their lib relatives, so I made a judgement that perhaps was unjustified.
I just think that we need to have a policy which safeguards the children while keeping to adults incarcerated until they are sent home.
It needs to be something that people can't criticize. I am not sure what the answer is, but I do know that dealing with my daughter leaves it hard for me to defend the policy.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 09:16 PM
Tom R
Why would Sessions want Trump to appoint a guy who worked closely with Mueller and Comey?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 26, 2018 at 09:18 PM
It's not possible you have meshugena or whatever the Chinese equivalent for judges who refuse to look at the law, in the case of the ninth circus, so it doesn't matter which law is written, its much like 187 or sb 1040 in that respect.
Posted by: Narciso | June 26, 2018 at 09:20 PM
Pretty good ad. However, with people like my daughter it will VALIDATE her thinking, due to the celebrities.
It will, however, make our people dig their heels in.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 09:20 PM
I want to link Kung Pow's baby rolling down the hill, but I won't.
"So cute"
Posted by: Janet 🚬 | June 26, 2018 at 09:22 PM
Well, this is totally creepy.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 09:26 PM
My daughter is convinced that the "Martian"Jeff Sessions has done this to scare people into not coming here with their children, and that it is an evil deterrent.
Should people be deterred from illegally entering the country?
If so, what would she recommend as a deterrent?
Posted by: sbwaters | June 26, 2018 at 09:28 PM
Another rat comes out from under a rock
Posted by: Narciso | June 26, 2018 at 09:28 PM
Think I will head to bed early. Nytol!
(If I wake in the middle of the night, I will check in.)
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 26, 2018 at 09:29 PM
Kevlar Kid,
I've had parts of this in my head for a long time. It seemed to come together last night.
1. I have a memory of some time in the past that the Indian Affairs Bureau had mishandled - couldn't account for - billions of Indian assets. I'm gonna pop on the net and see if...yes
This seems to jive with what I remember. Can't verify it's accuracy, but it seems like what was stored in my memory banks. Then, anybody remember this...
So the IAB as an acronym is no longer PC, it's management seems poor, it's apparently not working in the best interests of the Native Americans it is charged with helping.
The IAB hasn't had a good reputation since it's very beginning. IAB agents were corrupt from the beginning.
So we create a Native American Trust fund, run by native Americans, to directly receive any and all funds due to the tribes for any extraction fees or other monies, for deposit into specific tribal accounts. After we take that away from IAB, we look at anything else it does.
more coming...
Posted by: jim nj | June 26, 2018 at 09:29 PM
"Sadly,MM--Unless Flores is abrogated. there are 2 choices--segregate the kids (with or without thier parents) or leave the parents in with the kids"
My understanding is the law says illegals from non border countries, like Guatemala, can request asylum and USA must process their claim, which can take several months. Meanwhile they can either be detained or released with a promise to return for their asylum hearing.
Trump says no more release with a promise to return.
The Flores ruling is that minor children can not be detained with a parent for more than 20 days.
Seems to me the legitimate parent can agree to have the child cared for in a separate facility or they can leave the USA and return later for their hearing.
But instead we get the big fuss that Trump is ripping children from their parents.
When in fact separation is a result of:
Apparently most don't bother to return.
So people who want or don't mind illegals with or without children entering freely and hate Trump blame Trump.
Posted by: boris | June 26, 2018 at 09:36 PM
Before I turn in, we have CHAPTER NINETEEN
The “Capitol Limited” pulled into Union Station 3 hours late, at 4:09pm on Wednesday, the day after Ernie got a mysterious call from someone, who tipped him off to a possible hot story on Valerie Jarrett and her emails, under an alias, some of which were classified. It was a rough trip, since there were no sleepers available, and Ernie couldn’t have afforded one anyway. He had to rely on train and bus service since he was somehow on the no-fly list at TSA. More evidence of a secret cabal to keep his investigatory prowess restricted to “wacko” stories, as he critics would say.
Now, in the incipient heat and humidity of a full June day in Washington, Ernie was regretting his attire. All he had was a tattered brown wool sport coat with elbow patches, (the left one, dangling by a few threads) and wrinkled khaki slacks. His shoes were gummy, of course, and had lasted many tiring years of tracking down stories and fables, mostly fables, but that is the province of an intrepid investigative reporter. His shirt was stained at the collar, unbuttoned at the tuck in, by the belt, and adorned with a straight cotton tie that used to be red but was now stained in a tobacco like rust color.
His only adornment was his grey pork pie hat, tilted ever so slightly over his left ear. Cradled snugly on his right ear was a single Camel unfiltered cigarette, which for some reason, he never smoked but used to make him appear as a serious journalist. He had once seen Walter Matthau use the same guise in a movie, and it made him stand out in the crowd of impatient reporters. It seemed to work for Matthau, and why not him, Ernie Souchak, turning over stones and buried stories.
