The optimistic John Hinderaker follows the ongoing progressive meltdown and suggests we have reached Peak Insanity.
No way. We're still in the foothills, November is a long way off, and even November 2020 might not be the peak.
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Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 10:52 AM
TM makes an excellent point which highlights Ext's visceral reaction to the Sanders incident last thread. "They" still have millions of us to shun and the bar is being raised all the time.
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 10:56 AM
There are lots of retards on Twitter. And cowards. Come at me in real life, bitches, and see what happens.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 10:57 AM
As HST once said, it never got weird enough. Well, we may now be seeing peak weird.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | June 24, 2018 at 11:04 AM
Posted near-to-last on the dying thread:
Five Steps of the current "naturalization" process: (what? a pre-existing path to citizenship under FEDERAL LAW?!?!?!)
(Steps to Become an American Citizen)
Step One: Find Out Whether You Are Eligible. The first question is whether you have a U.S. green card (lawful permanent residence). ...
Step Two: Overcome Barriers to Your Ineligibility. ...
Step Three: File USCIS Form N-400. ...
Step Four: Get Fingerprinted. ...(this is nazi! /sarc)
Step Five: Attend a Citizenship Interview. ... (what? no interpreters? nazi!!! /sarc)
Step Six: Attend the Oath Ceremony. (nazi!!!! /sarc)
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 11:07 AM
Did Rosenstein do the redacting?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 11:09 AM
Was it Horowitz' testimony the "report" was unredacted to any degree?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 11:10 AM
Final question:
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 11:11 AM
Mickey Fickey, previous thread. "Ext is right; the violent Left needs a few smackdowns to learn manners, before this turns deadly."
This is all part and parcel with my continuing rant about the slowness of any return to a prompt and certain rule of law for all the classes within our classless society. Don't think for a minute that thugs on streets are not connected to crooks in DC getting rich by breaking "laws" themselves. It has only been a little over 100 years that our own West gradually moved from "Colt" justice to a reliable system under accepted and predictable rules and norms.
We can go backwards just as fast.
Posted by: Old Lurker | June 24, 2018 at 11:11 AM
If this was posted on prior thread -- :) -- it still is worth a second viewing:
"You Woke?"
Posted by: joan | June 24, 2018 at 11:13 AM
Repost from last thread.
According to the FBI there are between 50000 to 65000 Top Secret classified emails that are related to the Steele Dossier, the FISA abuse scandal and 8 custodian (whatever that means) that have not been provided to Congress yet apparently because of technical issues related to processing the Top Secret info.
If these emails are classified correctly and do contain Top Secret info, then the big question becomes when and who assigned the Top Secret designation to the emails. Only a limited number of FBI officials have the authority to do that. Strzok or someone else involved in the criminal conspiracy to destroy Trump is one likely answer.
Posted by: Tom R | June 24, 2018 at 11:14 AM
Peak insanity is when all blue hells (all urban areas) look like Madison 2011-12. The occupoop didn't catch on nationally then, though they tried. It might go full insanity by spring 2019 should we elect a red wave and have Congress pass reform laws.
Posted by: henry | June 24, 2018 at 11:17 AM
Two tweets combined:
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents...
..Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit - we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 11:22 AM
Joan, that is very funny! Thanks.
Posted by: henry | June 24, 2018 at 11:22 AM
What are the sources of income for all of these mob members?
If they are students, revoke their student loans. If they are teachers or professors, they need to be either fired or reprimanded with a warning.
Business owners? Boycott. Government employees? Fire them.
I cannot help but think a whole lot of these people are able to do this stuff because they have a source of income that doesn't penalize this activity. it's about time we had a way to cut off their income.
Also, why hasn't Maxine Waters been charged with inciting a riot? Last I heard that was against the law.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 11:26 AM
"For the lawyers here, what would happen if Mueller's ambulance chasers refused to turn over discovery data? Can the judge terminate the case in favor of the defendants? Can he penalize Mueller for filing a frivolous indictment?"
In the real world the case would be dismissed.
Posted by: Jane | June 24, 2018 at 11:28 AM
TM's Powerline link is very good.
"The unanswered question is whether conservatives–who far outnumber liberals in every survey–should adopt liberals’ methods. How about if we decree that anyone who supported Hillary Clinton must be fired from his job? How about if we harass identifiable Democrats when they go out in public? How about if we publish liberals’ addresses and home phone numbers and organize hate campaigns against them? How about if we demand that no news outlet publish any piece by a liberal, and follow up with boycotts and media campaigns?
Conservatives instinctively recoil from such tactics. But who knows? Maybe one of these days, liberals will no longer be able to count on the assumption that we are more civilized than they are."
Posted by: Janet 🚬 | June 24, 2018 at 11:31 AM
Josh Caplan
‏ @joshdcaplan
3h3 hours ago
THE HILL: Barack Obama visiting Kenya for first time since leaving White House
I don't remember him going while he was IN the White House. But then, I am trying to erase the memory of those years so maybe I forgot.
Why is he going there, anyway? Looking for evidence to destroy? Seeing if they will grant asylum?
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 11:35 AM
--I've never found anyone interested in the wood.
Gun stocks and Missouri, is the holy grail, as best I can figure.--
Black walnut is used extensively in cabinetry and furniture, but size matters as does quantity. A small private mill owner would be your best bet. Large mills including guns rock guys usually have their own suppliers.
But if the trees are very old and especially if they have large hurls at their base would be very valuable.
While black and Claro walnut are used for guns rocks on production guns, English (thin shell with many different names) walnut is prized for the best custom stocks.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | June 24, 2018 at 11:51 AM
Gun *stock* and large *burls*.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | June 24, 2018 at 11:52 AM
Red Hen variety totalitarian mindset progs are setting the table for and will not stop until a rock through their window will be the least of their concerns.
If they are not sent into the wilderness politically they will not stop until they force us to send them there via a continuation of politics by other means.
They either do not believe that will happen, that they will win any such confrontation or that we will allow ourselves to be disarmed before it gets to that point.
They are wrong on all counts.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | June 24, 2018 at 11:59 AM
From a friend:
Today is "Nacho" Day #500.
500 Days Hillary Nacho President:)
Moar cultural appropriation.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 24, 2018 at 12:05 PM
MM " Looking for evidence to destroy? Seeing if they will grant asylum?"
Delivering a new refrigerator box for his cousins to live in?
Posted by: Old Lurker | June 24, 2018 at 12:07 PM
Jack Posobiec
Have they erected Republican drinking fountains yet?
Posted by: Momto2 | June 24, 2018 at 12:15 PM
Old Lurker,
After discovering he tried to interfere in the North Korea efforts, as far as I am concerned he can stay in Kenya.
I have had it with his constant troublemaking. I would not be surprised if he has been instigating all of this mob behavior.
Posted by: Miss Marple | June 24, 2018 at 12:18 PM
President Trump is playing golf at his Stirling, Virginia club. I hope he gets to relax a bit.
Posted by: Miss Marple | June 24, 2018 at 12:20 PM
Delivering a new refrigerator box for his cousins to live in?
That would be a step up from anything that miserly excuse for a human being has previously done.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPhone | June 24, 2018 at 12:25 PM
Miss Marple, someone in the Horde mentioned how calm the ember cities have been post JEF. Maybe all his imaginary sons ODd.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPhone | June 24, 2018 at 12:30 PM
waPo today is cover to cover anti-Trump and poor would be migrants--feature story about a guy who came with his 6 y. o. daughter after having been previously deported back to El Salvador twice. He CHOSE to leave his daughter behind and now claims he can't find out where she is being held He has brothers in Kansas--No mention of whether they've agreed to take custody .He lives in a one room hut surrounded by savage MS 13 thugs.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 12:31 PM
Ember, thank you autocucumber.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPhone | June 24, 2018 at 12:32 PM
Now we know how that West Point commissioned Commie got that way. How many do you think are now part of that cell at VMI?
Posted by: Jim Eagle | June 24, 2018 at 12:32 PM
People keep saying that violence is going to erupt at some point. It already has. How many videos are there of ANTIFA CLOWNS, with masks and weapons, smashing windows, burning shit and running amok???
The are the FULL COMMIE FILTH that created a hvviolent clash at Charlottesville. CREATED. The MFM has yet to acknowledge this. They merely LIE d and say Mr TRUMP supported the KKK goofs. The POTUS said ANTIFA AND the KKK were both wrong.
In the last 10 years how many times has the KKK RIOTED SMASHED and BURNED shit. How many times have COMMIE ANTIFA GROUPS? Many.
How many TRUMP SUPPORTERS have shot up a DEMOCRAT even before being put down by the POLICE.
The violence is here my FROGGY friends. We're sitting in the sauce pan watching.
Posted by: GUS | June 24, 2018 at 12:32 PM
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 12:39 PM
Then the story.......