Now, standing in a long line for a taxi, he wondered why he was really here and where he would stay, during his time to find out what the hell was the story?
Then it dawned on him that he could save valuable money, by taking the Metro out of Union Station, instead of a taxi. But he had no idea where he should go,and what his next steps should be. Time to take a Zoloft.
As he was buying a bottle of water from the nearest food cart, his phone rang, playing his favorite ring tone, “Take a Chance on Me”, by ABBA.
It was the same metallic voice from before he departed on the Capitol Limited. It wanted Ernie to take the Red Line Metro from Union Station to Dupont Circle, where he would be given further instructions.. He quickly popped the Zoloft and taking his cardboard suitcase, bottle of water, and perpetual anxiety, he went down to the platform for the next west bound train. Surprisingly, on the platform was his congressman, Bobby Rush, looking wane and old. He always felt bad for Rush, even though he was a left wing politician, losing his son from gun violence in 1999. Actually, it was more a gang issue than gun violence but Ernie was smart enough to stay away from that.
When the train pulled up, he eased his way into the car and sat down. He was tired and hungry. Dupont Circle better be like it was the last time and have a couple of taco joints where he could get a beer and some food. A young lady sat down across from him and began to work her fingers over her smart phone like a concert pianist playing Beethoven. Ernie had a phone, a burner phone actually, that he paid $13.99 for and didn’t even have a text feature. Some day, he would get one that he could play music on, text and surf the web. Until then he could only wish for the normal course of gathering information the old fashioned way, by asking questions, lots of questions, that would torture the questionee into submission.
As the train pulled into Dupont Circle station, the young lady put her phone down, gathered her purse and gave Ernie a quizzical look, as if she knew something and he didn’t. My life in a nutshell, thought Ernie, as he too gather his suitcase, and left the train. Now, he could only wait for "The Tin Man" to contact him and give him further directions.
As he exited the long sloping escalator into the bright, hot sun of Dupont Circle, Ernie’s burner phone began to sound it’s Swedish melody.
“Yeah?”, Ernie said exasperated and tired, “What now?”.
“Ernie”, the monotonous voice asked, “Do you know Pizza Paradiso, over on P Street? If you do, go there now, order a Boardroom brown ale and a Bosco pizza?”
“Okay, but what is going on, what is the game or story, I am a reporter not a food or beer critic”, said Ernie thinking he was standing up and not sitting down.
“If you continue to play dumb and lazy, this story goes somewhere else, and I will trigger your chip, and you will be back in Chicago. Capice?”, came a very crisp and decisive answer.
It was then, that it dawned on Ernie, that he was once again, in the deep doo-doo of conspiracies, political intrigue and the belly of the Deep State. This is what he lived for and his arms and legs were tingling as if he was getting a massage at The Ruby Spa, on Archer in Bridgeport, where he would go when the chip was irritating him.
Now, he needed to gather his suitcase, straighten his tie, remove the cigarette from his ear and appear hip, on it, and juiced, as he made his way to the Pizza Paradiso for his encounter with the next event in his hapless but exciting life. Where will this lead, he was thinking, as he walked down P Street, will it end in a Pulitzer, or, another dead-end in some hospital, or, locked up in a house in the middle of nowhere.
Time will tell and it won’t stand still this time.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 26, 2018 at 09:37 PM
Well, Boris, you said it more lucidly than I did.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 26, 2018 at 09:40 PM
Ues thats rather succint, nielsen was gwtting the word out, thats why they attacked her first.
Now 're margarita and every other non standard gospel tale, the crucifusion had to happen, much in the way Isaiah told it, as mentioned before Jesus tells the skeptics what will happen citing the example of Jonah who was consumed and brought back into the world.
Posted by: Narciso | June 26, 2018 at 09:47 PM
Slaap lekker, joungens en Tot Morgen.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 26, 2018 at 09:48 PM
Impressive video from the RNC. Dang.
The Google automatic closed captioning blew a fuse when MaxiPad was rambling. Haha!
Posted by: Threadkiller | June 26, 2018 at 09:50 PM
It's said they base this account on the book of nicodemus, an apocryphal account of the events.
Posted by: Narciso | June 26, 2018 at 09:51 PM
Miss Marple, you know that I love you. As I see it, you are back tracking because you MISINFORMED/LIBERAL daughter has bought the CRAP that the MFM has fed her.
Her use of the term MARTIAN JEFF SESSIONS is a NON-STARTER in any civil conversation. JEFF SESSIONS has NOTHING to do with the law he is charged to ENFORCE. BABIES are NOT being RIPPED from their MAMACITAS BOOOOOSOMS.... SO TO REVIEW.
If they LIE, you BACKTRACK??? This is NOT a public relations loss. Not by a long shot.
Posted by: GUS | June 26, 2018 at 09:54 PM