Read this short article and ask yourself what the EDUCATION of the reporter could possibly be.
Bias, nonsense, and assumptions. NOT JOURNALISM.
Posted by: GUS | June 24, 2018 at 12:44 PM
"Just remember. We no longer call it "deportation."
The correct term is "family reunification in country of origin.""
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 12:51 PM
Clarice, great article. This stood out to me.
>>But this should have been known two years ago if we had a functional press at the time. Obama had to be getting emails from her private email address as opposed to [email protected]. Didn’t he see that and say to himself “Why is Hil sending me an email from a private email address?” He neither said anything about it nor put a stop to it. He just lied about it when asked.>>>>
My follow up would be. How did an unknown E-MAIL ACCOUNT and SERVER, get access OBAMA'S e-mail and address, and WHY would he open an e-mail for a private account that he was UNAWARE of???.
Maybe a PROFESSIONAL JOUNALIST might think of these questions??
Posted by: GUS | June 24, 2018 at 12:59 PM
I like this:
By Richard FernandezPosted by: boris | June 24, 2018 at 01:00 PM
Probably a bad analogy but ...
When Dems decided they didn't want Indians in this country (think Pres Andrew Jackson) we got the Trail of Tears.
When Dems decided they didn't want black people, we got the Klan.
When Dems decided they didn't want Japs we got internment camps.
Now Dems are deciding they don't want conservatives in the country ...
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 01:02 PM
How many college counseling center type "advance degree holders" did it take to come up with that piece of salamander speak?
"family reunification in blah blah blah"
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:02 PM
Any news yet on the identity of the dead drunk driver that injured our Republican candidate?
Posted by: daddy on iPad | June 24, 2018 at 01:03 PM
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 01:04 PM
Ken Vogel seems to want to make sure that we get the information from his NYT piece on President Trump's challenge coins, which are bigger, glitzier, GOLDER, and might violate ethics rules if Mar-a-Lago or his golf clubs are on them.
Lots of pictures in this thread. Also alot of liberals sniffing at the vulgarity not realizing Obama hanaded these out as well. HA!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 01:04 PM
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 01:11 PM
Funny how the left in this country keeps on turning into Orwell's nightmare. No self awareness. No balance. No objectivity.
To use their own lexicon, soon they will be burning and banning books and trying to force unbelievers to wear little MAGA stars on their clothing. Antifa already has their Kristallnacht schtick going.
Nixon played to the silent majority very successfully. This time the Left will be the ones with a Kent State on their hands and at that point I think the rest of us will have had enough.
When we know that their leadership has been doing everything they can to destroy anything and everything that defines us as a people, there will be harsh retribution.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | June 24, 2018 at 01:11 PM
Good point from Clarice's 12:39
12. Here is something to think about: The IG stated they could find no bias in the decisions made. Yet we discover through the report that Comey either inappropriately or illegally had used a private email address to perform FBI business. Thus, he was guilty of doing the same improper behavior Ms. Clinton was excused of in the investigation. Is it not possible that Comey knew if he endorsed indictment of Clinton his own malfeasance would come out and thus that drove his decision? Isn’t that bias?
Posted by: daddy on iPad | June 24, 2018 at 01:11 PM
Posted by: JimNorCal | June 24, 2018 at 01:14 PM
Where I stand on the Romney assholishness (sorry, but that is all I could think of reading this).
What an insufferable prig! He will speak out when the President is MORALLY WRONG. Raise your hand if you think withdrawing from the TPP or imposing tariffs on aluminum and steel is MORALLY WRONG.
Morally wrong = stuff Mitt Romney doesn't like.
I fervently hope this guys is defeated so that he stays out of politics for the rest of his life.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 01:14 PM
re #PermitPatty:
1. Ettel had no business approaching the 8 year old girl. Report it. Then walk away. Would Ettel have approached an 18 year old "black youth?" Highly doubt it.
2. Selling merch on sidewalk in the vicinity of a professional sports stadium is a no-no. The little girl's mom is fortunate to not have been fined a pretty penny for "supervising" the girl's sales. The motive for selling doesn't mean squat, no matter how cute.
3. A sidewalk sales permit isn't difficult to get no matter if it is SFO or Berkeley. I've done it effortlessly in either place. What both have in common is the permit office DECLARES where you can sell once you identify WHERE you intend to sell. Ballpark area and Cal Stadium are off limits to most "street vendors."
4. Little girl's mom may have introduced the CloudVerse to a new grifting model: set up a sitch with actors; then, cry foul and hardship and such. Do-gooder idiots send them cash, prizes, and free chit. Hello.
IHTFP that do this kind of crap and pimp their kids, then spike the "justice football" while "proving racism is real."
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:14 PM
Jeffrey Satinover
2 hrs ·
To the owners of the Red Hen:
I fully support the right of private businesses to refuse service to anyone for any reason, none of which should be of concern to the government.
I doubt that you support this principle. Regardless, from your public explanations you have made clear that your decision to eject Sarah Sanders is based wholly on arrogance, bigotry, small mindedness and smug satisfaction in what you mistakenly think is the moral superiority of your opinions over those of anyone who thinks differently than you.
You carry out this act of self-righteousness solely because we have come to live in a era of degraded civility and emotionalized pseudo-thought that leave uncivilized and infantile impulses in control of masses of people among whom you find safety in numbers.
Of course, supporting your right to act like babies does not mean supporting your business. Should you ever face government sanction for your behavior I will be amongst the first to defend your tables. I will then do my best via private persuasion to ensure that they remain empty.
Sent from iPhone
Jeffrey Satinover
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 01:14 PM
BINGO, Ringo!
PS: Renewed push for disarming all Americans in 3...2....1
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:15 PM
The surely very unathletic dork, Nathaniel Friedman, mentioned in Powerline tweeted that Kevin McHale "shouldn't work in the NBA" followed with "that doesn't mean he should be banned". Words, how do they work? He's getting roundly slattered.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 01:17 PM
Would you be so kind as to remind me what "JEF" stands for?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:17 PM
jug eared fool I believe
Posted by: rse | June 24, 2018 at 01:19 PM
Kev regardless of the BITCH who called the cops, the STORY is written by a PROG 10 YEAR OLD. the story indicates that RACE has anything to do with it.
The RETARDED MOTHERFUCKER who wrote the story MADE BIAS, where there was none....all the way from NEW YORK CITY. The fuckwad is a COLUMBIA GRAD.
Should this prick not be required to start each of this garbage news stories, with, "I AM A WHITE MAN"?
Posted by: GUS | June 24, 2018 at 01:22 PM
Robin is correct but I've been known to substitute an alternative four letter word starting with F.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 01:24 PM
I've realized how pointless the Sunday morning shows are - they're just Washington talking to Washington. I'd put good money that at most 1% of the voters in this country ever know about anything that is said on any of them.
No one out here cares what they say anymore. We're done with that.
Posted by: Tom Servo at June 24, 2018 11:35 AM (V2Yro)
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 01:25 PM
Guess who didn't fart.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:26 PM
thanks, robin. ;)
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:26 PM
Any news yet on the identity of the dead drunk driver that injured our Republican candidate?
A 69 year old woman from South Carolina. Doesn't seem as suspicious on the surface as Arkancide. No mention about drinking from al Reuters.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 01:34 PM
Thanks Captain,.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | June 24, 2018 at 01:37 PM
Your welcome; best wishes for your brother.
Posted by: Captain Hate | June 24, 2018 at 01:39 PM
Good afternoon! There is feel good story in the Maine media about two young women in Portland who have sponsored a Honduran woman and her ten year old daughter who are waiting for asylum. They are part of the group "Showing up for Social Justice." They are a group working to undermine white supremacy. None of us can be free until white supremacy ends.
Living in the woods is looking pretty good right now. :)
Posted by: Marlene | June 24, 2018 at 01:41 PM
" the story indicates that RACE has anything to do with it."
To your question, which is spot on; yet, we are talking American media involvement. Here's what they are "working with":
Fact 1: Caller is white.
Fact 2: Little girl is black.
Fact 3: Little girl's mama is black.
Fact 4: Our story takes place in San Francisco.
Fact 5: The story plays out through the lense of Deep State influenced/controlled social media complex.
Those ingredients *racialize* the story. It's not the same thing as "making the story about race."
Of course, that's because none of the facts assign "intent" to the characters or the Deep State media.
(sarc)For this story to "be about race" the caller would have to be wearing a Klan robe with hood. (/sarc)
Media misrepresentation is a set up to add one more thin layer of mindlessness to further clog filters of Americans (some, not all) who are pre-conditioned to THINK the story is about race, but don't say anything about that pre-conditioning.
That's how it works. 30 years experience working with this kind of media crap which pits American against American.
The interesting reversal here is that a black mother and her child are elevated and a white woman is demonized.
There is a motive i see in that play, hypothetically of course.
Gots to get Kanye back on the plantation, know what i mean?
That's all.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:42 PM
Indeed Kev. Add to that the boy reporter went to COLUMBIA, where he was schooled on his privilege and the guilt associated with it. It's mindless.
Posted by: GUS | June 24, 2018 at 01:46 PM
Politico calls Washington D.C. the psychopath capital of America. No surprise there, but it's nice to be validated.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | June 24, 2018 at 01:46 PM
It's Church O'clock somewhere
Dierks Bentley Prodigal Sons Prayer
Posted by: Pinandpuller | June 24, 2018 at 01:46 PM
"They are part of the group "Showing up for Social Justice." "
Where were these assholes when their girl Hill and the Bush family were looting Haiti?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:47 PM
Unaccompanied Migrant CHILDREN’ Arrive at NY Airport -Appear to be GROWN MEN With 5-O’CLOCK SHADOWS and Shaving Kits
That's some pretty good facial hair on those Children" as the NYTimes calls them.
Posted by: daddy on iPad | June 24, 2018 at 01:49 PM
"None of us can be free until white supremacy ends. "
Ask them to define that for the rest of us.
Here's the part where they open their mouths and no words come out, they get triggered (for being held accountable), and then they report you to some NGO authority in Europe for war crimes in the name of Donald Trump.
Insane morons fit for the Red Hen.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 01:52 PM
Immigration Derangement Syndrome | Dave Smith and Stefan Molyneux
Abstract: Peter Fonda is a dangerous liberal idiot. Open Borders policy means no respect for private property rights.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | June 24, 2018 at 01:53 PM
1. Jump the line
2. ?
3. Profit
Posted by: Pinandpuller | June 24, 2018 at 01:54 PM
You don't want to end supremacy, just the prefix.
New boss same as the old boss.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | June 24, 2018 at 01:57 PM
Is it not possible that Comey knew if he endorsed indictment of Clinton his own malfeasance would come out and thus that drove his decision? Isn’t that bias?
His defense is that he didn't have classified stuff in his emails, so at worst it was a minor work rule violation, and possibly not even that if he mirrored the communications on his official email.
I think that's the least of the problems with this investigation. Increasingly I get the impression the "stand down" order was issued by Lynch, and Comey, being the unprincipled beta that he is, went along with it, figuring that Hillary would get elected and he'd keep his job. He tried his best to keep the Weiner laptop discovery under wraps until after the election, but was forced by the NYPD and NY bureau to go public with it.
Posted by: jimmyk | June 24, 2018 at 02:03 PM
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:04 PM
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:05 PM
Yes, Jimmyk.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 02:09 PM
When were the documents and emails requested for the first time by the House Intel Committee?
Who did the FBI clear their decision to withold "secret" and "top secret emails" from Congress with at Justice? Rosenstein?
These non-existant search tools for combing through emails at the top secret level (60,000 plus)...suggest that when the FBI itself wants to comb through top secret emails it can't and has to resort to some kind of "stone tablet" to do so? Seems they are asking us to believe the unbelievable... "we have it for secret, but top secret? eh."
Something smells.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:12 PM
Speaking of immigrant childrens...
UK Telegraph: Two-thirds of child refugees screened by officials found to be adults, Home Office figures show
Nearly two-thirds of "child" refugees who officials questioned about their real age were found to be adults, Home Office documents show.
Figures show that in the year to September 2015, 65 per cent of the child refugees who had their age disputed were found to be over 18.
Posted by: daddy | June 24, 2018 at 02:14 PM
Why are fighting age males being flown to New York City?
Isn't this the same kind of "invasion" that we've seen from Muslim nations into Europe?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:18 PM
Don't forget Stozk and Page wanted Patrick Fitzgerald on the Clinton email team
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 24, 2018 at 02:19 PM
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:27 PM
Posted by: Davod | June 24, 2018 at 08:14 AM
from the last thread regarding the Russian bots case ... why would being legal be a bar to Team Mueller?
most of the product was in Russian and I think an argument could be made that the communications, although from abroad, would have 1st amendment protection here (and most of it was pretty tame, retweets of pictures etc). and mostly it is an onion Mueller probably doesn't want to peal-going down this road we'll find how much of the progressive agenda is supported by foreign government (specifically anti-fracking efforts, environmentalism generally, and illegal immigration).
Posted by: rich | June 24, 2018 at 02:35 PM
great read clarice.
Posted by: rich | June 24, 2018 at 02:35 PM
After catching up all morning with the fine stuff posted here, I’m still perplexed by the ultimate question: when do we lock and load? The standard answer is usually “you’ll know it when you see it.” No, I’m really trying to put some harder edges on it.
A Molotov cocktail through the Red Hen? No. That would immediately blow back in our faces.
Trump assassination? Probably. Impeachment? Maybe. I understand that it really is a cascade process, but I don’t really see a pattern that might start it. At one time I thought that the Bundy ranch could have started it, but only because the JEF (yes, with the full meaning) was at the tip of that stinking pile.
Posted by: Man Tran | June 24, 2018 at 02:40 PM
Who is the liberal news conductor?
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 02:43 PM
Lifson in this instance is an idiot, KK. The TP are coming out of Kolorama daily. Obama et al are watching the events of the day and sending out prods to their media darlings. How else would the phraseology be the same? Everyone came up with the same word salad at the same time? Bull shit and we all can recognize it. Lifson is missing the trees for the forest.
Posted by: Stephanie, Nene, Not your Normal Grandma | June 24, 2018 at 02:56 PM
Man Tran,
I used to know a guy on Free Republic who swore that the Saudis were behind the environmental movement. I am not so sure anymore - seems like if anyone it would be the Iranians or the Russians.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that the UK was more involved in the dossier/coup thing than they have yet admitted. I notice we aren't seeing much of Theresa May and the royal family has been less than welcoming.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 02:57 PM
I doubt the royal family had anything to do with it, but I do think the antiBrexits in the intel community in the uK are deeply involved.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 03:01 PM
Man Tran,
After they rig the elections; Kill someone in the first family; shut down Fox News.
It's all coming.
Posted by: Jane | June 24, 2018 at 03:03 PM
" Bull shit and we all can recognize it. Lifson is missing the trees for the forest.
Thank you, Stephanie.
I'm not a Lifson fan going back more than 5 years. Not to say anything about him personally; but, he has come up naive to say the least on certain things happening back then at AT; and now, this deflection....especially "somebody might tell".
The media is behaving like the FBI did with anticipation of a Clinton win. Now the media seems to be anticipating a "return to glory" of the El JEF.
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 03:03 PM
I think lifson doesn't want to acknowledge ccordination by the media and think tanks around these common memes because there is a great deal of comparable coordination going on with the right side of the pincer as well. On the right it is generally the same large philanthropies funding the major think tanks and quite a few of the conservative blog sites.
Lifson himself uses rhetoric from time to time that is straight out of the prog playbook whether he is aware of the ancestry of the terms or not. I still remember a story he did involving some state university abolishing certain academic departments and the way he described academic disciplines was straight out of constructivism 101. It wasn't a body of knowledge. It was a way of perceiving and acting in the world.
Posted by: rse | June 24, 2018 at 03:05 PM
I agree. However, the royals will bow to the wishes of the government.
I also think that Tup's alliance with nigel Farage and Brexit upset a buch of people in the establishment of the UK.
People forget that Farage was a big Trump supporter. My wallpaper on my home page is Trump and Farage in front of the golden doors to his apartment on election night, grinning like Cheshire cats. LOL!
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 03:08 PM
Prison is not naive. He just won't tell you the full truth for reasons you can speculate yourself.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 24, 2018 at 03:08 PM
Should be "Trump's" not "Tup's."
Too much weed pulling.
Posted by: Miss Marple the Deplorable | June 24, 2018 at 03:09 PM
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 24, 2018 at 03:10 PM
In many cases Lifson suppresses what he knows to be true and spins what he knows to be false.
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 24, 2018 at 03:14 PM
I know him and he's very honest..He also doesn't make claims he can't back up. You don't need a central coordinator for this crap--they all talk to, know and read --hive mind, more than pulling puppet strings.
Posted by: clarice feldman | June 24, 2018 at 03:19 PM
Looks like everybody from Columbia is in Russia.
The world must be very rich if people in a "poor" country can travel/vacation in such numbers.
Or, are all those "Columbians" living in the USA?
Posted by: mockmook | June 24, 2018 at 03:23 PM
While conservatives are being cross-haired, our country is in a different kind of cross-hair in the name of "debt bubble preservation".
Posted by: Kevlar Kid | June 24, 2018 at 03:24 PM
Who does Lifson answer to?
Posted by: Eye Doctor | June 24, 2018 at 03:24 PM